path: root/sql/
diff options
mode: <>2000-07-31 21:29:14 +0200 <>2000-07-31 21:29:14 +0200
commitf4c589ff6c653d1d2a09c26e46ead3c8a15655d8 (patch)
treed253a359142dfc1ed247d5d4365d86972ea31109 /sql/
parent7eec25e393727b16bb916b50d82b0aa3084e065c (diff)
Import changeset
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/')
1 files changed, 741 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c18f9e3807e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* This file is originally from the mysql distribution. Coded by monty */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
+#include <global.h>
+#include <my_sys.h>
+#include <m_string.h>
+#include <m_ctype.h>
+#include <floatingpoint.h>
+extern gptr sql_alloc(unsigned size);
+extern void sql_element_free(void *ptr);
+#include "sql_string.h"
+** String functions
+bool String::real_alloc(uint32 arg_length)
+ arg_length=ALIGN_SIZE(arg_length+1);
+ if (Alloced_length < arg_length)
+ {
+ free();
+ if (!(Ptr=(char*) my_malloc(arg_length,MYF(MY_WME))))
+ {
+ str_length=0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ Alloced_length=arg_length;
+ alloced=1;
+ }
+ Ptr[0]=0;
+ str_length=0;
+ return FALSE;
+** Check that string is big enough. Set string[alloc_length] to 0
+** (for C functions)
+bool String::realloc(uint32 alloc_length)
+ uint32 len=ALIGN_SIZE(alloc_length+1);
+ if (Alloced_length < len)
+ {
+ char *new_ptr;
+ if (alloced)
+ {
+ if ((new_ptr= (char*) my_realloc(Ptr,len,MYF(MY_WME))))
+ {
+ Ptr=new_ptr;
+ Alloced_length=len;
+ }
+ else
+ return TRUE; // Signal error
+ }
+ else if ((new_ptr= (char*) my_malloc(len,MYF(MY_WME))))
+ {
+ memcpy(new_ptr,Ptr,str_length);
+ new_ptr[str_length]=0;
+ Ptr=new_ptr;
+ Alloced_length=len;
+ alloced=1;
+ }
+ else
+ return TRUE; // Signal error
+ }
+ Ptr[alloc_length]=0; // This make other funcs shorter
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef NOT_NEEDED
+bool String::set(long num)
+ if (alloc(14))
+ return TRUE;
+ str_length=(uint32) (int10_to_str(num,Ptr,-10)-Ptr);
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::set(longlong num)
+ if (alloc(21))
+ return TRUE;
+ str_length=(uint32) (longlong10_to_str(num,Ptr,-10)-Ptr);
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::set(ulonglong num)
+ if (alloc(21))
+ return TRUE;
+ str_length=(uint32) (longlong10_to_str(num,Ptr,10)-Ptr);
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::set(double num,uint decimals)
+ char buff[331];
+ if (decimals >= NOT_FIXED_DEC)
+ {
+ sprintf(buff,"%.14g",num); // Enough for a DATETIME
+ return copy(buff,strlen(buff));
+ }
+ int decpt,sign;
+ char *pos,*to;
+ VOID(fconvert(num,(int) decimals,&decpt,&sign,buff+1));
+ if (!isdigit(buff[1]))
+ { // Nan or Inf
+ pos=buff+1;
+ if (sign)
+ {
+ buff[0]='-';
+ pos=buff;
+ }
+ return copy(pos,strlen(pos));
+ }
+ if (alloc((uint32) ((uint32) decpt+3+decimals)))
+ return TRUE;
+ to=Ptr;
+ if (sign)
+ *to++='-';
+ pos=buff+1;
+ if (decpt < 0)
+ { /* value is < 0 */
+ *to++='0';
+ if (!decimals)
+ goto end;
+ *to++='.';
+ if ((uint32) -decpt > decimals)
+ decpt= - (int) decimals;
+ decimals=(uint32) ((int) decimals+decpt);
+ while (decpt++ < 0)
+ *to++='0';
+ }
+ else if (decpt == 0)
+ {
+ *to++= '0';
+ if (!decimals)
+ goto end;
+ *to++='.';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (decpt-- > 0)
+ *to++= *pos++;
+ if (!decimals)
+ goto end;
+ *to++='.';
+ }
+ while (decimals--)
+ *to++= *pos++;
+ *to=0;
+ str_length=(uint32) (to-Ptr);
+ return FALSE;
+ snprintf(buff,sizeof(buff), "%.*f",(int) decimals,num);
+ sprintf(buff,"%.*f",(int) decimals,num);
+ return copy(buff,strlen(buff));
+bool String::copy()
+ if (!alloced)
+ {
+ Alloced_length=0; // Force realloc
+ return realloc(str_length);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::copy(const String &str)
+ if (alloc(str.str_length))
+ return TRUE;
+ str_length=str.str_length;
+ bmove(Ptr,str.Ptr,str_length); // May be overlapping
+ Ptr[str_length]=0;
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::copy(const char *str,uint32 arg_length)
+ if (alloc(arg_length))
+ return TRUE;
+ str_length=arg_length;
+ memcpy(Ptr,str,arg_length);
+ Ptr[arg_length]=0;
+ return FALSE;
+/* This is used by */
+bool String::fill(uint32 max_length,char fill_char)
+ if (str_length > max_length)
+ Ptr[str_length=max_length]=0;
+ else
+ {
+ if (realloc(max_length))
+ return TRUE;
+ bfill(Ptr+str_length,max_length-str_length,fill_char);
+ str_length=max_length;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void String::strip_sp()
+ while (str_length && isspace(Ptr[str_length-1]))
+ str_length--;
+bool String::append(const String &s)
+ if (realloc(str_length+s.length()))
+ return TRUE;
+ memcpy(Ptr+str_length,s.ptr(),s.length());
+ str_length+=s.length();
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::append(const char *s,uint32 arg_length)
+ if (!arg_length) // Default argument
+ arg_length=strlen(s);
+ if (realloc(str_length+arg_length))
+ return TRUE;
+ memcpy(Ptr+str_length,s,arg_length);
+ str_length+=arg_length;
+ return FALSE;
+bool String::append(FILE* file, uint32 arg_length, myf my_flags)
+ if (realloc(str_length+arg_length))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (my_fread(file, (byte*) Ptr + str_length, arg_length, my_flags))
+ {
+ shrink(str_length);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ str_length+=arg_length;
+ return FALSE;
+uint32 String::numchars()
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ register uint32 n=0,mblen;
+ register const char *mbstr=Ptr;
+ register const char *end=mbstr+str_length;
+ if (use_mb(default_charset_info))
+ {
+ while (mbstr < end) {
+ if ((mblen=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, mbstr,end))) mbstr+=mblen;
+ else ++mbstr;
+ ++n;
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ else
+ return str_length;
+int String::charpos(int i,uint32 offset)
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ register uint32 mblen;
+ register const char *mbstr=Ptr+offset;
+ register const char *end=Ptr+str_length;
+ if (use_mb(default_charset_info))
+ {
+ if (i<=0) return i;
+ while (i && mbstr < end) {
+ if ((mblen=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, mbstr,end))) mbstr+=mblen;
+ else ++mbstr;
+ --i;
+ }
+ if ( INT_MAX32-i <= (int) (mbstr-Ptr-offset))
+ return INT_MAX32;
+ else
+ return (mbstr-Ptr-offset)+i;
+ }
+ else
+ return i;
+int String::strstr(const String &s,uint32 offset)
+ if (s.length()+offset <= str_length)
+ {
+ if (!s.length())
+ return offset; // Empty string is always found
+ register const char *str = Ptr+offset;
+ register const char *search=s.ptr();
+ const char *end=Ptr+str_length-s.length()+1;
+ const char *search_end=s.ptr()+s.length();
+ while (str != end)
+ {
+ if (*str++ == *search)
+ {
+ register char *i,*j;
+ i=(char*) str; j=(char*) search+1;
+ while (j != search_end)
+ if (*i++ != *j++) goto skipp;
+ return (int) (str-Ptr) -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+** Search string from end. Offset is offset to the end of string
+int String::strrstr(const String &s,uint32 offset)
+ if (s.length() <= offset && offset <= str_length)
+ {
+ if (!s.length())
+ return offset; // Empty string is always found
+ register const char *str = Ptr+offset-1;
+ register const char *search=s.ptr()+s.length()-1;
+ const char *end=Ptr+s.length()-2;
+ const char *search_end=s.ptr()-1;
+ while (str != end)
+ {
+ if (*str-- == *search)
+ {
+ register char *i,*j;
+ i=(char*) str; j=(char*) search-1;
+ while (j != search_end)
+ if (*i-- != *j--) goto skipp;
+ return (int) (i-Ptr) +1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+** replace substring with string
+** If wrong parameter or not enough memory, do nothing
+bool String::replace(uint32 offset,uint32 arg_length,const String &to)
+ long diff = (long) to.length()-(long) arg_length;
+ if (offset+arg_length <= str_length)
+ {
+ if (diff < 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(Ptr+offset,to.ptr(),to.length());
+ bmove(Ptr+offset+to.length(),Ptr+offset+arg_length,
+ str_length-offset-arg_length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (diff)
+ {
+ if (realloc(str_length+(uint32) diff))
+ return TRUE;
+ bmove_upp(Ptr+str_length+diff,Ptr+str_length,
+ str_length-offset-arg_length);
+ }
+ memcpy(Ptr+offset,to.ptr(),to.length());
+ }
+ str_length+=(uint32) diff;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int sortcmp(const String *x,const String *y)
+ const char *s= x->ptr();
+ const char *t= y->ptr();
+ uint32 x_len=x->length(),y_len=y->length(),len=min(x_len,y_len);
+ if (use_strcoll(default_charset_info))
+ {
+ while (x_len && isspace(s[x_len-1]))
+ x_len--;
+ while (y_len && isspace(t[y_len-1]))
+ y_len--;
+ return my_strnncoll(default_charset_info,
+ (unsigned char *)s,x_len,(unsigned char *)t,y_len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#endif /* USE_STRCOLL */
+ x_len-=len; // For easy end space test
+ y_len-=len;
+ while (len--)
+ {
+ if (my_sort_order[(uchar) *s++] != my_sort_order[(uchar) *t++])
+ return ((int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s[-1]] -
+ (int) my_sort_order[(uchar) t[-1]]);
+ }
+ /* Don't compare end space in strings */
+ {
+ if (y_len)
+ {
+ const char *end=t+y_len;
+ for (; t != end ; t++)
+ if (!isspace(*t))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *end=s+x_len;
+ for (; s != end ; s++)
+ if (!isspace(*s))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (int) (x_len-y_len);
+#endif /* CMP_ENDSPACE */
+ }
+int stringcmp(const String *x,const String *y)
+ const char *s= x->ptr();
+ const char *t= y->ptr();
+ uint32 x_len=x->length(),y_len=y->length(),len=min(x_len,y_len);
+ while (len--)
+ {
+ if (*s++ != *t++)
+ return ((int) (uchar) s[-1] - (int) (uchar) t[-1]);
+ }
+ return (int) (x_len-y_len);
+String *copy_if_not_alloced(String *to,String *from,uint32 from_length)
+ if (from->Alloced_length >= from_length)
+ return from;
+ if (from->alloced || !to || from == to)
+ {
+ (void) from->realloc(from_length);
+ return from;
+ }
+ if (to->realloc(from_length))
+ return from; // Actually an error
+ to->str_length=min(from->str_length,from_length);
+ memcpy(to->Ptr,from->Ptr,to->str_length);
+ return to;
+/* Make it easier to handle different charactersets */
+#ifdef USE_MB
+#define INC_PTR(A,B) A+=((use_mb_flag && \
+ my_ismbchar(default_charset_info,A,B)) ? \
+ my_ismbchar(default_charset_info,A,B) : 1)
+#define INC_PTR(A,B) A++
+** Compare string against string with wildcard
+** 0 if matched
+** -1 if not matched with wildcard
+** 1 if matched with wildcard
+#define likeconv(A) (uchar) toupper(A)
+#define likeconv(A) (uchar) my_sort_order[(uchar) (A)]
+static int wild_case_compare(const char *str,const char *str_end,
+ const char *wildstr,const char *wildend,
+ char escape)
+ int result= -1; // Not found, using wildcards
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ bool use_mb_flag=use_mb(default_charset_info);
+ while (wildstr != wildend)
+ {
+ while (*wildstr != wild_many && *wildstr != wild_one)
+ {
+ if (*wildstr == escape && wildstr+1 != wildend)
+ wildstr++;
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ int l;
+ if (use_mb_flag &&
+ (l = my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, wildstr, wildend)))
+ {
+ if (str+l > str_end || memcmp(str, wildstr, l) != 0)
+ return 1;
+ str += l;
+ wildstr += l;
+ }
+ else
+ if (str == str_end || likeconv(*wildstr++) != likeconv(*str++))
+ return(1); // No match
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ return (str != str_end); // Match if both are at end
+ result=1; // Found an anchor char
+ }
+ if (*wildstr == wild_one)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (str == str_end) // Skipp one char if possible
+ return (result);
+ INC_PTR(str,str_end);
+ } while (++wildstr < wildend && *wildstr == wild_one);
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*wildstr == wild_many)
+ { // Found wild_many
+ wildstr++;
+ /* Remove any '%' and '_' from the wild search string */
+ for ( ; wildstr != wildend ; wildstr++)
+ {
+ if (*wildstr == wild_many)
+ continue;
+ if (*wildstr == wild_one)
+ {
+ if (str == str_end)
+ return (-1);
+ INC_PTR(str,str_end);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break; // Not a wild character
+ }
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ return(0); // Ok if wild_many is last
+ if (str == str_end)
+ return -1;
+ uchar cmp;
+ if ((cmp= *wildstr) == escape && wildstr+1 != wildend)
+ cmp= *++wildstr;
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ const char* mb = wildstr;
+ int mblen;
+ LINT_INIT(mblen);
+ if (use_mb_flag)
+ mblen = my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, wildstr, wildend);
+ INC_PTR(wildstr,wildend); // This is compared trough cmp
+ cmp=likeconv(cmp);
+ do
+ {
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ if (use_mb_flag)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (str >= str_end)
+ return -1;
+ if (mblen)
+ {
+ if (str+mblen <= str_end && memcmp(str, mb, mblen) == 0)
+ {
+ str += mblen;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, str, str_end) &&
+ likeconv(*str) == cmp)
+ {
+ str++;
+ break;
+ }
+ INC_PTR(str, str_end);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#endif /* USE_MB */
+ while (str != str_end && likeconv(*str) != cmp)
+ str++;
+ if (str++ == str_end) return (-1);
+#ifdef USE_MB
+ }
+ {
+ int tmp=wild_case_compare(str,str_end,wildstr,wildend,escape);
+ if (tmp <= 0)
+ return (tmp);
+ }
+ } while (str != str_end && wildstr[0] != wild_many);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return (str != str_end ? 1 : 0);
+int wild_case_compare(String &match,String &wild, char escape)
+ return wild_case_compare(match.ptr(),match.ptr()+match.length(),
+ wild.ptr(), wild.ptr()+wild.length(),escape);
+** The following is used when using LIKE on binary strings
+static int wild_compare(const char *str,const char *str_end,
+ const char *wildstr,const char *wildend,char escape)
+ int result= -1; // Not found, using wildcards
+ while (wildstr != wildend)
+ {
+ while (*wildstr != wild_many && *wildstr != wild_one)
+ {
+ if (*wildstr == escape && wildstr+1 != wildend)
+ wildstr++;
+ if (str == str_end || *wildstr++ != *str++)
+ return(1);
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ return (str != str_end); // Match if both are at end
+ result=1; // Found an anchor char
+ }
+ if (*wildstr == wild_one)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (str == str_end) // Skipp one char if possible
+ return (result);
+ str++;
+ } while (*++wildstr == wild_one && wildstr != wildend);
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*wildstr == wild_many)
+ { // Found wild_many
+ wildstr++;
+ /* Remove any '%' and '_' from the wild search string */
+ for ( ; wildstr != wildend ; wildstr++)
+ {
+ if (*wildstr == wild_many)
+ continue;
+ if (*wildstr == wild_one)
+ {
+ if (str == str_end)
+ return (-1);
+ str++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break; // Not a wild character
+ }
+ if (wildstr == wildend)
+ return(0); // Ok if wild_many is last
+ if (str == str_end)
+ return -1;
+ char cmp;
+ if ((cmp= *wildstr) == escape && wildstr+1 != wildend)
+ cmp= *++wildstr;
+ wildstr++; // This is compared trough cmp
+ do
+ {
+ while (str != str_end && *str != cmp)
+ str++;
+ if (str++ == str_end) return (-1);
+ {
+ int tmp=wild_compare(str,str_end,wildstr,wildend,escape);
+ if (tmp <= 0)
+ return (tmp);
+ }
+ } while (str != str_end && wildstr[0] != wild_many);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return (str != str_end ? 1 : 0);
+int wild_compare(String &match,String &wild, char escape)
+ return wild_compare(match.ptr(),match.ptr()+match.length(),
+ wild.ptr(), wild.ptr()+wild.length(),escape);