path: root/mysql-test/t/ps.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/t/ps.test')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/ps.test b/mysql-test/t/ps.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35f9b193fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/t/ps.test
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements test
+drop table if exists t1,t2;
+create table t1
+ a int primary key,
+ b char(10)
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+# basic functionality
+set @a=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'select * from t1 where a <= ?';
+execute stmt1 using @a;
+set @a=3;
+execute stmt1 using @a;
+# non-existant statement
+--error 1243
+deallocate prepare no_such_statement;
+--error 1210
+execute stmt1;
+# Nesting ps commands is not allowed:
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt2 from 'prepare nested_stmt from "select 1"';
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt2 from 'execute stmt1';
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt2 from 'deallocate prepare z';
+# PS insert
+prepare stmt3 from 'insert into t1 values (?,?)';
+set @arg1=5, @arg2='five';
+execute stmt3 using @arg1, @arg2;
+select * from t1 where a>3;
+# PS update
+prepare stmt4 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?';
+set @arg1=55, @arg2='five';
+execute stmt4 using @arg1, @arg2;
+select * from t1 where a>3;
+# PS create/delete
+prepare stmt4 from 'create table t2 (a int)';
+execute stmt4;
+prepare stmt4 from 'drop table t2';
+execute stmt4;
+# Do something that will cause error
+--error 1051
+execute stmt4;
+# placeholders in result field names.
+prepare stmt5 from 'select ? + a from t1';
+set @a=1;
+execute stmt5 using @a;
+execute stmt5 using @no_such_var;
+set @nullvar=1;
+set @nullvar=NULL;
+execute stmt5 using @nullvar;
+set @nullvar2=NULL;
+execute stmt5 using @nullvar2;
+# Check that multiple SQL statements are disabled inside PREPARE
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt6 from 'select 1; select2';
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt6 from 'insert into t1 values (5,"five"); select2';
+# This shouldn't parse
+--error 1064
+explain prepare stmt6 from 'insert into t1 values (5,"five"); select2';
+create table t2
+ a int
+insert into t2 values (0);
+# parameter is NULL
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'select 1 FROM t2 where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+# prepare using variables:
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt1 from @nosuchvar;
+set @ivar= 1234;
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt1 from @ivar;
+set @fvar= 123.4567;
+--error 1064
+prepare stmt1 from @fvar;
+set @str1 = 'select ?';
+set @str2 = convert(@str1 using ucs2);
+prepare stmt1 from @str2;
+execute stmt1 using @ivar;
+drop table t1,t2;
+# Bug #4105: Server crash on attempt to prepare a statement with character
+# set introducer
+PREPARE stmt1 FROM "select _utf8 'A' collate utf8_bin = ?";
+set @var='A';
+EXECUTE stmt1 USING @var;
+# BUG#3486: FOUND_ROWS() fails inside stored procedure [and prepared statement]
+create table t1 (id int);
+prepare stmt1 from "select FOUND_ROWS()";
+select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t1;
+# Expect 0
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values (1);
+select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t1;
+# Expect 1
+execute stmt1;
+# Expect 0
+execute stmt1;
+deallocate prepare stmt1;
+drop table t1;
+# prepared EXPLAIN
+create table t1
+ c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 mediumint, c4 int,
+ c5 integer, c6 bigint, c7 float, c8 double,
+ c9 double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+ c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+ c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+ c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+ c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+ c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+ c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday')
+) engine = MYISAM ;
+create table t2 like t1;
+set @stmt= ' explain SELECT (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 where (t1.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2 GROUP BY t1.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s, exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t1.c4) as exists_s, c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s, (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s FROM t1, (select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x * 1 = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+explain SELECT (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 where (t1.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2 GROUP BY t1.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s, exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t1.c4) as exists_s, c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s, (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s FROM t1, (select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x * 1 = c25;
+deallocate prepare stmt1;
+drop tables t1,t2;
+# parameters from variables (for field creation)
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' create table t1 (m int) as select 1 as m ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+select m from t1;
+drop table t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' create table t1 (m int) as select ? as m ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select m from t1;
+deallocate prepare stmt1;
+drop table t1;
+# eq() for parameters
+create table t1 (id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+ name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`));
+insert into t1 values (1,'1'),(2,'2'),(3,'3'),(4,'4'),(5,'5'),(6,'6'),(7,'7');
+prepare stmt1 from 'select name from t1 where id=? or id=?';
+set @id1=1,@id2=6;
+execute stmt1 using @id1, @id2;
+select name from t1 where id=1 or id=6;
+deallocate prepare stmt1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 ( a int primary key, b varchar(30)) engine = MYISAM ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' show table status from test like ''t1%'' ';
+--replace_column 12 # 13 # 14 #
+execute stmt1;
+--replace_column 12 # 13 # 14 #
+show table status from test like 't1%' ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+drop table t1;