path: root/sql/sql_list.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/sql_list.h')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/sql_list.h b/sql/sql_list.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..725d506e62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/sql_list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* mysql standard open memoryallocator */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */
+class Sql_alloc
+ static void *operator new(size_t size) {return (void*) sql_alloc(size); }
+ static void operator delete(void *ptr, size_t size) {} /*lint -e715 */
+ inline Sql_alloc() {};
+ inline ~Sql_alloc() {};
+** basic single linked list
+** Used for item and item_buffs.
+class base_list :public Sql_alloc {
+ class list_node :public Sql_alloc
+ {
+ public:
+ list_node *next;
+ void *info;
+ list_node(void *info_par,list_node *next_par) : next(next_par),info(info_par) {}
+ friend class base_list;
+ friend class base_list_iterator;
+ };
+ list_node *first,**last;
+ uint elements;
+ inline void empty() { elements=0; first=0; last=&first;}
+ inline base_list() { empty(); }
+ inline base_list(const base_list &tmp) :Sql_alloc()
+ {
+ elements=tmp.elements;
+ first=tmp.first;
+ last=tmp.last;
+ }
+ inline bool push_back(void *info)
+ {
+ if (((*last)=new list_node(info,0)))
+ {
+ last= &(*last)->next;
+ elements++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ inline bool push_front(void *info)
+ {
+ list_node *node=new list_node(info,first);
+ if (node)
+ {
+ if (!first)
+ last= &node->next;
+ first=node;
+ elements++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ void remove(list_node **prev)
+ {
+ list_node *node=(*prev)->next;
+ delete *prev;
+ *prev=node;
+ if (!--elements)
+ {
+ last= &first;
+ first=0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void *pop(void)
+ {
+ if (!first) return 0;
+ list_node *tmp=first;
+ first=first->next;
+ if (!--elements)
+ last= &first;
+ return tmp->info;
+ }
+ inline void *head() { return first ? first->info : 0; }
+ inline void **head_ref() { return first ? &first->info : 0; }
+ friend class base_list_iterator;
+ void after(void *info,list_node *node)
+ {
+ list_node *new_node=new list_node(info,node->next);
+ node->next=new_node;
+ elements++;
+ if (last == &(node->next))
+ last= &new_node->next;
+ }
+class base_list_iterator
+ base_list *list;
+ base_list::list_node **el,**prev,*current;
+ base_list_iterator(base_list &list_par) :list(&list_par),el(&list_par.first),
+ prev(0),current(0)
+ {}
+ inline void *next(void)
+ {
+ prev=el;
+ if (!(current= *el))
+ return 0;
+ el= &current->next;
+ return current->info;
+ }
+ inline void rewind(void)
+ {
+ el= &list->first;
+ }
+ void *replace(void *element)
+ { // Return old element
+ void *tmp=current->info;
+ current->info=element;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ void *replace(base_list &new_list)
+ {
+ void *ret_value=current->info;
+ if (new_list.first)
+ {
+ *new_list.last=current->next;
+ current->info=new_list.first->info;
+ current->next=new_list.first->next;
+ list->elements+=new_list.elements-1;
+ }
+ return ret_value; // return old element
+ }
+ inline void remove(void) // Remove current
+ {
+ list->remove(prev);
+ el=prev;
+ current=0; // Safeguard
+ }
+ void after(void *element) // Insert element after current
+ {
+ list->after(element,current);
+ current=current->next;
+ el= &current->next;
+ }
+ inline void **ref(void) // Get reference pointer
+ {
+ return &current->info;
+ }
+ inline bool is_last(void)
+ {
+ return *el == 0;
+ }
+template <class T> class List :public base_list
+ inline List() :base_list() {}
+ inline List(const List<T> &tmp) :base_list(tmp) {}
+ inline bool push_back(T *a) { return base_list::push_back(a); }
+ inline bool push_front(T *a) { return base_list::push_front(a); }
+ inline T* head() {return (T*) base_list::head(); }
+ inline T** head_ref() {return (T**) base_list::head_ref(); }
+ inline T* pop() {return (T*) base_list::pop(); }
+ void delete_elements(void)
+ {
+ list_node *element,*next;
+ for (element=first; element ; element=next)
+ {
+ next=element->next;
+ delete (T*) element->info;
+ }
+ empty();
+ }
+template <class T> class List_iterator :public base_list_iterator
+ List_iterator(List<T> &a) : base_list_iterator(a) {}
+ inline T* operator++(int) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::next(); }
+ inline void rewind(void) { base_list_iterator::rewind(); }
+ inline T *replace(T *a) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::replace(a); }
+ inline T *replace(List<T> &a) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::replace(a); }
+ inline void remove(void) { base_list_iterator::remove(); }
+ inline void after(T *a) { base_list_iterator::after(a); }
+ inline T** ref(void) { return (T**) base_list_iterator::ref(); }
+ inline bool is_last(void) { return base_list_iterator::is_last(); }
+** An simple intrusive list with automaticly removes element from list
+** on delete (for THD element)
+struct ilink {
+ struct ilink **prev,*next;
+ inline ilink()
+ {
+ prev=0; next=0;
+ }
+ inline void unlink()
+ {
+ /* Extra tests because element doesn't have to be linked */
+ if (prev) *prev= next;
+ if (next) next->prev=prev;
+ prev=0 ; next=0;
+ }
+ virtual ~ilink() { unlink(); } /*lint -e1740 */
+template <class T> class I_List_iterator;
+class base_ilist {
+ public:
+ struct ilink *first,last;
+ base_ilist() { first= &last; last.prev= &first; }
+ inline bool is_empty() { return first == &last; }
+ inline void append(ilink *a)
+ {
+ first->prev= &a->next;
+ a->next=first; a->prev= &first; first=a;
+ }
+ inline void push_back(ilink *a)
+ {
+ *last.prev= a;
+ a->next= &last;
+ a->prev= last.prev;
+ last.prev= &a->next;
+ }
+ inline struct ilink *get()
+ {
+ struct ilink *first_link=first;
+ if (first_link == &last)
+ return 0;
+ first_link->unlink(); // Unlink from list
+ return first_link;
+ }
+ friend class base_list_iterator;
+class base_ilist_iterator
+ base_ilist *list;
+ struct ilink **el,*current;
+ base_ilist_iterator(base_ilist &list_par) :list(&list_par),
+ el(&list_par.first),current(0) {}
+ void *next(void)
+ {
+ /* This is coded to allow push_back() while iterating */
+ current= *el;
+ if (current == &list->last) return 0;
+ el= &current->next;
+ return current;
+ }
+template <class T>
+class I_List :private base_ilist {
+ I_List() :base_ilist() {}
+ inline bool is_empty() { return base_ilist::is_empty(); }
+ inline void append(T* a) { base_ilist::append(a); }
+ inline void push_back(T* a) { base_ilist::push_back(a); }
+ inline T* get() { return (T*) base_ilist::get(); }
+#ifndef _lint
+ friend class I_List_iterator<T>;
+template <class T> class I_List_iterator :public base_ilist_iterator
+ I_List_iterator(I_List<T> &a) : base_ilist_iterator(a) {}
+ inline T* operator++(int) { return (T*) base_ilist_iterator::next(); }