path: root/mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result
diff options
authorSergei Golubchik <>2011-06-06 20:28:15 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2011-06-06 20:28:15 +0200
commit4d128777dde904c5f0adab9b093e854c9c580d41 (patch)
tree36875e84e65be596def46c5d7ce621e60abcbdae /mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result
parentc1a92f9caeb368021d5ffbe0df237ded29692c1a (diff)
revert a suggested "optimization" that introduced a bug
compilation error in mysys/my_getsystime.c fixed some redundant code removed sec_to_time, time_to_sec, from_unixtime, unix_timestamp, @@timestamp now use decimal, not double for numbers with a fractional part. purge_master_logs_before_date() fixed many bugs in corner cases fixed mysys/my_getsystime.c: compilation failure fixed sql/ don't cut corners. it backfires.
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result b/mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result
index 75b6b60e4d5..d1702325633 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/type_timestamp_hires.result
@@ -105,7 +105,113 @@ Table Create Table
t3 CREATE TABLE `t3` (
+drop table t2, t3;
+insert t1 values ('2010-12-13 14:15:16.222222');
+select a, a+0, a-1, a*1, a/2 from t1;
+a a+0 a-1 a*1 a/2
+2012-12-11 01:02:13.3332 20121211010213.3332 20121211010212.3332 20121211010213.3332 10060605505106.66660000
+2010-12-13 14:15:16.2222 20101213141516.2222 20101213141515.2222 20101213141516.2222 10050606570758.11110000
+select max(a), min(a), sum(a), avg(a) from t1;
+max(a) min(a) sum(a) avg(a)
+2012-12-11 01:02:13.3332 2010-12-13 14:15:16.2222 40222424151729.5554 20111212075864.77770000
+create table t2 select a, a+0, a-1, a*1, a/2 from t1;
+create table t3 select max(a), min(a), sum(a), avg(a) from t1;
+show create table t2;
+Table Create Table
+t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+ `a` timestamp(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00.0000',
+ `a+0` decimal(25,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',
+ `a-1` decimal(25,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',
+ `a*1` decimal(25,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',
+ `a/2` decimal(28,8) DEFAULT NULL
+show create table t3;
+Table Create Table
+t3 CREATE TABLE `t3` (
+ `max(a)` timestamp(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ `min(a)` timestamp(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+ `sum(a)` decimal(46,4) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `avg(a)` decimal(28,8) DEFAULT NULL
drop table t1, t2, t3;
+create table t1 (f0_timestamp timestamp(0), f1_timestamp timestamp(1), f2_timestamp timestamp(2), f3_timestamp timestamp(3), f4_timestamp timestamp(4), f5_timestamp timestamp(5), f6_timestamp timestamp(6));
+insert t1 values ( '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432', '2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432');
+select * from t1;
+f0_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17
+f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7
+f2_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.76
+f3_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765
+f4_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7654
+f5_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.76543
+f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+select cast(f0_timestamp as time(4)) time4_f0_timestamp, cast(f1_timestamp as datetime(3)) datetime3_f1_timestamp, cast(f2_timestamp as date) date_f2_timestamp, cast(f4_timestamp as decimal(40,5)) decimal5_f4_timestamp, cast(f5_timestamp as signed) bigint_f5_timestamp, cast(f6_timestamp as char(255)) varchar_f6_timestamp from t1;
+time4_f0_timestamp 11:14:17.0000
+datetime3_f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.700
+date_f2_timestamp 2010-11-12
+decimal5_f4_timestamp 20101112111417.76540
+bigint_f5_timestamp 20101112111417
+varchar_f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+create table t2 (time4_f0_timestamp time(4), datetime3_f1_timestamp datetime(3), date_f2_timestamp date, double_f3_timestamp double, decimal5_f4_timestamp decimal(40,5), bigint_f5_timestamp bigint, varchar_f6_timestamp varchar(255));
+insert t2 select * from t1;
+Level Note
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'time4_f0_timestamp' at row 1
+Level Note
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'date_f2_timestamp' at row 1
+select * from t2;
+time4_f0_timestamp 11:14:17.0000
+datetime3_f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.700
+date_f2_timestamp 2010-11-12
+double_f3_timestamp 20101112111417.8
+decimal5_f4_timestamp 20101112111417.76540
+bigint_f5_timestamp 20101112111417
+varchar_f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+alter table t1 change f0_timestamp time4_f0_timestamp time(4), change f1_timestamp datetime3_f1_timestamp datetime(3), change f2_timestamp date_f2_timestamp date, change f3_timestamp double_f3_timestamp double, change f4_timestamp decimal5_f4_timestamp decimal(40,5), change f5_timestamp bigint_f5_timestamp bigint, change f6_timestamp varchar_f6_timestamp varchar(255);
+Level Note
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'time4_f0_timestamp' at row 1
+Level Note
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'date_f2_timestamp' at row 1
+select * from t1;
+time4_f0_timestamp 11:14:17.0000
+datetime3_f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.700
+date_f2_timestamp 2010-11-12
+double_f3_timestamp 20101112111417.8
+decimal5_f4_timestamp 20101112111417.76540
+bigint_f5_timestamp 20101112111417
+varchar_f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+alter table t1 modify time4_f0_timestamp timestamp(0), modify datetime3_f1_timestamp timestamp(1), modify date_f2_timestamp timestamp(2), modify double_f3_timestamp timestamp(3), modify decimal5_f4_timestamp timestamp(4), modify bigint_f5_timestamp timestamp(5), modify varchar_f6_timestamp timestamp(6);
+Level Warning
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'time4_f0_timestamp' at row 1
+select * from t1;
+time4_f0_timestamp 0000-00-00 00:00:00
+datetime3_f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7
+date_f2_timestamp 2010-11-12 00:00:00.00
+double_f3_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765
+decimal5_f4_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7654
+bigint_f5_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.00000
+varchar_f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+delete from t1;
+insert t1 select * from t2;
+Level Warning
+Code 1265
+Message Data truncated for column 'time4_f0_timestamp' at row 1
+select * from t1;
+time4_f0_timestamp 0000-00-00 00:00:00
+datetime3_f1_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7
+date_f2_timestamp 2010-11-12 00:00:00.00
+double_f3_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765
+decimal5_f4_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.7654
+bigint_f5_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.00000
+varchar_f6_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17.765432
+drop table t1, t2;
create table t1 (a timestamp(6), b timestamp(6));
create procedure foo(x timestamp, y timestamp(4)) insert into t1 values (x, y);
call foo('2010-02-03 4:5:6.789123', '2010-02-03 4:5:6.789123');