path: root/plugin
diff options
authorVladislav Vaintroub <>2011-10-06 20:55:38 +0200
committerVladislav Vaintroub <>2011-10-06 20:55:38 +0200
commitc9783670c7b2aecef3417e100f6eaad7924a2133 (patch)
treea98190f16c2adf2ad89ac3feb96c6b8cc7340936 /plugin
parent4170093ab564e4813bd3379f95ca27dd45d5c8f8 (diff)
Implement uname() on Windows.
Also, fix code to get physical memory size.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/feedback/ b/plugin/feedback/
index f5afd427ebf..db19e9ae9b4 100644
--- a/plugin/feedback/
+++ b/plugin/feedback/
@@ -22,8 +22,90 @@
#include <base64.h>
#include <sha1.h>
+#if defined (_WIN32)
+struct utsname {
+ char sysname[16]; // Name of this implementation of the operating system.
+ char nodename[16]; // Name of this node within the communications
+ // network to which this node is attached, if any.
+ char release[16]; // Current release level of this implementation.
+ char version[256]; // Current version level of this release.
+ char machine[16]; // Name of the hardware type on which the system is running.
+/* Get commonly used name for Windows version */
+static const char *get_os_version_name(OSVERSIONINFOEX *ver)
+ DWORD major = ver->dwMajorVersion;
+ DWORD minor = ver->dwMinorVersion;
+ if (major == 6 && minor == 1)
+ {
+ return (ver->wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION)?
+ "Windows 7":"Windows Server 2008 R2";
+ }
+ if (major == 6 && minor == 0)
+ {
+ return (ver->wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION)?
+ "Windows Vista":"Windows Server 2008";
+ }
+ if (major == 5 && minor == 2)
+ {
+ if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) != 0)
+ return "Windows Server 2003 R2";
+ if (ver->wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER)
+ return "Windows Home Server";
+ SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
+ GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo);
+ if (ver->wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION &&
+ sysinfo.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64)
+ return "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition";
+ return "Windows Server 2003";
+ }
+ if (major == 5 && minor == 1)
+ return "Windows XP";
+ if (major == 5 && minor == 0)
+ return "Windows 2000";
+ return "";
+static int uname(struct utsname *buf)
+ ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = (DWORD)sizeof(ver);
+ if (!GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO *)&ver))
+ return -1;
+ buf->nodename[0]= 0;
+ strcpy(buf->sysname, "Windows");
+ sprintf(buf->release, "%d.%d", ver.dwMajorVersion, ver.dwMinorVersion);
+ const char *version_str= get_os_version_name(&ver);
+ if(version_str && version_str[0])
+ sprintf(buf->version, "%s %s",version_str, ver.szCSDVersion);
+ else
+ sprintf(buf->version, "%s", ver.szCSDVersion);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ strcpy(buf->machine, "x64");
+ BOOL isX64;
+ if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &isX64) && isX64)
+ strcpy(buf->machine, "x64");
+ else
+ strcpy(buf->machine,"x86");
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H)
#include <sys/utsname.h>
static bool have_ubuf= false;
static struct utsname ubuf;
@@ -110,6 +192,12 @@ static ulonglong my_getphysmem()
return pages * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ memstatus.dwLength= sizeof(memstatus);
+ GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memstatus);
+ return memstatus.ullTotalPhys;
return pages * my_getpagesize();