path: root/ndb/test/ndbapi/acid2/acid2.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ndb/test/ndbapi/acid2/acid2.cpp')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ndb/test/ndbapi/acid2/acid2.cpp b/ndb/test/ndbapi/acid2/acid2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5835b76453e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndb/test/ndbapi/acid2/acid2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include <NdbApi.hpp>
+#include <NdbOut.hpp>
+#include <NdbStdio.h>
+#include <NdbThread.h>
+#include <NdbSleep.h>
+#include <NdbMutex.h>
+#include "TraceNdbApi.hpp"
+#include "VerifyNdbApi.hpp"
+#define Ndb CTraceNdb
+#define NdbSchemaCon CTraceNdbSchemaCon
+#define NdbSchemaOp CTraceNdbSchemaOp
+#define NdbConnection CTraceNdbConnection
+#define NdbOperation CTraceNdbOperation
+#define NdbIndexOperation CTraceNdbIndexOperation
+#define NdbRecAttr CTraceNdbRecAttr
+#define Table CTraceTable
+#define Index CTraceIndex
+#define Column CTraceColumn
+#define NdbDictionary CTraceNdbDictionary
+#define Ndb CVerifyNdb
+#define NdbSchemaCon CVerifyNdbSchemaCon
+#define NdbSchemaOp CVerifyNdbSchemaOp
+#define NdbConnection CVerifyNdbConnection
+#define NdbOperation CVerifyNdbOperation
+#define NdbIndexOperation CVerifyNdbIndexOperation
+#define NdbRecAttr CVerifyNdbRecAttr
+#define Table CVerifyTable
+#define Index CVerifyIndex
+#define Column CVerifyColumn
+#define NdbDictionary CVerifyNdbDictionary
+NdbMutex* g_pNdbMutexStop = 0;
+Uint32 g_nPart = 1;
+Uint32 g_nTable = 1;
+Uint32 g_nTuple = 1;
+Uint32 g_nAttribute = 1;
+char* g_szTable = 0;
+char* g_szIndex = 0;
+char* g_szAttribute = 0;
+bool g_bVerify = false;
+bool g_bUseIndex = false;
+#define N 624
+#define M 397
+#define MATRIX_A 0x9908b0df
+#define UPPER_MASK 0x80000000
+#define LOWER_MASK 0x7fffffff
+#define TEMPERING_MASK_B 0x9d2c5680
+#define TEMPERING_MASK_C 0xefc60000
+#define TEMPERING_SHIFT_U(y) (y >> 11)
+#define TEMPERING_SHIFT_S(y) (y << 7)
+#define TEMPERING_SHIFT_T(y) (y << 15)
+#define TEMPERING_SHIFT_L(y) (y >> 18)
+class MT19937
+ MT19937(void);
+ void sgenrand(unsigned long seed);
+ unsigned long genrand(void);
+ unsigned long mt[N];
+ int mti;
+ unsigned long mag01[2];
+ mti = N+1;
+ mag01[0] = 0x0;
+ mag01[1] = MATRIX_A;
+ sgenrand(4357);
+void MT19937::sgenrand(unsigned long seed)
+ mt[0]= seed & 0xffffffff;
+ for (mti=1; mti<N; mti++)
+ mt[mti] = (69069 * mt[mti-1]) & 0xffffffff;
+unsigned long MT19937::genrand(void)
+ unsigned long y;
+ if (mti >= N) {
+ int kk;
+ if (mti == N+1)
+ {
+ sgenrand(4357);
+ }
+ for (kk=0;kk<N-M;kk++) {
+ y = (mt[kk]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[kk+1]&LOWER_MASK);
+ mt[kk] = mt[kk+M] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
+ }
+ for (;kk<N-1;kk++) {
+ y = (mt[kk]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[kk+1]&LOWER_MASK);
+ mt[kk] = mt[kk+(M-N)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
+ }
+ y = (mt[N-1]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[0]&LOWER_MASK);
+ mt[N-1] = mt[M-1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
+ mti = 0;
+ }
+ y = mt[mti++];
+ return y;
+void CreateTables(Ndb* pNdb)
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ NdbDictionary::Dictionary* pDictionary = pNdb->getDictionary();
+ NdbDictionary::Table table;
+ table.setName(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ NdbDictionary::Index index;
+ index.setName(g_szIndex+iTable*4);
+ index.setTable(table.getName());
+ index.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::UniqueHashIndex);
+ NdbDictionary::Column columnPK;
+ columnPK.setName("PK");
+ columnPK.setTupleKey(true);
+ table.addColumn(columnPK);
+ index.addIndexColumn(columnPK.getName());
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ NdbDictionary::Column columnAttr;
+ columnAttr.setName(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4);
+ columnAttr.setTupleKey(false);
+ table.addColumn(columnAttr);
+ }
+ pDictionary->createTable(table);
+ pDictionary->createIndex(index);
+ /*
+ NdbSchemaCon* pNdbSchemaCon = pNdb->startSchemaTransaction();
+ NdbSchemaOp* pNdbSchemaOp = pNdbSchemaCon->getNdbSchemaOp();
+ pNdbSchemaOp->createTable(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbSchemaOp->createAttribute("PK", TupleKey);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ pNdbSchemaOp->createAttribute(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, NoKey);
+ }
+ pNdbSchemaCon->execute();
+ pNdb->closeSchemaTransaction(pNdbSchemaCon);
+ */
+ }
+int InsertTransaction(Ndb* pNdb, const Uint32 iPart, const bool bIndex)
+ int iExec = -1;
+ int iCode = -1;
+ NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = pNdb->startTransaction();
+ if(pNdbConnection)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->insertTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ Uint32 nValue = ((iPart*g_nTable+iTable)*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->setValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, nValue);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->insertTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ Uint32 nValue = ((iPart*g_nTable+iTable)*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr;
+ pNdbOperation->setValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, nValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute_ok(Commit);
+ if (iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ pNdb->closeTransaction(pNdbConnection);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int UpdateGetAndSetTransaction(Ndb* pNdb, const Uint32 iPart, const bool bIndex)
+ int iExec = -1;
+ int iCode = -1;
+ NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttr = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nTable*g_nTuple*g_nAttribute];
+ NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = pNdb->startTransaction();
+ if(pNdbConnection)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->readTupleExclusive();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr]
+ = pNdbIndexOperation->getValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->readTupleExclusive();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr]
+ = pNdbOperation->getValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute_ok(NoCommit);
+ if( iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ iCode = pNdbConnection->getNdbError().code;
+ if(iExec==0)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->updateTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttr
+ = ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr];
+ Uint32 nValue = pNdbRecAttr->u_32_value() + 1;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->setValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, nValue);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->updateTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttr
+ = ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr];
+ Uint32 nValue = pNdbRecAttr->u_32_value() + 1;
+ pNdbOperation->setValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, nValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute(Commit);
+ if (iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ pNdb->closeTransaction(pNdbConnection);
+ }
+ delete[] ppNdbRecAttr;
+ return 0;
+int UpdateInterpretedTransaction(Ndb* pNdb, const Uint32 iPart, const bool bIndex)
+ int iExec = -1;
+ int iCode = -1;
+ NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = pNdb->startTransaction();
+ if(pNdbConnection)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ pNdbIndexOperation->incValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, (Uint32)1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ pNdbOperation->incValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, (Uint32)1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute_ok(Commit);
+ if (iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ pNdb->closeTransaction(pNdbConnection);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void ReportInconsistency (const Uint32 iPart,
+ const Uint32 iTable,
+ const Uint32 iTuple,
+ const Uint32 iAttr,
+ const Uint32 nValue,
+ const Uint32 nExpected )
+ ndbout << "INCONSISTENCY: ";
+ ndbout << "Part " << iPart;
+ ndbout << ", Table " << iTable;
+ ndbout << ", Tuple " << iTuple;
+ ndbout << ", Attr " << iAttr;
+ ndbout << ", Value " << nValue;
+ ndbout << ", Expected " << nExpected;
+ ndbout << endl;
+int ReadTransaction(Ndb* pNdb, const Uint32 iPart, const bool bIndex)
+ int iExec = -1;
+ int iCode = -1;
+ NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttr = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nTable*g_nTuple*g_nAttribute];
+ NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = pNdb->startTransaction();
+ if(pNdbConnection)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->readTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr]
+ = pNdbIndexOperation->getValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->readTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr]
+ = pNdbOperation->getValue(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute_ok(Commit);
+ if (iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ if(iExec==0)
+ {
+ Uint32 nValue0 = ppNdbRecAttr[0]->u_32_value();
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ Uint32 nValue = ppNdbRecAttr[(iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr]->u_32_value();
+ Uint32 nExpected = nValue0 + (iTable*g_nTuple+iTuple)*g_nAttribute+iAttr;
+ if(nValue!=nExpected)
+ {
+ ReportInconsistency(iPart, iTable, iTuple, iAttr, nValue, nExpected);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pNdb->closeTransaction(pNdbConnection);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int DeleteTransaction(Ndb* pNdb, const Uint32 iPart, const bool bIndex)
+ int iExec = -1;
+ int iCode = -1;
+ NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = pNdb->startTransaction();
+ if(pNdbConnection)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ for(Uint32 iTuple=0; iTuple<g_nTuple; ++iTuple)
+ {
+ if(bIndex)
+ {
+ NdbIndexOperation* pNdbIndexOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbIndexOperation(g_szIndex+iTable*4, g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbIndexOperation->deleteTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbIndexOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NdbOperation* pNdbOperation = pNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(g_szTable+iTable*4);
+ pNdbOperation->deleteTuple();
+ Uint32 nPK = iPart*g_nTuple + iTuple;
+ pNdbOperation->equal("PK", nPK);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iExec = pNdbConnection->execute_ok(Commit);
+ if (iExec == -1)
+ {
+ ndbout << pNdbConnection->getNdbError() << endl;
+ }
+ pNdb->closeTransaction(pNdbConnection);
+ }
+ return 0;
+extern "C" void* ThreadFunc(void*)
+ Ndb* pNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB");
+ pNdb->init();
+ pNdb->waitUntilReady();
+ MT19937 rndgen;
+ rndgen.sgenrand((unsigned long)pNdb);
+ Uint32 nInsertError = 0;
+ Uint32 nInsertCommit = 0;
+ Uint32 nInsertRollback = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateGetAndSetError = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateGetAndSetCommit = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateGetAndSetRollback = 0;
+ Uint32 nReadError = 0;
+ Uint32 nReadCommit = 0;
+ Uint32 nReadRollback = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateInterpretedError = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateInterpretedCommit = 0;
+ Uint32 nUpdateInterpretedRollback = 0;
+ Uint32 nDeleteError = 0;
+ Uint32 nDeleteCommit = 0;
+ Uint32 nDeleteRollback = 0;
+ if (g_bVerify)
+ {
+ for (Uint32 iPart = 0; iPart < g_nPart; iPart++)
+ {
+ switch(ReadTransaction(pNdb, iPart, false))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nReadError; break;
+ case 0: ++nReadCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nReadRollback; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ while(NdbMutex_Trylock(g_pNdbMutexStop))
+ {
+ Uint32 iPart = rndgen.genrand() % g_nPart;
+ Uint32 iTrans = rndgen.genrand() % 5;
+ bool bIndex = ((rndgen.genrand() & 1) ? true : false);
+ switch(iTrans)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ switch(InsertTransaction(pNdb, iPart, bIndex))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nInsertError; break;
+ case 0: ++nInsertCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nInsertRollback; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ switch(UpdateGetAndSetTransaction(pNdb, iPart, bIndex))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nUpdateGetAndSetError; break;
+ case 0: ++nUpdateGetAndSetCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nUpdateGetAndSetRollback; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ switch(ReadTransaction(pNdb, iPart, bIndex))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nReadError; break;
+ case 0: ++nReadCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nReadRollback; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ switch(UpdateInterpretedTransaction(pNdb, iPart, bIndex))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nUpdateInterpretedError; break;
+ case 0: ++nUpdateInterpretedCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nUpdateInterpretedRollback; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ switch(DeleteTransaction(pNdb, iPart, bIndex))
+ {
+ case -1: ++nDeleteError; break;
+ case 0: ++nDeleteCommit; break;
+ case 1: ++nDeleteRollback; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ndbout << "I:" << nInsertError << ":" << nInsertCommit << ":" << nInsertRollback;
+ ndbout << " UG:" << nUpdateGetAndSetError << ":" << nUpdateGetAndSetCommit << ":" << nUpdateGetAndSetRollback;
+ ndbout << " R:" << nReadError << ":" << nReadCommit << ":" << nReadRollback;
+ ndbout << " UI:" << nUpdateInterpretedError << ":" << nUpdateInterpretedCommit << ":" << nUpdateInterpretedRollback;
+ ndbout << " D:" << nDeleteError << ":" << nDeleteCommit << ":" << nDeleteRollback << endl;
+ ndbout << endl;
+ NdbMutex_Unlock(g_pNdbMutexStop);
+ delete pNdb;
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ Uint32 nSeconds = 1;
+ Uint32 nThread = 1;
+ for(int iArg=1; iArg<argc; ++iArg)
+ {
+ if(argv[iArg][0]=='-')
+ {
+ switch(argv[iArg][1])
+ {
+ case 'p': g_nPart = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 'b': g_nTable = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 'u': g_nTuple = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 'a': g_nAttribute = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 'v': g_bVerify = true; break;
+ case 't': nThread = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 's': nSeconds = atol(argv[iArg]+2); break;
+ case 'i': g_bUseIndex = true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ndbout << argv[0];
+ ndbout << " -p" << g_nPart;
+ ndbout << " -b" << g_nTable;
+ ndbout << " -u" << g_nTuple;
+ ndbout << " -a" << g_nAttribute;
+ if (g_bVerify)
+ ndbout << " -v";
+ ndbout << " -t" << nThread;
+ ndbout << " -s" << nSeconds;
+ ndbout << endl;
+ g_szTable = new char[g_nTable*4];
+ for(Uint32 iTable=0; iTable<g_nTable; ++iTable)
+ {
+ sprintf(g_szTable+iTable*4, "T%02d", iTable);
+ }
+ g_szIndex = new char[g_nTable*4];
+ for(Uint32 iIndex=0; iIndex<g_nTable; ++iIndex)
+ {
+ sprintf(g_szIndex+iIndex*4, "I%02d", iIndex);
+ }
+ g_szAttribute = new char[g_nAttribute*4];
+ for(Uint32 iAttr=0; iAttr<g_nAttribute; ++iAttr)
+ {
+ sprintf(g_szAttribute+iAttr*4, "A%02d", iAttr);
+ }
+ Ndb* pNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB");
+ pNdb->init();
+ pNdb->waitUntilReady();
+ if (!g_bVerify) CreateTables(pNdb);
+ g_pNdbMutexStop = NdbMutex_Create();
+ NdbMutex_Lock(g_pNdbMutexStop);
+ NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(nThread+1);
+ NdbThread** ppNdbThread = new NdbThread*[nThread];
+ for(Uint32 iThread=0; iThread<nThread; ++iThread)
+ {
+ ppNdbThread[iThread] = NdbThread_Create(ThreadFunc, 0, 0, "ThreadFunc", NDB_THREAD_PRIO_MEAN);
+ }
+ NdbSleep_SecSleep(nSeconds);
+ NdbMutex_Unlock(g_pNdbMutexStop);
+ for(Uint32 iThread=0; iThread<nThread; ++iThread)
+ {
+ void* status;
+ NdbThread_WaitFor(ppNdbThread[iThread], &status);
+ }
+ NdbMutex_Destroy(g_pNdbMutexStop);
+ g_pNdbMutexStop = 0;
+ delete pNdb;