path: root/innobase/include/srv0srv.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/include/srv0srv.h')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/include/srv0srv.h b/innobase/include/srv0srv.h
index 11347f430d4..99ea4f2de27 100644
--- a/innobase/include/srv0srv.h
+++ b/innobase/include/srv0srv.h
@@ -34,6 +34,18 @@ extern ibool srv_lower_case_table_names;
extern mutex_t srv_monitor_file_mutex;
/* Temporary file for innodb monitor output */
extern FILE* srv_monitor_file;
+/* Mutex for locking srv_dict_tmpfile.
+This mutex has a very high rank; threads reserving it should not
+be holding any InnoDB latches. */
+extern mutex_t srv_dict_tmpfile_mutex;
+/* Temporary file for output from the data dictionary */
+extern FILE* srv_dict_tmpfile;
+/* Mutex for locking srv_misc_tmpfile.
+This mutex has a very low rank; threads reserving it should not
+acquire any further latches or sleep before releasing this one. */
+extern mutex_t srv_misc_tmpfile_mutex;
+/* Temporary file for miscellanous diagnostic output */
+extern FILE* srv_misc_tmpfile;
/* Server parameters which are read from the initfile */