path: root/client/mysqltest.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/mysqltest.c')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/client/mysqltest.c b/client/mysqltest.c
index 212f9b64ea1..a01322181e0 100644
--- a/client/mysqltest.c
+++ b/client/mysqltest.c
@@ -481,9 +481,10 @@ my_bool mysql_rpl_probe(MYSQL *mysql __attribute__((unused))) { return 1; }
static void replace_dynstr_append_mem(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, const char *val,
int len);
static void replace_dynstr_append(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, const char *val);
-static int normal_handle_error(const char *query, struct st_query *q,
- MYSQL *mysql, DYNAMIC_STRING *ds);
-static int normal_handle_no_error(struct st_query *q);
+static int handle_error(const char *query, struct st_query *q,
+ unsigned int err_errno, const char *err_error,
+ const char *err_sqlstate, DYNAMIC_STRING *ds);
+static int handle_no_error(struct st_query *q);
static void do_eval(DYNAMIC_STRING* query_eval, const char *query)
@@ -2071,11 +2072,12 @@ int connect_n_handle_errors(struct st_query *q, MYSQL* con, const char* host,
if (!mysql_real_connect(con, host, user, pass, db, port, sock ? sock: 0,
- error= normal_handle_error("connect", q, con, ds);
+ error= handle_error("connect", q, mysql_errno(con), mysql_error(con),
+ mysql_sqlstate(con), ds);
*create_conn= 0;
goto err;
- else if (normal_handle_no_error(q))
+ else if (handle_no_error(q))
Fail if there was no error but we expected it.
@@ -2964,8 +2966,6 @@ static void append_result(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL_RES *res)
static int run_query_normal(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *q, int flags);
static int run_query_stmt (MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *q, int flags);
static void run_query_stmt_handle_warnings(MYSQL *mysql, DYNAMIC_STRING *ds);
-static int run_query_stmt_handle_error(char *query, struct st_query *q,
static void run_query_display_metadata(MYSQL_FIELD *field, uint num_fields,
@@ -3049,12 +3049,13 @@ static int run_query_normal(MYSQL* mysql, struct st_query* q, int flags)
(!(last_result= res= mysql_store_result(mysql)) &&
- if (normal_handle_error(query, q, mysql, ds))
+ if (handle_error(query, q, mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql),
+ mysql_sqlstate(mysql), ds))
error= 1;
goto end;
- if (normal_handle_no_error(q))
+ if (handle_no_error(q))
error= 1;
goto end;
@@ -3169,14 +3170,15 @@ end:
- Handle errors which occurred after execution of conventional (non-prepared)
- statement.
+ Handle errors which occurred after execution
- normal_handle_error()
+ handle_error()
query - query string
q - query context
- mysql - connection through which query was sent to server
+ err_errno - error number
+ err_error - error message
+ err_sqlstate - sql state
ds - dynamic string which is used for output buffer
@@ -3188,85 +3190,83 @@ end:
1 - Some other error was expected.
-static int normal_handle_error(const char *query, struct st_query *q,
+static int handle_error(const char *query, struct st_query *q,
+ unsigned int err_errno, const char *err_error,
+ const char* err_sqlstate, DYNAMIC_STRING *ds)
uint i;
- DBUG_ENTER("normal_handle_error");
+ DBUG_ENTER("handle_error");
if (q->require_file)
if (q->abort_on_error)
die("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", query,
- mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
- else
+ err_errno, err_error);
+ for (i= 0 ; (uint) i < q->expected_errors ; i++)
- for (i= 0 ; (uint) i < q->expected_errors ; i++)
+ if (((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_ERRNO) &&
+ (q->expected_errno[i].code.errnum == err_errno)) ||
+ ((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_SQLSTATE) &&
+ (strcmp(q->expected_errno[i].code.sqlstate, err_sqlstate) == 0)))
- if (((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_ERRNO) &&
- (q->expected_errno[i].code.errnum == mysql_errno(mysql))) ||
- ((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_SQLSTATE) &&
- (strcmp(q->expected_errno[i].code.sqlstate, mysql_sqlstate(mysql)) == 0)))
+ if (q->expected_errors == 1)
- if (q->expected_errors == 1)
- {
- /* Only log error if there is one possible error */
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, "ERROR ", 6);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_sqlstate(mysql));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, ": ", 2);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_error(mysql));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds,"\n",1);
- }
- /* Don't log error if we may not get an error */
- else if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_SQLSTATE ||
- (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO &&
- q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum != 0))
- dynstr_append(ds,"Got one of the listed errors\n");
- /* OK */
+ /* Only log error if there is one possible error */
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds, "ERROR ", 6);
+ replace_dynstr_append(ds, err_sqlstate);
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds, ": ", 2);
+ replace_dynstr_append(ds, err_error);
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds,"\n",1);
+ /* Don't log error if we may not get an error */
+ else if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_SQLSTATE ||
+ (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO &&
+ q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum != 0))
+ dynstr_append(ds,"Got one of the listed errors\n");
+ /* OK */
+ }
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("i: %d expected_errors: %d", i, q->expected_errors));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, "ERROR ",6);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_sqlstate(mysql));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, ": ", 2);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_error(mysql));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, "\n", 1);
+ DBUG_PRINT("info",("i: %d expected_errors: %d", i, q->expected_errors));
- if (i)
- {
- if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO)
- verbose_msg("query '%s' failed with wrong errno %d instead of %d...",
- q->query, mysql_errno(mysql),
- q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum);
- else
- verbose_msg("query '%s' failed with wrong sqlstate %s instead of %s...",
- q->query, mysql_sqlstate(mysql),
- q->expected_errno[0].code.sqlstate);
- }
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds, "ERROR ",6);
+ replace_dynstr_append(ds, err_sqlstate);
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds, ": ", 2);
+ replace_dynstr_append(ds, err_error);
+ dynstr_append_mem(ds, "\n", 1);
- /*
- If we do not abort on error, failure to run the query does not fail the
- whole test case.
- */
- verbose_msg("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", q->query, mysql_errno(mysql),
- mysql_error(mysql));
+ if (i)
+ {
+ if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO)
+ verbose_msg("query '%s' failed with wrong errno %d instead of %d...",
+ q->query, err_errno,
+ q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum);
+ else
+ verbose_msg("query '%s' failed with wrong sqlstate %s instead of %s...",
+ q->query, err_sqlstate,
+ q->expected_errno[0].code.sqlstate);
- return 0; /* Keep compiler happy */
+ /*
+ If we do not abort on error, failure to run the query does not fail the
+ whole test case.
+ */
+ verbose_msg("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", q->query, err_errno,
+ err_error);
- Handle absence of errors after execution of convetional statement.
+ Handle absence of errors after execution
- normal_handle_error()
+ handle_no_error()
q - context of query
@@ -3274,9 +3274,9 @@ static int normal_handle_error(const char *query, struct st_query *q,
1 - Some error was expected from this query.
-static int normal_handle_no_error(struct st_query *q)
+static int handle_no_error(struct st_query *q)
- DBUG_ENTER("normal_handle_no_error");
+ DBUG_ENTER("handle_no_error");
if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO &&
q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum != 0)
@@ -3370,17 +3370,17 @@ static int run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *q, int flags)
if (q->abort_on_error)
- die("unable to prepare statement '%s': "
- "%s (mysql_stmt_errno=%d returned=%d)",
- query,
- mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), err);
+ die("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", query,
+ mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
Preparing is part of normal execution and some errors may be expected
- error= run_query_stmt_handle_error(query, q, stmt, ds);
+ error= handle_error(query, q, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
+ mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt),
+ ds);
goto end;
@@ -3413,7 +3413,9 @@ static int run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *q, int flags)
/* We got an error, maybe expected */
- error= run_query_stmt_handle_error(query, q, stmt, ds);
+ error= handle_error(query, q, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
+ mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt),
+ ds);
goto end;
@@ -3449,18 +3451,16 @@ static int run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *q, int flags)
/* We got an error, maybe expected */
- error= run_query_stmt_handle_error(query, q, stmt, ds);
+ error= handle_error(query, q, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
+ mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt),
+ ds);
goto end;
/* If we got here the statement was both executed and read succeesfully */
- if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO &&
- q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum != 0)
+ if (handle_no_error(q))
- verbose_msg("query '%s' succeeded - should have failed with errno %d...",
- q->query, q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum);
error= 1;
goto end;
@@ -3740,71 +3740,6 @@ static void run_query_stmt_handle_warnings(MYSQL *mysql, DYNAMIC_STRING *ds)
-static int run_query_stmt_handle_error(char *query, struct st_query *q,
- if (q->require_file) /* FIXME don't understand this one */
- {
- abort_not_supported_test();
- }
- if (q->abort_on_error)
- die("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", query,
- mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
- else
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0 ; (uint) i < q->expected_errors ; i++)
- {
- if (((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_ERRNO) &&
- (q->expected_errno[i].code.errnum == mysql_stmt_errno(stmt))) ||
- ((q->expected_errno[i].type == ERR_SQLSTATE) &&
- (strcmp(q->expected_errno[i].code.sqlstate,
- mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt)) == 0)))
- {
- if (i == 0 && q->expected_errors == 1)
- {
- /* Only log error if there is one possible error */
- dynstr_append_mem(ds,"ERROR ",6);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, ": ", 2);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds,mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds,"\n",1);
- }
- /* Don't log error if we may not get an error */
- else if (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_SQLSTATE ||
- (q->expected_errno[0].type == ERR_ERRNO &&
- q->expected_errno[0].code.errnum != 0))
- dynstr_append(ds,"Got one of the listed errors\n");
- return 0; /* Ok */
- }
- }
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("i: %d expected_errors: %d", i,
- q->expected_errors));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds, "ERROR ",6);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds,": ",2);
- replace_dynstr_append(ds, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
- dynstr_append_mem(ds,"\n",1);
- if (i)
- {
- verbose_msg("query '%s' failed with wrong errno %d instead of %d...",
- q->query, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), q->expected_errno[0]);
- return 1; /* Error */
- }
- verbose_msg("query '%s' failed: %d: %s", q->query, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
- mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
- /*
- if we do not abort on error, failure to run the query does
- not fail the whole test case
- */
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
* Functions to match SQL statements that can be prepared