path: root/support-files/
diff options
authorSergei Golubchik <>2014-08-21 18:11:46 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2014-10-11 18:53:06 +0200
commit7f5e51b940d65cf541403a50af74163b9aed5cb8 (patch)
treee540d3cd4d678cd276a9d496490ac5e527f30a78 /support-files/
parent57dd1f6f3fcbc7a46e1b3e71257987315f7aa687 (diff)
MDEV-34 delete storage/ndb and sql/*ndb* (and collateral changes)
remove: * NDB from everywhere * IM from mtr-v1 * packaging/rpm-oel and packaging/rpm-uln * few unused spec files * file * .bzrignore
Diffstat (limited to 'support-files/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2111 deletions
diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a158b4fe49..00000000000
--- a/support-files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2111 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston
-# MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Some common macro definitions
-# NOTE: "vendor" is used in upgrade/downgrade check, so you can't
-# change these, has to be exactly as is.
-%global mysql_old_vendor MySQL AB
-%global mysql_vendor_2 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-%global mysql_vendor Oracle and/or its affiliates
-%global mysql_version @VERSION@
-%global mysqld_user mysql
-%global mysqld_group mysql
-%global mysqldatadir /var/lib/mysql
-%global release 1
-# Macros we use which are not available in all supported versions of RPM
-# - defined/undefined are missing on RHEL4
-%if %{expand:%{?defined:0}%{!?defined:1}}
-%define defined() %{expand:%%{?%{1}:1}%%{!?%{1}:0}}
-%if %{expand:%{?undefined:0}%{!?undefined:1}}
-%define undefined() %{expand:%%{?%{1}:0}%%{!?%{1}:1}}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# RPM build tools now automatically detect Perl module dependencies. This
-# detection causes problems as it is broken in some versions, and it also
-# provides unwanted dependencies from mandatory scripts in our package.
-# It might not be possible to disable this in all versions of RPM, but here we
-# try anyway. We keep the "AutoReqProv: no" for the "test" sub package, as
-# disabling here might fail, and that package has the most problems.
-# See:
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%undefine __perl_provides
-%undefine __perl_requires
-# Command line handling
-# To set options:
-# $ rpmbuild --define="option <x>" ...
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# wsrep builds
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-%define mysql_version @VERSION@_wsrep_@WSREP_API_VERSION@.@WSREP_PATCH_VERSION@
-%define wsrep_version @WSREP_VERSION@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Commercial builds
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined commercial}
-%define commercial 0
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Source name
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined src_base}
-%define src_base mysql
-%define src_dir %{src_base}-%{mysql_version}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Feature set (storage engines, options). Default to community (everything)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined feature_set}
-%define feature_set community
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Server comment strings
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined compilation_comment_debug}
-%define compilation_comment_debug MySQL Community Server - Debug (GPL)
-%if %{undefined compilation_comment_release}
-%define compilation_comment_release MySQL Community Server (GPL)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Product and server suffixes
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined product_suffix}
- %if %{defined short_product_tag}
- %define product_suffix -%{short_product_tag}
- %else
- %define product_suffix %{nil}
- %endif
-%if %{undefined server_suffix}
-%define server_suffix %{nil}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Distribution support
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined distro_specific}
-%define distro_specific 0
-%if %{distro_specific}
- %if %(test -f /etc/enterprise-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define oelver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/enterprise-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
- %if "%oelver" == "4"
- %define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 4
- %define distro_releasetag oel4
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %if "%oelver" == "5"
- %define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 5
- %define distro_releasetag oel5
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %{error:Oracle Enterprise Linux %{oelver} is unsupported}
- %endif
- %endif
- %else
- %if %(test -f /etc/oracle-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define elver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/oracle-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
- %if "%elver" == "6"
- %define distro_description Oracle Linux 6
- %define distro_releasetag el6
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %{error:Oracle Linux %{elver} is unsupported}
- %endif
- %else
- %if %(test -f /etc/redhat-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define rhelver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
- %if "%rhelver" == "4"
- %define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
- %define distro_releasetag rhel4
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %if "%rhelver" == "5"
- %define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
- %define distro_releasetag rhel5
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %if "%rhelver" == "6"
- %define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- %define distro_releasetag rhel6
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils net-tools
- %else
- %{error:Red Hat Enterprise Linux %{rhelver} is unsupported}
- %endif
- %endif
- %endif
- %else
- %if %(test -f /etc/SuSE-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define susever %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/SuSE-release | cut -d. -f1)
- %if "%susever" == "10"
- %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- %define distro_releasetag sles10
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client readline-devel zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
- %else
- %if "%susever" == "11"
- %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
- %define distro_releasetag sles11
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client procps pwdutils readline-devel zlib-devel cmake libaio-devel
- %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
- %else
- %{error:SuSE %{susever} is unsupported}
- %endif
- %endif
- %else
- %{error:Unsupported distribution}
- %endif
- %endif
- %endif
- %endif
- %define generic_kernel %(uname -r | cut -d. -f1-2)
- %define distro_description Generic Linux (kernel %{generic_kernel})
- %define distro_releasetag linux%{generic_kernel}
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
- %define distro_requires coreutils grep procps /sbin/chkconfig /usr/sbin/useradd /usr/sbin/groupadd
-# Avoid debuginfo RPMs, leaves binaries unstripped
-%define debug_package %{nil}
-# Hack to work around bug in RHEL5 __os_install_post macro, wrong inverted
-# test for __debug_package
-%define __strip /bin/true
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Support optional "tcmalloc" library (experimental)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{defined malloc_lib_target}
-%define WITH_TCMALLOC 1
-%define WITH_TCMALLOC 0
-# Configuration based upon above user input, not to be set directly
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-%define license_files_server %{src_dir}/LICENSE.mysql
-%define license_type Commercial
-%define license_files_server %{src_dir}/COPYING %{src_dir}/README
-%define license_type GPL
-# Main spec file section
-Name: MySQL%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL: a very fast and reliable SQL database server
-Group: Applications/Databases
-Release: %{release}%{?distro_releasetag:.%{distro_releasetag}}
-Distribution: %{distro_description}
-License: Copyright (c) 2000, @MYSQL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR@, %{mysql_vendor}. All rights reserved. Under %{license_type} license as shown in the Description field.
-Packager: MySQL Release Engineering <>
-Vendor: %{mysql_vendor}
-BuildRequires: %{distro_buildreq}
-# Regression tests may take a long time, override the default to skip them
-%{!?runselftest:%global runselftest 1}
-# Think about what you use here since the first step is to
-# run a rm -rf
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-# From the manual
-The MySQL(TM) software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user,
-and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL Server
-is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well
-as for embedding into mass-deployed software. MySQL is a trademark of
-The MySQL software has Dual Licensing, which means you can use the MySQL
-software free of charge under the GNU General Public License
-( You can also purchase commercial MySQL
-licenses from %{mysql_vendor} if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of
-the GPL. See the chapter "Licensing and Support" in the manual for
-further info.
-The MySQL web site ( provides the latest
-news and information about the MySQL software. Also please see the
-documentation and the manual for more information.
-# Sub package definition
-%package -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-Version: %{mysql_version}
-Summary: MySQL: a very fast and reliable SQL database server
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-Requires: %{distro_requires} rsync lsof
-Requires: %{distro_requires}
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Obsoletes: MySQL-server
-Obsoletes: MySQL-server-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql-server < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: mysql-server-advanced
-Obsoletes: MySQL-server-classic MySQL-server-community MySQL-server-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-server-advanced-gpl MySQL-server-enterprise-gpl
-Provides: mysql-server = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: mysql-server%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
-The MySQL(TM) software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user,
-and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL Server
-is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well
-as for embedding into mass-deployed software. MySQL is a trademark of
-The MySQL software has Dual Licensing, which means you can use the MySQL
-software free of charge under the GNU General Public License
-( You can also purchase commercial MySQL
-licenses from %{mysql_vendor} if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of
-the GPL. See the chapter "Licensing and Support" in the manual for
-further info.
-The MySQL web site ( provides the latest news and
-information about the MySQL software. Also please see the documentation
-and the manual for more information.
-This package includes the MySQL server binary as well as related utilities
-to run and administer a MySQL server.
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-Built with wsrep patch %{wsrep_version}.
-If you want to access and work with the database, you have to install
-package "MySQL-client%{product_suffix}" as well!
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%package -n MySQL-client%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL - Client
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Obsoletes: MySQL-client
-Obsoletes: MySQL-client-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: mysql-advanced < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: MySQL-client-classic MySQL-client-community MySQL-client-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-client-advanced-gpl MySQL-client-enterprise-gpl
-Provides: mysql = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: mysql%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n MySQL-client%{product_suffix}
-This package contains the standard MySQL clients and administration tools.
-For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%package -n MySQL-test%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL - Test suite
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Requires: MySQL-client-advanced perl
-Obsoletes: MySQL-test
-Requires: MySQL-client perl
-Obsoletes: MySQL-test-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql-test < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: mysql-test-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql-bench MySQL-bench
-Obsoletes: MySQL-test-classic MySQL-test-community MySQL-test-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-test-advanced-gpl MySQL-test-enterprise-gpl
-Provides: mysql-test = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: mysql-test%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-AutoReqProv: no
-%description -n MySQL-test%{product_suffix}
-This package contains the MySQL regression test suite.
-For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%package -n MySQL-devel%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL - Development header files and libraries
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Obsoletes: MySQL-devel
-Obsoletes: MySQL-devel-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql-devel < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: mysql-embedded-devel mysql-devel-advanced mysql-embedded-devel-advanced
-Obsoletes: MySQL-devel-classic MySQL-devel-community MySQL-devel-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-devel-advanced-gpl MySQL-devel-enterprise-gpl
-Provides: mysql-devel = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: mysql-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n MySQL-devel%{product_suffix}
-This package contains the development header files and libraries necessary
-to develop MySQL client applications.
-For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%package -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL - Shared libraries
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-advanced
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-standard MySQL-shared-pro
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-pro-cert MySQL-shared-pro-gpl
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-pro-gpl-cert
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-classic MySQL-shared-community MySQL-shared-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-advanced-gpl MySQL-shared-enterprise-gpl
-%description -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
-This package contains the shared libraries (*.so*) which certain languages
-and applications need to dynamically load and use MySQL.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined with_wsrep}
-%package -n MySQL-embedded%{product_suffix}
-Summary: MySQL - Embedded library
-Group: Applications/Databases
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-Requires: MySQL-devel-advanced
-Obsoletes: MySQL-embedded
-Requires: MySQL-devel
-Obsoletes: MySQL-embedded-advanced
-Obsoletes: mysql-embedded < %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: mysql-embedded-advanced
-Obsoletes: MySQL-embedded-pro
-Obsoletes: MySQL-embedded-classic MySQL-embedded-community MySQL-embedded-enterprise
-Obsoletes: MySQL-embedded-advanced-gpl MySQL-embedded-enterprise-gpl
-Provides: mysql-embedded = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: mysql-emdedded%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n MySQL-embedded%{product_suffix}
-This package contains the MySQL server as an embedded library.
-The embedded MySQL server library makes it possible to run a full-featured
-MySQL server inside the client application. The main benefits are increased
-speed and more simple management for embedded applications.
-The API is identical for the embedded MySQL version and the
-client/server version.
-For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
-%setup -T -a 0 -c -n %{src_dir}
-# Fail quickly and obviously if user tries to build as root
-%if %runselftest
- if [ x"`id -u`" = x0 ]; then
- echo "The MySQL regression tests may fail if run as root."
- echo "If you really need to build the RPM as root, use"
- echo "--define='runselftest 0' to skip the regression tests."
- exit 1
- fi
-# Be strict about variables, bail at earliest opportunity, etc.
-set -eu
-# Optional package files
-touch optional-files-devel
-# Set environment in order of preference, MYSQL_BUILD_* first, then variable
-# name, finally a default. RPM_OPT_FLAGS is assumed to be a part of the
-# default RPM build environment.
-# We set CXX=gcc by default to support so-called 'generic' binaries, where we
-# do not have a dependancy on libgcc/libstdc++. This only works while we do
-# not require C++ features such as exceptions, and may need to be removed at
-# a later date.
-# This is a hack, $RPM_OPT_FLAGS on ia64 hosts contains flags which break
-# the compile in cmd-line-utils/readline - needs investigation, but for now
-# we simply unset it and use those specified directly in cmake.
-%if "%{_arch}" == "ia64"
-export CC=${MYSQL_BUILD_CC:-${CC:-gcc}}
-export CXX=${MYSQL_BUILD_CXX:-${CXX:-gcc}}
-export CXXFLAGS=${MYSQL_BUILD_CXXFLAGS:-${CXXFLAGS:-$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti}}
-export CMAKE=${MYSQL_BUILD_CMAKE:-${CMAKE:-cmake}}
-# Build debug mysqld and libmysqld.a
-mkdir debug
- cd debug
- # Attempt to remove any optimisation flags from the debug build
- CFLAGS=`echo " ${CFLAGS} " | \
- sed -e 's/ -O[0-9]* / /' \
- -e 's/ -unroll2 / /' \
- -e 's/ -ip / /' \
- -e 's/^ //' \
- -e 's/ $//'`
- CXXFLAGS=`echo " ${CXXFLAGS} " | \
- sed -e 's/ -O[0-9]* / /' \
- -e 's/ -unroll2 / /' \
- -e 's/ -ip / /' \
- -e 's/^ //' \
- -e 's/ $//'`
- # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included before
- # XXX: install_layout so we can't just set it based on INSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM
- ${CMAKE} ../%{src_dir} -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM \
- -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR="%{mysqldatadir}/mysql.sock" \
- -DFEATURE_SET="%{feature_set}" \
- -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT="%{compilation_comment_debug}" \
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
- -DMYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX="%{server_suffix}"
- echo BEGIN_DEBUG_CONFIG ; egrep '^#define' include/config.h ; echo END_DEBUG_CONFIG
-# Build full release
-mkdir release
- cd release
- # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included before
- # XXX: install_layout so we can't just set it based on INSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM
- ${CMAKE} ../%{src_dir} -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM \
- -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR="%{mysqldatadir}/mysql.sock" \
- -DFEATURE_SET="%{feature_set}" \
- -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT="%{compilation_comment_release}" \
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
- -DMYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX="%{server_suffix}"
- echo BEGIN_NORMAL_CONFIG ; egrep '^#define' include/config.h ; echo END_NORMAL_CONFIG
-%if %runselftest
- (cd release && make test-bt-fast || true)
-# Ensure that needed directories exists
-install -d $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/{logrotate.d,init.d}
-install -d $RBR%{mysqldatadir}/mysql
-install -d $RBR%{_datadir}/mysql-test
-install -d $RBR%{_datadir}/mysql/SELinux/RHEL4
-install -d $RBR%{_includedir}
-install -d $RBR%{_libdir}
-install -d $RBR%{_mandir}
-install -d $RBR%{_sbindir}
-# Install all binaries
- cd $MBD/release
- make DESTDIR=$RBR install
-# For gcc builds, include libgcc.a in the devel subpackage (BUG 4921). Do
-# this in a sub-shell to ensure we don't pollute the install environment
-# with compiler bits.
- CC=${MYSQL_BUILD_CC:-${CC:-gcc}}
- if "${CC}" -v 2>&1 | grep '^gcc.version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- libgcc=`${CC} ${CFLAGS} --print-libgcc-file`
- if [ -f ${libgcc} ]; then
- mkdir -p $RBR%{_libdir}/mysql
- install -m 644 ${libgcc} $RBR%{_libdir}/mysql/libmygcc.a
- echo "%{_libdir}/mysql/libmygcc.a" >>optional-files-devel
- fi
- fi
-# FIXME: at some point we should stop doing this and just install everything
-# FIXME: directly into %{_libdir}/mysql - perhaps at the same time as renaming
-# FIXME: the shared libraries to use libmysql*-$major.$ syntax
-mv -v $RBR/%{_libdir}/*.a $RBR/%{_libdir}/mysql/
-# Install logrotate and autostart
-install -m 644 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql-log-rotate $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/mysql
-install -m 755 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql.server $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
-# Create a symlink "rcmysql", pointing to the init.script. SuSE users
-# will appreciate that, as all services usually offer this.
-ln -sf %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql $RBR%{_sbindir}/rcmysql
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-# Create a wsrep_sst_rsync_wan symlink.
-install -d $RBR%{_bindir}
-ln -sf wsrep_sst_rsync $RBR%{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_rsync_wan
-# Touch the place where the my.cnf config file might be located
-# Just to make sure it's in the file list and marked as a config file
-touch $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/my.cnf
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-touch $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/wsrep.cnf
-# Install SELinux files in datadir
-install -m 600 $MBD/%{src_dir}/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.{fc,te} \
- $RBR%{_datadir}/mysql/SELinux/RHEL4
-# Even though this is a shared library, put it under /usr/lib*/mysql, so it
-# doesn't conflict with possible shared lib by the same name in /usr/lib*. See
-# `mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir` and mysqld_safe for how this is used.
-install -m 644 "%{malloc_lib_source}" \
- "$RBR%{_libdir}/mysql/%{malloc_lib_target}"
-# Remove man pages we explicitly do not want to package, avoids 'unpackaged
-# files' warning.
-# This has become obsolete: rm -f $RBR%{_mandir}/man1/make_win_bin_dist.1*
-# Post processing actions, i.e. when installed
-%pre -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
-# This is the code running at the beginning of a RPM upgrade action,
-# before replacing the old files with the new ones.
-# ATTENTION: Parts of this are duplicated in the "triggerpostun" !
-# There are users who deviate from the default file system layout.
-# Check local settings to support them.
-if [ -x %{_bindir}/my_print_defaults ]
- mysql_datadir=`%{_bindir}/my_print_defaults server mysqld | grep '^--datadir=' | sed -n 's/--datadir=//p'`
- PID_FILE_PATT=`%{_bindir}/my_print_defaults server mysqld | grep '^--pid-file=' | sed -n 's/--pid-file=//p'`
-if [ -z "$mysql_datadir" ]
- mysql_datadir=%{mysqldatadir}
-if [ -z "$PID_FILE_PATT" ]
- PID_FILE_PATT="$mysql_datadir/*.pid"
-# Check if we can safely upgrade. An upgrade is only safe if it's from one
-# of our RPMs in the same version family.
-# Handle both ways of spelling the capability.
-installed=`rpm -q --whatprovides mysql-server 2> /dev/null`
-if [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$installed" ]; then
- installed=`rpm -q --whatprovides MySQL-server 2> /dev/null`
-if [ $? -eq 0 -a -n "$installed" ]; then
- installed=`echo $installed | sed 's/\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/'` # Tests have shown duplicated package names
- vendor=`rpm -q --queryformat='%{VENDOR}' "$installed" 2>&1`
- version=`rpm -q --queryformat='%{VERSION}' "$installed" 2>&1`
- myoldvendor='%{mysql_old_vendor}'
- myvendor_2='%{mysql_vendor_2}'
- myvendor='%{mysql_vendor}'
- myversion='%{mysql_version}'
- old_family=`echo $version \
- | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
- new_family=`echo $myversion \
- | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
- [ -z "$vendor" ] && vendor='<unknown>'
- [ -z "$old_family" ] && old_family="<unrecognized version $version>"
- [ -z "$new_family" ] && new_family="<bad package specification: version $myversion>"
- error_text=
- if [ "$vendor" != "$myoldvendor" \
- -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor_2" \
- -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor" ]; then
- error_text="$error_text
-The current MySQL server package is provided by a different
-vendor ($vendor) than $myoldvendor, $myvendor_2, or $myvendor.
-Some files may be installed to different locations, including log
-files and the service startup script in %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/.
- fi
- if [ "$old_family" != "$new_family" ]; then
- error_text="$error_text
-Upgrading directly from MySQL $old_family to MySQL $new_family may not
-be safe in all cases. A manual dump and restore using mysqldump is
-recommended. It is important to review the MySQL manual's Upgrading
-section for version-specific incompatibilities.
- fi
- if [ -n "$error_text" ]; then
- cat <<HERE >&2
-A MySQL server package ($installed) is installed.
-A manual upgrade is required.
-- Ensure that you have a complete, working backup of your data and my.cnf
- files
-- Shut down the MySQL server cleanly
-- Remove the existing MySQL packages. Usually this command will
- list the packages you should remove:
- rpm -qa | grep -i '^mysql-'
- You may choose to use 'rpm --nodeps -ev <package-name>' to remove
- the package which contains the mysqlclient shared library. The
- library will be reinstalled by the MySQL-shared-compat package.
-- Install the new MySQL packages supplied by $myvendor
-- Ensure that the MySQL server is started
-- Run the 'mysql_upgrade' program
-This is a brief description of the upgrade process. Important details
-can be found in the MySQL manual, in the Upgrading section.
- exit 1
- fi
-# We assume that if there is exactly one ".pid" file,
-# it contains the valid PID of a running MySQL server.
-NR_PID_FILES=`ls -1 $PID_FILE_PATT 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
-case $NR_PID_FILES in
- 0 ) SERVER_TO_START='' ;; # No "*.pid" file == no running server
- 1 ) SERVER_TO_START='true' ;;
- * ) SERVER_TO_START='' # Situation not clear
-# That logic may be debated: We might check whether it is non-empty,
-# contains exactly one number (possibly a PID), and whether "ps" finds it.
-# OTOH, if there is no such process, it means a crash without a cleanup -
-# is that a reason not to start a new server after upgrade?
-if [ -f $STATUS_FILE ]; then
- echo "Some previous upgrade was not finished:"
- ls -ld $STATUS_FILE
- echo "Please check its status, then do"
- echo " rm $STATUS_FILE"
- echo "before repeating the MySQL upgrade."
- exit 1
-elif [ -n "$SEVERAL_PID_FILES" ] ; then
- echo "You have more than one PID file:"
- ls -ld $PID_FILE_PATT
- echo "Please check which one (if any) corresponds to a running server"
- echo "and delete all others before repeating the MySQL upgrade."
- exit 1
-# The "pre" section code is also run on a first installation,
-# when there is no data directory yet. Protect against error messages.
-if [ -d $mysql_datadir ] ; then
- echo "MySQL RPM upgrade to version $NEW_VERSION" > $STATUS_FILE
- echo "'pre' step running at `date`" >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo >> $STATUS_FILE
- fcount=`ls -ltr $mysql_datadir/*.err 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
- if [ $fcount -gt 0 ] ; then
- echo "ERR file(s):" >> $STATUS_FILE
- ls -ltr $mysql_datadir/*.err >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo "Latest 'Version' line in latest file:" >> $STATUS_FILE
- grep '^Version' `ls -tr $mysql_datadir/*.err | tail -1` | \
- tail -1 >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo >> $STATUS_FILE
- fi
- if [ -n "$SERVER_TO_START" ] ; then
- # There is only one PID file, race possibility ignored
- echo "PID file:" >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo "Server process:" >> $STATUS_FILE
- ps -fp `cat $PID_FILE_PATT` >> $STATUS_FILE
- echo >> $STATUS_FILE
- else
- # Take a note we checked it ...
- echo "PID file:" >> $STATUS_FILE
- ls -l $PID_FILE_PATT >> $STATUS_FILE 2>&1
- fi
-# Shut down a previously installed server first
-# Note we *could* make that depend on $SERVER_TO_START, but we rather don't,
-# so a "stop" is attempted even if there is no PID file.
-# (Maybe the "stop" doesn't work then, but we might fix that in itself.)
-if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to exit nicely"
- sleep 5
-%post -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
-# This is the code running at the end of a RPM install or upgrade action,
-# after the (new) files have been written.
-# ATTENTION: Parts of this are duplicated in the "triggerpostun" !
-# There are users who deviate from the default file system layout.
-# Check local settings to support them.
-if [ -x %{_bindir}/my_print_defaults ]
- mysql_datadir=`%{_bindir}/my_print_defaults server mysqld | grep '^--datadir=' | sed -n 's/--datadir=//p'`
-if [ -z "$mysql_datadir" ]
- mysql_datadir=%{mysqldatadir}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Create data directory if needed, check whether upgrade or install
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir ] ; then mkdir -m 755 $mysql_datadir; fi
-if [ -f $STATUS_FILE ] ; then
-if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir/mysql ] ; then
- mkdir $mysql_datadir/mysql $mysql_datadir/test
- echo "MySQL RPM installation of version $NEW_VERSION" >> $STATUS_FILE
- # If the directory exists, we may assume it is an upgrade.
- echo "MySQL RPM upgrade to version $NEW_VERSION" >> $STATUS_FILE
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Make MySQL start/shutdown automatically when the machine does it.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NOTE: This still needs to be debated. Should we check whether these links
-# for the other run levels exist(ed) before the upgrade?
-# use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
-if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
- /sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
-# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
-elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
- /sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Create a MySQL user and group. Do not report any problems if it already
-# exists.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-groupadd -r %{mysqld_group} 2> /dev/null || true
-useradd -M -r -d $mysql_datadir -s /bin/bash -c "MySQL server" \
- -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true
-# The user may already exist, make sure it has the proper group nevertheless
-# (BUG#12823)
-usermod -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Change permissions so that the user that will run the MySQL daemon
-# owns all database files.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-chown -R %{mysqld_user}:%{mysqld_group} $mysql_datadir
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Initiate databases if needed
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-if ! grep '^MySQL RPM upgrade' $STATUS_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- # Fix bug#45415: no "mysql_install_db" on an upgrade
- # Do this as a negative to err towards more "install" runs
- # rather than to miss one.
- %{_bindir}/mysql_install_db --rpm --user=%{mysqld_user}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Upgrade databases if needed would go here - but it cannot be automated yet
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Change permissions again to fix any new files.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-chown -R %{mysqld_user}:%{mysqld_group} $mysql_datadir
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fix permissions for the permission database so that only the user
-# can read them.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-chmod -R og-rw $mysql_datadir/mysql
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# install SELinux files - but don't override existing ones
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] \
- && (grep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux .. release 4" /etc/redhat-release \
- || grep -q "CentOS release 4" /etc/redhat-release) ; then
- echo
- echo
- echo 'Notes regarding SELinux on this platform:'
- echo '========================================='
- echo
- echo 'The default policy might cause server startup to fail because it is'
- echo 'not allowed to access critical files. In this case, please update'
- echo 'your installation.'
- echo
- echo 'The default policy might also cause inavailability of SSL related'
- echo 'features because the server is not allowed to access /dev/random'
- echo 'and /dev/urandom. If this is a problem, please do the following:'
- echo
- echo ' 1) install selinux-policy-targeted-sources from your OS vendor'
- echo ' 2) add the following two lines to '$SEDOMPROG/mysqld.te':'
- echo ' allow mysqld_t random_device_t:chr_file read;'
- echo ' allow mysqld_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read;'
- echo ' 3) cd to '$SETARGETDIR' and issue the following command:'
- echo ' make load'
- echo
- echo
-if [ -x sbin/restorecon ] ; then
- sbin/restorecon -R var/lib/mysql
-# Was the server running before the upgrade? If so, restart the new one.
-if [ "$SERVER_TO_START" = "true" ] ; then
- # Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
- if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
- echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to start"
- sleep 5
- fi
-# Collect an upgrade history ...
-echo "Upgrade/install finished at `date`" >> $STATUS_FILE
-echo >> $STATUS_FILE
-echo "=====" >> $STATUS_FILE
-mv -f $STATUS_FILE ${STATUS_FILE}-LAST # for "triggerpostun"
-#echo "Thank you for installing the MySQL Community Server! For Production
-#systems, we recommend MySQL Enterprise, which contains enterprise-ready
-#software, intelligent advisory services, and full production support with
-#scheduled service packs and more. Visit for more
-%preun -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
-# Which '$1' does this refer to? Fedora docs have info:
-# " ... a count of the number of versions of the package that are installed.
-# Action Count
-# Install the first time 1
-# Upgrade 2 or higher (depending on the number of versions installed)
-# Remove last version of package 0 "
-if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
- # Stop MySQL before uninstalling it
- if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
- # Remove autostart of MySQL
- # use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
- if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
- /sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
- # For older SuSE Linux versions
- elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
- /sbin/insserv -r %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
- fi
- fi
-# We do not remove the mysql user since it may still own a lot of
-# database files.
-%triggerpostun -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix} --MySQL-server-community
-# Setup: We renamed this package, so any existing "server-community"
-# package will be removed when this "server" is installed.
-# Problem: RPM will first run the "pre" and "post" sections of this script,
-# and only then the "preun" of that old community server.
-# But this "preun" includes stopping the server and uninstalling the service,
-# "chkconfig --del mysql" which removes the symlinks to the start script.
-# Solution: *After* the community server got removed, restart this server
-# and re-install the service.
-# For information about triggers in spec files, see the Fedora docs:
-# For all details of this code, see the "pre" and "post" sections.
-# There are users who deviate from the default file system layout.
-# Check local settings to support them.
-if [ -x %{_bindir}/my_print_defaults ]
- mysql_datadir=`%{_bindir}/my_print_defaults server mysqld | grep '^--datadir=' | sed -n 's/--datadir=//p'`
-if [ -z "$mysql_datadir" ]
- mysql_datadir=%{mysqldatadir}
-STATUS_FILE=$mysql_datadir/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER-LAST # Note the difference!
-if [ -f $STATUS_FILE ] ; then
- # This should never happen, but let's be prepared
-if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
- /sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
-# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
-elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
- /sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
-# Was the server running before the upgrade? If so, restart the new one.
-if [ "$SERVER_TO_START" = "true" ] ; then
- # Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
- if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
- echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to start"
- sleep 5
- fi
-echo "Trigger 'postun --community' finished at `date`" >> $STATUS_HISTORY
-echo "=====" >> $STATUS_HISTORY
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Clean up the BuildRoot after build is done
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] \
- && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT;
-# Files section
-%files -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix} -f release/support-files/plugins.files
-%if %{defined license_files_server}
-%doc %{license_files_server}
-%doc %{src_dir}/Docs/ChangeLog
-%doc %{src_dir}/Docs/INFO_SRC*
-%doc release/Docs/INFO_BIN*
-%doc release/support-files/my-*.cnf
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-%doc %{src_dir}/Docs/README-wsrep
-%doc release/support-files/wsrep.cnf
-%doc release/support-files/wsrep_notify
-%if 0%{?commercial}
-%doc %attr(644, root, root) %{_infodir}/*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/innochecksum.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/my_print_defaults.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/myisam_ftdump.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/myisamchk.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/myisamlog.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/myisampack.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_convert_table_format.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_fix_extensions.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man8/mysqld.8*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_multi.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_safe.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqldumpslow.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_install_db.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_plugin.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_secure_installation.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_setpermission.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_upgrade.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlhotcopy.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlman.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql.server.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqltest.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_zap.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlbug.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/perror.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/replace.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/resolve_stack_dump.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/resolveip.1*
-%ghost %config(noreplace,missingok) %{_sysconfdir}/my.cnf
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-%ghost %config(noreplace,missingok) %{_sysconfdir}/wsrep.cnf
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/innochecksum
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/my_print_defaults
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/myisam_ftdump
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/myisamchk
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/myisamlog
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/myisampack
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_convert_table_format
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_fix_extensions
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_install_db
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_plugin
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_secure_installation
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_setpermission
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_upgrade
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_zap
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlbug
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqld_multi
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqld_safe
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqldumpslow
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlhotcopy
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqltest
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/perror
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/replace
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/resolve_stack_dump
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/resolveip
-%if %{defined with_wsrep}
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_common
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_mysqldump
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_rsync
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_rsync_wan
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_xtrabackup
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/mysqld
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/mysqld-debug
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/rcmysql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_libdir}/mysql/plugin/daemon_example.ini
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_libdir}/mysql/%{malloc_lib_target}
-%attr(644, root, root) %config(noreplace,missingok) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/mysql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_datadir}/mysql/
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%files -n MySQL-client%{product_suffix}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/msql2mysql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_find_rows
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_waitpid
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlaccess
-# XXX: This should be moved to %{_sysconfdir}
-%attr(644, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlaccess.conf
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqladmin
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlbinlog
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlcheck
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqldump
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlimport
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlshow
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlslap
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/msql2mysql.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_find_rows.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_waitpid.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlaccess.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqladmin.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlbinlog.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlcheck.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqldump.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlimport.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlshow.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlslap.1*
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%files -n MySQL-devel%{product_suffix} -f optional-files-devel
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/comp_err.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_config.1*
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_config
-%dir %attr(755, root, root) %{_includedir}/mysql
-%dir %attr(755, root, root) %{_libdir}/mysql
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%files -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-# Shared libraries (omit for architectures that don't support them)
-%post -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
-%postun -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%files -n MySQL-test%{product_suffix}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%attr(-, root, root) %{_datadir}/mysql-test
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_client_test
-%if %{undefined with_wsrep}
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_client_test_embedded
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqltest_embedded
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_client_test.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_client_test_embedded.1*
-%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqltest_embedded.1*
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%if %{undefined with_wsrep}
-%files -n MySQL-embedded%{product_suffix}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_embedded
-%attr(644, root, root) %{_libdir}/mysql/libmysqld.a
-%attr(644, root, root) %{_libdir}/mysql/libmysqld-debug.a
-# The spec file changelog only includes changes made to the spec file
-# itself - note that they must be ordered by date (important when
-# merging BK trees)
-* Wed Oct 30 2013 Balasubramanian Kandasamy <>
-- Removed non gpl file docs/ from community packages
-* Mon Sep 09 2013 Balasubramanian Kandasamy <>
-- Updated logic to get the correct count of PID files
-* Fri Aug 16 2013 Balasubramanian Kandasamy <>
-- Added provides lowercase mysql tags
-* Wed Jun 26 2013 Balasubramanian Kandasamy <>
-- Cleaned up spec file to resolve rpm dependencies.
-* Tue Jul 24 2012 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add a macro "runselftest":
- if set to 1 (default), the test suite will be run during the RPM build;
- this can be oveeridden via the command line by adding
- --define "runselftest 0"
- Failures of the test suite will NOT make the RPM build fail!
-* Mon Jun 11 2012 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Make sure newly added "SPECIFIC-ULN/" directory does not disturb packaging.
-* Wed Dec 07 2011 Alexey Yurchenko <>
-- wsrep-related cleanups.
-* Wed Sep 28 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix duplicate mentioning of "mysql_plugin" and its manual page,
- it is better to keep alphabetic order in the files list (merging!).
-* Wed Sep 14 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Let the RPM capabilities ("obsoletes" etc) ensure that an upgrade may replace
- the RPMs of any configuration (of the current or the preceding release series)
- by the new ones. This is done by not using the implicitly generated capabilities
- (which include the configuration name) and relying on more generic ones which
- just list the function ("server", "client", ...).
- The implicit generation cannot be prevented, so all these capabilities must be
- explicitly listed in "Obsoletes:"
-* Tue Sep 13 2011 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Add support for Oracle Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Due to
- changes in RPM behaviour ($RPM_BUILD_ROOT is removed prior to install)
- this necessitated a move of the libmygcc.a installation to the install
- phase, which is probably where it belonged in the first place.
-* Tue Sep 13 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- "make_win_bin_dist" and its manual are dropped, cmake does it different.
-* Thu Sep 08 2011 Daniel Fischer <>
-- Add mysql_plugin man page.
-* Tue Aug 30 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add the manual page for "mysql_plugin" to the server package.
-* Fri Aug 19 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Null-upmerge the fix of bug#37165: This spec file is not affected.
-- Replace "/var/lib/mysql" by the spec file variable "%{mysqldatadir}".
-* Fri Aug 12 2011 Daniel Fischer <>
-- Source plugin library files list from cmake-generated file.
-* Mon Jul 25 2011 Chuck Bell <>
-- Added the mysql_plugin client - enables or disables plugins.
-* Thu Jul 21 2011 Sunanda Menon <>
-- Fix bug#12561297: Added the MySQL embedded binary
-* Thu Jul 07 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix bug#45415: "rpm upgrade recreates test database"
- Let the creation of the "test" database happen only during a new installation,
- not in an RPM upgrade.
- This affects both the "mkdir" and the call of "mysql_install_db".
-* Thu Feb 09 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix bug#56581: If an installation deviates from the default file locations
- ("datadir" and "pid-file"), the mechanism to detect a running server (on upgrade)
- should still work, and use these locations.
- The problem was that the fix for bug#27072 did not check for local settings.
-* Mon Jan 31 2011 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Install the new "manifest" files: "INFO_SRC" and "INFO_BIN".
-* Tue Nov 23 2010 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT has been deleted, remove it from here too
-- Support MYSQL_BUILD_MAKE_JFLAG environment variable for passing
- a '-j' argument to make.
-* Mon Nov 1 2010 Georgi Kodinov <>
-- Added test authentication (WL#1054) plugin binaries
-* Wed Oct 6 2010 Georgi Kodinov <>
-- Added example external authentication (WL#1054) plugin binaries
-* Wed Aug 11 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- With a recent spec file cleanup, names have changed: A "-community" part was dropped.
- Reflect that in the "Obsoletes" specifications.
-- Add a "triggerpostun" to handle the uninstall of the "-community" server RPM.
-- This fixes bug#55015 "MySQL server is not restarted properly after RPM upgrade".
-* Tue Jun 15 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Change the behaviour on installation and upgrade:
- On installation, do not autostart the server.
- *Iff* the server was stopped before the upgrade is started, this is taken as a
- sign the administrator is handling that manually, and so the new server will
- not be started automatically at the end of the upgrade.
- The start/stop scripts will still be installed, so the server will be started
- on the next machine boot.
- This is the 5.5 version of fixing bug#27072 (RPM autostarting the server).
-* Tue Jun 1 2010 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Implement SELinux checks from distribution-specific spec file.
-* Wed May 12 2010 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Large number of changes to build using CMake
-- Introduce distribution-specific RPMs
-- Drop debuginfo, build all binaries with debug/symbols
-- Remove __os_install_post, use native macro
-- Remove _unpackaged_files_terminate_build, make it an error to have
- unpackaged files
-- Remove cluster RPMs
-* Wed Mar 24 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add "--with-perfschema" to the configure options.
-* Mon Mar 22 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- User "usr/lib*" to allow for both "usr/lib" and "usr/lib64",
- mask "rmdir" return code 1.
-- Remove "ha_example.*" files from the list, they aren't built.
-* Wed Mar 17 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix a wrong path name in handling the debug plugins.
-* Wed Mar 10 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Take the result of the debug plugin build and put it into the optimized tree,
- so that it becomes part of the final installation;
- include the files in the packlist. Part of the fixes for bug#49022.
-* Mon Mar 01 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Set "Oracle and/or its affiliates" as the vendor and copyright owner,
- accept upgrading from packages showing MySQL or Sun as vendor.
-* Fri Feb 12 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Formatting changes:
- Have a consistent structure of separator lines and of indentation
- (8 leading blanks => tab).
-- Introduce the variable "src_dir".
-- Give the environment variables "MYSQL_BUILD_CC(CXX)" precedence
- over "CC" ("CXX").
-- Drop the old "with_static" argument analysis, this is not supported
- in 5.1 since ages.
-- Introduce variables to control the handlers individually, as well
- as other options.
-- Use the new "--with-plugin" notation for the table handlers.
-- Drop handling "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql", the switch to "/etc/init.d/mysql"
- was done back in 2002 already.
-- Make "--with-zlib-dir=bundled" the default, add an option to disable it.
-- Add missing manual pages to the file list.
-- Improve the runtime check for "libgcc.a", protect it against being tried
- with the Intel compiler "icc".
-* Mon Jan 11 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Change RPM file naming:
- - Suffix like "-m2", "-rc" becomes part of version as "_m2", "_rc".
- - Release counts from 1, not 0.
-* Wed Dec 23 2009 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- The "semisync" plugin file name has lost its introductory "lib",
- adapt the file lists for the subpackages.
- This is a part missing from the fix for bug#48351.
-- Remove the "fix_privilege_tables" manual, it does not exist in 5.5
- (and likely, the whole script will go, too).
-* Mon Nov 16 2009 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix some problems with the directives around "tcmalloc" (experimental),
- remove erroneous traces of the InnoDB plugin (that is 5.1 only).
-* Fri Oct 06 2009 Magnus Blaudd <>
-- Removed mysql_fix_privilege_tables
-* Fri Oct 02 2009 Alexander Nozdrin <>
-- "mysqlmanager" got removed from version 5.4, all references deleted.
-* Fri Aug 28 2009 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Merge up from 5.1 to 5.4: Remove handling for the InnoDB plugin.
-* Thu Aug 27 2009 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- This version does not contain the "Instance manager", "mysqlmanager":
- Remove it from the spec file so that packaging succeeds.
-* Mon Aug 24 2009 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Add conditionals for bundled zlib and innodb plugin
-* Fri Aug 21 2009 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Install plugin libraries in appropriate packages.
-- Disable libdaemon_example and ftexample plugins.
-* Thu Aug 20 2009 Jonathan Perkin <>
-- Update variable used for mysql-test suite location to match source.
-* Fri Nov 07 2008 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Correct yesterday's fix, so that it also works for the last flag,
- and fix a wrong quoting: un-quoted quote marks must not be escaped.
-* Thu Nov 06 2008 Kent Boortz <>
-- Removed "mysql_upgrade_shell"
-- Removed some copy/paste between debug and normal build
-* Thu Nov 06 2008 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Modify CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS such that a debug build is not optimized.
- This should cover both gcc and icc flags. Fixes bug#40546.
-* Fri Aug 29 2008 Kent Boortz <>
-- Removed the "Federated" storage engine option, and enabled in all
-* Tue Aug 26 2008 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Get rid of the "warning: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:"
- Some generated files aren't needed in RPMs:
- - the "sql-bench/" subdirectory
- Some files were missing:
- - /usr/share/aclocal/mysql.m4 ("devel" subpackage)
- - Manual "mysqlbug" ("server" subpackage)
- - Program "innochecksum" and its manual ("server" subpackage)
- - Manual "mysql_find_rows" ("client" subpackage)
- - Script "mysql_upgrade_shell" ("client" subpackage)
- - Program "ndb_cpcd" and its manual ("ndb-extra" subpackage)
- - Manuals "ndb_mgm" + "ndb_restore" ("ndb-tools" subpackage)
-* Mon Mar 31 2008 Kent Boortz <>
-- Made the "Federated" storage engine an option
-- Made the "Cluster" storage engine and sub packages an option
-* Wed Mar 19 2008 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add the man pages for "ndbd" and "ndb_mgmd".
-* Mon Feb 18 2008 Timothy Smith <>
-- Require a manual upgrade if the alread-installed mysql-server is
- from another vendor, or is of a different major version.
-* Wed May 02 2007 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- "ndb_size.tmpl" is not needed any more,
- "man1/mysql_install_db.1" lacked the trailing '*'.
-* Sat Apr 07 2007 Kent Boortz <>
-- Removed man page for "mysql_create_system_tables"
-* Wed Mar 21 2007 Daniel Fischer <>
-- Add debug server.
-* Mon Mar 19 2007 Daniel Fischer <>
-- Remove Max RPMs; the server RPMs contain a mysqld compiled with all
- features that previously only were built into Max.
-* Fri Mar 02 2007 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add several man pages for NDB which are now created.
-* Fri Jan 05 2007 Kent Boortz <>
-- Put back "libmygcc.a", found no real reason it was removed.
-- Add CFLAGS to gcc call with --print-libgcc-file, to make sure the
- correct "libgcc.a" path is returned for the 32/64 bit architecture.
-* Mon Dec 18 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix the move of "mysqlmanager" to section 8: Directory name was wrong.
-* Thu Dec 14 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Include the new man pages for "my_print_defaults" and "mysql_tzinfo_to_sql"
- in the server RPM.
-- The "mysqlmanager" man page got moved from section 1 to 8.
-* Thu Nov 30 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Call "make install" using "benchdir_root=%{_datadir}",
- because that is affecting the regression test suite as well.
-* Thu Nov 16 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Explicitly note that the "MySQL-shared" RPMs (as built by MySQL AB)
- replace "mysql-shared" (as distributed by SuSE) to allow easy upgrading
- (bug#22081).
-* Mon Nov 13 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Add "--with-partition" to all server builds.
-- Use "--report-features" in one test run per server build.
-* Tue Aug 15 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- The "max" server is removed from packages, effective from 5.1.12-beta.
- Delete all steps to build, package, or install it.
-* Mon Jul 10 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Fix a typing error in the "make" target for the Perl script to run the tests.
-* Tue Jul 04 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Use the Perl script to run the tests, because it will automatically check
- whether the server is configured with SSL.
-* Tue Jun 27 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- move "mysqldumpslow" from the client RPM to the server RPM (bug#20216)
-- Revert all previous attempts to call "mysql_upgrade" during RPM upgrade,
- there are some more aspects which need to be solved before this is possible.
- For now, just ensure the binary "mysql_upgrade" is delivered and installed.
-* Thu Jun 22 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Close a gap of the previous version by explicitly using
- a newly created temporary directory for the socket to be used
- in the "mysql_upgrade" operation, overriding any local setting.
-* Tue Jun 20 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- To run "mysql_upgrade", we need a running server;
- start it in isolation and skip password checks.
-* Sat May 20 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Always compile for PIC, position independent code.
-* Wed May 10 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Use character set "all" when compiling with Cluster, to make Cluster
- nodes independent on the character set directory, and the problem
- that two RPM sub packages both wants to install this directory.
-* Mon May 01 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Use "./libtool --mode=execute" instead of searching for the
- executable in current directory and ".libs".
-* Fri Apr 28 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Install and run "mysql_upgrade"
-* Wed Apr 12 2006 Jim Winstead <>
-- Remove sql-bench, and MySQL-bench RPM (will be built as an independent
- project from the mysql-bench repository)
-* Tue Apr 11 2006 Jim Winstead <>
-- Remove old mysqltestmanager and related programs
-* Sat Apr 01 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-* Wed Mar 07 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Changed product name from "Community Edition" to "Community Server"
-* Mon Mar 06 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Fast mutexes is now disabled by default, but should be
- used in Linux builds.
-* Mon Feb 20 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Reintroduced a max build
-- Limited testing of 'debug' and 'max' servers
-- Berkeley DB only in 'max'
-* Mon Feb 13 2006 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Use "-i" on "make test-force";
- this is essential for later evaluation of this log file.
-* Thu Feb 09 2006 Kent Boortz <>
-- Pass '-static' to libtool, link static with our own libraries, dynamic
- with system libraries. Link with the bundled zlib.
-* Wed Feb 08 2006 Kristian Nielsen <>
-- Modified RPM spec to match new 5.1 debug+max combined community packaging.
-* Sun Dec 18 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- Added "client/mysqlslap"
-* Mon Dec 12 2005 Rodrigo Novo <>
-- Added zlib to the list of (static) libraries installed
-- Added check against libtool wierdness (WRT: sql/mysqld || sql/.libs/mysqld)
-- Compile MySQL with bundled zlib
-- Fixed %packager name to "MySQL Production Engineering Team"
-* Mon Dec 05 2005 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Avoid using the "bundled" zlib on "shared" builds:
- As it is not installed (on the build system), this gives dependency
- problems with "libtool" causing the build to fail.
- (Change was done on Nov 11, but left uncommented.)
-* Tue Nov 22 2005 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Extend the file existence check for "init.d/mysql" on un-install
- to also guard the call to "insserv"/"chkconfig".
-* Thu Oct 27 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added more man pages
-* Wed Oct 19 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- Made yaSSL support an option (off by default)
-* Wed Oct 19 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- Enabled yaSSL support
-* Sat Oct 15 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- Give mode arguments the same way in all places
-- Moved copy of mysqld.a to "standard" build, but
- disabled it as we don't do embedded yet in 5.0
-* Fri Oct 14 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- For 5.x, always compile with --with-big-tables
-- Copy the config.log file to location outside
- the build tree
-* Fri Oct 14 2005 Kent Boortz <>
-- Removed unneeded/obsolete configure options
-- Added archive engine to standard server
-- Removed the embedded server from experimental server
-- Changed suffix "-Max" => "-max"
-- Changed comment string "Max" => "Experimental"
-* Thu Oct 13 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added a usermod call to assign a potential existing mysql user to the
- correct user group (BUG#12823)
-- Save the perror binary built during Max build so it supports the NDB
- error codes (BUG#13740)
-- added a separate macro "mysqld_group" to be able to define the
- user group of the mysql user seperately, if desired.
-* Thu Sep 29 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- fixed the removing of the RPM_BUILD_ROOT in the %clean section (the
- $RBR variable did not get expanded, thus leaving old build roots behind)
-* Thu Aug 04 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Fixed the creation of the mysql user group account in the postinstall
- section (BUG 12348)
-- Fixed enabling the Archive storage engine in the Max binary
-* Tue Aug 02 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Fixed the Requires: tag for the server RPM (BUG 12233)
-* Fri Jul 15 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- create a "mysql" user group and assign the mysql user account to that group
- in the server postinstall section. (BUG 10984)
-* Tue Jun 14 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Do not build statically on i386 by default, only when adding either "--with
- static" or "--define '_with_static 1'" to the RPM build options. Static
- linking really only makes sense when linking against the specially patched
- glibc 2.2.5.
-* Mon Jun 06 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added mysql_client_test to the "bench" subpackage (BUG 10676)
-- added the libndbclient static and shared libraries (BUG 10676)
-* Wed Jun 01 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- use "mysqldatadir" variable instead of hard-coding the path multiple times
-- use the "mysqld_user" variable on all occasions a user name is referenced
-- removed (incomplete) Brazilian translations
-- removed redundant release tags from the subpackage descriptions
-* Wed May 25 2005 Joerg Bruehe <>
-- Added a "make clean" between separate calls to "BuildMySQL".
-* Thu May 12 2005 Guilhem Bichot <>
-- Removed the mysql_tableinfo script made obsolete by the information schema
-* Wed Apr 20 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Enabled the "blackhole" storage engine for the Max RPM
-* Wed Apr 13 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- removed the MySQL manual files (html/ps/texi) - they have been removed
- from the MySQL sources and are now available seperately.
-* Mon Apr 4 2005 Petr Chardin <>
-- old mysqlmanager, mysqlmanagerc and mysqlmanager-pwger renamed into
- mysqltestmanager, mysqltestmanager and mysqltestmanager-pwgen respectively
-* Fri Mar 18 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Disabled RAID in the Max binaries once and for all (it has finally been
- removed from the source tree)
-* Sun Feb 20 2005 Petr Chardin <>
-- Install MySQL Instance Manager together with mysqld, touch mysqlmanager
- password file
-* Mon Feb 14 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Fixed the compilation comments and moved them into the separate build sections
- for Max and Standard
-* Mon Feb 7 2005 Tomas Ulin <>
-- enabled the "Ndbcluster" storage engine for the max binary
-- added extra make install in ndb subdir after Max build to get ndb binaries
-- added packages for ndbcluster storage engine
-* Fri Jan 14 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- replaced obsoleted "BuildPrereq" with "BuildRequires" instead
-* Thu Jan 13 2005 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- enabled the "Federated" storage engine for the max binary
-* Tue Jan 04 2005 Petr Chardin <>
-- ISAM and merge storage engines were purged. As well as appropriate
- tools and manpages (isamchk and isamlog)
-* Thu Dec 31 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- enabled the "Archive" storage engine for the max binary
-- enabled the "CSV" storage engine for the max binary
-- enabled the "Example" storage engine for the max binary
-* Thu Aug 26 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- MySQL-Max now requires MySQL-server instead of MySQL (BUG 3860)
-* Fri Aug 20 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- do not link statically on IA64/AMD64 as these systems do not have
- a patched glibc installed
-* Tue Aug 10 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Added libmygcc.a to the devel subpackage (required to link applications
- against the the embedded server libmysqld.a) (BUG 4921)
-* Mon Aug 09 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Added EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT to the "devel" package
-* Thu Jul 29 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- disabled OpenSSL in the Max binaries again (the RPM packages were the
- only exception to this anyway) (BUG 1043)
-* Wed Jun 30 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- fixed server postinstall (mysql_install_db was called with the wrong
- parameter)
-* Thu Jun 24 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added mysql_tzinfo_to_sql to the server subpackage
-- run "make clean" instead of "make distclean"
-* Mon Apr 05 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added ncurses-devel to the build prerequisites (BUG 3377)
-* Thu Feb 12 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- when using gcc, _always_ use CXX=gcc
-- replaced Copyright with License field (Copyright is obsolete)
-* Tue Feb 03 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added myisam_ftdump to the Server package
-* Tue Jan 13 2004 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- link the mysql client against libreadline instead of libedit (BUG 2289)
-* Mon Dec 22 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- marked /etc/logrotate.d/mysql as a config file (BUG 2156)
-* Fri Dec 13 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- fixed file permissions (BUG 1672)
-* Thu Dec 11 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- made testing for gcc3 a bit more robust
-* Fri Dec 05 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added missing file mysql_create_system_tables to the server subpackage
-* Fri Nov 21 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- removed dependency on MySQL-client from the MySQL-devel subpackage
- as it is not really required. (BUG 1610)
-* Fri Aug 29 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Fixed BUG 1162 (removed macro names from the changelog)
-- Really fixed BUG 998 (disable the checking for installed but
- unpackaged files)
-* Tue Aug 05 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Fixed BUG 959 (libmysqld not being compiled properly)
-- Fixed BUG 998 (RPM build errors): added missing files to the
- distribution (mysql_fix_extensions, mysql_tableinfo, mysqldumpslow,
- mysql_fix_privilege_tables.1), removed "-n" from install section.
-* Wed Jul 09 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- removed the GIF Icon (file was not included in the sources anyway)
-- removed unused variable shared_lib_version
-- do not run automake before building the standard binary
- (should not be necessary)
-- add server suffix '-standard' to standard binary (to be in line
- with the binary tarball distributions)
-- Use more RPM macros (_exec_prefix, _sbindir, _libdir, _sysconfdir,
- _datadir, _includedir) throughout the spec file.
-- allow overriding CC and CXX (required when building with other compilers)
-* Fri May 16 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- re-enabled RAID again
-* Wed Apr 30 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- disabled MyISAM RAID (--with-raid) - it throws an assertion which
- needs to be investigated first.
-* Mon Mar 10 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- added missing file mysql_secure_installation to server subpackage
- (BUG 141)
-* Tue Feb 11 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- re-added missing pre- and post(un)install scripts to server subpackage
-- added config file /etc/my.cnf to the file list (just for completeness)
-- make sure to create the datadir with 755 permissions
-* Mon Jan 27 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- removed unused CC and CXX variables
-* Fri Jan 24 2003 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- renamed package "MySQL" to "MySQL-server"
-- fixed Copyright tag
-- added mysql_waitpid to client subpackage (required for mysql-test-run)
-* Wed Nov 27 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- moved init script from /etc/rc.d/init.d to /etc/init.d (the majority of
- Linux distributions now support this scheme as proposed by the LSB either
- directly or via a compatibility symlink)
-- Use new "restart" init script action instead of starting and stopping
- separately
-- Be more flexible in activating the automatic bootup - use insserv (on
- older SuSE versions) or chkconfig (Red Hat, newer SuSE versions and
- others) to create the respective symlinks
-* Wed Sep 25 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- MySQL-Max now requires MySQL >= 4.0 to avoid version mismatches
- (mixing 3.23 and 4.0 packages)
-* Fri Aug 09 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Turn off OpenSSL in MySQL-Max for now until it works properly again
-- enable RAID for the Max binary instead
-- added compatibility link: safe_mysqld -> mysqld_safe to ease the
- transition from 3.23
-* Thu Jul 18 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Reworked the build steps a little bit: the Max binary is supposed
- to include OpenSSL, which cannot be linked statically, thus trying
- to statically link against a special glibc is futile anyway
-- because of this, it is not required to make yet another build run
- just to compile the shared libs (saves a lot of time)
-- updated package description of the Max subpackage
-- clean up the BuildRoot directory afterwards
-* Mon Jul 15 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Updated Packager information
-- Fixed the build options: the regular package is supposed to
- include InnoDB and linked statically, while the Max package
- should include BDB and SSL support
-* Fri May 03 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
-- Use more RPM macros (e.g. infodir, mandir) to make the spec
- file more portable
-- reorganized the installation of documentation files: let RPM
- take care of this
-- reorganized the file list: actually install man pages along
- with the binaries of the respective subpackage
-- do not include libmysqld.a in the devel subpackage as well, if we
- have a special "embedded" subpackage
-- reworked the package descriptions
-* Mon Oct 8 2001 Monty
-- Added embedded server as a separate RPM
-* Fri Apr 13 2001 Monty
-- Added mysqld-max to the distribution
-* Tue Jan 2 2001 Monty
-- Added mysql-test to the bench package
-* Fri Aug 18 2000 Tim Smith <>
-- Added separate libmysql_r directory; now both a threaded
- and non-threaded library is shipped.
-* Wed Sep 28 1999 David Axmark <>
-- Added the support-files/my-example.cnf to the docs directory.
-- Removed devel dependency on base since it is about client
- development.
-* Wed Sep 8 1999 David Axmark <>
-- Cleaned up some for 3.23.
-* Thu Jul 1 1999 David Axmark <>
-- Added support for shared libraries in a separate sub
- package. Original fix by David Fox (
-- The --enable-assembler switch is now automatically disables on
- platforms there assembler code is unavailable. This should allow
- building this RPM on non i386 systems.
-* Mon Feb 22 1999 David Axmark <>
-- Removed unportable cc switches from the spec file. The defaults can
- now be overridden with environment variables. This feature is used
- to compile the official RPM with optimal (but compiler version
- specific) switches.
-- Removed the repetitive description parts for the sub rpms. Maybe add
- again if RPM gets a multiline macro capability.
-- Added support for a pt_BR translation. Translation contributed by
- Jorge Godoy <>.
-* Wed Nov 4 1998 David Axmark <>
-- A lot of changes in all the rpm and install scripts. This may even
- be a working RPM :-)
-* Sun Aug 16 1998 David Axmark <>
-- A developers changelog for MySQL is available in the source RPM. And
- there is a history of major user visible changed in the Reference
- Manual. Only RPM specific changes will be documented here.