path: root/innobase/row/row0ins.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/row/row0ins.c')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0ins.c b/innobase/row/row0ins.c
index fc1f7a19d53..a3f883b49c6 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0ins.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0ins.c
@@ -528,34 +528,37 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_err(
dtuple_t* entry) /* in: index entry in the parent
table */
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), thr_get_trx(thr));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n%s", errstr);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-" in parent table, in index %.500s tuple:\n",
- foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef, foreign);
+ putc('\n', ef);
+ fputs(errstr, ef);
+ fputs(" in parent table, in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_index->name);
if (entry) {
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut in child table %.500s, in index %.500s, there is a record:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name, foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ fputs("\nBut in child table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(", in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
if (rec) {
- rec_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, rec);
+ fputs(", there is a record:\n", ef);
+ rec_print(ef, rec);
+ } else {
+ fputs(", the record is not available\n", ef);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n");
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ putc('\n', ef);
@@ -568,8 +571,7 @@ static
- que_thr_t* thr, /* in: query thread whose run_node
- is an insert node */
+ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */
dict_foreign_t* foreign, /* in: foreign key constraint */
rec_t* rec, /* in: a record in the parent table:
it does not match entry because we
@@ -577,28 +579,28 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_add_err(
dtuple_t* entry) /* in: index entry to insert in the
child table */
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), thr_get_trx(thr));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nTrying to add in child table, in index %.500s tuple:\n",
- foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, trx);
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef, foreign);
+ fputs("\nTrying to add in child table, in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
if (entry) {
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut in parent table %.500s, in index %.500s,\n"
-"the closest match we can find is record:\n",
- foreign->referenced_table_name,
- foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ fputs("\nBut in parent table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_table_name);
+ fputs(", in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ fputs(",\nthe closest match we can find is record:\n", ef);
if (rec && page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
/* If the cursor ended on a supremum record, it is better
to report the previous record in the error message, so that
@@ -607,11 +609,9 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_add_err(
if (rec) {
- rec_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, rec);
+ rec_print(ef, rec);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n");
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ putc('\n', ef);
@@ -653,7 +653,6 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
ulint i;
char* ptr;
char table_name_buf[1000];
- char err_buf[1000];
ut_a(thr && foreign && pcur && mtr);
@@ -661,15 +660,10 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
the MySQL query cache for table */
ut_a(ut_strlen(table->name) < 998);
- ut_memcpy(table_name_buf, table->name, ut_strlen(table->name) + 1);
- ptr = table_name_buf;
- while (*ptr != '/') {
- ptr++;
- }
+ strcpy(table_name_buf, table->name);
+ ptr = strchr(table_name_buf, '/');
+ ut_a(ptr);
*ptr = '\0';
/* We call a function in */
@@ -797,20 +791,20 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
|| btr_pcur_get_low_match(cascade->pcur)
< dict_index_get_n_unique(clust_index)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: error in cascade of a foreign key op\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, clust_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: clustered record %s\n",
- err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
+ "InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: clustered record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, clust_rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n"
+ "InnoDB: to\n", stderr);
@@ -840,24 +834,6 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
/* This can happen if there is a circular reference of
rows such that cascading delete comes to delete a row
already in the process of being delete marked */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: error 2 in cascade of a foreign key op\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, clust_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: clustered record %s\n", err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
- ut_error;
goto nonstandard_exit_func;
@@ -1028,7 +1004,6 @@ row_ins_check_foreign_constraint(
int cmp;
ulint err;
ulint i;
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
mtr_t mtr;
@@ -1091,23 +1066,24 @@ run_again:
if (check_table == NULL) {
if (check_ref) {
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), thr_get_trx(thr));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nTrying to add to index %.500s tuple:\n", foreign->foreign_index->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut the parent table %.500s does not currently exist!\n",
- foreign->referenced_table_name);
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef,
+ foreign);
+ fputs("\nTrying to add to index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
+ fputs("\nBut the parent table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_table_name);
+ fputs(" does not currently exist!\n", ef);
@@ -1200,11 +1176,6 @@ run_again:
-/* printf(
-"FOREIGN: Found matching record from %s %s\n",
- check_index->table_name, check_index->name);
- rec_print(rec);
if (check_ref) {
@@ -1244,7 +1215,7 @@ run_again:
if (check_ref) {
- thr, foreign, rec, entry);
+ thr_get_trx(thr), foreign, rec, entry);
} else {
@@ -1260,7 +1231,7 @@ next_rec:
if (check_ref) {
rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur);
- thr, foreign, rec, entry);
+ thr_get_trx(thr), foreign, rec, entry);
} else {
@@ -2176,15 +2147,8 @@ row_ins_step(
trx->error_state = err;
- if (err == DB_SUCCESS) {
- /* Ok: do nothing */
- } else if (err == DB_LOCK_WAIT) {
- return(NULL);
- } else {
- /* SQL error detected */
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ /* err == DB_LOCK_WAIT or SQL error detected */