path: root/innobase/que
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/que')
3 files changed, 1439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/que/ b/innobase/que/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b74d4dbf6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/innobase/que/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+# & Innobase Oy
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+include ../include/Makefile.i
+libs_LIBRARIES = libque.a
+libque_a_SOURCES = que0que.c
diff --git a/innobase/que/makefilewin b/innobase/que/makefilewin
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9661c716551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/innobase/que/makefilewin
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+include ..\include\makefile.i
+que.lib: que0que.obj
+ lib -out:..\libs\que.lib que0que.obj
+que0que.obj: que0que.c
+ $(CCOM) $(CFL) -c que0que.c
diff --git a/innobase/que/que0que.c b/innobase/que/que0que.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a6ce86d176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/innobase/que/que0que.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+Query graph
+(c) 1996 Innobase Oy
+Created 5/27/1996 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "que0que.h"
+#include "que0que.ic"
+#include "srv0que.h"
+#include "usr0sess.h"
+#include "trx0trx.h"
+#include "trx0roll.h"
+#include "row0undo.h"
+#include "row0ins.h"
+#include "row0upd.h"
+#include "row0sel.h"
+#include "row0purge.h"
+#include "dict0crea.h"
+#include "log0log.h"
+#include "eval0proc.h"
+#include "eval0eval.h"
+#include "odbc0odbc.h"
+#define QUE_PARALLELIZE_LIMIT (64 * 256 * 256 * 256)
+#define QUE_ROUND_ROBIN_LIMIT (64 * 256 * 256 * 256)
+/* If the following flag is set TRUE, the module will print trace info
+of SQL execution in the UNIV_SQL_DEBUG version */
+ibool que_trace_on = FALSE;
+ibool que_always_false = FALSE;
+/* How a stored procedure containing COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands
+is executed?
+The commit or rollback can be seen as a subprocedure call.
+The problem is that if there are several query threads
+currently running within the transaction, their action could
+mess the commit or rollback operation. Or, at the least, the
+operation would be difficult to visualize and keep in control.
+Therefore the query thread requesting a commit or a rollback
+sends to the transaction a signal, which moves the transaction
+to TRX_QUE_SIGNALED state. All running query threads of the
+transaction will eventually notice that the transaction is now in
+this state and voluntarily suspend themselves. Only the last
+query thread which suspends itself will trigger handling of
+the signal.
+When the transaction starts to handle a rollback or commit
+signal, it builds a query graph which, when executed, will
+roll back or commit the incomplete transaction. The transaction
+is moved to the TRX_QUE_ROLLING_BACK or TRX_QUE_COMMITTING state.
+If specified, the SQL cursors opened by the transaction are closed.
+When the execution of the graph completes, it is like returning
+from a subprocedure: the query thread which requested the operation
+starts running again. */
+Moves a thread from another state to the QUE_THR_RUNNING state. Increments
+the n_active_thrs counters of the query graph and transaction.
+***NOTE***: This is the only function in which such a transition is allowed
+to happen! */
+ que_thr_t* thr); /* in: an query thread */
+Tries to parallelize query if it is not parallel enough yet. */
+ /* out: next thread to execute */
+ que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread */
+#ifdef notdefined
+Adds info about the number of inserted rows etc. to the message to the
+client. */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ que_fork_t* graph;
+ graph = thr->graph;
+ mach_write_to_8(thr->msg_buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_N_INSERTS,
+ graph->n_inserts);
+ mach_write_to_8(thr->msg_buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_N_UPDATES,
+ graph->n_updates);
+ mach_write_to_8(thr->msg_buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_N_DELETES,
+ graph->n_deletes);
+Adds a query graph to the session's list of graphs. */
+ que_t* graph, /* in: graph */
+ sess_t* sess) /* in: session */
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(graphs, sess->graphs, graph);
+Creates a query graph fork node. */
+ /* out, own: fork node */
+ que_t* graph, /* in: graph, if NULL then this
+ fork node is assumed to be the
+ graph root */
+ que_node_t* parent, /* in: parent node */
+ ulint fork_type, /* in: fork type */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap where created */
+ que_fork_t* fork;
+ ut_ad(heap);
+ fork = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(que_fork_t));
+ fork->common.type = QUE_NODE_FORK;
+ fork->n_active_thrs = 0;
+ fork->state = QUE_FORK_COMMAND_WAIT;
+ if (graph != NULL) {
+ fork->graph = graph;
+ } else {
+ fork->graph = fork;
+ }
+ fork->common.parent = parent;
+ fork->fork_type = fork_type;
+ fork->caller = NULL;
+ UT_LIST_INIT(fork->thrs);
+ fork->sym_tab = NULL;
+ fork->heap = heap;
+ return(fork);
+Creates a query graph thread node. */
+ /* out, own: query thread node */
+ que_fork_t* parent, /* in: parent node, i.e., a fork node */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap where created */
+ que_thr_t* thr;
+ ut_ad(parent && heap);
+ thr = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(que_thr_t));
+ thr->common.type = QUE_NODE_THR;
+ thr->common.parent = parent;
+ thr->graph = parent->graph;
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_COMMAND_WAIT;
+ thr->is_active = FALSE;
+ thr->run_node = NULL;
+ thr->resource = 0;
+ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(thrs, parent->thrs, thr);
+ return(thr);
+Moves a suspended query thread to the QUE_THR_RUNNING state and may release
+a single worker thread to execute it. This function should be used to end
+the wait state of a query thread waiting for a lock or a stored procedure
+completion. */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /* in: query thread in the
+ que_thr_t** next_thr) /* in/out: next query thread to run;
+ if the value which is passed in is
+ a pointer to a NULL pointer, then the
+ calling function can start running
+ a new query thread; if NULL is passed
+ as the parameter, it is ignored */
+ ibool was_active;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ ut_ad(thr);
+ ut_ad((thr->state == QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT)
+ || (thr->state == QUE_THR_PROCEDURE_WAIT)
+ || (thr->state == QUE_THR_SIG_REPLY_WAIT));
+ ut_ad(thr->run_node);
+ thr->prev_node = thr->run_node;
+ was_active = thr->is_active;
+ que_thr_move_to_run_state(thr);
+ if (was_active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (next_thr && *next_thr == NULL) {
+ *next_thr = thr;
+ } else {
+ srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr);
+ }
+Same as que_thr_end_wait, but no parameter next_thr available. */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread in the QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT,
+ ibool was_active;
+ ut_a(thr->state == QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT); /* In MySQL this is the
+ only possible state here */
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ ut_ad(thr);
+ ut_ad((thr->state == QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT)
+ || (thr->state == QUE_THR_PROCEDURE_WAIT)
+ || (thr->state == QUE_THR_SIG_REPLY_WAIT));
+ was_active = thr->is_active;
+ que_thr_move_to_run_state(thr);
+ if (was_active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* In MySQL we let the OS thread (not just the query thread) to wait
+ for the lock to be released: */
+ srv_release_mysql_thread_if_suspended(thr);
+ /* srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr); */
+Inits a query thread for a command. */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ thr->run_node = thr;
+ thr->prev_node = thr->common.parent;
+ que_thr_move_to_run_state(thr);
+Starts execution of a command in a query fork. Picks a query thread which
+is not in the QUE_THR_RUNNING state and moves it to that state. If none
+can be chosen, a situation which may arise in parallelized fetches, NULL
+is returned. */
+ /* out: a query thread of the graph moved to
+ QUE_THR_RUNNING state, or NULL; the query
+ thread should be executed by que_run_threads
+ by the caller */
+ que_fork_t* fork, /* in: a query fork */
+ ulint command,/* in: command SESS_COMM_FETCH_NEXT, ... */
+ ulint param) /* in: possible parameter to the command */
+ que_thr_t* thr;
+ /* Set the command parameters in the fork root */
+ fork->command = command;
+ fork->param = param;
+ fork->state = QUE_FORK_ACTIVE;
+ fork->last_sel_node = NULL;
+ /* Choose the query thread to run: usually there is just one thread,
+ but in a parallelized select, which necessarily is non-scrollable,
+ there may be several to choose from */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------
+ First we try to find a query thread in the QUE_THR_COMMAND_WAIT state */
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr != NULL) {
+ if (thr->state == QUE_THR_COMMAND_WAIT) {
+ /* We have to send the initial message to query thread
+ to start it */
+ que_thr_init_command(thr);
+ return(thr);
+ }
+ ut_ad(thr->state != QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT);
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Then we try to find a query thread in the QUE_THR_SUSPENDED state */
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr != NULL) {
+ if (thr->state == QUE_THR_SUSPENDED) {
+ /* In this case the execution of the thread was
+ suspended: no initial message is needed because
+ execution can continue from where it was left */
+ que_thr_move_to_run_state(thr);
+ return(thr);
+ }
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr);
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Then we try to find a query thread in the QUE_THR_COMPLETED state */
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr != NULL) {
+ if (thr->state == QUE_THR_COMPLETED) {
+ que_thr_init_command(thr);
+ return(thr);
+ }
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr);
+ }
+ /* Else we return NULL */
+ return(NULL);
+After signal handling is finished, returns control to a query graph error
+handling routine. (Currently, just returns the control to the root of the
+graph so that the graph can communicate an error message to the client.) */
+ trx_t* trx, /* in: trx */
+ que_t* fork) /* in: query graph which was run before signal
+ handling started, NULL not allowed */
+ que_thr_t* thr;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ ut_ad(trx->sess->state == SESS_ERROR);
+ ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->reply_signals) == 0);
+ ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->wait_thrs) == 0);
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr != NULL) {
+ ut_ad(!thr->is_active);
+ ut_ad(thr->state != QUE_THR_SIG_REPLY_WAIT);
+ ut_ad(thr->state != QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT);
+ thr->run_node = thr;
+ thr->prev_node = thr->child;
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_COMPLETED;
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr);
+ }
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ que_thr_move_to_run_state(thr);
+ srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr);
+Tests if all the query threads in the same fork have a given state. */
+ /* out: TRUE if all the query threads in the
+ same fork were in the given state */
+ que_fork_t* fork, /* in: query fork */
+ ulint state) /* in: state */
+ que_thr_t* thr_node;
+ thr_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr_node != NULL) {
+ if (thr_node->state != state) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ thr_node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr_node);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Calls que_graph_free_recursive for statements in a statement list. */
+ que_node_t* node) /* in: first query graph node in the list */
+ while (node) {
+ que_graph_free_recursive(node);
+ node = que_node_get_next(node);
+ }
+Frees a query graph, but not the heap where it was created. Does not free
+explicit cursor declarations, they are freed in que_graph_free. */
+ que_node_t* node) /* in: query graph node */
+ que_fork_t* fork;
+ que_thr_t* thr;
+ undo_node_t* undo;
+ sel_node_t* sel;
+ ins_node_t* ins;
+ upd_node_t* upd;
+ tab_node_t* cre_tab;
+ ind_node_t* cre_ind;
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (que_node_get_type(node)) {
+ fork = node;
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fork->thrs);
+ while (thr) {
+ que_graph_free_recursive(thr);
+ thr = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(thrs, thr);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QUE_NODE_THR:
+ thr = node;
+ que_graph_free_recursive(thr->child);
+ break;
+ undo = node;
+ mem_heap_free(undo->heap);
+ break;
+ sel = node;
+ sel_node_free_private(sel);
+ break;
+ ins = node;
+ que_graph_free_recursive(ins->select);
+ mem_heap_free(ins->entry_sys_heap);
+ break;
+ upd = node;
+ if (upd->in_mysql_interface) {
+ btr_pcur_free_for_mysql(upd->pcur);
+ }
+ que_graph_free_recursive(upd->select);
+ mem_heap_free(upd->heap);
+ break;
+ cre_tab = node;
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_tab->tab_def);
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_tab->col_def);
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_tab->commit_node);
+ mem_heap_free(cre_tab->heap);
+ break;
+ cre_ind = node;
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_ind->ind_def);
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_ind->field_def);
+ que_graph_free_recursive(cre_ind->commit_node);
+ mem_heap_free(cre_ind->heap);
+ break;
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((proc_node_t*)node)->stat_list);
+ break;
+ case QUE_NODE_IF:
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((if_node_t*)node)->stat_list);
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((if_node_t*)node)->else_part);
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((if_node_t*)node)->elsif_list);
+ break;
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((elsif_node_t*)node)->stat_list);
+ break;
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((while_node_t*)node)->stat_list);
+ break;
+ case QUE_NODE_FOR:
+ que_graph_free_stat_list(((for_node_t*)node)->stat_list);
+ break;
+ /* No need to do anything */
+ break;
+ default:
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+Frees a query graph. */
+ que_t* graph) /* in: query graph; we assume that the memory
+ heap where this graph was created is private
+ to this graph: if not, then use
+ que_graph_free_recursive and free the heap
+ afterwards! */
+ ut_ad(graph);
+ if (graph->sym_tab) {
+ /* The following call frees dynamic memory allocated
+ for variables etc. during execution. Frees also explicit
+ cursor definitions. */
+ sym_tab_free_private(graph->sym_tab);
+ }
+ que_graph_free_recursive(graph);
+ mem_heap_free(graph->heap);
+Checks if the query graph is in a state where it should be freed, and
+frees it in that case. If the session is in a state where it should be
+closed, also this is done. */
+ /* out: TRUE if freed */
+ que_t* graph) /* in: query graph */
+ sess_t* sess;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ sess = (graph->trx)->sess;
+ if ((graph->state == QUE_FORK_BEING_FREED)
+ && (graph->n_active_thrs == 0)) {
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(graphs, sess->graphs, graph);
+ que_graph_free(graph);
+ sess_try_close(sess);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Handles an SQL error noticed during query thread execution. Currently,
+does nothing! */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /* in: query thread */
+ ulint err_no, /* in: error number */
+ byte* err_str,/* in, own: error string or NULL; NOTE: the
+ function will take care of freeing of the
+ string! */
+ ulint err_len)/* in: error string length */
+ UT_NOT_USED(thr);
+ UT_NOT_USED(err_no);
+ UT_NOT_USED(err_str);
+ UT_NOT_USED(err_len);
+ /* Does nothing */
+Tries to parallelize query if it is not parallel enough yet. */
+ /* out: next thread to execute */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ ut_ad(thr);
+ /* Does nothing yet */
+ return(thr);
+Builds a command completed-message to the client. */
+ /* out: message data length */
+ byte* buf, /* in: message buffer */
+ que_fork_t* fork, /* in: query graph where execution completed */
+ sess_t* sess) /* in: session */
+ ulint len;
+ /* Currently, we only support stored procedures: */
+ ut_ad(fork->fork_type == QUE_FORK_PROCEDURE);
+ if (sess->state == SESS_ERROR) {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ sess_srv_msg_init(sess, buf, SESS_SRV_SUCCESS);
+ len = pars_proc_write_output_params_to_buf(buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA,
+ fork);
+ return(len);
+Performs an execution step on a thr node. */
+ /* out: query thread to run next, or NULL
+ if none */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread where run_node must
+ be the thread node itself */
+ ut_ad(thr->run_node == thr);
+ if (thr->prev_node == thr->common.parent) {
+ /* If control to the node came from above, it is just passed
+ on */
+ thr->run_node = thr->child;
+ return(thr);
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
+ if (que_thr_peek_stop(thr)) {
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ return(thr);
+ }
+ /* Thread execution completed */
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_COMPLETED;
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ return(NULL);
+Moves a thread from another state to the QUE_THR_RUNNING state. Increments
+the n_active_thrs counters of the query graph and transaction if thr was
+not active.
+***NOTE***: This and ..._mysql are the only functions in which such a
+transition is allowed to happen! */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: an query thread */
+ trx_t* trx;
+ ut_ad(thr->state != QUE_THR_RUNNING);
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ if (!thr->is_active) {
+ (thr->graph)->n_active_thrs++;
+ trx->n_active_thrs++;
+ thr->is_active = TRUE;
+ ut_ad((thr->graph)->n_active_thrs == 1);
+ ut_ad(trx->n_active_thrs == 1);
+ }
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_RUNNING;
+Decrements the query thread reference counts in the query graph and the
+transaction. May start signal handling, e.g., a rollback.
+*** NOTE ***:
+This and que_thr_stop_for_mysql are
+the only functions where the reference count can be decremented and
+this function may only be called from inside que_run_threads or
+que_thr_check_if_switch! These restrictions exist to make the rollback code
+easier to maintain. */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /* in: query thread */
+ que_thr_t** next_thr) /* in/out: next query thread to run;
+ if the value which is passed in is
+ a pointer to a NULL pointer, then the
+ calling function can start running
+ a new query thread */
+ que_fork_t* fork;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ sess_t* sess;
+ ibool send_srv_msg = FALSE;
+ ibool release_stored_proc = FALSE;
+ ulint msg_len;
+ byte msg_buf[ODBC_DATAGRAM_SIZE];
+ ulint fork_type;
+ ibool stopped;
+ fork = thr->common.parent;
+ trx = thr->graph->trx;
+ sess = trx->sess;
+ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
+ ut_a(thr->is_active);
+ if (thr->state == QUE_THR_RUNNING) {
+ stopped = que_thr_stop(thr);
+ if (!stopped) {
+ /* The reason for the thr suspension or wait was
+ already canceled before we came here: continue
+ running the thread */
+ /* printf(
+ "!!!!!!!!!! Wait already ended: continue thr\n"); */
+ if (next_thr && *next_thr == NULL) {
+ *next_thr = thr;
+ } else {
+ srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ut_ad(fork->n_active_thrs == 1);
+ ut_ad(trx->n_active_thrs == 1);
+ fork->n_active_thrs--;
+ trx->n_active_thrs--;
+ thr->is_active = FALSE;
+ if (trx->n_active_thrs > 0) {
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ fork_type = fork->fork_type;
+ /* Check if all query threads in the same fork are completed */
+ if (que_fork_all_thrs_in_state(fork, QUE_THR_COMPLETED)) {
+ if (fork_type == QUE_FORK_ROLLBACK) {
+ /* This is really the undo graph used in rollback,
+ no roll_node in this graph */
+ ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) > 0);
+ ut_ad(trx->handling_signals == TRUE);
+ trx_finish_rollback_off_kernel(fork, trx, next_thr);
+ } else if (fork_type == QUE_FORK_PURGE) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else if (fork_type == QUE_FORK_RECOVERY) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else if (fork_type == QUE_FORK_MYSQL_INTERFACE) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else if (fork->common.parent == NULL
+ && fork->caller == NULL
+ && UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) == 0) {
+ ut_a(0); /* not used in MySQL */
+ /* Reply to the client */
+ /* que_thr_add_update_info(thr); */
+ fork->state = QUE_FORK_COMMAND_WAIT;
+ msg_len = que_build_srv_msg(msg_buf, fork, sess);
+ send_srv_msg = TRUE;
+ if (fork->fork_type == QUE_FORK_PROCEDURE) {
+ release_stored_proc = TRUE;
+ }
+ ut_ad(trx->graph == fork);
+ trx->graph = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /* Subprocedure calls not implemented yet */
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) > 0 && trx->n_active_thrs == 0) {
+ ut_ad(!send_srv_msg);
+ /* If the trx is signaled and its query thread count drops to
+ zero, then we start processing a signal; from it we may get
+ a new query thread to run */
+ trx_sig_start_handle(trx, next_thr);
+ }
+ if (trx->handling_signals && UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) == 0) {
+ trx_end_signal_handling(trx);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ if (send_srv_msg) {
+ /* Note that, as we do not own the kernel mutex at this point,
+ and neither do we own it all the time when doing the actual
+ communication operation within the next function, it is
+ possible that the messages will not get delivered in the right
+ sequential order. This is possible if the client communicates
+ an extra message to the server while the message below is still
+ undelivered. But then the client should notice that there
+ is an error in the order numbers of the messages. */
+ sess_command_completed_message(sess, msg_buf, msg_len);
+ }
+ if (release_stored_proc) {
+ /* Return the stored procedure graph to the dictionary cache */
+ dict_procedure_release_parsed_copy(fork);
+ }
+Stops a query thread if graph or trx is in a state requiring it. The
+conditions are tested in the order (1) graph, (2) trx. The kernel mutex has
+to be reserved. */
+ /* out: TRUE if stopped */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ trx_t* trx;
+ que_t* graph;
+ ibool ret = TRUE;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ graph = thr->graph;
+ trx = graph->trx;
+ if (graph->state == QUE_FORK_COMMAND_WAIT) {
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_SUSPENDED;
+ } else if (trx->que_state == TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT) {
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(trx_thrs, trx->wait_thrs, thr);
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT;
+ } else if (trx->error_state != DB_SUCCESS
+ && trx->error_state != DB_LOCK_WAIT) {
+ /* Error handling built for the MySQL interface */
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_COMPLETED;
+ } else if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) > 0
+ && graph->fork_type != QUE_FORK_ROLLBACK) {
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_SUSPENDED;
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(graph->state == QUE_FORK_ACTIVE);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ return(ret);
+A patch for MySQL used to 'stop' a dummy query thread used in MySQL. */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ ibool stopped = FALSE;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
+ if (thr->state == QUE_THR_RUNNING) {
+ if (trx->error_state != DB_SUCCESS
+ && trx->error_state != DB_LOCK_WAIT) {
+ /* Error handling built for the MySQL interface */
+ thr->state = QUE_THR_COMPLETED;
+ stopped = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!stopped) {
+ /* It must have been a lock wait but the
+ lock was already released */
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ thr->is_active = FALSE;
+ (thr->graph)->n_active_thrs--;
+ trx->n_active_thrs--;
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+Prints info of an SQL query graph node. */
+ que_node_t* node) /* in: query graph node */
+ ulint type;
+ char* str;
+ ulint addr;
+ type = que_node_get_type(node);
+ addr = (ulint)node;
+ if (type == QUE_NODE_SELECT) {
+ str = "SELECT";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_INSERT) {
+ str = "INSERT";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_UPDATE) {
+ str = "UPDATE";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_WHILE) {
+ str = "WHILE";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_ASSIGNMENT) {
+ str = "ASSIGNMENT";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_IF) {
+ str = "IF";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FETCH) {
+ str = "FETCH";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_OPEN) {
+ str = "OPEN";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_PROC) {
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FUNC) {
+ str = "FUNCTION";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_LOCK) {
+ str = "LOCK";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_THR) {
+ str = "QUERY THREAD";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_COMMIT) {
+ str = "COMMIT";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_UNDO) {
+ str = "UNDO ROW";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_PURGE) {
+ str = "PURGE ROW";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_ROLLBACK) {
+ str = "ROLLBACK";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_CREATE_TABLE) {
+ str = "CREATE TABLE";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_CREATE_INDEX) {
+ str = "CREATE INDEX";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FOR) {
+ str = "FOR LOOP";
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_RETURN) {
+ str = "RETURN";
+ } else {
+ }
+ printf("Node type %lu: %s, address %lx\n", type, str, addr);
+Performs an execution step on a query thread. */
+ /* out: query thread to run next: it may
+ differ from the input parameter if, e.g., a
+ subprocedure call is made */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
+ que_node_t* node;
+ que_thr_t* old_thr;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ ulint type;
+ ut_ad(thr->state == QUE_THR_RUNNING);
+ thr->resource++;
+ type = que_node_get_type(thr->run_node);
+ node = thr->run_node;
+ old_thr = thr;
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (que_trace_on) {
+ printf("To execute: ");
+ que_node_print_info(node);
+ }
+ if (type & QUE_NODE_CONTROL_STAT) {
+ if ((thr->prev_node != que_node_get_parent(node))
+ && que_node_get_next(thr->prev_node)) {
+ /* The control statements, like WHILE, always pass the
+ control to the next child statement if there is any
+ child left */
+ thr->run_node = que_node_get_next(thr->prev_node);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_IF) {
+ if_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FOR) {
+ for_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_PROC) {
+ /* We can access trx->undo_no without reserving
+ trx->undo_mutex, because there cannot be active query
+ threads doing updating or inserting at the moment! */
+ if (thr->prev_node == que_node_get_parent(node)) {
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ trx->last_sql_stat_start.least_undo_no
+ = trx->undo_no;
+ }
+ proc_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_WHILE) {
+ while_step(thr);
+ }
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_ASSIGNMENT) {
+ assign_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_SELECT) {
+ thr = row_sel_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_INSERT) {
+ thr = row_ins_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_UPDATE) {
+ thr = row_upd_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FETCH) {
+ thr = fetch_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_OPEN) {
+ thr = open_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_FUNC) {
+ proc_eval_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_LOCK) {
+ ut_error;
+ thr = que_lock_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_THR) {
+ thr = que_thr_node_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_COMMIT) {
+ thr = trx_commit_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_UNDO) {
+ thr = row_undo_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_PURGE) {
+ thr = row_purge_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_RETURN) {
+ thr = return_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_ROLLBACK) {
+ thr = trx_rollback_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_CREATE_TABLE) {
+ thr = dict_create_table_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_CREATE_INDEX) {
+ thr = dict_create_index_step(thr);
+ } else if (type == QUE_NODE_ROW_PRINTF) {
+ thr = row_printf_step(thr);
+ } else {
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ old_thr->prev_node = node;
+ return(thr);
+Checks if there is a need for a query thread switch or stopping the current
+thread. */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /* in: current query thread */
+ ulint* cumul_resource) /* in: amount of resources used
+ by the current call of que_run_threads
+ (resources used by the OS thread!) */
+ que_thr_t* next_thr;
+ ibool stopped;
+ if (que_thr_peek_stop(thr)) {
+ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
+ stopped = que_thr_stop(thr);
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ if (stopped) {
+ /* If a signal is processed, we may get a new query
+ thread next_thr to run */
+ next_thr = NULL;
+ que_thr_dec_refer_count(thr, &next_thr);
+ if (next_thr == NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ thr = next_thr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (thr->resource > QUE_PARALLELIZE_LIMIT) {
+ /* Try parallelization of the query thread */
+ thr = que_try_parallelize(thr);
+ thr->resource = 0;
+ }
+ (*cumul_resource)++;
+ if (*cumul_resource > QUE_ROUND_ROBIN_LIMIT) {
+ /* It is time to round-robin query threads in the
+ server task queue */
+ if (srv_get_thread_type() == SRV_COM) {
+ /* This OS thread is a SRV_COM thread: we put
+ the query thread to the task queue and return
+ to allow the OS thread to receive more
+ messages from clients */
+ ut_ad(thr->is_active);
+ srv_que_task_enqueue(thr);
+ return(NULL);
+ } else {
+ /* Change the query thread if there is another
+ in the server task queue */
+ thr = srv_que_round_robin(thr);
+ }
+ *cumul_resource = 0;
+ }
+ return(thr);
+Runs query threads. Note that the individual query thread which is run
+within this function may change if, e.g., the OS thread executing this
+function uses a threshold amount of resources. */
+ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread which is run initially */
+ que_thr_t* next_thr;
+ ulint cumul_resource;
+ ulint loop_count;
+ ut_ad(thr->state == QUE_THR_RUNNING);
+ ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
+ /* cumul_resource counts how much resources the OS thread (NOT the
+ query thread) has spent in this function */
+ cumul_resource = 0;
+ if (loop_count >= QUE_MAX_LOOPS_WITHOUT_CHECK) {
+/* In MySQL this thread switch is never needed!
+ loop_count = 0;
+ next_thr = que_thr_check_if_switch(thr, &cumul_resource);
+ if (next_thr != thr) {
+ if (next_thr == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ thr = next_thr;
+ }
+ /* Check that there is enough space in the log to accommodate
+ possible log entries by this query step; if the operation can touch
+ more than about 4 pages, checks must be made also within the query
+ step! */
+ log_free_check();
+ /* Perform the actual query step: note that the query thread
+ may change if, e.g., a subprocedure call is made */
+ /*-------------------------*/
+ next_thr = que_thr_step(thr);
+ /*-------------------------*/
+ /* Test the effect on performance of adding extra mutex
+ reservations */
+/* if (srv_test_extra_mutexes) {
+ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
+ }
+ /* TRUE below denotes that the thread is allowed to own the dictionary
+ mutex, though */
+ ut_ad(sync_thread_levels_empty_gen(TRUE));
+ loop_count++;
+ if (next_thr != thr) {
+ que_thr_dec_refer_count(thr, &next_thr);
+ if (next_thr == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ thr = next_thr;
+ }
+ goto loop;