diff options
72 files changed, 2259 insertions, 4498 deletions
diff --git a/BUILD/SETUP.sh b/BUILD/SETUP.sh index 6f3c4222ed2..7f979d765d3 100755 --- a/BUILD/SETUP.sh +++ b/BUILD/SETUP.sh @@ -84,7 +84,16 @@ debug_extra_cflags="-O1 -Wuninitialized" base_cxxflags="-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" amd64_cxxflags="" # If dropping '--with-big-tables', add here "-DBIG_TABLES" -base_configs="$prefix_configs --enable-assembler --with-extra-charsets=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --with-readline --with-big-tables" +base_configs="$prefix_configs --enable-assembler --with-extra-charsets=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --with-big-tables" + +if test -d "$path/../cmd-line-utils/readline" +then + base_configs="$base_configs --with-readline" +elif test -d "$path/../cmd-line-utils/libedit" +then + base_configs="$base_configs --with-libedit" +fi + static_link="--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static --with-client-ldflags=-all-static" amd64_configs="" alpha_configs="" # Not used yet diff --git a/BUILD/SETUP.sh.rej b/BUILD/SETUP.sh.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ccbcaa4404f --- /dev/null +++ b/BUILD/SETUP.sh.rej @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +*************** +*** 39,46 **** + c_warnings="$global_warnings -Wunused" + cxx_warnings="$global_warnings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsign-promo -Wreorder -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wnon-virtual-dtor" + +! alpha_cflags="-mcpu=ev6 -Wa,-mev6" # Not used yet +! pentium_cflags="-mcpu=pentiumpro" + sparc_cflags="" + + # be as fast as we can be without losing our ability to backtrace +--- 39,46 ---- + c_warnings="$global_warnings -Wunused" + cxx_warnings="$global_warnings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsign-promo -Wreorder -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wnon-virtual-dtor" + +! #alpha_cflags="-mcpu=ev6 -Wa,-mev6" # Not used yet +! #pentium_cflags="-mcpu=pentiumpro" + sparc_cflags="" + + # be as fast as we can be without losing our ability to backtrace diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.dsp b/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.dsp deleted file mode 100644 index 5ff07f0994d..00000000000 --- a/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.dsp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="mysql_test_run_new" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 -
-CFG=mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_test_run_new.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_test_run_new.mak" CFG="mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE
-# Begin Project
-# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\Debug/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /GZ /FD /c /GX -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\Debug/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /GZ /FD /c /GX -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 1033
-# ADD RSC /l 1033
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:yes /debug /pdb:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.map" /subsystem:console -# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib zlib.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:yes /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /debug /pdb:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.map" /subsystem:console -
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fp".\Release/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Release/" /Fd".\Release/" /FD /c /GX -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fp".\Release/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Release/" /Fd".\Release/" /FD /c /GX -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 1033
-# ADD RSC /l 1033
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:no /pdb:".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console -# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib zlib.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console -
-# Begin Target
-# Name "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug"
-# Name "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release"
-# Begin Source File
-SOURCE=.\my_create_tables.c -# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-SOURCE=.\my_manage.c -# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-SOURCE=.\my_manage.h -# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-SOURCE=.\mysql_test_run_new.c -# End Source File
-# End Target
-# End Project
diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.vcproj b/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.vcproj deleted file mode 100644 index 12d502e5768..00000000000 --- a/VC++Files/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.vcproj +++ /dev/null @@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> -<VisualStudioProject - ProjectType="Visual C++" - Version="7.10" - Name="mysql_test_run_new" - SccProjectName="" - SccLocalPath=""> - <Platforms> - <Platform - Name="Win32"/> - </Platforms> - <Configurations> - <Configuration - Name="Debug|Win32" - OutputDirectory=".\Debug" - IntermediateDirectory=".\Debug" - ConfigurationType="1" - UseOfMFC="0" - ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE"> - <Tool - Name="VCCLCompilerTool" - Optimization="0" - OptimizeForProcessor="2" - AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../include,../" - PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;SAFE_MUTEX;USE_TLS;MYSQL_CLIENT;__WIN__;_WIN32" - BasicRuntimeChecks="3" - RuntimeLibrary="1" - PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Debug/mysql_test_run_new.pch" - 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Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"/> - <Tool - Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"/> - <Tool - Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"/> - <Tool - Name="VCManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> - <Tool - Name="VCAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> - </Configuration> - <Configuration - Name="Release|Win32" - OutputDirectory=".\Release" - IntermediateDirectory=".\Release" - ConfigurationType="1" - UseOfMFC="0" - ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE"> - <Tool - Name="VCCLCompilerTool" - Optimization="4" - InlineFunctionExpansion="1" - OptimizeForProcessor="2" - AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../include,../" - PreprocessorDefinitions="DBUG_OFF;_WINDOWS;SAFE_MUTEX;USE_TLS;MYSQL_CLIENT;__WIN__;_WIN32" - StringPooling="TRUE" - RuntimeLibrary="1" - EnableFunctionLevelLinking="TRUE" - PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Release/mysql_test_run_new.pch" - AssemblerListingLocation=".\Release/" - ObjectFile=".\Release/" - ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\Release/" - WarningLevel="3" - SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" - CompileAs="0"/> - 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To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_test_run_new_ia64.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_test_run_new_ia64.mak" CFG="mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Release" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe -RSC=rc.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug" -# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 -# PROP Target_Dir "" -MTL=midl.exe -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /WinIA64 -# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /WinIA64 -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /G6 /MTd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN64" /GZ /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Zi /Od /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN64" /D "_IA64_" /D "WIN64" /D "WIN32" /D "_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /GZ /G2 /EHsc /Wp64 /Zm600 /c -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /map /debug /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /machine:IA64 -# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /pdb:none -# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib bufferoverflowU.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /map /debug /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /machine:IA64 -# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Release" -# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 -# PROP Target_Dir "" -MTL=midl.exe -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /WinIA64 -# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /WinIA64 -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /G6 /MTd /W3 /GX /Ob1 /Gy /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN64" /GF /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Zi /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN64" /D "_IA64_" /D "WIN64" /D "WIN32" /D "_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /GF /G2 /EHsc /Wp64 /Zm600 /c -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /machine:IA64 -# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /pdb:none -# ADD LINK32 t kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib bufferoverflowU.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /machine:IA64 -# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none - -!ENDIF - -# Begin Target - -# Name "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Debug" -# Name "mysql_test_run_new - WinIA64 Release" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\my_create_tables.c -DEP_CPP_MY_CR=\ - "..\include\config-netware.h"\ - "..\include\config-os2.h"\ - "..\include\config-win.h"\ - "..\include\m_string.h"\ - "..\include\my_config.h"\ - "..\include\my_dbug.h"\ - "..\include\my_global.h"\ - ".\my_manage.h"\ - -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\my_manage.c -DEP_CPP_MY_MA=\ - "..\include\config-netware.h"\ - "..\include\config-os2.h"\ - "..\include\config-win.h"\ - "..\include\m_string.h"\ - "..\include\my_config.h"\ - "..\include\my_dbug.h"\ - "..\include\my_global.h"\ - ".\my_manage.h"\ - -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\my_manage.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\mysql_test_run_new.c -DEP_CPP_MYSQL=\ - "..\include\config-netware.h"\ - "..\include\config-os2.h"\ - "..\include\config-win.h"\ - "..\include\m_string.h"\ - "..\include\my_config.h"\ - "..\include\my_dbug.h"\ - "..\include\my_global.h"\ - ".\my_manage.h"\ - -# End Source File -# End Target -# End Project diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql.dsw b/VC++Files/mysql.dsw index 911b895c1ad..f69719bf21e 100644 --- a/VC++Files/mysql.dsw +++ b/VC++Files/mysql.dsw @@ -808,28 +808,6 @@ Project: "mysql_client_test"=.\tests\mysql_client_test.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
}}} -
############################################################################### - -
-Project: "mysql_test_run_new"=".\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>
Begin Project Dependency - Project_Dep_Name mysqltest - End Project Dependency - Begin Project Dependency - Project_Dep_Name mysqladmin - End Project Dependency - Begin Project Dependency - Project_Dep_Name mysql_client_test - End Project Dependency -}}} - - ############################################################################### Global: diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql.sln b/VC++Files/mysql.sln index 1e3a33b8eb4..0d4f22862a3 100644 --- a/VC++Files/mysql.sln +++ b/VC++Files/mysql.sln @@ -281,13 +281,6 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysql_client_test", "tests\ {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} = {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} EndProjectSection EndProject -Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysql_test_run_new", "mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.vcproj", "{6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}" - ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject - {8961F149-C68A-4154-A499-A2AB39E607E8} = {8961F149-C68A-4154-A499-A2AB39E607E8} - {DA224DAB-5006-42BE-BB77-16E8BE5326D5} = {DA224DAB-5006-42BE-BB77-16E8BE5326D5} - {D2B00DE0-F6E9-40AF-B90D-A257D014F098} = {D2B00DE0-F6E9-40AF-B90D-A257D014F098} - EndProjectSection -EndProject Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysqlmanager", "server-tools\instance-manager\mysqlmanager.vcproj", "{6D524B3E-210A-4FCD-8D41-FEC0D21E83AC}" ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject {EEC1300B-85A5-497C-B3E1-F708021DF859} = {EEC1300B-85A5-497C-B3E1-F708021DF859} @@ -1467,33 +1460,6 @@ Global {DA224DAB-5006-42BE-BB77-16E8BE5326D5}.pro nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 {DA224DAB-5006-42BE-BB77-16E8BE5326D5}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 {DA224DAB-5006-42BE-BB77-16E8BE5326D5}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.classic.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.classic.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.classic nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.classic nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Embedded_Classic.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Embedded_Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Embedded_Pro.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Embedded_ProGPL.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Embedded_Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Max.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Max.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Max nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Max nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro gpl.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro gpl.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro gpl nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro gpl nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.pro nt.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6189F838-21C6-42A1-B2D0-9146316573F7}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 {6D524B3E-210A-4FCD-8D41-FEC0D21E83AC}.classic.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 {6D524B3E-210A-4FCD-8D41-FEC0D21E83AC}.classic.Build.0 = Release|Win32 {6D524B3E-210A-4FCD-8D41-FEC0D21E83AC}.classic nt.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 diff --git a/client/mysql.cc b/client/mysql.cc index 4e479f3ff70..75dae284b61 100644 --- a/client/mysql.cc +++ b/client/mysql.cc @@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ static char **new_mysql_completion (const char *text, int start, int end); #if defined(USE_NEW_READLINE_INTERFACE) || defined(USE_LIBEDIT_INTERFACE) char *no_completion(const char*,int) #else -int no_completion() +char *no_completion() #endif { return 0; /* No filename completion */ @@ -1508,10 +1508,10 @@ static void initialize_readline (char *name) setlocale(LC_ALL,""); /* so as libedit use isprint */ #endif rl_attempted_completion_function= (CPPFunction*)&new_mysql_completion; - rl_completion_entry_function= (Function*)&no_completion; + rl_completion_entry_function= &no_completion; #else rl_attempted_completion_function= (CPPFunction*)&new_mysql_completion; - rl_completion_entry_function= (Function*)&no_completion; + rl_completion_entry_function= &no_completion; #endif } diff --git a/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline.c b/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline.c index 8c09a6f39d5..004fcf7d183 100644 --- a/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline.c +++ b/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline.c @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ int rl_attempted_completion_over = 0; char *rl_basic_word_break_characters = break_chars; char *rl_completer_word_break_characters = NULL; char *rl_completer_quote_characters = NULL; -Function *rl_completion_entry_function = NULL; +CPFunction *rl_completion_entry_function = NULL; CPPFunction *rl_attempted_completion_function = NULL; Function *rl_pre_input_hook = NULL; Function *rl_startup1_hook = NULL; @@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ rl_display_match_list (matches, len, max) static int _rl_complete_internal(int what_to_do) { - Function *complet_func; + CPFunction *complet_func; const LineInfo *li; char *temp, **matches; const char *ctemp; @@ -1737,7 +1737,7 @@ _rl_complete_internal(int what_to_do) complet_func = rl_completion_entry_function; if (!complet_func) - complet_func = (Function *)(void *)filename_completion_function; + complet_func = filename_completion_function; /* We now look backwards for the start of a filename/variable word */ li = el_line(e); @@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@ _rl_complete_internal(int what_to_do) } else matches = 0; if (!rl_attempted_completion_function || !matches) - matches = completion_matches(temp, (CPFunction *)complet_func); + matches = completion_matches(temp, complet_func); if (matches) { int i, retval = CC_REFRESH; @@ -1789,8 +1789,7 @@ _rl_complete_internal(int what_to_do) * object is a directory. */ size_t alen = strlen(matches[0]); - if ((complet_func != - (Function *)filename_completion_function + if ((complet_func != filename_completion_function || (alen > 0 && (matches[0])[alen - 1] != '/')) && rl_completion_append_character) { char buf[2]; diff --git a/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline/readline.h b/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline/readline.h index c43f71fb51d..6b1fa186512 100644 --- a/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline/readline.h +++ b/cmd-line-utils/libedit/readline/readline.h @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ extern int max_input_history; extern char *rl_basic_word_break_characters; extern char *rl_completer_word_break_characters; extern char *rl_completer_quote_characters; -extern Function *rl_completion_entry_function; +extern CPFunction *rl_completion_entry_function; extern CPPFunction *rl_attempted_completion_function; extern int rl_completion_type; extern int rl_completion_query_items; diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in index 4f17cc5042e..a447732a06a 100644 --- a/configure.in +++ b/configure.in @@ -2447,6 +2447,7 @@ readline_basedir="" readline_dir="" readline_h_ln_cmd="" readline_link="" +want_to_use_readline="no" if expr "$SYSTEM_TYPE" : ".*netware.*" > /dev/null; then # For NetWare, do not need readline @@ -2471,6 +2472,7 @@ then readline_link="\$(top_builddir)/cmd-line-utils/readline/libreadline.a" readline_h_ln_cmd="\$(LN) -s \$(top_srcdir)/cmd-line-utils/readline readline" compile_readline=yes + want_to_use_readline="yes" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(USE_NEW_READLINE_INTERFACE, 1) else # Use system readline library @@ -2480,10 +2482,12 @@ else MYSQL_CHECK_NEW_RL_INTERFACE MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE_DECLARES_HIST_ENTRY AC_LANG_RESTORE - if [test "$mysql_cv_new_rl_interface" = "yes"] + if [test "$mysql_cv_new_rl_interface" = "yes"] && [test -d "./cmd-line-utils/readline"] then - # Use the new readline interface + # Use the new readline interface, but only if the package includes a bundled libreadline + # this way we avoid linking commercial source with GPL readline readline_link="-lreadline" + want_to_use_readline="yes" elif [test "$mysql_cv_libedit_interface" = "yes"]; then # Use libedit readline_link="-ledit" @@ -2493,6 +2497,15 @@ else versions of libedit or readline]) fi fi + +# if there is no readline, but we want to build with readline, we fail +if [test "$want_to_use_readline" = "yes"] && [test ! -d "./cmd-line-utils/readline"] +then + AC_MSG_ERROR([This commercially licensed MySQL source package can't + be built with libreadline. Please use --with-libedit to use + the bundled version of libedit instead.]) +fi + fi AC_SUBST(readline_dir) @@ -2868,7 +2881,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile extra/Makefile mysys/Makefile dnl include/Makefile sql-bench/Makefile dnl server-tools/Makefile server-tools/instance-manager/Makefile dnl tests/Makefile Docs/Makefile support-files/Makefile dnl - support-files/MacOSX/Makefile mysql-test/Makefile dnl + support-files/MacOSX/Makefile support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/Makefile dnl + mysql-test/Makefile dnl netware/Makefile dnl include/mysql_version.h dnl cmd-line-utils/Makefile dnl diff --git a/configure.in.rej b/configure.in.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..46fbf83b198 --- /dev/null +++ b/configure.in.rej @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +*************** +*** 388,402 **** + if expr "$target_os" : "[[Ll]]inux.*" > /dev/null + then + MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="--skip-locking" +! IS_LINUX="true" + AC_MSG_RESULT("yes"); + else + MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="" +! IS_LINUX="false" + AC_MSG_RESULT("no"); + fi + AC_SUBST(MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES) +! AC_SUBST(IS_LINUX) + + dnl Find paths to some shell programs + AC_PATH_PROG(LN, ln, ln) +--- 388,403 ---- + if expr "$target_os" : "[[Ll]]inux.*" > /dev/null + then + MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="--skip-locking" +! TARGET_LINUX="true" + AC_MSG_RESULT("yes"); ++ AC_DEFINE([TARGET_OS_LINUX], [1], [Whether we build for Linux]) + else + MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="" +! TARGET_LINUX="false" + AC_MSG_RESULT("no"); + fi + AC_SUBST(MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES) +! AC_SUBST(TARGET_LINUX) + + dnl Find paths to some shell programs + AC_PATH_PROG(LN, ln, ln) +*************** +*** 576,582 **** + # (this is true on the MySQL build machines to avoid NSS problems) + # + +! if test "$IS_LINUX" = "true" -a "$static_nss" = "" + then + tmp=`nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep _nss_files_getaliasent_r` + if test -n "$tmp" +--- 577,583 ---- + # (this is true on the MySQL build machines to avoid NSS problems) + # + +! if test "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true" -a "$static_nss" = "" + then + tmp=`nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep _nss_files_getaliasent_r` + if test -n "$tmp" +*************** +*** 827,833 **** + ]) + AC_SUBST(WRAPLIBS) + +! if test "$IS_LINUX" = "true"; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for atomic operations]) + + AC_LANG_SAVE +--- 828,834 ---- + ]) + AC_SUBST(WRAPLIBS) + +! if test "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true"; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for atomic operations]) + + AC_LANG_SAVE +*************** +*** 870,876 **** + [ USE_PSTACK=no ]) + pstack_libs= + pstack_dirs= +! if test "$USE_PSTACK" = yes -a "$IS_LINUX" = "true" -a "$BASE_MACHINE_TYPE" = "i386" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" + then + have_libiberty= have_libbfd= + my_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +--- 871,877 ---- + [ USE_PSTACK=no ]) + pstack_libs= + pstack_dirs= +! if test "$USE_PSTACK" = yes -a "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true" -a "$BASE_MACHINE_TYPE" = "i386" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" + then + have_libiberty= have_libbfd= + my_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +*************** +*** 1239,1301 **** + # Hack for DEC-UNIX (OSF1) + if test "$with_named_thread" = "no" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" + then +! # Look for LinuxThreads. +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("LinuxThreads") +! grepres=`grep Linuxthreads /usr/include/pthread.h 2>/dev/null | wc -l` +! getconfres=`which getconf >/dev/null && getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ |grep LINUXTHREADS | wc -l || echo 0` +! if test "$grepres" -gt 0 -o "$getconfres" -gt 0 + then +! AC_MSG_RESULT("Found") +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LINUXTHREADS) +! # Linux 2.0 sanity check +! AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sched.h>], [int a = sched_get_priority_min(1);], , +! AC_MSG_ERROR([Syntax error in sched.h. Change _P to __P in the /usr/include/sched.h file. See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual])) +! # RedHat 5.0 does not work with dynamic linking of this. -static also +! # gives a speed increase in linux so it does not hurt on other systems. +! with_named_thread="-lpthread" +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("Not found") +! # If this is a linux machine we should barf +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("NPTL") +! if test "$IS_LINUX" = "true" +! then +! getconfres=`which getconf >/dev/null && getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ |grep NPTL | wc -l || echo 0` +! if test "$getconfres" -gt 0 + then +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LINUXTHREADS) dnl All this code predates NPTL, so "have linuxthreads" is a poor name. +! with_named_thread="-lpthread" + else +! AC_MSG_ERROR([This is a Linux system and neither Linuxthreads nor NPTL were +! found. Please install Linuxthreads or a new glibc and try +! again. See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual for +! more information.]) + fi +! else +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("DEC threads") +! if test -f /usr/shlib/libpthread.so -a -f /usr/lib/libmach.a -a -f /usr/ccs/lib/cmplrs/cc/libexc.a +! then +! with_named_thread="-lpthread -lmach -lexc" +! CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_REENTRANT" +! CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -D_REENTRANT" +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_THREADS) +! AC_MSG_RESULT("yes") +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("DEC 3.2 threads") +! if test -f /usr/shlib/libpthreads.so -a -f /usr/lib/libmach.a -a -f /usr/ccs/lib/cmplrs/cc/libexc.a +! then +! with_named_thread="-lpthreads -lmach -lc_r" +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_THREADS) +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) +! with_osf32_threads="yes" +! MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="--skip-thread-priority" +! AC_MSG_RESULT("yes") +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! fi +! fi +! fi +! fi + fi + + +--- 1240,1337 ---- + # Hack for DEC-UNIX (OSF1) + if test "$with_named_thread" = "no" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" + then +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("Linux threads") +! if test "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true" + then +! AC_MSG_RESULT("starting") +! # use getconf to check glibc contents +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION") +! case `getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ` in +! NPTL* ) +! AC_MSG_RESULT("NPTL") +! AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NPTL], [1], [NPTL threads implementation]) +! with_named_thread="-lpthread" +! ;; +! LINUXTHREADS* ) +! AC_MSG_RESULT("Linuxthreads") +! AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LINUXTHREADS], [1], +! [Whether we are using Xavier Leroy's LinuxThreads]) +! with_named_thread="-lpthread" +! ;; +! * ) +! AC_MSG_RESULT("unknown") +! ;; +! esac +! if test "$with_named_thread" = "no" + then +! # old method, check headers +! # Look for LinuxThreads. +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("LinuxThreads in header file comment") +! res=`grep Linuxthreads /usr/include/pthread.h 2>/dev/null | wc -l` +! if test "$res" -gt 0 +! then +! AC_MSG_RESULT("Found") +! AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LINUXTHREADS], [1], +! [Whether we are using Xavier Leroy's LinuxThreads]) +! # Linux 2.0 sanity check +! AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sched.h>], [int a = sched_get_priority_min(1);], , +! AC_MSG_ERROR([Syntax error in sched.h. Change _P to __P in the /usr/include/sched.h file. See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual])) +! # RedHat 5.0 does not work with dynamic linking of this. -static also +! # gives a speed increase in linux so it does not hurt on other systems. +! with_named_thread="-lpthread" +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("Not found") +! # If this is a linux machine we should barf +! AC_MSG_ERROR([This is a Linux system without a working getconf, +! and Linuxthreads was not found. Please install it (or a new glibc) and try again. +! See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual for more information.]) +! fi + else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no need to check headers") + fi +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("for pthread_create in -lpthread"); +! ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +! LIBS="$LIBS -lpthread" +! AC_TRY_LINK( [#include <pthread.h>], +! [ (void) pthread_create((pthread_t*) 0,(pthread_attr_t*) 0, 0, 0); ], +! AC_MSG_RESULT("yes"), +! [ AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! AC_MSG_ERROR([ +! This is a Linux system claiming to support threads, either Linuxthreads or NPTL, but linking a test program failed. +! Please install one of these (or a new glibc) and try again. +! See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual for more information.]) ] +! ) +! LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! fi # "$TARGET_LINUX" +! fi # "$with_named_thread" = "no" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" +! +! if test "$with_named_thread" = "no" -a "$with_mit_threads" = "no" +! then +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("DEC threads") +! if test -f /usr/shlib/libpthread.so -a -f /usr/lib/libmach.a -a -f /usr/ccs/lib/cmplrs/cc/libexc.a +! then +! with_named_thread="-lpthread -lmach -lexc" +! CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_REENTRANT" +! CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -D_REENTRANT" +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_THREADS) +! AC_MSG_RESULT("yes") +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! AC_MSG_CHECKING("DEC 3.2 threads") +! if test -f /usr/shlib/libpthreads.so -a -f /usr/lib/libmach.a -a -f /usr/ccs/lib/cmplrs/cc/libexc.a +! then +! with_named_thread="-lpthreads -lmach -lc_r" +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_THREADS) +! AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) +! with_osf32_threads="yes" +! MYSQLD_DEFAULT_SWITCHES="--skip-thread-priority" +! AC_MSG_RESULT("yes") +! else +! AC_MSG_RESULT("no") +! fi +! fi + fi + + +*************** +*** 1720,1726 **** + AC_SUBST(COMPILATION_COMMENT) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING("need of special linking flags") +! if test "$IS_LINUX" = "true" -a "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" -a "$all_is_static" != "yes" + then + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -rdynamic" + AC_MSG_RESULT("-rdynamic") +--- 1756,1762 ---- + AC_SUBST(COMPILATION_COMMENT) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING("need of special linking flags") +! if test "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true" -a "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = "yes" -a "$all_is_static" != "yes" + then + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -rdynamic" + AC_MSG_RESULT("-rdynamic") +*************** +*** 1873,1878 **** + tell atod memcpy memmove \ + setupterm strcasecmp sighold vidattr lrand48 localtime_r \ + sigset sigthreadmask pthread_sigmask pthread_setprio pthread_setprio_np \ + pthread_setschedparam pthread_attr_setprio pthread_attr_setschedparam \ + pthread_attr_create pthread_getsequence_np pthread_attr_setstacksize \ + pthread_attr_getstacksize pthread_key_delete \ +--- 1909,1915 ---- + tell atod memcpy memmove \ + setupterm strcasecmp sighold vidattr lrand48 localtime_r \ + sigset sigthreadmask pthread_sigmask pthread_setprio pthread_setprio_np \ ++ sigaction sigemptyset sigaddset \ + pthread_setschedparam pthread_attr_setprio pthread_attr_setschedparam \ + pthread_attr_create pthread_getsequence_np pthread_attr_setstacksize \ + pthread_attr_getstacksize pthread_key_delete \ +*************** +*** 1884,1890 **** + # Sanity check: We chould not have any fseeko symbol unless + # large_file_support=yes + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fseeko, +! [if test "$large_file_support" = no -a "$IS_LINUX" = "true"; + then + AC_MSG_ERROR("Found fseeko symbol but large_file_support is not enabled!"); + fi] +--- 1921,1927 ---- + # Sanity check: We chould not have any fseeko symbol unless + # large_file_support=yes + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fseeko, +! [if test "$large_file_support" = no -a "$TARGET_LINUX" = "true"; + then + AC_MSG_ERROR("Found fseeko symbol but large_file_support is not enabled!"); + fi] diff --git a/include/my_global.h.rej b/include/my_global.h.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f2953d169e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/my_global.h.rej @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +*************** +*** 97,103 **** + + + /* Fix problem with S_ISLNK() on Linux */ +! #if defined(HAVE_LINUXTHREADS) + #undef _GNU_SOURCE + #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 + #endif +--- 97,103 ---- + + + /* Fix problem with S_ISLNK() on Linux */ +! #if defined(TARGET_OS_LINUX) || defined(__GLIBC__) + #undef _GNU_SOURCE + #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 + #endif diff --git a/include/my_pthread.h b/include/my_pthread.h index 52e900b5803..f5c7ad62a16 100644 --- a/include/my_pthread.h +++ b/include/my_pthread.h @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ extern "C" { #define NPTL_PTHREAD_EXIT_BUG 1 #endif - #if defined(__WIN__) || defined(OS2) #ifdef OS2 @@ -764,6 +763,15 @@ extern uint my_thread_end_wait_time; Keep track of shutdown,signal, and main threads so that my_end() will not report errors with them */ + +/* Which kind of thread library is in use */ + +#define THD_LIB_OTHER 1 +#define THD_LIB_NPTL 2 +#define THD_LIB_LT 4 + +extern uint thd_lib_detected; + /* statistics_xxx functions are for not essential statistic */ #ifndef thread_safe_increment diff --git a/include/my_pthread.h.rej b/include/my_pthread.h.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1f73655b0bd --- /dev/null +++ b/include/my_pthread.h.rej @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +*************** +*** 286,293 **** + #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK + #undef HAVE_SNPRINTF + +! #define sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) +! #define signal(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) + #define my_pthread_attr_setprio(A,B) + #endif /* defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) */ + +--- 294,301 ---- + #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK + #undef HAVE_SNPRINTF + +! #define my_sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) +! #define my_signal(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) + #define my_pthread_attr_setprio(A,B) + #endif /* defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) */ + +*************** +*** 324,337 **** + #if !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_mit_thread) && !defined(HAVE_rts_threads) && !defined(sigwait) && !defined(alpha_linux_port) && !defined(HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) && !defined(_AIX) + int sigwait(sigset_t *setp, int *sigp); /* Use our implemention */ + #endif +! #if !defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(HAVE_mit_thread) && !defined(sigset) +! #define sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction s; sigset_t set; \ +! sigemptyset(&set); \ +! s.sa_handler = (B); \ +! s.sa_mask = set; \ +! s.sa_flags = 0; \ +! sigaction((A), &s, (struct sigaction *) NULL); \ + } while (0) + #endif + + #ifndef my_pthread_setprio +--- 332,358 ---- + #if !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_mit_thread) && !defined(HAVE_rts_threads) && !defined(sigwait) && !defined(alpha_linux_port) && !defined(HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) && !defined(_AIX) + int sigwait(sigset_t *setp, int *sigp); /* Use our implemention */ + #endif +! +! /* +! We define my_sigset() and use that instead of the system sigset() so that +! we can favor an implementation based on sigaction(). On some systems, such +! as Mac OS X, sigset() results in flags such as SA_RESTART being set, and +! we want to make sure that no such flags are set. +! */ +! #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(my_sigset) +! #define my_sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction s; sigset_t set; int rc; \ +! DBUG_ASSERT((A) != 0); \ +! sigemptyset(&set); \ +! s.sa_handler = (B); \ +! s.sa_mask = set; \ +! s.sa_flags = 0; \ +! rc= sigaction((A), &s, (struct sigaction *) NULL); \ +! DBUG_ASSERT(rc == 0); \ + } while (0) ++ #elif defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(my_sigset) ++ #define my_sigset(A,B) sigset((A),(B)) ++ #elif !defined(my_sigset) ++ #define my_sigset(A,B) signal((A),(B)) + #endif + + #ifndef my_pthread_setprio +*************** +*** 416,422 **** + #undef pthread_detach_this_thread + #define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(tmp); } + #undef sigset +! #define sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) + #endif + + #if ((defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE) && !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT)) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS)) && !defined(HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER) +--- 437,443 ---- + #undef pthread_detach_this_thread + #define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(tmp); } + #undef sigset +! #define my_sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B)) + #endif + + #if ((defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE) && !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT)) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS)) && !defined(HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER) diff --git a/include/thr_alarm.h b/include/thr_alarm.h index db3091fb8d0..fe0a8f21b92 100644 --- a/include/thr_alarm.h +++ b/include/thr_alarm.h @@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ extern "C" { #ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD #define USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND /* One must call process_alarm */ #endif -#ifdef HAVE_LINUXTHREADS -#define THR_CLIENT_ALARM SIGALRM -#else -#define THR_CLIENT_ALARM SIGUSR1 -#endif #ifdef HAVE_rts_threads #undef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND #define USE_ALARM_THREAD @@ -97,6 +92,9 @@ typedef struct st_alarm { my_bool malloced; } ALARM; +extern uint thr_client_alarm; +extern pthread_t alarm_thread; + #define thr_alarm_init(A) (*(A))=0 #define thr_alarm_in_use(A) (*(A)!= 0) void init_thr_alarm(uint max_alarm); diff --git a/mysql-test/Makefile.am b/mysql-test/Makefile.am index cd668950459..ed85f06fcc5 100644 --- a/mysql-test/Makefile.am +++ b/mysql-test/Makefile.am @@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ CLEANFILES = $(GENSCRIPTS) $(test_DATA) INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I.. -noinst_HEADERS = my_manage.h - dist-hook: mkdir -p $(distdir)/t $(distdir)/r $(distdir)/include \ $(distdir)/std_data $(distdir)/lib diff --git a/mysql-test/my_create_tables.c b/mysql-test/my_create_tables.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0f6691b91b7..00000000000 --- a/mysql-test/my_create_tables.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,688 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 MySQL AB - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <errno.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <dirent.h> -#endif -#include <string.h> -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -#include <screen.h> -#include <proc.h> -#else -#include <sys/types.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <sys/wait.h> -#include <unistd.h> -#else -#include <direct.h> -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <stdio.h> -#endif -#endif -#include <ctype.h> -#include <sys/stat.h> -#include <fcntl.h> -#include <assert.h> -#include "my_manage.h" - -/* - Synopsis: - This function testes a exist file - -Arguments: - mdata: path to data - file_name: name of file -Output: - A zero value indicates that file is exist. -*/ -bool test_sys_file(const char *mdata,const char *file_name) -{ - struct stat file; - char path_file_name[PATH_MAX]; - snprintf(path_file_name, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", mdata, file_name); - return(stat(path_file_name,&file)); -} - -/* - Synopsis: - This function creates a file with sql requstes for creating - system data files. - -Arguments: - mdata: path to data - output_file: file name for output file - test: to create system files with test data -Output: - A zero value indicates a success. -*/ -bool create_system_files(const char *mdata,const char *output_file, bool test) -{ - FILE *out; - - out = fopen(output_file, "w+"); - - if (!out) - return 1; - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql")) - { - fprintf(out,"CREATE DATABASE mysql;\n"); - } - - if (test && test_sys_file(mdata,"test")) - { - fprintf(out,"CREATE DATABASE test;\n"); - } - - fprintf(out,"USE mysql;\n"); - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/db.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE db (" - "Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db,User)," - "KEY User (User))" - "engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='Database privileges';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');\n"); - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%%','test\\_%%','','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');\n"); - } - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/host.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE host (" - "Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db))" - "engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='Host privileges; Merged with database privileges';\n"); - } - - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/user.frm")) - { -#ifdef __WIN__ - WSADATA wsa_data; -#endif - char hostname[FN_REFLEN]; - -#ifdef __WIN__ - if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ),&wsa_data)) - return 1; -#endif - if (gethostname(hostname, FN_REFLEN)) - return 1; -#ifdef __WIN__ - WSACleanup( ); -#endif - - if (strchr(hostname, '.') == NULL) - strcat(hostname, "%"); - - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE user (" - "Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Password char(41) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Reload_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Shutdown_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Process_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "File_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL," - "x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL," - "x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL," - "max_questions int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL," - "max_updates int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL," - "max_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='Users and global privileges';\n"); - - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root',''" - ",'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);\n"); - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('%s','root','','Y','Y'," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);\n",hostname); - fprintf(out, - "REPLACE INTO user VALUES ('','root',''," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','','','','',0,0,0);\n"); - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');\n"); - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('%s','');\n",hostname); - } - else - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root',''," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);\n"); -#ifndef __WIN__ - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('%s','root','','Y','Y'," - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'" - "'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','',''" - ",'','',0,0,0);\n",hostname); - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('%s','');\n",hostname); - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');\n"); -#else - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','','','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'" - ",'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','',''," - "'','',0,0,0);\n"); -#endif - } - } - - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/func.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE func (" - "name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL," - "dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY (name)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='User defined functions';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/tables_priv.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE tables_priv (" - "Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Grantor char(77) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Timestamp timestamp(14)," - "Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete'," - "'Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter')" - " DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References')" - " DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name)," - "KEY Grantor (Grantor)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='Table privileges';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/columns_priv.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE columns_priv (" - "Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Column_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "Timestamp timestamp(14)," - "Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References')" - " DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name,Column_name)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " - "comment='Column privileges';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_topic.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE help_topic (" - "help_topic_id int unsigned not null," - "name varchar(64) not null," - "help_category_id smallint unsigned not null," - "description text not null," - "example text not null," - "url varchar(128) not null," - "primary key (help_topic_id)," - "unique index (name)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='help topics';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_category.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE help_category (" - "help_category_id smallint unsigned not null," - "name varchar(64) not null," - "parent_category_id smallint unsigned null," - "url varchar(128) not null," - "primary key (help_category_id)," - "unique index (name)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='help categories';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_keyword.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE help_keyword (" - "help_keyword_id int unsigned not null," - "name varchar(64) not null," - "primary key (help_keyword_id)," - "unique index (name)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='help keywords';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_relation.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE help_relation (" - "help_topic_id int unsigned not null references help_topic," - "help_keyword_id int unsigned not null references help_keyword," - "primary key (help_keyword_id, help_topic_id)" - ") engine=MyISAM " - "CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='keyword-topic relation';\n"); - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_name.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE time_zone_name (" - "Name char(64) NOT NULL," - "Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY Name (Name)" - ") engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='Time zone names';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO time_zone_name (Name, Time_Zone_id) VALUES" - "('MET', 1), ('UTC', 2), ('Universal', 2), " - "('Europe/Moscow',3), ('leap/Europe/Moscow',4)," - "('Japan', 5);\n"); - - } - } - - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE time_zone (" - "Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment," - "Use_leap_seconds enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY TzId (Time_zone_id)" - ") engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='Time zones';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO time_zone (Time_zone_id, Use_leap_seconds)" - "VALUES (1,'N'), (2,'N'), (3,'N'), (4,'Y'), (5,'N');\n"); - } - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_transition.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE time_zone_transition (" - "Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL," - "Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL," - "Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY TzIdTranTime (Time_zone_id, Transition_time)" - ") engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='Time zone transitions';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO time_zone_transition" - "(Time_zone_id, Transition_time, Transition_type_id)" - "VALUES" - " (1, -1693706400, 0) ,(1, -1680483600, 1)" - ",(1, -1663455600, 2) ,(1, -1650150000, 3)" - ",(1, -1632006000, 2) ,(1, -1618700400, 3)" - ",(1, -938905200, 2) ,(1, -857257200, 3)" - ",(1, -844556400, 2) ,(1, -828226800, 3)" - ",(1, -812502000, 2) ,(1, -796777200, 3)" - ",(1, 228877200, 2) ,(1, 243997200, 3)" - ",(1, 260326800, 2) ,(1, 276051600, 3)" - ",(1, 291776400, 2) ,(1, 307501200, 3)" - ",(1, 323830800, 2) ,(1, 338950800, 3)" - ",(1, 354675600, 2) ,(1, 370400400, 3)" - ",(1, 386125200, 2) ,(1, 401850000, 3)" - ",(1, 417574800, 2) ,(1, 433299600, 3)" - ",(1, 449024400, 2) ,(1, 465354000, 3)" - ",(1, 481078800, 2) ,(1, 496803600, 3)" - ",(1, 512528400, 2) ,(1, 528253200, 3)" - ",(1, 543978000, 2) ,(1, 559702800, 3)" - ",(1, 575427600, 2) ,(1, 591152400, 3)" - ",(1, 606877200, 2) ,(1, 622602000, 3)" - ",(1, 638326800, 2) ,(1, 654656400, 3)" - ",(1, 670381200, 2) ,(1, 686106000, 3)" - ",(1, 701830800, 2) ,(1, 717555600, 3)" - ",(1, 733280400, 2) ,(1, 749005200, 3)" - ",(1, 764730000, 2) ,(1, 780454800, 3)" - ",(1, 796179600, 2) ,(1, 811904400, 3)" - ",(1, 828234000, 2) ,(1, 846378000, 3)" - ",(1, 859683600, 2) ,(1, 877827600, 3)" - ",(1, 891133200, 2) ,(1, 909277200, 3)" - ",(1, 922582800, 2) ,(1, 941331600, 3)" - ",(1, 954032400, 2) ,(1, 972781200, 3)" - ",(1, 985482000, 2) ,(1, 1004230800, 3)" - ",(1, 1017536400, 2) ,(1, 1035680400, 3)" - ",(1, 1048986000, 2) ,(1, 1067130000, 3)" - ",(1, 1080435600, 2) ,(1, 1099184400, 3)" - ",(1, 1111885200, 2) ,(1, 1130634000, 3)" - ",(1, 1143334800, 2) ,(1, 1162083600, 3)" - ",(1, 1174784400, 2) ,(1, 1193533200, 3)" - ",(1, 1206838800, 2) ,(1, 1224982800, 3)" - ",(1, 1238288400, 2) ,(1, 1256432400, 3)" - ",(1, 1269738000, 2) ,(1, 1288486800, 3)" - ",(1, 1301187600, 2) ,(1, 1319936400, 3)" - ",(1, 1332637200, 2) ,(1, 1351386000, 3)" - ",(1, 1364691600, 2) ,(1, 1382835600, 3)" - ",(1, 1396141200, 2) ,(1, 1414285200, 3)" - ",(1, 1427590800, 2) ,(1, 1445734800, 3)" - ",(1, 1459040400, 2) ,(1, 1477789200, 3)" - ",(1, 1490490000, 2) ,(1, 1509238800, 3)" - ",(1, 1521939600, 2) ,(1, 1540688400, 3)" - ",(1, 1553994000, 2) ,(1, 1572138000, 3)" - ",(1, 1585443600, 2) ,(1, 1603587600, 3)" - ",(1, 1616893200, 2) ,(1, 1635642000, 3)" - ",(1, 1648342800, 2) ,(1, 1667091600, 3)" - ",(1, 1679792400, 2) ,(1, 1698541200, 3)" - ",(1, 1711846800, 2) ,(1, 1729990800, 3)" - ",(1, 1743296400, 2) ,(1, 1761440400, 3)" - ",(1, 1774746000, 2) ,(1, 1792890000, 3)" - ",(1, 1806195600, 2) ,(1, 1824944400, 3)" - ",(1, 1837645200, 2) ,(1, 1856394000, 3)" - ",(1, 1869094800, 2) ,(1, 1887843600, 3)" - ",(1, 1901149200, 2) ,(1, 1919293200, 3)" - ",(1, 1932598800, 2) ,(1, 1950742800, 3)" - ",(1, 1964048400, 2) ,(1, 1982797200, 3)" - ",(1, 1995498000, 2) ,(1, 2014246800, 3)" - ",(1, 2026947600, 2) ,(1, 2045696400, 3)" - ",(1, 2058397200, 2) ,(1, 2077146000, 3)" - ",(1, 2090451600, 2) ,(1, 2108595600, 3)" - ",(1, 2121901200, 2) ,(1, 2140045200, 3)" - ",(3, -1688265000, 2) ,(3, -1656819048, 1)" - ",(3, -1641353448, 2) ,(3, -1627965048, 3)" - ",(3, -1618716648, 1) ,(3, -1596429048, 3)" - ",(3, -1593829848, 5) ,(3, -1589860800, 4)" - ",(3, -1542427200, 5) ,(3, -1539493200, 6)" - ",(3, -1525323600, 5) ,(3, -1522728000, 4)" - ",(3, -1491188400, 7) ,(3, -1247536800, 4)" - ",(3, 354920400, 5) ,(3, 370728000, 4)" - ",(3, 386456400, 5) ,(3, 402264000, 4)" - ",(3, 417992400, 5) ,(3, 433800000, 4)" - ",(3, 449614800, 5) ,(3, 465346800, 8)" - ",(3, 481071600, 9) ,(3, 496796400, 8)" - ",(3, 512521200, 9) ,(3, 528246000, 8)" - ",(3, 543970800, 9) ,(3, 559695600, 8)" - ",(3, 575420400, 9) ,(3, 591145200, 8)" - ",(3, 606870000, 9) ,(3, 622594800, 8)" - ",(3, 638319600, 9) ,(3, 654649200, 8)" - ",(3, 670374000, 10) ,(3, 686102400, 11)" - ",(3, 695779200, 8) ,(3, 701812800, 5)" - ",(3, 717534000, 4) ,(3, 733273200, 9)" - ",(3, 748998000, 8) ,(3, 764722800, 9)" - ",(3, 780447600, 8) ,(3, 796172400, 9)" - ",(3, 811897200, 8) ,(3, 828226800, 9)" - ",(3, 846370800, 8) ,(3, 859676400, 9)" - ",(3, 877820400, 8) ,(3, 891126000, 9)" - ",(3, 909270000, 8) ,(3, 922575600, 9)" - ",(3, 941324400, 8) ,(3, 954025200, 9)" - ",(3, 972774000, 8) ,(3, 985474800, 9)" - ",(3, 1004223600, 8) ,(3, 1017529200, 9)" - ",(3, 1035673200, 8) ,(3, 1048978800, 9)" - ",(3, 1067122800, 8) ,(3, 1080428400, 9)" - ",(3, 1099177200, 8) ,(3, 1111878000, 9)" - ",(3, 1130626800, 8) ,(3, 1143327600, 9)" - ",(3, 1162076400, 8) ,(3, 1174777200, 9)" - ",(3, 1193526000, 8) ,(3, 1206831600, 9)" - ",(3, 1224975600, 8) ,(3, 1238281200, 9)" - ",(3, 1256425200, 8) ,(3, 1269730800, 9)" - ",(3, 1288479600, 8) ,(3, 1301180400, 9)" - ",(3, 1319929200, 8) ,(3, 1332630000, 9)" - ",(3, 1351378800, 8) ,(3, 1364684400, 9)" - ",(3, 1382828400, 8) ,(3, 1396134000, 9)" - ",(3, 1414278000, 8) ,(3, 1427583600, 9)" - ",(3, 1445727600, 8) ,(3, 1459033200, 9)" - ",(3, 1477782000, 8) ,(3, 1490482800, 9)" - ",(3, 1509231600, 8) ,(3, 1521932400, 9)" - ",(3, 1540681200, 8) ,(3, 1553986800, 9)" - ",(3, 1572130800, 8) ,(3, 1585436400, 9)" - ",(3, 1603580400, 8) ,(3, 1616886000, 9)" - ",(3, 1635634800, 8) ,(3, 1648335600, 9)" - ",(3, 1667084400, 8) ,(3, 1679785200, 9)" - ",(3, 1698534000, 8) ,(3, 1711839600, 9)" - ",(3, 1729983600, 8) ,(3, 1743289200, 9)" - ",(3, 1761433200, 8) ,(3, 1774738800, 9)" - ",(3, 1792882800, 8) ,(3, 1806188400, 9)" - ",(3, 1824937200, 8) ,(3, 1837638000, 9)" - ",(3, 1856386800, 8) ,(3, 1869087600, 9)" - ",(3, 1887836400, 8) ,(3, 1901142000, 9)" - ",(3, 1919286000, 8) ,(3, 1932591600, 9)" - ",(3, 1950735600, 8) ,(3, 1964041200, 9)" - ",(3, 1982790000, 8) ,(3, 1995490800, 9)" - ",(3, 2014239600, 8) ,(3, 2026940400, 9)" - ",(3, 2045689200, 8) ,(3, 2058390000, 9)" - ",(3, 2077138800, 8) ,(3, 2090444400, 9)" - ",(3, 2108588400, 8) ,(3, 2121894000, 9)" - ",(3, 2140038000, 8)" - ",(4, -1688265000, 2) ,(4, -1656819048, 1)" - ",(4, -1641353448, 2) ,(4, -1627965048, 3)" - ",(4, -1618716648, 1) ,(4, -1596429048, 3)" - ",(4, -1593829848, 5) ,(4, -1589860800, 4)" - ",(4, -1542427200, 5) ,(4, -1539493200, 6)" - ",(4, -1525323600, 5) ,(4, -1522728000, 4)" - ",(4, -1491188400, 7) ,(4, -1247536800, 4)" - ",(4, 354920409, 5) ,(4, 370728010, 4)" - ",(4, 386456410, 5) ,(4, 402264011, 4)" - ",(4, 417992411, 5) ,(4, 433800012, 4)" - ",(4, 449614812, 5) ,(4, 465346812, 8)" - ",(4, 481071612, 9) ,(4, 496796413, 8)" - ",(4, 512521213, 9) ,(4, 528246013, 8)" - ",(4, 543970813, 9) ,(4, 559695613, 8)" - ",(4, 575420414, 9) ,(4, 591145214, 8)" - ",(4, 606870014, 9) ,(4, 622594814, 8)" - ",(4, 638319615, 9) ,(4, 654649215, 8)" - ",(4, 670374016, 10) ,(4, 686102416, 11)" - ",(4, 695779216, 8) ,(4, 701812816, 5)" - ",(4, 717534017, 4) ,(4, 733273217, 9)" - ",(4, 748998018, 8) ,(4, 764722818, 9)" - ",(4, 780447619, 8) ,(4, 796172419, 9)" - ",(4, 811897219, 8) ,(4, 828226820, 9)" - ",(4, 846370820, 8) ,(4, 859676420, 9)" - ",(4, 877820421, 8) ,(4, 891126021, 9)" - ",(4, 909270021, 8) ,(4, 922575622, 9)" - ",(4, 941324422, 8) ,(4, 954025222, 9)" - ",(4, 972774022, 8) ,(4, 985474822, 9)" - ",(4, 1004223622, 8) ,(4, 1017529222, 9)" - ",(4, 1035673222, 8) ,(4, 1048978822, 9)" - ",(4, 1067122822, 8) ,(4, 1080428422, 9)" - ",(4, 1099177222, 8) ,(4, 1111878022, 9)" - ",(4, 1130626822, 8) ,(4, 1143327622, 9)" - ",(4, 1162076422, 8) ,(4, 1174777222, 9)" - ",(4, 1193526022, 8) ,(4, 1206831622, 9)" - ",(4, 1224975622, 8) ,(4, 1238281222, 9)" - ",(4, 1256425222, 8) ,(4, 1269730822, 9)" - ",(4, 1288479622, 8) ,(4, 1301180422, 9)" - ",(4, 1319929222, 8) ,(4, 1332630022, 9)" - ",(4, 1351378822, 8) ,(4, 1364684422, 9)" - ",(4, 1382828422, 8) ,(4, 1396134022, 9)" - ",(4, 1414278022, 8) ,(4, 1427583622, 9)" - ",(4, 1445727622, 8) ,(4, 1459033222, 9)" - ",(4, 1477782022, 8) ,(4, 1490482822, 9)" - ",(4, 1509231622, 8) ,(4, 1521932422, 9)" - ",(4, 1540681222, 8) ,(4, 1553986822, 9)" - ",(4, 1572130822, 8) ,(4, 1585436422, 9)" - ",(4, 1603580422, 8) ,(4, 1616886022, 9)" - ",(4, 1635634822, 8) ,(4, 1648335622, 9)" - ",(4, 1667084422, 8) ,(4, 1679785222, 9)" - ",(4, 1698534022, 8) ,(4, 1711839622, 9)" - ",(4, 1729983622, 8) ,(4, 1743289222, 9)" - ",(4, 1761433222, 8) ,(4, 1774738822, 9)" - ",(4, 1792882822, 8) ,(4, 1806188422, 9)" - ",(4, 1824937222, 8) ,(4, 1837638022, 9)" - ",(4, 1856386822, 8) ,(4, 1869087622, 9)" - ",(4, 1887836422, 8) ,(4, 1901142022, 9)" - ",(4, 1919286022, 8) ,(4, 1932591622, 9)" - ",(4, 1950735622, 8) ,(4, 1964041222, 9)" - ",(4, 1982790022, 8) ,(4, 1995490822, 9)" - ",(4, 2014239622, 8) ,(4, 2026940422, 9)" - ",(4, 2045689222, 8) ,(4, 2058390022, 9)" - ",(4, 2077138822, 8) ,(4, 2090444422, 9)" - ",(4, 2108588422, 8) ,(4, 2121894022, 9)" - ",(4, 2140038022, 8), (5, -1009875600, 1);\n"); - - - } - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE time_zone_transition_type (" - "Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL," - "Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL," - "Offset int signed DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL," - "Is_DST tinyint unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL," - "Abbreviation char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY TzIdTrTId (Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id)" - ") engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='Time zone transition types';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO time_zone_transition_type (Time_zone_id," - "Transition_type_id, Offset, Is_DST, Abbreviation) VALUES" - "(1, 0, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 1, 3600, 0, 'MET')" - ",(1, 2, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 3, 3600, 0, 'MET')" - ",(2, 0, 0, 0, 'UTC')" - ",(3, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST')" - ",(3, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST')" - ",(3, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD')" - ",(3, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(3, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET')" - ",(3, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD')" - ",(3, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(3, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET')" - ",(4, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST')" - ",(4, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST')" - ",(4, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD')" - ",(4, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET')" - ",(4, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD')" - ",(4, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(4, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET')" - ",(5, 0, 32400, 0, 'CJT') ,(5, 1, 32400, 0, 'JST');\n"); - - } - } - - if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm")) - { - fprintf(out, - "CREATE TABLE time_zone_leap_second (" - "Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL," - "Correction int signed NOT NULL," - "PRIMARY KEY TranTime (Transition_time)" - ") engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 " - "comment='Leap seconds information for time zones';\n"); - - if (test) - { - fprintf(out, - "INSERT INTO time_zone_leap_second " - "(Transition_time, Correction) VALUES " - "(78796800, 1) ,(94694401, 2) ,(126230402, 3)" - ",(157766403, 4) ,(189302404, 5) ,(220924805, 6)" - ",(252460806, 7) ,(283996807, 8) ,(315532808, 9)" - ",(362793609, 10) ,(394329610, 11) ,(425865611, 12)" - ",(489024012, 13) ,(567993613, 14) ,(631152014, 15)" - ",(662688015, 16) ,(709948816, 17) ,(741484817, 18)" - ",(773020818, 19) ,(820454419, 20) ,(867715220, 21)" - ",(915148821, 22);\n"); - } - } - - return fclose(out); -} diff --git a/mysql-test/my_manage.c b/mysql-test/my_manage.c deleted file mode 100644 index e5d1be42f95..00000000000 --- a/mysql-test/my_manage.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,887 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -*/ - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <errno.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <dirent.h> -#endif -#include <string.h> -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -#include <screen.h> -#include <proc.h> -#else -#include <sys/types.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <sys/wait.h> -#include <unistd.h> -#include <signal.h> -#include <fnmatch.h> /* FIXME HAVE_FNMATCH_H or something */ -#else -#include <direct.h> -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <stdio.h> -#endif -#endif -#include <ctype.h> -#include <sys/stat.h> -#include <fcntl.h> -#include <assert.h> - -#include "my_manage.h" - -#ifndef __NETWARE__ -#define ASSERT assert -extern char **environ; -#endif - - - -/****************************************************************************** - - macros - -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - - global variables - -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - - functions - -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - - init_args() - - Init an argument list. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void init_args(arg_list_t *al) -{ - ASSERT(al != NULL); - - al->argc= 0; - al->size= ARG_BUF; - al->argv= malloc(al->size * sizeof(char *)); - ASSERT(al->argv != NULL); - - return; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - add_arg() - - Add an argument to a list. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void add_arg(arg_list_t *al, const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - - ASSERT(al != NULL); - - /* increase size */ - if (al->argc >= (int)al->size) - { - al->size+= ARG_BUF; - al->argv= realloc(al->argv, al->size * sizeof(char *)); - ASSERT(al->argv != NULL); - } - - if (format) - { - va_start(ap, format); - vsprintf(temp, format, ap); - va_end(ap); - - al->argv[al->argc]= malloc(strlen(temp)+1); - ASSERT(al->argv[al->argc] != NULL); - strcpy(al->argv[al->argc], temp); - - ++(al->argc); - } - else - { - al->argv[al->argc]= NULL; - } - - return; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - free_args() - - Free an argument list. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void free_args(arg_list_t *al) -{ - int i; - - ASSERT(al != NULL); - - for (i= 0; i < al->argc; i++) - { - ASSERT(al->argv[i] != NULL); - free(al->argv[i]); - al->argv[i]= NULL; - } - - free(al->argv); - al->argc= 0; - al->argv= NULL; - - return; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - sleep_until_file_deleted() - - Sleep until the given file is no longer found. - -******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __WIN__ -int sleep_until_file_deleted(char *pid_file) -#else -int sleep_until_file_deleted(HANDLE pid_file) -#endif -{ - int err= 0; /* Initiate to supress warning */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - struct stat buf; - int i; - - for (i= 0; (i < TRY_MAX) && (err= !stat(pid_file, &buf)); i++) sleep(1); - - if (err != 0) err= errno; -#else - err= (WaitForSingleObject(pid_file, TRY_MAX*1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT); -#endif - return err; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - sleep_until_file_exists() - - Sleep until the given file exists. - -******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __WIN__ -int sleep_until_file_exists(char *pid_file) -#else -int sleep_until_file_exists(HANDLE pid_file) -#endif -{ - int err= 0; /* Initiate to supress warning */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - struct stat buf; - int i; - - for (i= 0; (i < TRY_MAX) && (err= stat(pid_file, &buf)); i++) sleep(1); - - if (err != 0) err= errno; -#else - err= (WaitForSingleObject(pid_file, TRY_MAX*1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT); -#endif - return err; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - wait_for_server_start() - - Wait for the server on the given port to start. - -******************************************************************************/ - -int wait_for_server_start(char *bin_dir __attribute__((unused)), - char *mysqladmin_file, - char *user, char *password, int port,char *tmp_dir) -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err= 0; - char trash[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* mysqladmin file */ - snprintf(trash, FN_REFLEN, "%s/trash.out",tmp_dir); - - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, "%s", mysqladmin_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--port=%u", port); - add_arg(&al, "--user=%s", user); - add_arg(&al, "--password=%s", password); - add_arg(&al, "--silent"); - add_arg(&al, "--host=localhost"); - -#ifndef __NETWARE__ - add_arg(&al, "--connect_timeout=10"); - add_arg(&al, "-w"); - add_arg(&al, "--protocol=tcp"); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "ping"); - - /* - NetWare does not support the connect timeout in the TCP/IP stack - -- we will try the ping multiple times - */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - { - int i; - for (i= 0; - (i < TRY_MAX) && (err= spawn(mysqladmin_file, &al, TRUE, NULL, - trash, NULL, NULL)); - i++) - sleep(1); - } -#else - err= spawn(mysqladmin_file, &al, TRUE, NULL,trash, NULL, NULL); -#endif - - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); - - return err; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - spawn() - - Spawn the given path with the given arguments. - -******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -int spawn(char *path, arg_list_t *al, int join, char *input, - char *output, char *error, char *pid_file) -{ - pid_t pid; - int result= 0; - wiring_t wiring= { FD_UNUSED, FD_UNUSED, FD_UNUSED }; - unsigned long flags= PROC_CURRENT_SPACE | PROC_INHERIT_CWD; - - /* open wiring */ - if (input) - wiring.infd= open(input, O_RDONLY); - - if (output) - wiring.outfd= open(output, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); - - if (error) - wiring.errfd= open(error, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); - - /* procve requires a NULL */ - add_arg(al, NULL); - - /* go */ - pid= procve(path, flags, NULL, &wiring, NULL, NULL, 0, - NULL, (const char **)al->argv); - - /* close wiring */ - if (wiring.infd != -1) - close(wiring.infd); - - if (wiring.outfd != -1) - close(wiring.outfd); - - if (wiring.errfd != -1) - close(wiring.errfd); - - return result; -} -#elif __WIN__ - -int spawn(char *path, arg_list_t *al, int join, char *input, - char *output, char *error, HANDLE *pid) -{ - bool result; - int i; - STARTUPINFO startup_info; - PROCESS_INFORMATION process_information; - DWORD exit_code; - char win_args[1024]= ""; - - /* Skip the first parameter */ - for (i= 1; i < al->argc; i++) - { - ASSERT(al->argv[i] != NULL); - strcat(win_args,al->argv[i]); - strcat(win_args," "); - } - - memset(&startup_info,0,sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); - startup_info.cb= sizeof(STARTUPINFO); - - if (input) - freopen(input, "rb", stdin); - - if (output) - freopen(output, "wb", stdout); - - if (error) - freopen(error, "wb", stderr); - - result= CreateProcess( - path, - (LPSTR)&win_args, - NULL, - NULL, - TRUE, - 0, - NULL, - NULL, - &startup_info, - &process_information - ); - - if (result && process_information.hProcess) - { - if (join) - { - if (WaitForSingleObject(process_information.hProcess, mysqld_timeout) - == WAIT_TIMEOUT) - { - exit_code= -1; - } - else - { - GetExitCodeProcess(process_information.hProcess, &exit_code); - } - CloseHandle(process_information.hProcess); - } - else - { - exit_code= 0; - } - if (pid != NULL) - *pid= process_information.hProcess; - } - else - { - exit_code= -1; - } - if (input) - freopen("CONIN$","rb",stdin); - if (output) - freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stdout); - if (error) - freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stderr); - - return exit_code; -} -#else -int spawn(char *path, arg_list_t *al, int join, char *input, - char *output, char *error, char *pid_file __attribute__((unused))) -{ - pid_t pid; - int res_exec= 0; - int result= 0; - - pid= fork(); - - if (pid == -1) - { - fprintf(stderr, "fork was't created\n"); - /* We can't create the fork...exit with error */ - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - - if (pid > 0) - { - /* The parent process is waiting for child process if join is not zero */ - if (join) - { - waitpid(pid, &result, 0); - if (WIFEXITED(result) != 0) - { - result= WEXITSTATUS(result); - } - else - { - result= EXIT_FAILURE; - } - } - } - else - { - - /* Child process */ - add_arg(al, NULL); - - /* Reassign streams */ - if (input) - freopen(input, "r", stdin); - - if (output) - freopen(output, "w", stdout); - - if (error) - freopen(error, "w", stderr); - - /* Spawn the process */ - if ((res_exec= execve(path, al->argv, environ)) < 0) - exit(EXIT_FAILURE); - - /* Restore streams */ - if (input) - freopen("/dev/tty", "r", stdin); - - if (output) - freopen("/dev/tty", "w", stdout); - - if (error) - freopen("/dev/tty", "w", stderr); - - exit(0); - } - - return result; -} -#endif -/****************************************************************************** - - stop_server() - - Stop the server with the given port and pid file. - -******************************************************************************/ - -int stop_server(char *bin_dir __attribute__((unused)), char *mysqladmin_file, - char *user, char *password, int port, -#ifndef __WIN__ - char *pid_file, -#else - HANDLE pid_file, -#endif - char *tmp_dir) -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err= 0; - char trash[FN_REFLEN]; - - snprintf(trash, FN_REFLEN, "%s/trash.out",tmp_dir); - - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, "%s", mysqladmin_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--port=%u", port); - add_arg(&al, "--user=%s", user); - add_arg(&al, "--password=%s", password); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "shutdown_timeout=20"); -#ifndef __NETWARE__ - add_arg(&al, "--protocol=tcp"); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "shutdown"); - - /* spawn */ - if ((err= spawn(mysqladmin_file, &al, TRUE, NULL, - trash, NULL, NULL)) == 0) - { - sleep_until_file_deleted(pid_file); - } - else - { -#ifndef __WIN__ - pid_t pid= get_server_pid(pid_file); - - /* shutdown failed - kill server */ - kill_server(pid); - - sleep(TRY_MAX); - - /* remove pid file if possible */ - err= remove(pid_file); -#else - TerminateProcess(pid_file,err); -#endif - } - - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); - - return err; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - get_server_pid() - - Get the VM id with the given pid file. - -******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __WIN__ -pid_t get_server_pid(char *pid_file) -{ - char buf[FN_REFLEN]; - int fd, err; - char *p; - pid_t id= 0; - - /* discover id */ - fd= open(pid_file, O_RDONLY); - - err= read(fd, buf, FN_REFLEN); - - close(fd); - - if (err > 0) - { - /* terminate string */ - if ((p= strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL) - { - *p= '\0'; - - /* check for a '\r' */ - if ((p= strchr(buf, '\r')) != NULL) - { - *p= '\0'; - } - } - else - { - buf[err]= '\0'; - } - - id= strtol(buf, NULL, 0); - } - - return id; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - kill_server() - - Force a kill of the server with the given pid. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void kill_server(pid_t pid) -{ - if (pid > 0) - { -#if !defined(__NETWARE__) - /* Send SIGTERM to pid */ - kill(pid, SIGTERM); -#else /* __NETWARE__ */ - /* destroy vm */ - NXVmDestroy(pid); -#endif - } -} -#endif -/****************************************************************************** - - del_tree() - - Delete the directory and subdirectories. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void del_tree(char *dir) -{ -#ifndef __WIN__ - DIR *parent= opendir(dir); - struct dirent *entry; - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - - if (parent == NULL) - { - return; - } - - while ((entry= readdir(parent)) != NULL) - { - /* create long name */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", dir, entry->d_name); - - if (entry->d_name[0] == '.') - { - /* Skip */ - } - else - { -/* FIXME missing test in acinclude.m4 */ -#ifndef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_TYPE - struct stat st; - - if (lstat(entry->d_name, &st) == -1) - { - /* FIXME error */ - return; - } - if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) -#else - if (S_ISDIR(entry->d_type)) -#endif - { - /* delete subdirectory */ - del_tree(temp); - } - else - { - /* remove file */ - remove(temp); - } - } - } - /* remove directory */ - rmdir(dir); -#else - struct _finddata_t parent; -#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER > 1200 - intptr_t handle; -#else - long handle; -#endif /* _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 1200 */ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - char mask[FN_REFLEN]; - - snprintf(mask,FN_REFLEN,"%s/*.*",dir); - - if ((handle=_findfirst(mask,&parent)) == -1L) - { - return; - } - - do - { - /* create long name */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", dir, parent.name); - if (parent.name[0] == '.') - { - /* Skip */ - } - else - if (parent.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) - { - /* delete subdirectory */ - del_tree(temp); - } - else - { - /* remove file */ - remove(temp); - } - } while (_findnext(handle,&parent) == 0); - - _findclose(handle); - - /* remove directory */ - _rmdir(dir); -#endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - removef() - -******************************************************************************/ - -int removef(const char *format, ...) -{ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - va_list ap; - char path[FN_REFLEN]; - - va_start(ap, format); - - vsnprintf(path, FN_REFLEN, format, ap); - - va_end(ap); - return remove(path); - -#elif __WIN__ - { - va_list ap; - char path[FN_REFLEN]; - struct _finddata_t parent; -#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER > 1200 - intptr_t handle; -#else - long handle; -#endif /* _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 1200 */ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - char *p; - - va_start(ap, format); - - vsnprintf(path, FN_REFLEN, format, ap); - - va_end(ap); - - p= path + strlen(path); - while (*p != '\\' && *p != '/' && p > path) p--; - - if ((handle=_findfirst(path,&parent)) == -1L) - { - /* if there is not files....it's ok */ - return 0; - } - - *p= '\0'; - - do - { - if (! (parent.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) - { - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", path, parent.name); - remove(temp); - } - }while (_findnext(handle,&parent) == 0); - - _findclose(handle); - } -#else - DIR *parent; - struct dirent *entry; - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - va_list ap; - char path[FN_REFLEN]; - char *p; - /* Get path with mask */ - va_start(ap, format); - - vsnprintf(path, FN_REFLEN, format, ap); - - va_end(ap); - - p= path + strlen(path); - while (*p != '\\' && *p != '/' && p > path) p--; - *p= '\0'; - p++; - - parent= opendir(path); - - if (parent == NULL) - { - return 1; /* Error, directory missing */ - } - - while ((entry= readdir(parent)) != NULL) - { - /* entry is not directory and entry matches with mask */ -#ifndef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_TYPE - struct stat st; - - /* create long name */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name); - - if (lstat(temp, &st) == -1) - { - return 1; /* Error couldn't lstat file */ - } - - if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !fnmatch(p, entry->d_name,0)) -#else - if (!S_ISDIR(entry->d_type) && !fnmatch(p, entry->d_name,0)) -#endif - { - /* create long name */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name); - /* Delete only files */ - remove(temp); - } - } -#endif - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - get_basedir() - -******************************************************************************/ - -void get_basedir(char *argv0, char *basedir) -{ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - char *p; - int position; - - ASSERT(argv0 != NULL); - ASSERT(basedir != NULL); - - strcpy(temp, strlwr(argv0)); - while ((p= strchr(temp, '\\')) != NULL) *p= '/'; - - if ((position= strinstr(temp, "/bin/")) != 0) - { - p= temp + position; - *p= '\0'; - strcpy(basedir, temp); - } -} - -uint strinstr(reg1 const char *str,reg4 const char *search) -{ - reg2 my_string i,j; - my_string start= (my_string) str; - - skipp: - while (*str != '\0') - { - if (*str++ == *search) - { - i=(my_string) str; - j= (my_string) search+1; - while (*j) - if (*i++ != *j++) goto skipp; - return ((uint) (str - start)); - } - } - return (0); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - remove_empty_file() - -******************************************************************************/ - -void remove_empty_file(const char *file_name) -{ - struct stat file; - - if (!stat(file_name,&file)) - { - if (!file.st_size) - remove(file_name); - } -} diff --git a/mysql-test/my_manage.h b/mysql-test/my_manage.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5df77b01af8..00000000000 --- a/mysql-test/my_manage.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2002 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -*/ - -#ifndef _MY_MANAGE -#define _MY_MANAGE - -/****************************************************************************** - - includes - -******************************************************************************/ - -#include <stdlib.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <unistd.h> -#endif -#ifndef __NETWARE__ -#include <string.h> -#include <my_global.h> -#include <m_string.h> - -#ifndef __WIN__ -#define strnicmp strncasecmp -#define strlwr(STRARG) (STRARG) -#else -int my_vsnprintf_(char *to, size_t n, const char* value, ...); -#endif -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - - macros - -******************************************************************************/ - -#define ARG_BUF 10 -#define TRY_MAX 5 - -#ifdef __WIN__ -#define PATH_MAX _MAX_PATH -#define NAME_MAX _MAX_FNAME -#define kill(A,B) TerminateProcess((HANDLE)A,0) -#define NOT_NEED_PID 0 -#define MASTER_PID 1 -#define SLAVE_PID 2 -#define mysqld_timeout 60000 - -int pid_mode; -bool run_server; -bool skip_first_param; - -#define snprintf _snprintf -#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf -#endif - - -/****************************************************************************** - - structures - -******************************************************************************/ - -typedef struct -{ - - int argc; - char **argv; - - size_t size; - -} arg_list_t; - -#ifdef __WIN__ -typedef int pid_t; -#endif -/****************************************************************************** - - global variables - -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - - prototypes - -******************************************************************************/ - -void init_args(arg_list_t *); -void add_arg(arg_list_t *, const char *, ...); -void free_args(arg_list_t *); - -#ifndef __WIN__ -int sleep_until_file_exists(char *); -int sleep_until_file_deleted(char *); -#else -int sleep_until_file_exists(HANDLE); -int sleep_until_file_deleted(HANDLE); -#endif -int wait_for_server_start(char *, char *, char *, char *, int,char *); - -#ifndef __WIN__ -int spawn(char *, arg_list_t *, int, char *, char *, char *, char *); -#else -int spawn(char *, arg_list_t *, int , char *, char *, char *, HANDLE *); -#endif - -#ifndef __WIN__ -int stop_server(char *, char *, char *, char *, int, char *,char *); -pid_t get_server_pid(char *); -void kill_server(pid_t pid); -#else -int stop_server(char *, char *, char *, char *, int, HANDLE,char *); -#endif -void del_tree(char *); -int removef(const char *, ...); - -void get_basedir(char *, char *); -void remove_empty_file(const char *file_name); - -bool create_system_files(const char *mdata,const char *output_file, bool test); - -#endif /* _MY_MANAGE */ diff --git a/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.c b/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.c deleted file mode 100644 index f9c0045472d..00000000000 --- a/mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1941 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -*/ - -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <stdio.h> -#include <errno.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <dirent.h> -#endif -#include <string.h> -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -#include <screen.h> -#include <nks/vm.h> -#endif -#include <ctype.h> -#include <sys/stat.h> -#ifndef __WIN__ -#include <unistd.h> -#endif -#include <fcntl.h> -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -#include <sys/mode.h> -#endif -#ifdef __WIN__ -#include <windows.h> -#include <shlwapi.h> -#include <direct.h> -#endif - -#include "my_manage.h" - -/****************************************************************************** - - macros - -******************************************************************************/ - -#define HEADER "TEST RESULT \n" -#define DASH "-------------------------------------------------------\n" - -#define NW_TEST_SUFFIX ".nw-test" -#define NW_RESULT_SUFFIX ".nw-result" -#define TEST_SUFFIX ".test" -#define RESULT_SUFFIX ".result" -#define REJECT_SUFFIX ".reject" -#define OUT_SUFFIX ".out" -#define ERR_SUFFIX ".err" - -const char *TEST_PASS= "[ pass ]"; -const char *TEST_SKIP= "[ skip ]"; -const char *TEST_FAIL= "[ fail ]"; -const char *TEST_BAD= "[ bad ]"; -const char *TEST_IGNORE= "[ignore]"; - -/****************************************************************************** - - global variables - -******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef __NETWARE__ -static char base_dir[FN_REFLEN]= "sys:/mysql"; -#else -static char base_dir[FN_REFLEN]= ".."; -#endif -static char db[FN_LEN]= "test"; -static char user[FN_LEN]= "root"; -static char password[FN_LEN]= ""; - -int master_port= 9306; -int slave_port= 9307; - -#if !defined(__NETWARE__) && !defined(__WIN__) -static char master_socket[FN_REFLEN]= "./var/tmp/master.sock"; -static char slave_socket[FN_REFLEN]= "./var/tmp/slave.sock"; -#endif - -#define MAX_COUNT_TESTES 1024 - -#ifdef __WIN__ -# define sting_compare_func _stricmp -#else -# ifdef HAVE_STRCASECMP -# define sting_compare_func strcasecmp -# else -# define sting_compare_func strcmp -# endif -#endif - -/* comma delimited list of tests to skip or empty string */ -#ifndef __WIN__ -static char skip_test[FN_REFLEN]= " lowercase_table3 , system_mysql_db_fix "; -#else -/* - The most ignore testes contain the calls of system command - - lowercase_table3 is disabled by Gerg - system_mysql_db_fix is disabled by Gerg - sp contains a command system - rpl_EE_error contains a command system - rpl_loaddatalocal contains a command system - ndb_autodiscover contains a command system - rpl_rotate_logs contains a command system - repair contains a command system - rpl_trunc_binlog contains a command system - mysqldump contains a command system - rpl000001 makes non-exit loop...temporary skiped -*/ -static char skip_test[FN_REFLEN]= -" lowercase_table3 ," -" system_mysql_db_fix ," -" sp ," -" rpl_EE_error ," -" rpl_loaddatalocal ," -" ndb_autodiscover ," -" rpl_rotate_logs ," -" repair ," -" rpl_trunc_binlog ," -" mysqldump ," -" rpl000001 ," - -" derived ," -" group_by ," -" select ," -" rpl000015 ," -" subselect "; -#endif -static char ignore_test[FN_REFLEN]= ""; - -static char bin_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char mysql_test_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char test_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char mysql_tmp_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char result_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char master_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char slave_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char slave1_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char slave2_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char lang_dir[FN_REFLEN]; -static char char_dir[FN_REFLEN]; - -static char mysqladmin_file[FN_REFLEN]; -static char mysqld_file[FN_REFLEN]; -static char mysqltest_file[FN_REFLEN]; -#ifndef __WIN__ -static char master_pid[FN_REFLEN]; -static char slave_pid[FN_REFLEN]; -static char sh_file[FN_REFLEN]= "/bin/sh"; -#else -static HANDLE master_pid; -static HANDLE slave_pid; -#endif - -static char master_opt[FN_REFLEN]= ""; -static char slave_opt[FN_REFLEN]= ""; - -static char slave_master_info[FN_REFLEN]= ""; - -static char master_init_script[FN_REFLEN]= ""; -static char slave_init_script[FN_REFLEN]= ""; - -/* OpenSSL */ -static char ca_cert[FN_REFLEN]; -static char server_cert[FN_REFLEN]; -static char server_key[FN_REFLEN]; -static char client_cert[FN_REFLEN]; -static char client_key[FN_REFLEN]; - -int total_skip= 0; -int total_pass= 0; -int total_fail= 0; -int total_test= 0; - -int total_ignore= 0; - -int use_openssl= FALSE; -int master_running= FALSE; -int slave_running= FALSE; -int skip_slave= TRUE; -int single_test= TRUE; - -int restarts= 0; - -FILE *log_fd= NULL; - -static char argument[FN_REFLEN]; - -/****************************************************************************** - - functions - -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - - prototypes - -******************************************************************************/ - -void report_stats(); -void install_db(char *); -void mysql_install_db(); -void start_master(); -void start_slave(); -void mysql_start(); -void stop_slave(); -void stop_master(); -void mysql_stop(); -void mysql_restart(); -int read_option(char *, char *); -void run_test(char *); -void setup(char *); -void vlog(const char *, va_list); -void mlog(const char *, ...); -void log_info(const char *, ...); -void log_error(const char *, ...); -void log_errno(const char *, ...); -void die(const char *); -char *str_tok(char* dest, char *string, const char *delim); -#ifndef __WIN__ -void run_init_script(const char *script_name); -#endif -/****************************************************************************** - - report_stats() - - Report the gathered statistics. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void report_stats() -{ - if (total_fail == 0) - { - mlog("\nAll %d test(s) were successful.\n", total_test); - } - else - { - double percent= ((double)total_pass / total_test) * 100; - - mlog("\nFailed %u/%u test(s), %.02f%% successful.\n", - total_fail, total_test, percent); - mlog("\nThe .out and .err files in %s may give you some\n", result_dir); - mlog("hint of what when wrong.\n"); - mlog("\nIf you want to report this error, please first read " - "the documentation\n"); - mlog("at: http://www.mysql.com/doc/M/y/MySQL_test_suite.html\n"); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - install_db() - - Install the a database. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void install_db(char *datadir) -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err; - char input[FN_REFLEN]; - char output[FN_REFLEN]; - char error[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* input file */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - snprintf(input, FN_REFLEN, "%s/bin/init_db.sql", base_dir); -#else - snprintf(input, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysql-test/init_db.sql", base_dir); -#endif - snprintf(output, FN_REFLEN, "%s/install.out", datadir); - snprintf(error, FN_REFLEN, "%s/install.err", datadir); - - if (create_system_files(datadir,input, TRUE)) - die("Unable to create init_db.sql."); - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - /* - XXX: If mysqld is compiled with DISABLE_GRANT_OPTIONS defined, it - will not recognize the --bootstrap, --init-file or --skip-grant- - tables options. If this is needed here, please check - MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP in the environment, and use its value instead of - mysqld_file if it is set. See mysql-test-run.pl and - mysql_install_db. - */ - add_arg(&al, mysqld_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--bootstrap"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-grant-tables"); - add_arg(&al, "--basedir=%s", base_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--datadir=%s", datadir); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-innodb"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-ndbcluster"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-bdb"); -#ifndef __NETWARE__ - add_arg(&al, "--character-sets-dir=%s", char_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--language=%s", lang_dir); -#endif -// added - add_arg(&al, "--default-character-set=latin1"); - add_arg(&al, "--innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:50M"); - - /* spawn */ - if ((err= spawn(mysqld_file, &al, TRUE, input, output, error, NULL)) != 0) - { - die("Unable to create database."); - } - - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - mysql_install_db() - - Install the test databases. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void mysql_install_db() -{ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* var directory */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var", mysql_test_dir); - - /* create var directory */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - /* create subdirectories */ - mlog("Creating test-suite folders...\n"); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave1-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave1-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave1-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave2-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave2-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave2-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU); -#else - mkdir(temp); - /* create subdirectories */ - mlog("Creating test-suite folders...\n"); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data/mysql", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data/test", mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp); -#endif - - /* install databases */ - mlog("Creating test databases for master... \n"); - install_db(master_dir); - mlog("Creating test databases for slave... \n"); - install_db(slave_dir); - install_db(slave1_dir); - install_db(slave2_dir); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - start_master() - - Start the master server. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void start_master() -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err; - char master_out[FN_REFLEN]; - char master_err[FN_REFLEN]; - char temp2[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* remove old berkeley db log files that can confuse the server */ - removef("%s/log.*", master_dir); - - /* remove stale binary logs */ - removef("%s/var/log/*-bin.*", mysql_test_dir); - - /* remove stale binary logs */ - removef("%s/var/log/*.index", mysql_test_dir); - - /* remove master.info file */ - removef("%s/master.info", master_dir); - - /* remove relay files */ - removef("%s/var/log/*relay*", mysql_test_dir); - - /* remove relay-log.info file */ - removef("%s/relay-log.info", master_dir); - - /* init script */ - if (master_init_script[0] != 0) - { -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - /* TODO: use the scripts */ - if (strinstr(master_init_script, "repair_part2-master.sh") != 0) - { - FILE *fp; - - /* create an empty index file */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/test/t1.MYI", master_dir); - fp= fopen(temp, "wb+"); - - fputs("1", fp); - - fclose(fp); - } -#elif !defined(__WIN__) - run_init_script(master_init_script); -#endif - } - - /* redirection files */ - snprintf(master_out, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/master%u.out", - mysql_test_dir, restarts); - snprintf(master_err, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/master%u.err", - mysql_test_dir, restarts); -#ifndef __WIN__ - snprintf(temp2,FN_REFLEN,"%s/var",mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp2,S_IRWXU); - snprintf(temp2,FN_REFLEN,"%s/var/log",mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp2,S_IRWXU); -#else - snprintf(temp2,FN_REFLEN,"%s/var",mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp2); - snprintf(temp2,FN_REFLEN,"%s/var/log",mysql_test_dir); - mkdir(temp2); -#endif - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, "%s", mysqld_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--log-bin=%s/var/log/master-bin",mysql_test_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--server-id=1"); - add_arg(&al, "--basedir=%s", base_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--port=%u", master_port); -#if !defined(__NETWARE__) && !defined(__WIN__) - add_arg(&al, "--socket=%s",master_socket); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "--local-infile"); - add_arg(&al, "--core"); - add_arg(&al, "--log-bin-trust-function-creators"); - add_arg(&al, "--datadir=%s", master_dir); -#ifndef __WIN__ - add_arg(&al, "--pid-file=%s", master_pid); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "--character-sets-dir=%s", char_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--tmpdir=%s", mysql_tmp_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--language=%s", lang_dir); - - add_arg(&al, "--rpl-recovery-rank=1"); - add_arg(&al, "--init-rpl-role=master"); - add_arg(&al, "--default-character-set=latin1"); -// add_arg(&al, "--innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:50M"); -#ifdef DEBUG /* only for debug builds */ - add_arg(&al, "--debug"); -#endif - - if (use_openssl) - { - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-ca=%s", ca_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-cert=%s", server_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-key=%s", server_key); - } - - /* $MASTER_40_ARGS */ - add_arg(&al, "--rpl-recovery-rank=1"); - add_arg(&al, "--init-rpl-role=master"); - - /* $SMALL_SERVER */ - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "key_buffer_size=1M"); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "sort_buffer=256K"); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "max_heap_table_size=1M"); - - /* $EXTRA_MASTER_OPT */ - if (master_opt[0] != 0) - { - char *p; - - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, master_opt, " \t"); - if (!strstr(master_opt, "timezone")) - { - while (p) - { - add_arg(&al, "%s", p); - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, NULL, " \t"); - } - } - } - - /* remove the pid file if it exists */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - remove(master_pid); -#endif - - /* spawn */ -#ifdef __WIN__ - if ((err= spawn(mysqld_file, &al, FALSE, NULL, - master_out, master_err, &master_pid)) == 0) -#else - if ((err= spawn(mysqld_file, &al, FALSE, NULL, - master_out, master_err, master_pid)) == 0) -#endif - { - sleep_until_file_exists(master_pid); - - if ((err= wait_for_server_start(bin_dir, mysqladmin_file, user, password, - master_port, mysql_tmp_dir)) == 0) - { - master_running= TRUE; - } - else - { - log_error("The master server went down early."); - } - } - else - { - log_error("Unable to start master server."); - } - - /* free_args */ - free_args(&al); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - start_slave() - - Start the slave server. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void start_slave() -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err; - char slave_out[FN_REFLEN]; - char slave_err[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* skip? */ - if (skip_slave) return; - - /* remove stale binary logs */ - removef("%s/*-bin.*", slave_dir); - - /* remove stale binary logs */ - removef("%s/*.index", slave_dir); - - /* remove master.info file */ - removef("%s/master.info", slave_dir); - - /* remove relay files */ - removef("%s/var/log/*relay*", mysql_test_dir); - - /* remove relay-log.info file */ - removef("%s/relay-log.info", slave_dir); - - /* init script */ - if (slave_init_script[0] != 0) - { -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - /* TODO: use the scripts */ - if (strinstr(slave_init_script, "rpl000016-slave.sh") != 0) - { - /* create empty master.info file */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/master.info", slave_dir); - close(open(temp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)); - } - else if (strinstr(slave_init_script, "rpl000017-slave.sh") != 0) - { - FILE *fp; - - /* create a master.info file */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/master.info", slave_dir); - fp= fopen(temp, "wb+"); - - fputs("master-bin.000001\n", fp); - fputs("4\n", fp); - fputs("\n", fp); - fputs("replicate\n", fp); - fputs("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaab\n", fp); - fputs("9306\n", fp); - fputs("1\n", fp); - fputs("0\n", fp); - - fclose(fp); - } - else if (strinstr(slave_init_script, "rpl_rotate_logs-slave.sh") != 0) - { - /* create empty master.info file */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/master.info", slave_dir); - close(open(temp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)); - } -#elif !defined(__WIN__) - run_init_script(slave_init_script); -#endif - } - - /* redirection files */ - snprintf(slave_out, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/slave%u.out", - mysql_test_dir, restarts); - snprintf(slave_err, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/slave%u.err", - mysql_test_dir, restarts); - - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, "%s", mysqld_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--log-bin=slave-bin"); - add_arg(&al, "--relay_log=slave-relay-bin"); - add_arg(&al, "--basedir=%s", base_dir); -#if !defined(__NETWARE__) && !defined(__WIN__) - add_arg(&al, "--socket=%s",slave_socket); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "--port=%u", slave_port); - add_arg(&al, "--datadir=%s", slave_dir); -#ifndef __WIN__ - add_arg(&al, "--pid-file=%s", slave_pid); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "--character-sets-dir=%s", char_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--core"); - add_arg(&al, "--tmpdir=%s", mysql_tmp_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--language=%s", lang_dir); - - add_arg(&al, "--exit-info=256"); - add_arg(&al, "--log-slave-updates"); - add_arg(&al, "--init-rpl-role=slave"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-innodb"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-slave-start"); - add_arg(&al, "--slave-load-tmpdir=../../var/tmp"); - - add_arg(&al, "--report-user=%s", user); - add_arg(&al, "--report-host="); - add_arg(&al, "--report-port=%u", slave_port); - - add_arg(&al, "--master-retry-count=10"); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "slave_net_timeout=10"); - add_arg(&al, "--log-slave-updates"); - add_arg(&al, "--log=%s/var/log/slave.log", mysql_test_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--default-character-set=latin1"); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-ndbcluster"); - -#ifdef DEBUG /* only for debug builds */ - add_arg(&al, "--debug"); -#endif - - if (use_openssl) - { - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-ca=%s", ca_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-cert=%s", server_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-key=%s", server_key); - } - - /* slave master info */ - if (slave_master_info[0] != 0) - { - char *p; - - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, slave_master_info, " \t"); - - while (p) - { - add_arg(&al, "%s", p); - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, NULL, " \t"); - } - } - else - { - add_arg(&al, "--master-user=%s", user); - add_arg(&al, "--master-password=%s", password); - add_arg(&al, "--master-host="); - add_arg(&al, "--master-port=%u", master_port); - add_arg(&al, "--master-connect-retry=1"); - add_arg(&al, "--server-id=2"); - add_arg(&al, "--rpl-recovery-rank=2"); - } - - /* small server */ - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "key_buffer_size=1M"); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "sort_buffer=256K"); - add_arg(&al, "-O"); - add_arg(&al, "max_heap_table_size=1M"); - - - /* opt args */ - if (slave_opt[0] != 0) - { - char *p; - - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, slave_opt, " \t"); - - while (p) - { - add_arg(&al, "%s", p); - p= (char *)str_tok(argument, NULL, " \t"); - } - } - - /* remove the pid file if it exists */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - remove(slave_pid); -#endif - /* spawn */ -#ifdef __WIN__ - if ((err= spawn(mysqld_file, &al, FALSE, NULL, - slave_out, slave_err, &slave_pid)) == 0) -#else - if ((err= spawn(mysqld_file, &al, FALSE, NULL, - slave_out, slave_err, slave_pid)) == 0) -#endif - { - sleep_until_file_exists(slave_pid); - - if ((err= wait_for_server_start(bin_dir, mysqladmin_file, user, password, - slave_port, mysql_tmp_dir)) == 0) - { - slave_running= TRUE; - } - else - { - log_error("The slave server went down early."); - } - } - else - { - log_error("Unable to start slave server."); - } - - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - mysql_start() - - Start the mysql servers. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void mysql_start() -{ - - - printf("loading master...\r"); - start_master(); - - printf("loading slave...\r"); - start_slave(); - - /* activate the test screen */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - ActivateScreen(getscreenhandle()); -#endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - stop_slave() - - Stop the slave server. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void stop_slave() -{ - int err; - - /* running? */ - if (!slave_running) return; - - /* stop */ - if ((err= stop_server(bin_dir, mysqladmin_file, user, password, - slave_port, slave_pid, mysql_tmp_dir)) == 0) - { - slave_running= FALSE; - } - else - { - log_error("Unable to stop slave server."); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - stop_master() - - Stop the master server. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void stop_master() -{ - int err; - - /* running? */ - if (!master_running) return; - - if ((err= stop_server(bin_dir, mysqladmin_file, user, password, - master_port, master_pid, mysql_tmp_dir)) == 0) - { - master_running= FALSE; - } - else - { - log_error("Unable to stop master server."); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - mysql_stop() - - Stop the mysql servers. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void mysql_stop() -{ - - stop_master(); - - stop_slave(); - - /* activate the test screen */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - ActivateScreen(getscreenhandle()); -#endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - mysql_restart() - - Restart the mysql servers. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void mysql_restart() -{ -/* log_info("Restarting the MySQL server(s): %u", ++restarts); */ - - mysql_stop(); - - mlog(DASH); - sleep(1); - - mysql_start(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - read_option() - - Read the option file. - -******************************************************************************/ - -int read_option(char *opt_file, char *opt) -{ - int fd, err; - char *p; - char buf[FN_REFLEN]; - - /* copy current option */ - strncpy(buf, opt, FN_REFLEN); - - /* open options file */ - fd= open(opt_file, O_RDONLY); - err= read(fd, opt, FN_REFLEN); - close(fd); - - if (err > 0) - { - /* terminate string */ - if ((p= strchr(opt, '\n')) != NULL) - { - *p= 0; - - /* check for a '\r' */ - if ((p= strchr(opt, '\r')) != NULL) - { - *p= 0; - } - } - else - { - opt[err]= 0; - } - - /* check for $MYSQL_TEST_DIR */ - if ((p= strstr(opt, "$MYSQL_TEST_DIR")) != NULL) - { - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - - *p= 0; - - strcpy(temp, p + strlen("$MYSQL_TEST_DIR")); - strcat(opt, mysql_test_dir); - strcat(opt, temp); - } - /* Check for double backslash and replace it with single bakslash */ - if ((p= strstr(opt, "\\\\")) != NULL) - { - /* bmove is guranteed to work byte by byte */ - bmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)+1); - } - } - else - { - /* clear option */ - *opt= 0; - } - - /* compare current option with previous */ - return strcmp(opt, buf); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - run_test() - - Run the given test case. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void run_test(char *test) -{ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; - const char *rstr; - int skip= FALSE, ignore=FALSE; - int restart= FALSE; - int flag= FALSE; - struct stat info; - - /* skip tests in the skip list */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, " %s ", test); - skip= (strinstr(skip_test, temp) != 0); - if (skip == FALSE) - ignore= (strinstr(ignore_test, temp) != 0); - - snprintf(master_init_script, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s-master.sh", test_dir, test); - snprintf(slave_init_script, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s-slave.sh", test_dir, test); -#ifdef __WIN__ - if (! stat(master_init_script, &info)) - skip= TRUE; - if (!stat(slave_init_script, &info)) - skip= TRUE; -#endif - if (ignore) - { - /* show test */ - mlog("%-46s ", test); - - /* ignore */ - rstr= TEST_IGNORE; - ++total_ignore; - } - else if (!skip) /* skip test? */ - { - char test_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char master_opt_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char slave_opt_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char slave_master_info_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char result_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char reject_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char out_file[FN_REFLEN]; - char err_file[FN_REFLEN]; - int err; - arg_list_t al; - /* skip slave? */ - flag= skip_slave; - skip_slave= (strncmp(test, "rpl", 3) != 0); - if (flag != skip_slave) restart= TRUE; - - /* create files */ - snprintf(master_opt_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s-master.opt", test_dir, test); - snprintf(slave_opt_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s-slave.opt", test_dir, test); - snprintf(slave_master_info_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s.slave-mi", - test_dir, test); - snprintf(reject_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", - result_dir, test, REJECT_SUFFIX); - snprintf(out_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", result_dir, test, OUT_SUFFIX); - snprintf(err_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", result_dir, test, ERR_SUFFIX); - - /* netware specific files */ - snprintf(test_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", test_dir, test, NW_TEST_SUFFIX); - if (stat(test_file, &info)) - { - snprintf(test_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", test_dir, test, TEST_SUFFIX); - if (access(test_file,0)) - { - printf("Invalid test name %s, %s file not found\n",test,test_file); - return; - } - } - - snprintf(result_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", - result_dir, test, NW_RESULT_SUFFIX); - if (stat(result_file, &info)) - { - snprintf(result_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s%s", - result_dir, test, RESULT_SUFFIX); - } - - /* init scripts */ - if (stat(master_init_script, &info)) - master_init_script[0]= 0; - else - restart= TRUE; - - if (stat(slave_init_script, &info)) - slave_init_script[0]= 0; - else - restart= TRUE; - - /* read options */ - if (read_option(master_opt_file, master_opt)) restart= TRUE; - if (read_option(slave_opt_file, slave_opt)) restart= TRUE; - if (read_option(slave_master_info_file, slave_master_info)) restart= TRUE; - - /* cleanup previous run */ - remove(reject_file); - remove(out_file); - remove(err_file); - - /* start or restart? */ - if (!master_running) mysql_start(); - else if (restart) mysql_restart(); - - /* show test */ - mlog("%-46s ", test); - - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, "%s", mysqltest_file); - add_arg(&al, "--no-defaults"); - add_arg(&al, "--port=%u", master_port); -#if !defined(__NETWARE__) && !defined(__WIN__) - add_arg(&al, "--socket=%s", master_socket); - add_arg(&al, "--tmpdir=%s", mysql_tmp_dir); -#endif - add_arg(&al, "--database=%s", db); - add_arg(&al, "--user=%s", user); - add_arg(&al, "--password=%s", password); - add_arg(&al, "--silent"); - add_arg(&al, "--basedir=%s/", mysql_test_dir); - add_arg(&al, "--host="); - add_arg(&al, "--skip-safemalloc"); - add_arg(&al, "-v"); - add_arg(&al, "-R"); - add_arg(&al, "%s", result_file); - - - if (use_openssl) - { - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-ca=%s", ca_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-cert=%s", client_cert); - add_arg(&al, "--ssl-key=%s", client_key); - } - - /* spawn */ - err= spawn(mysqltest_file, &al, TRUE, test_file, out_file, err_file, NULL); - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); - - remove_empty_file(out_file); - remove_empty_file(err_file); - - if (err == 0) - { - /* pass */ - rstr= TEST_PASS; - ++total_pass; - - /* increment total */ - ++total_test; - } - else if (err == 2) - { - /* skip */ - rstr= TEST_SKIP; - ++total_skip; - } - else if (err == 1) - { - /* fail */ - rstr= TEST_FAIL; - ++total_fail; - - /* increment total */ - ++total_test; - } - else - { - rstr= TEST_BAD; - } - } - else /* early skips */ - { - /* show test */ - mlog("%-46s ", test); - - /* skip */ - rstr= TEST_SKIP; - ++total_skip; - } - - /* result */ - mlog("%-14s\n", rstr); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - vlog() - - Log the message. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void vlog(const char *format, va_list ap) -{ - vfprintf(stdout, format, ap); - fflush(stdout); - - if (log_fd) - { - vfprintf(log_fd, format, ap); - fflush(log_fd); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - log() - - Log the message. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void mlog(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, format); - - vlog(format, ap); - - va_end(ap); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - log_info() - - Log the given information. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void log_info(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, format); - - mlog("-- INFO : "); - vlog(format, ap); - mlog("\n"); - - va_end(ap); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - log_error() - - Log the given error. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void log_error(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, format); - - mlog("-- ERROR: "); - vlog(format, ap); - mlog("\n"); - - va_end(ap); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - log_errno() - - Log the given error and errno. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void log_errno(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, format); - - mlog("-- ERROR: (%003u) ", errno); - vlog(format, ap); - mlog("\n"); - - va_end(ap); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - die() - - Exit the application. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void die(const char *msg) -{ - log_error(msg); -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - pressanykey(); -#endif - exit(-1); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - - setup() - - Setup the mysql test enviornment. - -******************************************************************************/ - -void setup(char *file __attribute__((unused))) -{ - char temp[FN_REFLEN]; -#if defined(__WIN__) || defined(__NETWARE__) - char file_path[FN_REFLEN*2]; -#endif - char *p; - int position; - - /* set the timezone for the timestamp test */ -#ifdef __WIN__ - _putenv( "TZ=GMT-3" ); -#else - putenv((char *)"TZ=GMT-3"); -#endif - /* find base dir */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - strcpy(temp, strlwr(file)); - while ((p= strchr(temp, '\\')) != NULL) *p= '/'; -#else - getcwd(temp, FN_REFLEN); - position= strlen(temp); - temp[position]= '/'; - temp[position+1]= 0; -#ifdef __WIN__ - while ((p= strchr(temp, '\\')) != NULL) *p= '/'; -#endif -#endif - - if ((position= strinstr(temp, "/mysql-test/")) != 0) - { - p= temp + position - 1; - *p= 0; - strcpy(base_dir, temp); - } - - log_info("Currect directory: %s",base_dir); - -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - /* setup paths */ - snprintf(bin_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/bin", base_dir); - snprintf(mysql_test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysql-test", base_dir); - snprintf(test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/t", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(mysql_tmp_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(result_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/r", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(master_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(lang_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/share/english", base_dir); - snprintf(char_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/share/charsets", base_dir); - -#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL - use_openssl= TRUE; -#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ - - /* OpenSSL paths */ - snprintf(ca_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/cacert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - - /* setup files */ - snprintf(mysqld_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqld", bin_dir); - snprintf(mysqltest_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqltest", bin_dir); - snprintf(mysqladmin_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqladmin", bin_dir); - snprintf(master_pid, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/master.pid", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_pid, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/slave.pid", mysql_test_dir); -#elif __WIN__ - /* setup paths */ -#ifdef _DEBUG - snprintf(bin_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/client_debug", base_dir); -#else - snprintf(bin_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/client_release", base_dir); -#endif - snprintf(mysql_test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysql-test", base_dir); - snprintf(test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/t", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(mysql_tmp_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(result_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/r", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(master_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(lang_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/share/english", base_dir); - snprintf(char_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/share/charsets", base_dir); - -#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL - use_openssl= TRUE; -#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ - - /* OpenSSL paths */ - snprintf(ca_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/cacert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - - /* setup files */ -#ifdef _DEBUG - snprintf(mysqld_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqld-debug.exe", bin_dir); -#else - snprintf(mysqld_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqld.exe", bin_dir); -#endif - snprintf(mysqltest_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqltest.exe", bin_dir); - snprintf(mysqladmin_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqladmin.exe", bin_dir); -#else - /* setup paths */ - snprintf(bin_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/client", base_dir); - snprintf(mysql_test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysql-test", base_dir); - snprintf(test_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/t", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(mysql_tmp_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(result_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/r", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(master_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/master-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave1_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave1-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave2_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/slave2-data", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(lang_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/sql/share/english", base_dir); - snprintf(char_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/sql/share/charsets", base_dir); - -#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL - use_openssl= TRUE; -#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ - - /* OpenSSL paths */ - snprintf(ca_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/cacert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(server_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/server-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_cert, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-cert.pem", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(client_key, FN_REFLEN, "%s/std_data/client-key.pem", mysql_test_dir); - - /* setup files */ - snprintf(mysqld_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/sql/mysqld", base_dir); - snprintf(mysqltest_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqltest", bin_dir); - snprintf(mysqladmin_file, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysqladmin", bin_dir); - snprintf(master_pid, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/master.pid", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_pid, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/run/slave.pid", mysql_test_dir); - - snprintf(master_socket,FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp/master.sock", mysql_test_dir); - snprintf(slave_socket,FN_REFLEN, "%s/var/tmp/slave.sock", mysql_test_dir); - -#endif - /* create log file */ - snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/mysql-test-run.log", mysql_test_dir); - if ((log_fd= fopen(temp, "w+")) == NULL) - { - log_errno("Unable to create log file."); - } - - /* prepare skip test list */ - while ((p= strchr(skip_test, ',')) != NULL) *p= ' '; - strcpy(temp, strlwr(skip_test)); - snprintf(skip_test, FN_REFLEN, " %s ", temp); - - /* environment */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - setenv("MYSQL_TEST_DIR", mysql_test_dir, 1); - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "%s/client/mysqldump --no-defaults -u root --port=%u", - bin_dir, master_port); - setenv("MYSQL_DUMP", file_path, 1); - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "%s/client/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --local-load=%s", - bin_dir, mysql_tmp_dir); - setenv("MYSQL_BINLOG", file_path, 1); -#elif __WIN__ - snprintf(file_path,FN_REFLEN,"MYSQL_TEST_DIR=%s",mysql_test_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_DUMP=%s/mysqldump.exe --no-defaults -uroot --port=%u", - bin_dir, master_port); - _putenv(file_path); - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_BINLOG=%s/mysqlbinlog.exe --no-defaults --local-load=%s", - bin_dir, mysql_tmp_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "TESTS_BINDIR=%s/tests", base_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "CHARSETSDIR=%s/sql/share/charsets", base_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL=%s/mysql --port=%u ", - bin_dir, master_port); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES=%s/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables --no-defaults " - "--host=localhost --port=%u " - "--basedir=%s --bindir=%s --verbose", - base_dir,master_port, base_dir, bin_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "NDB_TOOLS_DIR=%s/ndb/tools", base_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "CLIENT_BINDIR=%s", bin_dir); - _putenv(file_path); - - snprintf(file_path, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST=%s/tests/mysql_client_test --no-defaults --testcase " - "--user=root --port=%u --silent", - base_dir, master_port); - _putenv(file_path); - -#else - { - static char env_MYSQL_TEST_DIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MYSQL_DUMP[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MYSQL_BINLOG[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MASTER_MYSOCK[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_TESTS_BINDIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_CHARSETSDIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MYSQL[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_CLIENT_BINDIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_NDB_TOOLS_DIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_NDB_MGM[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_NDB_BACKUP_DIR[FN_REFLEN*2]; - static char env_NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT[FN_REFLEN*2]; - - snprintf(env_MYSQL_TEST_DIR,FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_TEST_DIR=%s",mysql_test_dir); - putenv(env_MYSQL_TEST_DIR); - - snprintf(env_MYSQL_DUMP, FN_REFLEN*2,"MYSQL_DUMP=%s/mysqldump --no-defaults " - "-uroot --port=%u --socket=%s ", - bin_dir, master_port, master_socket); - putenv(env_MYSQL_DUMP); - - snprintf(env_MYSQL_BINLOG, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_BINLOG=%s/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --local-load=%s -uroot ", - bin_dir, mysql_tmp_dir); - putenv(env_MYSQL_BINLOG); - - snprintf(env_MASTER_MYSOCK, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MASTER_MYSOCK=%s", master_socket); - putenv(env_MASTER_MYSOCK); - - snprintf(env_TESTS_BINDIR, FN_REFLEN*2, - "TESTS_BINDIR=%s/tests", base_dir); - putenv(env_TESTS_BINDIR); - - snprintf(env_CHARSETSDIR, FN_REFLEN*2, - "CHARSETSDIR=%s/sql/share/charsets", base_dir); - putenv(env_CHARSETSDIR); - - snprintf(env_MYSQL, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL=%s/mysql --port=%u --socket=%s -uroot ", - bin_dir, master_port, master_socket); - putenv(env_MYSQL); - - snprintf(env_MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES=%s/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables --no-defaults " - "--host=localhost --port=%u --socket=%s " - "--basedir=%s --bindir=%s --verbose -uroot ", - base_dir,master_port, master_socket, base_dir, bin_dir); - putenv(env_MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES); - - - snprintf(env_CLIENT_BINDIR, FN_REFLEN*2, - "CLIENT_BINDIR=%s", bin_dir); - putenv(env_CLIENT_BINDIR); - - snprintf(env_MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST, FN_REFLEN*2, - "MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST=%s/tests/mysql_client_test --no-defaults --testcase " - "--user=root --socket=%s --port=%u --silent", - base_dir, master_socket, master_port); - putenv(env_MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST); - - // NDB - - snprintf(env_NDB_TOOLS_DIR, FN_REFLEN*2, - "NDB_TOOLS_DIR=%s/ndb/tools", base_dir); - putenv(env_NDB_TOOLS_DIR); - - snprintf(env_NDB_MGM, FN_REFLEN*2, - "NDB_MGM=%s/ndb/src/mgmclient/ndb_mgm", base_dir); - putenv(env_NDB_MGM); - - //NDBCLUSTER_PORT=9350 - snprintf(env_NDB_BACKUP_DIR, FN_REFLEN*2, - "NDB_BACKUP_DIR=%s/var/ndbcluster-%i", mysql_test_dir, 9350); - putenv(env_NDB_BACKUP_DIR); - - snprintf(env_NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT, FN_REFLEN*2, - "NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT=%s/var/log/ndb_tools.log", mysql_test_dir); - putenv(env_NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT); - - putenv((char *)"NDB_STATUS_OK=1"); - -// NDB_MGM="$BASEDIR/ndb/src/mgmclient/ndb_mgm" -// NDB_BACKUP_DIR=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/ndbcluster-$NDBCLUSTER_PORT -// NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/log/ndb_tools.log - } - -#endif - -#ifndef __WIN__ - putenv((char *)"MASTER_MYPORT=9306"); - putenv((char *)"SLAVE_MYPORT=9307"); - putenv((char *)"MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306"); - -#else - _putenv("MASTER_MYPORT=9306"); - _putenv("SLAVE_MYPORT=9307"); - _putenv("MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306"); -#endif - -} - -/* - Compare names of testes for right order -*/ -int compare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) -{ - return sting_compare_func( * ( char** ) arg1, * ( char** ) arg2 ); -} - - - -/****************************************************************************** - - main() - -******************************************************************************/ - -int main(int argc, char **argv) -{ - int is_ignore_list= 0; - char **names= 0; - char **testes= 0; - int name_index; - int index; - char var_dir[FN_REFLEN]; - /* setup */ - setup(argv[0]); - - /* delete all file in var */ - snprintf(var_dir,FN_REFLEN,"%s/var",mysql_test_dir); - del_tree(var_dir); - - /* - The --ignore option is comma saperated list of test cases to skip and - should be very first command line option to the test suite. - - The usage is now: - mysql_test_run --ignore=test1,test2 test3 test4 - where test1 and test2 are test cases to ignore - and test3 and test4 are test cases to run. - */ - if (argc >= 2 && !strnicmp(argv[1], "--ignore=", sizeof("--ignore=")-1)) - { - char *temp, *token; - temp= strdup(strchr(argv[1],'=') + 1); - for (token=str_tok(argument, temp, ","); token != NULL; - token=str_tok(argument, NULL, ",")) - { - if (strlen(ignore_test) + strlen(token) + 2 <= FN_REFLEN-1) - sprintf(ignore_test+strlen(ignore_test), " %s ", token); - else - { - free(temp); - die("ignore list too long."); - } - } - free(temp); - is_ignore_list= 1; - } - /* header */ -#ifndef __WIN__ - mlog("MySQL Server %s, for %s (%s)\n\n", VERSION, SYSTEM_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE); -#else - mlog("MySQL Server ---, for %s (%s)\n\n", SYSTEM_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE); -#endif - - mlog("Initializing Tests...\n"); - - /* install test databases */ - mysql_install_db(); - - mlog("Starting Tests...\n"); - - mlog("\n"); - mlog(HEADER); - mlog(DASH); - - if ( argc > 1 + is_ignore_list ) - { - int i; - - /* single test */ - single_test= TRUE; - - for (i= 1 + is_ignore_list; i < argc; i++) - { - /* run given test */ - run_test(argv[i]); - } - } - else - { - /* run all tests */ - testes= malloc(MAX_COUNT_TESTES*sizeof(void*)); - if (!testes) - die("can not allcate memory for sorting"); - names= testes; - name_index= 0; -#ifndef __WIN__ - struct dirent *entry; - DIR *parent; - char test[FN_LEN]; - int position; - - /* FIXME are we sure the list is sorted if using readdir()? */ - if ((parent= opendir(test_dir)) == NULL) /* Not thread safe */ - die("Unable to open tests directory."); - else - { - while ((entry= readdir(parent)) != NULL) /* Not thread safe */ - { - strcpy(test, strlwr(entry->d_name)); - /* find the test suffix */ - if ((position= strinstr(test, TEST_SUFFIX)) != 0) - { - if (name_index < MAX_COUNT_TESTES) - { - /* null terminate at the suffix */ - *(test + position - 1)= '\0'; - /* insert test */ - *names= malloc(FN_REFLEN); - strcpy(*names,test); - names++; - name_index++; - } - else - die("can not sort files, array is overloaded"); - } - } - closedir(parent); - } -#else - { - struct _finddata_t dir; - int* handle; - char test[FN_LEN]; - char mask[FN_REFLEN]; - int position; - - /* single test */ - single_test= FALSE; - - snprintf(mask,FN_REFLEN,"%s/*.test",test_dir); - - if ((handle=_findfirst(mask,&dir)) == -1L) - { - die("Unable to open tests directory."); - } - - - do - { - if (!(dir.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) - { - strcpy(test, strlwr(dir.name)); - - /* find the test suffix */ - if ((position= strinstr(test, TEST_SUFFIX)) != 0) - { - if (name_index < MAX_COUNT_TESTES) - { - /* null terminate at the suffix */ - *(test + position - 1)= '\0'; - /* insert test */ - *names= malloc(FN_REFLEN); - strcpy(*names,test); - names++; - name_index++; - } - else - die("can not sort files, array is overloaded"); - } - } - }while (_findnext(handle,&dir) == 0); - - _findclose(handle); - } -#endif - qsort( (void *)testes, name_index, sizeof( char * ), compare ); - - for (index= 0; index < name_index; index++) - { - run_test(testes[index]); - free(testes[index]); - } - - free(testes); - } - - /* stop server */ - mysql_stop(); - - mlog(DASH); - mlog("\n"); - - mlog("Ending Tests...\n"); - - /* report stats */ - report_stats(); - - /* close log */ - if (log_fd) fclose(log_fd); - - /* keep results up */ -#ifdef __NETWARE__ - pressanykey(); -#endif - return 0; -} - - -/* - Synopsis: - This function breaks the string into a sequence of tokens. The difference - between this function and strtok is that it respects the quoted string i.e. - it skips any delimiter character within the quoted part of the string. - It return tokens by eliminating quote character. It modifies the input string - passed. It will work with whitespace delimeter but may not work properly with - other delimeter. If the delimeter will contain any quote character, then - function will not tokenize and will return null string. - e.g. if input string is - --init-slave="set global max_connections=500" --skip-external-locking - then the output will two string i.e. - --init-slave=set global max_connections=500 - --skip-external-locking - -Arguments: - string: input string - delim: set of delimiter character -Output: - return the null terminated token of NULL. -*/ -char *str_tok(char* dest, char *string, const char *delim) -{ - char *token; - char *ptr_end_token= NULL; - char *ptr_quote= NULL; - char *ptr_token= NULL; - int count_quotes= 0; - - *dest = '\0'; - if (strchr(delim,'\'') || strchr(delim,'\"')) - return NULL; - - token= (char*)strtok(string, delim); - if (token) - { - /* double quote is found */ - if (strchr(token,'\"')) - { - do - { - if (count_quotes & 1) - { - if (*dest == '\0') - sprintf(dest,"%s", ptr_token); - else - sprintf(dest,"%s %s", dest, ptr_token); - ptr_token= (char*)strtok(NULL, delim); - if (!ptr_token) - break; - } - else - { - ptr_token= token; - } - if (ptr_quote = strchr(ptr_token,'\"')) - { - ptr_end_token= ptr_token + strlen(ptr_token); - do - { -#ifndef __WIN__ - bmove(ptr_quote, ptr_quote+1, ptr_end_token - ptr_quote); -#endif - count_quotes++; - } while (ptr_quote != NULL && (ptr_quote = strchr(ptr_quote+1,'\"'))); - } - /* there are unpair quotes we have to search next quote*/ - } while (count_quotes & 1); - if (ptr_token != NULL) - { - if (*dest == '\0') - sprintf(dest,"%s", ptr_token); - else - sprintf(dest,"%s %s",dest,ptr_token); - } - } - else - { - sprintf(dest,"%s",token); - } - } - return token ? dest : NULL; -} - -#ifndef __WIN__ -/* - Synopsis: - This function run scripts files on Linux and Netware - -Arguments: - script_name: name of script file - -Output: - nothing -*/ - -void run_init_script(const char *script_name) -{ - arg_list_t al; - int err; - - /* args */ - init_args(&al); - add_arg(&al, sh_file); - add_arg(&al, script_name); - - /* spawn */ - if ((err= spawn(sh_file, &al, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != 0) - { - die("Unable to run script."); - } - - /* free args */ - free_args(&al); -} -#endif diff --git a/mysql-test/r/distinct.result b/mysql-test/r/distinct.result index 32151305698..3508a83a810 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/distinct.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/distinct.result @@ -530,7 +530,8 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a,b FROM t1 GROUP BY a,b; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 -CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, b INT, c INT, d INT, PRIMARY KEY (a,b)); +CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, d INT, +PRIMARY KEY (a,b)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1,1,50), (1,2,3,40), (2,1,3,4); EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra @@ -644,3 +645,26 @@ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COUNT(*) 2 DROP TABLE t1, t2; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, UNIQUE (a)); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4),(null),(2),(1),(null),(3); +EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t1; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 index NULL a 5 NULL 6 Using index +SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t1; +a +NULL +1 +2 +3 +4 +EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 index NULL a 5 NULL 6 Using index +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a; +a +NULL +1 +2 +3 +4 +DROP TABLE t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/func_time.result b/mysql-test/r/func_time.result index 45c05f0b5b5..32f930ca6ba 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/func_time.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/func_time.result @@ -1207,3 +1207,17 @@ SET NAMES DEFAULT; select str_to_date('10:00 PM', '%h:%i %p') + INTERVAL 10 MINUTE; str_to_date('10:00 PM', '%h:%i %p') + INTERVAL 10 MINUTE NULL +CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, t1 time, t2 time, d date, PRIMARY KEY (a)); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '10:00:00', NULL, NULL), +(2, '11:00:00', '11:15:00', '1972-02-06'); +SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) +FROM t1; +t1 t2 SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ) QUARTER(d) +10:00:00 NULL NULL NULL +11:00:00 11:15:00 00:15:00 1 +SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) +FROM t1 ORDER BY a DESC; +t1 t2 SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ) QUARTER(d) +11:00:00 11:15:00 00:15:00 1 +10:00:00 NULL NULL NULL +DROP TABLE t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result b/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result index 21d7bfb1b21..b93a4c28849 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result @@ -1269,3 +1269,13 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY <derived2> system NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 const row not found 2 DERIVED tables ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 drop view v1; +create table t1 (f1 int(11)); +create table t2 (f1 int(11), f2 int(11)); +select table_name from information_schema.tables +where table_schema = 'test' and table_name not in +(select table_name from information_schema.columns +where table_schema = 'test' and column_name = 'f3'); +table_name +t1 +t2 +drop table t1,t2; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/join_nested.result b/mysql-test/r/join_nested.result index f5c98f383b7..006488f9d43 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/join_nested.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/join_nested.result @@ -1605,3 +1605,31 @@ WHERE t1.id='5'; id ct pc nm 5 NULL NULL NULL DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT); +CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT, c INT); +CREATE TABLE t4 (a INT, c INT); +CREATE TABLE t5 (a INT, c INT); +SELECT b FROM t1 JOIN (t2 LEFT JOIN t3 USING (a) LEFT JOIN t4 USING (a) +LEFT JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); +b +SELECT c FROM t1 JOIN (t2 LEFT JOIN t3 USING (a) LEFT JOIN t4 USING (a) +LEFT JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); +ERROR 23000: Column 'c' in field list is ambiguous +SELECT b FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (a) JOIN t4 USING (a) +JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); +b +SELECT c FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (a) JOIN t4 USING (a) +JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); +ERROR 23000: Column 'c' in field list is ambiguous +DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT, b INT); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1); +INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1); +INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,1); +SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (b)) USING (a); +ERROR 23000: Column 'a' in from clause is ambiguous +DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; +End of 5.0 tests diff --git a/mysql-test/r/merge.result b/mysql-test/r/merge.result index af8a2d61505..87ac5c12fda 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/merge.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/merge.result @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2),(1); CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE a=2; -ERROR HY000: Got error 124 from storage engine +ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist DROP TABLE t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT) ENGINE=MEMORY; CREATE TABLE t2(a INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); @@ -783,6 +783,26 @@ CREATE TABLE t2(a INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t3); SELECT * FROM t2; ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist DROP TABLE t2; +CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b TEXT); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a TEXT, b INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +SELECT * FROM tm1; +ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +SELECT * FROM tm1; +ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a, b)); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +SELECT * FROM tm1; +ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(b)); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +SELECT * FROM tm1; +ERROR HY000: Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; create table t1 (b bit(1)); create table t2 (b bit(1)); create table tm (b bit(1)) engine = merge union = (t1,t2); diff --git a/mysql-test/r/null_key.result b/mysql-test/r/null_key.result index 6eb3cf312a0..0b4ed15f659 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/null_key.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/null_key.result @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ref a,b a 5 const 3 Using where; Using index explain select * from t1 where a is null and b=9 or a is null and b=7 limit 3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra -1 SIMPLE t1 ref a,b a 5 const 2 Using where; Using index +1 SIMPLE t1 range a,b a 9 NULL 3 Using where; Using index explain select * from t1 where a > 1 and a < 3 limit 1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range a a 5 NULL 1 Using where; Using index @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,NULL),(2,NULL),(3,1),(4,2),(5,NULL),(6,NULL),(7,3),(8,4 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,NULL),(2,NULL),(3,1),(4,2),(5,NULL),(6,NULL),(7,3),(8,4),(9,NULL),(10,NULL); explain select id from t1 where uniq_id is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra -1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1 idx1 5 const 1 Using where +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1 idx1 5 const 5 Using where explain select id from t1 where uniq_id =1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 const idx1 idx1 5 const 1 diff --git a/mysql-test/r/select.result b/mysql-test/r/select.result index 94c4e9df236..702ac39cb95 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/select.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/select.result @@ -3642,6 +3642,92 @@ INSERT into t1 values (1), (2), (3); SELECT * FROM t1 LIMIT 2, -1; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-1' at line 1 DROP TABLE t1; +CREATE TABLE t1 ( +ID_with_null int NULL, +ID_better int NOT NULL, +INDEX idx1 (ID_with_null), +INDEX idx2 (ID_better) +); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1), (2,1), (null,3), (null,3), (null,3), (null,3); +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +COUNT(*) +128 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1; +COUNT(*) +2 +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID_with_null IS NULL; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +DROP INDEX idx1 ON t1; +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON t1(ID_with_null); +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID_with_null IS NULL; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +DROP TABLE t1; +CREATE TABLE t1 ( +ID1_with_null int NULL, +ID2_with_null int NULL, +ID_better int NOT NULL, +INDEX idx1 (ID1_with_null, ID2_with_null), +INDEX idx2 (ID_better) +); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1,1), (2,2,1), (3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3), +(3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3), (3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3); +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3; +COUNT(*) +24 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +COUNT(*) +24 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +COUNT(*) +192 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1; +COUNT(*) +2 +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3 ; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null=3 IS NULL ; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +DROP INDEX idx1 ON t1; +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON t1(ID1_with_null,ID2_with_null); +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3 ; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null IS NULL ; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 +WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND +(ID2_with_null=1 OR ID2_with_null=2); +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 SIMPLE t1 ref idx1,idx2 idx2 4 const 1 Using where +DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a bigint unsigned); insert into t1 values (if(1, 9223372036854775808, 1)), diff --git a/mysql-test/r/subselect.result b/mysql-test/r/subselect.result index 57b2c0cd0f2..06f8c019265 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/subselect.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/subselect.result @@ -3046,6 +3046,80 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE DROP TABLE t1; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2), (4), (1), (3); +CREATE TABLE t2 (b int, c int); +INSERT INTO t2 VALUES +(2,1), (1,3), (2,1), (4,4), (2,2), (1,4); +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2 ); +a +2 +4 +1 +3 +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1); +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), a; +a +1 +2 +3 +4 +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), a; +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT b, MAX(c) FROM t2 GROUP BY b, (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2); +b MAX(c) +1 4 +2 2 +4 4 +SELECT b, MAX(c) FROM t2 GROUP BY b, (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1); +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a +HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +a +1 +2 +3 +4 +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a +HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a +HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +a +4 +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a +HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT a FROM t1 +ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)); +a +2 +4 +1 +3 +SELECT a FROM t1 +ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)); +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +SELECT a FROM t1 +ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)); +a +2 +1 +3 +4 +SELECT a FROM t1 +ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), +(SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)); +ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row +DROP TABLE t1,t2; create table t1 (df decimal(5,1)); insert into t1 values(1.1); insert into t1 values(2.2); diff --git a/mysql-test/r/subselect3.result b/mysql-test/r/subselect3.result index 07ff17c9df9..29143b9e504 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/subselect3.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/subselect3.result @@ -629,3 +629,19 @@ cc NULL NULL aa 1 1 bb NULL NULL drop table t1,t2; +create table t1 (a int, b int); +insert into t1 values (0,0), (2,2), (3,3); +create table t2 (a int, b int); +insert into t2 values (1,1), (3,3); +select a, b, (a,b) in (select a, min(b) from t2 group by a) Z from t1; +a b Z +0 0 0 +2 2 0 +3 3 1 +insert into t2 values (NULL,4); +select a, b, (a,b) in (select a, min(b) from t2 group by a) Z from t1; +a b Z +0 0 0 +2 2 0 +3 3 1 +drop table t1,t2; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result index 3d40a2d05df..fe0e444f87d 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result @@ -1241,6 +1241,31 @@ i j 2 2 13 13 drop table t1; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); +CREATE TRIGGER trg_t1 BEFORE DELETE on t1 FOR EACH ROW +INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (OLD.a); +FLUSH STATUS; +TRUNCATE t1; +SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_delete'; +Variable_name Value +Handler_delete 0 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2; +COUNT(*) +0 +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); +DELETE FROM t2; +FLUSH STATUS; +DELETE FROM t1; +SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_delete'; +Variable_name Value +Handler_delete 8 +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2; +COUNT(*) +8 +DROP TRIGGER trg_t1; +DROP TABLE t1,t2; drop table if exists t1; drop function if exists f1; create table t1 (i int); diff --git a/mysql-test/t/distinct.test b/mysql-test/t/distinct.test index 8734b940241..476e4ce7735 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/distinct.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/distinct.test @@ -364,7 +364,8 @@ EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a; EXPLAIN SELECT a,b FROM t1 GROUP BY a,b; EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a,b FROM t1 GROUP BY a,b; -CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, b INT, c INT, d INT, PRIMARY KEY (a,b)); +CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, d INT, + PRIMARY KEY (a,b)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1,1,50), (1,2,3,40), (2,1,3,4); EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t2; EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a,a FROM t2; @@ -525,3 +526,17 @@ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t2 WHERE a='oe' COLLATE latin1_german2_ci) dt; DROP TABLE t1, t2; + +# +# Bug #25551: inconsistent behaviour in grouping NULL, depending on index type +# +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, UNIQUE (a)); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4),(null),(2),(1),(null),(3); +EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t1; +#result must have one row with NULL +SELECT DISTINCT a FROM t1; +EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a; +#result must have one row with NULL +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a; + +DROP TABLE t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/func_time.test b/mysql-test/t/func_time.test index a69cbb67c5b..1aa4b434a83 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/func_time.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/func_time.test @@ -713,3 +713,15 @@ SET NAMES DEFAULT; # select str_to_date('10:00 PM', '%h:%i %p') + INTERVAL 10 MINUTE; + +# +# Bug #25643: SEC_TO_TIME function problem +# +CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, t1 time, t2 time, d date, PRIMARY KEY (a)); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '10:00:00', NULL, NULL), + (2, '11:00:00', '11:15:00', '1972-02-06'); +SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) + FROM t1; +SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) + FROM t1 ORDER BY a DESC; +DROP TABLE t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test b/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test index 623ccee49e4..d1dd485e21c 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test @@ -987,4 +987,16 @@ explain select * from v1; explain select * from (select table_name from information_schema.tables) as a; drop view v1; +# +# Bug#23299 Some queries against INFORMATION_SCHEMA with subqueries fail +# +create table t1 (f1 int(11)); +create table t2 (f1 int(11), f2 int(11)); + +select table_name from information_schema.tables +where table_schema = 'test' and table_name not in +(select table_name from information_schema.columns + where table_schema = 'test' and column_name = 'f3'); +drop table t1,t2; + # End of 5.0 tests. diff --git a/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test b/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test index e7405418be7..f29366797f6 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test @@ -1045,3 +1045,42 @@ SELECT t1.*, t4.nm WHERE t1.id='5'; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4; + +# +# BUG#25575: ERROR 1052 (Column in from clause is ambiguous) with sub-join +# +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT); +CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT, c INT); +CREATE TABLE t4 (a INT, c INT); +CREATE TABLE t5 (a INT, c INT); + +SELECT b FROM t1 JOIN (t2 LEFT JOIN t3 USING (a) LEFT JOIN t4 USING (a) +LEFT JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); + +--error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR +SELECT c FROM t1 JOIN (t2 LEFT JOIN t3 USING (a) LEFT JOIN t4 USING (a) +LEFT JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); + +SELECT b FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (a) JOIN t4 USING (a) +JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); + +--error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR +SELECT c FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (a) JOIN t4 USING (a) +JOIN t5 USING (a)) USING (a); + +DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5; +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT, b INT); +CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT, b INT); + +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1); +INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1); +INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,1); + +--error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR +SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 USING (b)) USING (a); + +DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; + +--echo End of 5.0 tests diff --git a/mysql-test/t/merge.test b/mysql-test/t/merge.test index 1308b0b83a4..f2a021051b6 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/merge.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/merge.test @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ drop table t1, t2, t3; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2),(1); CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); ---error 1030 +--error 1168 SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE a=2; DROP TABLE t1, t2; @@ -403,6 +403,33 @@ CREATE TABLE t2(a INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t3); SELECT * FROM t2; DROP TABLE t2; +# +# Underlying table definition conformance tests. +# +CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b TEXT); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a TEXT, b INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +--error 1168 +SELECT * FROM tm1; +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; + +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a INT) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +--error 1168 +SELECT * FROM tm1; +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; + +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a, b)); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +--error 1168 +SELECT * FROM tm1; +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; + +CREATE TABLE t1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(b)); +CREATE TABLE tm1(a SMALLINT, b SMALLINT, KEY(a)) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1); +--error 1168 +SELECT * FROM tm1; +DROP TABLE t1, tm1; + # End of 4.1 tests # diff --git a/mysql-test/t/ps_1general.test b/mysql-test/t/ps_1general.test index 33b86dde9ed..d4e6a62c09e 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/ps_1general.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/ps_1general.test @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ prepare stmt1 from ' rename table t5 to t6, t7 to t8 ' ; create table t5 (a int) ; # rename must fail, t7 does not exist # Clean up the filename here because embedded server reports whole path ---replace_result \\ / $MYSQL_TEST_DIR . /var/master-data/ / t7.frm t7 +--replace_result \\ / $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR . /master-data/ / t7.frm t7 --error 1017 execute stmt1 ; create table t7 (a int) ; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/select.test b/mysql-test/t/select.test index 93d540cae27..92b831dd79b 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/select.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/select.test @@ -3134,6 +3134,80 @@ SELECT * FROM t1 LIMIT 2, -1; DROP TABLE t1; # +# 25407: wrong estimate of NULL keys for unique indexes +# + +CREATE TABLE t1 ( + ID_with_null int NULL, + ID_better int NOT NULL, + INDEX idx1 (ID_with_null), + INDEX idx2 (ID_better) +); + +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1), (2,1), (null,3), (null,3), (null,3), (null,3); +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; + +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_with_null IS NULL; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1; + +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID_with_null IS NULL; + +DROP INDEX idx1 ON t1; +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON t1(ID_with_null); + +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID_with_null IS NULL; + +DROP TABLE t1; + +CREATE TABLE t1 ( + ID1_with_null int NULL, + ID2_with_null int NULL, + ID_better int NOT NULL, + INDEX idx1 (ID1_with_null, ID2_with_null), + INDEX idx2 (ID_better) +); + +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1,1), (2,2,1), (3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3), + (3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3), (3,null,3), (null,3,3), (null,null,3); + +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL; +INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ID2_with_null IS NULL; + +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE ID_better=1; + +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3 ; +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null=3 IS NULL ; +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; + +DROP INDEX idx1 ON t1; +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON t1(ID1_with_null,ID2_with_null); + +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null=3 ; +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null=3 AND ID2_with_null IS NULL ; +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND ID2_with_null IS NULL; +EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 + WHERE ID_better=1 AND ID1_with_null IS NULL AND + (ID2_with_null=1 OR ID2_with_null=2); + +DROP TABLE t1; +# # Bug #22026: Warning when using IF statement and large unsigned bigint # diff --git a/mysql-test/t/subselect.test b/mysql-test/t/subselect.test index c6dd34b5172..d8478bae258 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/subselect.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/subselect.test @@ -2000,6 +2000,65 @@ SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE 1=0) IS NULL; EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE 1=0) IS NULL; DROP TABLE t1; + +# +# Bug 24653: sorting by expressions containing subselects +# that return more than one row +# + +CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2), (4), (1), (3); + +CREATE TABLE t2 (b int, c int); +INSERT INTO t2 VALUES + (2,1), (1,3), (2,1), (4,4), (2,2), (1,4); + +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2 ); +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1); +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), a; +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), a; + +SELECT b, MAX(c) FROM t2 GROUP BY b, (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 2); +--error 1242 +SELECT b, MAX(c) FROM t2 GROUP BY b, (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE b > 1); + + +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a + HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a + HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; + +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a + HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)) > 3; +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY a + HAVING IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)) > 3; + +SELECT a FROM t1 + ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 2), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)); +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 + ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 1), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)); + +SELECT a FROM t1 + ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 2 ORDER BY b)); +--error 1242 +SELECT a FROM t1 + ORDER BY IFNULL((SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE b > 4), + (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE c=a AND b > 1 ORDER BY b)); + +DROP TABLE t1,t2; + # End of 4.1 tests # diff --git a/mysql-test/t/subselect3.test b/mysql-test/t/subselect3.test index 23d78721dbe..ed8480ba464 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/subselect3.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/subselect3.test @@ -472,3 +472,20 @@ select oref, a, a in (select min(ie) from t1 where oref=t2.oref group by grp) Z drop table t1,t2; +# +# BUG#24420: row-based IN suqueries with aggregation when the left operand +# of the subquery predicate may contain NULL values +# + +create table t1 (a int, b int); +insert into t1 values (0,0), (2,2), (3,3); +create table t2 (a int, b int); +insert into t2 values (1,1), (3,3); + +select a, b, (a,b) in (select a, min(b) from t2 group by a) Z from t1; + +insert into t2 values (NULL,4); +select a, b, (a,b) in (select a, min(b) from t2 group by a) Z from t1; + +drop table t1,t2; + diff --git a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test index aa6cb2bf025..825f1fec6b9 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test @@ -1505,6 +1505,31 @@ update t1 set i= i+ 10 where j > 2; select * from t1; drop table t1; +# +# Bug#23556 TRUNCATE TABLE still maps to DELETE +# +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); +CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); + +CREATE TRIGGER trg_t1 BEFORE DELETE on t1 FOR EACH ROW + INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (OLD.a); + +FLUSH STATUS; +TRUNCATE t1; +SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_delete'; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2; + +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); +DELETE FROM t2; + +FLUSH STATUS; +DELETE FROM t1; +SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_delete'; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2; + +DROP TRIGGER trg_t1; +DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Bug #23651 "Server crashes when trigger which uses stored function diff --git a/mysys/my_pthread.c b/mysys/my_pthread.c index fe3480ea10f..b9da9d4817a 100644 --- a/mysys/my_pthread.c +++ b/mysys/my_pthread.c @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ #define SCHED_POLICY SCHED_OTHER #endif +uint thd_lib_detected; + #ifndef my_pthread_setprio void my_pthread_setprio(pthread_t thread_id,int prior) { @@ -315,8 +317,6 @@ void sigwait_handle_sig(int sig) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sigwait); } -extern pthread_t alarm_thread; - void *sigwait_thread(void *set_arg) { sigset_t *set=(sigset_t*) set_arg; @@ -335,7 +335,9 @@ void *sigwait_thread(void *set_arg) sigaction(i, &sact, (struct sigaction*) 0); } } - sigaddset(set,THR_CLIENT_ALARM); + /* Ensure that init_thr_alarm() is called */ + DBUG_ASSERT(thr_client_alarm); + sigaddset(set, thr_client_alarm); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,(sigset_t*) set,(sigset_t*) 0); alarm_thread=pthread_self(); /* For thr_alarm */ diff --git a/mysys/my_thr_init.c b/mysys/my_thr_init.c index c5105dc4e1e..67ab1e4a38a 100644 --- a/mysys/my_thr_init.c +++ b/mysys/my_thr_init.c @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "mysys_priv.h" #include <m_string.h> +#include <signal.h> #ifdef THREAD #ifdef USE_TLS @@ -63,6 +64,8 @@ pthread_handler_t nptl_pthread_exit_hack_handler(void *arg) #endif +static uint get_thread_lib(void); + /* initialize thread environment @@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ pthread_handler_t nptl_pthread_exit_hack_handler(void *arg) my_bool my_thread_global_init(void) { + thd_lib_detected= get_thread_lib(); + if (pthread_key_create(&THR_KEY_mysys,0)) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't initialize threads: error %d\n",errno); @@ -392,4 +397,20 @@ const char *my_thread_name(void) } #endif /* DBUG_OFF */ + +static uint get_thread_lib(void) +{ + char buff[64]; + +#ifdef _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION + confstr(_CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION, buff, sizeof(buff)); + + if (!strncasecmp(buff, "NPTL", 4)) + return THD_LIB_NPTL; + if (!strncasecmp(buff, "linuxthreads", 12)) + return THD_LIB_LT; +#endif + return THD_LIB_OTHER; +} + #endif /* THREAD */ diff --git a/mysys/thr_alarm.c b/mysys/thr_alarm.c index acb4ac5dbf9..d11883a4ea4 100644 --- a/mysys/thr_alarm.c +++ b/mysys/thr_alarm.c @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #define ETIME ETIMEDOUT #endif +uint thr_client_alarm; static int alarm_aborted=1; /* No alarm thread */ my_bool thr_alarm_inited= 0; volatile my_bool alarm_thread_running= 0; @@ -57,9 +58,7 @@ static void *alarm_handler(void *arg); #define reschedule_alarms() pthread_kill(alarm_thread,THR_SERVER_ALARM) #endif -#if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGALRM || defined(USE_ALARM_THREAD) static sig_handler thread_alarm(int sig __attribute__((unused))); -#endif static int compare_ulong(void *not_used __attribute__((unused)), byte *a_ptr,byte* b_ptr) @@ -78,9 +77,16 @@ void init_thr_alarm(uint max_alarms) sigfillset(&full_signal_set); /* Neaded to block signals */ pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_alarm,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init(&COND_alarm,NULL); -#if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGALRM || defined(USE_ALARM_THREAD) - my_sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,thread_alarm); + if (thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT) + thr_client_alarm= SIGALRM; + else + thr_client_alarm= SIGUSR1; +#ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD + if (thd_lib_detected != THD_LIB_LT) #endif + { + my_sigset(thr_client_alarm, thread_alarm); + } sigemptyset(&s); sigaddset(&s, THR_SERVER_ALARM); alarm_thread=pthread_self(); @@ -98,10 +104,11 @@ void init_thr_alarm(uint max_alarms) } #elif defined(USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND) pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &s, NULL); /* used with sigwait() */ -#if THR_SERVER_ALARM == THR_CLIENT_ALARM - my_sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,process_alarm); /* Linuxthreads */ - pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); -#endif + if (thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT) + { + my_sigset(thr_client_alarm, process_alarm); /* Linuxthreads */ + pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); + } #else my_sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM, process_alarm); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); @@ -152,7 +159,7 @@ my_bool thr_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alrm, uint sec, ALARM *alarm_data) now=(ulong) time((time_t*) 0); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK,&full_signal_set,&old_mask); - pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_alarm); /* Lock from threads & alarms */ + pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_alarm); /* Lock from threads & alarms */ if (alarm_aborted > 0) { /* No signal thread */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("alarm aborted")); @@ -272,18 +279,17 @@ sig_handler process_alarm(int sig __attribute__((unused))) This must be first as we can't call DBUG inside an alarm for a normal thread */ -#if THR_SERVER_ALARM == THR_CLIENT_ALARM - if (!pthread_equal(pthread_self(),alarm_thread)) + if (thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT && + !pthread_equal(pthread_self(),alarm_thread)) { #if defined(MAIN) && !defined(__bsdi__) - printf("thread_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); + printf("thread_alarm in process_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL - my_sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,process_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ + my_sigset(thr_client_alarm, process_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ #endif return; } -#endif /* We have to do do the handling of the alarm in a sub function, @@ -327,7 +333,7 @@ static sig_handler process_alarm_part2(int sig __attribute__((unused))) alarm_data=(ALARM*) queue_element(&alarm_queue,i); alarm_data->alarmed=1; /* Info to thread */ if (pthread_equal(alarm_data->thread,alarm_thread) || - pthread_kill(alarm_data->thread, THR_CLIENT_ALARM)) + pthread_kill(alarm_data->thread, thr_client_alarm)) { #ifdef MAIN printf("Warning: pthread_kill couldn't find thread!!!\n"); @@ -351,7 +357,7 @@ static sig_handler process_alarm_part2(int sig __attribute__((unused))) alarm_data->alarmed=1; /* Info to thread */ DBUG_PRINT("info",("sending signal to waiting thread")); if (pthread_equal(alarm_data->thread,alarm_thread) || - pthread_kill(alarm_data->thread, THR_CLIENT_ALARM)) + pthread_kill(alarm_data->thread, thr_client_alarm)) { #ifdef MAIN printf("Warning: pthread_kill couldn't find thread!!!\n"); @@ -488,7 +494,7 @@ void thr_alarm_info(ALARM_INFO *info) ARGSUSED */ -#if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGALRM || defined(USE_ALARM_THREAD) + static sig_handler thread_alarm(int sig) { #ifdef MAIN @@ -498,7 +504,6 @@ static sig_handler thread_alarm(int sig) my_sigset(sig,thread_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ #endif } -#endif #ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC @@ -926,9 +931,7 @@ static void *signal_hand(void *arg __attribute__((unused))) sigaddset(&set,SIGINT); sigaddset(&set,SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&set,SIGTERM); -#if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGHUP sigaddset(&set,SIGHUP); -#endif #ifdef SIGTSTP sigaddset(&set,SIGTSTP); #endif @@ -940,7 +943,7 @@ static void *signal_hand(void *arg __attribute__((unused))) #endif #endif /* OS2 */ printf("server alarm: %d thread alarm: %d\n", - THR_SERVER_ALARM,THR_CLIENT_ALARM); + THR_SERVER_ALARM, thr_client_alarm); DBUG_PRINT("info",("Starting signal and alarm handling thread")); for(;;) { @@ -1012,11 +1015,11 @@ int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)),char **argv __attribute__((unused))) sigaddset(&set,SIGTSTP); #endif sigaddset(&set,THR_SERVER_ALARM); - sigdelset(&set,THR_CLIENT_ALARM); + sigdelset(&set, thr_client_alarm); (void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&set,NULL); #ifdef NOT_USED sigemptyset(&set); - sigaddset(&set,THR_CLIENT_ALARM); + sigaddset(&set, thr_client_alarm); VOID(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, (sigset_t*) 0)); #endif #endif /* OS2 */ @@ -1066,8 +1069,8 @@ int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)),char **argv __attribute__((unused))) } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); - end_thr_alarm(1); thr_alarm_info(&alarm_info); + end_thr_alarm(1); printf("Main_thread: Alarms: %u max_alarms: %u next_alarm_time: %lu\n", alarm_info.active_alarms, alarm_info.max_used_alarms, alarm_info.next_alarm_time); diff --git a/mysys/thr_alarm.c.rej b/mysys/thr_alarm.c.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c991121052e --- /dev/null +++ b/mysys/thr_alarm.c.rej @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +*************** +*** 76,96 **** + alarm_aborted=0; + init_queue(&alarm_queue,max_alarms+1,offsetof(ALARM,expire_time),0, + compare_ulong,NullS); +! sigfillset(&full_signal_set); /* Neaded to block signals */ + pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_alarm,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); + pthread_cond_init(&COND_alarm,NULL); +! #if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGALRM || defined(USE_ALARM_THREAD) +! #if defined(HAVE_mit_thread) +! sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,thread_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ +! #else + { +! struct sigaction sact; +! sact.sa_flags = 0; +! sact.sa_handler = thread_alarm; +! sigaction(THR_CLIENT_ALARM, &sact, (struct sigaction*) 0); + } +- #endif +- #endif + sigemptyset(&s); + sigaddset(&s, THR_SERVER_ALARM); + alarm_thread=pthread_self(); +--- 74,89 ---- + alarm_aborted=0; + init_queue(&alarm_queue,max_alarms+1,offsetof(ALARM,expire_time),0, + compare_ulong,NullS); +! sigfillset(&full_signal_set); /* Needed to block signals */ + pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_alarm,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); + pthread_cond_init(&COND_alarm,NULL); +! #ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD +! if (thd_lib_detected != THD_LIB_LT) +! #endif + { +! my_sigset(thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGALRM : SIGUSR1, +! thread_alarm); + } + sigemptyset(&s); + sigaddset(&s, THR_SERVER_ALARM); + alarm_thread=pthread_self(); +*************** +*** 108,120 **** + } + #elif defined(USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND) + pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &s, NULL); /* used with sigwait() */ +! #if THR_SERVER_ALARM == THR_CLIENT_ALARM +! sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,process_alarm); /* Linuxthreads */ +! pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); +! #endif + #else + pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); +- sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM,process_alarm); + #endif + DBUG_VOID_RETURN; + } +--- 101,115 ---- + } + #elif defined(USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND) + pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &s, NULL); /* used with sigwait() */ +! if (thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT) +! { +! my_sigset(thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGALRM : SIGUSR1, +! process_alarm); /* Linuxthreads */ +! pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); +! } + #else ++ my_sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM, process_alarm); + pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &s, NULL); + #endif + DBUG_VOID_RETURN; + } +*************** +*** 240,246 **** + if (alarm_data->malloced) + my_free((gptr) alarm_data,MYF(0)); + found++; +! #ifndef DBUG_OFF + break; + #endif + } +--- 235,241 ---- + if (alarm_data->malloced) + my_free((gptr) alarm_data,MYF(0)); + found++; +! #ifdef DBUG_OFF + break; + #endif + } +*************** +*** 249,258 **** + if (!found) + { + if (*alarmed) +! fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Didn't find alarm %lx in queue of %d alarms\n", +! (long) *alarmed, alarm_queue.elements); +! DBUG_PRINT("warning",("Didn't find alarm %lx in queue\n", +! (long) *alarmed)); + } + pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_alarm); + pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&old_mask,NULL); +--- 244,254 ---- + if (!found) + { + if (*alarmed) +! fprintf(stderr, +! "Warning: Didn't find alarm 0x%lx in queue of %d alarms\n", +! (long) *alarmed, alarm_queue.elements); +! DBUG_PRINT("warning",("Didn't find alarm 0x%lx in queue\n", +! (long) *alarmed)); + } + pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_alarm); + pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&old_mask,NULL); +*************** +*** 274,291 **** + This must be first as we can't call DBUG inside an alarm for a normal thread + */ + +! #if THR_SERVER_ALARM == THR_CLIENT_ALARM +! if (!pthread_equal(pthread_self(),alarm_thread)) + { + #if defined(MAIN) && !defined(__bsdi__) +! printf("thread_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); + #endif + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! sigset(THR_CLIENT_ALARM,process_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + return; + } +- #endif + + /* + We have to do do the handling of the alarm in a sub function, +--- 270,287 ---- + This must be first as we can't call DBUG inside an alarm for a normal thread + */ + +! if (thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT && +! !pthread_equal(pthread_self(),alarm_thread)) + { + #if defined(MAIN) && !defined(__bsdi__) +! printf("thread_alarm in process_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); + #endif + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! my_sigset(thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGALRM : SIGUSR1, +! process_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + return; + } + + /* + We have to do do the handling of the alarm in a sub function, +*************** +*** 301,307 **** + process_alarm_part2(sig); + #ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD + #if defined(DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL) && !defined(USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND) +! sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM,process_alarm); + #endif + pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_alarm); + pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&old_mask,NULL); +--- 297,303 ---- + process_alarm_part2(sig); + #ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD + #if defined(DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL) && !defined(USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND) +! my_sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM, process_alarm); + #endif + pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_alarm); + pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&old_mask,NULL); +*************** +*** 504,520 **** + ARGSUSED + */ + +- #if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGALRM || defined(USE_ALARM_THREAD) + static sig_handler thread_alarm(int sig) + { + #ifdef MAIN + printf("thread_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); + #endif + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! sigset(sig,thread_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + } +- #endif + + + #ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +--- 499,513 ---- + ARGSUSED + */ + + static sig_handler thread_alarm(int sig) + { + #ifdef MAIN + printf("thread_alarm\n"); fflush(stdout); + #endif + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! my_sigset(sig, thread_alarm); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + } + + + #ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +*************** +*** 915,921 **** + printf("Warning: Got signal %d from thread %s\n",sig,my_thread_name()); + fflush(stdout); + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! sigset(sig,print_signal_warning); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + #ifndef OS2 + if (sig == SIGALRM) +--- 908,914 ---- + printf("Warning: Got signal %d from thread %s\n",sig,my_thread_name()); + fflush(stdout); + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! my_sigset(sig, print_signal_warning); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + #ifndef OS2 + if (sig == SIGALRM) diff --git a/scripts/msql2mysql.sh b/scripts/msql2mysql.sh index 89a1fcea959..3c802d63705 100644 --- a/scripts/msql2mysql.sh +++ b/scripts/msql2mysql.sh @@ -1,16 +1,18 @@ #!/bin/sh -# Copyright (C) 1979-1996 TcX AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB +# Copyright (C) 1979-2007 MySQL AB # -# This software is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or -# distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or -# for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or -# she says so in writing. Refer to the Free Public License (the "License") -# for full details. +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # -# Every copy of this file must include a copy of the License, normally in a -# plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right to -# copy, modify and redistribute this file, but only under certain conditions -# described in the License. Among other things, the License requires that -# the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the +# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston +# MA 02110-1301 USA. @bindir@/replace msqlConnect mysql_connect msqlListDBs mysql_list_dbs msqlNumRows mysql_num_rows msqlFetchRow mysql_fetch_row msqlFetchField mysql_fetch_field msqlFreeResult mysql_free_result msqlListFields mysql_list_fields msqlListTables mysql_list_tables msqlErrMsg 'mysql_error(mysql)' msqlStoreResult mysql_store_result msqlQuery mysql_query msqlField mysql_field msqlSelect mysql_select msqlSelectDB mysql_select_db msqlNumFields mysql_num_fields msqlClose mysql_close msqlDataSeek mysql_data_seek m_field MYSQL_FIELD m_result MYSQL_RES m_row MYSQL_ROW msql mysql mSQL mySQL MSQL MYSQL msqlCreateDB mysql_create_db msqlDropDB mysql_drop_db msqlFieldSeek mysql_field_seek -- $* diff --git a/sql/examples/ha_tina.cc b/sql/examples/ha_tina.cc index f328a631d10..00f927aa7b7 100644 --- a/sql/examples/ha_tina.cc +++ b/sql/examples/ha_tina.cc @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ bool tina_end() return FALSE; } + /* Finds the end of a line. Currently only supports files written on a UNIX OS. diff --git a/sql/filesort.cc b/sql/filesort.cc index 81600ce8a93..73f480aad02 100644 --- a/sql/filesort.cc +++ b/sql/filesort.cc @@ -428,7 +428,8 @@ static ha_rows find_all_keys(SORTPARAM *param, SQL_SELECT *select, byte *ref_pos,*next_pos,ref_buff[MAX_REFLENGTH]; my_off_t record; TABLE *sort_form; - volatile THD::killed_state *killed= ¤t_thd->killed; + THD *thd= current_thd; + volatile THD::killed_state *killed= &thd->killed; handler *file; DBUG_ENTER("find_all_keys"); DBUG_PRINT("info",("using: %s",(select?select->quick?"ranges":"where":"every row"))); @@ -525,6 +526,9 @@ static ha_rows find_all_keys(SORTPARAM *param, SQL_SELECT *select, } else file->unlock_row(); + /* It does not make sense to read more keys in case of a fatal error */ + if (thd->net.report_error) + DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); } if (quick_select) { diff --git a/sql/gen_lex_hash.cc b/sql/gen_lex_hash.cc index 7abdb5f488c..2d78999017a 100644 --- a/sql/gen_lex_hash.cc +++ b/sql/gen_lex_hash.cc @@ -445,10 +445,24 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) /* Broken up to indicate that it's not advice to you, gentle reader. */ printf("/*\n\n Do " "not " "edit " "this " "file " "directly!\n\n*/\n"); - printf("/* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 MySQL AB\n\ - This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,\n\ - and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license\n\ - \n*/\n\n"); + printf("\ +/* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 MySQL AB\n\ +\n\ + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.\n\ +\n\ + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ + GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ +\n\ + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n\ + along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the\n\ + Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston\n\ + MA 02110-1301 USA. */\n\ +\n\ +"); /* Broken up to indicate that it's not advice to you, gentle reader. */ printf("/* Do " "not " "edit " "this " "file! This is generated by " diff --git a/sql/ha_myisam.cc b/sql/ha_myisam.cc index 495c3f4f78f..39f8894ae89 100644 --- a/sql/ha_myisam.cc +++ b/sql/ha_myisam.cc @@ -120,6 +120,305 @@ static void mi_check_print_msg(MI_CHECK *param, const char* msg_type, return; } + +/* + Convert TABLE object to MyISAM key and column definition + + SYNOPSIS + table2myisam() + table_arg in TABLE object. + keydef_out out MyISAM key definition. + recinfo_out out MyISAM column definition. + records_out out Number of fields. + + DESCRIPTION + This function will allocate and initialize MyISAM key and column + definition for further use in mi_create or for a check for underlying + table conformance in merge engine. + + RETURN VALUE + 0 OK + !0 error code +*/ + +int table2myisam(TABLE *table_arg, MI_KEYDEF **keydef_out, + MI_COLUMNDEF **recinfo_out, uint *records_out) +{ + uint i, j, recpos, minpos, fieldpos, temp_length, length; + enum ha_base_keytype type= HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; + KEY *pos; + MI_KEYDEF *keydef; + MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo, *recinfo_pos; + HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; + TABLE_SHARE *share= table_arg->s; + uint options= share->db_options_in_use; + DBUG_ENTER("table2myisam"); + if (!(my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME), + recinfo_out, (share->fields * 2 + 2) * sizeof(MI_COLUMNDEF), + keydef_out, share->keys * sizeof(MI_KEYDEF), + &keyseg, + (share->key_parts + share->keys) * sizeof(HA_KEYSEG), + NullS))) + DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM); /* purecov: inspected */ + keydef= *keydef_out; + recinfo= *recinfo_out; + pos= table_arg->key_info; + for (i= 0; i < share->keys; i++, pos++) + { + keydef[i].flag= (pos->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_SPATIAL)); + keydef[i].key_alg= pos->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF ? + (pos->flags & HA_SPATIAL ? HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE : HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE) : + pos->algorithm; + keydef[i].seg= keyseg; + keydef[i].keysegs= pos->key_parts; + for (j= 0; j < pos->key_parts; j++) + { + Field *field= pos->key_part[j].field; + type= field->key_type(); + keydef[i].seg[j].flag= pos->key_part[j].key_part_flag; + + if (options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS || + (pos->flags & (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | + HA_SPACE_PACK_USED))) + { + if (pos->key_part[j].length > 8 && + (type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT || + type == HA_KEYTYPE_NUM || + (type == HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY && !field->zero_pack()))) + { + /* No blobs here */ + if (j == 0) + keydef[i].flag|= HA_PACK_KEY; + if (!(field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) && + (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || + field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING || + ((int) (pos->key_part[j].length - field->decimals())) >= 4)) + keydef[i].seg[j].flag|= HA_SPACE_PACK; + } + else if (j == 0 && (!(pos->flags & HA_NOSAME) || pos->key_length > 16)) + keydef[i].flag|= HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY; + } + keydef[i].seg[j].type= (int) type; + keydef[i].seg[j].start= pos->key_part[j].offset; + keydef[i].seg[j].length= pos->key_part[j].length; + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= keydef[i].seg[j].bit_end= + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= 0; + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= 0; + keydef[i].seg[j].language= field->charset()->number; + + if (field->null_ptr) + { + keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit= field->null_bit; + keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= (uint) (field->null_ptr- + (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); + } + else + { + keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit= 0; + keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= 0; + } + if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB || + field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY) + { + keydef[i].seg[j].flag|= HA_BLOB_PART; + /* save number of bytes used to pack length */ + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= (uint) (field->pack_length() - + share->blob_ptr_size); + } + else if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BIT) + { + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_len; + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ofs; + keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= (uint) (((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ptr - + (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); + } + } + keyseg+= pos->key_parts; + } + if (table_arg->found_next_number_field) + keydef[share->next_number_index].flag|= HA_AUTO_KEY; + recpos= 0; + recinfo_pos= recinfo; + while (recpos < (uint) share->reclength) + { + Field **field, *found= 0; + minpos= share->reclength; + length= 0; + + for (field= table_arg->field; *field; field++) + { + if ((fieldpos= (*field)->offset()) >= recpos && + fieldpos <= minpos) + { + /* skip null fields */ + if (!(temp_length= (*field)->pack_length_in_rec())) + continue; /* Skip null-fields */ + if (! found || fieldpos < minpos || + (fieldpos == minpos && temp_length < length)) + { + minpos= fieldpos; + found= *field; + length= temp_length; + } + } + } + DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("found: 0x%lx recpos: %d minpos: %d length: %d", + (long) found, recpos, minpos, length)); + if (recpos != minpos) + { // Reserved space (Null bits?) + bzero((char*) recinfo_pos, sizeof(*recinfo_pos)); + recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL; + recinfo_pos++->length= (uint16) (minpos - recpos); + } + if (!found) + break; + + if (found->flags & BLOB_FLAG) + recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_BLOB; + else if (found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR) + recinfo_pos->type= FIELD_VARCHAR; + else if (!(options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)) + recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL; + else if (found->zero_pack()) + recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_SKIP_ZERO; + else + recinfo_pos->type= (int) ((length <= 3 || + (found->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG)) ? + FIELD_NORMAL : + found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || + found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ? + FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE : + FIELD_SKIP_PRESPACE); + if (found->null_ptr) + { + recinfo_pos->null_bit= found->null_bit; + recinfo_pos->null_pos= (uint) (found->null_ptr - + (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); + } + else + { + recinfo_pos->null_bit= 0; + recinfo_pos->null_pos= 0; + } + (recinfo_pos++)->length= (uint16) length; + recpos= minpos + length; + DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("length: %d type: %d", + recinfo_pos[-1].length,recinfo_pos[-1].type)); + } + *records_out= (uint) (recinfo_pos - recinfo); + DBUG_RETURN(0); +} + + +/* + Check for underlying table conformance + + SYNOPSIS + check_definition() + t1_keyinfo in First table key definition + t1_recinfo in First table record definition + t1_keys in Number of keys in first table + t1_recs in Number of records in first table + t2_keyinfo in Second table key definition + t2_recinfo in Second table record definition + t2_keys in Number of keys in second table + t2_recs in Number of records in second table + strict in Strict check switch + + DESCRIPTION + This function compares two MyISAM definitions. By intention it was done + to compare merge table definition against underlying table definition. + It may also be used to compare dot-frm and MYI definitions of MyISAM + table as well to compare different MyISAM table definitions. + + For merge table it is not required that number of keys in merge table + must exactly match number of keys in underlying table. When calling this + function for underlying table conformance check, 'strict' flag must be + set to false, and converted merge definition must be passed as t1_*. + + Otherwise 'strict' flag must be set to 1 and it is not required to pass + converted dot-frm definition as t1_*. + + RETURN VALUE + 0 - Equal definitions. + 1 - Different definitions. +*/ + +int check_definition(MI_KEYDEF *t1_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t1_recinfo, + uint t1_keys, uint t1_recs, + MI_KEYDEF *t2_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t2_recinfo, + uint t2_keys, uint t2_recs, bool strict) +{ + uint i, j; + DBUG_ENTER("check_definition"); + if ((strict ? t1_keys != t2_keys : t1_keys > t2_keys)) + { + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Number of keys differs: t1_keys=%u, t2_keys=%u", + t1_keys, t2_keys)); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + if (t1_recs != t2_recs) + { + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Number of recs differs: t1_recs=%u, t2_recs=%u", + t1_recs, t2_recs)); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + for (i= 0; i < t1_keys; i++) + { + HA_KEYSEG *t1_keysegs= t1_keyinfo[i].seg; + HA_KEYSEG *t2_keysegs= t2_keyinfo[i].seg; + if (t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs != t2_keyinfo[i].keysegs || + t1_keyinfo[i].key_alg != t2_keyinfo[i].key_alg) + { + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Key %d has different definition", i)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_keysegs=%d, t1_key_alg=%d", + t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs, t1_keyinfo[i].key_alg)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_keysegs=%d, t2_key_alg=%d", + t2_keyinfo[i].keysegs, t2_keyinfo[i].key_alg)); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + for (j= t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs; j--;) + { + if (t1_keysegs[j].type != t2_keysegs[j].type || + t1_keysegs[j].language != t2_keysegs[j].language || + t1_keysegs[j].null_bit != t2_keysegs[j].null_bit || + t1_keysegs[j].length != t2_keysegs[j].length) + { + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Key segment %d (key %d) has different " + "definition", j, i)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_type=%d, t1_language=%d, t1_null_bit=%d, " + "t1_length=%d", + t1_keysegs[j].type, t1_keysegs[j].language, + t1_keysegs[j].null_bit, t1_keysegs[j].length)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_type=%d, t2_language=%d, t2_null_bit=%d, " + "t2_length=%d", + t2_keysegs[j].type, t2_keysegs[j].language, + t2_keysegs[j].null_bit, t2_keysegs[j].length)); + + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + } + } + for (i= 0; i < t1_recs; i++) + { + MI_COLUMNDEF *t1_rec= &t1_recinfo[i]; + MI_COLUMNDEF *t2_rec= &t2_recinfo[i]; + if (t1_rec->type != t2_rec->type || + t1_rec->length != t2_rec->length || + t1_rec->null_bit != t2_rec->null_bit) + { + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Field %d has different definition", i)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_type=%d, t1_length=%d, t1_null_bit=%d", + t1_rec->type, t1_rec->length, t1_rec->null_bit)); + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_type=%d, t2_length=%d, t2_null_bit=%d", + t2_rec->type, t2_rec->length, t2_rec->null_bit)); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + } + DBUG_RETURN(0); +} + + extern "C" { volatile int *killed_ptr(MI_CHECK *param) @@ -1429,192 +1728,31 @@ int ha_myisam::create(const char *name, register TABLE *table_arg, HA_CREATE_INFO *info) { int error; - uint i,j,recpos,minpos,fieldpos,temp_length,length, create_flags= 0; - bool found_real_auto_increment=0; - enum ha_base_keytype type; + uint create_flags= 0, records; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; - KEY *pos; MI_KEYDEF *keydef; - MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo,*recinfo_pos; - HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; + MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo; + MI_CREATE_INFO create_info; TABLE_SHARE *share= table->s; uint options= share->db_options_in_use; DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisam::create"); - - type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; // Keep compiler happy - if (!(my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME), - &recinfo,(share->fields*2+2)* - sizeof(MI_COLUMNDEF), - &keydef, share->keys*sizeof(MI_KEYDEF), - &keyseg, - ((share->key_parts + share->keys) * - sizeof(HA_KEYSEG)), - NullS))) - DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM); - - pos=table_arg->key_info; - for (i=0; i < share->keys ; i++, pos++) - { - keydef[i].flag= (pos->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_SPATIAL)); - keydef[i].key_alg= pos->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF ? - (pos->flags & HA_SPATIAL ? HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE : HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE) : - pos->algorithm; - keydef[i].seg=keyseg; - keydef[i].keysegs=pos->key_parts; - for (j=0 ; j < pos->key_parts ; j++) - { - Field *field=pos->key_part[j].field; - type=field->key_type(); - keydef[i].seg[j].flag=pos->key_part[j].key_part_flag; - - if (options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS || - (pos->flags & (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | - HA_SPACE_PACK_USED))) - { - if (pos->key_part[j].length > 8 && - (type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT || - type == HA_KEYTYPE_NUM || - (type == HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY && !field->zero_pack()))) - { - /* No blobs here */ - if (j == 0) - keydef[i].flag|=HA_PACK_KEY; - if (!(field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) && - (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || - field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING || - ((int) (pos->key_part[j].length - field->decimals())) - >= 4)) - keydef[i].seg[j].flag|=HA_SPACE_PACK; - } - else if (j == 0 && (!(pos->flags & HA_NOSAME) || pos->key_length > 16)) - keydef[i].flag|= HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY; - } - keydef[i].seg[j].type= (int) type; - keydef[i].seg[j].start= pos->key_part[j].offset; - keydef[i].seg[j].length= pos->key_part[j].length; - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= keydef[i].seg[j].bit_end= - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= 0; - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= 0; - keydef[i].seg[j].language= field->charset()->number; - - if (field->null_ptr) - { - keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit=field->null_bit; - keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= (uint) (field->null_ptr- - (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); - } - else - { - keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit=0; - keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos=0; - } - if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB || - field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY) - { - keydef[i].seg[j].flag|=HA_BLOB_PART; - /* save number of bytes used to pack length */ - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= (uint) (field->pack_length() - - share->blob_ptr_size); - } - else if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BIT) - { - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_len; - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ofs; - keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= (uint) (((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ptr - - (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); - } - } - keyseg+=pos->key_parts; - } - - if (table_arg->found_next_number_field) - { - keydef[share->next_number_index].flag|= HA_AUTO_KEY; - found_real_auto_increment= share->next_number_key_offset == 0; - } - - recpos=0; recinfo_pos=recinfo; - while (recpos < (uint) share->reclength) - { - Field **field,*found=0; - minpos= share->reclength; - length=0; - - for (field=table_arg->field ; *field ; field++) - { - if ((fieldpos=(*field)->offset()) >= recpos && - fieldpos <= minpos) - { - /* skip null fields */ - if (!(temp_length= (*field)->pack_length_in_rec())) - continue; /* Skip null-fields */ - if (! found || fieldpos < minpos || - (fieldpos == minpos && temp_length < length)) - { - minpos=fieldpos; found= *field; length=temp_length; - } - } - } - DBUG_PRINT("loop",("found: 0x%lx recpos: %d minpos: %d length: %d", - (long) found, recpos, minpos, length)); - if (recpos != minpos) - { // Reserved space (Null bits?) - bzero((char*) recinfo_pos,sizeof(*recinfo_pos)); - recinfo_pos->type=(int) FIELD_NORMAL; - recinfo_pos++->length= (uint16) (minpos-recpos); - } - if (! found) - break; - - if (found->flags & BLOB_FLAG) - recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_BLOB; - else if (found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR) - recinfo_pos->type= FIELD_VARCHAR; - else if (!(options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)) - recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL; - else if (found->zero_pack()) - recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_SKIP_ZERO; - else - recinfo_pos->type= (int) ((length <= 3 || - (found->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG)) ? - FIELD_NORMAL : - found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || - found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ? - FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE : - FIELD_SKIP_PRESPACE); - if (found->null_ptr) - { - recinfo_pos->null_bit=found->null_bit; - recinfo_pos->null_pos= (uint) (found->null_ptr- - (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]); - } - else - { - recinfo_pos->null_bit=0; - recinfo_pos->null_pos=0; - } - (recinfo_pos++)->length= (uint16) length; - recpos=minpos+length; - DBUG_PRINT("loop",("length: %d type: %d", - recinfo_pos[-1].length,recinfo_pos[-1].type)); - - } - MI_CREATE_INFO create_info; - bzero((char*) &create_info,sizeof(create_info)); + if ((error= table2myisam(table_arg, &keydef, &recinfo, &records))) + DBUG_RETURN(error); /* purecov: inspected */ + bzero((char*) &create_info, sizeof(create_info)); create_info.max_rows= share->max_rows; create_info.reloc_rows= share->min_rows; - create_info.with_auto_increment=found_real_auto_increment; - create_info.auto_increment=(info->auto_increment_value ? - info->auto_increment_value -1 : - (ulonglong) 0); + create_info.with_auto_increment= share->next_number_key_offset == 0; + create_info.auto_increment= (info->auto_increment_value ? + info->auto_increment_value -1 : + (ulonglong) 0); create_info.data_file_length= ((ulonglong) share->max_rows * - share->avg_row_length); - create_info.raid_type=info->raid_type; + share->avg_row_length); + create_info.raid_type= info->raid_type; create_info.raid_chunks= (info->raid_chunks ? info->raid_chunks : - RAID_DEFAULT_CHUNKS); + RAID_DEFAULT_CHUNKS); create_info.raid_chunksize= (info->raid_chunksize ? info->raid_chunksize : RAID_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); - create_info.data_file_name= info->data_file_name; + create_info.data_file_name= info->data_file_name; create_info.index_file_name= info->index_file_name; if (info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) @@ -1627,13 +1765,13 @@ int ha_myisam::create(const char *name, register TABLE *table_arg, create_flags|= HA_CREATE_DELAY_KEY_WRITE; /* TODO: Check that the following fn_format is really needed */ - error=mi_create(fn_format(buff,name,"","",2+4), - share->keys,keydef, - (uint) (recinfo_pos-recinfo), recinfo, - 0, (MI_UNIQUEDEF*) 0, - &create_info, create_flags); - - my_free((gptr) recinfo,MYF(0)); + error= mi_create(fn_format(buff, name, "", "", + MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_REPLACE_EXT), + share->keys, keydef, + records, recinfo, + 0, (MI_UNIQUEDEF*) 0, + &create_info, create_flags); + my_free((gptr) recinfo, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(error); } diff --git a/sql/ha_myisammrg.cc b/sql/ha_myisammrg.cc index 09445f775de..8e24164abc9 100644 --- a/sql/ha_myisammrg.cc +++ b/sql/ha_myisammrg.cc @@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ static const char *ha_myisammrg_exts[] = { ".MRG", NullS }; +extern int table2myisam(TABLE *table_arg, MI_KEYDEF **keydef_out, + MI_COLUMNDEF **recinfo_out, uint *records_out); +extern int check_definition(MI_KEYDEF *t1_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t1_recinfo, + uint t1_keys, uint t1_recs, + MI_KEYDEF *t2_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t2_recinfo, + uint t2_keys, uint t2_recs, bool strict); const char **ha_myisammrg::bas_ext() const { @@ -87,6 +93,12 @@ const char *ha_myisammrg::index_type(uint key_number) int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked) { + MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo; + MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo; + MYRG_TABLE *u_table; + uint recs; + uint keys= table->s->keys; + int error; char name_buff[FN_REFLEN]; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open")); @@ -109,18 +121,43 @@ int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("reclength: %lu mean_rec_length: %lu", table->s->reclength, mean_rec_length)); + error= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF; goto err; } + if ((error= table2myisam(table, &keyinfo, &recinfo, &recs))) + { + /* purecov: begin inspected */ + DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Failed to convert TABLE object to MyISAM " + "key and column definition")); + goto err; + /* purecov: end */ + } + for (u_table= file->open_tables; u_table < file->end_table; u_table++) + { + if (check_definition(keyinfo, recinfo, keys, recs, + u_table->table->s->keyinfo, u_table->table->s->rec, + u_table->table->s->base.keys, + u_table->table->s->base.fields, false)) + { + my_free((gptr) recinfo, MYF(0)); + error= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF; + goto err; + } + } + my_free((gptr) recinfo, MYF(0)); #if !defined(BIG_TABLES) || SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 /* Merge table has more than 2G rows */ if (table->s->crashed) + { + error= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF; goto err; + } #endif return (0); err: myrg_close(file); file=0; - return (my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF); + return (my_errno= error); } int ha_myisammrg::close(void) diff --git a/sql/item.cc b/sql/item.cc index 0017b64ba0d..9a55eb25e2c 100644 --- a/sql/item.cc +++ b/sql/item.cc @@ -1242,7 +1242,10 @@ void Item::split_sum_func2(THD *thd, Item **ref_pointer_array, if (type() == SUM_FUNC_ITEM && skip_registered && ((Item_sum *) this)->ref_by) return; - if (type() != SUM_FUNC_ITEM && with_sum_func) + if ((type() != SUM_FUNC_ITEM && with_sum_func) || + (type() == FUNC_ITEM && + (((Item_func *) this)->functype() == Item_func::ISNOTNULLTEST_FUNC || + ((Item_func *) this)->functype() == Item_func::TRIG_COND_FUNC))) { /* Will split complicated items and ignore simple ones */ split_sum_func(thd, ref_pointer_array, fields); diff --git a/sql/item_subselect.cc b/sql/item_subselect.cc index e19815960a6..d61bb25e9b7 100644 --- a/sql/item_subselect.cc +++ b/sql/item_subselect.cc @@ -195,6 +195,10 @@ bool Item_subselect::exec() { int res; + if (thd->net.report_error) + /* Do not execute subselect in case of a fatal error */ + return 1; + res= engine->exec(); if (engine_changed) diff --git a/sql/item_timefunc.cc b/sql/item_timefunc.cc index e99db62068d..83b48645d1c 100644 --- a/sql/item_timefunc.cc +++ b/sql/item_timefunc.cc @@ -1054,7 +1054,8 @@ longlong Item_func_quarter::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); TIME ltime; - (void) get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE); + if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) + return 0; return (longlong) ((ltime.month+2)/3); } @@ -1668,6 +1669,7 @@ String *Item_func_sec_to_time::val_str(String *str) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); TIME ltime; + longlong arg_val= args[0]->val_int(); if ((null_value=args[0]->null_value) || str->alloc(19)) { @@ -1675,7 +1677,7 @@ String *Item_func_sec_to_time::val_str(String *str) return (String*) 0; } - sec_to_time(args[0]->val_int(), args[0]->unsigned_flag, <ime); + sec_to_time(arg_val, args[0]->unsigned_flag, <ime); make_time((DATE_TIME_FORMAT *) 0, <ime, str); return str; @@ -1686,11 +1688,12 @@ longlong Item_func_sec_to_time::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); TIME ltime; + longlong arg_val= args[0]->val_int(); if ((null_value=args[0]->null_value)) return 0; - sec_to_time(args[0]->val_int(), args[0]->unsigned_flag, <ime); + sec_to_time(arg_val, args[0]->unsigned_flag, <ime); return (ltime.neg ? -1 : 1) * ((ltime.hour)*10000 + ltime.minute*100 + ltime.second); diff --git a/sql/mysql_priv.h b/sql/mysql_priv.h index 899227fb0a6..1bde8306072 100644 --- a/sql/mysql_priv.h +++ b/sql/mysql_priv.h @@ -992,7 +992,8 @@ bool push_new_name_resolution_context(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *left_op, TABLE_LIST *right_op); void add_join_on(TABLE_LIST *b,Item *expr); -void add_join_natural(TABLE_LIST *a,TABLE_LIST *b,List<String> *using_fields); +void add_join_natural(TABLE_LIST *a,TABLE_LIST *b,List<String> *using_fields, + SELECT_LEX *lex); bool add_proc_to_list(THD *thd, Item *item); TABLE *unlink_open_table(THD *thd,TABLE *list,TABLE *find); void update_non_unique_table_error(TABLE_LIST *update, diff --git a/sql/mysqld.cc b/sql/mysqld.cc index 9d13ef85aef..5a805b586fd 100644 --- a/sql/mysqld.cc +++ b/sql/mysqld.cc @@ -198,12 +198,6 @@ inline void reset_floating_point_exceptions() } /* cplusplus */ - -#if defined(HAVE_LINUXTHREADS) -#define THR_KILL_SIGNAL SIGINT -#else -#define THR_KILL_SIGNAL SIGUSR2 // Can't use this with LinuxThreads -#endif #define MYSQL_KILL_SIGNAL SIGTERM #ifdef HAVE_GLIBC2_STYLE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R @@ -524,6 +518,7 @@ rw_lock_t LOCK_grant, LOCK_sys_init_connect, LOCK_sys_init_slave; pthread_cond_t COND_refresh,COND_thread_count, COND_global_read_lock; pthread_t signal_thread; pthread_attr_t connection_attrib; +static uint thr_kill_signal; File_parser_dummy_hook file_parser_dummy_hook; @@ -699,7 +694,7 @@ static void close_connections(void) DBUG_PRINT("info",("Waiting for select thread")); #ifndef DONT_USE_THR_ALARM - if (pthread_kill(select_thread,THR_CLIENT_ALARM)) + if (pthread_kill(select_thread, thr_client_alarm)) break; // allready dead #endif set_timespec(abstime, 2); @@ -2155,7 +2150,9 @@ static void init_signals(void) DBUG_ENTER("init_signals"); if (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT) - my_sigset(THR_KILL_SIGNAL,end_thread_signal); + { + my_sigset(thr_kill_signal, end_thread_signal); + } my_sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM,print_signal_warning); // Should never be called! if (!(test_flags & TEST_NO_STACKTRACE) || (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL)) @@ -2212,8 +2209,12 @@ static void init_signals(void) #endif sigaddset(&set,THR_SERVER_ALARM); if (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT) - sigdelset(&set,THR_KILL_SIGNAL); // May be SIGINT - sigdelset(&set,THR_CLIENT_ALARM); // For alarms + { + // May be SIGINT + sigdelset(&set, thr_kill_signal); + } + // For alarms + sigdelset(&set, thr_client_alarm); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&set,NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&set,NULL); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; @@ -2277,24 +2278,20 @@ pthread_handler_t signal_hand(void *arg __attribute__((unused))) */ init_thr_alarm(max_connections + global_system_variables.max_insert_delayed_threads + 10); -#if SIGINT != THR_KILL_SIGNAL - if (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT) + if (thd_lib_detected != THD_LIB_LT && (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT)) { (void) sigemptyset(&set); // Setup up SIGINT for debug (void) sigaddset(&set,SIGINT); // For debugging (void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&set,NULL); } -#endif (void) sigemptyset(&set); // Setup up SIGINT for debug #ifdef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND (void) sigaddset(&set,THR_SERVER_ALARM); // For alarms #endif #ifndef IGNORE_SIGHUP_SIGQUIT (void) sigaddset(&set,SIGQUIT); -#if THR_CLIENT_ALARM != SIGHUP (void) sigaddset(&set,SIGHUP); #endif -#endif (void) sigaddset(&set,SIGTERM); (void) sigaddset(&set,SIGTSTP); @@ -3352,6 +3349,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) DEBUGGER_OFF; + /* Set signal used to kill MySQL */ +#if defined(SIGUSR2) + thr_kill_signal= thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGINT : SIGUSR2; +#else + thr_kill_signal= SIGINT; +#endif + #ifdef _CUSTOMSTARTUPCONFIG_ if (_cust_check_startup()) { diff --git a/sql/mysqld.cc.rej b/sql/mysqld.cc.rej new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bd7338143ae --- /dev/null +++ b/sql/mysqld.cc.rej @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +*************** +*** 177,188 **** + } /* cplusplus */ + + +- #if defined(HAVE_LINUXTHREADS) +- #define THR_KILL_SIGNAL SIGINT +- #else +- #define THR_KILL_SIGNAL SIGUSR2 // Can't use this with LinuxThreads +- #endif +- + #ifdef HAVE_GLIBC2_STYLE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R + #include <sys/types.h> + #else +--- 177,182 ---- + } /* cplusplus */ + + + #ifdef HAVE_GLIBC2_STYLE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R + #include <sys/types.h> + #else +*************** +*** 505,510 **** + static void clean_up_mutexes(void); + static int test_if_case_insensitive(const char *dir_name); + static void create_pid_file(); + + /**************************************************************************** + ** Code to end mysqld +--- 499,505 ---- + static void clean_up_mutexes(void); + static int test_if_case_insensitive(const char *dir_name); + static void create_pid_file(); ++ static uint get_thread_lib(void); + + /**************************************************************************** + ** Code to end mysqld +*************** +*** 544,550 **** + DBUG_PRINT("info",("Waiting for select_thread")); + + #ifndef DONT_USE_THR_ALARM +! if (pthread_kill(select_thread,THR_CLIENT_ALARM)) + break; // allready dead + #endif + set_timespec(abstime, 2); +--- 539,546 ---- + DBUG_PRINT("info",("Waiting for select_thread")); + + #ifndef DONT_USE_THR_ALARM +! if (pthread_kill(select_thread, +! thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGALRM : SIGUSR1)) + break; // allready dead + #endif + set_timespec(abstime, 2); +*************** +*** 844,850 **** + sig,my_thread_id()); + } + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! sigset(sig,print_signal_warning); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + #if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(__NETWARE__) + if (sig == SIGALRM) +--- 840,846 ---- + sig,my_thread_id()); + } + #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL +! my_sigset(sig, print_signal_warning); /* int. thread system calls */ + #endif + #if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(__NETWARE__) + if (sig == SIGALRM) +*************** +*** 1841,1848 **** + DBUG_ENTER("init_signals"); + + if (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT) +! sigset(THR_KILL_SIGNAL,end_thread_signal); +! sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM,print_signal_warning); // Should never be called! + + if (!(test_flags & TEST_NO_STACKTRACE) || (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL)) + { +--- 1837,1847 ---- + DBUG_ENTER("init_signals"); + + if (test_flags & TEST_SIGINT) +! { +! my_sigset(thd_lib_detected == THD_LIB_LT ? SIGINT : SIGUSR2, +! end_thread_signal); +! } +! my_sigset(THR_SERVER_ALARM, print_signal_warning); // Should never be called! + + if (!(test_flags & TEST_NO_STACKTRACE) || (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL)) + { +*************** +*** 1877,1883 **** + #endif + (void) sigemptyset(&set); + #ifdef THREAD_SPECIFIC_SIGPIPE +! sigset(SIGPIPE,abort_thread); + sigaddset(&set,SIGPIPE); + #else + (void) signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); // Can't know which thread +--- 1876,1882 ---- + #endif + (void) sigemptyset(&set); + #ifdef THREAD_SPECIFIC_SIGPIPE +! my_sigset(SIGPIPE, abort_thread); + sigaddset(&set,SIGPIPE); + #else + (void) signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); // Can't know which thread +*************** +*** 2237,2244 **** + MY_INIT(argv[0]); // init my_sys library & pthreads + tzset(); // Set tzname + + start_time=time((time_t*) 0); +- + #ifdef OS2 + { + // fix timezone for daylight saving +--- 2236,2243 ---- + MY_INIT(argv[0]); // init my_sys library & pthreads + tzset(); // Set tzname + ++ thd_lib_detected= get_thread_lib(); + start_time=time((time_t*) 0); + #ifdef OS2 + { + // fix timezone for daylight saving +*************** +*** 5547,5552 **** + (void) my_write(file, (byte*) buff, (uint) (end-buff),MYF(MY_WME)); + (void) my_close(file, MYF(0)); + } + } + + +--- 5546,5567 ---- + (void) my_write(file, (byte*) buff, (uint) (end-buff),MYF(MY_WME)); + (void) my_close(file, MYF(0)); + } ++ } ++ ++ ++ static uint get_thread_lib(void) ++ { ++ char buff[64]; ++ ++ #ifdef _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION ++ confstr(_CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION, buff, sizeof(buff)); ++ ++ if (!strncasecmp(buff, "NPTL", 4)) ++ return THD_LIB_NPTL; ++ else if (!strncasecmp(buff, "linuxthreads", 12)) ++ return THD_LIB_LT; ++ #endif ++ return THD_LIB_OTHER; + } + + diff --git a/sql/opt_range.cc b/sql/opt_range.cc index 04bc24b718a..f0af4b7db2a 100644 --- a/sql/opt_range.cc +++ b/sql/opt_range.cc @@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ public: } inline void merge_flags(SEL_ARG *arg) { maybe_flag|=arg->maybe_flag; } inline void maybe_smaller() { maybe_flag=1; } + /* Return true iff it's a single-point null interval */ + inline bool is_null_interval() { return maybe_null && max_value[0] == 1; } inline int cmp_min_to_min(SEL_ARG* arg) { return sel_cmp(field,min_value, arg->min_value, min_flag, arg->min_flag); @@ -452,6 +454,7 @@ typedef struct st_qsel_param { bool is_ror_scan; /* Number of ranges in the last checked tree->key */ uint n_ranges; + uint8 first_null_comp; /* first null component if any, 0 - otherwise */ } PARAM; class TABLE_READ_PLAN; @@ -5619,6 +5622,7 @@ check_quick_select(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *tree) DBUG_ENTER("check_quick_select"); param->is_ror_scan= FALSE; + param->first_null_comp= 0; if (!tree) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); // Can't use it @@ -5710,6 +5714,7 @@ check_quick_keys(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *key_tree, ha_rows records=0, tmp; uint tmp_min_flag, tmp_max_flag, keynr, min_key_length, max_key_length; char *tmp_min_key, *tmp_max_key; + uint8 save_first_null_comp= param->first_null_comp; param->max_key_part=max(param->max_key_part,key_tree->part); if (key_tree->left != &null_element) @@ -5747,6 +5752,9 @@ check_quick_keys(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *key_tree, param->is_ror_scan= FALSE; } + if (!param->first_null_comp && key_tree->is_null_interval()) + param->first_null_comp= key_tree->part+1; + if (key_tree->next_key_part && key_tree->next_key_part->part == key_tree->part+1 && key_tree->next_key_part->type == SEL_ARG::KEY_RANGE) @@ -5790,7 +5798,8 @@ check_quick_keys(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *key_tree, (param->table->key_info[keynr].flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_END_SPACE_KEY)) == HA_NOSAME && min_key_length == max_key_length && - !memcmp(param->min_key,param->max_key,min_key_length)) + !memcmp(param->min_key,param->max_key,min_key_length) && + !param->first_null_comp) { tmp=1; // Max one record param->n_ranges++; @@ -5865,6 +5874,7 @@ check_quick_keys(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *key_tree, return tmp; records+=tmp; } + param->first_null_comp= save_first_null_comp; return records; } diff --git a/sql/opt_sum.cc b/sql/opt_sum.cc index e8bc15a93f1..9222e15ff91 100644 --- a/sql/opt_sum.cc +++ b/sql/opt_sum.cc @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ static int maxmin_in_range(bool max_fl, Field* field, COND *cond); GROUP BY part. RETURN VALUES - 0 No errors - 1 if all items were resolved - -1 on impossible conditions + 0 no errors + 1 if all items were resolved + HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND on impossible conditions OR an error number from my_base.h HA_ERR_... if a deadlock or a lock wait timeout happens, for example */ @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int opt_sum_query(TABLE_LIST *tables, List<Item> &all_fields,COND *conds) if (error) { if (error == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND || error == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) - return -1; // No rows matching WHERE + return HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; // No rows matching WHERE /* HA_ERR_LOCK_DEADLOCK or some other error */ table->file->print_error(error, MYF(0)); return(error); @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ int opt_sum_query(TABLE_LIST *tables, List<Item> &all_fields,COND *conds) if (error) { if (error == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND || error == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) - return -1; // No rows matching WHERE + return HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; // No rows matching WHERE /* HA_ERR_LOCK_DEADLOCK or some other error */ table->file->print_error(error, MYF(0)); return(error); diff --git a/sql/sql_base.cc b/sql/sql_base.cc index 0949d4aa331..ad9cd5985d1 100644 --- a/sql/sql_base.cc +++ b/sql/sql_base.cc @@ -2945,7 +2945,7 @@ find_field_in_natural_join(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref, const char *name, { List_iterator_fast<Natural_join_column> field_it(*(table_ref->join_columns)); - Natural_join_column *nj_col; + Natural_join_column *nj_col, *curr_nj_col; Field *found_field; Query_arena *arena, backup; DBUG_ENTER("find_field_in_natural_join"); @@ -2956,14 +2956,21 @@ find_field_in_natural_join(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref, const char *name, LINT_INIT(found_field); - for (;;) + for (nj_col= NULL, curr_nj_col= field_it++; curr_nj_col; + curr_nj_col= field_it++) { - if (!(nj_col= field_it++)) - DBUG_RETURN(NULL); - - if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, nj_col->name(), name)) - break; + if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, curr_nj_col->name(), name)) + { + if (nj_col) + { + my_error(ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR, MYF(0), name, thd->where); + DBUG_RETURN(NULL); + } + nj_col= curr_nj_col; + } } + if (!nj_col) + DBUG_RETURN(NULL); if (nj_col->view_field) { @@ -3774,9 +3781,16 @@ mark_common_columns(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_1, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_2, { bool found= FALSE; const char *field_name_1; + /* true if field_name_1 is a member of using_fields */ + bool is_using_column_1; if (!(nj_col_1= it_1.get_or_create_column_ref(leaf_1))) goto err; field_name_1= nj_col_1->name(); + is_using_column_1= using_fields && + test_if_string_in_list(field_name_1, using_fields); + DBUG_PRINT ("info", ("field_name_1=%s.%s", + nj_col_1->table_name() ? nj_col_1->table_name() : "", + field_name_1)); /* Find a field with the same name in table_ref_2. @@ -3793,6 +3807,10 @@ mark_common_columns(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_1, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_2, if (!(cur_nj_col_2= it_2.get_or_create_column_ref(leaf_2))) goto err; cur_field_name_2= cur_nj_col_2->name(); + DBUG_PRINT ("info", ("cur_field_name_2=%s.%s", + cur_nj_col_2->table_name() ? + cur_nj_col_2->table_name() : "", + cur_field_name_2)); /* Compare the two columns and check for duplicate common fields. @@ -3800,10 +3818,16 @@ mark_common_columns(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_1, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_2, table_ref_2 (then found == TRUE), or if a field in table_ref_2 was already matched by some previous field in table_ref_1 (then cur_nj_col_2->is_common == TRUE). + Note that it is too early to check the columns outside of the + USING list for ambiguity because they are not actually "referenced" + here. These columns must be checked only on unqualified reference + by name (e.g. in SELECT list). */ if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, field_name_1, cur_field_name_2)) { - if (found || cur_nj_col_2->is_common) + DBUG_PRINT ("info", ("match c1.is_common=%d", nj_col_1->is_common)); + if (cur_nj_col_2->is_common || + (found && (!using_fields || is_using_column_1))) { my_error(ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR, MYF(0), field_name_1, thd->where); goto err; @@ -3829,9 +3853,7 @@ mark_common_columns(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_1, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_2, clause (if present), mark them as common fields, and add a new equi-join condition to the ON clause. */ - if (nj_col_2 && - (!using_fields || - test_if_string_in_list(field_name_1, using_fields))) + if (nj_col_2 && (!using_fields ||is_using_column_1)) { Item *item_1= nj_col_1->create_item(thd); Item *item_2= nj_col_2->create_item(thd); @@ -3886,6 +3908,13 @@ mark_common_columns(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_1, TABLE_LIST *table_ref_2, eq_cond); nj_col_1->is_common= nj_col_2->is_common= TRUE; + DBUG_PRINT ("info", ("%s.%s and %s.%s are common", + nj_col_1->table_name() ? + nj_col_1->table_name() : "", + nj_col_1->name(), + nj_col_2->table_name() ? + nj_col_2->table_name() : "", + nj_col_2->name())); if (field_1) { diff --git a/sql/sql_delete.cc b/sql/sql_delete.cc index e8291edda5d..94d753eb703 100644 --- a/sql/sql_delete.cc +++ b/sql/sql_delete.cc @@ -75,10 +75,14 @@ bool mysql_delete(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, COND *conds, Test if the user wants to delete all rows and deletion doesn't have any side-effects (because of triggers), so we can use optimized handler::delete_all_rows() method. + We implement fast TRUNCATE for InnoDB even if triggers are present. + TRUNCATE ignores triggers. */ if (!using_limit && const_cond && (!conds || conds->val_int()) && !(specialflag & (SPECIAL_NO_NEW_FUNC | SPECIAL_SAFE_MODE)) && - !(table->triggers && table->triggers->has_delete_triggers())) + (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_TRUNCATE || + !(table->triggers && table->triggers->has_delete_triggers())) + ) { deleted= table->file->records; if (!(error=table->file->delete_all_rows())) diff --git a/sql/sql_lex.h b/sql/sql_lex.h index d9dbc80e9a7..ae2b0d30a9c 100644 --- a/sql/sql_lex.h +++ b/sql/sql_lex.h @@ -586,6 +586,20 @@ public: int cur_pos_in_select_list; List<udf_func> udf_list; /* udf function calls stack */ + /* + This is a copy of the original JOIN USING list that comes from + the parser. The parser : + 1. Sets the natural_join of the second TABLE_LIST in the join + and the st_select_lex::prev_join_using. + 2. Makes a parent TABLE_LIST and sets its is_natural_join/ + join_using_fields members. + 3. Uses the wrapper TABLE_LIST as a table in the upper level. + We cannot assign directly to join_using_fields in the parser because + at stage (1.) the parent TABLE_LIST is not constructed yet and + the assignment will override the JOIN USING fields of the lower level + joins on the right. + */ + List<String> *prev_join_using; void init_query(); void init_select(); diff --git a/sql/sql_parse.cc b/sql/sql_parse.cc index fe511957bec..affa6e130dc 100644 --- a/sql/sql_parse.cc +++ b/sql/sql_parse.cc @@ -6444,11 +6444,8 @@ TABLE_LIST *st_select_lex::nest_last_join(THD *thd) If this is a JOIN ... USING, move the list of joined fields to the table reference that describes the join. */ - if (table->join_using_fields) - { - ptr->join_using_fields= table->join_using_fields; - table->join_using_fields= NULL; - } + if (prev_join_using) + ptr->join_using_fields= prev_join_using; } } join_list->push_front(ptr); @@ -6704,6 +6701,7 @@ void add_join_on(TABLE_LIST *b, Item *expr) a Left join argument b Right join argument using_fields Field names from USING clause + lex The current st_select_lex IMPLEMENTATION This function marks that table b should be joined with a either via @@ -6732,10 +6730,11 @@ void add_join_on(TABLE_LIST *b, Item *expr) None */ -void add_join_natural(TABLE_LIST *a, TABLE_LIST *b, List<String> *using_fields) +void add_join_natural(TABLE_LIST *a, TABLE_LIST *b, List<String> *using_fields, + SELECT_LEX *lex) { b->natural_join= a; - b->join_using_fields= using_fields; + lex->prev_join_using= using_fields; } diff --git a/sql/sql_select.cc b/sql/sql_select.cc index 981f7206263..c9f0108f6bf 100644 --- a/sql/sql_select.cc +++ b/sql/sql_select.cc @@ -707,11 +707,20 @@ JOIN::optimize() { int res; /* - opt_sum_query() returns -1 if no rows match to the WHERE conditions, - or 1 if all items were resolved, or 0, or an error number HA_ERR_... + opt_sum_query() returns HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND if no rows match + to the WHERE conditions, + or 1 if all items were resolved, + or 0, or an error number HA_ERR_... */ if ((res=opt_sum_query(select_lex->leaf_tables, all_fields, conds))) { + if (res == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) + { + DBUG_PRINT("info",("No matching min/max row")); + zero_result_cause= "No matching min/max row"; + error=0; + DBUG_RETURN(0); + } if (res > 1) { thd->fatal_error(); @@ -719,13 +728,6 @@ JOIN::optimize() DBUG_PRINT("error",("Error from opt_sum_query")); DBUG_RETURN(1); } - if (res < 0) - { - DBUG_PRINT("info",("No matching min/max row")); - zero_result_cause= "No matching min/max row"; - error=0; - DBUG_RETURN(0); - } DBUG_PRINT("info",("Select tables optimized away")); zero_result_cause= "Select tables optimized away"; tables_list= 0; // All tables resolved @@ -855,6 +857,13 @@ JOIN::optimize() { ORDER *org_order= order; order=remove_const(this, order,conds,1, &simple_order); + if (thd->net.report_error) + { + error= 1; + DBUG_PRINT("error",("Error from remove_const")); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } + /* If we are using ORDER BY NULL or ORDER BY const_expression, return result in any order (even if we are using a GROUP BY) @@ -864,10 +873,11 @@ JOIN::optimize() } /* Check if we can optimize away GROUP BY/DISTINCT. - We can do that if there are no aggregate functions and the + We can do that if there are no aggregate functions, the fields in DISTINCT clause (if present) and/or columns in GROUP BY (if present) contain direct references to all key parts of - an unique index (in whatever order). + an unique index (in whatever order) and if the key parts of the + unique index cannot contain NULLs. Note that the unique keys for DISTINCT and GROUP BY should not be the same (as long as they are unique). @@ -962,6 +972,12 @@ JOIN::optimize() group_list= remove_const(this, (old_group_list= group_list), conds, rollup.state == ROLLUP::STATE_NONE, &simple_group); + if (thd->net.report_error) + { + error= 1; + DBUG_PRINT("error",("Error from remove_const")); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } if (old_group_list && !group_list) select_distinct= 0; } @@ -978,6 +994,12 @@ JOIN::optimize() { group_list= procedure->group= remove_const(this, procedure->group, conds, 1, &simple_group); + if (thd->net.report_error) + { + error= 1; + DBUG_PRINT("error",("Error from remove_const")); + DBUG_RETURN(1); + } calc_group_buffer(this, group_list); } @@ -6415,6 +6437,8 @@ remove_const(JOIN *join,ORDER *first_order, COND *cond, *simple_order=0; // Must do a temp table to sort else if (!(order_tables & not_const_tables)) { + if (order->item[0]->with_subselect) + order->item[0]->val_str(&order->item[0]->str_value); DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing: %s", order->item[0]->full_name())); continue; // skip const item } @@ -11875,7 +11899,7 @@ test_if_subkey(ORDER *order, TABLE *table, uint ref, uint ref_key_parts, /* - Check if GROUP BY/DISTINCT can be optimized away because the set is + Check if GROUP BY/DISTINCT can be optimized away because the set is already known to be distinct. SYNOPSIS @@ -11883,7 +11907,7 @@ test_if_subkey(ORDER *order, TABLE *table, uint ref, uint ref_key_parts, table The table to operate on. find_func function to iterate over the list and search for a field - + DESCRIPTION Used in removing the GROUP BY/DISTINCT of the following types of statements: @@ -11894,12 +11918,13 @@ test_if_subkey(ORDER *order, TABLE *table, uint ref, uint ref_key_parts, then <any combination of a,b,c>,{whatever} is also distinct This function checks if all the key parts of any of the unique keys - of the table are referenced by a list : either the select list + of the table are referenced by a list : either the select list through find_field_in_item_list or GROUP BY list through find_field_in_order_list. - If the above holds then we can safely remove the GROUP BY/DISTINCT, + If the above holds and the key parts cannot contain NULLs then we + can safely remove the GROUP BY/DISTINCT, as no result set can be more distinct than an unique key. - + RETURN VALUE 1 found 0 not found. @@ -11922,7 +11947,8 @@ list_contains_unique_index(TABLE *table, key_part < key_part_end; key_part++) { - if (!find_func(key_part->field, data)) + if (key_part->field->maybe_null() || + !find_func(key_part->field, data)) break; } if (key_part == key_part_end) diff --git a/sql/sql_show.cc b/sql/sql_show.cc index 21a5ead90af..23059ac545a 100644 --- a/sql/sql_show.cc +++ b/sql/sql_show.cc @@ -3973,6 +3973,7 @@ bool get_schema_tables_result(JOIN *join) if (is_subselect) // is subselect { + table_list->table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); table_list->table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET_STATE); table_list->table->file->delete_all_rows(); free_io_cache(table_list->table); diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy index 0f29c3e1028..b4147d2905c 100644 --- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy +++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy @@ -5466,11 +5466,11 @@ join_table: YYERROR_UNLESS($1 && $3); } '(' using_list ')' - { add_join_natural($1,$3,$7); $$=$3; } + { add_join_natural($1,$3,$7,Select); $$=$3; } | table_ref NATURAL JOIN_SYM table_factor { YYERROR_UNLESS($1 && ($$=$4)); - add_join_natural($1,$4,NULL); + add_join_natural($1,$4,NULL,Select); } /* LEFT JOIN variants */ @@ -5497,11 +5497,15 @@ join_table: YYERROR_UNLESS($1 && $5); } USING '(' using_list ')' - { add_join_natural($1,$5,$9); $5->outer_join|=JOIN_TYPE_LEFT; $$=$5; } + { + add_join_natural($1,$5,$9,Select); + $5->outer_join|=JOIN_TYPE_LEFT; + $$=$5; + } | table_ref NATURAL LEFT opt_outer JOIN_SYM table_factor { YYERROR_UNLESS($1 && $6); - add_join_natural($1,$6,NULL); + add_join_natural($1,$6,NULL,Select); $6->outer_join|=JOIN_TYPE_LEFT; $$=$6; } @@ -5535,12 +5539,12 @@ join_table: LEX *lex= Lex; if (!($$= lex->current_select->convert_right_join())) YYABORT; - add_join_natural($$,$5,$9); + add_join_natural($$,$5,$9,Select); } | table_ref NATURAL RIGHT opt_outer JOIN_SYM table_factor { YYERROR_UNLESS($1 && $6); - add_join_natural($6,$1,NULL); + add_join_natural($6,$1,NULL,Select); LEX *lex= Lex; if (!($$= lex->current_select->convert_right_join())) YYABORT; diff --git a/sql/table.cc b/sql/table.cc index 5c72ac6ccbf..4f1477355b1 100644 --- a/sql/table.cc +++ b/sql/table.cc @@ -2630,6 +2630,7 @@ Field *Natural_join_column::field() const char *Natural_join_column::table_name() { + DBUG_ASSERT(table_ref); return table_ref->alias; } diff --git a/support-files/Makefile.am b/support-files/Makefile.am index da8c25ccb1e..f2533100117 100644 --- a/support-files/Makefile.am +++ b/support-files/Makefile.am @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ EXTRA_DIST = mysql.spec.sh \ MySQL-shared-compat.spec.sh \ ndb-config-2-node.ini.sh -SUBDIRS = MacOSX +SUBDIRS = MacOSX RHEL4-SElinux pkgdata_DATA = my-small.cnf \ my-medium.cnf \ my-large.cnf \ my-huge.cnf \ - my-innodb-heavy-4G.cnf \ + my-innodb-heavy-4G.cnf \ mysql-log-rotate \ binary-configure \ ndb-config-2-node.ini diff --git a/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/Makefile.am b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..52292136877 --- /dev/null +++ b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2003-2006 MySQL AB +# +# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 +# of the License. +# +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Library General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public +# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free +# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, +# MA 02111-1307, USA + +## Process this file with automake to create Makefile.in + +EXTRA_DIST = mysql.fc mysql.te + +# Don't update the files from bitkeeper +%::SCCS/s.% diff --git a/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.fc b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.fc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0db0ccf6e68 --- /dev/null +++ b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.fc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# MySQL Database Server + +# +# /etc +# +/etc/my\.cnf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_etc_t,s0) +/etc/mysql(/.*)? gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_etc_t,s0) + +# +# /usr +# Red Hat compatibility +/usr/libexec/mysqld -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_exec_t,s0) + +# MySQL AB compatibility +/usr/sbin/mysqld(-max)? -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_exec_t,s0) + +# +# /var +# +/var/lib/mysql(/.*)? gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_db_t,s0) +/var/lib/mysql/mysql\.sock -s gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_var_run_t,s0) + +/var/log/mysql.* -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_log_t,s0) + +/var/run/mysqld(/.*)? gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_var_run_t,s0) diff --git a/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.te b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.te new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b050fa7b1a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.te @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ + +policy_module(mysql,1.0.0) + +######################################## +# +# Declarations +# + +type mysqld_t; +type mysqld_exec_t; +init_daemon_domain(mysqld_t,mysqld_exec_t) + +type mysqld_var_run_t; +files_pid_file(mysqld_var_run_t) + +type mysqld_db_t; +files_type(mysqld_db_t) + +type mysqld_etc_t alias etc_mysqld_t; +files_config_file(mysqld_etc_t) + +type mysqld_log_t; +logging_log_file(mysqld_log_t) + +type mysqld_tmp_t; +files_tmp_file(mysqld_tmp_t) + +######################################## +# +# Local policy +# + +allow mysqld_t self:capability { dac_override setgid setuid sys_resource net_bind_service }; +dontaudit mysqld_t self:capability sys_tty_config; +allow mysqld_t self:process { setsched getsched setrlimit signal_perms rlimitinh }; +allow mysqld_t self:fifo_file { read write }; +allow mysqld_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms; +allow mysqld_t self:tcp_socket create_stream_socket_perms; +allow mysqld_t self:udp_socket create_socket_perms; + +allow mysqld_t mysqld_db_t:dir create_dir_perms; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_db_t:file create_file_perms; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_db_t:lnk_file create_lnk_perms; +files_var_lib_filetrans(mysqld_t,mysqld_db_t,{ dir file }) + +allow mysqld_t mysqld_etc_t:file { getattr read }; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_etc_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_etc_t:dir list_dir_perms; + +allow mysqld_t mysqld_log_t:file create_file_perms; +logging_log_filetrans(mysqld_t,mysqld_log_t,file) + +allow mysqld_t mysqld_tmp_t:dir create_dir_perms; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_tmp_t:file create_file_perms; +files_tmp_filetrans(mysqld_t, mysqld_tmp_t, { file dir }) + +allow mysqld_t mysqld_var_run_t:dir rw_dir_perms; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file create_file_perms; +allow mysqld_t mysqld_var_run_t:file create_file_perms; +files_pid_filetrans(mysqld_t,mysqld_var_run_t,file) + +kernel_read_system_state(mysqld_t) +kernel_read_kernel_sysctls(mysqld_t) + +corenet_non_ipsec_sendrecv(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_if(mysqld_t) +corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_if(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_nodes(mysqld_t) +corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_nodes(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_ports(mysqld_t) +corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_ports(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_bind_all_nodes(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_bind_mysqld_port(mysqld_t) +corenet_tcp_connect_mysqld_port(mysqld_t) +corenet_sendrecv_mysqld_client_packets(mysqld_t) +corenet_sendrecv_mysqld_server_packets(mysqld_t) + +dev_read_sysfs(mysqld_t) + +fs_getattr_all_fs(mysqld_t) +fs_search_auto_mountpoints(mysqld_t) + +term_dontaudit_use_console(mysqld_t) + +domain_use_interactive_fds(mysqld_t) + +files_getattr_var_lib_dirs(mysqld_t) +files_read_etc_runtime_files(mysqld_t) +files_read_etc_files(mysqld_t) +files_read_usr_files(mysqld_t) +files_search_var_lib(mysqld_t) + +auth_use_nsswitch(mysqld_t) + +init_use_fds(mysqld_t) +init_use_script_ptys(mysqld_t) + +libs_use_ld_so(mysqld_t) +libs_use_shared_libs(mysqld_t) + +logging_send_syslog_msg(mysqld_t) + +miscfiles_read_localization(mysqld_t) + +sysnet_read_config(mysqld_t) + +userdom_dontaudit_use_unpriv_user_fds(mysqld_t) +# for /root/.my.cnf - should not be needed: +userdom_read_sysadm_home_content_files(mysqld_t) + +ifdef(`distro_redhat',` + # because Fedora has the sock_file in the database directory + type_transition mysqld_t mysqld_db_t:sock_file mysqld_var_run_t; +') + +ifdef(`targeted_policy',` + term_dontaudit_use_unallocated_ttys(mysqld_t) + term_dontaudit_use_generic_ptys(mysqld_t) + files_dontaudit_read_root_files(mysqld_t) +') + +optional_policy(` + daemontools_service_domain(mysqld_t, mysqld_exec_t) +') + +optional_policy(` + seutil_sigchld_newrole(mysqld_t) +') + +optional_policy(` + udev_read_db(mysqld_t) +') diff --git a/support-files/mysql.spec.sh b/support-files/mysql.spec.sh index 528b1f2746b..f60664bdefd 100644 --- a/support-files/mysql.spec.sh +++ b/support-files/mysql.spec.sh @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the +# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston +# MA 02110-1301 USA. + %define mysql_version @VERSION@ # use "rpmbuild --with static" or "rpm --define '_with_static 1'" (for RPM 3.x) @@ -70,12 +86,9 @@ is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. MySQL is a trademark of MySQL AB. -The MySQL software has Dual Licensing, which means you can use the MySQL -software free of charge under the GNU General Public License -(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). You can also purchase commercial MySQL -licenses from MySQL AB if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of -the GPL. See the chapter "Licensing and Support" in the manual for -further info. +Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB +This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, +and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license. The MySQL web site (http://www.mysql.com/) provides the latest news and information about the MySQL software. Also please see the @@ -95,12 +108,9 @@ is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. MySQL is a trademark of MySQL AB. -The MySQL software has Dual Licensing, which means you can use the MySQL -software free of charge under the GNU General Public License -(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). You can also purchase commercial MySQL -licenses from MySQL AB if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of -the GPL. See the chapter "Licensing and Support" in the manual for -further info. +Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB +This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, +and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license. The MySQL web site (http://www.mysql.com/) provides the latest news and information about the MySQL software. Also please see the @@ -345,6 +355,8 @@ then fi ( cd mysql-test + MTR_BUILD_THREAD=auto + export MTR_BUILD_THREAD perl ./mysql-test-run.pl --force --report-features perl ./mysql-test-run.pl --force --ps-protocol true ) @@ -407,6 +419,8 @@ then fi ( cd mysql-test + MTR_BUILD_THREAD=auto + export MTR_BUILD_THREAD perl ./mysql-test-run.pl --force --report-features perl ./mysql-test-run.pl --force --ps-protocol true ) @@ -755,6 +769,10 @@ fi # itself - note that they must be ordered by date (important when # merging BK trees) %changelog +* Wed Jan 31 2007 Daniel Fischer <df@mysql.com> + +- add MTR_BUILD_THREAD=auto to test runs. + * Fri Jan 05 2007 Kent Boortz <kent@mysql.com> - Add CFLAGS to gcc call with --print-libgcc-file, to make sure the |