path: root/include/myisam.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/myisam.h')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/include/myisam.h b/include/myisam.h
index d7bfdf7191e..5a5d21e999e 100644
--- a/include/myisam.h
+++ b/include/myisam.h
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ extern "C" {
#include "keycache.h"
#include "my_handler.h"
+#include <myisamchk.h>
#include <mysql/plugin.h>
- Limit max keys according to HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY
+ Limit max keys according to HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY; See myisamchk.h for details
@@ -44,15 +45,7 @@ extern "C" {
- The following defines can be increased if necessary.
- But beware the dependency of MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF and MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH.
-#define MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 1000 /* Max length in bytes */
-#define MI_MAX_KEY_SEG 16 /* Max segments for key */
-#define MI_MAX_MSG_BUF 1024 /* used in CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE */
#define MI_NAME_IEXT ".MYI"
#define MI_NAME_DEXT ".MYD"
/* Max extra space to use when sorting keys */
@@ -233,7 +226,7 @@ struct st_mi_bit_buff;
typedef struct st_columndef /* column information */
- int16 type; /* en_fieldtype */
+ enum en_fieldtype type;
uint16 length; /* length of field */
uint32 offset; /* Offset to position in row */
uint8 null_bit; /* If column may be 0 */
@@ -248,7 +241,6 @@ typedef struct st_columndef /* column information */
extern char * myisam_log_filename; /* Name of logfile */
extern ulong myisam_block_size;
extern ulong myisam_concurrent_insert;
@@ -296,7 +288,7 @@ extern int mi_extra(struct st_myisam_info *file,
enum ha_extra_function function,
void *extra_arg);
extern int mi_reset(struct st_myisam_info *file);
-extern ha_rows mi_records_in_range(MI_INFO *info, int inx,
+extern ha_rows mi_records_in_range(MI_INFO *info,int inx,
key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key);
extern int mi_log(int activate_log);
extern int mi_is_changed(struct st_myisam_info *info);
@@ -309,190 +301,112 @@ extern uint mi_get_pointer_length(ulonglong file_length, uint def);
#define MYISAMCHK_REPAIR 1 /* equivalent to myisamchk -r */
#define MYISAMCHK_VERIFY 2 /* Verify, run repair if failure */
- Definitions needed for myisamchk.c
+typedef uint mi_bit_type;
- Entries marked as "QQ to be removed" are NOT used to
- pass check/repair options to mi_check.c. They are used
- internally by myisamchk.c or/and and should NOT
- be stored together with other flags. They should be removed
- from the following list to make addition of new flags possible.
+typedef struct st_mi_bit_buff
+{ /* Used for packing of record */
+ mi_bit_type current_byte;
+ uint bits;
+ uchar *pos, *end, *blob_pos, *blob_end;
+ uint error;
-#define T_AUTO_INC 1
-#define T_AUTO_REPAIR 2 /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_BACKUP_DATA 4
-#define T_CALC_CHECKSUM 8
-#define T_CHECK 16 /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_CHECK_ONLY_CHANGED 32 /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_DESCRIPT 128
-#define T_EXTEND 512
-#define T_FAST (1L << 10) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_FORCE_CREATE (1L << 11) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_FORCE_UNIQUENESS (1L << 12)
-#define T_INFO (1L << 13)
-#define T_MEDIUM (1L << 14)
-#define T_QUICK (1L << 15) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_READONLY (1L << 16) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_REP (1L << 17)
-#define T_REP_BY_SORT (1L << 18) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_REP_PARALLEL (1L << 19) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_RETRY_WITHOUT_QUICK (1L << 20)
-#define T_SAFE_REPAIR (1L << 21)
-#define T_SILENT (1L << 22)
-#define T_SORT_INDEX (1L << 23) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_SORT_RECORDS (1L << 24) /* QQ to be removed */
-#define T_STATISTICS (1L << 25)
-#define T_UNPACK (1L << 26)
-#define T_UPDATE_STATE (1L << 27)
-#define T_VERBOSE (1L << 28)
-#define T_VERY_SILENT (1L << 29)
-#define T_WAIT_FOREVER (1L << 30)
-#define T_WRITE_LOOP ((ulong) 1L << 31)
- Flags used by myisamchk.c or/and that are NOT passed
- to mi_check.c follows:
-#define TT_USEFRM 1
-#define TT_FOR_UPGRADE 2
-#define O_NEW_INDEX 1 /* Bits set in out_flag */
-#define O_NEW_DATA 2
-#define O_DATA_LOST 4
-/* these struct is used by my_check to tell it what to do */
-typedef struct st_sort_key_blocks /* Used when sorting */
+typedef struct st_sort_info
- uchar *buff,*end_pos;
- uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF];
- uint last_length;
- int inited;
- MyISAM supports several statistics collection methods. Currently statistics
- collection method is not stored in MyISAM file and has to be specified for
- each table analyze/repair operation in MI_CHECK::stats_method.
+#ifdef THREAD
+ /* sync things */
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ pthread_cond_t cond;
+ MI_INFO *info;
+ HA_CHECK *param;
+ uchar *buff;
+ SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block, *key_block_end;
+ SORT_FT_BUF *ft_buf;
+ my_off_t filelength, dupp, buff_length;
+ ha_rows max_records;
+ uint current_key, total_keys;
+ uint got_error, threads_running;
+ myf myf_rw;
+ enum data_file_type new_data_file_type;
-typedef enum
+typedef struct st_mi_sort_param
- /* Treat NULLs as inequal when collecting statistics (default for 4.1/5.0) */
- /* Treat NULLs as equal when collecting statistics (like 4.0 did) */
- /* Ignore NULLs - count only tuples without NULLs in the index components */
-} enum_mi_stats_method;
-typedef struct st_mi_check_param
- ulonglong auto_increment_value;
- ulonglong max_data_file_length;
- ulonglong keys_in_use;
- ulonglong max_record_length;
- my_off_t search_after_block;
- my_off_t new_file_pos,key_file_blocks;
- my_off_t keydata,totaldata,key_blocks,start_check_pos;
- ha_rows total_records,total_deleted;
- ha_checksum record_checksum,glob_crc;
- ulong use_buffers,read_buffer_length,write_buffer_length,
- sort_buffer_length,sort_key_blocks;
- uint out_flag,warning_printed,error_printed,verbose;
- uint opt_sort_key,total_files,max_level;
- uint testflag, key_cache_block_size;
- uint8 language;
- my_bool using_global_keycache, opt_lock_memory, opt_follow_links;
- my_bool retry_repair, force_sort;
- char temp_filename[FN_REFLEN],*isam_file_name;
- MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir;
- int tmpfile_createflag;
- myf myf_rw;
- IO_CACHE read_cache;
+ pthread_t thr;
+ IO_CACHE read_cache, tempfile, tempfile_for_exceptions;
+ DYNAMIC_ARRAY buffpek;
+ MI_BIT_BUFF bit_buff; /* For parallel repair of packrec. */
+ MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
+ MI_SORT_INFO *sort_info;
+ HA_KEYSEG *seg;
+ uchar **sort_keys;
+ uchar *rec_buff;
+ void *wordlist, *wordptr;
+ MEM_ROOT wordroot;
+ uchar *record;
+ MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir;
The next two are used to collect statistics, see update_key_parts for
- ulonglong unique_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1];
- ulonglong notnull_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1];
- ha_checksum key_crc[HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY];
- ulong rec_per_key_part[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY];
- void *thd;
- const char *db_name, *table_name;
- const char *op_name;
- enum_mi_stats_method stats_method;
-typedef struct st_sort_ft_buf
- uchar *buf, *end;
- int count;
- uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF];
+ ulonglong unique[HA_MAX_KEY_SEG+1];
+ ulonglong notnull[HA_MAX_KEY_SEG+1];
+ my_off_t pos,max_pos,filepos,start_recpos;
+ uint key, key_length,real_key_length,sortbuff_size;
+ uint maxbuffers, keys, find_length, sort_keys_length;
+ my_bool fix_datafile, master;
+ my_bool calc_checksum; /* calculate table checksum */
+ int (*key_cmp)(struct st_mi_sort_param *, const void *, const void *);
+ int (*key_read)(struct st_mi_sort_param *,void *);
+ int (*key_write)(struct st_mi_sort_param *, const void *);
+ void (*lock_in_memory)(HA_CHECK *);
+ NEAR int (*write_keys)(struct st_mi_sort_param *, register uchar **,
+ uint , struct st_buffpek *, IO_CACHE *);
+ NEAR uint (*read_to_buffer)(IO_CACHE *,struct st_buffpek *, uint);
+ NEAR int (*write_key)(struct st_mi_sort_param *, IO_CACHE *,uchar *,
+ uint, uint);
-typedef struct st_sort_info
- my_off_t filelength,dupp,buff_length;
- ha_rows max_records;
- uint current_key, total_keys;
- myf myf_rw;
- enum data_file_type new_data_file_type;
- MI_INFO *info;
- MI_CHECK *param;
- uchar *buff;
- SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,*key_block_end;
- SORT_FT_BUF *ft_buf;
- /* sync things */
- uint got_error, threads_running;
-#ifdef THREAD
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- pthread_cond_t cond;
/* functions in mi_check */
-void myisamchk_init(MI_CHECK *param);
-int chk_status(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
-int chk_del(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, uint test_flag);
-int chk_size(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
-int chk_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
-int chk_data_link(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,int extend);
-int mi_repair(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
+void myisamchk_init(HA_CHECK *param);
+int chk_status(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
+int chk_del(HA_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, ulonglong test_flag);
+int chk_size(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
+int chk_key(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info);
+int chk_data_link(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info, my_bool extend);
+int mi_repair(HA_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
char * name, int rep_quick);
-int mi_sort_index(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, char * name);
-int mi_repair_by_sort(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
+int mi_sort_index(HA_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, char * name);
+int mi_repair_by_sort(HA_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
const char * name, int rep_quick);
-int mi_repair_parallel(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
+int mi_repair_parallel(HA_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info,
const char * name, int rep_quick);
int change_to_newfile(const char * filename, const char * old_ext,
const char * new_ext, uint raid_chunks,
myf myflags);
-int lock_file(MI_CHECK *param, File file, my_off_t start, int lock_type,
+int lock_file(HA_CHECK *param, File file, my_off_t start, int lock_type,
const char *filetype, const char *filename);
-void lock_memory(MI_CHECK *param);
-void update_auto_increment_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,
+void lock_memory(HA_CHECK *param);
+void update_auto_increment_key(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,
my_bool repair);
-int update_state_info(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,uint update);
+int update_state_info(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,uint update);
void update_key_parts(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, ulong *rec_per_key_part,
ulonglong *unique, ulonglong *notnull,
ulonglong records);
-int filecopy(MI_CHECK *param, File to,File from,my_off_t start,
+int filecopy(HA_CHECK *param, File to,File from,my_off_t start,
my_off_t length, const char *type);
int movepoint(MI_INFO *info,uchar *record,my_off_t oldpos,
my_off_t newpos, uint prot_key);
-int write_data_suffix(SORT_INFO *sort_info, my_bool fix_datafile);
+int write_data_suffix(MI_SORT_INFO *sort_info, my_bool fix_datafile);
int test_if_almost_full(MI_INFO *info);
-int recreate_table(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO **org_info, char *filename);
+int recreate_table(HA_CHECK *param, MI_INFO **org_info, char *filename);
void mi_disable_non_unique_index(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows);
my_bool mi_test_if_sort_rep(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows, ulonglong key_map,
my_bool force);
@@ -506,6 +420,13 @@ void mi_change_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *old_key_cache,
KEY_CACHE *new_key_cache);
int mi_preload(MI_INFO *info, ulonglong key_map, my_bool ignore_leaves);
+int write_data_suffix(MI_SORT_INFO *sort_info, my_bool fix_datafile);
+int flush_pending_blocks(MI_SORT_PARAM *param);
+int sort_ft_buf_flush(MI_SORT_PARAM *sort_param);
+int thr_write_keys(MI_SORT_PARAM *sort_param);
+int sort_write_record(MI_SORT_PARAM *sort_param);
+int _create_index_by_sort(MI_SORT_PARAM *info,my_bool no_messages, ulong);
#ifdef __cplusplus