path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..85a92c6ea88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use DBI;
+=head1 NAME
+mysqlhotcopy - fast on-line hot-backup utility for local MySQL databases
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ mysqlhotcopy db_name
+ mysqlhotcopy --suffix=_copy db_name_1 ... db_name_n
+ mysqlhotcopy db_name_1 ... db_name_n /path/to/new_directory
+WARNING: THIS IS VERY MUCH A FIRST-CUT ALPHA. Comments/patches welcome.
+# Documentation continued at end of file
+my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/o);
+my $OPTIONS = <<"_OPTIONS";
+Usage: $0 db_name new_db_name
+ -?, --help display this helpscreen and exit
+ -u, --user=# user for database login if not current user
+ -p, --password=# password to use when connecting to server
+ -P, --port=# port to use when connecting to local server
+ -S, --socket=# socket to use when connecting to local server
+ --allowold don't abort if target already exists (rename it _old)
+ --keepold don't delete previous (now renamed) target when done
+ --noindices don't copy index files
+ --method=# method for copy (only "cp" currently supported)
+ -q, --quiet be silent except for errors
+ --debug enable debug
+ -n, --dryrun report actions without doing them
+ --regexp=# copy all databases with names matching regexp
+ --suffix=# suffix for names of copied databases
+ --checkpoint=# insert checkpoint entry into specified db.table
+ --flushlog flush logs once all tables are locked
+sub usage {
+ die @_, $OPTIONS;
+my %opt = (
+ user => getpwuid($>),
+ indices => 1, # for safety
+ allowold => 0, # for safety
+ keepold => 0,
+ method => "cp",
+ flushlog => 0,
+Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_ignore_case)); # disambuguate -p and -P
+GetOptions( \%opt,
+ "help",
+ "user|u=s",
+ "password|p=s",
+ "port|P=s",
+ "socket|S=s",
+ "allowold!",
+ "keepold!",
+ "indices!",
+ "method=s",
+ "debug",
+ "quiet|q",
+ "mv!",
+ "regexp=s",
+ "suffix=s",
+ "checkpoint=s",
+ "flushlog",
+ "dryrun|n",
+) or usage("Invalid option");
+# @db_desc
+# ==========
+# a list of hash-refs containing:
+# 'src' - name of the db to copy
+# 'target' - destination directory of the copy
+# 'tables' - array-ref to list of tables in the db
+# 'files' - array-ref to list of files to be copied
+my @db_desc = ();
+my $tgt_name = undef;
+if ( $opt{regexp} || $opt{suffix} || @ARGV > 2 ) {
+ $tgt_name = pop @ARGV unless ( exists $opt{suffix} );
+ @db_desc = map { { 'src' => $_ } } @ARGV;
+else {
+ usage("Database name to hotcopy not specified") unless ( @ARGV );
+ @db_desc = ( { 'src' => $ARGV[0] } );
+ if ( @ARGV == 2 ) {
+ $tgt_name = $ARGV[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $opt{suffix} = "_copy";
+ }
+my $mysqld_help;
+my %mysqld_vars;
+my $start_time = time;
+$0 = $1 if $0 =~ m:/([^/]+)$:;
+$opt{quiet} = 0 if $opt{debug};
+$opt{allowold} = 1 if $opt{keepold};
+# --- connect to the database ---
+my $dsn = ";host=localhost";
+$dsn .= ";port=$opt{port}" if $opt{port};
+$dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$opt{socket}" if $opt{socket};
+my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$dsn", $opt{user}, $opt{password}, {
+ RaiseError => 1,
+ PrintError => 0,
+ AutoCommit => 1,
+# --- check that checkpoint table exists if specified ---
+if ( $opt{checkpoint} ) {
+ eval { $dbh->do( qq{ select time_stamp, src, dest, msg
+ from $opt{checkpoint} where 1 != 1} );
+ };
+ die "Error accessing Checkpoint table ($opt{checkpoint}): $@"
+ if ( $@ );
+# --- get variables from database ---
+my $sth_vars = $dbh->prepare("show variables");
+while ( my ($var,$value) = $sth_vars->fetchrow_array ) {
+ $mysqld_vars{ $var } = $value;
+my $datadir = $mysqld_vars{datadir}
+ || die "datadir not in mysqld variables";
+$datadir =~ s:/$::;
+# --- get target path ---
+my $tgt_dirname;
+if ($tgt_name =~ m:^\w+$:) {
+ $tgt_dirname = "$datadir/$tgt_name";
+elsif ($tgt_name =~ m:/: || $tgt_name eq '.') {
+ $tgt_dirname = $tgt_name;
+elsif ( $opt{suffix} ) {
+ print "copy suffix $opt{suffix}\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+else {
+ die "Target '$tgt_name' doesn't look like a database name or directory path.\n";
+# --- resolve database names from regexp ---
+if ( defined $opt{regexp} ) {
+ my $sth_dbs = $dbh->prepare("show databases");
+ $sth_dbs->execute;
+ while ( my ($db_name) = $sth_dbs->fetchrow_array ) {
+ push @db_desc, { 'src' => $db_name } if ( $db_name =~ m/$opt{regexp}/o );
+ }
+# --- get list of tables to hotcopy ---
+my $hc_locks = "";
+my $num_tables = 0;
+my $num_files = 0;
+foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ my $db = $rdb->{src};
+ eval { $dbh->do( "use $db" ); };
+ die "Database '$db' not accessible: $@" if ( $@ );
+ my @dbh_tables = $dbh->func( '_ListTables' );
+ my $db_dir = "$datadir/$db";
+ opendir(DBDIR, $db_dir )
+ or die "Cannot open dir '$db_dir': $!";
+ my @db_files = grep { /.+\.\w+$/ } readdir(DBDIR)
+ or warn "'$db' is an empty database\n";
+ closedir( DBDIR );
+ unless ($opt{indices}) {
+ @db_files = grep { not /\.(ISM|MYI)$/ } @db_files;
+ }
+ $rdb->{files} = [ @db_files ];
+ my @hc_tables = map { "$db.$_" } @dbh_tables;
+ $rdb->{tables} = [ @hc_tables ];
+ $hc_locks .= ", " if ( length $hc_locks && @hc_tables );
+ $hc_locks .= join ", ", map { "$_ READ" } @hc_tables;
+ $num_tables += scalar @hc_tables;
+ $num_files += scalar @{$rdb->{files}};
+# --- resolve targets for copies ---
+my @targets = ();
+if (length $tgt_name ) {
+ # explicit destination directory specified
+ # GNU `cp -r` error message
+ die "copying multiple databases, but last argument ($tgt_name) is not a directory\n"
+ if ( @db_desc > 1 && !(-e $tgt_name && -d $tgt_name ) );
+ foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ $rdb->{target} = "$tgt_name/$rdb->{src}";
+ }
+else {
+ die "Error: expected \$opt{suffix} to exist" unless ( exists $opt{suffix} );
+ foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ $rdb->{target} = "$datadir/$rdb->{src}$opt{suffix}";
+ }
+print Dumper( \@db_desc ) if ( $opt{debug} );
+# --- bail out if all specified databases are empty ---
+die "No tables to hot-copy" unless ( length $hc_locks );
+# --- create target directories ---
+my @existing = ();
+foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ push @existing, $rdb->{target} if ( -d $rdb->{target} );
+die "Can't hotcopy to '", join( "','", @existing ), "' because already exist and --allowold option not given.\n"
+ if ( @existing && !$opt{allowold} );
+retire_directory( @existing ) if ( @existing );
+foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ my $tgt_dirpath = $rdb->{target};
+ if ( $opt{dryrun} ) {
+ print "mkdir $tgt_dirpath, 0750\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ mkdir($tgt_dirpath, 0750)
+ or die "Can't create '$tgt_dirpath': $!\n";
+ }
+# Note that we try to keep the time between the LOCK and the UNLOCK
+# as short as possible, and only start when we know that we should
+# be able to complete without error.
+# read lock all the tables we'll be copying
+# in order to get a consistent snapshot of the database
+if ( $opt{checkpoint} ) {
+ # convert existing READ lock on checkpoint table into WRITE lock
+ unless ( $hc_locks =~ s/$opt{checkpoint}\s+READ/$opt{checkpoint} WRITE/ ) {
+ $hc_locks .= ", $opt{checkpoint} WRITE";
+ }
+my $hc_started = time; # count from time lock is granted
+if ( $opt{dryrun} ) {
+ print "LOCK TABLES $hc_locks\n";
+ print "FLUSH TABLES\n";
+ print "FLUSH LOGS\n" if ( $opt{flushlog} );
+else {
+ my $start = time;
+ $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES $hc_locks");
+ printf "Locked $num_tables tables in %d seconds.\n", time-$start unless $opt{quiet};
+ $hc_started = time; # count from time lock is granted
+ # flush tables to make on-disk copy uptodate
+ $start = time;
+ $dbh->do("FLUSH TABLES");
+ printf "Flushed tables in %d seconds.\n", time-$start unless $opt{quiet};
+ $dbh->do( "FLUSH LOGS" ) if ( $opt{flushlog} );
+my @failed = ();
+foreach my $rdb ( @db_desc ) {
+ my @files = map { "$datadir/$rdb->{src}/$_" } @{$rdb->{files}};
+ next unless @files;
+ eval { copy_files($opt{method}, \@files, $rdb->{target} ); };
+ push @failed, "$rdb->{src} -> $rdb->{target} failed: $@"
+ if ( $@ );
+ if ( $opt{checkpoint} ) {
+ my $msg = ( $@ ) ? "Failed: $@" : "Succeeded";
+ eval {
+ $dbh->do( qq{ insert into $opt{checkpoint} (src, dest, msg)
+ VALUES ( '$rdb->{src}', '$rdb->{target}', '$msg' )
+ } );
+ };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "Failed to update checkpoint table: $@\n";
+ }
+ }
+if ( $opt{dryrun} ) {
+ print "UNLOCK TABLES\n";
+ if ( @existing && !$opt{keepold} ) {
+ my @oldies = map { $_ . '_old' } @existing;
+ print "rm -rf @oldies\n"
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ exit(0);
+else {
+ $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES");
+my $hc_dur = time - $hc_started;
+printf "Unlocked tables.\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+if ( @failed ) {
+ # hotcopy failed - cleanup
+ # delete any @targets
+ # rename _old copy back to original
+ print "Deleting @targets \n" if $opt{debug};
+ rmtree([@targets]);
+ if (@existing) {
+ print "Restoring @existing from back-up\n" if $opt{debug};
+ foreach my $dir ( @existing ) {
+ rename("${dir}_old", $dir )
+ or warn "Can't rename ${dir}_old to $dir: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die join( "\n", @failed );
+else {
+ # hotcopy worked
+ # delete _old unless $opt{keepold}
+ if ( @existing && !$opt{keepold} ) {
+ my @oldies = map { $_ . '_old' } @existing;
+ print "Deleting previous copy in @oldies\n" if $opt{debug};
+ rmtree([@oldies]);
+ }
+ printf "$0 copied %d tables (%d files) in %d second%s (%d seconds overall).\n",
+ $num_tables, $num_files,
+ $hc_dur, ($hc_dur==1)?"":"s", time - $start_time
+ unless $opt{quiet};
+exit 0;
+# ---
+sub copy_files {
+ my ($method, $files, $target) = @_;
+ my @cmd;
+ print "Copying ".@$files." files...\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+ if ($method =~ /^s?cp\b/) { # cp or scp with optional flags
+ @cmd = ($method);
+ # add option to preserve mod time etc of copied files
+ # not critical, but nice to have
+ push @cmd, "-p" if $^O =~ m/^(solaris|linux)$/;
+ # add files to copy and the destination directory
+ push @cmd, @$files, $target;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Can't use unsupported method '$method'\n";
+ }
+ if ( $opt{dryrun} ) {
+ print "@cmd\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ print "Executing '@cmd'\n" if $opt{debug};
+ my $cp_status = system @cmd;
+ if ($cp_status != 0) {
+ die "Error: @cmd failed ($cp_status) while copying files.\n";
+ }
+sub retire_directory {
+ my ( @dir ) = @_;
+ foreach my $dir ( @dir ) {
+ my $tgt_oldpath = $dir . '_old';
+ if ( $opt{dryrun} ) {
+ print "rmtree $tgt_oldpath\n" if ( -d $tgt_oldpath );
+ print "rename $dir, $tgt_oldpath\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( -d $tgt_oldpath ) {
+ print "Deleting previous 'old' hotcopy directory ('$tgt_oldpath')\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+ rmtree([$tgt_oldpath])
+ }
+ rename($dir, $tgt_oldpath)
+ or die "Can't rename $dir=>$tgt_oldpath: $!\n";
+ print "Existing hotcopy directory renamed to '$tgt_oldpath'\n" unless $opt{quiet};
+ }
+mysqlhotcopy is designed to make stable copies of live MySQL databases.
+Here "live" means that the database server is running and the database
+may be in active use. And "stable" means that the copy will not have
+any corruptions that could occur if the table files were simply copied
+without first being locked and flushed from within the server.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item --checkpoint checkpoint-table
+As each database is copied, an entry is written to the specified
+checkpoint-table. This has the happy side-effect of updating the
+MySQL update-log (if it is switched on) giving a good indication of
+where roll-forward should begin for backup+rollforward schemes.
+The name of the checkpoint table should be supplied in database.table format.
+The checkpoint-table must contain at least the following fields:
+=over 4
+ time_stamp timestamp not null
+ src varchar(32)
+ dest varchar(60)
+ msg varchar(255)
+=item --suffix suffix
+Each database is copied back into the originating datadir under
+a new name. The new name is the original name with the suffix
+If only a single db_name is supplied and the --suffix flag is not
+supplied, then "--suffix=_copy" is assumed.
+=item --allowold
+Move any existing version of the destination to a backup directory for
+the duration of the copy. If the copy successfully completes, the backup
+directory is deleted - unless the --keepold flag is set. If the copy fails,
+the backup directory is restored.
+The backup directory name is the original name with "_old" appended.
+Any existing versions of the backup directory are deleted.
+=item --keepold
+Behaves as for the --allowold, with the additional feature
+of keeping the backup directory after the copy successfully completes.
+=item --flushlog
+Rotate the log files by executing "FLUSH LOGS" after all tables are
+locked, and before they are copied.
+=item --regexp pattern
+Copy all databases with names matching the pattern.
+=item -?, --help
+Display helpscreen and exit
+=item -u, --user=#
+user for database login if not current user
+=item -p, --password=#
+password to use when connecting to server
+=item -P, --port=#
+port to use when connecting to local server
+=item -S, --socket=#
+UNIX domain socket to use when connecting to local server
+=item --noindices
+don't copy index files
+=item --method=#
+method for copy (only "cp" currently supported)
+=item -q, --quiet
+be silent except for errors
+=item --debug
+Debug messages are displayed
+=item -n, --dryrun
+Display commands without actually doing them
+=head1 WARRANTY
+This software is free and comes without warranty of any kind. You
+should never trust backup software without studying the code yourself.
+Study the code inside this script and only rely on it if I<you> believe
+that it does the right thing for you.
+Patches adding bug fixes, documentation and new features are welcome.
+=head1 TO DO
+Allow a list of tables (or regex) to be given on the command line to
+enable a logically-related subset of the tables to be hot-copied
+rather than force the whole db to be copied in one go.
+Extend the above to allow multiple subsets of tables to be specified
+on the command line:
+ mysqlhotcopy db newdb t1 t2 /^foo_/ : t3 /^bar_/ : +
+where ":" delimits the subsets, the /^foo_/ indicates all tables
+with names begining with "foo_" and the "+" indicates all tables
+not copied by the previous subsets.
+Add option to lock each table in turn for people who don't need
+cross-table integrity.
+Add option to FLUSH STATUS just before UNLOCK TABLES.
+Add support for other copy methods (eg tar to single file?).
+Add support for forthcoming MySQL ``RAID'' table subdirectory layouts.
+Add option to only copy the first 65KB of index files. That simplifies
+recovery (recovery with no index file at all is complicated).
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tim Bunce
+Martin Waite - added checkpoint, flushlog, regexp and dryrun options
+Ralph Corderoy - Added synonyms for commands