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-<!--$Id:,v 10.27 2000/05/25 13:47:08 dda Exp $-->
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-<title>Berkeley DB: txn_stat</title>
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-#include &lt;db.h&gt;
-txn_stat(DB_ENV *env,
- DB_TXN_STAT **statp, void *(*db_malloc)(size_t));
-<p>The txn_stat function
-creates a statistical structure and copies a pointer to it into a
-user-specified memory location.
-<p>Statistical structures are created in allocated memory. If <b>db_malloc</b> is non-NULL, it
-is called to allocate the memory, otherwise, the library function
-<b>malloc</b>(3) is used. The function <b>db_malloc</b> must match
-the calling conventions of the <b>malloc</b>(3) library routine.
-Regardless, the caller is responsible for deallocating the returned
-memory. To deallocate returned memory, free the returned memory
-reference, references inside the returned memory do not need to be
-individually freed.
-<p>The transaction region statistics are stored in a structure of type
-DB_TXN_STAT. The following DB_TXN_STAT fields will be filled in:
-<p><dl compact>
-<dt><a href="../api_c/db_lsn.html">DB_LSN</a> st_last_ckp;<dd>The LSN of the last checkpoint.
-<dt><a href="../api_c/db_lsn.html">DB_LSN</a> st_pending_ckp;<dd>The LSN of any checkpoint that is currently in progress. If
-<b>st_pending_ckp</b> is the same as <b>st_last_ckp</b> there
-is no checkpoint in progress.
-<dt>time_t st_time_ckp;<dd>The time the last completed checkpoint finished (as the number of seconds
-since the Epoch, returned by the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) <b>time</b> interface).
-<dt>u_int32_t st_last_txnid;<dd>The last transaction ID allocated.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_maxtxns;<dd>The maximum number of active transactions possible.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_nactive;<dd>The number of transactions that are currently active.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_maxnactive;<dd>The maximum number of active transactions at any one time.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_nbegins;<dd>The number of transactions that have begun.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_naborts;<dd>The number of transactions that have aborted.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_ncommits;<dd>The number of transactions that have committed.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_regsize;<dd>The size of the region.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_region_wait;<dd>The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before
-obtaining the region lock.
-<dt>u_int32_t st_region_nowait;<dd>The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain
-the region lock without waiting.
-<dt>DB_TXN_ACTIVE * st_txnarray;<dd>A pointer to an array of <b>st_nactive</b> DB_TXN_ACTIVE structures,
-describing the currently active transactions. The following fields of
-the DB_TXN_ACTIVE structure will be filled in:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>u_int32_t txnid;<dd>The transaction ID as returned by <a href="../api_c/txn_begin.html">txn_begin</a>.
-<dt>u_int32_t parentid;<dd>The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent).
-<dt><a href="../api_c/db_lsn.html">DB_LSN</a> lsn;<dd>The log sequence number of the transaction-begin record.
-<p>The txn_stat function returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
-<p>The txn_stat function may fail and return a non-zero error for errors specified for other Berkeley DB and C library or system functions.
-If a catastrophic error has occurred, the txn_stat function may fail and return
-<a href="../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_RUNRECOVERY">DB_RUNRECOVERY</a>, in which case all subsequent Berkeley DB calls will fail
-in the same way.
-<h1>See Also</h1>
-<a href="../api_c/env_set_tx_max.html">DBENV-&gt;set_tx_max</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/env_set_tx_recover.html">DBENV-&gt;set_tx_recover</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/env_set_tx_timestamp.html">DBENV-&gt;set_tx_timestamp</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_abort.html">txn_abort</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_begin.html">txn_begin</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_checkpoint.html">txn_checkpoint</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_commit.html">txn_commit</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_id.html">txn_id</a>,
-<a href="../api_c/txn_prepare.html">txn_prepare</a>
-<a href="../api_c/txn_stat.html">txn_stat</a>.
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-<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>