path: root/sql/rowid_filter.h
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diff --git a/sql/rowid_filter.h b/sql/rowid_filter.h
index 0d8520f25c5..3cc2c31555c 100644
--- a/sql/rowid_filter.h
+++ b/sql/rowid_filter.h
@@ -1,183 +1,451 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 MariaDB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
- It makes sense to apply filters for a certain join order when the following
- inequality holds:
- #T + c4*#T > #T*sel(Fi) + c4*#T*sel(Fi) +
- I/O(Fi) + c1*#(Fi) + c2*#(Fi)*log(#(Fi)) +
- c3*#T (1),
+#include "mariadb.h"
+#include "sql_array.h"
+ What rowid / primary filters are
+ --------------------------------
+ Consider a join query Q of the form
+ SELECT * FROM T1, ... , Tk WHERE P.
+ For any of the table reference Ti(Q) from the from clause of Q different
+ rowid / primary key filters (pk-filters for short) can be built.
+ A pk-filter F built for Ti(Q) is a set of rowids / primary keys of Ti
+ F= {pk1,...,pkN} such that for any row r=r1||...||rk from the result set of Q
+ ri's rowid / primary key pk(ri) is contained in F.
+ When pk-filters are useful
+ --------------------------
+ If building a pk-filter F for Ti(Q )is not too costly and its cardinality #F
+ is much less than the cardinality of T - #T then using the pk-filter when
+ executing Q might be quite beneficial.
+ Let r be a random row from Ti. Let s(F) be the probability that pk(r)
+ belongs to F. Let BC(F) be the cost of building F.
+ Suppose that the optimizer has chosen for Q a plan with this join order
+ T1 => ... Tk and that the table Ti is accessed by a ref access using index I.
+ Let K = {k1,...,kM} be the set of all rowid/primary keys values used to access
+ rows of Ti when looking for matches in this join Ti by index I.
+ Let's assume that two set sets K and F are uncorrelated. With this assumption
+ if before accessing data from Ti by the rowid / primary key k we first
+ check whether k is in F then we can expect saving on M*(1-s(S)) accesses of
+ data rows from Ti. If we can guarantee that test whether k is in F is
+ relatively cheap then we can gain a lot assuming that BC(F) is much less
+ then the cost of fetching M*(1-s(S)) records from Ti and following
+ evaluation of conditions pushed into Ti.
+ Making pk-filter test cheap
+ ---------------------------
+ If the search structure to test whether an element is in F can be fully
+ placed in RAM then this test is expected to be be much cheaper than a random
+ access of a record from Ti. We'll consider two search structures for
+ pk-filters: ordered array and bloom filter. Ordered array is easy to
+ implement, but it's space consuming. If a filter contains primary keys
+ then at least space for each primary key from the filter must be allocated
+ in the search structure. On a the opposite a bloom filter requires a
+ fixed number of bits and this number does not depend on the cardinality
+ of the pk-filter (10 bits per element will serve pk-filter of any size).
- where #T - the fanout of the partial join
- Fi - a filter for the index with the number i in
- the key_map of available indexes for this table
- sel(Fi) - the selectivity of the index with the number
- i
- c4*#T,
- c4*#T*sel(Fi) - a cost to apply available predicates
- c4 - a constant to apply available predicates
- I/O(Fi) - a cost of the I/O accesses to Fi
- #(Fi) - a number of estimated records that range
- access would use
- c1*#(Fi) - a cost to write in Fi
- c1 - a constant to write one element in Fi
- c2*#(Fi)*log(#(Fi)) - a cost to sort in Fi
- c2 - a sorting constant
- c3*(#T) - a cost to look-up into a current partial join
- c3 - a constant to look-up into Fi
- Let's set a new variable FBCi (filter building cost for the filter with
- index i):
+ How and when the optimizer builds and uses range rowid filters
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1. In make_join_statistics()
+ for each join table s
+ after the call of get_quick_record_count()
+ the TABLE::method init_cost_info_for_usable_range_rowid_filters()
+ is called
+ The method build an array of Range_rowid_filter_cost_info elements
+ containing the cost info on possible range filters for s->table.
+ The array is optimized for further usage.
+ 2. For each partial join order when the optimizer considers joining
+ table s to this partial join
+ In the function best_access_path()
+ a. When evaluating a ref access r by index idx to join s
+ the optimizer estimates the effect of usage of each possible
+ range filter f and chooses one with the best gain. The gain
+ is taken into account when the cost of thr ref access r is
+ calculated. If it turns out that this is the best ref access
+ to join s then the info about the chosen filter together
+ with the info on r is remembered in the corresponding element
+ of the array of POSITION structures.
+ [We evaluate every pair (ref access, range_filter) rather then
+ every pair (best ref access, range filter) because if the index
+ ref_idx used for ref access r correlates with the index rf_idx
+ used by the filter f then the pair (r,f) is not evaluated
+ at all as we don't know how to estimate the effect of correlation
+ between ref_idx and rf_idx.]
+ b. When evaluating the best range access to join table s the
+ optimizer estimates the effect of usage of each possible
+ range filter f and chooses one with the best gain.
+ [Here we should have evaluated every pair (range access,
+ range filter) as well, but it's not done yet.]
+ 3. When the cheapest execution plan has been chosen and after the
+ call of JOIN::get_best_combination()
+ The method JOIN::make_range_rowid_filters() is called
+ For each range rowid filter used in the chosen execution plan
+ the method creates a quick select object to be able to perform
+ index range scan to fill the filter at the execution stage.
+ The method also creates Range_rowid_filter objects that are
+ used at the execution stage.
+ 4. Just before the execution stage
+ The method JOIN::init_range_rowid_filters() is called.
+ For each join table s that is to be accessed with usage of a range
+ filter the method allocates containers for the range filter and
+ it lets the engine know that the filter will be used when
+ accessing s.
+ 5. At the execution stage
+ In the function sub_select() just before the first access of a join
+ table s employing a range filter
+ The method JOIN_TAB::build_range_rowid_filter_if_needed() is called
+ The method fills the filter using the quick select created by
+ JOIN::make_range_rowid_filters().
+ 6. The accessed key tuples are checked against the filter within the engine
+ using the info pushed into it.
- FBCi = I/O(Fi) + c1*#(Fi) + c2*#(Fi)*log(#(Fi))
- It can be seen that FBCi doesn't depend on #T.
+class TABLE;
+class SQL_SELECT;
+class Rowid_filter_container;
+class Range_rowid_filter_cost_info;
- So using this variable (1) can be rewritten:
+/* Cost to write rowid into array */
+#define ARRAY_WRITE_COST 0.005
+/* Factor used to calculate cost of sorting rowids in array */
+#define ARRAY_SORT_C 0.01
+/* Cost to evaluate condition */
+#define COST_COND_EVAL 0.2
- #T + c4*#T > #T*sel(Fi) + c4*#T*sel(Fi) +
- FBCi +
- c3*#T
+typedef enum
+} Rowid_filter_container_type;
- To get a possible cost improvement when a filter is used right part
- of the (1) inequality should be deducted from the left part.
- Denote it as G(#T):
+ @class Rowid_filter_container
- G(#T)= #T + c4*#T - (#T*sel(Fi) + c4*#T*sel(Fi) + FBCi + c3*#T) (2)
+ The interface for different types of containers to store info on the set
+ of rowids / primary keys that defines a pk-filter.
- On the prepare stage when filters are created #T value isn't known.
+ There will be two implementations of this abstract class.
+ - sorted array
+ - bloom filter
- To find out what filter is the best among available one for the table
- (what filter gives the biggest gain) a knowledge about linear functions
- can be used. Consider filter gain as a linear function:
+class Rowid_filter_container : public Sql_alloc
- Gi(#T)= ai*#T + bi (3)
+ virtual Rowid_filter_container_type get_type() = 0;
- where ai= 1+c4-c3-sel(Fi)*(1+c4),
- bi= -FBCi
+ /* Allocate memory for the container */
+ virtual bool alloc() = 0;
- Filter gain can be interpreted as an ordinate, #T as abscissa.
+ /*
+ @brief Add info on a rowid / primary to the container
+ @param ctxt The context info (opaque)
+ @param elem The rowid / primary key to be added to the container
+ @retval true if elem is successfully added
+ */
+ virtual bool add(void *ctxt, char *elem) = 0;
- So the aim is to find the linear function that has the biggest ordinate value
- for each positive abscissa (because #T can't be negative) comparing with
- the other available functions.
+ /*
+ @brief Check whether a rowid / primary key is in container
+ @param ctxt The context info (opaque)
+ @param elem The rowid / primary key to be checked against the container
+ @retval False if elem is definitely not in the container
+ */
+ virtual bool check(void *ctxt, char *elem) = 0;
- Consider two filters Fi, Fj or linear functions with a positive slope.
- To find out which linear function is better let's find their intersection
- point coordinates.
+ virtual ~Rowid_filter_container() {}
- Gi(#T0)= Gj(#T0) (using (2))=>
- #T0= (bj - bi)/(ai - aj) (using (3))
- =>
- #T0= (BCFj-BCFi)/((sel(Fj)-sel(Fi))*(1+c4))
- If put #T0 value into the (3) formula G(#T0) can be easily found.
+ @class Rowid_filter
- It can be seen that if two linear functions intersect in II, III or IV
- quadrants the linear function with a bigger slope value will always
- be better.
+ The interface for different types of pk-filters
- If two functions intersect in the I quadrant for #T1 < #T0 a function
- with a smaller slope value will give a better gain and when #T1 > #T0
- function with a bigger slope will give better gain.
+ Currently we support only range pk filters.
- for each #T1 > #T0 if (ai > aj) => (Gi(#T1) >= Gj(#T1))
- #T1 <= #T0 if (ai > aj) => (Gi(#T1) <= Gj(#T1))
+class Rowid_filter : public Sql_alloc
- So both linear functions should be saved.
+ /* The container to store info the set of elements in the filter */
+ Rowid_filter_container *container;
- Interesting cases:
+ Rowid_filter(Rowid_filter_container *container_arg)
+ : container(container_arg) {}
- 1. For Fi,Fj filters ai=aj.
+ /*
+ Build the filter :
+ fill it with info on the set of elements placed there
+ */
+ virtual bool build() = 0;
- In this case intercepts bi and bj should be compared.
- The filter with the biggest intercept will give a better result.
+ /*
+ Check whether an element is in the filter.
+ Returns false is the elements is definitely not in the filter.
+ */
+ virtual bool check(char *elem) = 0;
- 2. Only one filter remains after the calculations and for some join order
- it is equal to the index that is used to access table. Therefore, this
- filter can't be used.
- In this case the gain is computed for every filter that can be constructed
- for this table.
+ virtual ~Rowid_filter() {}
- After information about filters is computed for each partial join order
- it is checked if the filter can be applied to the current table.
- If it gives a cost improvement it is saved as the best plan for this
- partial join.
+ Rowid_filter_container *get_container() { return container; }
-#include "mariadb.h"
-#include "sql_class.h"
-#include "table.h"
-/* Cost to write into filter */
-#define COST_WRITE 0.01
-/* Weight factor for filter sorting */
-#define CNST_SORT 0.01
-/* Cost to evaluate condition */
-#define COST_COND_EVAL 0.2
+ @class Rowid_filter_container
+ The implementation of the Rowid_interface used for pk-filters
+ that are filled when performing range index scans.
-class Range_filter_cost_info : public Sql_alloc
+class Range_rowid_filter: public Rowid_filter
+ /* The table for which the rowid filter is built */
TABLE *table;
- uint key_no;
- double cardinality;
- double b; // intercept of the linear function
- double a; // slope of the linear function
- double selectivity;
- double intersect_x_axis_abcissa;
+ /* The select to perform the range scan to fill the filter */
+ SQL_SELECT *select;
+ /* The cost info on the filter (used for EXPLAIN/ANALYZE) */
+ Range_rowid_filter_cost_info *cost_info;
+ Range_rowid_filter(TABLE *tab,
+ Range_rowid_filter_cost_info *cost_arg,
+ Rowid_filter_container *container_arg,
+ SQL_SELECT *sel)
+ : Rowid_filter(container_arg), table(tab), select(sel), cost_info(cost_arg)
+ {}
+ ~Range_rowid_filter();
+ bool build() { return fill(); }
- /**
- Filter cost functions
+ bool check(char *elem) { return container->check(table, elem); }
+ bool fill();
+ SQL_SELECT *get_select() { return select; }
+ @class Refpos_container_sorted_array
+ The wrapper class over Dynamic_array<char> to facilitate operations over
+ array of elements of the type char[N] where N is the same for all elements
+class Refpos_container_sorted_array : public Sql_alloc
+ /*
+ Maximum number of elements in the array
+ (Now is used only at the initialization of the dynamic array)
- /* Cost to lookup into filter */
- inline double lookup_cost()
+ uint max_elements;
+ /* Number of bytes allocated for an element */
+ uint elem_size;
+ /* The dynamic array over which the wrapper is built */
+ Dynamic_array<char> *array;
+ Refpos_container_sorted_array(uint max_elems, uint elem_sz)
+ : max_elements(max_elems), elem_size(elem_sz), array(0) {}
+ ~Refpos_container_sorted_array()
- return log(cardinality)*0.01;
+ delete array;
+ array= 0;
- /* IO accesses cost to access filter */
- inline double filter_io_cost()
- { return table->quick_key_io[key_no]; }
+ bool alloc()
+ {
+ array= new Dynamic_array<char> (elem_size * max_elements,
+ elem_size * max_elements/sizeof(char) + 1);
+ return array == NULL;
+ }
- /* Cost to write elements in filter */
- inline double filter_write_cost()
- { return COST_WRITE*cardinality; }
+ bool add(char *elem)
+ {
+ for (uint i= 0; i < elem_size; i++)
+ {
+ if (array->append(elem[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
- /* Cost to sort elements in filter */
- inline double filter_sort_cost()
- {
- return CNST_SORT*cardinality*log(cardinality);
+ char *get_pos(uint n)
+ {
+ return array->get_pos(n * elem_size);
- /* End of filter cost functions */
- Range_filter_cost_info() : table(0), key_no(0) {}
+ uint elements() { return array->elements() / elem_size; }
+ void sort (int (*cmp) (void *ctxt, const void *el1, const void *el2),
+ void *cmp_arg)
+ {
+ my_qsort2(array->front(), array->elements()/elem_size,
+ elem_size, (qsort2_cmp) cmp, cmp_arg);
+ }
+ @class Rowid_filter_sorted_array
+ The implementation of the Rowid_filter_container interface as
+ a sorted array container of rowids / primary keys
+class Rowid_filter_sorted_array: public Rowid_filter_container
+ /* The dynamic array to store rowids / primary keys */
+ Refpos_container_sorted_array refpos_container;
+ /* Initially false, becomes true after the first call of (check() */
+ bool is_checked;
+ Rowid_filter_sorted_array(uint elems, uint elem_size)
+ : refpos_container(elems, elem_size), is_checked(false) {}
+ Rowid_filter_container_type get_type()
+ bool alloc() { return refpos_container.alloc(); }
+ bool add(void *ctxt, char *elem) { return refpos_container.add(elem); }
+ bool check(void *ctxt, char *elem);
+ @class Range_rowid_filter_cost_info
+ An objects of this class is created for each potentially usable
+ range filter. It contains the info that allows to figure out
+ whether usage of the range filter promises some gain.
+class Range_rowid_filter_cost_info : public Sql_alloc
+ /* The table for which the range filter is to be built (if needed) */
+ TABLE *table;
+ /* Estimated number of elements in the filter */
+ double est_elements;
+ /* The cost of building the range filter */
+ double b;
+ /*
+ a*N-b yields the gain of the filter
+ for N key tuples of the index key_no
+ */
+ double a;
+ /* The value of N where the gain is 0 */
+ double cross_x;
+ /* Used for pruning of the potential range filters */
+ key_map abs_independent;
+ /* The type of the container of the range filter */
+ Rowid_filter_container_type container_type;
+ /* The index whose range scan would be used to build the range filter */
+ uint key_no;
+ /* The selectivity of the range filter */
+ double selectivity;
+ Range_rowid_filter_cost_info() : table(0), key_no(0) {}
- void init(TABLE *tab, uint key_numb);
+ void init(Rowid_filter_container_type cont_type,
+ TABLE *tab, uint key_no);
- inline double get_intersect_x(Range_filter_cost_info *filter)
+ double build_cost(Rowid_filter_container_type container_type);
+ inline double lookup_cost(Rowid_filter_container_type cont_type);
+ inline double
+ avg_access_and_eval_gain_per_row(Rowid_filter_container_type cont_type);
+ /* Get the gain that usage of filter promises for 'rows' key tuples */
+ inline double get_gain(double rows)
- if (a == filter->a)
- return DBL_MAX;
- return (b - filter->b)/(a - filter->a);
+ return rows * a - b;
- inline double get_intersect_y(double intersect_x)
+ /*
+ The gain promised by usage of the filter at the assumption that
+ when the table is accessed without the filter at most worst_seeks
+ pages are fetched from disk to access the data rows of the table
+ */
+ inline double get_adjusted_gain(double rows, double worst_seeks)
- if (intersect_x == DBL_MAX)
- return DBL_MAX;
- return intersect_x*a - b;
+ return get_gain(rows) -
+ (1 - selectivity) * (rows - MY_MIN(rows, worst_seeks));
- /**
- Get a gain that a usage of filter in some partial join order
- with the cardinaly card gives
+ /*
+ The gain promised by usage of the filter
+ due to less condition evaluations
- inline double get_filter_gain(double card)
- { return card*a - b; }
+ inline double get_cmp_gain(double rows)
+ {
+ return rows * (1 - selectivity) / TIME_FOR_COMPARE;
+ }
+ Rowid_filter_container *create_container();
+ double get_a() { return a; }
+ friend
+ void TABLE::prune_range_rowid_filters();
+ friend
+ void TABLE::init_cost_info_for_usable_range_rowid_filters(THD *thd);
+ friend
+ Range_rowid_filter_cost_info *
+ TABLE::best_range_rowid_filter_for_partial_join(uint access_key_no,
+ double records);