path: root/mysql-test/r/metadata.result
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/r/metadata.result')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/metadata.result b/mysql-test/r/metadata.result
index 6b498e55d85..58dd97ee9f3 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/metadata.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/metadata.result
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2;
select 1, 1.0, -1, "hello", NULL;
Catalog Database Table Table_alias Column Column_alias Type Length Max length Is_null Flags Decimals Charsetnr
def 1 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
-def 1.0 246 4 3 N 129 1 63
+def 1.0 246 4 3 N 32897 1 63
def -1 8 2 2 N 32897 0 63
def hello 253 5 5 N 1 31 8
def NULL 6 0 0 Y 32896 0 63
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def test t1 t1 d d 3 11 0 Y 32768 0 63
def test t1 t1 e e 8 20 0 Y 32768 0 63
def test t1 t1 f f 4 3 0 Y 32768 2 63
def test t1 t1 g g 5 4 0 Y 32768 3 63
-def test t1 t1 h h 246 7 0 Y 0 4 63
+def test t1 t1 h h 246 7 0 Y 32768 4 63
def test t1 t1 i i 13 4 0 Y 32864 0 63
def test t1 t1 j j 10 10 0 Y 128 0 63
def test t1 t1 k k 7 19 0 N 9441 0 63
@@ -199,3 +199,95 @@ def IFNULL(d, d) IFNULL(d, d) 10 10 10 Y 128 0 63
def LEAST(d, d) LEAST(d, d) 10 10 10 Y 128 0 63
End of 5.0 tests
+create table t1(
+# numeric types
+bool_col bool,
+boolean_col boolean,
+bit_col bit(5),
+tiny tinyint,
+tiny_uns tinyint unsigned,
+small smallint,
+small_uns smallint unsigned,
+medium mediumint,
+medium_uns mediumint unsigned,
+int_col int,
+int_col_uns int unsigned,
+big bigint,
+big_uns bigint unsigned,
+decimal_col decimal(10,5),
+# synonyms of DECIMAL
+numeric_col numeric(10),
+fixed_col fixed(10),
+dec_col dec(10),
+decimal_col_uns decimal(10,5) unsigned,
+fcol float,
+fcol_uns float unsigned,
+dcol double,
+double_precision_col double precision,
+dcol_uns double unsigned,
+# date/time types
+date_col date,
+time_col time,
+timestamp_col timestamp,
+year_col year,
+datetime_col datetime,
+# string types
+char_col char(5),
+varchar_col varchar(10),
+binary_col binary(10),
+varbinary_col varbinary(10),
+tinyblob_col tinyblob,
+blob_col blob,
+mediumblob_col mediumblob,
+longblob_col longblob,
+text_col text,
+mediumtext_col mediumtext,
+longtext_col longtext,
+enum_col enum("A","B","C"),
+set_col set("F","E","D")
+select * from t1;
+Catalog Database Table Table_alias Column Column_alias Type Length Max length Is_null Flags Decimals Charsetnr
+def test t1 t1 bool_col bool_col 1 1 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 boolean_col boolean_col 1 1 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 bit_col bit_col 16 5 0 Y 32 0 63
+def test t1 t1 tiny tiny 1 4 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 tiny_uns tiny_uns 1 3 0 Y 32800 0 63
+def test t1 t1 small small 2 6 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 small_uns small_uns 2 5 0 Y 32800 0 63
+def test t1 t1 medium medium 9 9 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 medium_uns medium_uns 9 8 0 Y 32800 0 63
+def test t1 t1 int_col int_col 3 11 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 int_col_uns int_col_uns 3 10 0 Y 32800 0 63
+def test t1 t1 big big 8 20 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 big_uns big_uns 8 20 0 Y 32800 0 63
+def test t1 t1 decimal_col decimal_col 246 12 0 Y 32768 5 63
+def test t1 t1 numeric_col numeric_col 246 11 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 fixed_col fixed_col 246 11 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 dec_col dec_col 246 11 0 Y 32768 0 63
+def test t1 t1 decimal_col_uns decimal_col_uns 246 11 0 Y 32800 5 63
+def test t1 t1 fcol fcol 4 12 0 Y 32768 31 63
+def test t1 t1 fcol_uns fcol_uns 4 12 0 Y 32800 31 63
+def test t1 t1 dcol dcol 5 22 0 Y 32768 31 63
+def test t1 t1 double_precision_col double_precision_col 5 22 0 Y 32768 31 63
+def test t1 t1 dcol_uns dcol_uns 5 22 0 Y 32800 31 63
+def test t1 t1 date_col date_col 10 10 0 Y 128 0 63
+def test t1 t1 time_col time_col 11 8 0 Y 128 0 63
+def test t1 t1 timestamp_col timestamp_col 7 19 0 N 9441 0 63
+def test t1 t1 year_col year_col 13 4 0 Y 32864 0 63
+def test t1 t1 datetime_col datetime_col 12 19 0 Y 128 0 63
+def test t1 t1 char_col char_col 254 5 0 Y 0 0 8
+def test t1 t1 varchar_col varchar_col 253 10 0 Y 0 0 8
+def test t1 t1 binary_col binary_col 254 10 0 Y 128 0 63
+def test t1 t1 varbinary_col varbinary_col 253 10 0 Y 128 0 63
+def test t1 t1 tinyblob_col tinyblob_col 252 255 0 Y 144 0 63
+def test t1 t1 blob_col blob_col 252 65535 0 Y 144 0 63
+def test t1 t1 mediumblob_col mediumblob_col 252 16777215 0 Y 144 0 63
+def test t1 t1 longblob_col longblob_col 252 4294967295 0 Y 144 0 63
+def test t1 t1 text_col text_col 252 65535 0 Y 16 0 8
+def test t1 t1 mediumtext_col mediumtext_col 252 16777215 0 Y 16 0 8
+def test t1 t1 longtext_col longtext_col 252 4294967295 0 Y 16 0 8
+def test t1 t1 enum_col enum_col 254 1 0 Y 256 0 8
+def test t1 t1 set_col set_col 254 5 0 Y 2048 0 8
+bool_col boolean_col bit_col tiny tiny_uns small small_uns medium medium_uns int_col int_col_uns big big_uns decimal_col numeric_col fixed_col dec_col decimal_col_uns fcol fcol_uns dcol double_precision_col dcol_uns date_col time_col timestamp_col year_col datetime_col char_col varchar_col binary_col varbinary_col tinyblob_col blob_col mediumblob_col longblob_col text_col mediumtext_col longtext_col enum_col set_col
+drop table t1;