path: root/Docs/Support/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Docs/Support/')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Docs/Support/ b/Docs/Support/
index 6f74e81942a..5528a114b87 100755
--- a/Docs/Support/
+++ b/Docs/Support/
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ msg ("Adding closing / to XREF and COLSPEC tags...");
$data =~ s{<(xref|colspec) (.+?)>}
{<$1 $2 />}gs;
+# arjen 2002-04-26
+msg ("Removing separate target titles from LINKs and make them XREFs...");
+$data =~ s{<link (linkend=.+?)>.+?</link>}
+ {<xref $1 />}gs;
# Probably need to strip these
msg ('Adding "See " to XREFs that used to be @xref...');
$data =~ s{([.'!)])\s*<xref }
@@ -77,11 +82,6 @@ msg ('Adding "see " to (XREFs) that used to be (@pxref)...');
$data =~ s{([([,;])(\s*)<xref }
{$1$2see <xref }gs;
-# arjen 2002-04-26
-msg ("Removing separate target titles from LINKs and make them XREFs...");
-$data =~ s{<link (linkend=.+?)>.+?</link>}
- {<xref $1 />}gs;
msg ("Making first row in table THEAD...");
$data =~ s{( *)<tbody>(\s*<row>.+?</row>)}