path: root/ndb/test/run-test
diff options
authorunknown <>2005-02-22 10:25:30 +0100
committerunknown <>2005-02-22 10:25:30 +0100
commita277a9eca673529d233fd7fcc032ef8a601dd552 (patch)
tree06f671fd28394e4bc783eabd26a9c9c03e473845 /ndb/test/run-test
parente57c76a4fec9d8c5b1c08c64d4841ee3061fcd30 (diff)
parent8094ac95d505ccff96226152108f4cd12575b767 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ndb/test/run-test')
2 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ndb/test/run-test/example.conf b/ndb/test/run-test/example.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e152da332d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndb/test/run-test/example.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+hosts="ndb01 ndb02 ndb03 ndb04 ndb05 ndb06 ndb07 ndb08 ndb09 ndb10 ndb11 ndb12"
+configure='CC=gcc CXX=gcc CFLAGS="-Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long" ./configure --with-ndbcluster --with-ndb-test --with-ndbcc-flags="-g -DERROR_INSERT"'
diff --git a/ndb/test/run-test/ b/ndb/test/run-test/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..039f1bf914e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndb/test/run-test/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+VERSION=" version 1.0"
+DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
+export DATE
+set -e
+ulimit -Sc unlimited
+echo "`date` starting: $*"
+export RSYNC_RSH
+RUN="daily-basic daily-devel"
+while [ "$1" ]
+ case "$1" in
+ --no-clone) do_clone="";;
+ --no-build) build="";;
+ --no-deploy) deploy="";;
+ --clone=*) clone=`echo $1 | sed s/--clone=//`;;
+ --conf=*) conf=`echo $1 | sed s/--conf=//`;;
+ --version) echo $VERSION; exit;;
+ *) RUN=$*;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ -f $conf ]
+ . $conf
+ echo "Can't find config file: $conf"
+ exit
+if [ -f $LOCK ]
+ echo "Lock file exists: $LOCK"
+ exit 1
+echo "$DATE $RUN" > $LOCK
+trap "rm -f $LOCK" ERR
+if [ "$do_clone" ]
+ rm -rf $dst_place
+ bk clone $src_clone $dst_place
+if [ "$build" ]
+ cd $dst_place
+ rm -rf $run_dir/*
+ aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake
+ (cd innobase; aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake)
+ (cd bdb/dist; sh s_all)
+ eval $configure --prefix=$run_dir
+ make
+ make install
+# check script version
+if [ -x $script ]
+ $script --version > /tmp/version.$$
+ echo $VERSION > /tmp/version.$$
+match=`grep -c "$VERSION" /tmp/version.$$`
+rm -f /tmp/version.$$
+if [ $match -eq 0 ]
+ echo "Incorrect script version...restarting"
+ cp $run_dir/mysql-test/ndb/ /tmp/at.$$.sh
+ rm -rf $run_dir $dst_place
+ sh /tmp/at.$$.sh $save_args
+ exit
+# Check that all interesting files are present
+export PATH
+ neg=$1
+ shift
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ if [ `grep -c $1 $neg` -eq 0 ] ; then echo $1; fi
+ shift
+ done
+# check ndb_cpcc fail hosts
+ndb_cpcc $hosts | awk '{ if($1=="Failed"){ print;}}' > /tmp/failed.$DATE
+filter /tmp/failed.$DATE $hosts > /tmp/hosts.$DATE
+hosts=`cat /tmp/hosts.$DATE`
+if [ "$deploy" ]
+ (cd / && tar cfz /tmp/build.$DATE.tgz $run_dir )
+ for i in $hosts
+ do
+ ok=0
+ scp /tmp/build.$DATE.tgz $i:/tmp/build.$DATE.$$.tgz && \
+ ssh $i "rm -rf /space/autotest/*" && \
+ ssh $i "cd / && tar xfz /tmp/build.$DATE.$$.tgz" && \
+ ssh $i "rm /tmp/build.$DATE.$$.tgz" && ok=1
+ if [ $ok -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "$i failed during scp/ssh, excluding"
+ echo $i >> /tmp/failed.$DATE
+ fi
+ done
+rm -f /tmp/build.$DATE.tgz
+# handle scp failed hosts
+filter /tmp/failed.$DATE $hosts > /tmp/hosts.$DATE
+hosts=`cat /tmp/hosts.$DATE`
+cat /tmp/failed.$DATE > /tmp/filter_hosts.$$
+# functions for running atrt
+ SRC=$1
+ TMP1=/tmp/choose.$$
+ TMP2=/tmp/choose.$$.$$
+ shift
+ cp $SRC $TMP1
+ i=1
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ sed -e s,"CHOOSE_host$i",$1,g < $TMP1 > $TMP2
+ mv $TMP2 $TMP1
+ shift
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ done
+ cat $TMP1
+ rm -f $TMP1
+ rm -rf report.txt result* log.txt
+ $atrt -v -v -r -R --log-file=log.txt --testcase-file=$test_dir/$2-tests.txt &
+ pid=$!
+ echo $pid >
+ wait $pid
+ rm
+ [ -f log.txt ] && mv log.txt $3
+ [ -f report.txt ] && mv report.txt $3
+ [ "`find . -name 'result*'`" ] && mv result* $3
+ cd $3
+ sh $html . $1 $DATE
+ cd ../..
+ tar cvz /tmp/res.$$.tgz `basename $3`/$DATE
+ scp /tmp/res.$$.tgz $result_host:$result_path
+ ssh $result_host "cd $result_path && tar xfz res.$$.tgz && rm -f res.$$.tgz"
+ rm -f /tmp/res.$$.tgz
+for dir in $RUN
+ echo "Fixing hosts for $dir"
+ run_dir=$base_dir/run-$dir-mysql-$clone-$target
+ res_dir=$base_dir/result-$dir-mysql-$clone-$target/$DATE
+ mkdir -p $res_dir
+ rm -rf $res_dir/*
+ count=`grep -c "COMPUTER" $run_dir/1.ndb_mgmd/initconfig.template`
+ avail_hosts=`filter /tmp/filter_hosts.$$ $hosts`
+ avail=`echo $avail_hosts | wc -w`
+ if [ $count -gt $avail ]
+ then
+ echo "Not enough hosts"
+ echo "Needs: $count available: $avail ($avail_hosts)"
+ break;
+ fi
+ run_hosts=`echo $avail_hosts| awk '{for(i=1;i<='$count';i++)print $i;}'`
+ choose $run_dir/d.template $run_hosts > $run_dir/d.txt
+ choose $run_dir/1.ndb_mgmd/initconfig.template $run_hosts > $run_dir/1.ndb_mgmd/config.ini
+ echo $run_hosts >> /tmp/filter_hosts.$$
+ cd $run_dir
+ start $dir-mysql-$clone-$target $dir $res_dir &
+cd $p
+rm /tmp/filter_hosts.$$
+rm -f $LOCK