path: root/extra
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extra')
2 files changed, 338 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/extra/mariabackup/ b/extra/mariabackup/
index a58f2d012cf..e1dedc70415 100644
--- a/extra/mariabackup/
+++ b/extra/mariabackup/
@@ -266,7 +266,8 @@ free_mysql_variables(mysql_variable *vars)
char *
-read_mysql_one_value(MYSQL *connection, const char *query)
+read_mysql_one_value(MYSQL *connection, const char *query,
+ uint column, uint expect_columns)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_result;
@@ -274,10 +275,10 @@ read_mysql_one_value(MYSQL *connection, const char *query)
mysql_result = xb_mysql_query(connection, query, true);
- ut_ad(mysql_num_fields(mysql_result) == 1);
+ ut_ad(mysql_num_fields(mysql_result) == expect_columns);
if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_result))) {
- result = strdup(row[0]);
+ result = strdup(row[column]);
@@ -285,6 +286,15 @@ read_mysql_one_value(MYSQL *connection, const char *query)
+char *
+read_mysql_one_value(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query)
+ return read_mysql_one_value(mysql, query, 0/*offset*/, 1/*total columns*/);
check_server_version(unsigned long version_number,
@@ -1077,92 +1087,327 @@ cleanup:
+class Var
+ const char *m_name;
+ char *m_value;
+ /*
+ Disable copying constructors for safety, as the default binary copying
+ which would be wrong. If we ever want them, the m_value
+ member should be copied using an strdup()-alike function.
+ */
+ Var(const Var &); // Disabled
+ Var(Var &); // Disabled
+ ~Var()
+ {
+ free(m_value);
+ }
+ Var(const char *name)
+ :m_name(name),
+ m_value(NULL)
+ { }
+ // Init using a SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'name' query
+ Var(const char *name, MYSQL *mysql)
+ :m_name(name)
+ {
+ char buf[128];
+ my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%s'", m_name);
+ m_value= read_mysql_one_value(mysql, buf, 1/*offset*/, 2/*total columns*/);
+ }
+ /*
+ Init by name from a result set.
+ If the variable name is not found in the result set metadata field names,
+ it's value stays untouched.
+ */
+ bool init(MYSQL_RES *mysql_result, MYSQL_ROW row)
+ {
+ MYSQL_FIELD *field= mysql_fetch_fields(mysql_result);
+ for (uint i= 0; i < mysql_num_fields(mysql_result); i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(field[i].name, m_name))
+ {
+ free(m_value); // In case it was initialized earlier
+ m_value= row[i] ? strdup(row[i]) : NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void replace(char from, char to)
+ {
+ ut_ad(m_value);
+ for (char *ptr= strchr(m_value, from); ptr; ptr= strchr(ptr, from))
+ *ptr= to;
+ }
+ const char *value() const { return m_value; }
+ bool eq_value(const char *str, size_t length) const
+ {
+ return m_value && !strncmp(m_value, str, length) && m_value[length] == '\0';
+ }
+ bool is_null_or_empty() const { return !m_value || !m_value[0]; }
+ bool print(String *to) const
+ {
+ ut_ad(m_value);
+ return to->append(m_value, strlen(m_value));
+ }
+ bool print_quoted(String *to) const
+ {
+ ut_ad(m_value);
+ return to->append('\'') || to->append(m_value, strlen(m_value)) ||
+ to->append('\'');
+ }
+ bool print_set_global(String *to) const
+ {
+ ut_ad(m_value);
+ return
+ to->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SET GLOBAL ")) ||
+ to->append(m_name, strlen(m_name)) ||
+ to->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" = '")) ||
+ to->append(m_value, strlen(m_value)) ||
+ to->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("';\n"));
+ }
+class Show_slave_status
+ Var m_mariadb_connection_name; // MariaDB: e.g. 'master1'
+ Var m_master; // e.g. 'localhost'
+ Var m_filename; // e.g. 'source-bin.000002'
+ Var m_position; // a number
+ Var m_mysql_gtid_executed; // MySQL56: e.g. single '<UUID>:1-5" or multiline
+ // '<UUID1>:1-10,\n<UUID2>:1-20\n<UUID3>:1-30'
+ Var m_mariadb_using_gtid; // MariaDB: 'No','Slave_Pos','Current_Pos'
+ Show_slave_status()
+ :m_mariadb_connection_name("Connection_name"),
+ m_master("Master_Host"),
+ m_filename("Relay_Master_Log_File"),
+ m_position("Exec_Master_Log_Pos"),
+ m_mysql_gtid_executed("Executed_Gtid_Set"),
+ m_mariadb_using_gtid("Using_Gtid")
+ { }
+ void init(MYSQL_RES *res, MYSQL_ROW row)
+ {
+ m_mariadb_connection_name.init(res, row);
+ m_master.init(res, row);
+ m_filename.init(res, row);
+ m_position.init(res, row);
+ m_mysql_gtid_executed.init(res, row);
+ m_mariadb_using_gtid.init(res, row);
+ // Normalize
+ if (m_mysql_gtid_executed.value())
+ m_mysql_gtid_executed.replace('\n', ' ');
+ }
+ static void msg_is_not_slave()
+ {
+ msg("Failed to get master binlog coordinates "
+ "from SHOW SLAVE STATUS.This means that the server is not a "
+ "replication slave. Ignoring the --slave-info option");
+ }
+ bool is_mariadb_using_gtid() const
+ {
+ return !m_mariadb_using_gtid.eq_value("No", 2);
+ }
+ static bool start_comment_chunk(String *to)
+ {
+ return to->length() ? to->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("; ")) : false;
+ }
+ bool print_connection_name_if_set(String *to) const
+ {
+ if (!m_mariadb_connection_name.is_null_or_empty())
+ return m_mariadb_connection_name.print_quoted(to) || to->append(' ');
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool print_comment_master_identity(String *comment) const
+ {
+ if (comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("master ")))
+ return true;
+ if (!m_mariadb_connection_name.is_null_or_empty())
+ return m_mariadb_connection_name.print_quoted(comment);
+ return comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("''")); // Default not named master
+ }
+ bool print_using_master_log_pos(String *sql, String *comment) const
+ {
+ return
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CHANGE MASTER ")) ||
+ print_connection_name_if_set(sql) ||
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("TO MASTER_LOG_FILE=")) ||
+ m_filename.print_quoted(sql) ||
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(", MASTER_LOG_POS=")) ||
+ m_position.print(sql) ||
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(";\n")) ||
+ print_comment_master_identity(comment) ||
+ comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" filename ")) ||
+ m_filename.print_quoted(comment) ||
+ comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" position ")) ||
+ m_position.print_quoted(comment);
+ }
+ bool print_mysql56(String *sql, String *comment) const
+ {
+ /*
+ SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged = '2174B383-5441-11E8-B90A-C80AA9429562:1-1029, '
+ '224DA167-0C0C-11E8-8442-00059A3C7B00:1-2695';
+ */
+ return
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SET GLOBAL gtid_purged=")) ||
+ m_mysql_gtid_executed.print_quoted(sql) ||
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(";\n")) ||
+ print_comment_master_identity(comment) ||
+ comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" purge list ")) ||
+ m_mysql_gtid_executed.print_quoted(comment);
+ }
+ bool print_mariadb10_using_gtid(String *sql, String *comment) const
+ {
+ return
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CHANGE MASTER ")) ||
+ print_connection_name_if_set(sql) ||
+ sql->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("TO master_use_gtid = slave_pos;\n")) ||
+ print_comment_master_identity(comment) ||
+ comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" master_use_gtid = slave_pos"));
+ }
+ bool print(String *sql, String *comment, const Var &gtid_slave_pos) const
+ {
+ if (!m_mysql_gtid_executed.is_null_or_empty())
+ {
+ /* MySQL >= 5.6 with GTID enabled */
+ return print_mysql56(sql, comment);
+ }
+ if (!gtid_slave_pos.is_null_or_empty() && is_mariadb_using_gtid())
+ {
+ /* MariaDB >= 10.0 with GTID enabled */
+ return print_mariadb10_using_gtid(sql, comment);
+ }
+ return print_using_master_log_pos(sql, comment);
+ }
+ /*
+ Get master info into strings "sql" and "comment" from a MYSQL_RES.
+ @return false on success
+ @return true on error
+ */
+ static bool get_slave_info(MYSQL_RES *show_slave_info_result,
+ const Var &gtid_slave_pos,
+ String *sql, String *comment)
+ {
+ if (!gtid_slave_pos.is_null_or_empty())
+ {
+ // Print gtid_slave_pos if any of the masters really needs it.
+ while (MYSQL_ROW row= mysql_fetch_row(show_slave_info_result))
+ {
+ Show_slave_status status;
+ status.init(show_slave_info_result, row);
+ if (status.is_mariadb_using_gtid())
+ {
+ if (gtid_slave_pos.print_set_global(sql) ||
+ comment->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("gtid_slave_pos ")) ||
+ gtid_slave_pos.print_quoted(comment))
+ return true; // Error
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Print the list of masters
+ mysql_data_seek(show_slave_info_result, 0);
+ while (MYSQL_ROW row= mysql_fetch_row(show_slave_info_result))
+ {
+ Show_slave_status status;
+ status.init(show_slave_info_result, row);
+ if (start_comment_chunk(comment) ||
+ status.print(sql, comment, gtid_slave_pos))
+ return true; // Error
+ }
+ return false; // Success
+ }
+ /*
+ Get master info into strings "sql" and "comment".
+ @return false on success
+ @return true on error
+ */
+ static bool get_slave_info(MYSQL *mysql, bool show_all_slave_status,
+ String *sql, String *comment)
+ {
+ bool rc= false; // Success
+ // gtid_slave_pos - MariaDB variable : e.g. "0-1-1" or "1-10-100,2-20-500"
+ Var gtid_slave_pos("gtid_slave_pos", mysql);
+ const char *query= show_all_slave_status ? "SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS" :
+ MYSQL_RES *mysql_result= xb_mysql_query(mysql, query, true);
+ if (!mysql_num_rows(mysql_result))
+ {
+ msg_is_not_slave();
+ // Don't change rc, we still want to continue the backup
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rc= get_slave_info(mysql_result, gtid_slave_pos, sql, comment);
+ }
+ mysql_free_result(mysql_result);
+ return rc;
+ }
Retrieves MySQL binlog position of the master server in a replication
setup and saves it in a file. It also saves it in mysql_slave_position
-variable. */
+@returns false on error
+@returns true on success
write_slave_info(MYSQL *connection)
- char *master = NULL;
- char *filename = NULL;
- char *gtid_executed = NULL;
- char *using_gtid = NULL;
- char *position = NULL;
- char *gtid_slave_pos = NULL;
- char *ptr;
- bool result = false;
- mysql_variable status[] = {
- {"Master_Host", &master},
- {"Relay_Master_Log_File", &filename},
- {"Exec_Master_Log_Pos", &position},
- {"Executed_Gtid_Set", &gtid_executed},
- {"Using_Gtid", &using_gtid},
- };
- mysql_variable variables[] = {
- {"gtid_slave_pos", &gtid_slave_pos},
- };
- read_mysql_variables(connection, "SHOW SLAVE STATUS", status, false);
- read_mysql_variables(connection, "SHOW VARIABLES", variables, true);
- if (master == NULL || filename == NULL || position == NULL) {
- msg("Failed to get master binlog coordinates "
- "from SHOW SLAVE STATUS.This means that the server is not a "
- "replication slave. Ignoring the --slave-info option");
- /* we still want to continue the backup */
- result = true;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /* Print slave status to a file.
- If GTID mode is used, construct a CHANGE MASTER statement with
- MASTER_AUTO_POSITION and correct a gtid_purged value. */
- if (gtid_executed != NULL && *gtid_executed) {
- /* MySQL >= 5.6 with GTID enabled */
+ String sql, comment;
+ bool show_all_slaves_status= false;
- for (ptr = strchr(gtid_executed, '\n');
- ptr;
- ptr = strchr(ptr, '\n')) {
- *ptr = ' ';
- }
+ switch (server_flavor)
+ {
+ show_all_slaves_status= mysql_server_version >= 100000;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
- result = backup_file_printf(XTRABACKUP_SLAVE_INFO,
- "SET GLOBAL gtid_purged='%s';\n"
- gtid_executed);
- ut_a(asprintf(&mysql_slave_position,
- "master host '%s', purge list '%s'",
- master, gtid_executed) != -1);
- } else if (gtid_slave_pos && *gtid_slave_pos &&
- !(using_gtid && !strncmp(using_gtid, "No", 2))) {
- /* MariaDB >= 10.0 with GTID enabled */
- result = backup_file_printf(XTRABACKUP_SLAVE_INFO,
- "SET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos = '%s';\n"
- "CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = slave_pos\n",
- gtid_slave_pos);
- ut_a(asprintf(&mysql_slave_position,
- "master host '%s', gtid_slave_pos %s",
- master, gtid_slave_pos) != -1);
- } else {
- result = backup_file_printf(XTRABACKUP_SLAVE_INFO,
- "MASTER_LOG_POS=%s\n", filename, position);
- ut_a(asprintf(&mysql_slave_position,
- "master host '%s', filename '%s', position '%s'",
- master, filename, position) != -1);
- }
+ if (Show_slave_status::get_slave_info(connection, show_all_slaves_status,
+ &sql, &comment))
+ return false; // Error
- free_mysql_variables(status);
- free_mysql_variables(variables);
+ if (!sql.length())
+ {
+ /*
+ SHOW [ALL] SLAVE STATUS returned no rows.
+ Don't create the file, but return success to continue the backup.
+ */
+ return true; // Success
+ }
- return(result);
+ mysql_slave_position= strdup(comment.c_ptr());
+ return backup_file_print_buf(XTRABACKUP_SLAVE_INFO, sql.ptr(), sql.length());
diff --git a/extra/mariabackup/ b/extra/mariabackup/
index 1d8d50fcbf0..a22e996200a 100644
--- a/extra/mariabackup/
+++ b/extra/mariabackup/
@@ -5559,11 +5559,23 @@ static ibool prepare_handle_new_files(const char *data_home_dir,
const char *file_name, void *arg)
const char *dest_dir = static_cast<const char *>(arg);
- std::string src_path = std::string(data_home_dir) + '/' + std::string(db_name) + '/' + file_name;
+ std::string src_path = std::string(data_home_dir) + '/' + std::string(db_name) + '/';
/* Copy "*.new" files from incremental to base dir for incremental backup */
std::string dest_path=
dest_dir ? std::string(dest_dir) + '/' + std::string(db_name) +
- '/' + file_name : src_path;
+ '/' : src_path;
+ /*
+ A CREATE DATABASE could have happened during the base mariabackup run.
+ In case if the current table file (e.g. ``) is from such
+ a new database, the database directory may not exist yet in
+ the base backup directory. Let's make sure to check if the directory
+ exists (and create if needed).
+ */
+ if (!directory_exists(dest_path.c_str(), true/*create if not exists*/))
+ return FALSE;
+ src_path+= file_name;
+ dest_path+= file_name;
size_t index = dest_path.find(".new");
DBUG_ASSERT(index != std::string::npos);