path: root/include/my_pthread.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/my_pthread.h')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/include/my_pthread.h b/include/my_pthread.h
index d83ddf62a80..b6b65d4389a 100644
--- a/include/my_pthread.h
+++ b/include/my_pthread.h
@@ -289,8 +289,6 @@ extern int my_pthread_create_detached;
-#define sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B))
-#define signal(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B))
#define my_pthread_attr_setprio(A,B)
#endif /* defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) */
@@ -322,14 +320,26 @@ extern int my_pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *mp,
#if !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_mit_thread) && !defined(HAVE_rts_threads) && !defined(sigwait) && !defined(alpha_linux_port) && !defined(HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) && !defined(_AIX)
int sigwait(sigset_t *setp, int *sigp); /* Use our implemention */
-#if !defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(HAVE_mit_thread) && !defined(sigset)
-#define sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction s; sigset_t set; \
- sigemptyset(&set); \
- s.sa_handler = (B); \
- s.sa_mask = set; \
- s.sa_flags = 0; \
- sigaction((A), &s, (struct sigaction *) NULL); \
- } while (0)
+ We define my_sigset() and use that instead of the system sigset() so that
+ we can favor an implementation based on sigaction(). On some systems, such
+ as Mac OS X, sigset() results in flags such as SA_RESTART being set, and
+ we want to make sure that no such flags are set.
+#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(my_sigset)
+#define my_sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction s; sigset_t set; \
+ sigemptyset(&set); \
+ s.sa_handler = (B); \
+ s.sa_mask = set; \
+ s.sa_flags = 0; \
+ sigaction((A), &s, (struct sigaction *) NULL); \
+ } while (0)
+#elif defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(my_sigset)
+#define my_sigset(A,B) sigset((A),(B))
+#elif !defined(my_sigset)
+#define my_sigset(A,B) signal((A),(B))
#ifndef my_pthread_setprio
@@ -409,16 +419,13 @@ struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *res);
#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(&tmp); }
#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C))
#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_condattr_init(A) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_condattr_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0)
-#define pthread_signal(A,B) pthread_dummy(0)
#undef pthread_detach_this_thread
#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(tmp); }
-#undef sigset
-#define sigset(A,B) pthread_signal((A),(void (*)(int)) (B))
#if ((defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE) && !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT)) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS)) && !defined(HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER)