path: root/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/ortho_iter.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/ortho_iter.test')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/ortho_iter.test b/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/ortho_iter.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09ecfa8a788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/ortho_iter.test
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Verify the orthogonality of iterators (table*::rnd_next()),
+# for every table and instruments.
+--source include/
+--source include/
+drop procedure if exists check_instrument;
+delimiter $;
+create procedure check_instrument(in instr_name varchar(128))
+ declare count_expected integer;
+ declare count_actual integer;
+ declare is_wait integer;
+ declare is_stage integer;
+ declare is_statement integer;
+ declare is_wait_table integer;
+ declare is_stage_table integer;
+ declare is_statement_table integer;
+ declare pfs_table_name varchar(64);
+ declare msg varchar(512);
+ declare msg_detail varchar(512);
+ declare cmd_1 varchar(512);
+ declare cmd_2 varchar(512);
+ declare done integer default 0;
+ declare debug integer default 0;
+ declare pfs_cursor CURSOR FOR
+ select table_name from information_schema.tables
+ where table_schema= 'performance_schema'
+ and table_name like "events_%_by_event_name%";
+ declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000'
+ set done = 1;
+ select (instr_name like "wait/%") or (instr_name like "idle/%") into is_wait;
+ select (instr_name like "stage/%") into is_stage;
+ select (instr_name like "statement/%") into is_statement;
+ select instr_name, is_wait, is_stage, is_statement;
+ select count(name)
+ from performance_schema.setup_instruments
+ where name like (concat(instr_name, "%"))
+ into count_expected;
+ set cmd_1= "select count(*) from (select distinct event_name from performance_schema.";
+ set cmd_2= concat(" where event_name like \"",
+ instr_name,
+ "%\") t into @count_actual");
+ open pfs_cursor;
+ repeat
+ fetch pfs_cursor into pfs_table_name;
+ if not done then
+ select (pfs_table_name like "%waits%") into is_wait_table;
+ select (pfs_table_name like "%stages%") into is_stage_table;
+ select (pfs_table_name like "%statements%") into is_statement_table;
+ select concat("Checking table ", pfs_table_name, " ...") as status;
+ select concat(cmd_1, pfs_table_name, cmd_2) into @cmd;
+ if debug = 1
+ then
+ select @cmd;
+ end if;
+ prepare stmt from @cmd;
+ execute stmt;
+ drop prepare stmt;
+ set msg_detail= concat("table ", pfs_table_name,
+ ", instruments ", count_expected,
+ ", found ", @count_actual);
+ if is_wait = 1 and is_wait_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Missing wait events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ if is_wait = 1 and is_wait_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Unexpected wait events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ if is_stage = 1 and is_stage_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Missing stage events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ if is_stage = 1 and is_stage_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Unexpected stage events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ if is_statement = 1 and is_statement_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Missing statement events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ if is_statement = 1 and is_statement_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
+ then
+ set msg= concat("Unexpected statement events: ", msg_detail);
+ signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ until done
+ end repeat;
+ close pfs_cursor;
+ -- Dont want to return a 02000 NOT FOUND, there should be a better way
+ signal sqlstate '01000' set message_text='Done', mysql_errno=12000;
+delimiter ;$
+# Check the configuration is ok
+show variables like "performance_schema%";
+show status like "performance_schema%";
+call check_instrument("wait/synch/mutex/");
+call check_instrument("wait/synch/rwlock/");
+call check_instrument("wait/synch/cond/");
+call check_instrument("wait/synch/");
+call check_instrument("wait/io/file/");
+call check_instrument("wait/io/net/");
+call check_instrument("wait/io/table/");
+call check_instrument("wait/io/");
+call check_instrument("wait/lock/table/");
+call check_instrument("wait/lock/");
+call check_instrument("wait/");
+call check_instrument("stage/");
+call check_instrument("statement/com/");
+call check_instrument("statement/sql/");
+call check_instrument("statement/");
+call check_instrument("idle/io/socket");
+call check_instrument("idle/");
+drop procedure check_instrument;