path: root/mysql-test/r
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/r')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ctype_cp932_binlog_stm.result b/mysql-test/r/ctype_cp932_binlog_stm.result
index c96079bb46a..cf5c41f4153 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ctype_cp932_binlog_stm.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ctype_cp932_binlog_stm.result
@@ -37,20 +37,23 @@ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 514 Query 1 581 BEGIN
master-bin.000001 581 Query 1 788 use `mtr`; INSERT INTO test_suppressions (pattern) VALUES ( NAME_CONST('pattern',_latin1'Error in Log_event::read_log_event()' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'))
master-bin.000001 788 Query 1 856 COMMIT
-master-bin.000001 856 Query 1 1019 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t4 (s1 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET latin1,
+master-bin.000001 856 Query 1 923 BEGIN
+master-bin.000001 923 Query 1 1172 use `mtr`; INSERT INTO test_suppressions (pattern) VALUES ( NAME_CONST('pattern',_latin1'Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'))
+master-bin.000001 1172 Query 1 1240 COMMIT
+master-bin.000001 1240 Query 1 1403 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t4 (s1 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET latin1,
s2 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET cp932,
d DECIMAL(10,2))
-master-bin.000001 1019 Query 1 1265 use `test`; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `bug18293`(IN ins1 CHAR(50),
+master-bin.000001 1403 Query 1 1649 use `test`; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `bug18293`(IN ins1 CHAR(50),
IN ins2 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET cp932,
IN ind DECIMAL(10,2))
INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (ins1, ins2, ind);
-master-bin.000001 1265 Query 1 1333 BEGIN
-master-bin.000001 1333 Query 1 1597 use `test`; INSERT INTO t4 VALUES ( NAME_CONST('ins1',_latin1 0x466F6F2773206120426172 COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'), NAME_CONST('ins2',_cp932 0xED40ED41ED42 COLLATE 'cp932_japanese_ci'), NAME_CONST('ind',47.93))
-master-bin.000001 1597 Query 1 1666 COMMIT
-master-bin.000001 1666 Query 1 1752 use `test`; DROP PROCEDURE bug18293
-master-bin.000001 1752 Query 1 1828 use `test`; DROP TABLE t4
+master-bin.000001 1649 Query 1 1717 BEGIN
+master-bin.000001 1717 Query 1 1981 use `test`; INSERT INTO t4 VALUES ( NAME_CONST('ins1',_latin1 0x466F6F2773206120426172 COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'), NAME_CONST('ins2',_cp932 0xED40ED41ED42 COLLATE 'cp932_japanese_ci'), NAME_CONST('ind',47.93))
+master-bin.000001 1981 Query 1 2050 COMMIT
+master-bin.000001 2050 Query 1 2136 use `test`; DROP PROCEDURE bug18293
+master-bin.000001 2136 Query 1 2212 use `test`; DROP TABLE t4
End of 5.0 tests
ERROR HY000: Error when executing command SHOW BINLOG EVENTS: Wrong offset or I/O error
@@ -75,7 +78,11 @@ CREATE TABLE t1 (b VARCHAR(2));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0'),('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('5'),('6'),('7');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('8'),('9'),('A'),('B'),('C'),('D'),('E'),('F');
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE head AS SELECT concat(b1.b, b2.b) AS head FROM t1 b1, t1 b2;
+Note 1592 Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Reason for unsafeness: Statements that read from both transactional (or a temporary table of any engine type) and non-transactional tables and write to any of them are unsafe.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tail AS SELECT concat(b1.b, b2.b) AS tail FROM t1 b1, t1 b2;
+Note 1592 Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Reason for unsafeness: Statements that read from both transactional (or a temporary table of any engine type) and non-transactional tables and write to any of them are unsafe.
SELECT concat(head, tail) AS code, ' ' AS a