path: root/bdb/docs/utility/db_dump.html
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-<!--$Id:,v 10.26 2000/09/04 16:00:50 bostic Exp $-->
-<!--Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Sleepycat Software, Inc.-->
-<!--All rights reserved.-->
-<title>Berkeley DB: db_dump</title>
-<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
-<meta name="keywords" content="embedded,database,programmatic,toolkit,b+tree,btree,hash,hashing,transaction,transactions,locking,logging,access method,access methods,java,C,C++">
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-<a href="../api_c/c_index.html"><img src="../images/api.gif" alt="API"></a><a href="../ref/toc.html"><img src="../images/ref.gif" alt="Ref"></a>
-<hr size=1 noshade>
-<h3><pre>db_dump [<b>-klNpRrV</b>] [<b>-d ahr</b>]
- [<b>-f output</b>] [<b>-h home</b>] [<b>-s database</b>] file
-db_dump185 [<b>-p</b>] [<b>-f output</b>] file</pre></h3>
- <a name="3"><!--meow--></a>
-<p>The db_dump utility reads the database file <b>file</b> and
-writes it to the standard output using a portable flat-text format
-understood by the <a href="../utility/db_load.html">db_load</a> utility. The argument <b>file</b>
-must be a file produced using the Berkeley DB library functions.
-<p>The <a href="../utility/db_dump.html">db_dump185</a> utility is similar to the db_dump utility
-except that it reads databases in the format used by Berkeley DB versions 1.85
-and 1.86.
-<p>The options are as follows:
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt><b>-d</b><dd>Dump the specified database in a format helpful for debugging the Berkeley DB
-library routines.
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>a<dd>Display all information.
-<dt>h<dd>Display only page headers.
-<dt>r<dd>Do not display the free-list or pages on the free list. This
-mode is used by the recovery tests.
-<p><b>The output format of the <b>-d</b> option is not standard and may change,
-without notice, between releases of the Berkeley DB library.</b>
-<p><dt><b>-f</b><dd>Write to the specified <b>file</b> instead of to the standard output.
-<p><dt><b>-h</b><dd>Specify a home directory for the database environment; by
-default, the current working directory is used.
-<p><dt><b>-k</b><dd>Dump record numbers from Queue and Recno databases as keys.
-<p><dt><b>-l</b><dd>List the databases stored in the file.
-<p><dt><b>-N</b><dd>Do not acquire shared region locks while running. Other problems such as
-potentially fatal errors in Berkeley DB will be ignored as well. This option
-is intended only for debugging errors and should not be used under any
-other circumstances.
-<p><dt><b>-p</b><dd>If characters in either the key or data items are printing characters (as
-defined by <b>isprint</b>(3)), use printing characters in <b>file</b>
-to represent them. This option permits users to use standard text editors
-and tools to modify the contents of databases.
-<p>Note, different systems may have different notions as to what characters
-are considered <i>printing characters</i>, and databases dumped in
-this manner may be less portable to external systems.
-<p><dt><b>-R</b><dd>Aggressively salvage data from a possibly corrupt file. The <b>-R</b>
-flag differs from the <b>-r</b> option in that it will return all
-possible data from the file at the risk of also returning already deleted
-or otherwise nonsensical items. Data dumped in this fashion will almost
-certainly have to be edited by hand or other means before the data is
-ready for re-load into another database
-<p><dt><b>-r</b><dd>Salvage data from a possibly corrupt file. When used on a uncorrupted
-database, this option should return equivalent data to a normal dump, but
-most likely in a different order.
-<p><dt><b>-s</b><dd>Specify a single database to dump. If no database is specified, all
-databases in the database file are dumped.
-<p><dt><b>-V</b><dd>Write the version number to the standard output and exit.
-<p>Dumping and reloading Hash databases that use user-defined hash functions
-will result in new databases that use the default hash function.
-While using the default hash function may not be optimal for the new database,
-it will continue to work correctly.
-<p>Dumping and reloading Btree databases that use user-defined prefix or
-comparison functions will result in new databases that use the default
-prefix and comparison functions.
-<b>In this case, it is quite likely that the database will be damaged
-beyond repair permitting neither record storage or retrieval.</b>
-<p>The only available workaround for either case is to modify the sources
-for the <a href="../utility/db_load.html">db_load</a> utility to load the database using the correct
-hash, prefix and comparison functions.
-<p>The <a href="../utility/db_dump.html">db_dump185</a> utility may not be available on your system as it
-is not always built when the Berkeley DB libraries and utilities are installed.
-If you are unable to find it, see your system administrator for further
-<p>The db_dump and <a href="../utility/db_dump.html">db_dump185</a> utility output formats are
-documented in the <a href="../ref/dumpload/format.html">Dump Output
-Formats</a> section of the Reference Guide.
-<p>The db_dump utility may be used with a Berkeley DB environment (as described for the
-<b>-h</b> option, the environment variable <b>DB_HOME</b>, or,
-because the utility was run in a directory containing a Berkeley DB
-environment). In order to avoid environment corruption when using a Berkeley DB
-environment, db_dump should always be given the chance to detach from
-the environment and exit gracefully. To cause db_dump to release all
-environment resources and exit cleanly, send it an interrupt signal
-<p>When using an Berkeley DB database environment, the db_dump utility
-does not configure for any kind of database locking and so should not
-be used with active Berkeley DB environments. If db_dump is used in
-an active database environment, corruption may result.
-<p>The db_dump utility exits 0 on success, and &gt;0 if an error occurs.
-<p>The <a href="../utility/db_dump.html">db_dump185</a> utility exits 0 on success, and &gt;0 if an error occurs.
-<h1>Environment Variables</h1>
-<p><dl compact>
-<p><dt>DB_HOME<dd>If the <b>-h</b> option is not specified and the environment variable
-DB_HOME is set, it is used as the path of the database home, as described
-in <a href="../api_c/env_open.html">DBENV-&gt;open</a>.
-<h1>See Also</h1>
-<a href="../utility/berkeley_db_svc.html">berkeley_db_svc</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_archive.html">db_archive</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_load.html">db_load</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_recover.html">db_recover</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_stat.html">db_stat</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_upgrade.html">db_upgrade</a>,
-<a href="../utility/db_verify.html">db_verify</a>.
-<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>