path: root/innobase/trx/trx0rec.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/trx/trx0rec.c')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/trx/trx0rec.c b/innobase/trx/trx0rec.c
index bd37a4b506b..7963bec7f33 100644
--- a/innobase/trx/trx0rec.c
+++ b/innobase/trx/trx0rec.c
@@ -823,18 +823,18 @@ trx_undo_update_rec_get_update(
if (field_no >= dict_index_get_n_fields(index)) {
- "InnoDB: Error: trying to access update undo rec field %lu in table %s\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s, but index has only %lu fields\n",
- (ulong) field_no, index->table_name, index->name,
- (ulong) dict_index_get_n_fields(index));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to");
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Run also CHECK TABLE on table %s\n", index->table_name);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: n_fields = %lu, i = %lu, ptr %lx\n", (ulong) n_fields, (ulong) i,
- (ulong) ptr);
+ "InnoDB: Error: trying to access"
+ " update undo rec field %lu in ", (ulong) field_no);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+ "InnoDB: but index has only %lu fields\n"
+ "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to\n"
+ "InnoDB: Run also CHECK TABLE ",
+ (ulong) dict_index_get_n_fields(index));
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->table_name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+ "InnoDB: n_fields = %lu, i = %lu, ptr %p\n",
+ (ulong) n_fields, (ulong) i, ptr);
@@ -1259,8 +1259,6 @@ trx_undo_prev_version_build(
byte* buf;
ulint err;
ulint i;
- char err_buf[1000];
ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(purge_sys->latch), RW_LOCK_SHARED));
#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
@@ -1269,19 +1267,18 @@ trx_undo_prev_version_build(
mtr_memo_contains(index_mtr, buf_block_align(index_rec),
if (!(index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Error: trying to access update undo rec for table %s\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s which is not a clustered index\n",
- index->table_name, index->name);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to");
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, index_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: index record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record version %s\n", err_buf);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: trying to access"
+ " update undo rec for non-clustered ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to"
+ "\n"
+ "InnoDB: index record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, index_rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record version ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -1319,56 +1316,49 @@ trx_undo_prev_version_build(
if (ut_dulint_cmp(table_id, index->table->id) != 0) {
ptr = NULL;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Error: trying to access update undo rec for table %s\n"
- "InnoDB: but the table id in the undo record is wrong\n",
- index->table_name);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to\n");
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Run also CHECK TABLE on table %s\n", index->table_name);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: trying to access"
+ " update undo rec for table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->table_name);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: but the table id in the"
+ " undo record is wrong\n"
+ "InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to "
+ "\n"
+ "InnoDB: Run also CHECK TABLE ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->table_name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
if (ptr == NULL) {
/* The record was corrupted, return an error; these printfs
should catch an elusive bug in row_vers_old_has_index_entry */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Table name %s, index name %s, n_uniq %lu\n",
- index->table_name, index->name,
- (ulong) dict_index_get_n_unique(index));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: undo rec address %lx, type %lu cmpl_info %lu\n",
- (ulong) undo_rec, (ulong) type,
- (ulong) cmpl_info);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: undo rec table id %lu %lu, index table id %lu %lu\n",
+ fputs("InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, ", n_uniq %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: undo rec address %p, type %lu cmpl_info %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: undo rec table id %lu %lu, index table id %lu %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: dump of 150 bytes in undo rec: ",
+ (ulong) dict_index_get_n_unique(index),
+ undo_rec, (ulong) type, (ulong) cmpl_info,
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(table_id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(table_id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(index->table->id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(index->table->id));
- ut_sprintf_buf(err_buf, undo_rec, 150);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: dump of 150 bytes in undo rec: %s\n",
- err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, index_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: index record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record version %s\n", err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Record trx id %lu %lu, update rec trx id %lu %lu\n",
+ ut_print_buf(stderr, undo_rec, 150);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: index record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, index_rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record version ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+ "InnoDB: Record trx id %lu %lu, update rec trx id %lu %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: Roll ptr in rec %lu %lu, in update rec %lu %lu\n",
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(rec_trx_id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(rec_trx_id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(trx_id),
- (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(trx_id));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Roll ptr in rec %lu %lu, in update rec %lu %lu\n",
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(trx_id),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(old_roll_ptr),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(old_roll_ptr),
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(roll_ptr),