path: root/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
diff options
authorSergei Golubchik <>2015-06-01 15:51:25 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2015-06-01 15:51:25 +0200
commit5091a4ba755250ed8e35f4f5a39a118d476cd8f1 (patch)
tree370ba468d78204544b56e9d967d8d09e1317a1ed /storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
parent84eaf0911f311acba797c265ef7508ab6c108b35 (diff)
parent0880284bf715b4916cc735e19b76d1062c2bfdcf (diff)
Merge tag 'mariadb-10.0.19' into 10.1
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/connect/tabxml.cpp')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp b/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
index 8c73907c7ee..6fba8382aaa 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/************* Tabxml C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* ------------- */
-/* Version 2.7 */
+/* Version 2.8 */
/* */
-/* Author Olivier BERTRAND 2007 - 2014 */
+/* Author Olivier BERTRAND 2007 - 2015 */
/* */
/* This program are the XML tables classes using MS-DOM or libxml2. */
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "osutil.h"
#endif // !WIN32
+#include "resource.h" // for IDS_COLUMNS
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
#include "reldef.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "colblk.h"
+#include "mycat.h"
#include "xindex.h"
#include "plgxml.h"
#include "tabxml.h"
@@ -57,6 +59,336 @@ extern "C" char version[];
#define XMLSUP "libxml2"
#endif // !WIN32
+#define TYPE_UNKNOWN 12 /* Must be greater than other types */
+/* Class and structure used by XMLColumns. */
+typedef class XMCOL *PXCL;
+class XMCOL : public BLOCK {
+ public:
+ // Constructors
+ XMCOL(void) {Next = NULL;
+ Name[0] = 0;
+ Fmt = NULL;
+ Type = 1;
+ Len = Scale = 0;
+ Cbn = false;
+ Found = true;}
+ XMCOL(PGLOBAL g, PXCL xp, char *fmt, int i) {
+ Next = NULL;
+ strcpy(Name, xp->Name);
+ Fmt = (*fmt) ? PlugDup(g, fmt) : NULL;
+ Type = xp->Type;
+ Len = xp->Len;
+ Scale = xp->Scale;
+ Cbn = (xp->Cbn || i > 1);
+ Found = true;}
+ // Members
+ PXCL Next;
+ char Name[64];
+ char *Fmt;
+ int Type;
+ int Len;
+ int Scale;
+ bool Cbn;
+ bool Found;
+}; // end of class XMCOL
+typedef struct LVL {
+ PXNODE pn;
+ PXLIST nl;
+ PXATTR atp;
+ bool b;
+ long k;
+ int m, n;
+} *PLVL;
+/* XMLColumns: construct the result blocks containing the description */
+/* of all the columns of a table contained inside an XML file. */
+PQRYRES XMLColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *dp, char *tab, PTOS topt, bool info)
+ static int buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_INT,
+ static unsigned int length[] = {0, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6, 6, 0};
+ char *op, colname[65], fmt[129], buf[512];
+ int i, j, lvl, n = 0;
+ int ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
+ bool ok = true;
+ PXCL xcol, xcp, fxcp = NULL, pxcp = NULL;
+ PLVL *lvlp, vp;
+ PXNODE node = NULL;
+ PXMLDEF tdp;
+ PTDBXML txmp;
+ PQRYRES qrp;
+ PCOLRES crp;
+ if (info) {
+ length[0] = 128;
+ length[7] = 256;
+ goto skipit;
+ } // endif info
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Open the input file. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ if (!topt->filename) {
+ strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
+ return NULL;
+ } else
+ lvl = atoi(GetListOption(g, "Level", topt->oplist, "0"));
+ if (trace)
+ htrc("File %s lvl=%d\n", topt->filename, lvl);
+ tdp = new(g) XMLDEF;
+ tdp->Database = dp;
+ tdp->Fn = (char*)topt->filename;
+ tdp->Tabname = tab;
+ if (!(op = GetListOption(g, "Xmlsup", topt->oplist, NULL)))
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ tdp->Usedom = true;
+#else // !WIN32
+ tdp->Usedom = false;
+#endif // !WIN32
+ else
+ tdp->Usedom = (toupper(*op) == 'M' || toupper(*op) == 'D');
+ txmp = new(g) TDBXML(tdp);
+ if (txmp->Initialize(g))
+ return NULL;
+ xcol = new(g) XMCOL;
+ colname[64] = 0;
+ fmt[128] = 0;
+ lvlp = (PLVL*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(PLVL) * (lvl + 1));
+ for (j = 0; j <= lvl; j++)
+ lvlp[j] = (PLVL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(LVL));
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Analyse the XML tree and define columns. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ for (i = 1; ; i++) {
+ // Get next row
+ switch (txmp->ReadDB(g)) {
+ case RC_EF:
+ vp = NULL;
+ break;
+ case RC_FX:
+ goto err;
+ default:
+ vp = lvlp[0];
+ vp->pn = txmp->RowNode;
+ vp->atp = vp->pn->GetAttribute(g, NULL);
+ vp->nl = vp->pn->GetChildElements(g);
+ vp->b = true;
+ vp->k = 0;
+ vp->m = vp->n = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ } // endswitch ReadDB
+ if (!vp)
+ break;
+ while (true) {
+ if (!vp->atp &&
+ !(node = (vp->nl) ? vp->nl->GetItem(g, vp->k++, node) : NULL))
+ if (j) {
+ vp = lvlp[--j];
+ if (!tdp->Usedom) // nl was destroyed
+ vp->nl = vp->pn->GetChildElements(g);
+ if (!lvlp[j+1]->b) {
+ vp->k--;
+ ok = false;
+ } // endif b
+ continue;
+ } else
+ break;
+ xcol->Name[vp->n] = 0;
+ fmt[vp->m] = 0;
+ more:
+ if (vp->atp) {
+ strncpy(colname, vp->atp->GetName(g), sizeof(colname));
+ strncat(xcol->Name, colname, 64);
+ vp->atp->GetText(g, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ strncat(fmt, "@", sizeof(fmt));
+ if (j)
+ strncat(fmt, colname, sizeof(fmt));
+ } else {
+ if (tdp->Usedom && node->GetType() != 1)
+ continue;
+ strncpy(colname, node->GetName(g), sizeof(colname));
+ strncat(xcol->Name, colname, 64);
+ if (j)
+ strncat(fmt, colname, sizeof(fmt));
+ if (j < lvl && ok) {
+ vp = lvlp[j+1];
+ vp->k = 0;
+ vp->atp = node->GetAttribute(g, NULL);
+ vp->nl = node->GetChildElements(g);
+ if (tdp->Usedom && vp->nl->GetLength() == 1) {
+ node = vp->nl->GetItem(g, 0, node);
+ vp->b = (node->GetType() == 1); // Must be ab element
+ } else
+ vp->b = (vp->nl && vp->nl->GetLength());
+ if (vp->atp || vp->b) {
+ if (!vp->atp)
+ node = vp->nl->GetItem(g, vp->k++, node);
+ strncat(strncat(fmt, colname, 125), "/", 125);
+ strncat(xcol->Name, "_", 64);
+ j++;
+ vp->n = (int)strlen(xcol->Name);
+ vp->m = (int)strlen(fmt);
+ goto more;
+ } else {
+ vp = lvlp[j];
+ if (!tdp->Usedom) // nl was destroyed
+ vp->nl = vp->pn->GetChildElements(g);
+ } // endif vp
+ } else
+ ok = true;
+ node->GetContent(g, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ } // endif atp;
+ xcol->Len = strlen(buf);
+ // Check whether this column was already found
+ for (xcp = fxcp; xcp; xcp = xcp->Next)
+ if (!strcmp(xcol->Name, xcp->Name))
+ break;
+ if (xcp) {
+ if (xcp->Type != xcol->Type)
+ xcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
+ if (*fmt && (!xcp->Fmt || strlen(xcp->Fmt) < strlen(fmt))) {
+ xcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
+ length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
+ } // endif *fmt
+ xcp->Len = MY_MAX(xcp->Len, xcol->Len);
+ xcp->Scale = MY_MAX(xcp->Scale, xcol->Scale);
+ xcp->Cbn |= xcol->Cbn;
+ xcp->Found = true;
+ } else {
+ // New column
+ xcp = new(g) XMCOL(g, xcol, fmt, i);
+ length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], strlen(xcol->Name));
+ length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
+ if (pxcp) {
+ xcp->Next = pxcp->Next;
+ pxcp->Next = xcp;
+ } else
+ fxcp = xcp;
+ n++;
+ } // endif xcp
+ pxcp = xcp;
+// for (j = lvl - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+// if (jrp[j] && (jrp[j] = jrp[j]->GetNext()))
+// goto more;
+ if (vp->atp)
+ vp->atp = vp->atp->GetNext(g);
+ } // endwhile
+ // Missing column can be null
+ for (xcp = fxcp; xcp; xcp = xcp->Next) {
+ xcp->Cbn |= !xcp->Found;
+ xcp->Found = false;
+ } // endfor xcp
+ } // endor i
+ txmp->CloseDB(g);
+ skipit:
+ if (trace)
+ htrc("CSVColumns: n=%d len=%d\n", n, length[0]);
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, n, IDS_COLUMNS + 3,
+ buftyp, fldtyp, length, false, false);
+ crp = qrp->Colresp->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next;
+ crp->Name = "Nullable";
+ crp->Next->Name = "Xpath";
+ if (info || !qrp)
+ return qrp;
+ qrp->Nblin = n;
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Now get the results into blocks. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ for (i = 0, xcp = fxcp; xcp; i++, xcp = xcp->Next) {
+ if (xcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) // Void column
+ xcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
+ crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column Name
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Name, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Data Type
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Type, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Type Name
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(xcp->Type), i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Precision
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Len, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Length
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Len, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Scale (precision)
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Scale, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Nullable
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Cbn ? 1 : 0, i);
+ crp = crp->Next; // Field format
+ if (crp->Kdata)
+ crp->Kdata->SetValue(xcp->Fmt, i);
+ } // endfor i
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Return the result pointer. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ return qrp;
+ txmp->CloseDB(g);
+ return NULL;
+ } // end of XMLColumns
/* -------------- Implementation of the XMLDEF class ---------------- */
@@ -176,6 +508,9 @@ bool XMLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
+ if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
+ return new(g) TDBXCT(this);
PTDBASE tdbp = new(g) TDBXML(this);
if (Multiple)
@@ -229,14 +564,14 @@ TDBXML::TDBXML(PXMLDEF tdp) : TDBASE(tdp)
Xfile = tdp->Fn;
Enc = tdp->Encoding;
Tabname = tdp->Tabname;
- Rowname = (*tdp->Rowname) ? tdp->Rowname : NULL;
- Colname = (*tdp->Colname) ? tdp->Colname : NULL;
- Mulnode = (*tdp->Mulnode) ? tdp->Mulnode : NULL;
- XmlDB = (*tdp->XmlDB) ? tdp->XmlDB : NULL;
- Nslist = (*tdp->Nslist) ? tdp->Nslist : NULL;
- DefNs = (*tdp->DefNs) ? tdp->DefNs : NULL;
- Attrib = (*tdp->Attrib) ? tdp->Attrib : NULL;
- Hdattr = (*tdp->Hdattr) ? tdp->Hdattr : NULL;
+ Rowname = (tdp->Rowname && *tdp->Rowname) ? tdp->Rowname : NULL;
+ Colname = (tdp->Colname && *tdp->Colname) ? tdp->Colname : NULL;
+ Mulnode = (tdp->Mulnode && *tdp->Mulnode) ? tdp->Mulnode : NULL;
+ XmlDB = (tdp->XmlDB && *tdp->XmlDB) ? tdp->XmlDB : NULL;
+ Nslist = (tdp->Nslist && *tdp->Nslist) ? tdp->Nslist : NULL;
+ DefNs = (tdp->DefNs && *tdp->DefNs) ? tdp->DefNs : NULL;
+ Attrib = (tdp->Attrib && *tdp->Attrib) ? tdp->Attrib : NULL;
+ Hdattr = (tdp->Hdattr && *tdp->Hdattr) ? tdp->Hdattr : NULL;
Coltype = tdp->Coltype;
Limit = tdp->Limit;
Xpand = tdp->Xpand;
@@ -771,7 +1106,6 @@ bool TDBXML::OpenDB(PGLOBAL g)
NewRow = (Mode == MODE_INSERT);
Nsub = 0;
Use = USE_OPEN; // Do it now in case we are recursively called
return false;
} // end of OpenDB
@@ -1171,8 +1505,9 @@ bool XMLCOL::ParseXpath(PGLOBAL g, bool mode)
} else if (Type == 2) {
// HTML like table, columns are retrieved by position
new(this) XPOSCOL(Value); // Change the class of this column
- Tdbp->Hasnod = true;
- return false;
+ Inod = -1;
+// Tdbp->Hasnod = true;
+// return false;
} else if (Type == 0 && !mode) {
strcat(strcat(pbuf, "@"), Name);
} else { // Type == 1
@@ -1847,4 +2182,24 @@ void XPOSCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
} // end of WriteColumn
+/* ---------------------------TDBXCT class --------------------------- */
+/* TDBXCT class constructor. */
+ {
+ Topt = tdp->GetTopt();
+ Dp = tdp->GetPath();
+ Tabn = tdp->Tabname;
+ } // end of TDBXCT constructor
+/* GetResult: Get the list the JSON file columns. */
+ {
+ return XMLColumns(g, Dp, Tabn, Topt, false);
+ } // end of GetResult
/* ------------------------ End of Tabxml ---------------------------- */