path: root/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/instant_alter_index_rename.result
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/instant_alter_index_rename.result')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/instant_alter_index_rename.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/instant_alter_index_rename.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..93bbf6ee193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/instant_alter_index_rename.result
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+create function get_index_id(tbl_id int, index_name char(100))
+returns int
+declare res int;
+select index_id into res from information_schema.innodb_sys_indexes where
+name=index_name and table_id = tbl_id;
+return res;
+create table t (
+pk int primary key,
+a int,
+b int,
+c int,
+unique index a_key (a),
+key c_key (c)
+) engine=innodb stats_persistent=1;
+insert into t values (1, 1, 1, 1);
+set @table_id = (select table_id from information_schema.innodb_sys_tables where name='test/t');
+set @a_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key');
+set @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key');
+set @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+select distinct(index_name) from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name = 't';
+alter table t
+drop index a_key,
+add unique index a_key_strikes_back (a);
+select distinct(index_name) from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name = 't';
+check table t;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.t check status OK
+select @a_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_strikes_back'),
+@c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key'),
+@primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+@a_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_strikes_back') @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key') @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary')
+1 1 1
+set @a_key_strikes_back_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_strikes_back');
+set @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key');
+set @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+alter table t
+drop index a_key_strikes_back,
+add unique index a_key_returns (a),
+drop primary key,
+add primary key (pk),
+add unique index b_key (b);
+check table t;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.t check status OK
+select @a_key_strikes_back_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_returns'),
+@c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key'),
+@primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+@a_key_strikes_back_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_returns') @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key') @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary')
+1 1 1
+set @a_key_returns_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_returns');
+set @b_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'b_key');
+set @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key');
+set @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+alter table t
+drop key c_key,
+add key c_key2 (c);
+check table t;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.t check status OK
+select @a_key_returns_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_returns'),
+@b_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'b_key'),
+@c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key2'),
+@primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary');
+@a_key_returns_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'a_key_returns') @b_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'b_key') @c_key_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'c_key2') @primary_id = get_index_id(@table_id, 'primary')
+1 1 1 1
+drop table t;
+drop function get_index_id;
+create table errors (
+a int,
+unique key a_key (a),
+b int
+) engine=innodb;
+alter table errors
+drop key a_key,
+drop key a_key,
+add unique key a_key2 (a);
+ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `a_key`; check that it exists
+alter table errors
+drop key a_key,
+drop key a_key2,
+add unique key a_key2 (a);
+ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `a_key2`; check that it exists
+alter table errors
+add key b_key (b),
+drop key b_key,
+add key bb_key (b);
+ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `b_key`; check that it exists
+alter table errors
+drop key a_key,
+add key a_key2 (a),
+drop key a_key,
+add key a_key2 (a);
+ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `a_key`; check that it exists
+drop table errors;
+create table corrupted (
+a int,
+key a_key (a)
+) engine=innodb;
+insert into corrupted values (1);
+select * from corrupted;
+SET @save_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug;
+SET debug_dbug = '+d,dict_set_index_corrupted';
+check table corrupted;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.corrupted check Warning InnoDB: Index a_key is marked as corrupted
+test.corrupted check error Corrupt
+SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
+select * from corrupted;
+ERROR HY000: Index corrupted is corrupted
+alter table corrupted
+drop key a_key,
+add key a_key2 (a);
+ERROR HY000: Index a_key is corrupted
+alter table corrupted
+drop key a_key;
+select * from corrupted;
+check table corrupted;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.corrupted check status OK
+drop table corrupted;
+create table t (
+a int,
+unique key a_key (a)
+) engine=innodb stats_persistent=1;
+SET @save_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug;
+SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_rename_index_fail1';
+alter table t
+drop key a_key,
+add unique key a_key2 (a),
+ERROR 40001: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
+SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
+alter table t
+drop key a_key,
+add unique key `GEN_CLUST_INDEX` (a),
+ERROR 42000: Incorrect index name 'GEN_CLUST_INDEX'
+show create table t;
+Table Create Table
+ `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+ UNIQUE KEY `a_key` (`a`)
+drop table t;
+create table rename_column_and_index (
+a int,
+unique index a_key(a)
+) engine=innodb;
+insert into rename_column_and_index values (1), (3);
+alter table rename_column_and_index
+change a aa int,
+drop key a_key,
+add unique key aa_key(aa),
+show create table rename_column_and_index;
+Table Create Table
+rename_column_and_index CREATE TABLE `rename_column_and_index` (
+ `aa` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+ UNIQUE KEY `aa_key` (`aa`)
+check table rename_column_and_index;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+test.rename_column_and_index check status OK
+drop table rename_column_and_index;