path: root/storage/ibmdb2i
diff options
authorV Narayanan <>2009-07-08 14:40:01 +0530
committerV Narayanan <>2009-07-08 14:40:01 +0530
commite346434449068dbe8d5244b6dfadf7ed398255dd (patch)
treedf05cbe3602792eaa640ffde1ae9c5d5166b8592 /storage/ibmdb2i
parentcc636ed2114c14520ea7af070eefc8ed7d2bb737 (diff)
Bug#45983 ibmdb2i_create_index_option=1 not working for primary key
With ibmdb2i_create_index_option set to 1, creating an IBMDB2I table with a primary key should produce an additional index that uses EBCDIC hexadecimal sorting. However, this does not work. Adding indexes that are not primary keys does work. The ibmdb2i_create_index_option should be honoured when creating a table with a primary key. This patch adds code to the create() function to check for the value of the ibmdb2i_create_index_option variable and, when appropriate, to generate a *HEX-based shadow index in DB2 for the primary key. Previously this behavior was limited to secondary indexes. Additionally, this patch restricts the creation of shadow indexes to cases in which a non-*HEX sort sequence is used, as the documentation for ibmdb2i_create_index_option describes. Previously, the shadow index would in some cases be created even when the MySQL-specific index used *HEX sorting, leading to redundant indexes. Finally, the code used to generate the list of fields for indexes and the code used to generate the SQL statement for the shadow indexes has been refactored into individual functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ibmdb2i')
2 files changed, 141 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ibmdb2i/ b/storage/ibmdb2i/
index 5cf9568be67..0fc2d1e83dc 100644
--- a/storage/ibmdb2i/
+++ b/storage/ibmdb2i/
@@ -2230,34 +2230,19 @@ int ha_ibmdb2i::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
- bool primaryHasStringField = false;
+ String fieldDefinition(128);
if (table_arg->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY && !isTemporary)
- KEY& curKey = table_arg->key_info[table_arg->s->primary_key];
- query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(", PRIMARY KEY( "));
- for (int j = 0; j < curKey.key_parts; ++j)
- {
- if (j != 0)
- {
- query.append( STRING_WITH_LEN(" , ") );
- }
- Field* field = curKey.key_part[j].field;
- convertMySQLNameToDB2Name(field->field_name, colName, sizeof(colName));
- query.append(colName);
- enum_field_types type = field->real_type();
- if (type == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR || type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB ||
- {
- rc = updateAssociatedSortSequence(field->charset(),
- &fileSortSequenceType,
- fileSortSequence,
- fileSortSequenceLibrary);
- if (rc) DBUG_RETURN (rc);
- primaryHasStringField = true;
- }
- }
- query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ) "));
+ query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(", PRIMARY KEY "));
+ rc = buildIndexFieldList(fieldDefinition,
+ table_arg->key_info[table_arg->s->primary_key],
+ true,
+ &fileSortSequenceType,
+ fileSortSequence,
+ fileSortSequenceLibrary);
+ if (rc) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
+ query.append(fieldDefinition);
rc = buildDB2ConstraintString(thd->lex,
@@ -2283,6 +2268,19 @@ int ha_ibmdb2i::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
SqlStatementStream sqlStream(query.length());
+ if (table_arg->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY &&
+ !isTemporary &&
+ (THDVAR(thd, create_index_option)==1) &&
+ (fileSortSequenceType != 'B') &&
+ (fileSortSequenceType != ' '))
+ {
+ rc = generateShadowIndex(sqlStream,
+ table_arg->key_info[table_arg->s->primary_key],
+ libName,
+ fileName,
+ fieldDefinition);
+ if (rc) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
+ }
for (uint i = 0; i < table_arg->s->keys; ++i)
if (i != table_arg->s->primary_key || isTemporary)
@@ -3012,61 +3010,126 @@ int32 ha_ibmdb2i::buildCreateIndexStatement(SqlStatementStream& sqlStream,
String fieldDefinition(128);
- fieldDefinition.length(0);
- fieldDefinition.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ( "));
+ rc = buildIndexFieldList(fieldDefinition,
+ key,
+ isPrimary,
+ &fileSortSequenceType,
+ fileSortSequence,
+ fileSortSequenceLibrary);
+ if (rc) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
+ query.append(fieldDefinition);
+ if ((THDVAR(ha_thd(), create_index_option)==1) &&
+ (fileSortSequenceType != 'B') &&
+ (fileSortSequenceType != ' '))
+ {
+ rc = generateShadowIndex(sqlStream,
+ key,
+ db2LibName,
+ db2FileName,
+ fieldDefinition);
+ if (rc) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("ha_ibmdb2i::buildCreateIndexStatement", ("Sent to DB2: %s",query.c_ptr_safe()));
+ sqlStream.addStatement(query,fileSortSequence,fileSortSequenceLibrary);
+ Generate the SQL syntax for the list of fields to be assigned to the
+ specified key. The corresponding sort sequence is also calculated.
+ @param[out] appendHere The string to receive the generated SQL
+ @param key The key to evaluate
+ @param isPrimary True if this is being generated on behalf of the primary key
+ @param[out] fileSortSequenceType The type of the associated sort sequence
+ @param[out] fileSortSequence The name of the associated sort sequence
+ @param[out] fileSortSequenceLibrary The library of the associated sort sequence
+ @return 0 if successful; error value otherwise
+int32 ha_ibmdb2i::buildIndexFieldList(String& appendHere,
+ const KEY& key,
+ bool isPrimary,
+ char* fileSortSequenceType,
+ char* fileSortSequence,
+ char* fileSortSequenceLibrary)
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_ibmdb2i::buildIndexFieldList");
+ appendHere.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ( "));
for (int j = 0; j < key.key_parts; ++j)
char colName[MAX_DB2_COLNAME_LENGTH+1];
if (j != 0)
- fieldDefinition.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" , "));
+ appendHere.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" , "));
- Field* field = key.key_part[j].field;
- convertMySQLNameToDB2Name(field->field_name, colName, sizeof(colName));
- fieldDefinition.append(colName);
+ KEY_PART_INFO& kpi = key.key_part[j];
+ Field* field = kpi.field;
+ convertMySQLNameToDB2Name(field->field_name,
+ colName,
+ sizeof(colName));
+ appendHere.append(colName);
+ int32 rc;
rc = updateAssociatedSortSequence(field->charset(),
- &fileSortSequenceType,
+ fileSortSequenceType,
if (rc) DBUG_RETURN (rc);
- fieldDefinition.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ) "));
- query.append(fieldDefinition);
- if ((THDVAR(ha_thd(), create_index_option)==1) &&
- (fileSortSequenceType != 'B'))
- {
- String shadowQuery(256);
- shadowQuery.length(0);
- shadowQuery.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE INDEX "));
- shadowQuery.append(db2LibName);
- shadowQuery.append('.');
- if (db2i_table::appendQualifiedIndexFileName(, db2FileName, shadowQuery, db2i_table::ASCII_SQL, typeHex))
- {
- getErrTxt(DB2I_ERR_INVALID_NAME,"index","*generated*");
- }
- shadowQuery.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ON "));
- shadowQuery.append(db2LibName);
- shadowQuery.append('.');
- shadowQuery.append(db2FileName);
- shadowQuery.append(fieldDefinition);
- DBUG_PRINT("ha_ibmdb2i::buildCreateIndexStatement", ("Sent to DB2: %s",shadowQuery.c_ptr_safe()));
- sqlStream.addStatement(shadowQuery,"*HEX","QSYS");
- }
- DBUG_PRINT("ha_ibmdb2i::buildCreateIndexStatement", ("Sent to DB2: %s",query.c_ptr_safe()));
- sqlStream.addStatement(query,fileSortSequence,fileSortSequenceLibrary);
+ appendHere.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ) "));
+ Generate an SQL statement that defines a *HEX sorted index to implement
+ the ibmdb2i_create_index.
+ @param[out] stream The stream to append the generated statement to
+ @param key The key to evaluate
+ @param[out] libName The library containg the table
+ @param[out] fileName The DB2-compatible name of the table
+ @param[out] fieldDefinition The list of the fields in the index, in SQL syntax
+ @return 0 if successful; error value otherwise
+int32 ha_ibmdb2i::generateShadowIndex(SqlStatementStream& stream,
+ const KEY& key,
+ const char* libName,
+ const char* fileName,
+ const String& fieldDefinition)
+ String shadowQuery(256);
+ shadowQuery.length(0);
+ shadowQuery.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE INDEX "));
+ shadowQuery.append(libName);
+ shadowQuery.append('.');
+ if (db2i_table::appendQualifiedIndexFileName(, fileName, shadowQuery, db2i_table::ASCII_SQL, typeHex))
+ {
+ getErrTxt(DB2I_ERR_INVALID_NAME,"index","*generated*");
+ }
+ shadowQuery.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ON "));
+ shadowQuery.append(libName);
+ shadowQuery.append('.');
+ shadowQuery.append(fileName);
+ shadowQuery.append(fieldDefinition);
+ DBUG_PRINT("ha_ibmdb2i::generateShadowIndex", ("Sent to DB2: %s",shadowQuery.c_ptr_safe()));
+ stream.addStatement(shadowQuery,"*HEX","QSYS");
+ return 0;
void ha_ibmdb2i::doInitialRead(char orientation,
uint32 rowsToBuffer,
ILEMemHandle key,
diff --git a/storage/ibmdb2i/ha_ibmdb2i.h b/storage/ibmdb2i/ha_ibmdb2i.h
index 006b6b163b8..b2a43232f2d 100644
--- a/storage/ibmdb2i/ha_ibmdb2i.h
+++ b/storage/ibmdb2i/ha_ibmdb2i.h
@@ -530,6 +530,13 @@ private:
bool isPrimary,
const char* db2LibName,
const char* db2FileName);
+ int32 buildIndexFieldList(String& appendHere,
+ const KEY& key,
+ bool isPrimary,
+ char* fileSortSequenceType,
+ char* fileSortSequence,
+ char* fileSortSequenceLibrary);
// Specify NULL for data when using the data pointed to by field
int32 convertMySQLtoDB2(Field* field, const DB2Field& db2Field, char* db2Buf, const uchar* data = NULL);
@@ -806,4 +813,10 @@ private:
query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" RCDFMT "));
+ int32 generateShadowIndex(SqlStatementStream& stream,
+ const KEY& key,
+ const char* libName,
+ const char* fileName,
+ const String& fieldDefinition);