path: root/sql/sys_vars.ic
diff options
authorSergei Golubchik <>2015-06-28 09:03:13 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2015-06-28 12:09:46 +0200
commit26162c71c5c2532ab08020146d4e6c32fb06a8e8 (patch)
treea657d0eed72e53463b4c69460527b2b41fc01612 /sql/sys_vars.ic
parent55b96d27089ee809dd0a4c9b3e0e3adb5a731bd4 (diff)
rename {sys_vars,sql_plugin_services}.h -> *.ic
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/sys_vars.ic')
1 files changed, 2343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/sys_vars.ic b/sql/sys_vars.ic
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c0359a7427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/sys_vars.ic
@@ -0,0 +1,2343 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Monty Program Ab.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+ @file
+ "private" interface to sys_var - server configuration variables.
+ This header is included only by the file that contains declarations
+ of sys_var variables (
+#include "sys_vars_shared.h"
+#include <my_getopt.h>
+#include <my_bit.h>
+#include <my_dir.h>
+#include "keycaches.h"
+#include "strfunc.h"
+#include "tztime.h" // my_tz_find, my_tz_SYSTEM, struct Time_zone
+#include "rpl_mi.h" // For Multi-Source Replication
+ a set of mostly trivial (as in f(X)=X) defines below to make system variable
+ declarations more readable
+#define VALID_RANGE(X,Y) X,Y
+#define DEFAULT(X) X
+#define BLOCK_SIZE(X) X
+#define GLOBAL_VAR(X) sys_var::GLOBAL, (((char*)&(X))-(char*)&global_system_variables), sizeof(X)
+#define SESSION_VAR(X) sys_var::SESSION, offsetof(SV, X), sizeof(((SV *)0)->X)
+#define SESSION_ONLY(X) sys_var::ONLY_SESSION, offsetof(SV, X), sizeof(((SV *)0)->X)
+ the define below means that there's no *second* mutex guard,
+ LOCK_global_system_variables always guards all system variables
+#define NO_MUTEX_GUARD ((PolyLock*)0)
+#define ON_READ(X) X
+#define ON_CHECK(X) X
+#define ON_UPDATE(X) X
+#define READ_ONLY sys_var::READONLY+
+// this means that Sys_var_charptr initial value was malloc()ed
+#define PARSED_EARLY sys_var::PARSE_EARLY+
+#define NO_SET_STMT sys_var::NO_SET_STATEMENT+
+ Sys_var_bit meaning is reversed, like in
+ @@foreign_key_checks <-> OPTION_NO_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS
+#define REVERSE(X) ~(X)
+#define DEPRECATED(X) X
+#define session_var(THD, TYPE) (*(TYPE*)session_var_ptr(THD))
+#define global_var(TYPE) (*(TYPE*)global_var_ptr())
+#if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 && defined(BIG_TABLES)
+ special assert for sysvars. Tells the name of the variable,
+ and fails even in non-debug builds.
+ It is supposed to be used *only* in Sys_var* constructors,
+ and has name_arg hard-coded to prevent incorrect usage.
+#define SYSVAR_ASSERT(X) \
+ while(!(X)) \
+ { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "Sysvar '%s' failed '%s'\n", name_arg, #X); \
+ exit(255); \
+ }
+enum charset_enum {IN_SYSTEM_CHARSET, IN_FS_CHARSET};
+static const char *bool_values[3]= {"OFF", "ON", 0};
+TYPELIB bool_typelib={ array_elements(bool_values)-1, "", bool_values, 0 };
+extern const char *encrypt_algorithm_names[];
+ A small wrapper class to pass getopt arguments as a pair
+ to the Sys_var_* constructors. It improves type safety and helps
+ to catch errors in the argument order.
+struct CMD_LINE
+ int id;
+ enum get_opt_arg_type arg_type;
+ CMD_LINE(enum get_opt_arg_type getopt_arg_type, int getopt_id=0)
+ : id(getopt_id), arg_type(getopt_arg_type) {}
+ Sys_var_integer template is used to generate Sys_var_* classes
+ for variables that represent the value as an integer number.
+ They are Sys_var_uint, Sys_var_ulong, Sys_var_harows, Sys_var_ulonglong,
+ Sys_var_int.
+ An integer variable has a minimal and maximal values, and a "block_size"
+ (any valid value of the variable must be divisible by the block_size).
+ Class specific constructor arguments: min, max, block_size
+ Backing store: int, uint, ulong, ha_rows, ulonglong, depending on the class
+template <typename T, ulong ARGT, enum enum_mysql_show_type SHOWT>
+class Sys_var_integer: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_integer(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ T min_val, T max_val, T def_val, uint block_size, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOWT, def_val, lock, binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_func, on_update_func, substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= ARGT;
+ option.min_value= min_val;
+ option.max_value= max_val;
+ option.block_size= block_size;
+ option.u_max_value= (uchar**)max_var_ptr();
+ if (max_var_ptr())
+ *max_var_ptr()= max_val;
+ global_var(T)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(T));
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(min_val < max_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(min_val <= def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(max_val >= def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(block_size > 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val % block_size == 0);
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ my_bool fixed= FALSE, unused;
+ longlong v= var->value->val_int();
+ if ((ARGT == GET_HA_ROWS) || (ARGT == GET_UINT) ||
+ {
+ ulonglong uv;
+ /*
+ if the value is signed and negative,
+ and a variable is unsigned, it is set to zero
+ */
+ if ((fixed= (!var->value->unsigned_flag && v < 0)))
+ uv= 0;
+ else
+ uv= v;
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value=
+ getopt_ull_limit_value(uv, &option, &unused);
+ if (max_var_ptr() && (T)var->save_result.ulonglong_value > *max_var_ptr())
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value= *max_var_ptr();
+ fixed= fixed || var->save_result.ulonglong_value != uv;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ if the value is unsigned and has the highest bit set
+ and a variable is signed, it is set to max signed value
+ */
+ if ((fixed= (var->value->unsigned_flag && v < 0)))
+ var->save_result.longlong_value=
+ getopt_ll_limit_value(v, &option, &unused);
+ if (max_var_ptr() && (T)var->save_result.longlong_value > *max_var_ptr())
+ var->save_result.longlong_value= *max_var_ptr();
+ fixed= fixed || var->save_result.longlong_value != v;
+ }
+ return throw_bounds_warning(thd, name.str, fixed,
+ var->value->unsigned_flag, v);
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, T)= static_cast<T>(var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(T)= static_cast<T>(var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= (ulonglong)*(T*)global_value_ptr(thd, 0); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ private:
+ T *max_var_ptr()
+ {
+ return scope() == SESSION ? (T*)(((uchar*)&max_system_variables) + offset)
+ : 0;
+ }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd) { return (uchar*) &option.def_value; }
+typedef Sys_var_integer<int, GET_INT, SHOW_SINT> Sys_var_int;
+typedef Sys_var_integer<uint, GET_UINT, SHOW_UINT> Sys_var_uint;
+typedef Sys_var_integer<ulong, GET_ULONG, SHOW_ULONG> Sys_var_ulong;
+typedef Sys_var_integer<ha_rows, GET_HA_ROWS, SHOW_HA_ROWS> Sys_var_harows;
+typedef Sys_var_integer<ulonglong, GET_ULL, SHOW_ULONGLONG> Sys_var_ulonglong;
+typedef Sys_var_integer<long, GET_LONG, SHOW_SLONG> Sys_var_long;
+template<> uchar *Sys_var_int::default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.int_value= option.def_value;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.int_value;
+template<> uchar *Sys_var_uint::default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.uint_value= option.def_value;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.uint_value;
+template<> uchar *Sys_var_long::default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.long_value= option.def_value;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.long_value;
+template<> uchar *Sys_var_ulong::default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.ulong_value= option.def_value;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.ulong_value;
+ Helper class for variables that take values from a TYPELIB
+class Sys_var_typelib: public sys_var
+ TYPELIB typelib;
+ Sys_var_typelib(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ SHOW_TYPE show_val_type_arg, const char *values[],
+ ulonglong def_val, PolyLock *lock,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func, on_update_function on_update_func,
+ const char *substitute)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, show_val_type_arg, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func,
+ on_update_func, substitute)
+ {
+ for (typelib.count= 0; values[typelib.count]; typelib.count++) /*no-op */;
+ typelib.type_names= values;
+ typelib.type_lengths= 0; // only used by Fields_enum and Field_set
+ option.typelib= &typelib;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var) // works for enums and my_bool
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (var->value->result_type() == STRING_RESULT)
+ {
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ if (!(var->save_result.ulonglong_value=
+ find_type(&typelib, res->ptr(), res->length(), false)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ longlong tmp=var->value->val_int();
+ if (tmp < 0 || tmp >= typelib.count)
+ return true;
+ else
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value= tmp;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ The class for ENUM variables - variables that take one value from a fixed
+ list of values.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ char* values[] - 0-terminated list of strings of valid values
+ Backing store: uint
+ @note
+ Do *not* use "enum FOO" variables as a backing store, there is no
+ guarantee that sizeof(enum FOO) == sizeof(uint), there is no guarantee
+ even that sizeof(enum FOO) == sizeof(enum BAR)
+class Sys_var_enum: public Sys_var_typelib
+ Sys_var_enum(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *values[], uint def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_typelib(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, getopt,
+ SHOW_CHAR, values, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_ENUM;
+ global_var(ulong)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val < typelib.count);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(ulong));
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, ulong)= static_cast<ulong>(var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(ulong)= static_cast<ulong>(var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= global_var(ulong); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, ulong val)
+ { return (uchar*)typelib.type_names[val]; }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, ulong)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(ulong)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, option.def_value); }
+ The class for boolean variables - a variant of ENUM variables
+ with the fixed list of values of { OFF , ON }
+ Backing store: my_bool
+class Sys_var_mybool: public Sys_var_typelib
+ Sys_var_mybool(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ my_bool def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_typelib(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, getopt,
+ SHOW_MY_BOOL, bool_values, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_BOOL;
+ global_var(my_bool)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val < 2);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(getopt.arg_type == OPT_ARG || < 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(my_bool));
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, my_bool)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value != 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(my_bool)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value != 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= (ulonglong)*(my_bool *)global_value_ptr(thd, 0); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value= option.def_value;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value;
+ }
+ The class for string variables. The string can be in character_set_filesystem
+ or in character_set_system. The string can be allocated with my_malloc()
+ or not. The state of the initial value is specified in the constructor,
+ after that it's managed automatically. The value of NULL is supported.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg
+ Backing store: char*
+ @note
+ This class supports only GLOBAL variables, because THD on destruction
+ does not destroy individual members of SV, there's no way to free
+ allocated string variables for every thread.
+class Sys_var_charptr: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_charptr(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg,
+ const char *def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ is_os_charset= is_os_charset_arg == IN_FS_CHARSET;
+ /*
+ use GET_STR_ALLOC - if ALLOCATED it must be *always* allocated,
+ otherwise (GET_STR) you'll never know whether to free it or not.
+ (think of an exit because of an error right after my_getopt)
+ */
+ option.var_type= (flags & ALLOCATED) ? GET_STR_ALLOC : GET_STR;
+ global_var(const char*)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ void cleanup()
+ {
+ if (flags & ALLOCATED)
+ {
+ my_free(global_var(char*));
+ global_var(char *)= NULL;
+ }
+ flags&= ~ALLOCATED;
+ }
+ static bool do_string_check(THD *thd, set_var *var, CHARSET_INFO *charset)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), charset);
+ String str2(buff2, sizeof(buff2), charset), *res;
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= 0;
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 unused;
+ if (String::needs_conversion(res->length(), res->charset(),
+ charset, &unused))
+ {
+ uint errors;
+ str2.copy(res->ptr(), res->length(), res->charset(), charset,
+ &errors);
+ res=&str2;
+ }
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= thd->strmake(res->ptr(), res->length());
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= res->length();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { return do_string_check(thd, var, charset(thd)); }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ char *new_val, *ptr= var->save_result.string_value.str;
+ size_t len=var->save_result.string_value.length;
+ if (ptr)
+ {
+ new_val= (char*)my_memdup(ptr, len+1, MYF(MY_WME));
+ if (!new_val) return true;
+ new_val[len]=0;
+ }
+ else
+ new_val= 0;
+ if (flags & ALLOCATED)
+ my_free(global_var(char*));
+ flags|= ALLOCATED;
+ global_var(char*)= new_val;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ char *ptr= (char*)(intptr)option.def_value;
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= ptr;
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= ptr ? strlen(ptr) : 0;
+ }
+class Sys_var_proxy_user: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_proxy_user(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment,
+ sys_var::READONLY+sys_var::ONLY_SESSION, 0, NO_GETOPT,
+ {
+ is_os_charset= is_os_charset_arg == IN_FS_CHARSET;
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return thd->security_ctx->proxy_user[0] ?
+ (uchar *) &(thd->security_ctx->proxy_user[0]) : NULL;
+ }
+class Sys_var_external_user : public Sys_var_proxy_user
+ Sys_var_external_user(const char *name_arg, const char *comment_arg,
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg)
+ : Sys_var_proxy_user (name_arg, comment_arg, is_os_charset_arg)
+ {}
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return (uchar*)thd->security_ctx->external_user;
+ }
+class Master_info;
+class Sys_var_rpl_filter: public sys_var
+ int opt_id;
+ Sys_var_rpl_filter(const char *name, int getopt_id, const char *comment)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name, comment, sys_var::GLOBAL, 0, NO_GETOPT,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL), opt_id(getopt_id)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR | GET_ASK_ADDR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return Sys_var_charptr::do_string_check(thd, var, charset(thd));
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ bool set_filter_value(const char *value, Master_info *mi);
+ The class for string variables. Useful for strings that aren't necessarily
+ \0-terminated. Otherwise the same as Sys_var_charptr.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg
+ Backing store: LEX_STRING
+ @note
+ Behaves exactly as Sys_var_charptr, only the backing store is different.
+class Sys_var_lexstring: public Sys_var_charptr
+ Sys_var_lexstring(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg,
+ const char *def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_charptr(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, sizeof(char*),
+ getopt, is_os_charset_arg, def_val, lock, binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_func, on_update_func, substitute)
+ {
+ global_var(LEX_STRING).length= strlen(def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(LEX_STRING));
+ *const_cast<SHOW_TYPE*>(&show_val_type)= SHOW_LEX_STRING;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ if (Sys_var_charptr::global_update(thd, var))
+ return true;
+ global_var(LEX_STRING).length= var->save_result.string_value.length;
+ return false;
+ }
+ A LEX_STRING stored only in thd->variables
+ Only to be used for small buffers
+class Sys_var_session_lexstring: public sys_var
+ size_t max_length;
+ Sys_var_session_lexstring(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ ptrdiff_t off, size_t size, CMD_LINE getopt,
+ enum charset_enum is_os_charset_arg,
+ const char *def_val, size_t max_length_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ 0, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ 0),max_length(max_length_arg)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ *const_cast<SHOW_TYPE*>(&show_val_type)= SHOW_LEX_STRING;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ {
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= 0; /* NULL */
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (res->length() > max_length)
+ {
+ res->ptr(), name.str, (int) max_length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= thd->strmake(res->ptr(),
+ res->length());
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= res->length();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ LEX_STRING *tmp= &session_var(thd, LEX_STRING);
+ tmp->length= var->save_result.string_value.length;
+ /* Store as \0 terminated string (just to be safe) */
+ strmake(tmp->str, var->save_result.string_value.str, tmp->length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ char *ptr= (char*)(intptr)option.def_value;
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= ptr;
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= strlen(ptr);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+ @@session.debug_dbug and @@global.debug_dbug variables.
+ @@dbug variable differs from other variables in one aspect:
+ if its value is not assigned in the session, it "points" to the global
+ value, and so when the global value is changed, the change
+ immediately takes effect in the session.
+ This semantics is intentional, to be able to debug one session from
+ another.
+class Sys_var_dbug: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_dbug(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args,
+ (char*)&current_dbug_option-(char*)&global_system_variables,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ { option.var_type= GET_STR; }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= const_cast<char*>("");
+ else
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= thd->strmake(res->ptr(), res->length());
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ const char *val= var->save_result.string_value.str;
+ if (!var->value)
+ else
+ DBUG_SET(val);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ const char *val= var->save_result.string_value.str;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ char *ptr= (char*)(intptr)option.def_value;
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= ptr;
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ char buf[256];
+ DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ return (uchar*) thd->strdup(buf);
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ char buf[256];
+ DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ return (uchar*) thd->strdup(buf);
+ }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return (uchar*)""; }
+#define KEYCACHE_VAR(X) GLOBAL_VAR(dflt_key_cache_var.X)
+#define keycache_var_ptr(KC, OFF) (((uchar*)(KC))+(OFF))
+#define keycache_var(KC, OFF) (*(ulonglong*)keycache_var_ptr(KC, OFF))
+typedef bool (*keycache_update_function)(THD *, KEY_CACHE *, ptrdiff_t, ulonglong);
+ The class for keycache_* variables. Supports structured names,
+ keycache_name.variable_name.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ everything derived from Sys_var_ulonglong
+ Backing store: ulonglong
+ @note these variables can be only GLOBAL
+class Sys_var_keycache: public Sys_var_ulonglong
+ keycache_update_function keycache_update;
+ Sys_var_keycache(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ ulonglong min_val, ulonglong max_val, ulonglong def_val,
+ uint block_size, PolyLock *lock,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func,
+ keycache_update_function on_update_func,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_ulonglong(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size,
+ getopt, min_val, max_val, def_val,
+ block_size, lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, 0,
+ substitute),
+ keycache_update(on_update_func)
+ {
+ option.var_type|= GET_ASK_ADDR;
+ option.value= (uchar**)1; // crash me, please
+ // fix an offset from global_system_variables to be an offset in KEY_CACHE
+ offset= global_var_ptr() - (uchar*)dflt_key_cache;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ ulonglong new_value= var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ LEX_STRING *base_name= &var->base;
+ KEY_CACHE *key_cache;
+ /* If no basename, assume it's for the key cache named 'default' */
+ if (!base_name->length)
+ base_name= &default_key_cache_base;
+ key_cache= get_key_cache(base_name);
+ if (!key_cache)
+ { // Key cache didn't exists */
+ if (!new_value) // Tried to delete cache
+ return false; // Ok, nothing to do
+ if (!(key_cache= create_key_cache(base_name->str, base_name->length)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ Abort if some other thread is changing the key cache
+ @todo This should be changed so that we wait until the previous
+ assignment is done and then do the new assign
+ */
+ if (key_cache->in_init)
+ return true;
+ return keycache_update(thd, key_cache, offset, new_value);
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ KEY_CACHE *key_cache= get_key_cache(base);
+ if (!key_cache)
+ key_cache= &zero_key_cache;
+ return keycache_var_ptr(key_cache, offset);
+ }
+static bool update_buffer_size(THD *thd, KEY_CACHE *key_cache,
+ ptrdiff_t offset, ulonglong new_value)
+ bool error= false;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(offset == offsetof(KEY_CACHE, param_buff_size));
+ if (new_value == 0)
+ {
+ if (key_cache == dflt_key_cache)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key_cache->key_cache_inited) // If initied
+ {
+ /*
+ Move tables using this key cache to the default key cache
+ and clear the old key cache.
+ */
+ key_cache->in_init= 1;
+ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ key_cache->param_buff_size= 0;
+ ha_resize_key_cache(key_cache);
+ ha_change_key_cache(key_cache, dflt_key_cache);
+ /*
+ We don't delete the key cache as some running threads my still be in
+ the key cache code with a pointer to the deleted (empty) key cache
+ */
+ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ key_cache->in_init= 0;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ key_cache->param_buff_size= new_value;
+ /* If key cache didn't exist initialize it, else resize it */
+ key_cache->in_init= 1;
+ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ if (!key_cache->key_cache_inited)
+ error= ha_init_key_cache(0, key_cache, 0);
+ else
+ error= ha_resize_key_cache(key_cache);
+ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ key_cache->in_init= 0;
+ return error;
+static bool update_keycache(THD *thd, KEY_CACHE *key_cache,
+ ptrdiff_t offset, ulonglong new_value,
+ int (*func)(KEY_CACHE *))
+ bool error= false;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(offset != offsetof(KEY_CACHE, param_buff_size));
+ keycache_var(key_cache, offset)= new_value;
+ key_cache->in_init= 1;
+ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ error= func(key_cache);
+ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
+ key_cache->in_init= 0;
+ return error;
+static bool resize_keycache(THD *thd, KEY_CACHE *key_cache,
+ ptrdiff_t offset, ulonglong new_value)
+ return update_keycache(thd, key_cache, offset, new_value,
+ ha_resize_key_cache);
+static bool change_keycache_param(THD *thd, KEY_CACHE *key_cache,
+ ptrdiff_t offset, ulonglong new_value)
+ return update_keycache(thd, key_cache, offset, new_value,
+ ha_change_key_cache_param);
+static bool repartition_keycache(THD *thd, KEY_CACHE *key_cache,
+ ptrdiff_t offset, ulonglong new_value)
+ return update_keycache(thd, key_cache, offset, new_value,
+ ha_repartition_key_cache);
+ The class for floating point variables
+ Class specific constructor arguments: min, max
+ Backing store: double
+class Sys_var_double: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_double(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ double min_val, double max_val, double def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_DOUBLE,
+ (longlong) getopt_double2ulonglong(def_val),
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_DOUBLE;
+ option.min_value= (longlong) getopt_double2ulonglong(min_val);
+ option.max_value= (longlong) getopt_double2ulonglong(max_val);
+ global_var(double)= (double)option.def_value;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(min_val < max_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(min_val <= def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(max_val >= def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(double));
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ my_bool fixed;
+ double v= var->value->val_real();
+ var->save_result.double_value= getopt_double_limit_value(v, &option, &fixed);
+ return throw_bounds_warning(thd, name.str, fixed, v);
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, double)= var->save_result.double_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(double)= var->save_result.double_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.double_value= global_var(double); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.double_value= getopt_ulonglong2double(option.def_value); }
+ The class for the @max_user_connections.
+ It's derived from Sys_var_uint, but non-standard session value
+ requires a new class.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ everything derived from Sys_var_uint
+ Backing store: uint
+class Sys_var_max_user_conn: public Sys_var_int
+ Sys_var_max_user_conn(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ int min_val, int max_val, int def_val,
+ uint block_size, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_int(name_arg, comment, SESSION, off, size, getopt,
+ min_val, max_val, def_val, block_size,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ { }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ if (thd->user_connect && thd->user_connect->user_resources.user_conn)
+ return (uchar*) &(thd->user_connect->user_resources.user_conn);
+ return global_value_ptr(thd, base);
+ }
+// overflow-safe (1 << X)-1
+#define MAX_SET(X) ((((1UL << ((X)-1))-1) << 1) | 1)
+ The class for flagset variables - a variant of SET that allows in-place
+ editing (turning on/off individual bits). String representations looks like
+ a "flag=val,flag=val,...". Example: @@optimizer_switch
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ char* values[] - 0-terminated list of strings of valid values
+ Backing store: ulonglong
+ @note
+ the last value in the values[] array should
+ *always* be the string "default".
+class Sys_var_flagset: public Sys_var_typelib
+ Sys_var_flagset(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *values[], ulonglong def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_typelib(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, getopt,
+ SHOW_CHAR, values, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_FLAGSET;
+ global_var(ulonglong)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count > 1);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count <= 65);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val < MAX_SET(typelib.count));
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(strcmp(values[typelib.count-1], "default") == 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(ulonglong));
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ ulonglong default_value, current_value;
+ if (var->type == OPT_GLOBAL)
+ {
+ default_value= option.def_value;
+ current_value= global_var(ulonglong);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ default_value= global_var(ulonglong);
+ current_value= session_var(thd, ulonglong);
+ }
+ if (var->value->result_type() == STRING_RESULT)
+ {
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ char *error;
+ uint error_len;
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value=
+ find_set_from_flags(&typelib,
+ typelib.count,
+ current_value,
+ default_value,
+ res->ptr(), res->length(),
+ &error, &error_len);
+ if (error)
+ {
+ ErrConvString err(error, error_len, res->charset());
+ my_error(ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR, MYF(0), name.str, err.ptr());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ longlong tmp=var->value->val_int();
+ if ((tmp < 0 && ! var->value->unsigned_flag)
+ || (ulonglong)tmp > MAX_SET(typelib.count))
+ return true;
+ else
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value= tmp;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, ulonglong)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(ulonglong)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= global_var(ulonglong); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, ulonglong val)
+ { return (uchar*)flagset_to_string(thd, 0, val, typelib.type_names); }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, option.def_value); }
+ The class for SET variables - variables taking zero or more values
+ from the given list. Example: @@sql_mode
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ char* values[] - 0-terminated list of strings of valid values
+ Backing store: ulonglong
+class Sys_var_set: public Sys_var_typelib
+ Sys_var_set(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *values[], ulonglong def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_typelib(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, getopt,
+ SHOW_CHAR, values, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_SET;
+ global_var(ulonglong)= def_val;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count > 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count <= 64);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val <= MAX_SET(typelib.count));
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(ulonglong));
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (var->value->result_type() == STRING_RESULT)
+ {
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ char *error;
+ uint error_len;
+ bool not_used;
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value=
+ find_set(&typelib, res->ptr(), res->length(), NULL,
+ &error, &error_len, &not_used);
+ /*
+ note, we only issue an error if error_len > 0.
+ That is even while empty (zero-length) values are considered
+ errors by find_set(), these errors are ignored here
+ */
+ if (error_len)
+ {
+ ErrConvString err(error, error_len, res->charset());
+ my_error(ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR, MYF(0), name.str, err.ptr());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ longlong tmp=var->value->val_int();
+ if ((tmp < 0 && ! var->value->unsigned_flag)
+ || (ulonglong)tmp > MAX_SET(typelib.count))
+ return true;
+ else
+ var->save_result.ulonglong_value= tmp;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, ulonglong)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(ulonglong)= var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= global_var(ulonglong); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, ulonglong val)
+ { return (uchar*)set_to_string(thd, 0, val, typelib.type_names); }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, option.def_value); }
+ The class for variables which value is a plugin.
+ Example: @@default_storage_engine
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ int plugin_type_arg (for example MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN)
+ Backing store: plugin_ref
+ @note
+ these variables don't support command-line equivalents, any such
+ command-line options should be added manually to my_long_options in
+class Sys_var_plugin: public sys_var
+ int plugin_type;
+ Sys_var_plugin(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ int plugin_type_arg, char **def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute),
+ plugin_type(plugin_type_arg)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(plugin_ref));
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT( < 0); // force NO_CMD_LINE
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff,sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ var->save_result.plugin= NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ const LEX_STRING pname= { const_cast<char*>(res->ptr()), res->length() };
+ plugin_ref plugin;
+ // special code for storage engines (e.g. to handle historical aliases)
+ if (plugin_type == MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN)
+ plugin= ha_resolve_by_name(thd, &pname, false);
+ else
+ plugin= my_plugin_lock_by_name(thd, &pname, plugin_type);
+ if (!plugin)
+ {
+ // historically different error code
+ if (plugin_type == MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN)
+ {
+ ErrConvString err(res);
+ my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE, MYF(0), err.ptr());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var->save_result.plugin= plugin;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void do_update(plugin_ref *valptr, plugin_ref newval)
+ {
+ plugin_ref oldval= *valptr;
+ if (oldval != newval)
+ {
+ *valptr= newval ? my_plugin_lock(NULL, newval) : 0;
+ plugin_unlock(NULL, oldval);
+ }
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ do_update((plugin_ref*)session_var_ptr(thd),
+ var->save_result.plugin);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ do_update((plugin_ref*)global_var_ptr(),
+ var->save_result.plugin);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ plugin_ref plugin= global_var(plugin_ref);
+ var->save_result.plugin= plugin ? my_plugin_lock(thd, plugin) : 0;
+ }
+ plugin_ref get_default(THD *thd)
+ {
+ char *default_value= *reinterpret_cast<char**>(option.def_value);
+ if (!default_value)
+ return 0;
+ LEX_STRING pname= { default_value, strlen(pname.str) };
+ plugin_ref plugin;
+ if (plugin_type == MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN)
+ plugin= ha_resolve_by_name(thd, &pname, false);
+ else
+ plugin= my_plugin_lock_by_name(thd, &pname, plugin_type);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(plugin);
+ return my_plugin_lock(thd, plugin);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ var->save_result.plugin= get_default(thd);
+ }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin)
+ {
+ return (uchar*)(plugin ? thd->strmake(plugin_name(plugin)->str,
+ plugin_name(plugin)->length) : 0);
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, plugin_ref)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(plugin_ref)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, get_default(thd)); }
+#if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC)
+ The class for @@debug_sync session-only variable
+class Sys_var_debug_sync :public sys_var
+ Sys_var_debug_sync(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, 0,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info), *res;
+ if (!(res=var->value->val_str(&str)))
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= const_cast<char*>("");
+ else
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= thd->strmake(res->ptr(), res->length());
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ extern bool debug_sync_update(THD *thd, char *val_str);
+ return debug_sync_update(thd, var->save_result.string_value.str);
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ var->save_result.string_value.str= const_cast<char*>("");
+ var->save_result.string_value.length= 0;
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ extern uchar *debug_sync_value_ptr(THD *thd);
+ return debug_sync_value_ptr(thd);
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return (uchar*)""; }
+#endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */
+ The class for bit variables - a variant of boolean that stores the value
+ in a bit.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ ulonglong bitmask_arg - the mask for the bit to set in the ulonglong
+ backing store
+ Backing store: ulonglong
+ @note
+ This class supports the "reverse" semantics, when the value of the bit
+ being 0 corresponds to the value of variable being set. To activate it
+ use REVERSE(bitmask) instead of simply bitmask in the constructor.
+ @note
+ variables of this class cannot be set from the command line as
+ my_getopt does not support bits.
+class Sys_var_bit: public Sys_var_typelib
+ ulonglong bitmask;
+ bool reverse_semantics;
+ void set(uchar *ptr, ulonglong value)
+ {
+ if ((value != 0) ^ reverse_semantics)
+ (*(ulonglong *)ptr)|= bitmask;
+ else
+ (*(ulonglong *)ptr)&= ~bitmask;
+ }
+ Sys_var_bit(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ ulonglong bitmask_arg, my_bool def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_typelib(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, getopt,
+ SHOW_MY_BOOL, bool_values, def_val, lock,
+ binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_BOOL;
+ reverse_semantics= my_count_bits(bitmask_arg) > 1;
+ bitmask= reverse_semantics ? ~bitmask_arg : bitmask_arg;
+ set(global_var_ptr(), def_val);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val < 2);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT( < 0); // force NO_CMD_LINE
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(ulonglong));
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ set(session_var_ptr(thd), var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ set(global_var_ptr(), var->save_result.ulonglong_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= global_var(ulonglong) & bitmask; }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ulonglong_value= option.def_value; }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, ulonglong val)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value= reverse_semantics ^ ((val & bitmask) != 0);
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value;
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(ulonglong)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value= option.def_value != 0;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.my_bool_value;
+ }
+ The class for variables that have a special meaning for a session,
+ such as @@timestamp or @@rnd_seed1, their values typically cannot be read
+ from SV structure, and a special "read" callback is provided.
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ everything derived from Sys_var_ulonglong
+ session_special_read_function read_func_arg
+ Backing store: ulonglong
+ @note
+ These variables are session-only, global or command-line equivalents
+ are not supported as they're generally meaningless.
+class Sys_var_session_special: public Sys_var_ulonglong
+ typedef bool (*session_special_update_function)(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ typedef ulonglong (*session_special_read_function)(THD *thd);
+ session_special_read_function read_func;
+ session_special_update_function update_func;
+ Sys_var_session_special(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ ulonglong min_val, ulonglong max_val, uint block_size,
+ PolyLock *lock, enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func,
+ session_special_update_function update_func_arg,
+ session_special_read_function read_func_arg,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : Sys_var_ulonglong(name_arg, comment, flag_args, 0,
+ sizeof(ulonglong), getopt, min_val,
+ max_val, 0, block_size, lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, 0,
+ substitute),
+ read_func(read_func_arg), update_func(update_func_arg)
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT( < 0); // NO_CMD_LINE, because the offset is fake
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { return update_func(thd, var); }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->value= 0; }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.ulonglong_value= read_func(thd);
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.ulonglong_value;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.ulonglong_value= 0;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.ulonglong_value;
+ }
+ Dedicated class because of a weird behavior of a default value.
+ Assigning timestamp to itself
+ SET @@timestamp = @@timestamp
+ make it non-default and stops the time flow.
+class Sys_var_timestamp: public Sys_var_double
+ Sys_var_timestamp(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ double min_val, double max_val,
+ PolyLock *lock, enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg)
+ : Sys_var_double(name_arg, comment, flag_args, 0,
+ sizeof(double), getopt, min_val,
+ max_val, 0, lock, binlog_status_arg)
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT( < 0); // NO_CMD_LINE, because the offset is fake
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ if (var->value)
+ {
+ my_hrtime_t hrtime = { hrtime_from_time(var->save_result.double_value) };
+ thd->set_time(hrtime);
+ }
+ else // SET timestamp=DEFAULT
+ thd->user_time.val= 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_is_default(THD *thd)
+ {
+ return thd->user_time.val == 0;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->value= 0; }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.double_value= thd->start_time +
+ thd->start_time_sec_part/(double)TIME_SECOND_PART_FACTOR;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.double_value;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ {
+ thd->sys_var_tmp.double_value= 0;
+ return (uchar*) &thd->sys_var_tmp.double_value;
+ }
+ The class for read-only variables that show whether a particular
+ feature is supported by the server. Example: have_compression
+ Backing store: enum SHOW_COMP_OPTION
+ @note
+ These variables are necessarily read-only, only global, and have no
+ command-line equivalent.
+class Sys_var_have: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_have(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(lock == 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(is_readonly());
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(on_update == 0);
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(enum SHOW_COMP_OPTION));
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var) { }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var) { }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return (uchar*)show_comp_option_name[global_var(enum SHOW_COMP_OPTION)];
+ }
+ Generic class for variables for storing entities that are internally
+ represented as structures, have names, and possibly can be referred to by
+ numbers. Examples: character sets, collations, locales,
+ Class specific constructor arguments:
+ ptrdiff_t name_offset - offset of the 'name' field in the structure
+ Backing store: void*
+ @note
+ As every such a structure requires special treatment from my_getopt,
+ these variables don't support command-line equivalents, any such
+ command-line options should be added manually to my_long_options in
+class Sys_var_struct: public sys_var
+ ptrdiff_t name_offset; // offset to the 'name' property in the structure
+ Sys_var_struct(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ ptrdiff_t name_off, void *def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute),
+ name_offset(name_off)
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_ENUM; // because we accept INT and STRING here
+ /*
+ struct variables are special on the command line - often (e.g. for
+ charsets) the name cannot be immediately resolved, but only after all
+ options (in particular, basedir) are parsed.
+ thus all struct command-line options should be added manually
+ to my_long_options in
+ */
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(void *));
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { return false; }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, const void*)= var->save_result.ptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(const void*)= var->save_result.ptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ { var->save_result.ptr= global_var(void*); }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ void **default_value= reinterpret_cast<void**>(option.def_value);
+ var->save_result.ptr= *default_value;
+ }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, uchar *val)
+ { return val ? *(uchar**)(val+name_offset) : 0; }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, uchar*)); }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(uchar*)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, *(uchar**)option.def_value); }
+ The class for variables that store time zones
+ Backing store: Time_zone*
+ @note
+ Time zones cannot be supported directly by my_getopt, thus
+ these variables don't support command-line equivalents, any such
+ command-line options should be added manually to my_long_options in
+class Sys_var_tz: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_tz(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ Time_zone **def_val, PolyLock *lock=0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg=VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ on_check_function on_check_func=0,
+ on_update_function on_update_func=0,
+ const char *substitute=0)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, (intptr)def_val,
+ lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func, on_update_func,
+ substitute)
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(Time_zone *));
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ String str(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_latin1);
+ String *res= var->value->val_str(&str);
+ if (!res)
+ return true;
+ if (!(var->save_result.time_zone= my_tz_find(thd, res)))
+ {
+ ErrConvString err(res);
+ my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE, MYF(0), err.ptr());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ session_var(thd, Time_zone*)= var->save_result.time_zone;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ global_var(Time_zone*)= var->save_result.time_zone;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ var->save_result.time_zone= global_var(Time_zone*);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ var->save_result.time_zone=
+ *(Time_zone**)(intptr)option.def_value;
+ }
+ uchar *valptr(THD *thd, Time_zone *val)
+ { return (uchar *)(val->get_name()->ptr()); }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ /*
+ This is an ugly fix for replication: we don't replicate properly queries
+ invoking system variables' values to update tables; but
+ CONVERT_TZ(,,@@session.time_zone) is so popular that we make it
+ replicable (i.e. we tell the binlog code to store the session
+ timezone). If it's the global value which was used we can't replicate
+ (binlog code stores session value only).
+ */
+ thd->time_zone_used= 1;
+ return valptr(thd, session_var(thd, Time_zone *));
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ { return valptr(thd, global_var(Time_zone*)); }
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return valptr(thd, *(Time_zone**)option.def_value); }
+ Special implementation for transaction isolation, that
+ distingushes between
+ SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION (stored in global_system_variables)
+ SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION (stored in thd->variables)
+ SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION (stored in thd->tx_isolation)
+ where the last statement sets isolation level for the next transaction only
+class Sys_var_tx_isolation: public Sys_var_enum
+ Sys_var_tx_isolation(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *values[], uint def_val, PolyLock *lock,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func)
+ :Sys_var_enum(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size, getopt,
+ values, def_val, lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func)
+ {}
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ if (var->type == OPT_SESSION && Sys_var_enum::session_update(thd, var))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (var->type == OPT_DEFAULT || !thd->in_active_multi_stmt_transaction())
+ thd->tx_isolation= (enum_tx_isolation) var->save_result.ulonglong_value;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Class representing the tx_read_only system variable for setting
+ default transaction access mode.
+ Note that there is a special syntax - SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
+ (or READ WRITE) that sets the access mode for the next transaction
+ only.
+class Sys_var_tx_read_only: public Sys_var_mybool
+ Sys_var_tx_read_only(const char *name_arg, const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ ptrdiff_t off, size_t size, CMD_LINE getopt,
+ my_bool def_val, PolyLock *lock,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg,
+ on_check_function on_check_func)
+ :Sys_var_mybool(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size, getopt,
+ def_val, lock, binlog_status_arg, on_check_func)
+ {}
+ virtual bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ Class for replicate_events_marked_for_skip.
+ We need a custom update function that ensures the slave is stopped when
+ the update is happening.
+class Sys_var_replicate_events_marked_for_skip: public Sys_var_enum
+ Sys_var_replicate_events_marked_for_skip(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ const char *values[], uint def_val, PolyLock *lock= 0,
+ enum binlog_status_enum binlog_status_arg= VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG)
+ :Sys_var_enum(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size, getopt,
+ values, def_val, lock, binlog_status_arg)
+ {}
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ Class for handing multi-source replication variables
+ Variable values are store in Master_info, but to make it possible to
+ access variable without locks we also store it thd->variables.
+ These can be used as GLOBAL or SESSION, but both points to the same
+ variable. This is to make things compatible with MySQL 5.5 where variables
+ like sql_slave_skip_counter are GLOBAL.
+#define MASTER_INFO_VAR(X) my_offsetof(Master_info, X), sizeof(((Master_info *)0x10)->X)
+class Sys_var_multi_source_ulonglong;
+class Master_info;
+typedef bool (*on_multi_source_update_function)(sys_var *self, THD *thd,
+ Master_info *mi);
+bool update_multi_source_variable(sys_var *self,
+ THD *thd, enum_var_type type);
+class Sys_var_multi_source_ulonglong :public Sys_var_ulonglong
+ ptrdiff_t master_info_offset;
+ on_multi_source_update_function update_multi_source_variable_func;
+ Sys_var_multi_source_ulonglong(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args,
+ ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt,
+ ptrdiff_t master_info_offset_arg,
+ size_t master_info_arg_size,
+ ulonglong min_val, ulonglong max_val,
+ ulonglong def_val, uint block_size,
+ on_multi_source_update_function on_update_func)
+ :Sys_var_ulonglong(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size,
+ getopt, min_val, max_val, def_val, block_size,
+ 0, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG, 0, update_multi_source_variable),
+ master_info_offset(master_info_offset_arg),
+ update_multi_source_variable_func(on_update_func)
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(master_info_arg_size == size);
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ return session_update(thd, var);
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ /* Use value given in variable declaration */
+ global_save_default(thd, var);
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ ulonglong *tmp, res;
+ tmp= (ulonglong*) (((uchar*)&(thd->variables)) + offset);
+ res= get_master_info_ulonglong_value(thd, master_info_offset);
+ *tmp= res;
+ return (uchar*) tmp;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ return session_value_ptr(thd, base);
+ }
+ ulonglong get_master_info_ulonglong_value(THD *thd, ptrdiff_t offset);
+ bool update_variable(THD *thd, Master_info *mi)
+ {
+ return update_multi_source_variable_func(this, thd, mi);
+ }
+ Class for @@global.gtid_current_pos.
+class Sys_var_gtid_current_pos: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_gtid_current_pos(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0, NULL, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(is_readonly());
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ Class for @@global.gtid_binlog_pos.
+class Sys_var_gtid_binlog_pos: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_gtid_binlog_pos(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0, NULL, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(is_readonly());
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ Class for @@global.gtid_slave_pos.
+class Sys_var_gtid_slave_pos: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_gtid_slave_pos(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0, NULL, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ /* Record the attempt to use default so we can error. */
+ var->value= 0;
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return 0; }
+ Class for @@global.gtid_binlog_state.
+class Sys_var_gtid_binlog_state: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_gtid_binlog_state(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, off,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0, NULL, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ {
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ /* Record the attempt to use default so we can error. */
+ var->value= 0;
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ uchar *default_value_ptr(THD *thd)
+ { return 0; }
+ Class for @@session.last_gtid.
+class Sys_var_last_gtid: public sys_var
+ Sys_var_last_gtid(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, CMD_LINE getopt)
+ : sys_var(&all_sys_vars, name_arg, comment, flag_args, 0,,
+ getopt.arg_type, SHOW_CHAR, 0, NULL, VARIABLE_NOT_IN_BINLOG,
+ {
+ SYSVAR_ASSERT(is_readonly());
+ option.var_type= GET_STR;
+ }
+ bool do_check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool session_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void session_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ void global_save_default(THD *thd, set_var *var)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ uchar *session_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base)
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Class for connection_name.slave_parallel_mode.
+class Sys_var_slave_parallel_mode: public Sys_var_enum
+ Sys_var_slave_parallel_mode(const char *name_arg,
+ const char *comment, int flag_args, ptrdiff_t off, size_t size,
+ CMD_LINE getopt, const char *values[],
+ enum_slave_parallel_mode def_val)
+ : Sys_var_enum(name_arg, comment, flag_args, off, size,
+ getopt, values, def_val)
+ {
+ option.var_type|= GET_ASK_ADDR;
+ option.value= (uchar**)1; // crash me, please
+ }
+ bool global_update(THD *thd, set_var *var);
+ uchar *global_value_ptr(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *base);