path: root/bdb/test/test019.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/test019.tcl')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/test019.tcl b/bdb/test/test019.tcl
index 4031ae2dc16..aa3a58a0bcd 100644
--- a/bdb/test/test019.tcl
+++ b/bdb/test/test019.tcl
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
-# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
-# $Id: test019.tcl,v 11.14 2000/08/25 14:21:54 sue Exp $
+# $Id: test019.tcl,v 11.21 2002/05/22 15:42:47 sue Exp $
-# Test019 { access_method nentries }
-# Test the partial get functionality.
+# TEST test019
+# TEST Partial get test.
proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
global fixed_len
global rand_init
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
set args [convert_args $method $args]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
- puts "Test019: $method ($args) $nentries partial get test"
# Create the database and open the dictionary
+ set txnenv 0
set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
# If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
@@ -28,11 +27,25 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
set testfile test019.db
incr eindex
set env [lindex $args $eindex]
+ set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ append args " -auto_commit "
+ #
+ # If we are using txns and running with the
+ # default, set the default down a bit.
+ #
+ if { $nentries == 10000 } {
+ set nentries 100
+ }
+ }
+ set testdir [get_home $env]
+ puts "Test019: $method ($args) $nentries partial get test"
cleanup $testdir $env
set db [eval {berkdb_open \
- -create -truncate -mode 0644} $args {$omethod $testfile}]
+ -create -mode 0644} $args {$omethod $testfile}]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set did [open $dict]
berkdb srand $rand_init
@@ -57,6 +70,11 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
set repl [berkdb random_int $fixed_len 100]
set data [chop_data $method [replicate $str $repl]]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ set t [$env txn]
+ error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
+ set txn "-txn $t"
+ }
set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {-nooverwrite $key $data}]
error_check_good dbput:$key $ret 0
@@ -64,6 +82,9 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
error_check_good \
dbget:$key $ret [list [list $key [pad_data $method $data]]]
set kvals($key) $repl
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
+ }
close $did
@@ -76,18 +97,23 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
} else {
set key $str
- set data [replicate $str $kvals($key)]
+ set data [pad_data $method [replicate $str $kvals($key)]]
+ set maxndx [expr [string length $data] - 1]
- if { [is_fixed_length $method] == 1 } {
- set maxndx $fixed_len
- } else {
- set maxndx [expr [string length $data] - 1]
- }
set beg [berkdb random_int 0 [expr $maxndx - 1]]
- set len [berkdb random_int 1 [expr $maxndx - $beg]]
+ set len [berkdb random_int 0 [expr $maxndx * 2]]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ set t [$env txn]
+ error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
+ set txn "-txn $t"
+ }
set ret [eval {$db get} \
$txn {-partial [list $beg $len]} $gflags {$key}]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
+ }
# In order for tcl to handle this, we have to overwrite the
# last character with a NULL. That makes the length one less
@@ -95,12 +121,10 @@ proc test019 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
set k [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 0]
set d [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
error_check_good dbget_key $k $key
- # If $d contains some of the padding, we want to get rid of it.
- set firstnull [string first "\0" $d]
- if { $firstnull == -1 } { set firstnull [string length $d] }
- error_check_good dbget_data \
- [string range $d 0 [expr $firstnull - 1]] \
+ error_check_good dbget_data $d \
[string range $data $beg [expr $beg + $len - 1]]
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
close $did