path: root/bdb/test/sysscript.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/sysscript.tcl')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/sysscript.tcl b/bdb/test/sysscript.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b7545e4c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/test/sysscript.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: sysscript.tcl,v 11.12 2000/05/22 12:51:38 bostic Exp $
+# System integration test script.
+# This script runs a single process that tests the full functionality of
+# the system. The database under test contains nfiles files. Each process
+# randomly generates a key and some data. Both keys and data are bimodally
+# distributed between small keys (1-10 characters) and large keys (the avg
+# length is indicated via the command line parameter.
+# The process then decides on a replication factor between 1 and nfiles.
+# It writes the key and data to that many files and tacks on the file ids
+# of the files it writes to the data string. For example, let's say that
+# I randomly generate the key dog and data cat. Then I pick a replication
+# factor of 3. I pick 3 files from the set of n (say 1, 3, and 5). I then
+# rewrite the data as 1:3:5:cat. I begin a transaction, add the key/data
+# pair to each file and then commit. Notice that I may generate replication
+# of the form 1:3:3:cat in which case I simply add a duplicate to file 3.
+# Usage: sysscript dir nfiles key_avg data_avg
+# dir: DB_HOME directory
+# nfiles: number of files in the set
+# key_avg: average big key size
+# data_avg: average big data size
+source ./include.tcl
+source $test_path/test.tcl
+source $test_path/testutils.tcl
+set alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+set mypid [pid]
+set usage "sysscript dir nfiles key_avg data_avg method"
+# Verify usage
+if { $argc != 5 } {
+ puts stderr "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: $usage"
+ exit
+puts [concat "Argc: " $argc " Argv: " $argv]
+# Initialize arguments
+set dir [lindex $argv 0]
+set nfiles [ lindex $argv 1 ]
+set key_avg [ lindex $argv 2 ]
+set data_avg [ lindex $argv 3 ]
+set method [ lindex $argv 4 ]
+# Initialize seed
+global rand_init
+berkdb srand $rand_init
+puts "Beginning execution for $mypid"
+puts "$dir DB_HOME"
+puts "$nfiles files"
+puts "$key_avg average key length"
+puts "$data_avg average data length"
+flush stdout
+# Create local environment
+set dbenv [berkdb env -txn -home $dir]
+set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:dbenv [is_substr $dbenv env] 1} ret]
+if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+# Now open the files
+for { set i 0 } { $i < $nfiles } { incr i } {
+ set file test044.$i.db
+ set db($i) [berkdb open -env $dbenv $method $file]
+ set err [catch {error_check_bad $mypid:dbopen $db($i) NULL} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_bad $mypid:dbopen [is_substr $db($i) \
+ error] 1} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+set record_based [is_record_based $method]
+while { 1 } {
+ # Decide if we're going to create a big key or a small key
+ # We give small keys a 70% chance.
+ if { [berkdb random_int 1 10] < 8 } {
+ set k [random_data 5 0 0 $record_based]
+ } else {
+ set k [random_data $key_avg 0 0 $record_based]
+ }
+ set data [chop_data $method [random_data $data_avg 0 0]]
+ set txn [$dbenv txn]
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:txn_begin [is_substr $txn \
+ $dbenv.txn] 1} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ # Open cursors
+ for { set f 0 } {$f < $nfiles} {incr f} {
+ set cursors($f) [$db($f) cursor -txn $txn]
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:cursor_open \
+ [is_substr $cursors($f) $db($f)] 1} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set aborted 0
+ # Check to see if key is already in database
+ set found 0
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $nfiles } { incr i } {
+ set r [$db($i) get -txn $txn $k]
+ set r [$db($i) get -txn $txn $k]
+ if { $r == "-1" } {
+ for {set f 0 } {$f < $nfiles} {incr f} {
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:cursor_close \
+ [$cursors($f) close] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:txn_abort \
+ [$txn abort] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set aborted 1
+ set found 2
+ break
+ } elseif { $r != "Key $k not found." } {
+ set found 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ switch $found {
+ 2 {
+ # Transaction aborted, no need to do anything.
+ }
+ 0 {
+ # Key was not found, decide how much to replicate
+ # and then create a list of that many file IDs.
+ set repl [berkdb random_int 1 $nfiles]
+ set fset ""
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $repl } {incr i} {
+ set f [berkdb random_int 0 [expr $nfiles - 1]]
+ lappend fset $f
+ set data [chop_data $method $f:$data]
+ }
+ foreach i $fset {
+ set r [$db($i) put -txn $txn $k $data]
+ if {$r == "-1"} {
+ for {set f 0 } {$f < $nfiles} {incr f} {
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:cursor_close \
+ [$cursors($f) close] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:txn_abort [$txn abort] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set aborted 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ 1 {
+ # Key was found. Make sure that all the data values
+ # look good.
+ set f [zero_list $nfiles]
+ set data $r
+ while { [set ndx [string first : $r]] != -1 } {
+ set fnum [string range $r 0 [expr $ndx - 1]]
+ if { [lindex $f $fnum] == 0 } {
+ #set flag -set
+ set full [record $cursors($fnum) get -set $k]
+ } else {
+ #set flag -next
+ set full [record $cursors($fnum) get -next]
+ }
+ if {[llength $full] == 0} {
+ for {set f 0 } {$f < $nfiles} {incr f} {
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:cursor_close \
+ [$cursors($f) close] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:txn_abort [$txn abort] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set aborted 1
+ break
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_bad \
+ $mypid:curs_get($k,$data,$fnum,$flag) \
+ [string length $full] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set key [lindex [lindex $full 0] 0]
+ set rec [pad_data $method [lindex [lindex $full 0] 1]]
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:dbget_$fnum:key $key $k} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_good \
+ $mypid:dbget_$fnum:data($k) $rec $data} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ set f [lreplace $f $fnum $fnum 1]
+ incr ndx
+ set r [string range $r $ndx end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $aborted == 0 } {
+ for {set f 0 } {$f < $nfiles} {incr f} {
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:cursor_close \
+ [$cursors($f) close] 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:commit [$txn commit] \
+ 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+# Close files
+for { set i 0 } { $i < $nfiles} { incr i } {
+ set r [$db($i) close]
+ set err [catch {error_check_good $mypid:db_close:$i $r 0} ret]
+ if {$err != 0} {
+ puts $ret
+ return
+ }
+# Close tm and environment
+$dbenv close
+puts "[timestamp] [pid] Complete"
+flush stdout
+filecheck $file 0