path: root/sql/item.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/item.h')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/sql/item.h b/sql/item.h
index c4cf534e16c..ed1a5fdf6a1 100644
--- a/sql/item.h
+++ b/sql/item.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */
+class Protocol;
struct st_table_list;
void item_init(void); /* Init item functions */
@@ -54,20 +55,21 @@ public:
virtual ~Item() { name=0; } /*lint -e1509 */
void set_name(const char *str,uint length=0);
void init_make_field(Send_field *tmp_field,enum enum_field_types type);
+ virtual void make_field(Send_field *field);
virtual bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **);
virtual int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
virtual void save_org_in_field(Field *field)
{ (void) save_in_field(field, 1); }
virtual int save_safe_in_field(Field *field)
{ return save_in_field(field, 1); }
- virtual bool send(THD *thd, String *str);
+ virtual bool send(Protocol *protocol, String *str);
virtual bool eq(const Item *, bool binary_cmp) const;
virtual Item_result result_type () const { return REAL_RESULT; }
+ virtual enum_field_types field_type() const;
virtual enum Type type() const =0;
virtual double val()=0;
virtual longlong val_int()=0;
virtual String *val_str(String*)=0;
- virtual void make_field(Send_field *field)=0;
virtual Field *tmp_table_field(TABLE *t_arg=(TABLE *)0) { return 0; }
virtual const char *full_name() const { return name ? name : "???"; }
virtual double val_result() { return val(); }
@@ -119,10 +121,10 @@ public:
item (it assign '*ref' with field 'item' in derived classes)
enum Type type() const { return item->type(); }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return item->field_type(); }
double val() { return item->val(); }
longlong val_int() { return item->val_int(); }
String* val_str(String* s) { return item->val_str(s); }
- void make_field(Send_field* f) { item->make_field(f); }
bool check_cols(uint col) { return item->check_cols(col); }
bool eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const
{ return item->eq(item, binary_cmp); }
@@ -196,12 +198,9 @@ public:
double val_result();
longlong val_int_result();
String *str_result(String* tmp);
- bool send(THD *thd, String *str_arg)
- {
- return result_field->send(thd,str_arg);
- }
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
+ bool send(Protocol *protocol, String *str_arg);
bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **);
+ void make_field(Send_field *tmp_field);
int save_in_field(Field *field,bool no_conversions);
void save_org_in_field(Field *field);
table_map used_tables() const;
@@ -209,6 +208,10 @@ public:
return field->result_type();
+ enum_field_types field_type()
+ {
+ return field->type();
+ }
Field *tmp_table_field(TABLE *t_arg=(TABLE *)0) { return result_field; }
bool get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate);
bool get_time(TIME *ltime);
@@ -226,12 +229,17 @@ public:
double val();
longlong val_int();
String *val_str(String *str);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
int save_safe_in_field(Field *field);
- enum Item_result result_type () const
- { return STRING_RESULT; }
- bool send(THD *thd, String *str);
+ enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_NULL; }
+ bool fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *list, Item **item)
+ {
+ bool res= Item::fix_fields(thd, list, item);
+ max_length=0;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool send(Protocol *protocol, String *str);
bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; }
Item *new_item() { return new Item_null(name); }
bool is_null() { return 1; }
@@ -258,7 +266,6 @@ public:
double val();
longlong val_int();
String *val_str(String*);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
void set_null();
void set_int(longlong i);
@@ -272,6 +279,7 @@ public:
void (*setup_param_func)(Item_param *param, uchar **pos);
enum Item_result result_type () const
{ return item_result_type; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; }
Item *new_item() { return new Item_param(name); }
@@ -292,11 +300,11 @@ public:
(longlong) strtoull(str_arg,(char**) 0,10))
{ max_length= (uint) strlen(str_arg); name=(char*) str_arg;}
enum Type type() const { return INT_ITEM; }
- virtual enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; }
+ enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG; }
longlong val_int() { return value; }
double val() { return (double) value; }
String *val_str(String*);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; }
Item *new_item() { return new Item_int(name,value,max_length); }
@@ -312,8 +320,13 @@ public:
Item_uint(uint32 i) :Item_int((longlong) i, 10) {}
double val() { return ulonglong2double(value); }
String *val_str(String*);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
Item *new_item() { return new Item_uint(name,max_length); }
+ bool fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *list, Item **item)
+ {
+ bool res= Item::fix_fields(thd, list, item);
+ unsigned_flag= 1;
+ return res;
+ }
void print(String *str);
@@ -339,10 +352,10 @@ public:
Item_real(double value_par) :value(value_par) {}
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
enum Type type() const { return REAL_ITEM; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE; }
double val() { return value; }
longlong val_int() { return (longlong) (value+(value > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5));}
String *val_str(String*);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; }
Item *new_item() { return new Item_real(name,value,decimals,max_length); }
@@ -387,8 +400,8 @@ public:
String *val_str(String*) { return (String*) &str_value; }
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; }
bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; }
bool eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const;
Item *new_item()
@@ -409,7 +422,6 @@ class Item_default :public Item
Item_default() { name= (char*) "DEFAULT"; }
enum Type type() const { return DEFAULT_ITEM; }
- void make_field(Send_field *field) {}
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions)
@@ -429,7 +441,7 @@ class Item_datetime :public Item_string
Item_datetime(const char *item_name): Item_string(item_name,"",0,default_charset_info)
{ max_length=19;}
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME; }
class Item_empty_string :public Item_string
@@ -439,6 +451,20 @@ public:
{ name=(char*) header; max_length=length;}
+class Item_return_int :public Item_int
+ enum_field_types int_field_type;
+ Item_return_int(const char *name, uint length,
+ enum_field_types field_type_arg)
+ :Item_int(name, 0, length), int_field_type(field_type_arg)
+ {
+ unsigned_flag=1;
+ }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return int_field_type; }
class Item_varbinary :public Item
@@ -449,8 +475,8 @@ public:
longlong val_int();
String *val_str(String*) { return &str_value; }
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions);
- void make_field(Send_field *field);
enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; }
@@ -505,13 +531,14 @@ public:
return (null_value=(*ref)->get_date(ltime,fuzzydate));
- bool send(THD *thd, String *tmp) { return (*ref)->send(thd, tmp); }
+ bool send(Protocol *prot, String *tmp){ return (*ref)->send(prot, tmp); }
void make_field(Send_field *field) { (*ref)->make_field(field); }
bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **);
int save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions)
{ return (*ref)->save_in_field(field, no_conversions); }
void save_org_in_field(Field *field) { (*ref)->save_org_in_field(field); }
enum Item_result result_type () const { return (*ref)->result_type(); }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return (*ref)->field_type(); }
table_map used_tables() const { return (*ref)->used_tables(); }
bool check_loop(uint id);
@@ -597,6 +624,7 @@ public:
class Item_copy_string :public Item
+ enum enum_field_types cached_field_type;
Item *item;
Item_copy_string(Item *i) :item(i)
@@ -605,10 +633,12 @@ public:
+ cached_field_type= item->field_type();
~Item_copy_string() { delete item; }
enum Type type() const { return COPY_STR_ITEM; }
enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; }
+ enum_field_types field_type() const { return cached_field_type; }
double val()
{ return null_value ? 0.0 : my_strntod(str_value.charset(),str_value.ptr(),str_value.length(),NULL); }
longlong val_int()