path: root/Docs/Support/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Docs/Support/')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Docs/Support/ b/Docs/Support/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e76d84dbfe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/Support/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Preprocess the input of `makeinfo --docbook` version 4.0c
+# Authors: Arjen Lentz and Zak Greant (started by arjen 2002-05-01)
+use strict;
+my $data = '';
+msg ("-- Pre-processing `makeinfo --docbook` input --");
+msg ("** Written to work with makeinfo version 4.0c **\n");
+# <> is a magic filehandle - either reading lines from stdin or from file(s) specified on the command line
+msg ("Get the data");
+$data = join "", <>;
+msg ("Replacing '\@-' with FIXUPmdashFIXUP");
+$data =~ s/\@-/FIXUPmdashFIXUP/g;
+msg ("Replacing '--' with FIXUPdoubledashFIXUP");
+$data =~ s/--/FIXUPdoubledashFIXUP/g;
+msg ("Turning \@strong{} into LITERAL blocks");
+$data =~ s/\@strong\{(.*?)\}/FIXUPstrongFIXUP$1FIXUPendstrongFIXUP/gs;
+msg ("Turning \@emph{} into LITERAL blocks");
+$data =~ s/\@emph\{(.*?)\}/FIXUPemphFIXUP$1FIXUPendemphFIXUP/gs;
+msg ("Turning \@file{} into LITERAL blocks");
+$data =~ s/\@file\{(.*?)\}/FIXUPfileFIXUP$1FIXUPendfileFIXUP/gs;
+msg ("Turning \@samp{} into LITERAL blocks");
+$data =~ s/\@samp\{\@\{\}/FIXUPsampFIXUP\@\{FIXUPendsampFIXUP/g;
+$data =~ s/\@samp\{\@\}\}/FIXUPsampFIXUP\@\}FIXUPendsampFIXUP/g;
+$data =~ s/\@samp\{\@\{n\@\}\}/FIXUPsampFIXUP\@\{n\@\}FIXUPendsampFIXUP/g;
+$data =~ s/\@samp\{(.*?)\}/FIXUPsampFIXUP$1FIXUPendsampFIXUP/gs;
+msg ("Write the data");
+print STDOUT $data;
+# Definitions for helper sub-routines
+sub msg {
+ print STDERR "docbook-prefix: ", shift, "\n";