path: root/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
diff options
authorTimothy Smith <>2009-02-04 04:20:42 +0100
committerTimothy Smith <>2009-02-04 04:20:42 +0100
commit1b557a2ce73942a06da0e36480802f0e5ae98b17 (patch)
tree85955671886d01b600519d978f4b16f7b9dc4879 /netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
parentd20a0bd43ae43f76fc023bcb079dd8eb519ead4a (diff)
The nwbootstrap script depended on BitKeeper, and was fairly complicated. It's much
simpler to just use the source .tar.gz to do a build. So the script has been renamed to nwbuild, and simplified.
Diffstat (limited to 'netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap b/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
deleted file mode 100755
index 7ea8b9fc4b8..00000000000
--- a/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# debug
-#set -x
-# stop on errors
-set -e
-path=`dirname $0`
-# repository direcotry
-# build directory
-# doc directory
-# init
-#obsolete mwenv=""
-# show usage
- cat << EOF
-usage: nwbootstrap [options]
-Exports a revision of the BitKeeper tree (nwbootstrap must be run inside a
-directory of the BitKeeper tree to be used). Creates the ChangeLog file.
-Adds the latest manual.texi from the mysqldoc BitKeeper tree. Builds the
-Linux tools required for cross-platform builds. Optionally, builds the
-binary distributions for NetWare.
---build=<opt> Build the binary distributions for NetWare,
- where <opt> is "standard", "debug", or "all"
- (default is to not build a binary distribution)
---build-dir=<dir> Export the BitKeeper tree to the <dir> directroy
- (default is "$build_dir")
---doc-dir=<dir> Use the mysqldoc BitKeeper tree located in the
- <dir> directory
- (default is parallel to current BitKeeper tree)
---help Show this help information
---revision=<rev> Export the BitKeeper tree as of revision <rev>
- (default is the latest revision)
---wine-build-dir=<dir> Use the WINE directory <dir>, which should
- correspond to the --build-dir directory
- (default is "$wine_build_dir")
- nwbootstrap
- nwbootstrap --revision=1.1594 --build=all
- nwbootstrap --build-dir=/home/jdoe/dev --wine-build-dir=F:/dev
- exit 0;
-# parse arguments
-for arg do
- case "$arg" in
- --build-dir=*) build_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--build-dir=;;"` ;;
- --wine-build-dir=*) wine_build_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--wine-build-dir=;;"` ;;
- --revision=*) revision=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--revision=;;"` ;;
- --build=*) build=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--build=;;"` ;;
- --suffix=*) suffix=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--suffix=;;"` ;;
- --doc-dir=*) doc_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--doc-dir=;;"` ;;
- *) show_usage ;;
- esac
-echo "starting build..."
-# check for bk and repo_dir
-bzr help > /dev/null
-repo_dir=`bzr root $repo_dir`
-cd $repo_dir
-# build temporary directory
-# export the bk tree
-command="bzr export";
-if test $revision; then command="$command -r$revision"; fi
-command="$command $temp_dir"
-echo "exporting $repo_dir..."
-# determine version
-version=`grep -e "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, .*)" < $temp_dir/ | sed -e "s/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, \(.*\))/\1/"`
-echo "version: $version"
-# build target directory
-# add suffix
-if test $suffix
- target_dir="$target_dir-$suffix"
-# delete any old target
-if test -d $target_dir.old; then rm -rf $target_dir.old; fi
-# rename old target
-if test -d $target_dir; then mv -f $target_dir $target_dir.old; fi
-# rename directory to use version
-mv $temp_dir $target_dir
-# create ChangeLog
-if test $revision
- rev=`bk changes -r..$revision -t -d':REV:' -n | head -2 | tail -1`
- rev=`bk changes -t -d':REV:' -n | head -1`
-echo "creating ChangeLog..."
-bk changes -v -r$rev..$revision > $target_dir/ChangeLog
-# add the latest manual
-if test -d $doc_dir
- echo "adding the latest manual..."
- install -m 644 $doc_dir/Docs/{manual,reservedwords}.texi $target_dir/Docs/
-# make files writeable
-echo "making files writable..."
-cd $target_dir
-chmod -R u+rw,g+rw .
-#obsolete # edit the mvenv file
-#obsolete echo "updating the mwenv environment file..."
-#obsolete mwenv="./netware/BUILD/mwenv"
-#obsolete mv -f $mwenv $
-#obsolete sed -e "s;WINE_BUILD_DIR;$wine_build_dir;g" \
-#obsolete -e "s;BUILD_DIR;$build_dir;g" \
-#obsolete -e "s;VERSION;$version;g" $ > $mwenv
-#obsolete chmod +rwx $mwenv
-# edit the def file versions
-echo "updating *.def file versions..."
-nlm_version=`echo "$version" | sed -e "s;\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*;\1, \2, \3;"`
-for file in ./netware/*.def
- mv -f $file $
- sed -e "s;VERSION.*;VERSION $nlm_version;g" $ > $file
- rm $
-# create the libmysql.imp file in netware folder from libmysql/libmysql.def
-# file
-echo "generating llibmysql.imp file..."
-awk 'BEGIN{x=0;} END{printf("\n");} x==1 {printf(" %s",$1); x++; next} x>1 {printf(",\n %s", $1);next} /EXPORTS/{x=1}' libmysql/libmysql.def > netware/libmysql.imp
-# build linux tools
-echo "compiling linux tools..."
-test -f ./netware/init_db.sql # this must exist
-test -f ./netware/test_db.sql # this must exist
-# compile
-if test $build
- echo "compiling $build..."
- ./netware/BUILD/compile-netware-$build
-echo "done"