path: root/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/lmc-bench/src/user/localDbPrepare.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/lmc-bench/src/user/localDbPrepare.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/lmc-bench/src/user/localDbPrepare.c b/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/lmc-bench/src/user/localDbPrepare.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ad4c9f12f..00000000000
--- a/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/lmc-bench/src/user/localDbPrepare.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
-* I N C L U D E D F I L E S *
-#include <ndb_global.h>
-#include "userInterface.h"
-#include "userHandle.h"
-* L O C A L C O N S T A N T S *
-* L O C A L D A T A S T R U C T U R E S *
-* L O C A L F U N C T I O N S *
-* L O C A L D A T A *
-/* Transaction T1 */
-static char *update_subscriber_stmnt = "update subscriber set \
-location = ?,changedBy = ?, changedTime = ? where subscriberNumber = ?";
-/* Transaction T2 */
-static char *read_subscriber_stmnt = "select subscriberName,location,\
-changedBy,changedTime from subscriber where subscriberNumber = ? for update";
-/* Transaction T3 */
-static char *read_subscriber_session_stmnt = "select activeSessions,groupId,\
-changedBy,changedTime from subscriber where subscriberNumber = ? for update";
-static char *read_group_allowRead_stmnt = "select allowRead from userGroup \
-where groupId = ?";
-static char *read_group_allowInsert_stmnt = "select allowInsert from userGroup \
-where groupId = ?";
-static char *read_group_allowDelete_stmnt = "select allowDelete from userGroup \
-where groupId = ?";
-static char *read_session_details_stmnt = "select sessionData from userSession \
-where subscriberNumber = ? and serverId = ? for update";
-static char *update_noOfRead_stmnt = "update server \
-set noOfRead = noOfRead + 1 where serverId = ? and subscriberSuffix = ?";
-static char *update_noOfInsert_stmnt = "update server \
-set noOfInsert = noOfInsert + 1 where serverId = ? and subscriberSuffix = ?";
-static char *update_noOfDelete_stmnt = "update server \
-set noOfDelete = noOfDelete + 1 where serverId = ? and subscriberSuffix = ?";
-static char *insert_session_stmnt = "insert into userSession values (?,?,?)";
-static char *delete_session_stmnt = "delete from userSession \
-where subscriberNumber = ? and serverId = ?";
-static char *update_subscriber_session_stmnt = "update subscriber set \
-activeSessions = ? where subscriberNumber = ?";
-* P U B L I C D A T A *
-* L O C A L F U N C T I O N S C O D E S E C T I O N *
-extern void handle_error(SQLHDBC hdbc,
- SQLHENV henv,
- SQLHSTMT hstmt,
- char *filename,
- int lineno);
-* P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S C O D E S E C T I O N *
-int localDbPrepare(UserHandle *uh)
- if(!uh) return(-1);
- /*-----------------------------*/
- /* Update Subscriber Statement */
- /*-----------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->updateSubscriber.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate insert group statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->updateSubscriber.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) update_subscriber_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
-handle_error(uh->hdbc, uh->henv, uh->updateSubscriber.stmt, rc, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriber.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->updateSubscriber.values.location,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriber.stmt,
- uh->updateSubscriber.values.changedBy,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber statement param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriber.stmt,
- uh->updateSubscriber.values.changedTime,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber statement param 3\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriber.stmt,
- uh->updateSubscriber.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber statement param 3\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*---------------------------*/
- /* Read Subscriber Statement */
- /*---------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readSubscriber.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readSubscriber.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_subscriber_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readSubscriber.stmt,
- uh->readSubscriber.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read subscriber statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriber.stmt, 1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriber.stmt, 2,
- &uh->readSubscriber.values.location, 1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 2 to read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriber.stmt, 3,
- uh->readSubscriber.values.changedBy, CHANGED_BY_LENGTH+1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 3 to read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriber.stmt, 4,
- uh->readSubscriber.values.changedTime, CHANGED_TIME_LENGTH+1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 4 to read subscriber statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*------------------------------------*/
- /* Read Subscriber Sessions Statement */
- /*------------------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read subscriber session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_subscriber_session_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read subscriber sessions statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt,
- uh->readSubscriberSession.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read subscriber statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt, 1,
- &uh->readSubscriberSession.values.activeSessions, 0,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read subscriber sessions statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt, 2,
- &uh->readSubscriberSession.values.groupId, 0,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 2 to read subscriber sessions statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt, 3,
- uh->readSubscriberSession.values.changedBy, CHANGED_BY_LENGTH+1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 3 to read subscriber sessions statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSubscriberSession.stmt, 4,
- uh->readSubscriberSession.values.changedTime, CHANGED_TIME_LENGTH+1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 4 to read subscriber sessions statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*--------------------------------*/
- /* Read Group AllowRead Statement */
- /*--------------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readGroupAllowRead.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read subscriber session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readGroupAllowRead.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_group_allowRead_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readGroupAllowRead.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->readGroupAllowRead.values.groupId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read allow read statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readGroupAllowRead.stmt, 1,
- &uh->readGroupAllowRead.values.allowRead, 0,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------------------------*/
- /* Read Group AllowInsert Statement */
- /*----------------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readGroupAllowInsert.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read subscriber session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readGroupAllowInsert.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_group_allowInsert_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readGroupAllowInsert.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->readGroupAllowInsert.values.groupId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read allow read statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readGroupAllowInsert.stmt, 1,
- &uh->readGroupAllowInsert.values.allowInsert, 0,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------------------------*/
- /* Read Group AllowDelete Statement */
- /*----------------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readGroupAllowDelete.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read subscriber session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readGroupAllowDelete.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_group_allowDelete_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readGroupAllowDelete.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->readGroupAllowDelete.values.groupId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read allow read statement param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readGroupAllowDelete.stmt, 1,
- &uh->readGroupAllowDelete.values.allowDelete, 0,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------------*/
- /* read session details */
- /*----------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->readSessionDetails.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate read session details statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->readSessionDetails.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) read_session_details_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read session details statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readSessionDetails.stmt,
- uh->readSessionDetails.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->readSessionDetails.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->readSessionDetails.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindCol(uh->readSessionDetails.stmt, 1,
- uh->readSessionDetails.values.details, SESSION_DETAILS_LENGTH+1,
- NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to bind column 1 to read group allow read statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*-------------------*/
- /* Update no of Read */
- /*-------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->updateServerNoOfRead.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->updateServerNoOfRead.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) update_noOfRead_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfRead.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->updateServerNoOfRead.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfRead.stmt,
- uh->updateServerNoOfRead.values.suffix,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------*/
- /* Insert Session */
- /*----------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->insertSession.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->insertSession.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) insert_session_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare insert session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->insertSession.stmt,
- uh->insertSession.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->insertSession.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->insertSession.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->insertSession.stmt,
- uh->insertSession.values.details,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------------------*/
- /* Update subscriber sessions */
- /*----------------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->updateSubscriberSession.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->updateSubscriberSession.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) update_subscriber_session_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update subscriber session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriberSession.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->updateSubscriberSession.values.activeSessions,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateSubscriberSession.stmt,
- uh->updateSubscriberSession.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*---------------------*/
- /* Update no of Insert */
- /*---------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) update_noOfInsert_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.stmt,
- uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.values.suffix,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*----------------*/
- /* Delete Session */
- /*----------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->deleteSession.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->deleteSession.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) delete_session_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare insert session statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->deleteSession.stmt,
- uh->deleteSession.values.number,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read sessions param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->deleteSession.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->deleteSession.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*---------------------*/
- /* Update no of Delete */
- /*---------------------*/
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(uh->hdbc, &uh->updateServerNoOfDelete.stmt);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to allocate update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLPrepare(uh->updateServerNoOfDelete.stmt,(SQLCHAR *) update_noOfDelete_stmnt, SQL_NTS);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare update noOfRead statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfDelete.stmt,
- 0,0,
- &uh->updateServerNoOfDelete.values.serverId,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 1\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- rc = SQLBindParameter(uh->updateServerNoOfDelete.stmt,
- uh->updateServerNoOfInsert.values.suffix,0,NULL);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to prepare read noOfRead param 2\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*-------------------------------*/
- /* Commit all prepare statements */
- /*-------------------------------*/
- rc = SQLTransact(uh->henv, uh->hdbc, SQL_COMMIT);
- if( rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
- printf("Unable to commit all prepare insert statement\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);