path: root/server-tools/instance-manager/
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Diffstat (limited to 'server-tools/instance-manager/')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/server-tools/instance-manager/ b/server-tools/instance-manager/
index dee3c2d4e38..0a373429d01 100644
--- a/server-tools/instance-manager/
+++ b/server-tools/instance-manager/
@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@
#include <m_string.h>
#include <mysql.h>
+static void start_and_monitor_instance(Instance_options *old_instance_options,
+ Instance_map *instance_map);
+#ifndef _WIN_
+typedef pid_t My_process_info;
+typedef PROCESS_INFORMATION My_process_info;
@@ -48,13 +58,224 @@ C_MODE_START
pthread_handler_decl(proxy, arg)
Instance *instance= (Instance *) arg;
- instance->fork_and_monitor();
+ start_and_monitor_instance(&instance->options,
+ instance->get_map());
return 0;
+ Wait for an instance
+ wait_process()
+ pi Pointer to the process information structure
+ (platform-dependent).
+ 0 - Success
+ 1 - Error
+#ifndef __WIN__
+static int wait_process(My_process_info *pi)
+ /*
+ Here we wait for the child created. This process differs for systems
+ running LinuxThreads and POSIX Threads compliant systems. This is because
+ according to POSIX we could wait() for a child in any thread of the
+ process. While LinuxThreads require that wait() is called by the thread,
+ which created the child.
+ On the other hand we could not expect mysqld to return the pid, we
+ got in from fork(), to wait4() fucntion when running on LinuxThreads.
+ This is because MySQL shutdown thread is not the one, which was created
+ by our fork() call.
+ So basically we have two options: whether the wait() call returns only in
+ the creator thread, but we cannot use waitpid() since we have no idea
+ which pid we should wait for (in fact it should be the pid of shutdown
+ thread, but we don't know this one). Or we could use waitpid(), but
+ couldn't use wait(), because it could return in any wait() in the program.
+ */
+ if (linuxthreads)
+ wait(NULL); /* LinuxThreads were detected */
+ else
+ waitpid(*pi, NULL, 0);
+ return 0;
+static int wait_process(My_process_info *pi)
+ /* Wait until child process exits. */
+ WaitForSingleObject(pi->hProcess, INFINITE);
+ DWORD exitcode;
+ ::GetExitCodeProcess(pi->hProcess, &exitcode);
+ /* Close process and thread handles. */
+ CloseHandle(pi->hProcess);
+ CloseHandle(pi->hThread);
+ /*
+ GetExitCodeProces returns zero on failure. We should revert this value
+ to report an error.
+ */
+ return (!exitcode);
+ Launch an instance
+ start_process()
+ instance_options Pointer to the options of the instance to be
+ launched.
+ pi Pointer to the process information structure
+ (platform-dependent).
+ 0 - Success
+ 1 - Cannot create an instance
+#ifndef __WIN__
+static int start_process(Instance_options *instance_options,
+ My_process_info *pi)
+ *pi= fork();
+ switch (*pi) {
+ case 0:
+ execv(instance_options->mysqld_path, instance_options->argv);
+ /* exec never returns */
+ exit(1);
+ case 1:
+ log_info("cannot fork() to start instance %s",
+ instance_options->instance_name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int start_process(Instance_options *instance_options,
+ My_process_info *pi)
+ ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
+ si.cb= sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
+ ZeroMemory(pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
+ int cmdlen= 0;
+ for (int i= 1; instance_options->argv[i] != 0; i++)
+ cmdlen+= strlen(instance_options->argv[i]) + 1;
+ cmdlen++; /* we have to add a single space for CreateProcess (see docs) */
+ char *cmdline= NULL;
+ if (cmdlen > 0)
+ {
+ cmdline= new char[cmdlen];
+ cmdline[0]= 0;
+ for (int i= 1; instance_options->argv[i] != 0; i++)
+ {
+ strcat(cmdline, " ");
+ strcat(cmdline, instance_options->argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Start the child process */
+ BOOL result=
+ CreateProcess(instance_options->mysqld_path, /* File to execute */
+ cmdline, /* Command line */
+ NULL, /* Process handle not inheritable */
+ NULL, /* Thread handle not inheritable */
+ FALSE, /* Set handle inheritance to FALSE */
+ 0, /* No creation flags */
+ NULL, /* Use parent's environment block */
+ NULL, /* Use parent's starting directory */
+ &si, /* Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure */
+ pi); /* Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure */
+ delete cmdline;
+ return (!result);
+ Fork child, exec an instance and monitor it.
+ start_and_monitor_instance()
+ old_instance_options Pointer to the options of the instance to be
+ launched. This info is likely to become obsolete
+ when function returns from wait_process()
+ instance_map Pointer to the instance_map. We use it to protect
+ the instance from deletion, while we are working
+ with it.
+ Fork a child, then exec and monitor it. When the child is dead,
+ find appropriate instance (for this purpose we save its name),
+ set appropriate flags and wake all threads waiting for instance
+ to stop.
+ Function returns no value
+static void start_and_monitor_instance(Instance_options *old_instance_options,
+ Instance_map *instance_map)
+ enum { MAX_INSTANCE_NAME_LEN= 512 };
+ char instance_name_buff[MAX_INSTANCE_NAME_LEN];
+ uint instance_name_len;
+ Instance *current_instance;
+ My_process_info process_info;
+ /*
+ Lock instance map to guarantee that no instances are deleted during
+ strmake() and execv() calls.
+ */
+ instance_map->lock();
+ /*
+ Save the instance name in the case if Instance object we
+ are using is destroyed. (E.g. by "FLUSH INSTANCES")
+ */
+ strmake(instance_name_buff, old_instance_options->instance_name,
+ instance_name_len= old_instance_options->instance_name_len;
+ log_info("starting instance %s", instance_name_buff);
+ if (start_process(old_instance_options, &process_info))
+ return; /* error is logged */
+ /* allow users to delete instances */
+ instance_map->unlock();
+ /* don't check for return value */
+ wait_process(&process_info);
+ current_instance= instance_map->find(instance_name_buff, instance_name_len);
+ if (current_instance)
+ current_instance->set_crash_flag_n_wake_all();
+ return;
+Instance_map *Instance::get_map()
+ return instance_map;
void Instance::remove_pid()
int pid;
@@ -65,6 +286,7 @@ void Instance::remove_pid()
The method starts an instance.
@@ -116,107 +338,24 @@ int Instance::start()
-#ifndef __WIN__
-int Instance::launch_and_wait()
- pid_t pid= fork();
- switch (pid) {
- case 0:
- execv(options.mysqld_path, options.argv);
- /* exec never returns */
- exit(1);
- case -1:
- log_info("cannot fork() to start instance %s", options.instance_name);
- return -1;
- default:
- /*
- Here we wait for the child created. This process differs for systems
- running LinuxThreads and POSIX Threads compliant systems. This is because
- according to POSIX we could wait() for a child in any thread of the
- process. While LinuxThreads require that wait() is called by the thread,
- which created the child.
- On the other hand we could not expect mysqld to return the pid, we
- got in from fork(), to wait4() fucntion when running on LinuxThreads.
- This is because MySQL shutdown thread is not the one, which was created
- by our fork() call.
- So basically we have two options: whether the wait() call returns only in
- the creator thread, but we cannot use waitpid() since we have no idea
- which pid we should wait for (in fact it should be the pid of shutdown
- thread, but we don't know this one). Or we could use waitpid(), but
- couldn't use wait(), because it could return in any wait() in the program.
- */
- if (linuxthreads)
- wait(NULL); /* LinuxThreads were detected */
- else
- waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
- }
- return 0;
-int Instance::launch_and_wait()
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cb= sizeof(si);
- ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
- int cmdlen= 0;
- for (int i= 1; options.argv[i] != 0; i++)
- cmdlen+= strlen(options.argv[i]) + 1;
- cmdlen++; // we have to add a single space for CreateProcess (read the docs)
- char *cmdline= NULL;
- if (cmdlen > 0)
- {
- cmdline= new char[cmdlen];
- cmdline[0]= 0;
- for (int i= 1; options.argv[i] != 0; i++)
- {
- strcat(cmdline, " ");
- strcat(cmdline, options.argv[i]);
- }
- }
- // Start the child process.
- BOOL result= CreateProcess(options.mysqld_path, // file to execute
- cmdline, // Command line.
- NULL, // Process handle not inheritable.
- NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable.
- FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
- 0, // No creation flags.
- NULL, // Use parent's environment block.
- NULL, // Use parent's starting directory.
- &si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
- &pi ); // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.
- delete cmdline;
- if (! result)
- return -1;
- // Wait until child process exits.
- WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
- DWORD exitcode;
- ::GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitcode);
+ The method sets the crash flag and wakes all waiters on
+ COND_instance_stopped and COND_guardian
- // Close process and thread handles.
- CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
- CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
+ set_crash_flag_n_wake_all()
- return exitcode;
+ The method is called when an instance is crashed or terminated.
+ In the former case it might indicate that guardian probably should
+ restart it.
+ Function returns no value
-void Instance::fork_and_monitor()
+void Instance::set_crash_flag_n_wake_all()
- log_info("starting instance %s", options.instance_name);
- if (launch_and_wait())
- return; /* error is logged */
/* set instance state to crashed */
crashed= 1;
@@ -230,11 +369,10 @@ void Instance::fork_and_monitor()
/* wake guardian */
- /* thread exits */
- return;
Instance::Instance(): crashed(0)
pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_instance, 0);