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-<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Access method locking conventions</title>
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-<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Locking Subsystem</dl></h3></td>
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-<h1 align=center>Access method locking conventions</h1>
-<p>All the Berkeley DB access methods follow the same conventions for locking
-database objects. Applications that do their own locking and also do
-locking via the access methods must be careful to adhere to these
-<p>Whenever a Berkeley DB database is opened, the DB handle is
-assigned a unique locker ID. Unless transactions are specified,
-that ID is used as the locker for all calls that the Berkeley DB methods
-make to the lock subsystem. In order to lock a file, pages in
-the file, or records in the file, we must create a unique ID that
-can be used as the object to be locked in calls to the lock manager.
-Under normal operation, that object is a 28-byte value, created by
-the concatenation of a unique file identifier, a page or record number,
-and an object type (page or record).
-<p>In a transaction-protected environment, database create and delete
-operations are recoverable and single-threaded. This single-threading is
-achieved using a single lock for the entire environment that must be
-acquired before beginning a create or delete operation. In this case,
-the object on which Berkeley DB will lock is a 32-bit unsigned integer with a
-value of 0.
-<p>If applications are using the lock subsystem directly while they are also
-using locking via the access methods, they must take care not to
-inadvertently lock objects that happen to be equal to the unique file IDs
-used to lock files. This is most easily accomplished by using a locker
-ID of a different length than the values used by Berkeley DB.
-<p>All of the access methods other than Queue use a simple
-multiple-reader/single writer page locking scheme. The standard
-read/write locks (<b>DB_LOCK_READ</b> and <b>DB_LOCK_WRITE</b>) and
-conflict matrix, as described in <a href="../../ref/lock/stdmode.html">Standard lock modes</a> are used. An operation that returns data (e.g.,
-<a href="../../api_c/db_get.html">DB-&gt;get</a>, <a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html">DBcursor-&gt;c_get</a>) obtains a read lock on all the pages
-accessed while locating the requested record. When an update operation
-is requested (e.g., <a href="../../api_c/db_put.html">DB-&gt;put</a>, <a href="../../api_c/dbc_del.html">DBcursor-&gt;c_del</a>), the page containing
-the updated (or new) data is write locked. As read-modify-write cycles
-are quite common and are deadlock prone under normal circumstances, the
-Berkeley DB interfaces allow the application to specify the <a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_RMW">DB_RMW</a> flag,
-which causes operations to immediately obtain a writelock, even though
-they are only reading the data. While this may reduce concurrency
-somewhat, it reduces the probability of deadlock.
-<p>The Queue access method does not hold long term page locks.
-Instead, page locks are held only long enough to locate records or to change
-metadata on a page, and record locks are held for the appropriate duration.
-In the presence of transactions, record locks are held until transaction
-For Berkeley DB operations, record locks are held until operation
-completion and for DBC operations, record locks are held until
-subsequent records are returned or the cursor is closed.
-<p>Under non-transaction operation, the access methods do not normally hold
-locks across calls to the Berkeley DB interfaces. The one exception to this
-rule is when cursors are used. As cursors maintain a position in a file,
-they must hold locks across calls and will, in fact, hold locks until the
-cursor is closed. Furthermore, each cursor is assigned its own unique
-locker ID when it is created, so cursor operations can conflict with one
-another. (Each cursor is assigned its own locker ID because Berkeley DB handles
-may be shared by multiple threads of control. The Berkeley DB library cannot
-identify which operations are performed by which threads of control, and
-it must ensure that two different threads of control are not
-simultaneously modifying the same data structure. By assigning each
-cursor its own locker, two threads of control sharing a handle cannot
-inadvertently interfere with each other.
-<p>This has important implications. If a single thread of control opens two
-cursors or uses a combination of cursor and non-cursor operations, these
-operations are performed on behalf of different lockers. Conflicts that
-arise between these different lockers may not cause actual deadlocks, but
-can, in fact, permanently block the thread of control. For example,
-assume that an application creates a cursor and uses it to read record A.
-Now assume a second cursor is opened and the application attempts to write
-record A using the second cursor. Unfortunately, the first cursor has a
-read lock so the second cursor cannot obtain its write lock. However,
-that read lock is held by the same thread of control, so if we block
-waiting for the write lock, the read lock can never be released. This
-might appear to be a deadlock from the application's perspective, but
-Berkeley DB cannot identify it as such because it has no knowledge of which
-lockers belong to which threads of control. For this reason, application
-designers are encouraged to close cursors as soon as they are done with
-<p>Complicated operations that require multiple cursors (or combinations of
-cursor and non-cursor operations) can be performed in two ways. First,
-they may be performed within a transaction, in which case all operations
-lock on behalf of the designated locker ID. Alternatively, the
-<a href="../../api_c/dbc_dup.html">DBcursor-&gt;c_dup</a> function duplicates a cursor, using the same locker ID as
-the originating cursor. There is no way to achieve this duplication
-functionality through the DB handle calls, but any DB call can be
-implemented by one or more calls through a cursor.
-<p>When the access methods use transactions, many of these problems disappear.
-The transaction ID is used as the locker ID for all operations performed
-on behalf of the transaction. This means that the application may open
-multiple cursors on behalf of the same transaction and these cursors will
-all share a common locker ID. This is safe because transactions cannot
-span threads of control, so the library knows that two cursors in the same
-transaction cannot modify the database concurrently.
-<p>As mentioned earlier, most of the Berkeley DB access methods use page level
-locking. During Btree traversal, lock-coupling is used to traverse the
-tree. Note that the tree traversal that occurs during an update operation
-can also use lock-coupling; it is not necessary to retain locks on
-internal Btree pages even if the item finally referenced will be updated.
-Even in the presence of transactions, locks obtained on internal pages of
-the Btree may be safely released as the traversal proceeds. This greatly
-improves concurrency. The only time internal locks become crucial is when
-internal pages are split or merged. When traversing duplicate data items
-for a key, the lock on the key value also acts as a lock on all duplicates
-of that key. Therefore, two conflicting threads of control cannot access
-the same duplicate set simultaneously.
-<p>The Recno access method uses a Btree as its underlying data
-representation and follows similar locking conventions. However, as the
-Recno access method must keep track of the number of children for all
-internal pages, it must obtain write locks on all internal pages during
-read and write operations. In the presence of transactions, these locks
-are not released until transaction commit.
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-<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store locking conventions</title>
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-<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Locking Subsystem</dl></h3></td>
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-<h1 align=center>Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store locking conventions</h1>
-<p>The Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store product has a different set of conventions for locking. It
-provides multiple reader/single writer semantics, but not per-page locking
-or transaction recoverability. As such, it does its locking entirely at
-the interface to the access methods.
-<p>The object it locks is the file, identified by its unique file number.
-The locking matrix is not one of the two standard lock modes, instead,
-we use a four-lock set, consisting of:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>DB_LOCK_NG<dd>not granted (always 0)
-<dt>DB_LOCK_READ<dd>read (shared)
-<dt>DB_LOCK_WRITE<dd>write (exclusive)
-<dt>DB_LOCK_IWRITE<dd>intention-to-write (shared with NG and READ, but conflicts with WRITE and IWRITE)
-<p>The IWRITE lock is used for cursors that will be used for updating (IWRITE
-locks are implicitly obtained for write operations through the Berkeley DB
-handles, e.g., <a href="../../api_c/db_put.html">DB-&gt;put</a>, <a href="../../api_c/db_del.html">DB-&gt;del</a>). While the cursor is
-reading, the IWRITE lock is held, but as soon as the cursor is about to
-modify the database, the IWRITE is upgraded to a WRITE lock. This upgrade
-blocks until all readers have exited the database. Because only one
-IWRITE lock is allowed at any one time, no two cursors can ever try to
-upgrade to a WRITE lock at the same time, and therefore deadlocks are
-prevented, which is essential as Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store does not include deadlock
-detection and recovery.
-<p>Applications that need to lock compatibly with Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store must obey the
-following rules:
-<p><li>Use only lock modes DB_LOCK_NG, DB_LOCK_READ, DB_LOCK_WRITE,
-<p><li>Never attempt to acquire a WRITE lock on an object that is
-already locked with a READ lock.
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-<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Configuring locking</title>
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-<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Locking Subsystem</dl></h3></td>
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-<h1 align=center>Configuring locking</h1>
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_detect</a> function specifies that the deadlock detector
-should be run whenever a lock blocks. This option provides for rapid
-detection of deadlocks at the expense of potentially frequent
-invocations of the deadlock detector. On a fast processor with a highly
-contentious application, where response time is critical, this is a good
-choice. An argument to the <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_detect</a> function indicates which
-transaction to abort when a deadlock is detected. It can take on any
-one of the following values:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt><a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST">DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST</a><dd>Abort the most recently started transaction.
-<dt><a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_OLDEST">DB_LOCK_OLDEST</a><dd>Abort the longest lived transaction.
-<dt><a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_RANDOM">DB_LOCK_RANDOM</a><dd>Abort whatever transaction the deadlock detector happens to find first.
-<dt><a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_DEFAULT">DB_LOCK_DEFAULT</a><dd>Use the default policy (currently DB_RANDOM).
-<p>In general, <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_DEFAULT">DB_LOCK_DEFAULT</a> is probably the correct choice. If
-an application has long-running transactions, then
-<a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html#DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST">DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST</a> will guarantee that transactions eventually
-complete, but it may do so at the expense of a large number of aborts.
-<p>The alternative to using the <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_detect</a> interface is
-to run the deadlock detector manually, using the Berkeley DB
-<a href="../../api_c/lock_detect.html">lock_detect</a> interface.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_conflicts.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_conflicts</a> function allows you to specify your own locking
-conflicts matrix. This is an advanced configuration option, and rarely
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-<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Deadlocks and deadlock avoidance</title>
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-<h1 align=center>Deadlocks and deadlock avoidance</h1>
-<p>Practically any application that uses locking may deadlock.
-In nearly all cases, in order to recover from a deadlock, transactions
-must be used, so that an operation that deadlocks mid-way through can
-be undone, leaving the database in a consistent state.
-As the access methods may perform updates on multiple pages during a
-single API call, transactions are necessary even when the application
-makes only single update calls into the database.
-The only exception to this rule is when all the threads accessing
-the database are doing so read-only or when the Concurrent Data Store
-product is used; this product guarantees deadlock-free operation at the
-expense of reduced concurrency.
-Since deadlocks cannot be prevented, Berkeley DB provides the ability to detect
-deadlocks and recover from them gracefully.
-<p>Deadlocks occur when two or more threads of control are blocked waiting
-on each other's forward progress. Consider two transactions, each of
-which wants to modify items A and B. Assume that transaction 1 modifies
-first A and then B, but transaction 2 modifies B then A. Now, assume
-that transaction 1 obtains its writelock on A, but before it obtains its
-writelock on B, it is descheduled and transaction 2 runs. Transaction 2
-successfully acquires its writelock on B, but then blocks when it tries
-to obtain its writelock on A, because transaction 1 already holds a
-writelock on it. This is a deadlock. Transaction 1 cannot make forward
-progress until Transaction 2 releases its lock on B, but Transaction 2
-cannot make forward progress until Transaction 1 releases its lock on A.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_detect.html">lock_detect</a> function runs an instance of the Berkeley DB deadlock
-detector. The <a href="../../utility/db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock</a> utility performs deadlock detection by
-calling <a href="../../api_c/lock_detect.html">lock_detect</a> at regular intervals. When a deadlock exists
-in the system, all of the threads of control involved in the deadlock are,
-by definition, waiting on a lock. The deadlock detector examines the
-state of the lock manager and identifies a deadlock, and selects one of
-the participants to abort. (See <a href="../../ref/lock/config.html">Configuring locking</a> for a discussion of how a participant is selected).
-The lock on which the selected participant is waiting is identified such
-that the <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a> (or <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>) call in which that lock
-was requested will receive an error return of <a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a>.
-In the access methods, this error return is propagated back through the
-Berkeley DB interface as DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK.
-<p>When an application receives an DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK, the correct action is
-to abort the current transaction, and optionally retry it. Transaction
-support is necessary for recovery from deadlocks. When a deadlock occurs,
-the database may be left in an inconsistent or corrupted state, and any
-database changes already accomplished must be undone before the
-application can proceed further.
-<p>The deadlock detector identifies deadlocks by looking for a cycle in what
-is commonly referred to as its "waits-for" graph. More precisely, the
-deadlock detector reads through the lock table, and finds each object
-currently locked. Each object has a list of transactions or operations
-(hereafter called lockers) that currently hold locks on the object and
-possibly a list of waiting lockers, waiting on the lockers holding it.
-Each object creates one or more partial orderings of lockers. That is,
-for a particular object, every waiting locker comes after every holding
-locker, because that holding locker must release its lock before the
-waiting locker can make forward progress. Conceptually, after each object
-has been examined, the partial orderings are topologically sorted (see
-tsort). If this topological sort reveals any cycles, then the lockers
-forming the cycle are involved in a deadlock. One of the lockers is
-selected for abortion.
-<p>It is possible that aborting a single transaction involved in a deadlock
-is not enough to allow other transactions to make forward progress.
-In this case, the deadlock detector will be called repeatedly.
-Unfortunately, at the time a transaction is selected for abortion,
-there is not enough information available to determine if aborting
-that single transaction will allow forward progress or not. Since
-most applications have few deadlocks, Berkeley DB takes the conservative
-approach, aborting as few transactions as may be necessary to resolve
-the existing deadlocks. In particular, for each unique cycle found
-in the waits-for graph described in the previous paragraph, only one
-transaction is selected for abortion. However, if there are multiple
-cycles, then one transaction from each cycle is selected for abortion.
-Only after the aborting transactions have received the deadlock return
-and aborted their transactions, can it be determined if it is necessary
-to abort other transactions in order to allow forward progress.
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-<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Locking Subsystem</dl></h3></td>
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-<h1 align=center>Berkeley DB and locking</h1>
-<p>The lock subsystem provides interprocess and intraprocess concurrency
-control mechanisms. While the locking system is used extensively by the
-Berkeley DB access methods and transaction system, it may also be used as a
-stand-alone subsystem to provide concurrency control to any set of
-designated resources.
-<p>The lock subsystem is created, initialized, and opened by calls to
-<a href="../../api_c/env_open.html">DBENV-&gt;open</a> with the <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_INIT_LOCK">DB_INIT_LOCK</a> or <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_INIT_CDB">DB_INIT_CDB</a>
-flags specified.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_detect.html">lock_detect</a> function provides the programmatic interface to
-the Berkeley DB deadlock detector. Whenever two threads of control issue lock
-requests that are not carefully ordered or that require upgrading locks
-(obtaining write locks on objects that are already read-locked), the
-possibility for deadlock arises. A deadlock occurs when two or more
-threads of control are blocked, waiting for actions that another one of
-these blocked threads must take. For example, assume that threads one
-and two have each obtained read locks on object A. Now suppose that both
-threads wish to obtain write locks on object A. Neither thread can be
-granted its writelock (because of the other thread's readlock). Both
-threads block and will never unblock because the event for which they are
-waiting can never happen.
-<p>The deadlock detector examines all the locks held in the environment and
-identifies situations where no thread can make forward progress. It then
-selects one of the participants in the deadlock (according to the argument
-that was specified to <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_detect.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_detect</a>) and forces it to return
-the value DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK, which indicates that a deadlock occurred.
-The thread receiving such an error should abort its current transaction,
-or simply release all its locks if it is not running in a transaction,
-and retry the operation.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a> interface is used to acquire and release locks.
-<p>Two additional interfaces, <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a> and <a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a>, are
-provided. These interfaces are simpler front-ends to the <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>
-functionality, where <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a> acquires a lock, and
-<a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> releases a lock that was acquired using <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a>
-or <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>.
-<p>It is up to the application to specify lockers and objects appropriately.
-When used with the Berkeley DB access methods, these lockers and objects are
-handled completely internally, but an application using the lock manager
-directly must either use the same conventions as the access methods or
-define its own convention to which it adheres. If the application is
-using the access methods with locking at the same time that it is calling
-the lock manager directly, the application must follow a convention that
-is compatible with the access methods' use of the locking subsystem. See
-<a href="../../ref/lock/am_conv.html">Access method locking conventions</a>
-for more information.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_id.html">lock_id</a> function returns a unique ID which may safely be used
-as the locker parameter to the <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a> interface. The access
-methods use <a href="../../api_c/lock_id.html">lock_id</a> to generate unique lockers for the cursors
-associated with a database.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a> function performs any number of lock operations
-atomically. It also provides the ability to release all locks held by a
-particular locker and release all the locks on a particular object.
-Performing multiple lock operations atomically is useful in performing
-Btree traversals where you want to acquire a lock on a child page and once
-acquired, immediately release the lock on its parent (this is
-traditionally referred to as "lock-coupling"). Using <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>
-instead of separate calls to <a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> and <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a> reduces
-the synchronization overhead between multiple threads or processes.
-<p>The three interfaces, <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a>, <a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> and <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>,
-are fully compatible, and may be used interchangeably.
-<p>All locks explicitly requested by an application should be released via
-calls to <a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> or <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>.
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/lock_stat.html">lock_stat</a> function returns information about the status of
-the lock subsystem. It is the programmatic interface used by the
-<a href="../../utility/db_stat.html">db_stat</a> utility.
-<p>The locking subsystem is closed by the call to <a href="../../api_c/env_close.html">DBENV-&gt;close</a>.
-<p>Finally, the entire locking subsystem may be discarded using the
-<a href="../../api_c/env_remove.html">DBENV-&gt;remove</a> interface.
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-<h1 align=center>Configuring locking: sizing the system</h1>
-<p>The lock system is sized using the following three functions:
-<p><blockquote><pre><a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_locks.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_locks</a>
-<a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_lockers.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_lockers</a>
-<a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_objects.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_objects</a></pre></blockquote>
-<p>The <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_locks.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_locks</a>, <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_lockers.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_lockers</a>
-and <a href="../../api_c/env_set_lk_max_objects.html">DBENV-&gt;set_lk_max_objects</a> functions specify, respectively, the
-maximum number of locks, lockers and locked objects supported by the
-lock subsystem. The maximum number of locks is the number of locks that
-can be simultaneously requested in the system. The maximum number of
-lockers is the number of lockers that can simultaneously request locks
-in the system. The maximum number of lock objects is the number of
-objects that can simultaneously be locked in the system. Selecting
-appropriate values requires an understanding of your application and
-its databases. If the values are too small, then requests for locks in
-an application will fail. If the values are too large, then the locking
-subsystem will consume more resources than is necessary. It is better
-to err in the direction of allocating too many locks, lockers and
-objects as increasing the number of locks does not require large amounts
-of additional resources.
-<p>The recommended algorithm for selecting the maximum number of locks,
-lockers and lock objects, is to run the application under stressful
-conditions and then review the lock system's statistics to determine
-the maximum number of locks, lockers and lock objects that were used.
-Then, double these values for safety. However, in some large
-applications, finer granularity of control is necessary in order to
-minimize the size of the lock subsystem.
-<p>The maximum number of lockers can be estimated as follows:
-<ul type=disc>
-<li>If the
-database environment is configured to use transactions, then the maximum
-number of lockers needed is the number of simultaneously active
-transactions and child transactions (where a child transaction is active
-until its parent commits or aborts, not until it commits or aborts).
-<li>If the database environment is not configured to use transactions, then
-the maximum number of lockers needed is the number of simultaneous
-non-cursor operations plus an additional locker for every simultaneously
-open cursor.
-<p>The maximum number of lock objects needed can be estimated as follows:
-<ul type=disc>
-<li>For Btree and Recno access methods, you will need, at a minimum, one
-lock object per level of the database tree. (Unless keys are quite
-large with respect to the page size, neither Recno nor Btree database
-trees should ever be deeper than five levels.) Then, you will need one
-lock object for each leaf page of the database tree that will be
-simultaneously accessed.
-<li>For the Queue access method you will need one lock object per record
-that is simultaneously accessed. To this, add one lock object per page
-that will be simultaneously accessed. (Since the Queue access method
-uses fixed-length records, and the database page size is known, it is
-possible to calculate the number of pages and therefore, lock objects,
-required.) Deleted records skipped by a <a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_NEXT">DB_NEXT</a> or
-<a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_PREV">DB_PREV</a> operation do not require a separate lock object.
-Further, if your application is using transactions, then no database
-operation will ever use more than three lock objects at any time.
-<li>For the Hash access method you only need a single lock object.
-<p>For all access methods, you should then add an additional lock object
-per database, for the database's metadata page.
-<p>The maximum number of locks required by an application cannot be easily
-estimated. It is possible to calculate a maximum number of locks by
-multiplying the maximum number of lockers, times the maximum number of
-lock objects, times two (two for the two possible lock modes for each
-object, read and write). However, this is a pessimal value, and real
-applications are unlikely to actually need that many locks. Review of
-the lock subsystem statistics is the best way to determine this value.
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-<h1 align=center>Locking and non-Berkeley DB applications</h1>
-<p>The locking subsystem is useful outside the context of Berkeley DB. It can be
-used to manage concurrent access to any collection of either ephemeral or
-persistent objects. That is, the lock region can persist across
-invocations of an application, so it can be used to provide long-term
-locking (e.g., conference room scheduling).
-<p>In order to use the locking subsystem in such a general way, the
-applications must adhere to a convention for naming objects and lockers.
-Consider the conference room scheduling problem described above. Assume
-there are three conference rooms and that we wish to schedule them in
-half-hour intervals.
-<p>The scheduling application must then select a way to identify each
-conference room/time slot combination. In this case, we could describe
-the objects being locker as bytestrings consisting of the conference room
-name, the date on which it is needed, and the beginning of the appropriate
-half-hour slot.
-<p>Lockers are 32-bit numbers, so we might choose to use the User ID of the
-individual running the scheduling program. To schedule half-hour slots,
-all the application need do is issue a <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a> call for the
-appropriate locker/object pair. To schedule a longer slot, the
-application would issue a <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a> call with one <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a>
-operation per half-hour up to the total length. If the <a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a>
-call fails, the application would have to release the parts of the time
-slot that were obtained.
-<p>To cancel a reservation, the application would make the appropriate
-<a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> calls. To reschedule a reservation, the <a href="../../api_c/lock_get.html">lock_get</a>
-and <a href="../../api_c/lock_put.html">lock_put</a> calls could all be made inside of a single
-<a href="../../api_c/lock_vec.html">lock_vec</a> call. The output of <a href="../../api_c/lock_stat.html">lock_stat</a> could be
-post-processed into a human-readable schedule of conference room use.
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-<h1 align=center>Locking without transactions</h1>
-<p>If an application runs with locking specified, but not transactions (e.g.,
-<a href="../../api_c/env_open.html">DBENV-&gt;open</a> is called with <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_INIT_LOCK">DB_INIT_LOCK</a> or
-<a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_INIT_CDB">DB_INIT_CDB</a> specified, but not <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_INIT_TXN">DB_INIT_TXN</a>), locks are
-normally acquired during each Berkeley DB operation and released before the
-operation returns to the caller. The only exception is in the case of
-cursor operations. As cursors identify a particular position in a file,
-a cursor must retain a read-lock across cursor calls to make sure that
-that position is uniquely identifiable during the next cursor call,
-because an operation using <a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_CURRENT">DB_CURRENT</a> must reference the same
-record as the previous cursor call. Such cursor locks cannot be released
-until either the cursor is reset using the <a href="../../api_c/db_get.html#DB_GET_BOTH">DB_GET_BOTH</a>,
-<a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_SET">DB_SET</a>, <a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_SET_RANGE">DB_SET_RANGE</a>, <a href="../../api_c/dbc_put.html#DB_KEYFIRST">DB_KEYFIRST</a>, or
-<a href="../../api_c/dbc_put.html#DB_KEYLAST">DB_KEYLAST</a> functionality, in which case a new cursor lock is
-established, or the cursor is closed. As a result, application designers
-are encouraged to close cursors as soon as possible.
-<p>It is important to realize that concurrent applications that use locking
-must ensure that two concurrent threads do not interfere with each other.
-However, as Btree and Hash access method page splits can occur at any
-time, there is virtually no way to guarantee that an application which
-writes the database cannot deadlock. Applications running without the
-protection of transactions may deadlock, and when they do so, can leave
-the database in an inconsistent state. Applications that need concurrent
-access, but not transactions, are more safely implemented using the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store
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-<h1 align=center>Page locks</h1>
-<p>Under normal operation, the access methods use page locking. The pagesize
-of a database is set when the database is created and may be specified by
-calling the <a href="../../api_c/db_set_pagesize.html">DB-&gt;set_pagesize</a> function. If not specified, the Berkeley DB
-package tries to select a pagesize that will provide the best I/O
-performance by setting the page size equal to the block size of the
-underlying file system.
-<p>In the Btree access method, Berkeley DB uses a technique called lock coupling
-to improve concurrency. The traversal of a Btree requires reading a page,
-searching that page to determine which page to search next and then
-repeating this process on the next page. Once a page has been searched,
-it will never be accessed again for this operation, unless a page split
-is required. To improve concurrency in the tree, once the next page to
-read/search has been determined, that page is locked, and then atomically
-(i.e., without relinquishing control of the lock manager) the original
-page lock is released.
-<p>As the Recno access method is built upon Btree, it too uses lock coupling
-for read operations. However, as the Recno access method must maintain
-a count of records on its internal pages, it cannot lock couple during
-write operations. Instead, it retains write locks on all internal pages
-during every update operation. For this reason, it is not possible to
-have high concurrency in the Recno access method in the presence of write
-<p>The Queue access method only uses short term page locks. That is, a page
-lock is released prior to requesting another page lock. Record locks are
-used for transaction isolation. The provides a high degree of concurrency
-for write operations. A metadata page is used to keep track of the head
-and tail of the queue. This page is never locked during other locking or
-I/O operations.
-<p>The Hash access method does not have such traversal issues, but because
-it implements dynamic hashing, it must always refer to its metadata while
-computing a hash function. This metadata is stored on a special page in
-the hash database. This page must therefore be read locked on every
-operation. Fortunately, it need only be write locked when new pages are
-allocated to the file, which happens in three cases: 1) a hash bucket
-becomes full and needs to split, 2) a key or data item is too large to
-fit on a normal page, and 3) the number of duplicate items for a fixed
-key becomes sufficiently large that they are moved to an auxiliary page.
-In this case, the access method must obtain a write lock on the metadata
-page, thus requiring that all readers be blocked from entering the tree
-until the update completes.
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-<h1 align=center>Standard lock modes</h1>
-<p>The Berkeley DB locking protocol is described by a conflict matrix. A conflict
-matrix is an n x n array where n is the number of different lock modes
-supported, and the (i, j)th entry of the array indicates whether a lock of
-mode i conflicts with a lock of mode j.
-<p>The Berkeley DB include files declare two commonly used conflict arrays:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>const u_int8_t db_rw_conflicts[ ];<dd>This is a conflict matrix for a simple scheme using shared and exclusive
-lock modes.
-<p><dt>const u_int8_t db_riw_conflicts[ ];<dd>This is a conflict matrix that involves various intent lock modes (e.g.,
-intent shared) that are used for multigranularity locking.
-<p>The number of modes associated with each matrix are DB_LOCK_RW_N and
-DB_LOCK_RIW_N, respectively.
-<p>In addition, the Berkeley DB include file defines the type <b>db_lockmode_t</b>,
-which is the type of the lock modes used with the standard tables above:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>DB_LOCK_NG<dd>not granted (always 0)
-<p><dt>DB_LOCK_READ<dd>read (shared)
-<p><dt>DB_LOCK_WRITE<dd>write (exclusive)
-<p>As an example, consider the basic multiple-reader/single writer conflict
-matrix described by <b>db_rw_conflicts</b>. In the following
-example (and in the appropriate file), a 1 represents a conflict (i.e.,
-do not grant the lock if the indicated lock is held) and a 0 indicates
-that it is OK to grant the lock.
-<p>The rows indicate the lock that is held and the columns indicate the lock
-that is requested.
-<p><blockquote><pre> Notheld Read Write
-Notheld 0 0 0
-Read* 0 0 1
-Write** 0 1 1
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>*<dd>In this case, suppose that there is a read lock held on an object. A new
-request for a read lock would be granted, but a request for a write lock
-would not.
-<p><dt>**<dd>In this case, suppose that there is a write lock held on an object. A
-new request for either a read or write lock would be denied.
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-<h1 align=center>Locking with transactions: two-phase locking</h1>
-<p>Berkeley DB uses a locking protocol called two-phase locking. This is the
-traditional protocol used in conjunction with lock-based transaction
-<p>In a two-phase locking (2PL) system, transactions are broken up into two
-distinct phases. During the first phase, the transaction only acquires
-locks. During the second phase, the transaction only releases locks.
-More formally, once a transaction releases a lock, it may not acquire any
-additional locks. Practically, this translates into a system where locks
-are acquired as they are needed throughout a transaction and retained
-until the transaction ends, either by committing or aborting. In Berkeley DB,
-locks are released during <a href="../../api_c/txn_abort.html">txn_abort</a> or <a href="../../api_c/txn_commit.html">txn_commit</a>. The
-only exception to this protocol occurs when we use lock-coupling to
-traverse a data structure. If the locks are held only for traversal
-purposes, then the locks may be released before transaction commit or
-<p>For applications, the implications of 2PL are that long-running
-transactions will hold locks for a long time. When designing
-applications, lock contention should be considered. In order to reduce
-the probability of deadlock and achieve the best level of concurrency
-possible, the following guidelines are helpful.
-<p><li>When accessing multiple databases, design all transactions so
-that they access the files in the same order.
-<p><li>If possible, access your most hotly contested resources last
-(so that their locks are held for the shortest time possible).
-<p><li>If possible, use nested transactions to protect the parts of
-your transaction most likely to deadlock.
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