path: root/bdb/perl/BerkeleyDB/scan
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/perl/BerkeleyDB/scan')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/perl/BerkeleyDB/scan b/bdb/perl/BerkeleyDB/scan
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb064950b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/perl/BerkeleyDB/scan
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+my $ignore_re = '^(' . join("|",
+ qw(
+ _
+ [a-z]
+ DB_AM_
+ DB_BT_
+ DB_RE_
+ DB_HS_
+ MP
+ )) . ')' ;
+my %ignore_def = map {$_, 1} qw() ;
+%ignore_enums = map {$_, 1} qw( ACTION db_status_t db_notices db_lockmode_t ) ;
+my $filler = ' ' x 26 ;
+chdir "libraries" || die "Cannot chdir into './libraries': $!\n";
+foreach my $name (sort tuple glob "[2-9]*")
+ my $inc = "$name/include/db.h" ;
+ next unless -f $inc ;
+ my $file = readFile($inc) ;
+ StripCommentsAndStrings($file) ;
+ my $result = scan($name, $file) ;
+ print "\n\t#########\n\t# $name\n\t#########\n\n$result"
+ if $result;
+exit ;
+sub scan
+ my $version = shift ;
+ my $file = shift ;
+ my %seen_define = () ;
+ my $result = "" ;
+ if (1) {
+ # Preprocess all tri-graphs
+ # including things stuck in quoted string constants.
+ $file =~ s/\?\?=/#/g; # | ??=| #|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?\!/|/g; # | ??!| ||
+ $file =~ s/\?\?'/^/g; # | ??'| ^|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?\(/[/g; # | ??(| [|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?\)/]/g; # | ??)| ]|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?\-/~/g; # | ??-| ~|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?\//\\/g; # | ??/| \|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?</{/g; # | ??<| {|
+ $file =~ s/\?\?>/}/g; # | ??>| }|
+ }
+ while ( $file =~ /^\s*#\s*define\s+([\$\w]+)\b(?!\()\s*(.*)/gm )
+ {
+ my $def = $1;
+ my $rest = $2;
+ my $ignore = 0 ;
+ $ignore = 1 if $ignore_def{$def} || $def =~ /$ignore_re/o ;
+ # Cannot do: (-1) and ((LHANDLE)3) are OK:
+ #print("Skip non-wordy $def => $rest\n"),
+ $rest =~ s/\s*$//;
+ #next if $rest =~ /[^\w\$]/;
+ #print "Matched $_ ($def)\n" ;
+ next if $before{$def} ++ ;
+ if ($ignore)
+ { $seen_define{$def} = 'IGNORE' }
+ elsif ($rest =~ /"/)
+ { $seen_define{$def} = 'STRING' }
+ else
+ { $seen_define{$def} = 'DEFINE' }
+ }
+ foreach $define (sort keys %seen_define)
+ {
+ my $out = $filler ;
+ substr($out,0, length $define) = $define;
+ $result .= "\t$out => $seen_define{$define},\n" ;
+ }
+ while ($file =~ /\btypedef\s+enum\s*{(.*?)}\s*(\w+)/gs )
+ {
+ my $enum = $1 ;
+ my $name = $2 ;
+ my $ignore = 0 ;
+ $ignore = 1 if $ignore_enums{$name} ;
+ #$enum =~ s/\s*=\s*\S+\s*(,?)\s*\n/$1/g;
+ $enum =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $enum =~ s/\s*$//;
+ my @tokens = map { s/\s*=.*// ; $_} split /\s*,\s*/, $enum ;
+ my @new = grep { ! $Enums{$_}++ } @tokens ;
+ if (@new)
+ {
+ my $value ;
+ if ($ignore)
+ { $value = "IGNORE, # $version" }
+ else
+ { $value = "'$version'," }
+ $result .= "\n\t# enum $name\n";
+ my $out = $filler ;
+ foreach $name (@new)
+ {
+ $out = $filler ;
+ substr($out,0, length $name) = $name;
+ $result .= "\t$out => $value\n" ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result ;
+sub StripCommentsAndStrings
+ # Strip C & C++ coments
+ # From the perlfaq
+ $_[0] =~
+ s{
+ /\* ## Start of /* ... */ comment
+ [^*]*\*+ ## Non-* followed by 1-or-more *'s
+ (
+ [^/*][^*]*\*+
+ )* ## 0-or-more things which don't start with /
+ ## but do end with '*'
+ / ## End of /* ... */ comment
+ | ## OR C++ Comment
+ // ## Start of C++ comment //
+ [^\n]* ## followed by 0-or-more non end of line characters
+ | ## OR various things which aren't comments:
+ (
+ " ## Start of " ... " string
+ (
+ \\. ## Escaped char
+ | ## OR
+ [^"\\] ## Non "\
+ )*
+ " ## End of " ... " string
+ | ## OR
+ ' ## Start of ' ... ' string
+ (
+ \\. ## Escaped char
+ | ## OR
+ [^'\\] ## Non '\
+ )*
+ ' ## End of ' ... ' string
+ | ## OR
+ . ## Anything other char
+ [^/"'\\]* ## Chars which doesn't start a comment, string or escape
+ )
+ }{$2}gxs;
+ # Remove double-quoted strings.
+ #$_[0] =~ s#"(\\.|[^"\\])*"##g;
+ # Remove single-quoted strings.
+ #$_[0] =~ s#'(\\.|[^'\\])*'##g;
+ # Remove leading whitespace.
+ $_[0] =~ s/\A\s+//m ;
+ # Remove trailing whitespace.
+ $_[0] =~ s/\s+\Z//m ;
+ # Replace all multiple whitespace by a single space.
+ #$_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g ;
+sub readFile
+ my $filename = shift ;
+ open F, "<$filename" || die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
+ local $/ ;
+ my $x = <F> ;
+ close F ;
+ return $x ;
+sub tuple
+ my (@a) = split(/\./, $a) ;
+ my (@b) = split(/\./, $b) ;
+ if (@a != @b) {
+ my $diff = @a - @b ;
+ push @b, (0 x $diff) if $diff > 0 ;
+ push @a, (0 x -$diff) if $diff < 0 ;
+ }
+ foreach $A (@a) {
+ $B = shift @b ;
+ $A == $B or return $A <=> $B ;
+ }
+ return 0;