path: root/ndb/home/bin/cvschk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ndb/home/bin/cvschk')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ndb/home/bin/cvschk b/ndb/home/bin/cvschk
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4510cc30888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndb/home/bin/cvschk
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# cvschk -- fast offline check for new files and modifications of files
+# cvschk : A perl program which checks the status of the CVS controlled
+# files and gives an ASCII table sorted after the status of files.
+# If you have used CVS, then you know that it is hard to
+# get a good overview the CVS-status of the files in you
+# directories. Any new files? Any files changes?
+# cvschk will help the programmer get the overview in the
+# situation, where we do not have access to the CVS repository.
+# Note that the program does only local checks of the files
+# If you have fast access to the CVS repositiory, then consider
+# the cvsstat-program - which additionally can tell if other
+# people have made newer versions of the files.
+# The program requires Perl 5.004 (maybe previous versions also work).
+# It is tuned to parse the output of cvs(1) version 1.9.
+# Earlier and later versions may require modifications to the script.
+# ** Note that the first line might be wrong depending **
+# ** on the location of your perl program. **
+# Sample output:
+# The directory ./mytempdir is not under CVS control
+# Changed files
+# ---------------
+# ./cvs2html
+# ./cvschk
+# ./cvsstat
+# New files
+# ---------------
+# ./.#cvschk
+# ./XX
+# ./cvs2html.ok
+# Deleted files
+# ---------------
+# (none)
+# Changelog:
+# Ver Date Author Changelog
+# --- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------------------
+# 1.12 2002-01-04 Michael Kohne Fixed a $foo=<> warning for
+# 5.004_01 with defined($foo=<>)
+# Added a --tabular|-t switch
+# 1.11 2001-12-27 Michael Kohne Added cvsignore functionality
+# Handling of 'dummy timestamp'
+# Handling of 'Result of Merge'
+# 1.10 2001-11-06 Michael Kohne Added -r and -l options
+# 1.9 2001-08-03 Lars G. T. Jørgensen Hack to allow special entry-line
+# 1.8 2001-06-07 Peter Toft Back to the same as 1.6
+# CVS is my friend
+# 1.7 2001-06-04 Peter Toft Peter was very tired and
+# applied a wrong patch -
+# version 1.7 is crap
+# 1.6 2000-12-17 Peter Toft Better description added
+# 1.5 2000-11-04 Peter Toft URL of cvsstat changed
+# 1.4 2000-09-20 Peter Toft Must show deleted files also
+# as the default
+# 1.3 2000-08-08 Ole Tange and Initial version
+# Peter Toft
+# ---- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This program is protected by the GPL, and all modifications of
+# general interest should be emailed to the maintainer (
+# This program also uses code parts from cvsstat
+# (same homepage as cvschk)
+# Copyright 2000,2001 by Peter Toft <> and Ole Tange <>
+# as well as
+# Lars G. T. Jørgensen <>
+# The URL of the home page of cvschk is shown below.
+use Time::Local;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $startdir = ".";
+my $debug = 0;
+my (%files,%filesok,%seen,%skip);
+# Michael Kohne 12/16/01
+# Simulation of .cvsignore as CVS does it...
+# using .cvsignore handling makes cvschk take from 2 to 3 times
+# longer to run over the same set of files.
+# in my tests, disabling cvsignore altogether, cvschk takes .2
+# seconds on my working directory. Adding cvsignore,takes
+# .4 seconds.
+# Note that I do not use individual .cvsignore files - if there
+# are a lot of them in your directory tree, it will add run time
+# variables used for .cvsignore handling
+my $initcvsignoreregex;# regex holding all startup cvsignore pattersn (no ())
+my $cvsignoreregex;# one regex holding all current cvsignore patterns
+my $disable_cvsignore=0;# set to 1 to disable cvsignore emulation
+ # (available in case it's REALLY screwed up)
+my $disable_ind_cvsignore=0;# set to 1 to disable finding .cvsignore files
+ # in each directory.
+my $debug_cvsignore = 0; # For debugging .cvsignore problems
+my %mon;
+@mon{qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)}=
+ 0..11; # Perl months are 0 .. 11
+my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.12 $ ' =~ /^\$\w+: (.*) \$ $/);
+my $URL = "";
+my $version_line = "cvschk version $version (see $URL)\n";
+my $opt_all;
+my $restrict;
+my $local;
+my $tabular;
+my $opt_restrict;
+sub show_version {print $version_line}
+sub die_version {die $version_line}
+sub die_usage {
+ my $bundled = ($] > 5.00399
+ ? "can be bundled"
+ : "can't be bundled, because your Perl is too old");
+ die <<END_OF_USAGE; # Help in the style of GNU `ls --help' or `make --help'
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]...
+ Show the CVS status of FILEs (the current directory by default),
+ traversing directories recursively and telling if new files exist
+ in the repository.
+ -a, --all Show all statistics, including the names of files that
+ are up to date, used tags, ignored patterns and more
+ -r, --restrict Don't show the names of the unknown files
+ (useful if you have many temporary files)
+ -t, --tabular Show one file per line, each preceeded with a status word,
+ Sorted by filename.
+ -l, --local Don't descend into sub-directories
+ -d, --debug Debug info
+ -h, --help Show this help end exit immediately
+ -V, --version Show the version line and exit immediately
+The one-letter options $bundled.
+sub die_help {show_version; die_usage}
+# Let `-ar' mean `-a -r' and require `--all' (or -a) instead of `-all'.
+if ($] > 5.00399) { # This requires 5.004, so silently skip it for older Perls.
+ eval {Getopt::Long::config("bundling")}; # avoid 5.003 compilation error
+ warn $@ if $@; # For Perl 5.004+ we do want to see any compilation error
+GetOptions( "all|a" => \$opt_all,
+ "tabular|t" => \$tabular,
+ "restrict|r" => \$restrict,
+ "local|l" => \$local,
+ "help|h" => \&die_help,
+ "debug|d" => \$debug,
+ "version|V" => \&die_version,
+ ) or die_usage;
+sub cvs_changed_in_dir($); #define prototype (for recursion)
+# functions for .cvsignore handling
+# converts a given filename pattern
+# (of the sort that sh(1) takes) to
+# a perl regex of similar meaning.
+# It works by doing the following:
+# change:
+# . to \.
+# $ to \$
+# * to .*
+# ? to .
+sub fpat_to_regex($)
+ my $fexp;
+ $fexp = shift;
+ $fexp =~ s/\./\\\./g;#change . to \.
+ $fexp =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;#change dollar sign to \dollar sign
+ $fexp =~ s/\*/.*/g;# change * to .*
+ $fexp =~ s/\?/./g; # change ? to .
+ return $fexp;
+# copy the input list to one single regex,
+# items seperated by | symbols.
+# return the regex string
+sub do_regex_convert
+ my $rx = "";
+ my $first = 1;#true for first element only
+ # convert each element of cvsignore into a regex
+ # this makes the patterns usable in perl
+ my $cp;
+ foreach $cp (@_) {
+ if (not $first) { $rx = $rx . "|"; }
+ if ($first) { $first = 0; }
+ $rx = $rx . fpat_to_regex($cp);
+ }
+ return $rx;
+# first parameter is a reference to the array
+# to be loaded
+# the rest of the parameters are just items
+# that need to be loaded into the array.
+# Note that if a ! is found, the list is
+# emptied, then further items are added.
+# returns true if a ! was found
+sub load_list_from_list
+ my $arref = shift;# get reference to array from front
+ my $item;
+ my $ret=0;#false means no ! found
+ chomp @_;#kill newlines
+ foreach $item (@_) {
+ $item =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;#kill leading/trailing whitespace
+ if ($item) { # empty string is false
+ push @$arref,$item;
+ }
+ if ($item eq "!") {
+ @$arref = ();# '!' causes list to clear
+ $ret = 1;# ! found
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# loads the given list with lines from the
+# specified file. Note that if a '!' is found
+# all prior patterns are removed from the list
+# before the following patterns are loaded
+# first param is the filename,
+# second param is a reference to an array
+# that the data is to go into
+# returns true if a ! was found
+sub load_list_from_file
+ my @inlist;
+ my $fname = shift;#filename to read from
+ #if (not -e $fname) { return; }
+ my $arref = shift;#array to store into
+ open CVSIGNORE,"$fname" or return;#file might not exist, that's OK
+ @inlist = <CVSIGNORE>;
+ close CVSIGNORE;
+ return load_list_from_list($arref,@inlist);
+# loads $cvsignoreregex from
+# $initcvsignoreregex and the .cvsignore file
+# in the local directory
+sub load_cvsignore
+ if ($disable_ind_cvsignore) {return;}#don't look for local .cvsignore files
+ if ($disable_cvsignore) {return;}#don't do anything
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my @cvsignore;
+ # bang will be true if a ! was found. In such cases, I need
+ # to not use the pre-exisitng regex list.
+ my $bang = load_list_from_file("$dir/.cvsignore",\@cvsignore);
+ # if we get a local cvsignore list, then...
+ my $rx = do_regex_convert(@cvsignore);
+ if ($rx) {
+ $cvsignoreregex = "(";
+ if (not $bang) {$cvsignoreregex = $cvsignoreregex . $initcvsignoreregex . "|";}
+ $cvsignoreregex = $cvsignoreregex . $rx . ")";
+ } else {
+ if ($bang) {$cvsignoreregex = "";}
+ else {$cvsignoreregex = "(" . $initcvsignoreregex . ")";}
+ }
+ if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $dir,":",$cvsignoreregex, "\n";}
+# loads all of the cvsignore patterns that
+# can be loaded at script startup
+sub load_initial_cvsignore()
+ #load the default patterns
+ # (taken from
+ #
+ # this gives you the patterns that cvs normally starts with
+ my @initcvsignore;
+ push @initcvsignore,("RCS");
+ push @initcvsignore,("SCCS");
+ push @initcvsignore,("CVS");
+ push @initcvsignore,("CVS.adm");
+ push @initcvsignore,("RCSLOG");
+ push @initcvsignore,("cvslog.*");
+ push @initcvsignore,("tags");
+ push @initcvsignore,("TAGS");
+ push @initcvsignore,(".make.state");
+ push @initcvsignore,(".nse_depinfo");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*~");
+ push @initcvsignore,("\#*");
+ push @initcvsignore,(".\#*");
+ push @initcvsignore,("\,*");
+ push @initcvsignore,("_\$\*");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*\$");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.old");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.bak");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.BAK");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.orig");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.rej");
+ push @initcvsignore,(".del-*");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.a");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.olb");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.o");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.obj");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.so");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.exe");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.Z");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.elc");
+ push @initcvsignore,("*.ln");
+ push @initcvsignore,("core");
+ # now, load (in proper order!)
+ # each of the possible cvsignore files
+ # there are 4 possible .cvsignore files:
+ # $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore
+ # ~/.cvsignore
+ # $CVSIGNORE environment variable
+ # .cvsignore in current directory
+ # The first (CVSROOT/cvsignore) would require calling cvs, so
+ # we won't do that one.
+ # The last (.cvsignore in current directory) is done
+ # for each directory. It's handled in the load_cvsignore routine.
+ # ~/.cvsignore
+ my @inlist;
+ my $item;
+ my $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"};
+ if (not $HOME) {$HOME = ".";}
+ load_list_from_file("$HOME/.cvsignore",\@initcvsignore);
+ # $CVSIGNORE environment variable
+ my $igstr = $ENV{"CVSIGNORE"}; # get env var
+ if ($igstr) {
+ my @iglist = split(/\s+/, $igstr); #if it exists, convert to list
+ load_list_from_list(\@initcvsignore,@iglist);
+ }
+ # now that @initcvsignore is setup,
+ # turn it into a regex string
+ $initcvsignoreregex = do_regex_convert(@initcvsignore);
+ # now preset the cvsignore regex string to match
+ # @initcvsignore. That way, if we aren't using local
+ # cvsignore files, we do nothing.
+ $cvsignoreregex = "(" . $initcvsignoreregex . ")";
+# routine to see if the given name is in the cvsignore regex
+# returns true if it is, false if it's not
+sub ignore_file($)
+ #allow user to disable the cvsignore stuff
+ if ($disable_cvsignore) {return 0;}
+ if (not $cvsignoreregex) {return 0;}# if regex is empty, nothing matches the regex
+ my $filename = shift;
+ if ($debug_cvsignore) {print "ignore_file:",$filename,"\n";}
+ if ($filename =~ $cvsignoreregex) {
+ if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $filename," matches\n";}
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $filename," doesn't match\n";}
+ return 0;
+sub cvs_changed_in_dir($) {
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my ($line,$filename,$version,$mtime,$date,
+ $dir_filename,$cvstime,@subdirs,
+ @new_in_dir,$i);
+ # Examine status of files in CVS/Entries
+ if(not open(ENTRIES,"$dir/CVS/Entries")) {
+ if ($tabular) {
+ push @{$files{Unknown}}, $dir;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "The directory $dir is not under CVS control\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ load_cvsignore($dir);#load up proper cvsignore for given directory
+ while(defined ($line=<ENTRIES>)) {
+ # Parse CVS/Entries-line
+ $line=~m!^/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/.*/! or do {
+ $debug and warn("Skipping entry-line $line");
+ next;
+ };
+ ($filename,$version,$date) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $dir_filename=$dir."/".$filename;
+ # Mark this file as seen
+ $seen{$dir_filename}=1;
+ # if not exists: Deleted
+ if(not -e $dir_filename) {
+ push @{$files{Deleted}}, $dir_filename; next;
+ }
+ # if dir: save name for recursion
+ -d $dir_filename and do {
+ push @subdirs, $dir_filename; next;
+ };
+ # modification time of $dir_filename
+ $mtime= (stat $dir_filename)[9];
+ if($date eq "dummy timestamp") {
+ # dummy timestamp means it's new to the repository.
+ push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
+ if ($debug) {
+ print "$dir_filename is changed\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($date eq "Result of merge") {
+ # result of merge means it's changed, then updated.
+ push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
+ if ($debug) {
+ print "$dir_filename is changed\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif(not
+ $date=~/... (...)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\d{4})/)
+ {
+ #bogus entry in Entires
+ warn "Warning: $dir_filename -> '$date' ".
+ "not in ctime(3) format\n";
+ } else {
+ $cvstime=timegm($5,$4,$3,$2,$mon{$1},$6);
+ if($cvstime != $mtime) {
+ push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
+ if ($debug) {
+ print "$dir_filename is changed\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @{$files{Unchanged}}, $dir_filename;
+ if ($debug) {
+ print "$dir_filename is Unchanged\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close ENTRIES;
+ # Locate any new files/dirs
+ if(not opendir(D,$dir)) {
+ warn("Cannot open $dir");
+ @new_in_dir= ();
+ } else {
+ @skip{qw(. .. CVS)}=1..3; # Filenames that that we want to ignore
+ #(note: these are exact filenames)
+ @new_in_dir=
+ (grep { not $seen{$_} } # files we have not already processed
+ map { $dir."/".$_ } # map from file to dir/file
+ grep { not ignore_file($_) } # ignore files in the cvsignore list
+ grep { not $skip{$_} } # skip files to be ignored
+ readdir(D));
+ closedir(D);
+ }
+ # Remember new files (actually non-directories)
+ push @{$files{New}}, grep { not -d $_ } @new_in_dir;
+ if ($debug) { print "@{$files{New}} are new in $dir\n"; }
+ # Remember new subdirs
+ push @subdirs, grep { -d $_ } @new_in_dir;
+ # Recurse all subdirs
+ if (not $local) {
+ for $i (@subdirs) { cvs_changed_in_dir($i); }
+ }
+ }
+sub print_status()
+ my $k;
+ my %show_these_states = ("Changed" => 1);
+ if(not $restrict) {
+ $show_these_states{"New"} = 1;
+ $show_these_states{"Deleted"} = 1;
+ }
+ if($opt_all) { $show_these_states{"Unchanged"} = 1; }
+ if ($tabular) {
+ my %allfiles; # key: filesname, value: state
+ my ($file, $state, $statefiles);
+ $show_these_states{"Unknown"} = 1;
+ while (($state, $statefiles) = each %files) {
+ for my $f (@{$statefiles}) {
+ $allfiles{$f} = $state;
+ }
+ }
+ for $file (sort keys %allfiles) {
+ $state = $allfiles{$file};
+ printf("%-10s %s\n", $state, $file) if $show_these_states{$state};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\n";
+ for $k (keys %show_these_states) {
+ if(not $files{$k} or not @{$files{$k}}) {
+ # no files
+ $files{$k}=["(none)"];
+ }
+ print("$k files\n",
+ "---------------\n",
+ map { "$_\n" } sort @{$files{$k}});
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+if ($debug_cvsignore) {print "initial regex:",$cvsignoreregex,"\n";}