diff options
19 files changed, 1679 insertions, 700 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/not_embedded_server.result b/mysql-test/r/not_embedded_server.result
index 082ebe72ba4..e471b5a3afa 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/not_embedded_server.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/not_embedded_server.result
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
prepare stmt1 from ' show full processlist ';
execute stmt1;
Id User Host db Command Time State Info
-number root localhost test Execute time NULL show full processlist
+number root localhost test Query time NULL show full processlist
deallocate prepare stmt1;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp-dynamic.result b/mysql-test/r/sp-dynamic.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fe469431cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/sp-dynamic.result
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt from "select 1";
+execute stmt;
+execute stmt;
+execute stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from "call p1()"|
+execute stmt|
+ERROR HY000: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
+execute stmt|
+ERROR HY000: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
+execute stmt|
+ERROR HY000: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: Recursive stored routines are not allowed.
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: Recursive stored routines are not allowed.
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: Recursive stored routines are not allowed.
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt from "create procedure p2() begin select 1; end";
+execute stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt from "drop procedure p2";
+execute stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
+execute stmt_drop;
+prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
+execute stmt;
+insert into t1 (a) values (1);
+select * from t1;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+call p1()|
+Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+set @tab_name=concat("tab_", replace(curdate(), '-', '_'));
+set @drop_sql=concat("drop table if exists ", @tab_name);
+set @create_sql=concat("create table ", @tab_name, " (a int)");
+set @insert_sql=concat("insert into ", @tab_name, " values (1), (2), (3)");
+set @select_sql=concat("select * from ", @tab_name);
+select @tab_name;
+select @drop_sql;
+select @create_sql;
+select @insert_sql;
+select @select_sql;
+prepare stmt_drop from @drop_sql;
+execute stmt_drop;
+prepare stmt from @create_sql;
+execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from @insert_sql;
+execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from @select_sql;
+execute stmt;
+execute stmt_drop;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
+execute stmt_drop;
+prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
+execute stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+drop function if exists f1|
+create function f1(a int) returns int
+call p1();
+return 1;
+select f1(0)|
+ERROR 0A000: Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger
+select f1(f1(0))|
+ERROR 0A000: Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger
+select f1(f1(f1(0)))|
+ERROR 0A000: Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger
+drop function f1|
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+drop table if exists t1;
+create table t1 (id integer not null primary key,
+name varchar(20) not null);
+insert into t1 (id, name) values (1, 'aaa'), (2, 'bbb'), (3, 'ccc');
+prepare stmt from "select name from t1";
+execute stmt;
+select name from t1;
+execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from
+"select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2)";
+execute stmt;
+select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2);
+execute stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+prepare stmt from "select * from t1"|
+create procedure p1()
+execute stmt;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+id name
+1 aaa
+2 bbb
+3 ccc
+call p1()|
+ERROR HY000: Unknown prepared statement handler (stmt) given to EXECUTE
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+declare a char(10);
+set a="sp-variable";
+set @a="mysql-variable";
+prepare stmt from "select 'dynamic sql:', @a, a";
+execute stmt;
+call p1()|
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'a' in 'field list'
+call p1()|
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'a' in 'field list'
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt from 'select ? as a';
+execute stmt using @a;
+set @a=1|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table if exists t1|
+create table t1 (id integer primary key auto_increment,
+stmt_text char(35), status varchar(20))|
+insert into t1 (stmt_text) values
+("select 1"), ("flush tables"), ("handler t1 open as ha"),
+("analyze table t1"), ("check table t1"), ("checksum table t1"),
+("check table t1"), ("optimize table t1"), ("repair table t1"),
+("describe extended select * from t1"),
+("help help"), ("show databases"), ("show tables"),
+("show table status"), ("show open tables"), ("show storage engines"),
+("insert into t1 (id) values (1)"), ("update t1 set status=''"),
+("delete from t1"), ("truncate t1"), ("call p1()"), ("foo bar")|
+create procedure p1()
+declare v_stmt_text varchar(255);
+declare v_id integer;
+declare done int default 0;
+declare c cursor for select id, stmt_text from t1;
+declare continue handler for 1295 -- ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS
+set @status='not supported';
+declare continue handler for 1064 -- ER_SYNTAX_ERROR
+set @status='syntax error';
+declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;
+prepare update_stmt from "update t1 set status=? where id=?";
+open c;
+if not done then
+fetch c into v_id, v_stmt_text;
+set @id=v_id, @stmt_text=v_stmt_text;
+set @status="supported";
+prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
+execute update_stmt using @status, @id;
+end if;
+until done end repeat;
+deallocate prepare update_stmt;
+call p1()|
+select * from t1|
+id stmt_text status
+1 select 1 supported
+2 flush tables not supported
+3 handler t1 open as ha not supported
+4 analyze table t1 not supported
+5 check table t1 not supported
+6 checksum table t1 not supported
+7 check table t1 not supported
+8 optimize table t1 not supported
+9 repair table t1 not supported
+10 describe extended select * from t1 supported
+11 help help not supported
+12 show databases supported
+13 show tables supported
+14 show table status supported
+15 show open tables supported
+16 show storage engines supported
+17 insert into t1 (id) values (1) supported
+18 update t1 set status='' supported
+19 delete from t1 supported
+20 truncate t1 supported
+21 call p1() supported
+22 foo bar syntax error
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table t1|
+prepare stmt from 'select 1'|
+create procedure p1() execute stmt|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+create function f1() returns int
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+return 1;
+ERROR 0A000: Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger
+create procedure p1()
+prepare stmt from 'select 1 A';
+execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from 'call p1()'|
+execute stmt|
+ERROR HY000: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
+execute stmt|
+ERROR HY000: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table if exists t1, t2|
+create procedure p1 (a int) language sql deterministic
+declare rsql varchar(100);
+drop table if exists t1, t2;
+set @rsql= "create table t1 (a int)";
+select @rsql;
+prepare pst from @rsql;
+execute pst;
+set @rsql= null;
+set @rsql= "create table t2 (a int)";
+select @rsql;
+prepare pst from @rsql;
+execute pst;
+drop table if exists t1, t2;
+set @a:=0|
+call p1(@a)|
+create table t1 (a int)
+create table t2 (a int)
+Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
+Note 1051 Unknown table 't2'
+select @a|
+call p1(@a)|
+create table t1 (a int)
+create table t2 (a int)
+Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
+Note 1051 Unknown table 't2'
+select @a|
+drop procedure if exists p1|
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp-error.result b/mysql-test/r/sp-error.result
index 23644f57353..61e931e146c 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/sp-error.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/sp-error.result
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ select * from t1|
call bug8408_p()|
val x
select bug8408_f()|
-ERROR 0A000: PROCEDURE test.bug8408_p can't return a result set in the given context
+ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a function
drop procedure bug8408_p|
drop function bug8408_f|
create function bug8408() returns int
@@ -665,20 +665,6 @@ select default(t30.s1) from t30;
drop procedure bug10969|
drop table t1|
-prepare stmt from "select 1";
-create procedure p() deallocate prepare stmt;
-ERROR 0A000: DEALLOCATE is not allowed in stored procedures
-create function f() returns int begin deallocate prepare stmt;
-ERROR 0A000: DEALLOCATE is not allowed in stored procedures
-create procedure p() prepare stmt from "select 1";
-ERROR 0A000: PREPARE is not allowed in stored procedures
-create function f() returns int begin prepare stmt from "select 1";
-ERROR 0A000: PREPARE is not allowed in stored procedures
-create procedure p() execute stmt;
-ERROR 0A000: EXECUTE is not allowed in stored procedures
-create function f() returns int begin execute stmt;
-ERROR 0A000: EXECUTE is not allowed in stored procedures
-deallocate prepare stmt;
create table t1(f1 int);
create table t2(f1 int);
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
index 312a7a90fc9..b305691fa18 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ call bug11587();
set new.c2= '2004-04-02';
insert into t1 (c1) values (4),(5),(6);
-ERROR 0A000: PROCEDURE test.bug11587 can't return a result set in the given context
+ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
select * from t1;
c1 c2
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/sp-dynamic.test b/mysql-test/t/sp-dynamic.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9816ee3ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/t/sp-dynamic.test
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+delimiter |;
+# Test Dynamic SQL in stored procedures. #############################
+# A. Basics
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt from "select 1";
+ execute stmt;
+ execute stmt;
+ execute stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# B. Recursion. Recusion is disabled in SP, and recursive use of PS is not
+# possible as well.
+create procedure p1()
+ execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from "call p1()"|
+execute stmt|
+execute stmt|
+execute stmt|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# C. Create/drop a stored procedure in Dynamic SQL.
+# One cannot create stored procedure from a stored procedure because of
+# the way MySQL SP cache works: it's important that this limitation is not
+# possible to circumvent by means of Dynamic SQL.
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt from "create procedure p2() begin select 1; end";
+ execute stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt from "drop procedure p2";
+ execute stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# D. Create/Drop a table (a DDL that issues a commit) in Dynamic SQL.
+# (should work ok).
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
+ execute stmt_drop;
+ prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
+ execute stmt;
+ insert into t1 (a) values (1);
+ select * from t1;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# A more real example (a case similar to submitted by 24/7).
+create procedure p1()
+ set @tab_name=concat("tab_", replace(curdate(), '-', '_'));
+ set @drop_sql=concat("drop table if exists ", @tab_name);
+ set @create_sql=concat("create table ", @tab_name, " (a int)");
+ set @insert_sql=concat("insert into ", @tab_name, " values (1), (2), (3)");
+ set @select_sql=concat("select * from ", @tab_name);
+ select @tab_name;
+ select @drop_sql;
+ select @create_sql;
+ select @insert_sql;
+ select @select_sql;
+ prepare stmt_drop from @drop_sql;
+ execute stmt_drop;
+ prepare stmt from @create_sql;
+ execute stmt;
+ prepare stmt from @insert_sql;
+ execute stmt;
+ prepare stmt from @select_sql;
+ execute stmt;
+ execute stmt_drop;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# E. Calling a stored procedure with Dynamic SQL
+# from a stored function (currently disabled).
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
+ execute stmt_drop;
+ prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
+ execute stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
+drop function if exists f1|
+create function f1(a int) returns int
+ call p1();
+ return 1;
+# Every stored procedure that contains Dynamic SQL is marked as
+# such. Stored procedures that contain Dynamic SQL are not
+# allowed in a stored function or trigger, and here we get the
+# corresponding error message.
+select f1(0)|
+select f1(f1(0))|
+select f1(f1(f1(0)))|
+drop function f1|
+drop procedure p1|
+# F. Rollback and cleanup lists management in Dynamic SQL.
+create procedure p1()
+ drop table if exists t1;
+ create table t1 (id integer not null primary key,
+ name varchar(20) not null);
+ insert into t1 (id, name) values (1, 'aaa'), (2, 'bbb'), (3, 'ccc');
+ prepare stmt from "select name from t1";
+ execute stmt;
+ select name from t1;
+ execute stmt;
+ prepare stmt from
+ "select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2)";
+ execute stmt;
+ select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2);
+ execute stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# H. Executing a statement prepared externally in SP.
+prepare stmt from "select * from t1"|
+create procedure p1()
+ execute stmt;
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# I. Use of an SP variable in Dynamic SQL is not possible and
+# this limitation is necessary for correct binary logging: prepared
+# statements do not substitute SP variables with their values for binlog, so
+# SP variables must be not accessible in Dynamic SQL.
+create procedure p1()
+ declare a char(10);
+ set a="sp-variable";
+ set @a="mysql-variable";
+ prepare stmt from "select 'dynamic sql:', @a, a";
+ execute stmt;
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# J. Use of placeholders in Dynamic SQL.
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt from 'select ? as a';
+ execute stmt using @a;
+set @a=1|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# K. Use of continue handlers with Dynamic SQL.
+drop table if exists t1|
+create table t1 (id integer primary key auto_increment,
+ stmt_text char(35), status varchar(20))|
+insert into t1 (stmt_text) values
+ ("select 1"), ("flush tables"), ("handler t1 open as ha"),
+ ("analyze table t1"), ("check table t1"), ("checksum table t1"),
+ ("check table t1"), ("optimize table t1"), ("repair table t1"),
+ ("describe extended select * from t1"),
+ ("help help"), ("show databases"), ("show tables"),
+ ("show table status"), ("show open tables"), ("show storage engines"),
+ ("insert into t1 (id) values (1)"), ("update t1 set status=''"),
+ ("delete from t1"), ("truncate t1"), ("call p1()"), ("foo bar")|
+create procedure p1()
+ declare v_stmt_text varchar(255);
+ declare v_id integer;
+ declare done int default 0;
+ declare c cursor for select id, stmt_text from t1;
+ declare continue handler for 1295 -- ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS
+ set @status='not supported';
+ declare continue handler for 1064 -- ER_SYNTAX_ERROR
+ set @status='syntax error';
+ declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;
+ prepare update_stmt from "update t1 set status=? where id=?";
+ open c;
+ repeat
+ if not done then
+ fetch c into v_id, v_stmt_text;
+ set @id=v_id, @stmt_text=v_stmt_text;
+ set @status="supported";
+ prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
+ execute update_stmt using @status, @id;
+ end if;
+ until done end repeat;
+ deallocate prepare update_stmt;
+call p1()|
+select * from t1|
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table t1|
+# Bug#7115 "Prepared Statements: packet error if execution within stored
+# procedure".
+prepare stmt from 'select 1'|
+create procedure p1() execute stmt|
+call p1()|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+# Bug#10975 "Prepared statements: crash if function deallocates"
+# Check that a prepared statement that is currently in use
+# can't be deallocated.
+# a) Prepared statements and stored procedure cache:
+# TODO: add when the corresponding bug (Bug #12093 "SP not found on second
+# PS execution if another thread drops other SP in between") is fixed.
+# b) attempt to deallocate a prepared statement that is being executed
+create function f1() returns int
+ deallocate prepare stmt;
+ return 1;
+# b)-2 a crash (#1) spotted by Sergey Petrunia during code review
+create procedure p1()
+ prepare stmt from 'select 1 A';
+ execute stmt;
+prepare stmt from 'call p1()'|
+execute stmt|
+execute stmt|
+drop procedure p1|
+# Bug#10605 "Stored procedure with multiple SQL prepared statements
+# disconnects client"
+drop table if exists t1, t2|
+create procedure p1 (a int) language sql deterministic
+ declare rsql varchar(100);
+ drop table if exists t1, t2;
+ set @rsql= "create table t1 (a int)";
+ select @rsql;
+ prepare pst from @rsql;
+ execute pst;
+ set @rsql= null;
+ set @rsql= "create table t2 (a int)";
+ select @rsql;
+ prepare pst from @rsql;
+ execute pst;
+ drop table if exists t1, t2;
+set @a:=0|
+call p1(@a)|
+select @a|
+call p1(@a)|
+select @a|
+drop procedure if exists p1|
+# End of the test
+delimiter ;|
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/sp-error.test b/mysql-test/t/sp-error.test
index 5921d59b284..e289748ba2f 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/sp-error.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/sp-error.test
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ create procedure bug8408_p()
select * from t1|
call bug8408_p()|
+--error ER_SP_NO_RETSET
select bug8408_f()|
drop procedure bug8408_p|
@@ -956,39 +956,10 @@ end|
drop procedure bug10969|
-# BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis
-#drop procedure if exists bugNNNN|
-#create procedure bugNNNN...
drop table t1|
delimiter ;|
-# Bug#10975, #10605, #7115: Dynamic SQL by means of
-# PREPARE/EXECUTE/DEALLOCATE is not supported yet.
-# Check that an error message is returned.
-prepare stmt from "select 1";
-create procedure p() deallocate prepare stmt;
-create function f() returns int begin deallocate prepare stmt;
-create procedure p() prepare stmt from "select 1";
-create function f() returns int begin prepare stmt from "select 1";
-create procedure p() execute stmt;
-create function f() returns int begin execute stmt;
-deallocate prepare stmt;
# BUG#9814: Closing a cursor that is not open
create table t1(f1 int);
create table t2(f1 int);
@@ -1114,3 +1085,12 @@ drop function bug11834_1;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop function bug11834_2;
+# BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis
+#drop procedure if exists bugNNNN|
+#create procedure bugNNNN...
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
index 9920f203c94..a770782e5db 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ begin
delimiter ;|
---error 1312
+--error ER_SP_NO_RETSET
insert into t1 (c1) values (4),(5),(6);
select * from t1;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 00ce70f6508..22d9fbbad34 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -3834,21 +3834,21 @@ longlong Item_func_get_user_var::val_int()
stores this variable and its value in thd->user_var_events, so that it can be
written to the binlog (will be written just before the query is written, see
- 0 OK
+ 0 OK
1 Failed to put appropriate record into binary log
-int get_var_with_binlog(THD *thd, LEX_STRING &name,
- user_var_entry **out_entry)
+int get_var_with_binlog(THD *thd, enum_sql_command sql_command,
+ LEX_STRING &name, user_var_entry **out_entry)
BINLOG_USER_VAR_EVENT *user_var_event;
user_var_entry *var_entry;
var_entry= get_variable(&thd->user_vars, name, 0);
- if (!(opt_bin_log && is_update_query(thd->lex->sql_command)))
+ if (!(opt_bin_log && is_update_query(sql_command)))
*out_entry= var_entry;
return 0;
@@ -3941,7 +3941,7 @@ void Item_func_get_user_var::fix_length_and_dec()
- error= get_var_with_binlog(thd, name, &var_entry);
+ error= get_var_with_binlog(thd, thd->lex->sql_command, name, &var_entry);
if (var_entry)
diff --git a/sql/log_event.h b/sql/log_event.h
index 1d8941e65ac..29580589a34 100644
--- a/sql/log_event.h
+++ b/sql/log_event.h
@@ -1177,9 +1177,6 @@ class Xid_log_event: public Log_event
Every time a query uses the value of a user variable, a User_var_log_event is
written before the Query_log_event, to set the user variable.
- Every time a query uses the value of a user variable, a User_var_log_event is
- written before the Query_log_event, to set the user variable.
class User_var_log_event: public Log_event
diff --git a/sql/mysql_priv.h b/sql/mysql_priv.h
index 1ab753e0938..154909a275d 100644
--- a/sql/mysql_priv.h
+++ b/sql/mysql_priv.h
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd,const char *name,bool no_access_check);
void mysql_parse(THD *thd,char *inBuf,uint length);
bool mysql_test_parse_for_slave(THD *thd,char *inBuf,uint length);
bool is_update_query(enum enum_sql_command command);
-bool alloc_query(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length);
+bool alloc_query(THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length);
void mysql_init_select(LEX *lex);
void mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command(THD *thd);
void mysql_init_query(THD *thd, uchar *buf, uint length);
@@ -848,16 +848,17 @@ int fill_schema_column_privileges(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond);
bool get_schema_tables_result(JOIN *join);
/* */
-bool mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length,
- LEX_STRING *name);
+void mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length);
void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length);
-void mysql_sql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *stmt_name);
-void mysql_stmt_fetch(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length);
void mysql_stmt_close(THD *thd, char *packet);
+void mysql_sql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd);
+void mysql_sql_stmt_execute(THD *thd);
+void mysql_sql_stmt_close(THD *thd);
+void mysql_stmt_fetch(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length);
void mysql_stmt_reset(THD *thd, char *packet);
void mysql_stmt_get_longdata(THD *thd, char *pos, ulong packet_length);
void reinit_stmt_before_use(THD *thd, LEX *lex);
-void init_stmt_after_parse(THD*, LEX*);
/* */
bool mysql_ha_open(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, bool reopen);
@@ -1361,8 +1362,8 @@ extern int sql_cache_hit(THD *thd, char *inBuf, uint length);
/* */
Item *get_system_var(THD *thd, enum_var_type var_type, LEX_STRING name,
LEX_STRING component);
-int get_var_with_binlog(THD *thd, LEX_STRING &name,
- user_var_entry **out_entry);
+int get_var_with_binlog(THD *thd, enum_sql_command sql_command,
+ LEX_STRING &name, user_var_entry **out_entry);
/* */
bool flush_error_log(void);
diff --git a/sql/share/errmsg.txt b/sql/share/errmsg.txt
index b49b7248021..89ffac33055 100644
--- a/sql/share/errmsg.txt
+++ b/sql/share/errmsg.txt
@@ -5399,3 +5399,5 @@ ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW 22008
eng "Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow"
eng "Can't update table '%-.64s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger."
+ eng "The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner"
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 59169f45f1b..14956138cbf 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -47,15 +47,30 @@ sp_map_result_type(enum enum_field_types type)
- * Returns TRUE if the 'cmd' is a command that might result in
- * multiple result sets being sent back.
- * Note: This does not include SQLCOM_SELECT which is treated
- * separately in sql_yacc.yy.
- */
-sp_multi_results_command(enum enum_sql_command cmd)
+ sp_get_flags_for_command()
+ Returns a combination of:
+ * sp_head::MULTI_RESULTS: added if the 'cmd' is a command that might
+ result in multiple result sets being sent back.
+ * sp_head::CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL: added if 'cmd' is one of PREPARE,
+sp_get_flags_for_command(LEX *lex)
- switch (cmd) {
+ uint flags;
+ switch (lex->sql_command) {
+ if (lex->result)
+ {
+ flags= 0; /* This is a SELECT with INTO clause */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fallthrough */
@@ -90,10 +105,26 @@ sp_multi_results_command(enum enum_sql_command cmd)
- return TRUE;
+ flags= sp_head::MULTI_RESULTS;
+ break;
+ /*
+ EXECUTE statement may return a result set, but doesn't have to.
+ We can't, however, know it in advance, and therefore must add
+ this statement here. This is ok, as is equivalent to a result-set
+ statement within an IF condition.
+ */
+ flags= sp_head::MULTI_RESULTS | sp_head::CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL;
+ break;
+ flags= sp_head::CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL;
+ break;
- return FALSE;
+ flags= 0;
+ break;
+ return flags;
@@ -364,9 +395,7 @@ sp_head::operator delete(void *ptr, size_t size)
:Query_arena(&main_mem_root, INITIALIZED_FOR_SP),
- m_returns_cs(NULL), m_has_return(FALSE),
- m_simple_case(FALSE), m_multi_results(FALSE), m_in_handler(FALSE),
- m_is_invoked(FALSE)
+ m_flags(0), m_returns_cs(NULL)
extern byte *
sp_table_key(const byte *ptr, uint *plen, my_bool first);
@@ -782,7 +811,7 @@ int sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
- if (m_is_invoked)
+ if (m_flags & IS_INVOKED)
We have to disable recursion for stored routines since in
@@ -802,7 +831,7 @@ int sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
my_error(ER_SP_NO_RECURSION, MYF(0));
- m_is_invoked= TRUE;
+ m_flags|= IS_INVOKED;
dbchanged= FALSE;
if (m_db.length &&
@@ -889,6 +918,15 @@ int sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
/* we should cleanup free_list and memroot, used by instruction */
+ /*
+ FIXME: we must free user var events only if the routine is executed
+ in non-prelocked mode and statement-by-statement replication is used.
+ But if we don't free them now, the server crashes because user var
+ events are allocated in execute_mem_root. This is Bug#12637, and when
+ it's fixed, please add if (thd->options & OPTION_BIN_LOG) here.
+ */
+ if (opt_bin_log)
+ reset_dynamic(&thd->user_var_events);
free_root(&execute_mem_root, MYF(0));
@@ -955,7 +993,7 @@ int sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
if (! thd->killed)
ret= mysql_change_db(thd, olddb, 0);
- m_is_invoked= FALSE;
+ m_flags&= ~IS_INVOKED;
@@ -1172,7 +1210,7 @@ int sp_head::execute_procedure(THD *thd, List<Item> *args)
thd->spcont= save_spcont;
if (csize > 0 || hmax > 0 || cmax > 0)
Item_null *nit= NULL; // Re-use this, and only create if needed
@@ -1349,7 +1387,7 @@ int sp_head::execute_procedure(THD *thd, List<Item> *args)
nctx->pop_all_cursors(); // To avoid memory leaks after an error
delete nctx; // Does nothing
thd->spcont= save_spcont;
@@ -1397,7 +1435,6 @@ sp_head::restore_lex(THD *thd)
LEX *sublex= thd->lex;
LEX *oldlex= (LEX *)m_lex.pop();
- init_stmt_after_parse(thd, sublex);
if (! oldlex)
return; // Nothing to restore
diff --git a/sql/sp_head.h b/sql/sp_head.h
index 1d4bfb514d3..1c54b1a567d 100644
--- a/sql/sp_head.h
+++ b/sql/sp_head.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
sp_map_result_type(enum enum_field_types type);
-sp_multi_results_command(enum enum_sql_command cmd);
+sp_get_flags_for_command(LEX *lex);
struct sp_label;
class sp_instr;
@@ -107,18 +107,23 @@ class sp_head :private Query_arena
MEM_ROOT main_mem_root;
+ /* Possible values of m_flags */
+ const static int
+ HAS_RETURN= 1, // For FUNCTIONs only: is set if has RETURN
+ IN_SIMPLE_CASE= 2, // Is set if parsing a simple CASE
+ IN_HANDLER= 4, // Is set if the parser is in a handler body
+ MULTI_RESULTS= 8, // Is set if a procedure with SELECT(s)
+ CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL= 16, // Is set if a procedure with PREPARE/EXECUTE
+ IS_INVOKED= 32; // Is set if this sp_head is being used.
+ uint m_flags; // Boolean attributes of a stored routine
enum enum_field_types m_returns; // For FUNCTIONs only
Field::geometry_type m_geom_returns;
CHARSET_INFO *m_returns_cs; // For FUNCTIONs only
TYPELIB *m_returns_typelib; // For FUNCTIONs only
uint m_returns_len; // For FUNCTIONs only
uint m_returns_pack; // For FUNCTIONs only
- my_bool m_has_return; // For FUNCTIONs only
- my_bool m_simple_case; // TRUE if parsing simple case, FALSE otherwise
- my_bool m_multi_results; // TRUE if a procedure with SELECT(s)
- my_bool m_in_handler; // TRUE if parser in a handler body
uchar *m_tmp_query; // Temporary pointer to sub query string
uint m_old_cmq; // Old CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES value
st_sp_chistics *m_chistics;
@@ -265,6 +270,19 @@ public:
bool add_used_tables_to_table_list(THD *thd,
TABLE_LIST ***query_tables_last_ptr);
+ /*
+ Check if this stored routine contains statements disallowed
+ in a stored function or trigger, and set an appropriate error message
+ if this is the case.
+ */
+ bool is_not_allowed_in_function(const char *where)
+ {
+ if (m_flags & CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL)
+ my_error(ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, MYF(0), "Dynamic SQL");
+ else if (m_flags & MULTI_RESULTS)
+ my_error(ER_SP_NO_RETSET, MYF(0), where);
+ return test(m_flags & (CONTAINS_DYNAMIC_SQL|MULTI_RESULTS));
+ }
MEM_ROOT *m_thd_root; // Temp. store for thd's mem_root
@@ -290,9 +308,6 @@ private:
HASH m_sptabs;
- /* Used for tracking of routine invocations and preventing recursion. */
- bool m_is_invoked;
execute(THD *thd);
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 17a48fb4925..2ff0413e05e 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -551,11 +551,6 @@ void THD::cleanup_after_query()
/* Free Items that were created during this execution */
- /*
- In the rest of code we assume that free_list never points to garbage:
- Keep this predicate true.
- */
- free_list= 0;
@@ -1686,23 +1681,17 @@ Statement_map::Statement_map() :
int Statement_map::insert(Statement *statement)
int rc= my_hash_insert(&st_hash, (byte *) statement);
- if (rc == 0)
- last_found_statement= statement;
if (statement->name.str)
- /*
- If there is a statement with the same name, remove it. It is ok to
- remove old and fail to insert new one at the same time.
- */
- Statement *old_stmt;
- if ((old_stmt= find_by_name(&statement->name)))
- erase(old_stmt);
if ((rc= my_hash_insert(&names_hash, (byte*)statement)))
hash_delete(&st_hash, (byte*)statement);
+ if (rc == 0)
+ last_found_statement= statement;
return rc;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 455c592241a..e579ee9f8bd 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ void lex_start(THD *thd, uchar *buf,uint length)
+ lex->prepared_stmt_params.empty();
lex-> lex->unit.master=
lex->unit.link_next= lex->unit.return_to= 0;
lex->unit.prev= lex->unit.link_prev= 0;
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ void lex_start(THD *thd, uchar *buf,uint length)
lex->describe= 0;
lex->subqueries= FALSE;
lex->view_prepare_mode= FALSE;
+ lex->stmt_prepare_mode= FALSE;
lex->derived_tables= 0;
lex->lock_option= TL_READ;
lex->found_semicolon= 0;
@@ -568,8 +570,7 @@ int yylex(void *arg, void *yythd)
its value in a query for the binlog, the query must stay
grammatically correct.
- else if (c == '?' && ((THD*) yythd)->command == COM_STMT_PREPARE &&
- !ident_map[yyPeek()])
+ else if (c == '?' && lex->stmt_prepare_mode && !ident_map[yyPeek()])
return((int) c);
@@ -981,7 +982,7 @@ int yylex(void *arg, void *yythd)
THD* thd= (THD*)yythd;
if ((thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS) &&
- (thd->command != COM_STMT_PREPARE))
+ !lex->stmt_prepare_mode)
lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0;
lex->found_semicolon=(char*) lex->ptr;
diff --git a/sql/sql_lex.h b/sql/sql_lex.h
index d777abca29a..6c91045189c 100644
--- a/sql/sql_lex.h
+++ b/sql/sql_lex.h
@@ -808,6 +808,11 @@ typedef struct st_lex
to an .frm file. We need this definition to stay untouched.
bool view_prepare_mode;
+ /*
+ TRUE if we're parsing a prepared statement: in this mode
+ we should allow placeholders and disallow multistatements.
+ */
+ bool stmt_prepare_mode;
bool safe_to_cache_query;
bool subqueries, ignore;
bool variables_used;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 937fd736282..7d430f2a44a 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1644,7 +1644,7 @@ bool dispatch_command(enum enum_server_command command, THD *thd,
- mysql_stmt_prepare(thd, packet, packet_length, 0);
+ mysql_stmt_prepare(thd, packet, packet_length);
@@ -1664,6 +1664,10 @@ bool dispatch_command(enum enum_server_command command, THD *thd,
char *packet_end= thd->query + thd->query_length;
+ if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
+ my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),QUERY_PRIOR);
mysql_parse(thd,thd->query, thd->query_length);
while (!thd->killed && thd->lex->found_semicolon && !thd->net.report_error)
@@ -2220,7 +2224,7 @@ int prepare_schema_table(THD *thd, LEX *lex, Table_ident *table_ident,
TRUE error; In this case thd->fatal_error is set
-bool alloc_query(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length)
+bool alloc_query(THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length)
packet_length--; // Remove end null
/* Remove garbage at start and end of query */
@@ -2229,7 +2233,7 @@ bool alloc_query(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length)
- char *pos=packet+packet_length; // Point at end null
+ const char *pos= packet + packet_length; // Point at end null
while (packet_length > 0 &&
(pos[-1] == ';' || my_isspace(thd->charset() ,pos[-1])))
@@ -2250,8 +2254,6 @@ bool alloc_query(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length)
- if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
- my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),QUERY_PRIOR);
return FALSE;
@@ -2466,112 +2468,17 @@ mysql_execute_command(THD *thd)
- char *query_str;
- uint query_len;
- if (lex->prepared_stmt_code_is_varref)
- {
- /* This is PREPARE stmt FROM @var. */
- String str;
- CHARSET_INFO *to_cs= thd->variables.collation_connection;
- bool need_conversion;
- user_var_entry *entry;
- String *pstr= &str;
- uint32 unused;
- /*
- Convert @var contents to string in connection character set. Although
- it is known that int/real/NULL value cannot be a valid query we still
- convert it for error messages to uniform.
- */
- if ((entry=
- (user_var_entry*)hash_search(&thd->user_vars,
- (byte*)lex->prepared_stmt_code.str,
- lex->prepared_stmt_code.length))
- && entry->value)
- {
- my_bool is_var_null;
- pstr= entry->val_str(&is_var_null, &str, NOT_FIXED_DEC);
- /*
- NULL value of variable checked early as entry->value so here
- we can't get NULL in normal conditions
- */
- DBUG_ASSERT(!is_var_null);
- if (!pstr)
- goto error;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- variable absent or equal to NULL, so we need to set variable to
- something reasonable to get readable error message during parsing
- */
- str.set("NULL", 4, &my_charset_latin1);
- }
- need_conversion=
- String::needs_conversion(pstr->length(), pstr->charset(),
- to_cs, &unused);
- query_len= need_conversion? (pstr->length() * to_cs->mbmaxlen) :
- pstr->length();
- if (!(query_str= alloc_root(thd->mem_root, query_len+1)))
- goto error;
- if (need_conversion)
- {
- uint dummy_errors;
- query_len= copy_and_convert(query_str, query_len, to_cs,
- pstr->ptr(), pstr->length(),
- pstr->charset(), &dummy_errors);
- }
- else
- memcpy(query_str, pstr->ptr(), pstr->length());
- query_str[query_len]= 0;
- }
- else
- {
- query_str= lex->prepared_stmt_code.str;
- query_len= lex->prepared_stmt_code.length;
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("PREPARE: %.*s FROM '%.*s' \n",
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.length,
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.str,
- query_len, query_str));
- }
- thd->command= COM_STMT_PREPARE;
- if (!(res= mysql_stmt_prepare(thd, query_str, query_len + 1,
- &lex->prepared_stmt_name)))
- send_ok(thd, 0L, 0L, "Statement prepared");
+ mysql_sql_stmt_prepare(thd);
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("EXECUTE: %.*s\n",
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.length,
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.str));
- mysql_sql_stmt_execute(thd, &lex->prepared_stmt_name);
- lex->prepared_stmt_params.empty();
+ mysql_sql_stmt_execute(thd);
- Statement* stmt;
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.length,
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.str));
- /* We account deallocate in the same manner as mysql_stmt_close */
- statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_close, &LOCK_status);
- if ((stmt= thd->stmt_map.find_by_name(&lex->prepared_stmt_name)))
- {
- thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt);
- send_ok(thd);
- }
- else
- {
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.length,
- lex->prepared_stmt_name.str,
- goto error;
- }
+ mysql_sql_stmt_close(thd);
@@ -4124,7 +4031,7 @@ end_with_restore_list:
if (lex->sphead->m_type == TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION &&
- !lex->sphead->m_has_return)
+ !(lex->sphead->m_flags & sp_head::HAS_RETURN))
my_error(ER_SP_NORETURN, MYF(0), name);
delete lex->sphead;
@@ -4213,15 +4120,31 @@ end_with_restore_list:
ha_rows select_limit;
/* bits that should be cleared in thd->server_status */
uint bits_to_be_cleared= 0;
+ /*
+ Check that the stored procedure doesn't contain Dynamic SQL
+ and doesn't return result sets: such stored procedures can't
+ be called from a function or trigger.
+ */
+ if (thd->in_sub_stmt)
+ {
+ const char *where= (thd->in_sub_stmt & SUB_STMT_TRIGGER ?
+ "trigger" : "function");
+ if (sp->is_not_allowed_in_function(where))
+ goto error;
+ }
my_bool nsok= thd->net.no_send_ok;
thd->net.no_send_ok= TRUE;
- if (sp->m_multi_results)
+ if (sp->m_flags & sp_head::MULTI_RESULTS)
if (! (thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS))
+ /*
+ The client does not support multiple result sets being sent
+ back
+ */
my_error(ER_SP_BADSELECT, MYF(0), sp->m_qname.str);
thd->net.no_send_ok= nsok;
@@ -4265,7 +4188,7 @@ end_with_restore_list:
thd->row_count_func= 0;
- We never write CALL statements int binlog:
+ We never write CALL statements into binlog:
- If the mode is non-prelocked, each statement will be logged
- If the mode is prelocked, the invoking statement will care
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index bf0bea804c4..879ea626494 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
-This file contains the implementation of prepare and executes.
+This file contains the implementation of prepared statements.
+When one prepares a statement:
- Server gets the query from client with command 'COM_STMT_PREPARE';
in the following format:
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ Prepare:
- Parse the query and recognize any parameter markers '?' and
store its information list in lex->param_list
- Allocate a new statement for this prepare; and keep this in
- 'thd->prepared_statements' pool.
+ 'thd->stmt_map'.
- Without executing the query, return back to client the total
number of parameters along with result-set metadata information
(if any) in the following format:
+ [Params meta info (stubs only for now)] (if Param_count > 0)
[Columns meta info] (if Column_count > 0)
- [Params meta info] (if Param_count > 0 ) (TODO : 4.1.1)
+When one executes a statement:
- Server gets the command 'COM_STMT_EXECUTE' to execute the
- previously prepared query. If there is any param markers; then client
- will send the data in the following format:
+ previously prepared query. If there are any parameter markers, then the
+ client will send the data in the following format:
@@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ Prepare-execute:
[[length]data] .. [[length]data].
(Note: Except for string/binary types; all other types will not be
supplied with length field)
- - Replace the param items with this new data. If it is a first execute
- or types altered by client; then setup the conversion routines.
+ - If it is a first execute or types of parameters were altered by client,
+ then setup the conversion routines.
+ - Assign parameter items from the supplied data.
- Execute the query without re-parsing and send back the results
to client
-Long data handling:
+When one supplies long data for a placeholder:
- Server gets the long data in pieces with command type
- The packet recieved will have the format as:
- - data from the packet is appended to long data value buffer for this
+ - data from the packet is appended to the long data value buffer for this
- - It's up to the client to check for read data ended. The server doesn't
- care; and also server doesn't notify to the client that it got the
- data or not; if there is any error; then during execute; the error
- will be returned
+ - It's up to the client to stop supplying data chunks at any point. The
+ server doesn't care; also, the server doesn't notify the client whether
+ it got the data or not; if there is any error, then it will be returned
+ at statement execute.
#include "mysql_priv.h"
#include "sql_select.h" // for JOIN
-#include <m_ctype.h> // for isspace()
#include "sp_head.h"
#include "sp.h"
#include "sp_cache.h"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Long data handling:
- Prepared_statement: statement which can contain placeholders
+ Prepared_statement: a statement that can contain placeholders
class Prepared_statement: public Statement
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ public:
Item_param **param_array;
uint param_count;
uint last_errno;
+ uint flags;
char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
bool (*set_params)(Prepared_statement *st, uchar *data, uchar *data_end,
@@ -104,15 +105,21 @@ public:
List<LEX_STRING>& varnames,
String *expanded_query);
- Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg);
+ Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg, Protocol *protocol_arg);
virtual ~Prepared_statement();
void setup_set_params();
virtual Query_arena::Type type() const;
virtual void close_cursor();
+ bool set_name(LEX_STRING *name);
+ bool prepare(const char *packet, uint packet_length);
+ bool execute(String *expanded_query, bool open_cursor);
+ /* Destroy this statement */
+ bool deallocate();
-static void execute_stmt(THD *thd, Prepared_statement *stmt,
- String *expanded_query);
+ /* Possible values of flags */
+ static const int IS_IN_USE= 1;
@@ -127,13 +134,30 @@ inline bool is_param_null(const uchar *pos, ulong param_no)
enum { STMT_QUERY_LOG_LENGTH= 8192 };
- Seek prepared statement in statement map by id: returns zero if statement
- was not found, pointer otherwise.
+ Find a prepared statement in the statement map by id.
+ find_prepared_statement()
+ thd thread handle
+ id statement id
+ where the place from which this function is called (for
+ error reporting).
+ Try to find a prepared statement and set THD error if it's not found.
+ 0 if the statement was not found, a pointer otherwise.
static Prepared_statement *
find_prepared_statement(THD *thd, ulong id, const char *where)
+ /*
+ To strictly separate namespaces of SQL prepared statements and C API
+ prepared statements find() will return 0 if there is a named prepared
+ statement with such id.
+ */
Statement *stmt= thd->stmt_map.find(id);
if (stmt == 0 || stmt->type() != Query_arena::PREPARED_STATEMENT)
@@ -148,7 +172,13 @@ find_prepared_statement(THD *thd, ulong id, const char *where)
- Send prepared stmt info to client after prepare
+ Send prepared statement id and metadata to the client after prepare.
+ send_prep_stmt()
+ 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise
@@ -193,8 +223,20 @@ static bool send_prep_stmt(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- Read the length of the parameter data and return back to
- caller by positing the pointer to param data.
+ Read the length of the parameter data and return it back to
+ the caller.
+ get_param_length()
+ packet a pointer to the data
+ len remaining packet length
+ Read data length, position the packet to the first byte after it,
+ and return the length to the caller.
+ Length of data piece.
@@ -239,19 +281,21 @@ static ulong get_param_length(uchar **packet, ulong len)
- Data conversion routines
+ Data conversion routines.
- set_param_xx()
- param parameter item
- pos input data buffer
- len length of data in the buffer
+ set_param_xx()
+ param parameter item
+ pos input data buffer
+ len length of data in the buffer
- All these functions read the data from pos, convert it to requested type
- and assign to param; pos is advanced to predefined length.
+ All these functions read the data from pos, convert it to requested
+ type and assign to param; pos is advanced to predefined length.
- Make a note that the NULL handling is examined at first execution
- (i.e. when input types altered) and for all subsequent executions
- we don't read any values for this.
+ Make a note that the NULL handling is examined at first execution
+ (i.e. when input types altered) and for all subsequent executions
+ we don't read any values for this.
@@ -594,8 +638,35 @@ static void setup_one_conversion_function(THD *thd, Item_param *param,
- Update the parameter markers by reading data from client packet
- and if binary/update log is set, generate the valid query.
+ Routines to assign parameters from data supplied by the client.
+ Update the parameter markers by reading data from the packet and
+ and generate a valid query for logging.
+ This function, along with other _withlog functions is called when one of
+ binary, slow or general logs is open. Logging of prepared statements in
+ all cases is performed by means of conventional queries: if parameter
+ data was supplied from C API, each placeholder in the query is
+ replaced with its actual value; if we're logging a [Dynamic] SQL
+ prepared statement, parameter markers are replaced with variable names.
+ Example:
+ mysql_stmt_prepare("UPDATE t1 SET a=a*1.25 WHERE a=?")
+ --> general logs gets [Prepare] UPDATE t1 SET a*1.25 WHERE a=?"
+ mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
+ --> general and binary logs get
+ [Execute] UPDATE t1 SET a*1.25 WHERE a=1"
+ If a statement has been prepared using SQL syntax:
+ PREPARE stmt FROM "UPDATE t1 SET a=a*1.25 WHERE a=?"
+ --> general log gets
+ [Query] PREPARE stmt FROM "UPDATE ..."
+ --> general log gets
+ [Query] EXECUTE stmt USING @a;
+ 0 if success, 1 otherwise
static bool insert_params_withlog(Prepared_statement *stmt, uchar *null_array,
@@ -707,6 +778,17 @@ static bool setup_conversion_functions(Prepared_statement *stmt,
+ Embedded counterparts of parameter assignment routines.
+ The main difference between the embedded library and the server is
+ that in embedded case we don't serialize/deserialize parameters data.
+ Additionally, for unknown reason, the client-side flag raised for
+ changed types of placeholders is ignored and we simply setup conversion
+ functions at each execute (TODO: fix).
static bool emb_insert_params(Prepared_statement *stmt, String *expanded_query)
THD *thd= stmt->thd;
@@ -791,7 +873,8 @@ static bool emb_insert_params_withlog(Prepared_statement *stmt, String *query)
- Set prepared statement parameters from user variables.
+ Assign prepared statement parameters from user variables.
stmt Statement
@@ -829,12 +912,14 @@ static bool insert_params_from_vars(Prepared_statement *stmt,
Do the same as insert_params_from_vars but also construct query text for
binary log.
- stmt Statement
+ stmt Prepared statement
varnames List of variables. Caller must ensure that number of variables
in the list is equal to number of statement parameters
- query The query with parameter markers replaced with their values
+ query The query with parameter markers replaced with corresponding
+ user variables that were used to execute the query.
static bool insert_params_from_vars_with_log(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -845,12 +930,13 @@ static bool insert_params_from_vars_with_log(Prepared_statement *stmt,
Item_param **end= begin + stmt->param_count;
user_var_entry *entry;
LEX_STRING *varname;
- DBUG_ENTER("insert_params_from_vars");
List_iterator<LEX_STRING> var_it(varnames);
String buf;
const String *val;
uint32 length= 0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("insert_params_from_vars");
if (query->copy(stmt->query, stmt->query_length, default_charset_info))
@@ -858,7 +944,8 @@ static bool insert_params_from_vars_with_log(Prepared_statement *stmt,
Item_param *param= *it;
varname= var_it++;
- if (get_var_with_binlog(stmt->thd, *varname, &entry))
+ if (get_var_with_binlog(stmt->thd, stmt->lex->sql_command,
+ *varname, &entry))
if (param->set_from_user_var(stmt->thd, entry))
@@ -895,16 +982,16 @@ static bool insert_params_from_vars_with_log(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- Validate INSERT statement:
+ Validate INSERT statement.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables global/local table list
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables global/local table list
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, error message is set in THD
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_insert(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -988,13 +1075,13 @@ error:
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
- 0 success
- 1 error, error message is set in THD
- 2 convert to multi_update
+ 0 success
+ 1 error, error message is set in THD
+ 2 convert to multi_update
static int mysql_test_update(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1068,16 +1155,16 @@ error:
- Validate DELETE statement
+ Validate DELETE statement.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, error message is set in THD
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_delete(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1106,21 +1193,24 @@ error:
Validate SELECT statement.
- In case of success, if this query is not EXPLAIN, send column list info
- back to client.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in the query
+ In case of success, if this query is not EXPLAIN, send column list info
+ back to the client.
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, sent to client
+ 0 success
+ 1 error, error message is set in THD
+ 2 success, and statement metadata has been sent
-static bool mysql_test_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- TABLE_LIST *tables, bool text_protocol)
+static int mysql_test_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
+ TABLE_LIST *tables, bool text_protocol)
THD *thd= stmt->thd;
LEX *lex= stmt->lex;
@@ -1158,51 +1248,43 @@ static bool mysql_test_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
if (unit->prepare(thd, 0, 0, ""))
goto error;
- if (!text_protocol)
+ if (!lex->describe && !text_protocol)
- if (lex->describe)
- {
- if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, 0) || thd->protocol->flush())
- goto error;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Make copy of item list, as change_columns may change it */
- List<Item> fields(lex->select_lex.item_list);
+ /* Make copy of item list, as change_columns may change it */
+ List<Item> fields(lex->select_lex.item_list);
- /* Change columns if a procedure like analyse() */
- if (unit->last_procedure &&
- unit->last_procedure->change_columns(fields))
- goto error;
+ /* Change columns if a procedure like analyse() */
+ if (unit->last_procedure && unit->last_procedure->change_columns(fields))
+ goto error;
- /*
- We can use lex->result as it should've been
- prepared in unit->prepare call above.
- */
- if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, lex->result->field_count(fields)) ||
- lex->result->send_fields(fields, Protocol::SEND_EOF) ||
- thd->protocol->flush())
- goto error;
- }
+ /*
+ We can use lex->result as it should've been prepared in
+ unit->prepare call above.
+ */
+ if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, lex->result->field_count(fields)) ||
+ lex->result->send_fields(fields, Protocol::SEND_EOF) ||
+ thd->protocol->flush())
+ goto error;
- Validate and prepare for execution DO statement expressions
+ Validate and prepare for execution DO statement expressions.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
- values list of expressions
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
+ values list of expressions
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, error message is set in THD
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_do_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1226,13 +1308,13 @@ static bool mysql_test_do_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
- values list of expressions
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
+ values list of expressions
- FALSE success
- TRUE error
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_set_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1264,9 +1346,9 @@ error:
- stmt - prepared statement handler
- specific_prepare - function of command specific prepare
- setup_tables_done_option - options to be passed to LEX::unit.prepare()
+ stmt prepared statement
+ specific_prepare function of command specific prepare
+ setup_tables_done_option options to be passed to LEX::unit.prepare()
This function won't directly open tables used in select. They should
@@ -1275,8 +1357,8 @@ error:
"specific_prepare" call (like this happens in case of multi-update).
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, error message is set in THD
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool select_like_stmt_test(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1300,19 +1382,19 @@ static bool select_like_stmt_test(Prepared_statement *stmt,
Check internal SELECT of the prepared command (with opening and
- locking tables used).
+ locking of used tables).
- stmt - prepared statement handler
- tables - list of tables to be opened and locked
- before calling specific_prepare function
- specific_prepare - function of command specific prepare
- setup_tables_done_option - options to be passed to LEX::unit.prepare()
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables to be opened and locked
+ before calling specific_prepare function
+ specific_prepare function of command specific prepare
+ setup_tables_done_option options to be passed to LEX::unit.prepare()
- FALSE success
- TRUE error
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error
static bool
@@ -1341,12 +1423,12 @@ select_like_stmt_test_with_open_n_lock(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
- FALSE success
- TRUE error, error message is set in THD
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_create_table(Prepared_statement *stmt)
@@ -1377,17 +1459,17 @@ static bool mysql_test_create_table(Prepared_statement *stmt)
- Validate and prepare for execution multi update statement
+ Validate and prepare for execution a multi update statement.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
- converted converted to multi-update from usual update
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
+ converted converted to multi-update from usual update
- FALSE success
- TRUE error
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
static bool mysql_test_multiupdate(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1404,16 +1486,16 @@ static bool mysql_test_multiupdate(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- Validate and prepare for execution multi delete statement
+ Validate and prepare for execution a multi delete statement.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables queries
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
- 0 success
- 1 error, error message in THD is set.
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message in THD is set.
static bool mysql_test_multidelete(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1449,10 +1531,11 @@ error:
- thd thread handler
+ thd thread handle
- NOTE: we need remove first local tables after open_and_lock_tables,
- because mysql_handle_derived use local tables lists
+ We need to remove the first local table after open_and_lock_tables,
+ because mysql_handle_derived uses local tables lists.
static bool mysql_insert_select_prepare_tester(THD *thd)
@@ -1476,21 +1559,20 @@ static bool mysql_insert_select_prepare_tester(THD *thd)
- Validate and prepare for execution INSERT ... SELECT statement
+ Validate and prepare for execution INSERT ... SELECT statement.
- stmt prepared statemen handler
- tables list of tables of query
+ stmt prepared statement
+ tables list of tables used in this query
- 0 success
- 1 error, sent to client
- -1 error, not sent to client
+ FALSE success
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD
-static int mysql_test_insert_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- TABLE_LIST *tables)
+static bool mysql_test_insert_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
+ TABLE_LIST *tables)
int res;
LEX *lex= stmt->lex;
@@ -1525,7 +1607,7 @@ static int mysql_test_insert_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- stmt prepared statement
+ stmt prepared statement
This function
@@ -1534,8 +1616,8 @@ static int mysql_test_insert_select(Prepared_statement *stmt,
by calling fix_fields.
- FALSE success, statement metadata is sent to client
- TRUE error, error message is set (but not sent)
+ FALSE success, statement metadata is sent to client
+ TRUE error, error message is set in THD (but not sent)
static bool check_prepared_statement(Prepared_statement *stmt,
@@ -1582,11 +1664,13 @@ static bool check_prepared_statement(Prepared_statement *stmt,
- if ((res= mysql_test_select(stmt, tables, text_protocol)))
- goto error;
- /* Statement and field info has already been sent */
+ res= mysql_test_select(stmt, tables, text_protocol);
+ if (res == 2)
+ {
+ /* Statement and field info has already been sent */
+ }
+ break;
res= mysql_test_create_table(stmt);
@@ -1695,21 +1779,19 @@ static void cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(Statement *stmt, THD *thd)
- Given a query string with parameter markers, create a Prepared Statement
- from it and send PS info back to the client.
- packet query to be prepared
- packet_length query string length, including ignored trailing NULL or
- quote char.
- name NULL or statement name. For unnamed statements binary PS
- protocol is used, for named statements text protocol is
- used.
- FALSE OK, statement prepared successfully
- TRUE Error
+ packet query to be prepared
+ packet_length query string length, including ignored
+ trailing NULL or quote char.
+ Given a query string with parameter markers, create a prepared
+ statement from it and send PS info back to the client.
This function parses the query and sends the total number of parameters
@@ -1722,124 +1804,147 @@ static void cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(Statement *stmt, THD *thd)
that a fast and direct retrieval can be made without going through all
field items.
+ none: in case of success a new statement id and metadata is sent
+ to the client, otherwise an error message is set in THD.
-bool mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length,
- LEX_STRING *name)
+void mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length)
- LEX *lex;
- Statement stmt_backup;
- Prepared_statement *stmt= new Prepared_statement(thd);
- bool error;
+ Prepared_statement *stmt= new Prepared_statement(thd, &thd->protocol_prep);
+ bool rc;
DBUG_PRINT("prep_query", ("%s", packet));
- /*
- If this is an SQLCOM_PREPARE, we also increase Com_prepare_sql.
- However, it seems handy if com_stmt_prepare is increased always,
- no matter what kind of prepare is processed.
- */
- statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_prepare, &LOCK_status);
if (stmt == 0)
- if (name)
- {
- stmt->name.length= name->length;
- if (!(stmt->name.str= memdup_root(stmt->mem_root, (char*)name->str,
- name->length)))
- {
- delete stmt;
- }
- }
+ DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* out of memory: error is set in Sql_alloc */
if (thd->stmt_map.insert(stmt))
delete stmt;
+ DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* out of memory */
- /*
- alloc_query() uses thd->memroot && thd->query, so we have to call
- both of backup_statement() and backup_item_area() here.
- */
- thd->set_n_backup_statement(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- thd->set_n_backup_active_arena(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- if (alloc_query(thd, packet, packet_length))
- {
- thd->restore_backup_statement(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- thd->restore_active_arena(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- /* Statement map deletes statement on erase */
- thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt);
- }
- mysql_log.write(thd, thd->command, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, packet);
- thd->stmt_arena= stmt;
- mysql_init_query(thd, (uchar *) thd->query, thd->query_length);
+ mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command(thd);
/* Reset warnings from previous command */
mysql_reset_errors(thd, 0);
- lex= thd->lex;
- lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0;
- error= yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error ||
- thd->net.report_error || init_param_array(stmt);
- /*
- While doing context analysis of the query (in check_prepared_statement)
- we allocate a lot of additional memory: for open tables, JOINs, derived
- tables, etc. Let's save a snapshot of current parse tree to the
- statement and restore original THD. In cases when some tree
- transformation can be reused on execute, we set again thd->mem_root from
- stmt->mem_root (see setup_wild for one place where we do that).
- */
- thd->restore_active_arena(stmt, &stmt_backup);
+ if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
+ my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),QUERY_PRIOR);
- if (!error)
- error= check_prepared_statement(stmt, test(name));
+ rc= stmt->prepare(packet, packet_length);
- /* restore to WAIT_PRIOR: QUERY_PRIOR is set inside alloc_query */
if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
- if (error && thd->lex->sphead)
- {
- delete thd->lex->sphead;
- thd->lex->sphead= NULL;
- }
- lex_end(lex);
- close_thread_tables(thd);
- cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(stmt, thd);
- thd->restore_backup_statement(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- thd->stmt_arena= thd;
- if (error)
+ if (rc)
/* Statement map deletes statement on erase */
- stmt= NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_PREPARE, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, packet);
+ /* check_prepared_statemnt sends the metadata packet in case of success */
+ get_dynamic_sql_string()
+ lex in main lex
+ query_len out length of the SQL statement (is set only
+ in case of success)
+ Get an SQL statement text from a user variable or from plain
+ text. If the statement is plain text, just assign the
+ pointers, otherwise allocate memory in thd->mem_root and copy
+ the contents of the variable, possibly with character
+ set conversion.
+ non-zero success, 0 in case of error (out of memory)
+static const char *get_dynamic_sql_string(LEX *lex, uint *query_len)
+ THD *thd= lex->thd;
+ char *query_str= 0;
+ if (lex->prepared_stmt_code_is_varref)
+ {
+ /* This is PREPARE stmt FROM or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE @var. */
+ String str;
+ CHARSET_INFO *to_cs= thd->variables.collation_connection;
+ bool needs_conversion;
+ user_var_entry *entry;
+ String *pstr= &str;
+ uint32 unused, len;
+ /*
+ Convert @var contents to string in connection character set. Although
+ it is known that int/real/NULL value cannot be a valid query we still
+ convert it for error messages to be uniform.
+ */
+ if ((entry=
+ (user_var_entry*)hash_search(&thd->user_vars,
+ (byte*)lex->prepared_stmt_code.str,
+ lex->prepared_stmt_code.length))
+ && entry->value)
+ {
+ my_bool is_var_null;
+ pstr= entry->val_str(&is_var_null, &str, NOT_FIXED_DEC);
+ /*
+ NULL value of variable checked early as entry->value so here
+ we can't get NULL in normal conditions
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!is_var_null);
+ if (!pstr)
+ goto end;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ variable absent or equal to NULL, so we need to set variable to
+ something reasonable to get a readable error message during parsing
+ */
+ str.set("NULL", 4, &my_charset_latin1);
+ }
+ needs_conversion= String::needs_conversion(pstr->length(),
+ pstr->charset(), to_cs, &unused);
+ len= needs_conversion ? pstr->length() * to_cs->mbmaxlen : pstr->length();
+ if (!(query_str= alloc_root(thd->mem_root, len+1)))
+ goto end;
+ if (needs_conversion)
+ {
+ uint dummy_errors;
+ len= copy_and_convert(query_str, len, to_cs, pstr->ptr(), pstr->length(),
+ pstr->charset(), &dummy_errors);
+ }
+ else
+ memcpy(query_str, pstr->ptr(), pstr->length());
+ query_str[len]= '\0';
+ *query_len= len;
- stmt->setup_set_params();
- init_stmt_after_parse(thd, stmt->lex);
- stmt->state= Query_arena::PREPARED;
+ query_str= lex->prepared_stmt_code.str;
+ *query_len= lex->prepared_stmt_code.length;
- DBUG_RETURN(!stmt);
+ return query_str;
- Init PS/SP specific parse tree members.
+/* Init PS/SP specific parse tree members. */
-void init_stmt_after_parse(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
+static void init_stmt_after_parse(LEX *lex)
SELECT_LEX *sl= lex->all_selects_list;
@@ -1850,6 +1955,66 @@ void init_stmt_after_parse(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
sl->uncacheable&= ~UNCACHEABLE_PREPARE;
+ SQLCOM_PREPARE implementation.
+ mysql_sql_stmt_prepare()
+ thd thread handle
+ Prepare an SQL prepared statement. This is called from
+ mysql_execute_command and should therefore behave like an
+ ordinary query (e.g. should not reset any global THD data).
+ none: in case of success, OK packet is sent to the client,
+ otherwise an error message is set in THD
+void mysql_sql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd)
+ LEX *lex= thd->lex;
+ LEX_STRING *name= &lex->prepared_stmt_name;
+ Prepared_statement *stmt;
+ const char *query;
+ uint query_len;
+ DBUG_ENTER("mysql_sql_stmt_prepare");
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->protocol == &thd->protocol_simple);
+ if ((stmt= (Prepared_statement*) thd->stmt_map.find_by_name(name)))
+ {
+ /*
+ If there is a statement with the same name, remove it. It is ok to
+ remove old and fail to insert a new one at the same time.
+ */
+ if (stmt->deallocate())
+ }
+ if (! (query= get_dynamic_sql_string(lex, &query_len)) ||
+ ! (stmt= new Prepared_statement(thd, &thd->protocol_simple)))
+ {
+ DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ if (stmt->set_name(name) || thd->stmt_map.insert(stmt))
+ {
+ delete stmt;
+ }
+ if (stmt->prepare(query, query_len+1))
+ {
+ /* Statement map deletes the statement on erase */
+ thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt);
+ }
+ else
+ send_ok(thd, 0L, 0L, "Statement prepared");
/* Reinit prepared statement/stored procedure before execution */
@@ -1956,7 +2121,8 @@ void reinit_stmt_before_use(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
- stmt prepared statement for which parameters should be reset
+ stmt prepared statement for which parameters should
+ be reset
static void reset_stmt_params(Prepared_statement *stmt)
@@ -1969,81 +2135,50 @@ static void reset_stmt_params(Prepared_statement *stmt)
- Executes previously prepared query.
- If there is any parameters, then replace markers with the data supplied
- from client, and then execute the query.
+ COM_STMT_EXECUTE handler: execute a previously prepared statement.
- thd Current thread
- packet Query string
- packet_length Query string length, including terminator character.
+ thd current thread
+ packet parameter types and data, if any
+ packet_length packet length, including the terminator character.
+ If there are any parameters, then replace parameter markers with the
+ data supplied from the client, and then execute the statement.
+ This function uses binary protocol to send a possible result set
+ to the client.
+ none: in case of success OK packet or a result set is sent to the
+ client, otherwise an error message is set in THD.
void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(packet);
ulong flags= (ulong) ((uchar) packet[4]);
- Statement stmt_backup;
- Cursor *cursor;
- /*
- Query text for binary log, or empty string if the query is not put into
- binary log.
- */
+ /* Query text for binary, general or slow log, if any of them is open */
String expanded_query;
uchar *packet_end= (uchar *) packet + packet_length - 1;
Prepared_statement *stmt;
+ bool rc;
packet+= 9; /* stmt_id + 5 bytes of flags */
- statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_execute, &LOCK_status);
if (!(stmt= find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "mysql_stmt_execute")))
DBUG_PRINT("exec_query", ("%s", stmt->query));
DBUG_PRINT("info",("stmt: %p", stmt));
- /* Check if we got an error when sending long data */
- if (stmt->state == Query_arena::ERROR)
- {
- my_message(stmt->last_errno, stmt->last_error, MYF(0));
- }
- cursor= stmt->cursor;
- if (cursor && cursor->is_open())
- stmt->close_cursor();
- DBUG_ASSERT(thd->free_list == NULL);
- if (flags & (ulong) CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY)
- {
- if (!stmt->lex->result || !stmt->lex->result->simple_select())
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("Cursor asked for not SELECT stmt"));
- /*
- If lex->result is set in the parser, this is not a SELECT
- statement: we can't open a cursor for it.
- */
- flags= 0;
- my_error(ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY, MYF(0));
- goto err;
- }
- else
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using READ_ONLY cursor"));
- if (!cursor &&
- !(cursor= stmt->cursor= new (stmt->mem_root) Cursor(thd)))
- /* If lex->result is set, mysql_execute_command will use it */
- stmt->lex->result= &cursor->result;
- stmt->protocol= &cursor->protocol;
- thd->lock_id= &cursor->lock_id;
- }
- }
+ sp_cache_flush_obsolete(&thd->sp_proc_cache);
+ sp_cache_flush_obsolete(&thd->sp_func_cache);
if (stmt->param_count)
@@ -2062,93 +2197,67 @@ void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
if (stmt->param_count && stmt->set_params_data(stmt, &expanded_query))
goto set_params_data_err;
- thd->set_n_backup_statement(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- thd->stmt_arena= stmt;
- reinit_stmt_before_use(thd, stmt->lex);
- /* From now cursors assume that thd->mem_root is clean */
- if (expanded_query.length() &&
- alloc_query(thd, (char *)expanded_query.ptr(),
- expanded_query.length()+1))
- {
- my_error(ER_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, expanded_query.length());
- goto err;
- }
- mysql_log.write(thd, thd->command, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, thd->query);
- thd->protocol= stmt->protocol; // Switch to binary protocol
if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
- sp_cache_flush_obsolete(&thd->sp_proc_cache);
- sp_cache_flush_obsolete(&thd->sp_func_cache);
- mysql_execute_command(thd);
+ rc= stmt->execute(&expanded_query,
+ test(flags & (ulong) CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY));
if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(), WAIT_PRIOR);
- thd->protocol= &thd->protocol_simple; // Use normal protocol
- if (cursor && cursor->is_open())
- {
- /*
- It's safer if we grab THD state after mysql_execute_command is
- finished and not in Cursor::open(), because currently the call to
- Cursor::open is buried deep in JOIN::exec of the top level join.
- */
- cursor->init_from_thd(thd);
- if (cursor->close_at_commit)
- thd->stmt_map.add_transient_cursor(stmt);
- }
- else
- {
- close_thread_tables(thd);
- cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(stmt, thd);
- reset_stmt_params(stmt);
- }
+ if (rc)
+ goto err;
- log_slow_statement(thd);
- /* Prevent from second logging in the end of dispatch_command */
- thd->enable_slow_log= FALSE;
+ mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, thd->query);
- thd->set_statement(&stmt_backup);
- thd->lock_id= &thd->main_lock_id;
- thd->stmt_arena= thd;
- reset_stmt_params(stmt);
my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), "mysql_stmt_execute");
+ reset_stmt_params(stmt);
- Execute prepared statement using parameter values from
- lex->prepared_stmt_params and send result to the client using text protocol.
+ SQLCOM_EXECUTE implementation.
+ mysql_sql_stmt_execute()
+ thd thread handle
+ Execute prepared statement using parameter values from
+ lex->prepared_stmt_params and send result to the client using
+ text protocol. This is called from mysql_execute_command and
+ therefore should behave like an ordinary query (e.g. not change
+ global THD data, such as warning count, server status, etc).
+ This function uses text protocol to send a possible result set.
+ none: in case of success, OK (or result set) packet is sent to the
+ client, otherwise an error is set in THD
-void mysql_sql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *stmt_name)
+void mysql_sql_stmt_execute(THD *thd)
+ LEX *lex= thd->lex;
Prepared_statement *stmt;
- /*
- Query text for binary log, or empty string if the query is not put into
- binary log.
- */
+ LEX_STRING *name= &lex->prepared_stmt_name;
+ /* Query text for binary, general or slow log, if any of them is open */
String expanded_query;
- Statement stmt_backup;
- DBUG_ASSERT(thd->free_list == NULL);
- /* See comment for statistic_increment in mysql_stmt_prepare */
- statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_execute, &LOCK_status);
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("EXECUTE: %.*s\n", name->length, name->str));
- if (!(stmt= (Prepared_statement*)thd->stmt_map.find_by_name(stmt_name)))
+ if (!(stmt= (Prepared_statement*) thd->stmt_map.find_by_name(name)))
- my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER, MYF(0), stmt_name->length,
- stmt_name->str, "EXECUTE");
+ name->length, name->str, "EXECUTE");
- if (stmt->param_count != thd->lex->prepared_stmt_params.elements)
+ if (stmt->param_count != lex->prepared_stmt_params.elements)
@@ -2156,78 +2265,15 @@ void mysql_sql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *stmt_name)
DBUG_PRINT("info",("stmt: %p", stmt));
- /* Must go before setting variables, as it clears thd->user_var_events */
- mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command(thd);
- thd->set_n_backup_statement(stmt, &stmt_backup);
- if (stmt->set_params_from_vars(stmt,
- stmt_backup.lex->prepared_stmt_params,
+ if (stmt->set_params_from_vars(stmt, lex->prepared_stmt_params,
- }
- thd->command= COM_STMT_EXECUTE; /* For nice messages in general log */
- execute_stmt(thd, stmt, &expanded_query);
- thd->set_statement(&stmt_backup);
- Execute prepared statement.
- execute_stmt()
- thd Current thread
- stmt Statement to execute
- expanded_query If binary log is enabled, query string with parameter
- placeholders replaced with actual values. Otherwise empty
- string.
- Caller must set parameter values and thd::protocol.
-static void execute_stmt(THD *thd, Prepared_statement *stmt,
- String *expanded_query)
- DBUG_ENTER("execute_stmt");
- reinit_stmt_before_use(thd, stmt->lex);
- if (expanded_query->length() &&
- alloc_query(thd, (char *)expanded_query->ptr(),
- expanded_query->length()+1))
- {
- my_error(ER_OUTOFMEMORY, MYF(0), expanded_query->length());
- mysql_log.write(thd, thd->command, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, thd->query);
- /*
- At first execution of prepared statement we will perform logical
- transformations of the query tree (i.e. negations elimination).
- This should be done permanently on the parse tree of this statement.
- */
- thd->stmt_arena= stmt;
- if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
- my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),QUERY_PRIOR);
- mysql_execute_command(thd);
- if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
- my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(), WAIT_PRIOR);
- /*
- 'start_time' is set in dispatch_command, but THD::query will
- be freed when we return from this function. So let's log the slow
- query here.
- */
- log_slow_statement(thd);
- /* Prevent from second logging in the end of dispatch_command */
- thd->enable_slow_log= FALSE;
- close_thread_tables(thd); // to close derived tables
- cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(stmt, thd);
- reset_stmt_params(stmt);
- thd->stmt_arena= thd;
+ (void) stmt->execute(&expanded_query, FALSE);
- if (stmt->state == Query_arena::PREPARED)
- stmt->state= Query_arena::EXECUTED;
@@ -2237,9 +2283,9 @@ static void execute_stmt(THD *thd, Prepared_statement *stmt,
- thd Thread handler
- packet Packet from client (with stmt_id & num_rows)
- packet_length Length of packet
+ thd Thread handle
+ packet Packet from client (with stmt_id & num_rows)
+ packet_length Length of packet
void mysql_stmt_fetch(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
@@ -2301,8 +2347,8 @@ void mysql_stmt_fetch(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
Reset a prepared statement in case there was a recoverable error.
- thd Thread handle
- packet Packet with stmt id
+ thd Thread handle
+ packet Packet with stmt id
This function resets statement to the state it was right after prepare.
@@ -2310,6 +2356,7 @@ void mysql_stmt_fetch(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
- clear an error happened during mysql_stmt_send_long_data
- cancel long data stream for all placeholders without
having to call mysql_stmt_execute.
+ - close an open cursor
Sends 'OK' packet in case of success (statement was reset)
or 'ERROR' packet (unrecoverable error/statement not found/etc).
@@ -2339,7 +2386,7 @@ void mysql_stmt_reset(THD *thd, char *packet)
Delete a prepared statement from memory.
- Note: we don't send any reply to that command.
+ Note: we don't send any reply to this command.
void mysql_stmt_close(THD *thd, char *packet)
@@ -2350,33 +2397,65 @@ void mysql_stmt_close(THD *thd, char *packet)
- statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_close, &LOCK_status);
if (!(stmt= find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "mysql_stmt_close")))
- /* Statement map deletes statement on erase */
- thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt);
+ /*
+ The only way currently a statement can be deallocated when it's
+ in use is from within Dynamic SQL.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(! (stmt->flags & Prepared_statement::IS_IN_USE));
+ (void) stmt->deallocate();
- Long data in pieces from client
+ SQLCOM_DEALLOCATE implementation.
+ Close an SQL prepared statement. As this can be called from Dynamic
+ SQL, we should be careful to not close a statement that is currently
+ being executed.
+ none: OK packet is sent in case of success, otherwise an error
+ message is set in THD
+void mysql_sql_stmt_close(THD *thd)
+ Prepared_statement* stmt;
+ LEX_STRING *name= &thd->lex->prepared_stmt_name;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("DEALLOCATE PREPARE: %.*s\n", name->length, name->str));
+ if (! (stmt= (Prepared_statement*) thd->stmt_map.find_by_name(name)))
+ {
+ name->length, name->str, "DEALLOCATE PREPARE");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (stmt->deallocate() == 0)
+ send_ok(thd);
+ Handle long data in pieces from client.
- thd Thread handle
- pos String to append
- packet_length Length of string
+ thd Thread handle
+ packet String to append
+ packet_length Length of string
- Get a part of a long data.
- To make the protocol efficient, we are not sending any return packages
- here.
- If something goes wrong, then we will send the error on 'execute'
- We assume that the client takes care of checking that all parts are sent
- to the server. (No checking that we get a 'end of column' in the server)
+ Get a part of a long data. To make the protocol efficient, we are
+ not sending any return packets here. If something goes wrong, then
+ we will send the error on 'execute' We assume that the client takes
+ care of checking that all parts are sent to the server. (No checking
+ that we get a 'end of column' in the server is performed).
void mysql_stmt_get_longdata(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length)
@@ -2436,15 +2515,16 @@ void mysql_stmt_get_longdata(THD *thd, char *packet, ulong packet_length)
-Prepared_statement::Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg)
+Prepared_statement::Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg, Protocol *protocol_arg)
:Statement(INITIALIZED, ++thd_arg->statement_id_counter,
- protocol(&thd_arg->protocol_prep),
+ protocol(protocol_arg),
- last_errno(0)
+ last_errno(0),
+ flags(IS_IN_USE)
*last_error= '\0';
@@ -2475,6 +2555,14 @@ void Prepared_statement::setup_set_params()
+ Destroy this prepared statement, cleaning up all used memory
+ and resources. This is called from ::deallocate() to
+ THD ends and all prepared statements are freed.
@@ -2527,3 +2615,284 @@ void Prepared_statement::close_cursor()
+bool Prepared_statement::set_name(LEX_STRING *name_arg)
+ name.length= name_arg->length;
+ name.str= memdup_root(mem_root, (char*) name_arg->str, name_arg->length);
+ return name.str == 0;
+ Common parts of mysql_[sql]_stmt_prepare, mysql_[sql]_stmt_execute.
+ Essentially, these functions do all the magic of preparing/executing
+ a statement, leaving network communication, input data handling and
+ global THD state management to the caller.
+ Parse statement text, validate the statement, and prepare it for execution.
+ Prepared_statement::prepare()
+ packet statement text
+ packet_len
+ You should not change global THD state in this function, if at all
+ possible: it may be called from any context, e.g. when executing
+ a COM_* command, and SQLCOM_* command, or a stored procedure.
+ Precondition.
+ -------------
+ The caller must ensure that thd->change_list and thd->free_list
+ is empty: this function will not back them up but will free
+ in the end of its execution.
+ Postcondition.
+ --------------
+ thd->mem_root contains unused memory allocated during validation.
+bool Prepared_statement::prepare(const char *packet, uint packet_len)
+ bool rc;
+ Statement stmt_backup;
+ Query_arena *old_stmt_arena;
+ DBUG_ENTER("Prepared_statement::prepare");
+ /*
+ If this is an SQLCOM_PREPARE, we also increase Com_prepare_sql.
+ However, it seems handy if com_stmt_prepare is increased always,
+ no matter what kind of prepare is processed.
+ */
+ statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_prepare, &LOCK_status);
+ /*
+ alloc_query() uses thd->memroot && thd->query, so we should call
+ both of backup_statement() and backup_query_arena() here.
+ */
+ thd->set_n_backup_statement(this, &stmt_backup);
+ thd->set_n_backup_active_arena(this, &stmt_backup);
+ if (alloc_query(thd, packet, packet_len))
+ {
+ thd->restore_backup_statement(this, &stmt_backup);
+ thd->restore_active_arena(this, &stmt_backup);
+ }
+ old_stmt_arena= thd->stmt_arena;
+ thd->stmt_arena= this;
+ lex_start(thd, (uchar*) thd->query, thd->query_length);
+ lex->safe_to_cache_query= FALSE;
+ lex->stmt_prepare_mode= TRUE;
+ rc= yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error ||
+ thd->net.report_error || init_param_array(this);
+ /*
+ While doing context analysis of the query (in check_prepared_statement)
+ we allocate a lot of additional memory: for open tables, JOINs, derived
+ tables, etc. Let's save a snapshot of current parse tree to the
+ statement and restore original THD. In cases when some tree
+ transformation can be reused on execute, we set again thd->mem_root from
+ stmt->mem_root (see setup_wild for one place where we do that).
+ */
+ thd->restore_active_arena(this, &stmt_backup);
+ /*
+ If called from a stored procedure, ensure that we won't rollback
+ external changes when cleaning up after validation.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->change_list.is_empty());
+ /*
+ If the free_list is not empty, we'll wrongly free some externally
+ allocated items when cleaning up after validation of the prepared
+ statement.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->free_list == NULL);
+ if (rc == 0)
+ rc= check_prepared_statement(this, name.str != 0);
+ if (rc && thd->lex->sphead)
+ {
+ delete thd->lex->sphead;
+ thd->lex->sphead= NULL;
+ }
+ lex_end(lex);
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(this, thd);
+ thd->restore_backup_statement(this, &stmt_backup);
+ thd->stmt_arena= old_stmt_arena;
+ if (rc == 0)
+ {
+ setup_set_params();
+ init_stmt_after_parse(lex);
+ state= Query_arena::PREPARED;
+ flags&= ~IS_IN_USE;
+ }
+ Execute a prepared statement.
+ Prepared_statement::execute()
+ expanded_query A query for binlogging which has all parameter
+ markers ('?') replaced with their actual values.
+ open_cursor True if an attempt to open a cursor should be made.
+ Currenlty used only in the binary protocol.
+ You should not change global THD state in this function, if at all
+ possible: it may be called from any context, e.g. when executing
+ a COM_* command, and SQLCOM_* command, or a stored procedure.
+ Preconditions, postconditions.
+ ------------------------------
+ See the comment for Prepared_statement::prepare().
+bool Prepared_statement::execute(String *expanded_query, bool open_cursor)
+ Statement stmt_backup;
+ Query_arena *old_stmt_arena;
+ Item *old_free_list;
+ bool rc= 1;
+ statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_execute, &LOCK_status);
+ /* Check if we got an error when sending long data */
+ if (state == Query_arena::ERROR)
+ {
+ my_message(last_errno, last_error, MYF(0));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (flags & IS_IN_USE)
+ {
+ my_error(ER_PS_NO_RECURSION, MYF(0));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* In case the command has a call to SP which re-uses this statement name */
+ flags|= IS_IN_USE;
+ if (cursor && cursor->is_open())
+ close_cursor();
+ /*
+ If the free_list is not empty, we'll wrongly free some externally
+ allocated items when cleaning up after execution of this statement.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->change_list.is_empty());
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->free_list == NULL);
+ if (open_cursor)
+ {
+ if (!lex->result || !lex->result->simple_select())
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("info",("Cursor asked for not SELECT stmt"));
+ /*
+ If lex->result is set in the parser, this is not a SELECT
+ statement: we can't open a cursor for it.
+ */
+ my_error(ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY, MYF(0));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using READ_ONLY cursor"));
+ if (!cursor && !(cursor= new (mem_root) Cursor(thd)))
+ goto error;
+ /* If lex->result is set, mysql_execute_command will use it */
+ lex->result= &cursor->result;
+ protocol= &cursor->protocol;
+ thd->lock_id= &cursor->lock_id;
+ /*
+ Currently cursors can be used only from C API, so
+ we don't have to create an own memory root for them:
+ the one in THD is clean and can be used.
+ */
+ }
+ thd->set_n_backup_statement(this, &stmt_backup);
+ if (expanded_query->length() &&
+ alloc_query(thd, (char*) expanded_query->ptr(),
+ expanded_query->length()+1))
+ {
+ my_error(ER_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, expanded_query->length());
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /*
+ Expanded query is needed for slow logging, so we want thd->query
+ to point at it even after we restore from backup. This is ok, as
+ expanded query was allocated in thd->mem_root.
+ */
+ stmt_backup.query= thd->query;
+ stmt_backup.query_length= thd->query_length;
+ /*
+ At first execution of prepared statement we may perform logical
+ transformations of the query tree. Such changes should be performed
+ on the parse tree of current prepared statement and new items should
+ be allocated in its memory root. Set the appropriate pointer in THD
+ to the arena of the statement.
+ */
+ old_stmt_arena= thd->stmt_arena;
+ thd->stmt_arena= this;
+ reinit_stmt_before_use(thd, lex);
+ thd->protocol= protocol; /* activate stmt protocol */
+ mysql_execute_command(thd);
+ thd->protocol= &thd->protocol_simple; /* use normal protocol */
+ if (cursor && cursor->is_open())
+ {
+ /*
+ It's safer if we grab THD state after mysql_execute_command is
+ finished and not in Cursor::open(), because currently the call to
+ Cursor::open is buried deep in JOIN::exec of the top level join.
+ */
+ cursor->init_from_thd(thd);
+ if (cursor->close_at_commit)
+ thd->stmt_map.add_transient_cursor(this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ cleanup_stmt_and_thd_after_use(this, thd);
+ reset_stmt_params(this);
+ }
+ thd->set_statement(&stmt_backup);
+ thd->lock_id= &thd->main_lock_id;
+ thd->stmt_arena= old_stmt_arena;
+ if (state == Query_arena::PREPARED)
+ state= Query_arena::EXECUTED;
+ rc= 0;
+ thd->lock_id= &thd->main_lock_id;
+ flags&= ~IS_IN_USE;
+ return rc;
+/* Common part of DEALLOCATE PREPARE and mysql_stmt_close */
+bool Prepared_statement::deallocate()
+ /* We account deallocate in the same manner as mysql_stmt_close */
+ statistic_increment(thd->status_var.com_stmt_close, &LOCK_status);
+ if (flags & IS_IN_USE)
+ {
+ my_error(ER_PS_NO_RECURSION, MYF(0));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Statement map calls delete stmt on erase */
+ thd->stmt_map.erase(this);
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
index 90066318c60..c9b41cb495b 100644
--- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy
+++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
@@ -921,16 +921,11 @@ deallocate:
LEX *lex= thd->lex;
- if (thd->command == COM_STMT_PREPARE)
+ if (lex->stmt_prepare_mode)
- if (lex->sphead)
- {
- }
lex->prepared_stmt_name= $3;
@@ -946,16 +941,11 @@ prepare:
LEX *lex= thd->lex;
- if (thd->command == COM_STMT_PREPARE)
+ if (lex->stmt_prepare_mode)
- if (lex->sphead)
- {
- }
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_PREPARE;
lex->prepared_stmt_name= $2;
@@ -981,16 +971,11 @@ execute:
LEX *lex= thd->lex;
- if (thd->command == COM_STMT_PREPARE)
+ if (lex->stmt_prepare_mode)
- if (lex->sphead)
- {
- }
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_EXECUTE;
lex->prepared_stmt_name= $2;
@@ -1324,11 +1309,8 @@ create:
YYTHD->client_capabilities |= CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES;
- if (sp->m_multi_results)
- {
- my_error(ER_SP_NO_RETSET, MYF(0), "trigger");
- }
+ if (sp->is_not_allowed_in_function("trigger"))
We have to do it after parsing trigger body, because some of
@@ -1481,11 +1463,9 @@ create_function_tail:
LEX *lex= Lex;
sp_head *sp= lex->sphead;
- if (sp->m_multi_results)
- {
- my_error(ER_SP_NO_RETSET, MYF(0), "function");
- }
+ if (sp->is_not_allowed_in_function("function"))
if (sp->check_backpatch(YYTHD))
@@ -1735,7 +1715,7 @@ sp_decl:
sp->push_backpatch(i, ctx->push_label((char *)"", 0));
- sp->m_in_handler= TRUE;
+ sp->m_flags|= sp_head::IN_HANDLER;
sp_hcond_list sp_proc_stmt
@@ -1759,7 +1739,7 @@ sp_decl:
sp->push_backpatch(i, lex->spcont->last_label()); /* Block end */
- sp->m_in_handler= FALSE;
+ sp->m_flags&= ~sp_head::IN_HANDLER;
$$.vars= $$.conds= $$.curs= 0;
$$.hndlrs= $6;
@@ -1971,12 +1951,7 @@ sp_proc_stmt:
LEX *lex= Lex;
sp_head *sp= lex->sphead;
- if ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT && !lex->result) ||
- sp_multi_results_command(lex->sql_command))
- {
- /* We maybe have one or more SELECT without INTO */
- sp->m_multi_results= TRUE;
- }
+ sp->m_flags|= sp_get_flags_for_command(lex);
if (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CHANGE_DB)
{ /* "USE db" doesn't work in a procedure */
my_error(ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT, MYF(0), "USE");
@@ -2026,14 +2001,14 @@ sp_proc_stmt:
i= new sp_instr_freturn(sp->instructions(), lex->spcont,
$3, sp->m_returns, lex);
- sp->m_has_return= TRUE;
+ sp->m_flags|= sp_head::HAS_RETURN;
| IF sp_if END IF {}
- Lex->sphead->m_simple_case= FALSE;
+ Lex->sphead->m_flags&= ~sp_head::IN_SIMPLE_CASE;
sp_case END CASE_SYM {}
@@ -2053,7 +2028,7 @@ sp_proc_stmt:
lex->spcont->push_pvar(&dummy, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, sp_param_in);
- lex->sphead->m_simple_case= TRUE;
+ lex->sphead->m_flags|= sp_head::IN_SIMPLE_CASE;
sp_case END CASE_SYM
@@ -2367,7 +2342,7 @@ sp_case:
uint ip= sp->instructions();
sp_instr_jump_if_not *i;
- if (! sp->m_simple_case)
+ if (! (sp->m_flags & sp_head::IN_SIMPLE_CASE))
i= new sp_instr_jump_if_not(ip, ctx, $2, lex);
{ /* Simple case: <caseval> = <whenval> */