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-<title>Challenges in Embedded Database System Administration</title>
-<body bgcolor=white>
-<h1>Challenges in Embedded Database System Administration</h1>
-<h3>Margo Seltzer, Harvard University</h3>
-<h3>Michael Olson, Sleepycat Software, Inc.</h3>
-Database configuration and maintenance have historically been complex tasks,
-requiring expert knowledge of database design and application
-In an embedded environment, it is not feasible to require such
-expertise and ongoing database maintenance.
-This paper discusses the database administration
-challenges posed by embedded systems and describes how the
-Berkeley DB architecture addresses these challenges.
-<h2>1. Introduction</h2>
-Embedded systems provide a combination of opportunities and challenges
-in application and system configuration and management.
-As an embedded system is most often dedicated to a single application or
-small set of tasks, the operating conditions of the system are
-typically better understood than those of general purpose computing
-Similarly, as embedded systems are dedicated to a small set of tasks,
-one would expect that the software to manage them should be small
-and simple.
-On the other hand, once an embedded system is deployed, it must
-continue to function without interruption and without administrator
-Database administration consists of two components,
-initial configuration and ongoing maintenance.
-Initial configuration consists of database design, manifestation,
-and tuning.
-The instantiation of the design includes decomposing the design
-into tables, relations, or objects and designating proper indices
-and their implementations (e.g., Btrees, hash tables, etc.).
-Tuning a design requires selecting a location for the log and
-data files, selecting appropriate database page sizes, specifying
-the size of in-memory caches, and specifying the limits of
-multi-threading and concurrency.
-As embedded systems define a specific environment and set of tasks,
-requiring expertise during the initial system
-configuration process is acceptable, and we focus our efforts on
-the ongoing maintenance of the system.
-In this way, our emphasis differs from other projects such as
-Microsoft's AutoAdmin project <a href="#Chaud982">[3]</a>, and the "no-knobs"
-administration that is identified as an area of important future
-research by the Asilomar authors<a href="#Bern98">[1]</a>.
-In this paper, we focus on what the authors
-of the Asilomar report call "gizmo" databases <a href="#Bern98"> [1]</a>,
-that reside in devices such as smart cards, toasters, or telephones.
-The key characteristics of such databases are that their
-functionality is completely transparent to users, no one ever
-performs explicit database operations or
-database maintenance, the database may crash at any time and
-must recover instantly, the device may undergo a hard reset at
-any time, requiring that the database return to its initial
-state, and the semantic integrity of the database must be maintained
-at all times.
-In Section 2, we provide more detail on the sorts of tasks
-typically performed by database administrators (DBAs) that must
-be automated in an embedded system.
-The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
-In Section 2, we outline the requirements for embedded database support.
-In Section 3, we discuss how Berkeley DB
-is conducive to the hands-off management
-required in embedded systems.
-In Section 4, we discuss novel features that
-enhance Berkeley
-DB's suitability for the embedded applications.
-In Section 5, we discuss issues of footprint size.
-In Section 6 we discuss related work, and we conclude
-in Section 7.
-<h2>2. Embedded Database Requirements</h2>
-Historically, much of the commercial database industry has been driven
-by the requirements of high performance online transaction
-processing (OLTP), complex query processing, and the industry
-standard benchmarks that have emerged (e.g., TPC-C <a href="#TPCC">[9]</a>,
-TPC-D <a href="#TPCD">[10]</a>) to
-allow for system comparisons.
-As embedded systems typically perform fairly simple queries,
-such metrics are not nearly as relevant for embedded database
-systems as are ease of maintenance, robustness, and small footprint.
-Of these three requirements, robustness and ease of maintenance
-are the key issues.
-Users must trust the data stored in their devices and must not need
-to manually perform anything resembling system administration in order
-to get their unit to work properly.
-Fortunately, ease of use and robustness are important side
-effects of simplicity and good design.
-These, in turn, lead to a small size, providing the third
-requirement of an embedded system.
-<h3>2.1 The User Perspective</h3>
-In the embedded database arena, it is the ongoing maintenance tasks
-that must be automated, not necessarily the initial system configuration.
-There are five tasks
-that are traditionally performed by DBAs,
-but must be performed automatically
-in embedded database systems.
-These tasks are
-log archival and reclamation,
-data compaction/reorganization,
-automatic and rapid recovery, and
-reinitialization from scratch.
-Log archival and backup are tightly coupled.
-Database backups are part of any
-large database installation, and log archival is analogous to incremental
-It is not clear what the implications of backup and archival are in
-an embedded system.
-Consumers do not back up their VCRs or refrigerators, yet they do
-(or should) back up their personal computers or personal digital
-For the remainder of this paper, we assume that backups, in some form,
-are required for gizmo databases (imagine having to reprogram, manually,
-the television viewing access pattern learned by some set-top television
-systems today).
-Furthermore, we require that those backups are nearly instantaneous or
-completely transparent,
-as users should not be aware that their gizmos are being backed up
-and should not have to explicitly initiate such backups.
-Data compaction or reorganization has traditionally required periodic
-dumping and restoration of
-database tables and the recreation of indices.
-In an embedded system, such reorganization must happen automatically.
-Recovery issues are similar in embedded and traditional environments
-with a few exceptions.
-While a few seconds or even a minute recovery is acceptable
-for a large server installation, no one is willing to wait
-for their telephone or television to reboot.
-As with archival, recovery must be nearly instantaneous in an embedded product.
-Secondly, it is often the case that a system will be completely
-reinitialized, rather than simply rebooted.
-In this case, the embedded database must be restored to its initial
-state, freeing all its resources.
-This is not typically a requirement of large server systems.
-<h3>2.2 The Developer Perspective</h3>
-In addition to the maintenance-free operation required of the
-embedded systems, there are a number of requirements that fall
-out of the constrained resources typically found in the "gizmos"
-using gizmo databases. These requirements are:
-small footprint,
-short code-path,
-programmatic interface for tight application coupling and
-to avoid the overhead (in both time and size) of
-interfaces such as SQL and ODBC,
-application configurability and flexibility,
-support for complete memory-resident operation (e.g., these systems
-must run on gizmos without file systems), and
-support for multi-threading.
-A small footprint and short code-path are self-explanatory, however
-what is not as obvious is that the programmatic interface requirement
-is the logical result of them.
-Traditional interfaces such as ODBC and SQL add significant
-size overhead and frequently add multiple context/thread switches
-per operation, not to mention several IPC calls.
-An embedded product is less likely to require the complex
-query processing that SQL enables.
-Instead, in the embedded space, the ability for an application
-to configure the database for the specific tasks in question
-is more important than a general query interface.
-As some systems do not provide storage other than RAM and ROM,
-it is essential that an embedded database work seemlessly
-in memory-only environments.
-Similarly, many of today's embedded operating systems provide a
-single address space architecture, so a simple, multi-threaded
-capability is essential for application requiring any concurrency.
-In general, embedded applications run on gizmos whose native
-operating system support varies tremendously.
-For example, the embedded OS may or may
-not support user-level processing or multi-threading.
-Even if it does, a particular embedded
-application may or may not need it.
-Not all applications need more than one thread of control.
-An embedded database must provide mechanisms to developers
-without deciding policy.
-For example, the threading model in an application is a matter of policy,
-and depends
-not on the database software, but on the hardware, operating
-system, and the application's feature set.
-Therefore, the data manager must provide for the use of multi-threading,
-but not require it.
-<h2>3. Berkeley DB: A Database for Embedded Systems</h2>
-Berkeley DB is the result of implementing database functionality
-using the UNIX tool-based philosophy.
-The current Berkeley DB package, as distributed by Sleepycat
-Software, is a descendant of the hash and btree access methods
-distributed with 4.4BSD and its descendents.
-The original package (referred to as DB-1.85),
-while intended as a public domain replacement for dbm and
-its followers (e.g., ndbm, gdbm, etc), rapidly became widely
-used as an efficient, easy-to-use data store.
-It was incorporated into a number of Open Source packages including
-Perl, Sendmail, Kerberos, and the GNU C-library.
-Versions 2.X and higher are distributed by Sleepycat Software and
-add functionality for concurrency, logging, transactions, and
-Each piece of additional functionality is implemented as an independent
-module, which means that the subsystems can be used outside the
-context of Berkeley DB. For example, the locking subsystem can
-easily be used to implement locking for a non-DB application and
-the shared memory buffer pool can be used for any application
-caching data in main memory.
-This subsystem design allows a designer to pick and choose
-the functionality necessary for the application, minimizing
-memory footprint and maximizing performance.
-This addresses the small footprint and short code-path criteria
-mentioned in the previous section.
-As Berkeley DB grew out of a replacement for dbm, its primary
-implementation language has always been C and its interface has
-been programmatic. The C interface is the native interface,
-unlike many database systems where the programmatic API is simply
-a layer on top of an already-costly query interface (e.g. embedded
-Berkeley DB's heritage is also apparent in its data model; it has
-The database stores unstructured key/data pairs, specified as
-variable length byte strings.
-This leaves schema design and representation issues the responsibility
-of the application, which is ideal for an embedded environment.
-Applications retain full control over specification of their data
-types, representation, index values, and index relationships.
-In other words, Berkeley DB provides a robust, high-performance,
-keyed storage system, not a particular database management system.
-We have designed for simplicity and performance, trading off
-complex, general purpose support that is better encapsulated in
-Another element of Berkeley DB's programmatic interface is its
-customizability; applications can specify Btree comparison and
-prefix compression functions, hash functions, error routines,
-and recovery models.
-This means that embedded applications can tailor the underlying
-database to best suit their data demands.
-Similarly, the utilities traditionally bundled with a database
-manager (e.g., recovery, dump/restore, archive) are implemented
-as tiny wrapper programs around library routines. This means
-that it is not necessary to run separate applications for the
-utilities. Instead, independent threads can act as utility
-daemons, or regular query threads can perform utility functions.
-Many of the current products built on Berkeley DB are bundled as
-a single large server with independent threads that perform functions
-such as checkpoint, deadlock detection, and performance monitoring.
-As mentioned earlier, living in an embedded environment requires
-flexible management of storage.
-Berkeley DB does not require any preallocation of disk space
-for log or data files.
-While many commercial database systems take complete control
-of a raw device, Berkeley DB uses a normal file system, and
-can therefore, safely and easily share a data space with other
-All databases and log files are native files of the host environment,
-so whatever utilities are provided by the environment can be used
-to manage database files as well.
-Berkeley DB provides three different memory models for its
-management of shared information.
-Applications can use the IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX) <tt>mmap</tt>
-interface to share
-data, they can use system shared memory, as frequently provided
-by the shmget family of interfaces, or they can use per-process
-heap memory (e.g., malloc).
-Applications that require no permanent storage and do not provide
-shared memory facilities can still use Berkeley DB by requesting
-strictly private memory and specifying that all databases be
-This provides pure-memory operation.
-Lastly, Berkeley DB is designed for rapid startup -- recovery can
-happen automatically as part of system initialization.
-This means that Berkeley DB works correctly in environments where
-gizmos are suddenly shut down and restarted.
-<h2>4. Extensions for Embedded Environments </h2>
-While the Berkeley DB library has been designed for use in
-embedded systems, all the features described above are useful
-in more conventional systems as well.
-In this section, we discuss a number of features and "automatic
-knobs" that are specifically geared
-toward the more constrained environments found in gizmo databases.
-<h3>4.1 Automatic compression</h3>
-Following the programmatic interface design philosophy, we
-support application-specific (or default) compression routines.
-These can be geared toward the particular data types present
-in the application's dataset, thus providing better compression
-than a general purpose routine.
-Note that the application could instead specify an encryption
-function and create encrypted databases instead of compressed ones.
-Alternately, the application might specify a function that performs
-both compression and encryption.
-As applications are also permitted to specify comparison and hash
-functions, the application can chose to organize its data based
-either on uncompressed and clear-text data or compressed and encrypted
-If the application indicates that data should be compared in its
-processed form (i.e., compressed and encrypted), then the compression
-and encryption are performed on individual data items and the in-memory
-representation retains these characteristics.
-However, if the application indicates that data should be compared in
-its original form, then entire pages are transformed upon being read
-into or written out of the main memory buffer cache.
-These two alternatives provide the flexibility to trade space
-and security for performance.
-<h3>4.2 In-memory logging & transactions</h3>
-One of the four key properties of transaction systems is durability.
-This means that transaction systems are designed for permanent storage
-(most commonly disk). However, as mentioned above, embedded systems
-do not necessarily contain any such storage.
-Nevertheless, transactions can be useful in this environment to
-preserve the semantic integrity of the underlying storage.
-Berkeley DB optionally provides logging functionality and
-transaction support regardless of whether the database and logs
-are on disk or in memory.
-<h3>4.3 Remote Logs</h3>
-While we do not expect users to backup their television sets and
-toasters, it is conceivable that a set-top box provided by a
-cable carrier should, in fact, be backed up by that cable carrier.
-The ability to store logs remotely can provide "information appliance"
-functionality, and can also be used in conjunction with local logs
-to enhance reliability.
-Furthermore, remote logs provide for catastrophic recovery, e.g., loss
-of the gizmo, destruction of the gizmo, etc.
-<h3>4.4 Application References to Database Buffers</h3>
-Typically, when data is returned to the user, it must be copied
-from the data manager's buffer cache (or data page) into the
-application's memory.
-However, in an embedded environment, the robustness of the
-total software package is of paramount importance, not the
-isolation between the application and the data manager.
-As a result, it is possible for the data manager to avoid
-copies by giving applications direct references to data items
-in a shared memory cache.
-This is a significant performance optimization that can be
-allowed when the application and data manager are tightly
-<h3>4.5 Recoverable database creation/deletion</h3>
-In a conventional database management system, the creation of
-database tables (relations) and indices are heavyweight operations
-that are not recoverable.
-This is not acceptable in a complex embedded environment where
-instantaneous recovery and robust operation in the face of
-all types of database operations is essential.
-While Berkeley DB files can be removed using normal file system
-utilities, we provide transaction protected utilities that
-allow us to recover both database creation and deletion.
-<h3>4.6 Adaptive concurrency control</h3>
-The Berkeley DB package uses page-level locking by default.
-This trades off fine grain concurrency control for simplicity
-during recovery. (Finer grain concurrency control can be
-obtained by reducing the page size in the database.)
-However, when multiple threads/processes perform page-locking
-in the presence of writing operations, there is the
-potential for deadlock.
-As some environments do not need or desire the overhead of
-logging and transactions, it is important to provide the
-ability for concurrent access without the potential for
-Berkeley DB provides an option to perform coarser grain,
-deadlock-free locking.
-Rather than locking on pages, locking is performed at the
-interface to the database.
-Multiple readers or a single writer are allowed to be
-active in the database at any instant in time, with
-conflicting requests queued automatically.
-The presence of cursors, through which applications can both
-read and write data, complicates this design.
-If a cursor is currently being used for reading, but will later
-be used to write, the system will be deadlock prone if no
-special precautions are taken.
-To handle this situation, we require that, when a cursor is
-created, the application specify any future intention to write.
-If there is an intention to write, the cursor is granted an
-intention-to-write lock which does not conflict with readers,
-but does conflict with other intention-to-write locks and write
-The end result is that the application is limited to a single
-potentially writing cursor accessing the database at any point
-in time.
-Under periods of low contention (but potentially high throughput),
-the normal page-level locking provides the best overall throughput.
-However, as contention rises, so does the potential for deadlock.
-As some cross-over point, switching to the less concurrent, but
-deadlock-free locking protocol will result in higher throughput
-as operations must never be retried.
-Given the operating conditions of an embedded database manager,
-it is useful to make this change automatically as the system
-itself detects high contention.
-<h3>4.7 Adaptive synchronization</h3>
-In addition to the logical locks that protect the integrity of the
-database pages, Berkeley DB must synchronize access to shared memory
-data structures, such as the lock table, in-memory buffer pool, and
-in-memory log buffer.
-Each independent module uses a single mutex to protect its shared
-data structures, under the assumption that operations that require
-the mutex are very short and the potential for conflict is
-Unfortunately, in highly concurrent environments with multiple processors
-present, this assumption is not always true.
-When this assumption becomes invalid (that is, we observe significant
-contention for the subsystem mutexes), we can switch over to a finer-grained
-concurrency model for the mutexes.
-Once again, there is a performance trade-off. Fine-grain mutexes
-impose a penalty of approximately 25% (due to the increased number
-of mutexes required for each operation), but allow for higher throughput.
-Using fine-grain mutexes under low contention would cause a decrease
-in performance, so it is important to monitor the system carefully,
-so that the change can be executed only when it will increase system
-throughput without jeopardizing latency.
-<h2>5. Footprint of an Embedded System</h2>
-While traditional systems compete on price-performance, the
-embedded players will compete on price, features, and footprint.
-The earlier sections have focused on features; in this section
-we focus on footprint.
-Oracle reports that Oracle Lite 3.0 requires 350 KB to 750 KB
-of memory and approximately 2.5 MB of hard disk space <a href="#Oracle">[7]</a>.
-This includes drivers for interfaces such as ODBC and JDBC.
-In contrast, Berkeley DB ranges in size from 75 KB to under 200 KB,
-foregoing heavyweight interfaces such as ODBC and JDBC and
-providing a variety of deployed sizes that can be used depending
-on application needs. At the low end, applications requiring
-a simple single-user access method can choose from either extended
-linear hashing, B+ trees, or record-number based retrieval and
-pay only the 75 KB space requirement.
-Applications requiring all three access methods will observe the
-110 KB footprint.
-At the high end, a fully recoverable, high-performance system
-occupies less than a quarter megabyte of memory.
-This is a system you can easily incorporate in your toaster oven.
-Table 1 shows the per-module break down of the entire Berkeley DB
-library. Note that this does not include memory used to cache database
-<table border>
-<tr><th colspan=4>Object sizes in bytes</th></tr>
-<tr><th align=left>Subsystem</th><th align=center>Text</th><th align=center>Data</th><th align=center>Bss</th></tr>
-<tr><td>Btree-specific routines</td><td align=right>28812</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Recno-specific routines</td><td align=right>7211</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Hash-specific routines</td><td align=right>23742</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Memory Pool</td><td align=right>14535</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Access method common code</td><td align=right>23252</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>OS compatibility library</td><td align=right>4980</td><td align=right>52</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Support utilities</td><td align=right>6165</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4></td></tr>
-<tr><th>All modules for Btree access method only</th><td align=right>77744</td><td align=right>52</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><th>All modules for Recno access method only</th><td align=right>84955</td><td align=right>52</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><th>All modules for Hash access method only</th><td align=right>72674</td><td align=right>52</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4></td></tr>
-<tr><th align=left>All Access Methods</th><td align=right>108697</td><td align=right>52</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Locking</td><td align=right>12533</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Recovery</td><td align=right>26948</td><td align=right>8</td><td align=right>4</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Logging</td><td align=right>37367</td><td align=right>0</td><td align=right>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=4></td></tr>
-<tr><th align=left>Full Package</th><td align=right>185545</td><td align=right>60</td><td align=right>4</td></tr>
-<h2>6. Related Work</h2>
-Every three to five years, leading researchers in the database
-community convene to identify future directions in database
-They produce a report of this meeting, named for the year and
-location of the meeting.
-The most recent of these reports, the 1998 Asilomar report,
-identifies the embedded database market as one of the
-high growth areas in database research <a href="#Bern98">[1]</a>.
-Not surprisingly, market analysts identify the embedded database
-market as a high-growth area in the commercial sector as well <a href="#Host98">
-The Asilomar report identifies a new class of database applications, which they
-term "gizmo" databases, small databases embedded in tiny mobile
-appliances, e.g., smart-cards, telephones, personal digital assistants.
-Such databases must be self-managing, secure and reliable.
-Thus, the idea is that gizmo databases require plug and play data
-management with no database administrator (DBA), no human settable
-parameters, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions.
-More specifically, the Asilomar authors claim that the goal is
-self-tuning, including defining the physical DB design, the
-logical DB design, and automatic reports and utilities <a href="#Bern98">[1]</a>
-To date,
-few researchers have accepted this challenge, and there is a dearth
-of research literature on the subject.
-Our approach to embedded database administration is fundamentally
-different than that described by the Asilomar authors.
-We adopt their terminology, but view the challenge in supporting
-gizmo databases to be that of self-sustenance <em>after</em> initial
-deployment. Therefore, we find it, not only acceptable, but
-desirable to assume that application developers control initial
-database design and configuration. To the best of our knowledge,
-none of the published work in this area addresses this approach.
-As the research community has not provided guidance in this
-arena, most work in embedded database administration has fallen
-to the commercial vendors.
-These vendors fall into two camps, companies selling databases
-specifically designed for embedding or programmatic access
-and the major database vendors (e.g., Oracle, Informix, Sybase).
-The embedded vendors all acknowledge the need for automatic
-administration, but fail to identify precisely how their
-products actually accomplish this.
-A notable exception is Interbase whose white paper
-comparison with Sybase and Microsoft's SQL servers
-explicitly address features of maintenance ease.
-Interbase claims that as they use no log files, there is
-no need for log reclamation, checkpoint tuning, or other
-tasks associated with log management. However, Interbase
-uses Transaction Information Pages, and it is unclear
-how these are reused or reclaimed <a href="#Interbase">[6]</a>.
-Additionally, with a log-free system, they must use
-a FORCE policy (write all pages to disk at commit),
-as defined by Haerder and Reuter <a href="#Haerder">[4]</a>. This has
-serious performance consequences for disk-based systems.
-The approach described in this paper does use logs and
-therefore requires log reclamation,
-but provides hooks so the application may reclaim logs
-safely and programmatically.
-While Berkeley DB does require checkpoints, the goal of
-tuning the checkpoint interval is to bound recovery time.
-Since the checkpoint interval in Berkeley DB can be expressed
-by the amount of log data written, it requires no tuning.
-The application designer sets a target recovery time, and
-selects the amount of log data that can be read in that interval
-and specifies the checkpoint interval appropriately. Even as
-load changes, the time to recover does not.
-The backup approaches taken by Interbase and Berkeley DB
-are similar in that they both allow online backup, but
-rather different in their affect on transactions running
-during backup. As Interbase performs backups as transactions
-<a href="#Interbase">[6]</a>, concurrent queries can suffer potentially long
-delays. Berkeley DB uses native operating system system utilities
-and recovery for backups, so there is no interference with
-concurrent activity, other than potential contention on disk
-There are a number of database vendors selling in
-the embedded market (e.g., Raima,
-Centura, Pervasive, Faircom), but none highlight
-the special requirements of embedded database
-On the other end of the spectrum, the major vendors,
-Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, are all becoming convinced
-of the importance of the embedded market.
-As mentioned earlier, Oracle has announced its
-Oracle Lite server for embedded use.
-Sybase has announced its UltraLite platform for "application-optimized,
-high-performance, SQL database engine for professional
-application developers building solutions for mobile and embedded platforms."
-<a href="#Sybase">[8]</a>.
-We believe that SQL is incompatible with the
-gizmo database environment or truly embedded systems for which Berkeley
-DB is most suitable.
-Microsoft research is taking a different approach, developing
-technology to assist in automating initial database design and
-index specification <a href="#Chaud98">[2]</a><a href="#Chaud982">[3]</a>.
-As mentioned earlier, we believe that such configuration is, not only
-acceptable in the embedded market, but desirable so that applications
-can tune their database management for the target environment.
-<h2>7. Conclusions</h2>
-The coming wave of embedded systems poses a new set of challenges
-for data management.
-The traditional server-based, big footprint systems designed for
-high performance on big iron are not the right approach in this
-Instead, application developers need small, fast, versatile systems
-that can be tailored to a specific environment.
-In this paper, we have identified several of the key issues in
-providing these systems and shown how Berkeley DB provides
-many of the characteristics necessary for such applications.
-<h2>8. References</h2>
-[1] <a name="Bern98"> Bernstein, P., Brodie, M., Ceri, S., DeWitt, D., Franklin, M.,
-Garcia-Molina, H., Gray, J., Held, J., Hellerstein, J.,
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