path: root/sql/share
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1 files changed, 243 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt b/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt
index 1c828db65a8..99af1c60287 100644
--- a/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt
+++ b/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt
@@ -952,10 +952,10 @@ ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
cze "Málo prostoru/paměti pro thread"
dan "Udgået for tråde/hukommelse"
nla "Geen thread geheugen meer; controleer of mysqld of andere processen al het beschikbare geheugen gebruikt. Zo niet, dan moet u wellicht 'ulimit' gebruiken om mysqld toe te laten meer geheugen te benutten, of u kunt extra swap ruimte toevoegen"
- eng "Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space"
+ eng "Out of memory."
est "Mälu sai otsa. Võimalik, et aitab swap-i lisamine või käsu 'ulimit' abil MariaDB-le rohkema mälu kasutamise lubamine"
fre "Manque de 'threads'/mémoire"
- ger "Kein Speicher mehr vorhanden. Prüfen Sie, ob mysqld oder ein anderer Prozess den gesamten Speicher verbraucht. Wenn nicht, sollten Sie mit 'ulimit' dafür sorgen, dass mysqld mehr Speicher benutzen darf, oder mehr Swap-Speicher einrichten"
+ ger "Kein Speicher mehr vorhanden."
greek "Πρόβλημα με τη διαθέσιμη μνήμη (Out of thread space/memory)"
hun "Elfogyott a thread-memoria"
ita "Fine dello spazio/memoria per i thread"
@@ -964,14 +964,14 @@ ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
nor "Tomt for tråd plass/minne"
norwegian-ny "Tomt for tråd plass/minne"
pol "Zbyt mało miejsca/pamięci dla w?tku"
- por "Sem memória. Verifique se o mysqld ou algum outro processo está usando toda memória disponível. Se não, você pode ter que usar 'ulimit' para permitir ao mysqld usar mais memória ou você pode adicionar mais área de 'swap'"
- rum "Out of memory; Verifica daca mysqld sau vreun alt proces foloseste toate memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui mysqld sa foloseasca mai multa memorie ori adauga mai mult spatiu pentru swap (swap space)"
- rus "Недостаточно памяти; удостоверьтесь, что mysqld или какой-либо другой процесс не занимает всю доступную память. Если нет, то вы можете использовать ulimit, чтобы выделить для mysqld больше памяти, или увеличить объем файла подкачки"
- serbian "Nema memorije; Proverite da li MariaDB server ili neki drugi proces koristi svu slobodnu memoriju. (UNIX: Ako ne, probajte da upotrebite 'ulimit' komandu da biste dozvolili daemon-u da koristi više memorije ili probajte da dodate više swap memorije)"
+ por "Sem memória."
+ rum "Out of memory."
+ rus "Недостаточно памяти."
+ serbian "Nema memorije."
slo "Málo miesta-pamäti pre vlákno"
spa "Memoria/espacio de tranpaso insuficiente"
- swe "Fick slut på minnet. Kontrollera om mysqld eller någon annan process använder allt tillgängligt minne. Om inte, försök använda 'ulimit' eller allokera mera swap"
- ukr "Брак пам'яті; Перевірте чи mysqld або якісь інші процеси використовують усю доступну пам'ять. Як ні, то ви можете скористатися 'ulimit', аби дозволити mysqld використовувати більше пам'яті або ви можете додати більше місця під свап"
+ swe "Fick slut på minnet."
+ ukr "Брак пам'яті."
cze "Nemohu zjistit jméno stroje pro Vaši adresu"
dan "Kan ikke få værtsnavn for din adresse"
@@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE
swe "Felaktig användning av SQL grupp function"
ukr "Хибне використання функції групування"
- cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' používá rozšíření, které v této verzi MySQL není"
+ cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' používá rozšíření, které v této verzi MariaDB není"
dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' bruger et filtypenavn som ikke findes i denne MariaDB version"
nla "Tabel '%-.192s' gebruikt een extensie, die niet in deze MariaDB-versie voorkomt"
eng "Table '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version"
@@ -2637,7 +2637,7 @@ ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION 42000
hindi "टेबल '%-.192s' जिस इक्स्टेन्शन का उपयोग कर रहा है, वह इस MariaDB संस्करण में उपलब्ध नहीं है"
hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tabla olyan bovitest hasznal, amely nem letezik ebben a MariaDB versioban"
ita "La tabella '%-.192s' usa un'estensione che non esiste in questa versione di MariaDB"
- jpn "表 '%-.192s' は、このMySQLバージョンには無い機能を使用しています。"
+ jpn "表 '%-.192s' は、このMariaDBバージョンには無い機能を使用しています。"
kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 확장명령을 이용하지만 현재의 MariaDB 버젼에서는 존재하지 않습니다."
nor "Table '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version"
norwegian-ny "Table '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version"
@@ -2717,7 +2717,7 @@ ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET 42000
swe "Okänd teckenuppsättning: '%-.64s'"
ukr "Невідома кодова таблиця: '%-.64s'"
- cze "Příliš mnoho tabulek, MySQL jich může mít v joinu jen %d"
+ cze "Příliš mnoho tabulek, MariaDB jich může mít v joinu jen %d"
dan "For mange tabeller. MariaDB kan kun bruge %d tabeller i et join"
nla "Teveel tabellen. MariaDB kan slechts %d tabellen in een join bevatten"
eng "Too many tables; MariaDB can only use %d tables in a join"
@@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@ ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES
hindi "बहुत अधिक टेबल्स, MariaDB एक JOIN में केवल %d टेबल्स का उपयोग कर सकता है"
hun "Tul sok tabla. A MariaDB csak %d tablat tud kezelni osszefuzeskor"
ita "Troppe tabelle. MariaDB puo` usare solo %d tabelle in una join"
- jpn "表が多すぎます。MySQLがJOINできる表は %d 個までです。"
+ jpn "表が多すぎます。MariaDBがJOINできる表は %d 個までです。"
kor "너무 많은 테이블이 Join되었습니다. MariaDB에서는 JOIN시 %d개의 테이블만 사용할 수 있습니다."
por "Tabelas demais. O MariaDB pode usar somente %d tabelas em uma junção (JOIN)"
rum "Prea multe tabele. MariaDB nu poate folosi mai mult de %d tabele intr-un join"
@@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED
swe "Denna dator, '%-.64s', är blockerad pga många felaktig paket. Gör 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' för att ta bort alla blockeringarna"
ukr "Хост '%-.64s' заблоковано з причини великої кількості помилок з'єднання. Для розблокування використовуйте 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'"
- cze "Stroj '%-.64s' nemá povoleno se k tomuto MySQL serveru připojit"
+ cze "Stroj '%-.64s' nemá povoleno se k tomuto MariaDB serveru připojit"
dan "Værten '%-.64s' kan ikke tilkoble denne MariaDB-server"
nla "Het is host '%-.64s' is niet toegestaan verbinding te maken met deze MariaDB server"
eng "Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server"
@@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED
hindi "होस्ट '%-.64s' को इस MariaDB सर्वर से कनेक्ट करने के लिए अनुमति नहीं है"
hun "A '%-.64s' host szamara nem engedelyezett a kapcsolodas ehhez a MariaDB szerverhez"
ita "Al sistema '%-.64s' non e` consentita la connessione a questo server MariaDB"
- jpn "ホスト '%-.64s' からのこの MySQL server への接続は許可されていません。"
+ jpn "ホスト '%-.64s' からのこの MariaDB server への接続は許可されていません。"
kor "'%-.64s' 호스트는 이 MariaDB서버에 접속할 허가를 받지 못했습니다."
por "'Host' '%-.64s' não tem permissão para se conectar com este servidor MariaDB"
rum "Host-ul '%-.64s' nu este permis a se conecta la aceste server MariaDB"
@@ -3021,7 +3021,7 @@ ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED
swe "Denna dator, '%-.64s', har inte privileger att använda denna MariaDB server"
ukr "Хосту '%-.64s' не доволено зв'язуватись з цим сервером MariaDB"
- cze "Používáte MySQL jako anonymní uživatel a anonymní uživatelé nemají povoleno měnit hesla"
+ cze "Používáte MariaDB jako anonymní uživatel a anonymní uživatelé nemají povoleno měnit hesla"
dan "Du bruger MariaDB som anonym bruger. Anonyme brugere må ikke ændre adgangskoder"
nla "U gebruikt MariaDB als anonieme gebruiker en deze mogen geen wachtwoorden wijzigen"
eng "You are using MariaDB as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to modify user settings"
@@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@ ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER 42000
hindi "आप MariaDB का उपयोग एक बेनाम यूज़र की तरह कर रहे हैं; बेनाम यूज़र्स को 'यूज़र सेटिंग्स' बदलने की अनुमति नहीं है"
hun "Nevtelen (anonymous) felhasznalokent nem negedelyezett a jelszovaltoztatas"
ita "Impossibile cambiare la password usando MariaDB come utente anonimo"
- jpn "MySQL を匿名ユーザーで使用しているので、パスワードの変更はできません。"
+ jpn "MariaDB を匿名ユーザーで使用しているので、パスワードの変更はできません。"
kor "당신은 MariaDB서버에 익명의 사용자로 접속을 하셨습니다.익명의 사용자는 암호를 변경할 수 없습니다."
por "Você está usando o MariaDB como usuário anônimo e usuários anônimos não têm permissão para mudar senhas"
rum "Dumneavoastra folositi MariaDB ca un utilizator anonim si utilizatorii anonimi nu au voie sa schimbe setarile utilizatorilor"
@@ -3371,7 +3371,7 @@ ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT 42000
swe "Det finns inget privilegium definierat för användare '%-.48s' på '%-.64s' för tabell '%-.192s'"
ukr "Повноважень не визначено для користувача '%-.48s' з хосту '%-.64s' для таблиці '%-.192s'"
- cze "Použitý příkaz není v této verzi MySQL povolen"
+ cze "Použitý příkaz není v této verzi MariaDB povolen"
dan "Den brugte kommando er ikke tilladt med denne udgave af MariaDB"
nla "Het used commando is niet toegestaan in deze MariaDB versie"
eng "The used command is not allowed with this MariaDB version"
@@ -3381,7 +3381,7 @@ ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND 42000
hindi "यह कमांड इस MariaDB संस्करण के साथ इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता है"
hun "A hasznalt parancs nem engedelyezett ebben a MariaDB verzioban"
ita "Il comando utilizzato non e` supportato in questa versione di MariaDB"
- jpn "このMySQLバージョンでは利用できないコマンドです。"
+ jpn "このMariaDBバージョンでは利用できないコマンドです。"
kor "사용된 명령은 현재의 MariaDB 버젼에서는 이용되지 않습니다."
por "Comando usado não é permitido para esta versão do MariaDB"
rum "Comanda folosita nu este permisa pentru aceasta versiune de MariaDB"
@@ -3884,7 +3884,7 @@ ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY 42000
swe "Denna tabelltyp kräver en PRIMARY KEY"
ukr "Цей тип таблиці потребує первинного ключа"
- cze "Tato verze MySQL není zkompilována s podporou RAID"
+ cze "Tato verze MariaDB není zkompilována s podporou RAID"
dan "Denne udgave af MariaDB er ikke oversat med understøttelse af RAID"
nla "Deze versie van MariaDB is niet gecompileerd met RAID ondersteuning"
eng "This version of MariaDB is not compiled with RAID support"
@@ -3894,7 +3894,7 @@ ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED
hindi "MariaDB का यह संस्करण RAID सपोर्ट के साथ कॉम्पाईल्ड नहीं है"
hun "Ezen leforditott MariaDB verzio nem tartalmaz RAID support-ot"
ita "Questa versione di MYSQL non e` compilata con il supporto RAID"
- jpn "このバージョンのMySQLはRAIDサポートを含めてコンパイルされていません。"
+ jpn "このバージョンのMariaDBはRAIDサポートを含めてコンパイルされていません。"
por "Esta versão do MariaDB não foi compilada com suporte a RAID"
rum "Aceasta versiune de MariaDB, nu a fost compilata cu suport pentru RAID"
rus "Эта версия MariaDB скомпилирована без поддержки RAID"
@@ -4505,18 +4505,18 @@ ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT
spa "El tipo de tabla usada (%s) no soporta índices FULLTEXT"
swe "Tabelltypen (%s) har inte hantering av FULLTEXT-index"
ukr "Використаний тип таблиці (%s) не підтримує FULLTEXT індексів"
- nla "Kan foreign key beperking niet toevoegen"
- eng "Cannot add foreign key constraint"
- fre "Impossible d'ajouter des contraintes d'index externe"
- ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung kann nicht hinzugefügt werden"
- ita "Impossibile aggiungere il vincolo di integrita' referenziale (foreign key constraint)"
- jpn "外部キー制約を追加できません。"
- por "Não pode acrescentar uma restrição de chave estrangeira"
- rus "Невозможно добавить ограничения внешнего ключа"
- serbian "Ne mogu da dodam proveru spoljnog ključa"
- spa "No puede adicionar clave extranjera constraint"
- swe "Kan inte lägga till 'FOREIGN KEY constraint'"
+ nla "Kan foreign key beperking niet toevoegen vor `%s`"
+ eng "Cannot add foreign key constraint for `%s`"
+ fre "Impossible d'ajouter des contraintes d'index externe à `%s`"
+ ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung kann nicht hinzugefügt werden für `%s`"
+ ita "Impossibile aggiungere il vincolo di integrita' referenziale (foreign key constraint) a `%s`"
+ jpn "`%s` 外部キー制約を追加できません。"
+ por "Não pode acrescentar uma restrição de chave estrangeira para `%s`"
+ rus "Невозможно добавить ограничения внешнего ключа для `%s`"
+ serbian "Ne mogu da dodam proveru spoljnog ključa na `%s`"
+ spa "No puede adicionar clave extranjera constraint para `%s`"
+ swe "Kan inte lägga till 'FOREIGN KEY constraint' för `%s`'"
nla "Kan onderliggende rij niet toevoegen: foreign key beperking gefaald"
eng "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails"
@@ -5019,7 +5019,7 @@ ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION
eng "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MariaDB slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MariaDB slave with SSL is started"
ger "SSL-Parameter in CHANGE MASTER werden ignoriert, weil dieser MariaDB-Slave ohne SSL-Unterstützung kompiliert wurde. Sie können aber später verwendet werden, wenn ein MariaDB-Slave mit SSL gestartet wird"
- jpn "このMySQLスレーブはSSLサポートを含めてコンパイルされていないので、CHANGE MASTER のSSLパラメータは無視されました。今後SSLサポートを持つMySQLスレーブを起動する際に利用されます。"
+ jpn "このMariaDBスレーブはSSLサポートを含めてコンパイルされていないので、CHANGE MASTER のSSLパラメータは無視されました。今後SSLサポートを持つMariaDBスレーブを起動する際に利用されます。"
por "SSL parâmetros em CHANGE MASTER são ignorados porque este escravo MariaDB foi compilado sem o SSL suporte. Os mesmos podem ser usados mais tarde quando o escravo MariaDB com SSL seja iniciado."
spa "Parametros SSL en CHANGE MASTER son ignorados porque este slave MariaDB fue compilado sin soporte SSL; pueden ser usados despues cuando el slave MariaDB con SSL sea inicializado"
@@ -5347,7 +5347,7 @@ ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE
rus "Файл '%-.192s' содержит неизвестный тип '%-.64s' в заголовке"
ukr "Файл '%-.192s' має невідомий тип '%-.64s' у заголовку"
- eng "'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %s"
+ eng "'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not of type '%s'"
ger "'%-.192s.%-.192s' ist nicht %s"
rus "'%-.192s.%-.192s' - не %s"
ukr "'%-.192s.%-.192s' не є %s"
@@ -5402,9 +5402,9 @@ ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR
eng "GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler"
ger "GOTO ist im Handler einer gespeicherten Prozedur nicht erlaubt"
- eng "Trigger already exists"
- ger "Trigger existiert bereits"
- hindi "TRIGGER पहले से मौजूद है"
+ eng "Trigger '%s' already exists"
+ ger "Trigger '%s' existiert bereits"
+ hindi "TRIGGER '%s' पहले से मौजूद है"
eng "Trigger does not exist"
ger "Trigger existiert nicht"
@@ -5729,8 +5729,8 @@ ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED 42000
eng "Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %u)"
ger "Kann nicht mehr Anweisungen als max_prepared_stmt_count erzeugen (aktueller Wert: %u)"
- eng "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion"
- ger "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` enthält View-Rekursion"
+ eng "%`s.%`s contains view recursion"
+ ger "%`s.%`s enthält View-Rekursion"
eng "Non-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clause"
ger "In der %-.192s-Klausel wird das die Nicht-Gruppierungsspalte '%-.64s' verwendet"
@@ -6226,37 +6226,37 @@ ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE
eng "Binary logging not possible. Message: %s"
ger "Binärlogging nicht möglich. Meldung: %s"
- eng "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context"
- ger "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` hat keinen Erzeugungskontext"
+ eng "View %`s.%`s has no creation context"
+ ger "View %`s.%`s hat keinen Erzeugungskontext"
- eng "Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalid"
- ger "Erzeugungskontext des Views`%-.64s`.`%-.64s' ist ungültig"
+ eng "Creation context of view %`s.%`s is invalid"
+ ger "Erzeugungskontext des Views%`s.%`s ist ungültig"
- eng "Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid"
- ger "Erzeugungskontext der gespeicherten Routine`%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig"
+ eng "Creation context of stored routine %`s.%`s is invalid"
+ ger "Erzeugungskontext der gespeicherten Routine%`s.%`s ist ungültig"
- eng "Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`"
- ger "Beschädigte TRG-Datei für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`"
+ eng "Corrupted TRG file for table %`s.%`s"
+ ger "Beschädigte TRG-Datei für Tabelle %`s.%`s"
- eng "Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context"
- ger "Trigger für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` haben keinen Erzeugungskontext"
+ eng "Triggers for table %`s.%`s have no creation context"
+ ger "Trigger für Tabelle %`s.%`s haben keinen Erzeugungskontext"
- eng "Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid"
- ger "Trigger-Erzeugungskontext der Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig"
+ eng "Trigger creation context of table %`s.%`s is invalid"
+ ger "Trigger-Erzeugungskontext der Tabelle %`s.%`s ist ungültig"
- eng "Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid"
- ger "Erzeugungskontext des Events `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig"
+ eng "Creation context of event %`s.%`s is invalid"
+ ger "Erzeugungskontext des Events %`s.%`s ist ungültig"
- eng "Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`"
- ger "Kann Tabelle für den Trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` nicht öffnen"
+ eng "Cannot open table for trigger %`s.%`s"
+ ger "Kann Tabelle für den Trigger %`s.%`s nicht öffnen"
- eng "Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings"
- ger "Kann gespeicherte Routine `%-.64s` nicht erzeugen. Beachten Sie die Warnungen"
+ eng "Cannot create stored routine %`s. Check warnings"
+ ger "Kann gespeicherte Routine %`s nicht erzeugen. Beachten Sie die Warnungen"
eng "You should never see it"
- eng "The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement"
- ger "Der BINLOG-Anweisung vom Typ `%s` ging keine BINLOG-Anweisung zur Formatbeschreibung voran"
+ eng "The BINLOG statement of type %s was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement"
+ ger "Der BINLOG-Anweisung vom Typ %s ging keine BINLOG-Anweisung zur Formatbeschreibung voran"
eng "Corrupted replication event was detected"
ger "Beschädigtes Replikationsereignis entdeckt"
@@ -6573,7 +6573,7 @@ ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT
# When translating this error message make sure to include "ALTER TABLE" in the
# message as mysqlcheck parses the error message looking for ALTER TABLE.
- eng "Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE `%-.32s` FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!"
+ eng "Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE %`s FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!"
eng "The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'"
@@ -6644,7 +6644,7 @@ ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2
ger "Kann %s.%s nicht einlesen. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt"
- eng "The requested value %u for the master delay exceeds the maximum %u"
+ eng "The requested value %lu for the master delay exceeds the maximum %lu"
eng "Only Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)"
@@ -6730,7 +6730,7 @@ ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT
eng "Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure"
- eng "Storing MySQL user name or password information in the repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please see the MySQL Manual for more about this issue and possible alternatives"
+ eng "Storing MariaDB user name or password information in the repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please see the MariaDB Manual for more about this issue and possible alternatives"
eng "Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'"
eng "GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK"
- eng "Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'"
- rus "Неизвестное имя формата команды EXPLAIN: '%s'"
+ eng "Unknown %s format name: '%s'"
+ rus "Неизвестное имя формата команды %s: '%s'"
eng "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction"
eng "Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)"
- eng "Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log"
+ eng "Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MariaDB error log"
eng "InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time"
eng "CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL"
- eng "Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log"
+ eng "Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MariaDB error log"
- eng "Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log"
+ eng "Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MariaDB error log"
eng "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted"
eng "Slave must silently retry current transaction"
- eng "There is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table"
+ eng "You should never see it"
eng "Schema mismatch (%s)"
eng "Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed"
- eng "Cannot change column type INPLACE"
+ eng "Cannot change column type"
eng "Adding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFF"
@@ -7066,7 +7066,7 @@ ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH
eng "Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'"
- eng "cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODE"
+ eng "cannot convert NULL to non-constant DEFAULT"
eng "Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords"
@@ -7375,8 +7375,8 @@ ER_FK_DEPTH_EXCEEDED
eng "Foreign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d."
- eng "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error."
- ger "Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MySQL %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu beheben"
+ eng "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MariaDB %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error."
+ ger "Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MariaDB %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu beheben"
eng "Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute."
@@ -7547,7 +7547,7 @@ ER_WITH_COL_WRONG_LIST
eng "Too many WITH elements in WITH clause"
- eng "Duplicate query name in WITH clause '%s'"
+ eng "Duplicate query name %`-.64s in WITH clause"
eng "No anchors for recursive WITH element '%s'"
@@ -7729,3 +7729,172 @@ ER_GEOJSON_EMPTY_COORDINATES
eng "MyRocks doesn't currently support collations with \"No pad\" attribute."
+ eng "Illegal parameter data types %s and %s for operation '%s'"
+ eng "Illegal parameter data type %s for operation '%s'"
+ eng "Incorrect parameter count to cursor '%-.192s'"
+ rus "Некорректное количество параметров для курсора '%-.192s'"
+ eng "Unknown structured system variable or ROW routine variable '%-.*s'"
+ eng "Row variable '%-.192s' does not have a field '%-.192s'"
+ eng "END identifier '%-.192s' does not match '%-.192s'"
+ eng "Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' has run out"
+ eng "Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' values are conflicting"
+ eng "Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' table structure is invalid (%s)"
+ eng "Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' access error"
+ eng "Sequences requires binlog_format mixed or row"
+ eng "'%-.64s.%-.64s' is not a SEQUENCE"
+ eng "'%-.192s' is not a SEQUENCE"
+ eng "Unknown SEQUENCE: '%-.300s'"
+ eng "Unknown VIEW: '%-.300s'"
+ eng "Wrong INSERT into a SEQUENCE. One can only do single table INSERT into a sequence object (like with mysqldump). If you want to change the SEQUENCE, use ALTER SEQUENCE instead."
+ eng "At line %u in %s"
+ eng "Subroutine '%-.192s' is declared in the package specification but is not defined in the package body"
+ eng "Subroutine '%-.192s' has a forward declaration but is not defined"
+ eng "Compressed column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification"
+ eng "Unknown compression method: %s"
+ eng "The used table value constructor has a different number of values"
+ eng "Field reference '%-.192s' can't be used in table value constructor"
+ eng "Numeric datatype is required for %s function"
+ eng "Argument to the %s function is not a constant for a partition"
+ eng "Argument to the %s function does not belong to the range [0,1]"
+ eng "%s function only accepts arguments that can be converted to numerical types"
+ eng "Non-aggregate function contains aggregate specific instructions: (FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW)"
+ eng "Aggregate specific instruction(FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW) missing from the aggregate function"
+ eng "Limit only accepts integer values"
+ eng "Invisible column %`s must have a default value"
+# MariaDB error numbers related to System Versioning
+ eng "Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Inserted: %ld Warnings: %ld"
+ eng "%`s must be of type %s for system-versioned table %`s"
+ eng "Transaction-precise system versioning for %`s is not supported"
+ eng "You should never see it"
+ eng "Wrong partitioning type, expected type: %`s"
+ eng "Versioned table %`s.%`s: partition %`s is full, add more HISTORY partitions"
+ eng "Maybe missing parameters: %s"
+ eng "Can only drop oldest partitions when rotating by INTERVAL"
+ eng "You should never see it"
+ eng "Partition %`s contains non-historical data"
+ eng "Not allowed for system-versioned %`s.%`s. Change @@system_versioning_alter_history to proceed with ALTER."
+ eng "Not allowed for system-versioned %`s.%`s. Change to/from native system versioning engine is not supported."
+ eng "SYSTEM_TIME range selector is not allowed"
+ eng "Conflicting FOR SYSTEM_TIME clauses in WITH RECURSIVE"
+ eng "Table %`s must have at least one versioned column"
+ eng "Table %`s is not system-versioned"
+ eng "Wrong parameters for %`s: missing '%s'"
+ eng "PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME must use columns %`s and %`s"
+ eng "Wrong parameters for partitioned %`s: wrong value for '%s'"
+ eng "Wrong partitions for %`s: must have at least one HISTORY and exactly one last CURRENT"
+ eng "TRX_ID %llu not found in `mysql.transaction_registry`"
+ eng "Can not change system versioning field %`s"
+ eng "Can not DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING for table %`s partitioned BY SYSTEM_TIME"
+ eng "System versioning tables in the %`s database are not suported"
+ eng "Transaction registry is disabled"
+ eng "Duplicate ROW %s column %`s"
+ eng "Table %`s is already system-versioned"
+ eng "You should never see it"
+ eng "TEMPORARY tables do not support system versioning"
+ eng "Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END"
+ eng "The index file for table '%-.192s' is full"
+ eng "The column %`s.%`s cannot be changed more than once in a single UPDATE statement"
+ eng "Row with no elements is not allowed in table value constructor in this context"
+ eng "SYSTEM_TIME partitions in table %`s does not support historical query"
+ eng "%s index %`s does not support this operation"
+ eng "Changing table options requires the table to be rebuilt"