path: root/ndb/tools
diff options
authorunknown <>2005-12-07 11:11:59 +0100
committerunknown <>2005-12-07 11:11:59 +0100
commit56b1a531f41f43d321758648bc7578eba5391609 (patch)
tree5adb10eb30af3ed13bc5de87d03eeae11fb59c9c /ndb/tools
parenta2c7b2a67c88dbb3063fc1f0bee443c0e50c6d3b (diff)
New tool to collate all information to form a good error report for NDB.
It will copy from each node the logs and trace dumps (if any) and create a tarball. Having this tarball attached to a bug report greatly helps troubleshooting and avoids user error. It will (optionally) also get the filesystem. ndb/tools/ndb_error_reporter: New BitKeeper file ``ndb/tools/ndb_error_reporter''
Diffstat (limited to 'ndb/tools')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ndb/tools/ndb_error_reporter b/ndb/tools/ndb_error_reporter
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2b5aadb6171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndb/tools/ndb_error_reporter
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+if(@ARGV < 1)
+ print STDERR "Usage:\n";
+ print STDERR "\tndb_error_reporter config.ini [username] [--fs]\n\n";
+ print STDERR "\tusername is a user that you can use to ssh into\n";
+ print STDERR "\t all of your nodes with.\n\n";
+ print STDERR "\t--fs means include the filesystems in the report\n";
+ print STDERR "\t WARNING: This may require a lot of disk space.\n";
+ print STDERR "\t Only use this option when asked to.\n\n";
+ exit(1);
+my $config_file= $ARGV[0];
+my $config_get_fs= 0;
+my $config_username= '';
+ $config_get_fs= 1 if $ARGV[1] eq '--fs';
+ $config_username= $ARGV[1].'@' if $ARGV[1] ne '--fs';
+ $config_get_fs= (defined $ARGV[2] && $ARGV[2] eq '--fs')?1:$config_get_fs;
+ print STDERR "Cannot open configuration file.\n\n";
+ exit(1);
+my @nodes= split ' ',`ndb_config --config-file=$ARGV[0] --nodes --query=id --type=ndbd`;
+push @nodes, split ' ',`ndb_config --config-file=$ARGV[0] --nodes --query=id --type=ndb_mgmd`;
+sub config {
+ my $nodeid= shift;
+ my $query= shift;
+ my $res= `ndb_config --config-file=$ARGV[0] --id=$nodeid --query=$query`;
+ chomp $res;
+ $res;
+my @t= localtime();
+my $reportdir= sprintf('ndb_error_report_%u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u',
+ ($t[5]+1900),($t[4]+1),$t[3],$t[2],$t[1],$t[0]);
+if(stat($reportdir) || stat($reportdir.'tar.bz2'))
+ print STDERR "It looks like another ndb_error_report process is running.\n";
+ print STDERR "If that is not the case, remove the ndb_error_report directory";
+ print STDERR " and run ndb_error_report again.\n\n";
+ exit(1);
+foreach my $node (@nodes)
+ print "\n\n Copying data from node $node".
+ (($config_get_fs)?" with filesystem":"").
+ "\n\n";
+ my $recurse= ($config_get_fs)?'-r ':'';
+ system 'scp '.$recurse.$config_username.config($node,'host').
+ ':'.config($node,'datadir')."/ndb_".$node."* ".
+ "$reportdir/\n";
+print "\n\n Copying configuration file...\n\n\t$config_file\n\n";
+system "cp $config_file $reportdir/";
+my $r = system 'bzip2 2>&1 > /dev/null < /dev/null';
+my $outfile;
+ $outfile= "$reportdir.tar.bz2";
+ system "tar c $reportdir|bzip2 > $outfile";
+ $outfile= "$reportdir.tar.gz";
+ system "tar c $reportdir|gzip > $outfile";
+system "rm -rf $reportdir";
+print "\n\nPlease attach $outfile to your error report\n\n";