path: root/bdb/test/si002.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/si002.tcl')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/si002.tcl b/bdb/test/si002.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46ba86e7560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/test/si002.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2002
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: si002.tcl,v 1.6 2002/04/29 17:12:02 sandstro Exp $
+# TEST sindex002
+# TEST Basic cursor-based secondary index put/delete test
+proc sindex002 { methods {nentries 200} {tnum 2} args } {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ global dict nsecondaries
+ # Primary method/args.
+ set pmethod [lindex $methods 0]
+ set pargs [convert_args $pmethod $args]
+ set pomethod [convert_method $pmethod]
+ # Method/args for all the secondaries. If only one method
+ # was specified, assume the same method and a standard N
+ # secondaries.
+ set methods [lrange $methods 1 end]
+ if { [llength $methods] == 0 } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $nsecondaries } { incr i } {
+ lappend methods $pmethod
+ }
+ }
+ set argses [convert_argses $methods $args]
+ set omethods [convert_methods $methods]
+ puts "Sindex00$tnum ($pmethod/$methods) $nentries equal key/data pairs"
+ env_cleanup $testdir
+ set pname "primary00$tnum.db"
+ set snamebase "secondary00$tnum"
+ # Open an environment
+ # XXX if one is not supplied!
+ set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir]
+ error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
+ # Open the primary.
+ set pdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -env} $env $pomethod $pargs $pname]
+ error_check_good primary_open [is_valid_db $pdb] TRUE
+ # Open and associate the secondaries
+ set sdbs {}
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $omethods] } { incr i } {
+ set sdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -env} $env \
+ [lindex $omethods $i] [lindex $argses $i] $snamebase.$i.db]
+ error_check_good second_open($i) [is_valid_db $sdb] TRUE
+ error_check_good db_associate($i) \
+ [$pdb associate [callback_n $i] $sdb] 0
+ lappend sdbs $sdb
+ }
+ puts "\tSindex00$tnum.a: Cursor put (-keyfirst/-keylast) loop"
+ set did [open $dict]
+ set pdbc [$pdb cursor]
+ error_check_good pdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE
+ for { set n 0 } { [gets $did str] != -1 && $n < $nentries } { incr n } {
+ if { [is_record_based $pmethod] == 1 } {
+ set key [expr $n + 1]
+ set datum $str
+ } else {
+ set key $str
+ gets $did datum
+ }
+ set ns($key) $n
+ set keys($n) $key
+ set data($n) [pad_data $pmethod $datum]
+ if { $n % 2 == 0 } {
+ set pflag " -keyfirst "
+ } else {
+ set pflag " -keylast "
+ }
+ set ret [eval {$pdbc put} $pflag \
+ {$key [chop_data $pmethod $datum]}]
+ error_check_good put($n) $ret 0
+ }
+ close $did
+ error_check_good pdbc_close [$pdbc close] 0
+ check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $nentries keys data "Sindex00$tnum.a"
+ puts "\tSindex00$tnum.b: Cursor put overwrite (-current) loop"
+ set pdbc [$pdb cursor]
+ error_check_good pdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE
+ for { set dbt [$pdbc get -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
+ { set dbt [$pdbc get -next] } {
+ set key [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
+ set datum [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
+ set newd $datum.$key
+ set ret [eval {$pdbc put -current} [chop_data $pmethod $newd]]
+ error_check_good put_overwrite($key) $ret 0
+ set data($ns($key)) [pad_data $pmethod $newd]
+ }
+ error_check_good pdbc_close [$pdbc close] 0
+ check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $nentries keys data "Sindex00$tnum.b"
+ puts "\tSindex00$tnum.c: Secondary c_pget/primary put overwrite loop"
+ # We walk the first secondary, then put-overwrite each primary key/data
+ # pair we find. This doubles as a DBC->c_pget test.
+ set sdb [lindex $sdbs 0]
+ set sdbc [$sdb cursor]
+ error_check_good sdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $sdbc $sdb] TRUE
+ for { set dbt [$sdbc pget -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
+ { set dbt [$sdbc pget -next] } {
+ set pkey [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
+ set pdatum [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 2]
+ # Extended entries will be showing up underneath us, in
+ # unpredictable places. Keep track of which pkeys
+ # we've extended, and don't extend them repeatedly.
+ if { [info exists pkeys_done($pkey)] == 1 } {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ set pkeys_done($pkey) 1
+ }
+ set newd $pdatum.[string range $pdatum 0 2]
+ set ret [eval {$pdb put} $pkey [chop_data $pmethod $newd]]
+ error_check_good pdb_put($pkey) $ret 0
+ set data($ns($pkey)) [pad_data $pmethod $newd]
+ }
+ error_check_good sdbc_close [$sdbc close] 0
+ check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $nentries keys data "Sindex00$tnum.c"
+ # Delete the second half of the entries through the primary.
+ # We do the second half so we can just pass keys(0 ... n/2)
+ # to check_secondaries.
+ set half [expr $nentries / 2]
+ puts "\tSindex00$tnum.d:\
+ Primary cursor delete loop: deleting $half entries"
+ set pdbc [$pdb cursor]
+ error_check_good pdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE
+ set dbt [$pdbc get -first]
+ for { set i 0 } { [llength $dbt] > 0 && $i < $half } { incr i } {
+ error_check_good pdbc_del [$pdbc del] 0
+ set dbt [$pdbc get -next]
+ }
+ error_check_good pdbc_close [$pdbc close] 0
+ cursor_check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $half "Sindex00$tnum.d"
+ # Delete half of what's left, through the first secondary.
+ set quar [expr $half / 2]
+ puts "\tSindex00$tnum.e:\
+ Secondary cursor delete loop: deleting $quar entries"
+ set sdb [lindex $sdbs 0]
+ set sdbc [$sdb cursor]
+ set dbt [$sdbc get -first]
+ for { set i 0 } { [llength $dbt] > 0 && $i < $quar } { incr i } {
+ error_check_good sdbc_del [$sdbc del] 0
+ set dbt [$sdbc get -next]
+ }
+ error_check_good sdbc_close [$sdbc close] 0
+ cursor_check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $quar "Sindex00$tnum.e"
+ foreach sdb $sdbs {
+ error_check_good secondary_close [$sdb close] 0
+ }
+ error_check_good primary_close [$pdb close] 0
+ error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0