path: root/include/my_atomic.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/my_atomic.h')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/include/my_atomic.h b/include/my_atomic.h
index 7c589cd776a..855b781dfe3 100644
--- a/include/my_atomic.h
+++ b/include/my_atomic.h
@@ -20,41 +20,90 @@
This header defines five atomic operations:
my_atomic_add#(&var, what)
+ my_atomic_add#_explicit(&var, what, memory_order)
'Fetch and Add'
add 'what' to *var, and return the old value of *var
+ All memory orders are valid.
my_atomic_fas#(&var, what)
+ my_atomic_fas#_explicit(&var, what, memory_order)
'Fetch And Store'
store 'what' in *var, and return the old value of *var
+ All memory orders are valid.
my_atomic_cas#(&var, &old, new)
+ my_atomic_cas#_weak_explicit(&var, &old, new, succ, fail)
+ my_atomic_cas#_strong_explicit(&var, &old, new, succ, fail)
'Compare And Swap'
if *var is equal to *old, then store 'new' in *var, and return TRUE
otherwise store *var in *old, and return FALSE
+ succ - the memory synchronization ordering for the read-modify-write
+ operation if the comparison succeeds. All memory orders are valid.
+ fail - the memory synchronization ordering for the load operation if the
+ comparison fails. Cannot be MY_MEMORY_ORDER_RELEASE or
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_ACQ_REL and cannot specify stronger ordering than succ.
+ The weak form is allowed to fail spuriously, that is, act as if *var != *old
+ even if they are equal. When a compare-and-exchange is in a loop, the weak
+ version will yield better performance on some platforms. When a weak
+ compare-and-exchange would require a loop and a strong one would not, the
+ strong one is preferable.
+ my_atomic_load#_explicit(&var, memory_order)
return *var
my_atomic_store#(&var, what)
+ my_atomic_store#_explicit(&var, what, memory_order)
store 'what' in *var
'#' is substituted by a size suffix - 8, 16, 32, 64, or ptr
(e.g. my_atomic_add8, my_atomic_fas32, my_atomic_casptr).
- NOTE This operations are not always atomic, so they always must be
- enclosed in my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(lock)
- or my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock).
- Hint: if a code block makes intensive use of atomic ops, it make sense
- to take/release rwlock once for the whole block, not for every statement.
+ The first version orders memory accesses according to MY_MEMORY_ORDER_SEQ_CST,
+ the second version (with _explicit suffix) orders memory accesses according to
+ given memory order.
+ memory_order specifies how non-atomic memory accesses are to be ordered around
+ an atomic operation:
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_RELAXED - there are no constraints on reordering of memory
+ accesses around the atomic variable.
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_CONSUME - no reads in the current thread dependent on the
+ value currently loaded can be reordered before this
+ load. This ensures that writes to dependent
+ variables in other threads that release the same
+ atomic variable are visible in the current thread.
+ On most platforms, this affects compiler
+ optimization only.
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_ACQUIRE - no reads in the current thread can be reordered
+ before this load. This ensures that all writes in
+ other threads that release the same atomic variable
+ are visible in the current thread.
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_RELEASE - no writes in the current thread can be reordered
+ after this store. This ensures that all writes in
+ the current thread are visible in other threads that
+ acquire the same atomic variable.
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_ACQ_REL - no reads in the current thread can be reordered
+ before this load as well as no writes in the current
+ thread can be reordered after this store. The
+ operation is read-modify-write operation. It is
+ ensured that all writes in another threads that
+ release the same atomic variable are visible before
+ the modification and the modification is visible in
+ other threads that acquire the same atomic variable.
+ MY_MEMORY_ORDER_SEQ_CST - The operation has the same semantics as
+ acquire-release operation, and additionally has
+ sequentially-consistent operation ordering.
- On architectures where these operations are really atomic, rwlocks will
- be optimized away.
8- and 16-bit atomics aren't implemented for windows (see generic-msvc.h),
- but can be added, if necessary.
+ but can be added, if necessary.
-#ifndef my_atomic_rwlock_init
#define intptr void *
Currently we don't support 8-bit and 16-bit operations.
@@ -62,16 +111,14 @@
#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16
* Attempt to do atomic ops without locks
#include "atomic/nolock.h"
#ifndef make_atomic_cas_body
/* nolock.h was not able to generate even a CAS function, fall back */
-#include "atomic/rwlock.h"
+#error atomic ops for this platform are not implemented
/* define missing functions by using the already generated ones */
@@ -281,6 +328,79 @@ make_atomic_store(ptr)
#define MY_ATOMIC_NOT_1CPU 1
extern int my_atomic_initialize();
+#define my_atomic_store32_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_store_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_store64_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_store_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_storeptr_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_store_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_load32_explicit(P, O) __atomic_load_n((P), (O))
+#define my_atomic_load64_explicit(P, O) __atomic_load_n((P), (O))
+#define my_atomic_loadptr_explicit(P, O) __atomic_load_n((P), (O))
+#define my_atomic_fas32_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_exchange_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_fas64_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_exchange_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_fasptr_explicit(P, D, O) __atomic_exchange_n((P), (D), (O))
+#define my_atomic_add32_explicit(P, A, O) __atomic_fetch_add((P), (A), (O))
+#define my_atomic_add64_explicit(P, A, O) __atomic_fetch_add((P), (A), (O))
+#define my_atomic_cas32_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), true, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_cas64_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), true, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_casptr_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), true, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_cas32_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), false, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_cas64_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), false, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_casptr_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n((P), (E), (D), false, (S), (F))
+#define my_atomic_store32_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_store32((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_store64_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_store64((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_storeptr_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_storeptr((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_load32_explicit(P, O) my_atomic_load32((P))
+#define my_atomic_load64_explicit(P, O) my_atomic_load64((P))
+#define my_atomic_loadptr_explicit(P, O) my_atomic_loadptr((P))
+#define my_atomic_fas32_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_fas32((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_fas64_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_fas64((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_fasptr_explicit(P, D, O) my_atomic_fasptr((P), (D))
+#define my_atomic_add32_explicit(P, A, O) my_atomic_add32((P), (A))
+#define my_atomic_add64_explicit(P, A, O) my_atomic_add64((P), (A))
+#define my_atomic_addptr_explicit(P, A, O) my_atomic_addptr((P), (A))
+#define my_atomic_cas32_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_cas32((P), (E), (D))
+#define my_atomic_cas64_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_cas64((P), (E), (D))
+#define my_atomic_casptr_weak_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_casptr((P), (E), (D))
+#define my_atomic_cas32_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_cas32((P), (E), (D))
+#define my_atomic_cas64_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_cas64((P), (E), (D))
+#define my_atomic_casptr_strong_explicit(P, E, D, S, F) \
+ my_atomic_casptr((P), (E), (D))