path: root/mysql-test/r/sp.result
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/r/sp.result')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp.result b/mysql-test/r/sp.result
index 0af6b821ce0..3edfbdc726e 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/sp.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/sp.result
@@ -2059,6 +2059,107 @@ call bug6029()|
drop procedure bug6029|
drop table t3|
+drop procedure if exists bug8540|
+create procedure bug8540()
+declare x int default 1;
+select x as y, x+0 as z;
+call bug8540()|
+y z
+1 1
+drop procedure bug8540|
+drop table if exists t3|
+create table t3 (s1 int)|
+drop procedure if exists bug6642|
+create procedure bug6642()
+select abs(count(s1)) from t3|
+call bug6642()|
+call bug6642()|
+drop procedure bug6642|
+insert into t3 values (0),(1)|
+drop procedure if exists bug7013|
+create procedure bug7013()
+select s1,count(s1) from t3 group by s1 with rollup|
+call bug7013()|
+s1 count(s1)
+0 1
+1 1
+call bug7013()|
+s1 count(s1)
+0 1
+1 1
+drop procedure bug7013|
+drop table if exists t4;
+create table t4 (
+a mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment,
+b smallint(5) unsigned not null,
+c char(32) not null,
+primary key (a)
+) engine=myisam default charset=latin1|
+insert into t4 values (1, 2, 'oneword')|
+insert into t4 values (2, 2, 'anotherword')|
+drop procedure if exists bug7743|
+create procedure bug7743 ( searchstring char(28) )
+declare var mediumint(8) unsigned;
+select a into var from t4 where b = 2 and c = binary searchstring limit 1;
+select var;
+call bug7743("oneword")|
+call bug7743("OneWord")|
+call bug7743("anotherword")|
+call bug7743("AnotherWord")|
+drop procedure bug7743|
+drop table t4|
+delete from t3|
+insert into t3 values(1)|
+drop procedure if exists bug7992_1|
+Note 1305 PROCEDURE bug7992_1 does not exist
+drop procedure if exists bug7992_2|
+Note 1305 PROCEDURE bug7992_2 does not exist
+create procedure bug7992_1()
+declare i int;
+select max(s1)+1 into i from t3;
+create procedure bug7992_2()
+insert into t3 (s1) select max(t4.s1)+1 from t3 as t4|
+call bug7992_1()|
+call bug7992_1()|
+call bug7992_2()|
+call bug7992_2()|
+drop procedure bug7992_1|
+drop procedure bug7992_2|
+drop table t3|
+drop table if exists t3|
+create table t3 ( userid bigint(20) not null default 0 )|
+drop procedure if exists bug8116|
+create procedure bug8116(in _userid int)
+select * from t3 where userid = _userid|
+call bug8116(42)|
+call bug8116(42)|
+drop procedure bug8116|
+drop table t3|
drop table if exists fac|
create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
drop procedure if exists ifac|