path: root/bdb/test/test072.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/test072.tcl')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/test072.tcl b/bdb/test/test072.tcl
index 3ca7415a2cb..3c08f93975d 100644
--- a/bdb/test/test072.tcl
+++ b/bdb/test/test072.tcl
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2000
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
-# $Id: test072.tcl,v 11.13 2000/12/11 17:24:55 sue Exp $
+# $Id: test072.tcl,v 11.27 2002/07/01 15:40:48 krinsky Exp $
-# DB Test 72: Test of cursor stability when duplicates are moved off-page.
+# TEST test072
+# TEST Test of cursor stability when duplicates are moved off-page.
proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
source ./include.tcl
global alphabet
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set args [convert_args $method $args]
+ set txnenv 0
set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
# If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
@@ -24,6 +26,11 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
set testfile test0$tnum.db
incr eindex
set env [lindex $args $eindex]
+ set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ append args " -auto_commit "
+ }
+ set testdir [get_home $env]
cleanup $testdir $env
@@ -37,8 +44,6 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
set predatum "1234567890"
set postdatum "0987654321"
- append args " -pagesize $pagesize "
puts -nonewline "Test0$tnum $omethod ($args): "
if { [is_record_based $method] || [is_rbtree $method] } {
puts "Skipping for method $method."
@@ -53,57 +58,73 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
- foreach dupopt { "-dup" "-dup -dupsort" } {
- set db [eval {berkdb_open -create -truncate -mode 0644} \
- $omethod $args $dupopt $testfile]
+ append args " -pagesize $pagesize "
+ set txn ""
+ set dlist [list "-dup" "-dup -dupsort"]
+ set testid 0
+ foreach dupopt $dlist {
+ incr testid
+ set duptestfile $testfile$testid
+ set db [eval {berkdb_open -create -mode 0644} \
+ $omethod $args $dupopt {$duptestfile}]
error_check_good "db open" [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
puts \
"\tTest0$tnum.a: ($dupopt) Set up surrounding keys and cursors."
- error_check_good pre_put [$db put $prekey $predatum] 0
- error_check_good post_put [$db put $postkey $postdatum] 0
- set precursor [$db cursor]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ set t [$env txn]
+ error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
+ set txn "-txn $t"
+ }
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$prekey $predatum}]
+ error_check_good pre_put $ret 0
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$postkey $postdatum}]
+ error_check_good post_put $ret 0
+ set precursor [eval {$db cursor} $txn]
error_check_good precursor [is_valid_cursor $precursor \
$db] TRUE
- set postcursor [$db cursor]
+ set postcursor [eval {$db cursor} $txn]
error_check_good postcursor [is_valid_cursor $postcursor \
$db] TRUE
error_check_good preset [$precursor get -set $prekey] \
[list [list $prekey $predatum]]
error_check_good postset [$postcursor get -set $postkey] \
[list [list $postkey $postdatum]]
puts "\tTest0$tnum.b: Put/create cursor/verify all cursor loop."
for { set i 0 } { $i < $ndups } { incr i } {
set datum [format "%4d$alphabet" [expr $i + 1000]]
set data($i) $datum
# Uncomment these lines to see intermediate steps.
- error_check_good db_sync($i) [$db sync] 0
- error_check_good db_dump($i) \
- [catch {exec $util_path/db_dump \
- -da $testfile > TESTDIR/out.$i}] 0
- error_check_good "db put ($i)" [$db put $key $datum] 0
- set dbc($i) [$db cursor]
+ # error_check_good db_sync($i) [$db sync] 0
+ # error_check_good db_dump($i) \
+ # [catch {exec $util_path/db_dump \
+ # -da $duptestfile > $testdir/out.$i}] 0
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$key $datum}]
+ error_check_good "db put ($i)" $ret 0
+ set dbc($i) [eval {$db cursor} $txn]
error_check_good "db cursor ($i)"\
[is_valid_cursor $dbc($i) $db] TRUE
error_check_good "dbc get -get_both ($i)"\
[$dbc($i) get -get_both $key $datum]\
[list [list $key $datum]]
for { set j 0 } { $j < $i } { incr j } {
set dbt [$dbc($j) get -current]
set k [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
set d [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
#puts "cursor $j after $i: $d"
eval {$db sync}
"cursor $j key correctness after $i puts" \
$k $key
@@ -111,8 +132,8 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
"cursor $j data correctness after $i puts" \
$d $data($j)
- # Check correctness of pre- and post- cursors. Do an
+ # Check correctness of pre- and post- cursors. Do an
# error_check_good on the lengths first so that we don't
# spew garbage as the "got" field and screw up our
# terminal. (It's happened here.)
@@ -121,7 +142,7 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
error_check_good \
"key earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $pre_dbt 0] 0]] \
- [string length $prekey]
+ [string length $prekey]
error_check_good \
"data earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $pre_dbt 0] 1]] \
@@ -129,12 +150,11 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
error_check_good \
"key later cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $post_dbt 0] 0]] \
- [string length $postkey]
+ [string length $postkey]
error_check_good \
"data later cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $post_dbt 0] 1]]\
[string length $postdatum]
error_check_good \
"earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
@@ -143,38 +163,40 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
"later cursor correctness after $i puts" \
$post_dbt [list [list $postkey $postdatum]]
puts "\tTest0$tnum.c: Reverse Put/create cursor/verify all cursor loop."
set end [expr $ndups * 2 - 1]
- for { set i $end } { $i > $ndups } { set i [expr $i - 1] } {
+ for { set i $end } { $i >= $ndups } { set i [expr $i - 1] } {
set datum [format "%4d$alphabet" [expr $i + 1000]]
set data($i) $datum
# Uncomment these lines to see intermediate steps.
- error_check_good db_sync($i) [$db sync] 0
- error_check_good db_dump($i) \
- [catch {exec $util_path/db_dump \
- -da $testfile > TESTDIR/out.$i}] 0
- error_check_good "db put ($i)" [$db put $key $datum] 0
- set dbc($i) [$db cursor]
+ # error_check_good db_sync($i) [$db sync] 0
+ # error_check_good db_dump($i) \
+ # [catch {exec $util_path/db_dump \
+ # -da $duptestfile > $testdir/out.$i}] 0
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$key $datum}]
+ error_check_good "db put ($i)" $ret 0
+ error_check_bad dbc($i)_stomped [info exists dbc($i)] 1
+ set dbc($i) [eval {$db cursor} $txn]
error_check_good "db cursor ($i)"\
[is_valid_cursor $dbc($i) $db] TRUE
error_check_good "dbc get -get_both ($i)"\
[$dbc($i) get -get_both $key $datum]\
[list [list $key $datum]]
for { set j $i } { $j < $end } { incr j } {
set dbt [$dbc($j) get -current]
set k [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
set d [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
#puts "cursor $j after $i: $d"
eval {$db sync}
"cursor $j key correctness after $i puts" \
$k $key
@@ -182,8 +204,8 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
"cursor $j data correctness after $i puts" \
$d $data($j)
- # Check correctness of pre- and post- cursors. Do an
+ # Check correctness of pre- and post- cursors. Do an
# error_check_good on the lengths first so that we don't
# spew garbage as the "got" field and screw up our
# terminal. (It's happened here.)
@@ -192,7 +214,7 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
error_check_good \
"key earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $pre_dbt 0] 0]] \
- [string length $prekey]
+ [string length $prekey]
error_check_good \
"data earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $pre_dbt 0] 1]] \
@@ -200,12 +222,11 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
error_check_good \
"key later cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $post_dbt 0] 0]] \
- [string length $postkey]
+ [string length $postkey]
error_check_good \
"data later cursor correctness after $i puts" \
[string length [lindex [lindex $post_dbt 0] 1]]\
[string length $postdatum]
error_check_good \
"earlier cursor correctness after $i puts" \
@@ -217,9 +238,15 @@ proc test072 { method {pagesize 512} {ndups 20} {tnum 72} args } {
# Close cursors.
puts "\tTest0$tnum.d: Closing cursors."
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $ndups } { incr i } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i <= $end } { incr i } {
error_check_good "dbc close ($i)" [$dbc($i) close] 0
+ unset dbc
+ error_check_good precursor_close [$precursor close] 0
+ error_check_good postcursor_close [$postcursor close] 0
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
+ }
error_check_good "db close" [$db close] 0