diff options
18 files changed, 1255 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/trigger-trans.result b/mysql-test/r/trigger-trans.result
index b56abf1f59a..cd5f629564f 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/trigger-trans.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/trigger-trans.result
@@ -82,3 +82,62 @@ ALICE 33 1 0
THE CROWN 43 1 0
THE PIE 53 1 1
drop table t1;
+Bug#26141 mixing table types in trigger causes full
+table lock on innodb table
+Ensure we do not open and lock tables for the triggers we do not
+drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug26141_au;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug26141_ai;
+create table t1 (c int primary key) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 (c int) engine=myisam;
+create table t3 (c int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t1 (c) values (1);
+create trigger trg_bug26141_ai after insert on t1
+for each row
+insert into t2 (c) values (1);
+# We need the 'sync' lock to synchronously wait in connection 2 till
+# the moment when the trigger acquired all the locks.
+select release_lock("lock_bug26141_sync") into @a;
+# 1000 is time in seconds of lock wait timeout -- this is a way
+# to cause a manageable sleep up to 1000 seconds
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_wait", 1000) into @a;
+create trigger trg_bug26141_au after update on t1
+for each row
+insert into t3 (c) values (1);
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_wait", 0);
+get_lock("lock_bug26141_wait", 0)
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", /* must not be priorly locked */ 0);
+get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", /* must not be priorly locked */ 0)
+insert into t1 (c) values (2);
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", 1000);
+get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", 1000)
+update t1 set c=3 where c=1;
+select release_lock("lock_bug26141_sync");
+select release_lock("lock_bug26141_wait");
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t3;
+drop table t1, t2, t3;
+End of 5.0 tests
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
index 290929d476d..4b18e525e62 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
@@ -1476,4 +1476,461 @@ DROP TRIGGER t1_test;
+Bug#28502 Triggers that update another innodb table will block
+on X lock unnecessarily
+Ensure we do not open and lock tables for triggers we do not fire.
+drop table if exists t1, t2;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_au;
+create table t1 (id int, count int);
+create table t2 (id int);
+create trigger trg_bug28502_au before update on t2
+for each row
+if ( is not null) then
+update t1 set count= count + 1 where id =;
+end if;
+insert into t1 (id, count) values (1, 0);
+lock table t1 write;
+insert into t2 set id=1;
+unlock tables;
+update t2 set id=1 where id=1;
+select * from t1;
+id count
+1 1
+select * from t2;
+drop table t1, t2;
+Additionally, provide test coverage for triggers and
+all MySQL data changing commands.
+drop table if exists t1, t2, t1_op_log;
+drop view if exists v1;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bi;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_ai;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bu;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_au;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bd;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_ad;
+create table t1 (id int primary key auto_increment, operation varchar(255));
+create table t2 (id int primary key);
+create table t1_op_log(operation varchar(255));
+create view v1 as select * from t1;
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bi before insert on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("Before INSERT, new=", new.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_ai after insert on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("After INSERT, new=", new.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bu before update on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("Before UPDATE, new=", new.operation,
+", old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_au after update on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("After UPDATE, new=", new.operation,
+", old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bd before delete on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("Before DELETE, old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_ad after delete on t1
+for each row
+insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+values (concat("After DELETE, old=", old.operation));
+insert into t1 (operation) values ("INSERT");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT
+truncate t1_op_log;
+update t1 set operation="UPDATE" where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before UPDATE, new=UPDATE, old=INSERT
+truncate t1_op_log;
+delete from t1 where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before DELETE, old=UPDATE
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values
+(NULL, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL, operation="Should never happen";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values
+(@id, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+0 INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same
+Before UPDATE, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate, old=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+After UPDATE, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate, old=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 values (NULL, "REPLACE, inserting a new key");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 values (@id, "REPLACE, deleting the duplicate");
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+Before DELETE, old=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists t1
+select NULL, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+Note 1050 Table 't1' already exists
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists t1 replace
+select @id, "CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key";
+Note 1050 Table 't1' already exists
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+Before DELETE, old=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation)
+select @id,
+"INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate"
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+0 INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate
+Before UPDATE, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate, old=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After UPDATE, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate, old=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 (id, operation)
+select @id, "REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+Before DELETE, old=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-DELETE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+delete t1.*, t2.* from t1, t2 where;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+After INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+Before DELETE, old=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+After DELETE, old=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+truncate t1;
+truncate t2;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-UPDATE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+update t1, t2 set, operation="multi-UPDATE" where;
+update t1, t2
+set, operation="multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired" where;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+2 multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+After INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+Before UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, old=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+After UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, old=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+Before UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired, old=multi-UPDATE
+After UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired, old=multi-UPDATE
+truncate table t1;
+truncate table t2;
+truncate table t1_op_log;
+Now do the same but use a view instead of the base table.
+insert into v1 (operation) values ("INSERT");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT
+truncate t1_op_log;
+update v1 set operation="UPDATE" where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before UPDATE, new=UPDATE, old=INSERT
+truncate t1_op_log;
+delete from v1 where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before DELETE, old=UPDATE
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values
+(NULL, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL, operation="Should never happen";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values
+(@id, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+0 INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same
+Before UPDATE, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate, old=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+After UPDATE, new=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate, old=INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 values (NULL, "REPLACE, inserting a new key");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 values (@id, "REPLACE, deleting the duplicate");
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+Before DELETE, old=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=REPLACE, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE, deleting the duplicate
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists v1
+select NULL, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+Note 1050 Table 'v1' already exists
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists v1 replace
+select @id, "CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key";
+Note 1050 Table 'v1' already exists
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+Before DELETE, old=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation)
+select @id,
+"INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate"
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+0 INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate
+Before UPDATE, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate, old=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After UPDATE, new=INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate, old=INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 (id, operation)
+select @id, "REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+1 REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+Before DELETE, old=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After DELETE, old=REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key
+After INSERT, new=REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-DELETE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+delete v1.*, t2.* from v1, t2 where;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+After INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+Before DELETE, old=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+After DELETE, old=INSERT for multi-DELETE
+truncate t1;
+truncate t2;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-UPDATE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+update v1, t2 set, operation="multi-UPDATE" where;
+update v1, t2
+set, operation="multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired" where;
+select * from t1;
+id operation
+2 multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+Before INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+After INSERT, new=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+Before UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, old=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+After UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, old=INSERT for multi-UPDATE
+Before UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired, old=multi-UPDATE
+After UPDATE, new=multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired, old=multi-UPDATE
+drop view v1;
+drop table t1, t2, t1_op_log;
End of 5.0 tests
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/trigger-trans.test b/mysql-test/t/trigger-trans.test
index 5c135d98878..8103a1ba0b1 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/trigger-trans.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/trigger-trans.test
@@ -49,4 +49,84 @@ insert into t1 values ('The Pie', 50, 1, 1);
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
-# End of 5.0 tests
+--echo Bug#26141 mixing table types in trigger causes full
+--echo table lock on innodb table
+--echo Ensure we do not open and lock tables for the triggers we do not
+--echo fire.
+drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug26141_au;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug26141_ai;
+# Note, for InnoDB to allow concurrent UPDATE and INSERT the
+# table must have a unique key.
+create table t1 (c int primary key) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 (c int) engine=myisam;
+create table t3 (c int) engine=myisam;
+insert into t1 (c) values (1);
+delimiter |;
+create trigger trg_bug26141_ai after insert on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t2 (c) values (1);
+# We need the 'sync' lock to synchronously wait in connection 2 till
+# the moment when the trigger acquired all the locks.
+ select release_lock("lock_bug26141_sync") into @a;
+# 1000 is time in seconds of lock wait timeout -- this is a way
+# to cause a manageable sleep up to 1000 seconds
+ select get_lock("lock_bug26141_wait", 1000) into @a;
+create trigger trg_bug26141_au after update on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t3 (c) values (1);
+delimiter ;|
+# Establish an alternative connection.
+--connect (connection_aux,localhost,root,,test,,)
+--connect (connection_update,localhost,root,,test,,)
+connection connection_aux;
+# Lock the wait lock, it must not be locked, so specify zero timeout.
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_wait", 0);
+connection default;
+# Run the trigger synchronously
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", /* must not be priorly locked */ 0);
+# Will acquire the table level locks, perform the insert into t2,
+# release the sync lock and block on the wait lock.
+send insert into t1 (c) values (2);
+connection connection_update;
+# Wait for the trigger to acquire its locks and unlock the sync lock.
+select get_lock("lock_bug26141_sync", 1000);
+# This must continue: after the fix for the bug, we do not
+# open tables for t2, and with c=4 innobase allows the update
+# to run concurrently with insert.
+update t1 set c=3 where c=1;
+select release_lock("lock_bug26141_sync");
+connection connection_aux;
+select release_lock("lock_bug26141_wait");
+connection default;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t3;
+# Drops the trigger as well.
+drop table t1, t2, t3;
+disconnect connection_update;
+disconnect connection_aux;
+--echo End of 5.0 tests
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
index 0fa92f33de2..a6390036322 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
@@ -1828,5 +1828,370 @@ DROP TRIGGER t1_test;
+--echo Bug#28502 Triggers that update another innodb table will block
+--echo on X lock unnecessarily
+--echo Ensure we do not open and lock tables for triggers we do not fire.
+drop table if exists t1, t2;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_au;
+create table t1 (id int, count int);
+create table t2 (id int);
+delimiter |;
+create trigger trg_bug28502_au before update on t2
+for each row
+ if ( is not null) then
+ update t1 set count= count + 1 where id =;
+ end if;
+delimiter ;|
+insert into t1 (id, count) values (1, 0);
+lock table t1 write;
+--connect (connection_insert, localhost, root, , test, , )
+connection connection_insert;
+# Is expected to pass.
+insert into t2 set id=1;
+connection default;
+unlock tables;
+update t2 set id=1 where id=1;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+# Will drop the trigger
+drop table t1, t2;
+disconnect connection_insert;
+--echo Additionally, provide test coverage for triggers and
+--echo all MySQL data changing commands.
+drop table if exists t1, t2, t1_op_log;
+drop view if exists v1;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bi;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_ai;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bu;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_au;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_bd;
+drop trigger if exists trg_bug28502_ad;
+create table t1 (id int primary key auto_increment, operation varchar(255));
+create table t2 (id int primary key);
+create table t1_op_log(operation varchar(255));
+create view v1 as select * from t1;
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bi before insert on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("Before INSERT, new=", new.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_ai after insert on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("After INSERT, new=", new.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bu before update on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("Before UPDATE, new=", new.operation,
+ ", old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_au after update on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("After UPDATE, new=", new.operation,
+ ", old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_bd before delete on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("Before DELETE, old=", old.operation));
+create trigger trg_bug28502_ad after delete on t1
+for each row
+ insert into t1_op_log (operation)
+ values (concat("After DELETE, old=", old.operation));
+insert into t1 (operation) values ("INSERT");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+update t1 set operation="UPDATE" where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+delete from t1 where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values
+(NULL, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL, operation="Should never happen";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values
+(@id, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 values (NULL, "REPLACE, inserting a new key");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 values (@id, "REPLACE, deleting the duplicate");
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists t1
+select NULL, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists t1 replace
+select @id, "CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation)
+select @id,
+"INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate"
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into t1 (id, operation)
+select @id, "REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-DELETE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+delete t1.*, t2.* from t1, t2 where;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t2;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into t1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-UPDATE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+update t1, t2 set, operation="multi-UPDATE" where;
+update t1, t2
+set, operation="multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired" where;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate table t1;
+truncate table t2;
+truncate table t1_op_log;
+--echo Now do the same but use a view instead of the base table.
+insert into v1 (operation) values ("INSERT");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+update v1 set operation="UPDATE" where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+delete from v1 where id=@id;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values
+(NULL, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, inserting a new key")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL, operation="Should never happen";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values
+(@id, "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the key value is the same")
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating the duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 values (NULL, "REPLACE, inserting a new key");
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 values (@id, "REPLACE, deleting the duplicate");
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists v1
+select NULL, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+create table if not exists v1 replace
+select @id, "CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT, deleting a duplicate key";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "INSERT ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation)
+select @id,
+"INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate"
+on duplicate key update id=NULL,
+operation="INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, updating a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 (id, operation)
+select NULL, "REPLACE ... SELECT, inserting a new key";
+set @id=last_insert_id();
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+replace into v1 (id, operation)
+select @id, "REPLACE ... SELECT, deleting a duplicate";
+select * from t1;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-DELETE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+delete v1.*, t2.* from v1, t2 where;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+truncate t1;
+truncate t2;
+truncate t1_op_log;
+insert into v1 (id, operation) values (1, "INSERT for multi-UPDATE");
+insert into t2 (id) values (1);
+update v1, t2 set, operation="multi-UPDATE" where;
+update v1, t2
+set, operation="multi-UPDATE, SET for t2, but the trigger is fired" where;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+select * from t1_op_log;
+drop view v1;
+drop table t1, t2, t1_op_log;
--echo End of 5.0 tests
diff --git a/sql/item.h b/sql/item.h
index 58e3ec439b4..07bf7fec0ea 100644
--- a/sql/item.h
+++ b/sql/item.h
@@ -2309,14 +2309,6 @@ enum trg_action_time_type
- Event on which trigger is invoked.
-enum trg_event_type
class Table_triggers_list;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 3c8ebed4ae6..c0e7d5e2271 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -440,6 +440,19 @@ db_load_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp,
thd->spcont= NULL;
ret= MYSQLparse(thd);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ Not strictly necessary to invoke this method here, since we know
+ that we've parsed CREATE PROCEDURE/FUNCTION and not an
+ maintain the invariant that this method is called for each
+ distinct statement, in case its logic is extended with other
+ types of analyses in future.
+ */
+ newlex.set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
+ }
if (ret || thd->is_fatal_error || newlex.sphead == NULL)
@@ -1742,31 +1755,39 @@ sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_for_triggers(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
TABLE_LIST *table)
int ret= 0;
- Table_triggers_list *triggers= table->table->triggers;
- if (add_used_routine(lex, thd->stmt_arena, &triggers->sroutines_key,
- table->belong_to_view))
+ Sroutine_hash_entry **last_cached_routine_ptr=
+ (Sroutine_hash_entry **)lex->;
+ if (static_cast<int>(table->lock_type) >=
+ static_cast<int>(TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE))
- Sroutine_hash_entry **last_cached_routine_ptr=
- (Sroutine_hash_entry **)lex->;
for (int i= 0; i < (int)TRG_EVENT_MAX; i++)
- for (int j= 0; j < (int)TRG_ACTION_MAX; j++)
+ if (table->trg_event_map &
+ static_cast<uint8>(1 << static_cast<int>(i)))
- if (triggers->bodies[i][j])
+ for (int j= 0; j < (int)TRG_ACTION_MAX; j++)
- (void)triggers->bodies[i][j]->
- add_used_tables_to_table_list(thd, &lex->query_tables_last,
- table->belong_to_view);
- sp_update_stmt_used_routines(thd, lex,
- &triggers->bodies[i][j]->m_sroutines,
- table->belong_to_view);
+ /* We can have only one trigger per action type currently */
+ sp_head *trigger= table->table->triggers->bodies[i][j];
+ if (trigger &&
+ add_used_routine(lex, thd->stmt_arena, &trigger->m_sroutines_key,
+ table->belong_to_view))
+ {
+ trigger->add_used_tables_to_table_list(thd, &lex->query_tables_last,
+ table->belong_to_view);
+ sp_update_stmt_used_routines(thd, lex,
+ &trigger->m_sroutines,
+ table->belong_to_view);
+ }
- ret= sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
- *last_cached_routine_ptr,
+ ret= sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
+ *last_cached_routine_ptr,
return ret;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index d939fd20b9b..0ac1db336d0 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -478,12 +478,35 @@ sp_head::init(LEX *lex)
my_init_dynamic_array(&m_instr, sizeof(sp_instr *), 16, 8);
- m_param_begin= m_param_end= m_body_begin= 0;
- m_qname.str= m_db.str= m_name.str= m_params.str=
- m_body.str= m_defstr.str= 0;
- m_qname.length= m_db.length= m_name.length= m_params.length=
- m_body.length= m_defstr.length= 0;
+ m_param_begin= NULL;
+ m_param_end= NULL;
+ m_body_begin= NULL ;
+ m_qname.str= NULL;
+ m_qname.length= 0;
+ m_db.str= NULL;
+ m_db.length= 0;
+ m_name.str= NULL;
+ m_name.length= 0;
+ m_params.str= NULL;
+ m_params.length= 0;
+ m_body.str= NULL;
+ m_body.length= 0;
+ m_defstr.str= NULL;
+ m_defstr.length= 0;
+ m_sroutines_key.str= NULL;
+ m_sroutines_key.length= 0;
m_return_field_def.charset= NULL;
@@ -509,9 +532,14 @@ sp_head::init_sp_name(THD *thd, sp_name *spname)
if (spname->m_qname.length == 0)
- m_qname.length= spname->m_qname.length;
- m_qname.str= strmake_root(thd->mem_root, spname->m_qname.str,
- m_qname.length);
+ m_sroutines_key.length= spname->m_sroutines_key.length;
+ m_sroutines_key.str= memdup_root(thd->mem_root,
+ spname->m_sroutines_key.str,
+ spname->m_sroutines_key.length + 1);
+ m_sroutines_key.str[0]= static_cast<char>(m_type);
+ m_qname.length= m_sroutines_key.length - 1;
+ m_qname.str= m_sroutines_key.str + 1;
@@ -1796,8 +1824,11 @@ sp_head::restore_lex(THD *thd)
LEX *sublex= thd->lex;
- LEX *oldlex= (LEX *)m_lex.pop();
+ LEX *oldlex;
+ sublex->set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
+ oldlex= (LEX *)m_lex.pop();
if (! oldlex)
return; // Nothing to restore
@@ -3429,6 +3460,7 @@ typedef struct st_sp_table
thr_lock_type lock_type; /* lock type used for prelocking */
uint lock_count;
uint query_lock_count;
+ uint8 trg_event_map;
byte *
@@ -3515,6 +3547,7 @@ sp_head::merge_table_list(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, LEX *lex_for_tmp_check)
if (tab->query_lock_count > tab->lock_count)
+ tab->trg_event_map|= table->trg_event_map;
@@ -3536,6 +3569,7 @@ sp_head::merge_table_list(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, LEX *lex_for_tmp_check)
tab->db_length= table->db_length;
tab->lock_type= table->lock_type;
tab->lock_count= tab->query_lock_count= 1;
+ tab->trg_event_map= table->trg_event_map;
my_hash_insert(&m_sptabs, (byte *)tab);
@@ -3613,6 +3647,7 @@ sp_head::add_used_tables_to_table_list(THD *thd,
table->cacheable_table= 1;
table->prelocking_placeholder= 1;
table->belong_to_view= belong_to_view;
+ table->trg_event_map= stab->trg_event_map;
/* Everyting else should be zeroed */
diff --git a/sql/sp_head.h b/sql/sp_head.h
index ed99885ae9a..ebe40ce9c87 100644
--- a/sql/sp_head.h
+++ b/sql/sp_head.h
@@ -130,6 +130,12 @@ public:
st_sp_chistics *m_chistics;
ulong m_sql_mode; // For SHOW CREATE and execution
LEX_STRING m_qname; //
+ /**
+ Key representing routine in the set of stored routines used by statement.
+ [routine_type]\0
+ @sa sp_name::m_sroutines_key
+ */
+ LEX_STRING m_sroutines_key;
LEX_STRING m_name;
LEX_STRING m_params;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index dbce1e38139..c37d77345b6 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -2034,6 +2034,27 @@ void st_select_lex_unit::set_limit(SELECT_LEX *sl)
+ Update the parsed tree with information about triggers that
+ may be fired when executing this statement.
+void st_lex::set_trg_event_type_for_tables()
+ /*
+ Do not iterate over sub-selects, only the tables in the outermost
+ SELECT_LEX can be modified, if any.
+ */
+ TABLE_LIST *tables= select_lex.get_table_list();
+ while (tables)
+ {
+ tables->set_trg_event_type(this);
+ tables= tables->next_local;
+ }
Unlink the first table from the global table list and the first table from
outer select (lex->select_lex) local list
diff --git a/sql/sql_lex.h b/sql/sql_lex.h
index 25a6c31e21c..bfa6c05974f 100644
--- a/sql/sql_lex.h
+++ b/sql/sql_lex.h
@@ -1188,6 +1188,8 @@ typedef struct st_lex : public Query_tables_list
un->uncacheable|= cause;
+ void set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
TABLE_LIST *unlink_first_table(bool *link_to_local);
void link_first_table_back(TABLE_LIST *first, bool link_to_local);
void first_lists_tables_same();
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 124fcff9517..91c51641fc0 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -6080,8 +6080,9 @@ void mysql_parse(THD *thd, const char *inBuf, uint length,
(thd->query_length= (ulong)(lip.found_semicolon - thd->query)))
/* Actually execute the query */
- mysql_execute_command(thd);
- query_cache_end_of_result(thd);
+ lex->set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
+ mysql_execute_command(thd);
+ query_cache_end_of_result(thd);
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 567f92b55ba..c993ce32e50 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -2826,6 +2826,7 @@ bool Prepared_statement::prepare(const char *packet, uint packet_len)
lex->safe_to_cache_query= FALSE;
int err= MYSQLparse((void *)thd);
+ lex->set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
error= err || thd->is_fatal_error ||
thd->net.report_error || init_param_array(this);
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 5762614e47f..6e4b5defb97 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -943,17 +943,6 @@ bool Table_triggers_list::check_n_load(THD *thd, const char *db,
table->triggers= triggers;
- Construct key that will represent triggers for this table in the set
- of routines used by statement.
- */
- triggers->sroutines_key.length= 1+strlen(db)+1+strlen(table_name)+1;
- if (!(triggers->sroutines_key.str=
- alloc_root(&table->mem_root, triggers->sroutines_key.length)))
- triggers->sroutines_key.str[0]= TYPE_ENUM_TRIGGER;
- strxmov(triggers->sroutines_key.str+1, db, ".", table_name, NullS);
- /*
TODO: This could be avoided if there is no triggers
@@ -991,6 +980,15 @@ bool Table_triggers_list::check_n_load(THD *thd, const char *db,
DBUG_ASSERT(lex.sphead == 0);
goto err_with_lex_cleanup;
+ /*
+ Not strictly necessary to invoke this method here, since we know
+ that we've parsed CREATE TRIGGER and not an
+ maintain the invariant that this method is called for each
+ distinct statement, in case its logic is extended with other
+ types of analyses in future.
+ */
+ lex.set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
lex.sphead->set_info(0, 0, &lex.sp_chistics, (ulong) *trg_sql_mode);
@@ -1550,6 +1548,12 @@ bool Table_triggers_list::process_triggers(THD *thd, trg_event_type event,
new_field= record1_field;
old_field= trigger_table->field;
+ /*
+ This trigger must have been processed by the pre-locking
+ algorithm.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(trigger_table->pos_in_table_list->trg_event_map &
+ static_cast<uint>(1 << static_cast<int>(event)));
thd->reset_sub_statement_state(&statement_state, SUB_STMT_TRIGGER);
err_status= sp_trigger->execute_trigger
@@ -1568,7 +1572,7 @@ bool Table_triggers_list::process_triggers(THD *thd, trg_event_type event,
thd Current thread context
- event Type of event triggers for which we are going to inspect
+ event Type of event triggers for which we are going to ins
This method marks fields of subject table which are read/set in its
diff --git a/sql/sql_trigger.h b/sql/sql_trigger.h
index b029a70ca20..1dc573995f1 100644
--- a/sql/sql_trigger.h
+++ b/sql/sql_trigger.h
@@ -56,14 +56,6 @@ class Table_triggers_list: public Sql_alloc
updating trigger definitions during RENAME TABLE.
List<LEX_STRING> on_table_names_list;
- /*
- Key representing triggers for this table in set of all stored
- routines used by statement.
- TODO: We won't need this member once triggers namespace will be
- database-wide instead of table-wide because then we will be able
- to use key based on sp_name as for other stored routines.
- */
- LEX_STRING sroutines_key;
Grant information for each trigger (pair: subject table, trigger definer).
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 6c94d388d0e..7857ba267c5 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1153,7 +1153,20 @@ bool mysql_make_view(THD *thd, File_parser *parser, TABLE_LIST *table,
for (tbl= view_main_select_tables; tbl; tbl= tbl->next_local)
tbl->lock_type= table->lock_type;
+ /*
+ If the view is mergeable, we might want to
+ INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE into tables of this view. Preserve the
+ original sql command and 'duplicates' of the outer lex.
+ This is used later in set_trg_event_type_for_command.
+ */
+ lex->sql_command= old_lex->sql_command;
+ lex->duplicates= old_lex->duplicates;
+ /*
+ This method has a dependency on the proper lock type being set,
+ so in case of views should be called here.
+ */
+ lex->set_trg_event_type_for_tables();
If we are opening this view as part of implicit LOCK TABLES, then
diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
index 949f3ed4161..8cc6642ae7e 100644
--- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy
+++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
@@ -9644,13 +9644,13 @@ trigger_tail:
+ sp->m_type= TYPE_ENUM_TRIGGER;
sp->init_sp_name(thd, $3);
lex->stmt_definition_begin= $2;
lex->ident.str= $7;
lex->ident.length= $10 - $7;
- sp->m_type= TYPE_ENUM_TRIGGER;
lex->sphead= sp;
lex->spname= $3;
@@ -9728,9 +9728,9 @@ sp_tail:
sp= new sp_head();
+ sp->m_type= TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE;
sp->init_sp_name(YYTHD, $3);
- sp->m_type= TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE;
lex->sphead= sp;
* We have to turn of CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES while parsing a
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 899d0ab2ed0..9c3e7618aa0 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1776,6 +1776,135 @@ void st_table::reset_item_list(List<Item> *item_list) const
+ Set the initial purpose of this TABLE_LIST object in the list of
+ used tables. We need to track this information on table-by-
+ table basis, since when this table becomes an element of the
+ pre-locked list, it's impossible to identify which SQL
+ sub-statement it has been originally used in.
+ E.g.:
+ User request: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f1();
+ BEFORE DELETE trigger on t2: INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (old.a);
+ For this user request, the pre-locked list will contain t1, t2, t3
+ table elements, each needed for different DML.
+ This method is called immediately after parsing for tables
+ of the table list of the top-level select lex.
+ The trigger event map is updated to reflect INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
+ REPLACE SELECT statements, and additionally ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
+ clause.
+TABLE_LIST::set_trg_event_type(const st_lex *lex)
+ enum trg_event_type trg_event;
+ /*
+ Some auxiliary operations
+ (e.g. GRANT processing) create TABLE_LIST instances outside
+ the parser. Additionally, some commands (e.g. OPTIMIZE) change
+ the lock type for a table only after parsing is done. Luckily,
+ these do not fire triggers and do not need to pre-load them.
+ For these TABLE_LISTs set_trg_event_type is never called, and
+ trg_event_map is always empty. That means that the pre-locking
+ algorithm will ignore triggers defined on these tables, if
+ any, and the execution will either fail with an assert in
+ or with an error that a used table was not
+ pre-locked, in case of a production build.
+ TODO: this usage pattern creates unnecessary module dependencies
+ and should be rewritten to go through the parser.
+ Table list instances created outside the parser in most cases
+ refer to mysql.* system tables. It is not allowed to have
+ a trigger on a system table, but keeping track of
+ initialization provides extra safety in case this limitation
+ is circumvented.
+ */
+ /*
+ This is a fast check to filter out statements that do
+ not change data, or tables on the right side, in case of
+ Here we also filter out OPTIMIZE statement and non-updateable
+ views, for which lock_type is TL_UNLOCK or TL_READ after
+ parsing.
+ */
+ if (static_cast<int>(lock_type) < static_cast<int>(TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE))
+ return;
+ switch (lex->sql_command) {
+ /*
+ Basic INSERT. If there is an additional ON DUPLIATE KEY UPDATE
+ clause, it will be handled later in this method.
+ */
+ case SQLCOM_INSERT: /* fall through */
+ /*
+ LOAD DATA ... INFILE is expected to fire BEFORE/AFTER INSERT
+ triggers.
+ If the statement also has REPLACE clause, it will be
+ handled later in this method.
+ */
+ case SQLCOM_LOAD: /* fall through */
+ /*
+ REPLACE is semantically equivalent to INSERT. In case
+ of a primary or unique key conflict, it deletes the old
+ record and inserts a new one. So we also may need to
+ fire ON DELETE triggers. This functionality is handled
+ later in this method.
+ */
+ case SQLCOM_REPLACE: /* fall through */
+ /*
+ CREATE TABLE ... SELECT defaults to INSERT if the table or
+ view already exists. REPLACE option of CREATE TABLE ...
+ REPLACE SELECT is handled later in this method.
+ */
+ trg_event= TRG_EVENT_INSERT;
+ break;
+ /* Basic update and multi-update */
+ case SQLCOM_UPDATE: /* fall through */
+ trg_event= TRG_EVENT_UPDATE;
+ break;
+ /* Basic delete and multi-delete */
+ case SQLCOM_DELETE: /* fall through */
+ trg_event= TRG_EVENT_DELETE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*
+ OK to return, since value of 'duplicates' is irrelevant
+ for non-updating commands.
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ trg_event_map|= static_cast<uint8>(1 << static_cast<int>(trg_event));
+ switch (lex->duplicates) {
+ case DUP_UPDATE:
+ trg_event= TRG_EVENT_UPDATE;
+ break;
+ trg_event= TRG_EVENT_DELETE;
+ break;
+ case DUP_ERROR:
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ trg_event_map|= static_cast<uint8>(1 << static_cast<int>(trg_event));
calculate md5 of query
diff --git a/sql/table.h b/sql/table.h
index b29ef8c6566..f8f7d7f06b7 100644
--- a/sql/table.h
+++ b/sql/table.h
@@ -59,6 +59,17 @@ enum tmp_table_type {NO_TMP_TABLE=0,
+/** Event on which trigger is invoked. */
+enum trg_event_type
enum frm_type_enum
@@ -702,6 +713,13 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
bool create;
+ /**
+ Indicates what triggers we need to pre-load for this TABLE_LIST
+ when opening an associated TABLE. This is filled after
+ the parsed tree is created.
+ */
+ uint8 trg_event_map;
enum enum_schema_table_state schema_table_state;
void calc_md5(char *buffer);
void set_underlying_merge();
@@ -752,6 +770,7 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
void reinit_before_use(THD *thd);
Item_subselect *containing_subselect();
+ void set_trg_event_type(const st_lex *lex);
bool prep_check_option(THD *thd, uint8 check_opt_type);
bool prep_where(THD *thd, Item **conds, bool no_where_clause);