path: root/sql-bench/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-bench/')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/sql-bench/ b/sql-bench/
index d87966db5f0..1983b2ce01b 100644
--- a/sql-bench/
+++ b/sql-bench/
@@ -121,53 +121,49 @@ sub new
$self->{'vacuum'} = 1; # When using with --fast
$self->{'drop_attr'} = "";
- $limits{'max_conditions'} = 9999; # (Actually not a limit)
- $limits{'max_columns'} = 2000; # Max number of columns in table
- # Windows can't handle that many files in one directory
- $limits{'max_tables'} = (($machine || '') =~ "^win") ? 5000 : 65000;
- $limits{'max_text_size'} = 65000; # Max size with default buffers.
- $limits{'query_size'} = 1000000; # Max size with default buffers.
- $limits{'max_index'} = 16; # Max number of keys
- $limits{'max_index_parts'} = 16; # Max segments/key
- $limits{'max_column_name'} = 64; # max table and column name
- $limits{'join_optimizer'} = 1; # Can optimize FROM tables
- $limits{'load_data_infile'} = 1; # Has load data infile
- $limits{'lock_tables'} = 1; # Has lock tables
- $limits{'functions'} = 1; # Has simple functions (+/-)
- $limits{'group_functions'} = 1; # Have group functions
- $limits{'group_func_sql_min_str'} = 1; # Can execute MIN() and MAX() on strings
- $limits{'group_distinct_functions'}= 1; # Have count(distinct)
- $limits{'select_without_from'}= 1; # Can do 'select 1';
- $limits{'multi_drop'} = 1; # Drop table can take many tables
- $limits{'subqueries'} = 0; # Doesn't support sub-queries.
- $limits{'left_outer_join'} = 1; # Supports left outer joins
- $limits{'table_wildcard'} = 1; # Has SELECT table_name.*
- $limits{'having_with_alias'} = 1; # Can use aliases in HAVING
- $limits{'having_with_group'} = 1; # Can use group functions in HAVING
- $limits{'like_with_column'} = 1; # Can use column1 LIKE column2
- $limits{'order_by_position'} = 1; # Can use 'ORDER BY 1'
- $limits{'group_by_position'} = 1; # Can use 'GROUP BY 1'
- $limits{'alter_table'} = 1; # Have ALTER TABLE
+ $limits{'NEG'} = 1; # Supports -id
$limits{'alter_add_multi_col'}= 1; #Have ALTER TABLE t add a int,add b int;
+ $limits{'alter_table'} = 1; # Have ALTER TABLE
$limits{'alter_table_dropcol'}= 1; # Have ALTER TABLE DROP column
- $limits{'insert_multi_value'} = 1; # Have INSERT ... values (1,2),(3,4)
- $limits{'group_func_extra_std'} = 1; # Have group function std().
- $limits{'func_odbc_mod'} = 1; # Have function mod.
+ $limits{'column_alias'} = 1; # Alias for fields in select statement.
$limits{'func_extra_%'} = 1; # Has % as alias for mod()
- $limits{'func_odbc_floor'} = 1; # Has func_odbc_floor function
$limits{'func_extra_if'} = 1; # Have function if.
- $limits{'column_alias'} = 1; # Alias for fields in select statement.
- $limits{'NEG'} = 1; # Supports -id
$limits{'func_extra_in_num'} = 1; # Has function in
- $limits{'limit'} = 1; # supports the limit attribute
- $limits{'unique_index'} = 1; # Unique index works or not
+ $limits{'func_odbc_floor'} = 1; # Has func_odbc_floor function
+ $limits{'func_odbc_mod'} = 1; # Have function mod.
+ $limits{'functions'} = 1; # Has simple functions (+/-)
+ $limits{'group_by_position'} = 1; # Can use 'GROUP BY 1'
+ $limits{'group_distinct_functions'}= 1; # Have count(distinct)
+ $limits{'group_func_extra_std'} = 1; # Have group function std().
+ $limits{'group_func_sql_min_str'} = 1; # Can execute MIN() and MAX() on strings
+ $limits{'group_functions'} = 1; # Have group functions
+ $limits{'having_with_alias'} = 1; # Can use aliases in HAVING
+ $limits{'having_with_group'} = 1; # Can use group functions in HAVING
+ $limits{'insert_multi_value'} = 1; # Have INSERT ... values (1,2),(3,4)
$limits{'insert_select'} = 1;
- $limits{'working_blobs'} = 1; # If big varchar/blobs works
+ $limits{'join_optimizer'} = 1; # Can optimize FROM tables
+ $limits{'left_outer_join'} = 1; # Supports left outer joins
+ $limits{'like_with_column'} = 1; # Can use column1 LIKE column2
+ $limits{'limit'} = 1; # supports the limit attribute
+ $limits{'load_data_infile'} = 1; # Has load data infile
+ $limits{'lock_tables'} = 1; # Has lock tables
+ $limits{'max_column_name'} = 64; # max table and column name
+ $limits{'max_columns'} = 2000; # Max number of columns in table
+ $limits{'max_conditions'} = 9999; # (Actually not a limit)
+ $limits{'max_index'} = 16; # Max number of keys
+ $limits{'max_index_parts'} = 16; # Max segments/key
+ $limits{'max_tables'} = (($machine || '') =~ "^win") ? 5000 : 65000;
+ $limits{'max_text_size'} = 1000000; # Good enough for tests
+ $limits{'multi_drop'} = 1; # Drop table can take many tables
+ $limits{'order_by_position'} = 1; # Can use 'ORDER BY 1'
$limits{'order_by_unused'} = 1;
+ $limits{'query_size'} = 1000000; # Max size with default buffers.
+ $limits{'select_without_from'}= 1; # Can do 'select 1';
+ $limits{'subqueries'} = 0; # Doesn't support sub-queries.
+ $limits{'table_wildcard'} = 1; # Has SELECT table_name.*
+ $limits{'unique_index'} = 1; # Unique index works or not
$limits{'working_all_fields'} = 1;
+ $limits{'working_blobs'} = 1; # If big varchar/blobs works
$smds{'time'} = 1;
$smds{'q1'} = 'b'; # with time not supp by mysql ('')
@@ -568,12 +564,12 @@ sub new
$self->{'drop_attr'} = "";
$self->{"vacuum"} = 1;
$limits{'join_optimizer'} = 1; # Can optimize FROM tables
- $limits{'load_data_infile'} = 0; # Is this true ?
+ $limits{'load_data_infile'} = 0;
- $limits{'NEG'} = 1; # Can't handle -id
- $limits{'alter_table'} = 1; # alter ??
+ $limits{'NEG'} = 1;
$limits{'alter_add_multi_col'}= 0; # alter_add_multi_col ?
- $limits{'alter_table_dropcol'}= 0; # alter_drop_col ?
+ $limits{'alter_table'} = 1;
+ $limits{'alter_table_dropcol'}= 0;
$limits{'column_alias'} = 1;
$limits{'func_extra_%'} = 1;
$limits{'func_extra_if'} = 0;
@@ -582,33 +578,33 @@ sub new
$limits{'func_odbc_mod'} = 1; # Has %
$limits{'functions'} = 1;
$limits{'group_by_position'} = 1;
+ $limits{'group_distinct_functions'}= 1; # Have count(distinct)
$limits{'group_func_extra_std'} = 0;
$limits{'group_func_sql_min_str'}= 1; # Can execute MIN() and MAX() on strings
$limits{'group_functions'} = 1;
- $limits{'group_distinct_functions'}= 1; # Have count(distinct)
$limits{'having_with_alias'} = 0;
$limits{'having_with_group'} = 1;
- $limits{'left_outer_join'} = 0;
+ $limits{'insert_select'} = 1;
+ $limits{'left_outer_join'} = 1;
$limits{'like_with_column'} = 1;
$limits{'lock_tables'} = 0; # in ATIS gives this a problem
+ $limits{'max_column_name'} = 128;
+ $limits{'max_columns'} = 1000; # 500 crashes pg 6.3
+ $limits{'max_conditions'} = 9999; # This makes Pg real slow
+ $limits{'max_index'} = 64; # Big enough
+ $limits{'max_index_parts'} = 16;
+ $limits{'max_tables'} = 5000; # 10000 crashes pg 7.0.2
+ $limits{'max_text_size'} = 65000; # Good enough for test
$limits{'multi_drop'} = 1;
$limits{'order_by_position'} = 1;
+ $limits{'order_by_unused'} = 1;
+ $limits{'query_size'} = 16777216;
$limits{'select_without_from'}= 1;
$limits{'subqueries'} = 1;
$limits{'table_wildcard'} = 1;
- $limits{'max_column_name'} = 32; # Is this true
- $limits{'max_columns'} = 1000; # 500 crashes pg 6.3
- $limits{'max_tables'} = 5000; # 10000 crashes pg 7.0.2
- $limits{'max_conditions'} = 30; # This makes Pg real slow
- $limits{'max_index'} = 64; # Is this true ?
- $limits{'max_index_parts'} = 16; # Is this true ?
- $limits{'max_text_size'} = 7000; # 8000 crashes pg 6.3
- $limits{'query_size'} = 16777216;
$limits{'unique_index'} = 1; # Unique index works or not
- $limits{'insert_select'} = 1;
- $limits{'working_blobs'} = 1; # If big varchar/blobs works
- $limits{'order_by_unused'} = 1;
$limits{'working_all_fields'} = 1;
+ $limits{'working_blobs'} = 1; # If big varchar/blobs works
# the different cases per query ...
$smds{'q1'} = 'b'; # with time
@@ -639,7 +635,7 @@ sub new
sub version
my ($version,$dir);
- foreach $dir ($ENV{'PGDATA'},"/usr/local/pgsql/data", "/my/local/pgsql/")
+ foreach $dir ($ENV{'PGDATA'},"/usr/local/pgsql/data", "/usr/local/pg/data")
if ($dir && -e "$dir/PG_VERSION")