path: root/sql/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e08192d0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#include "mysql_priv.h"
+#include "sp_head.h"
+#include "sql_trigger.h"
+#include "parse_file.h"
+static const LEX_STRING triggers_file_type= {(char *)"TRIGGERS", 8};
+static const char * const triggers_file_ext= ".TRG";
+ Table of .TRG file field descriptors.
+ We have here only one field now because in nearest future .TRG
+ files will be merged into .FRM files (so we don't need something
+ like md5 or created fields).
+static File_option triggers_file_parameters[]=
+ {{(char*)"triggers", 8}, offsetof(Table_triggers_list, definitions_list),
+ Create or drop trigger for table.
+ mysql_create_or_drop_trigger()
+ thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX)
+ tables - table list containing one table for which trigger is created.
+ create - whenever we create (true) or drop (false) trigger
+ This function is mainly responsible for opening and locking of table and
+ invalidation of all its instances in table cache after trigger creation.
+ Real work on trigger creation/dropping is done inside Table_triggers_list
+ methods.
+ 0 - Success, non-0 in case of error.
+int mysql_create_or_drop_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, bool create)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int result= 0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("mysql_create_or_drop_trigger");
+ /*
+ QQ: This function could be merged in mysql_alter_table() function
+ But do we want this ?
+ */
+ if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, tables))
+ // TODO: We should check if user has TRIGGER privilege for table here.
+ table= tables->table;
+ /*
+ We do not allow creation of triggers on views or temporary tables.
+ We have to do this check here and not in
+ Table_triggers_list::create_trigger() because we want to avoid messing
+ with table cash for views and temporary tables.
+ */
+ if (tables->view || table->tmp_table != NO_TMP_TABLE)
+ {
+ my_error(ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE, MYF(0), tables->alias);
+ }
+ if (!table->triggers)
+ {
+ if (!create)
+ {
+ my_error(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, MYF(0));
+ }
+ if (!(table->triggers= new (&table->mem_root) Table_triggers_list()))
+ }
+ /*
+ We don't want perform our operations while global read lock is held
+ so we have to wait until its end and then prevent it from occuring
+ again until we are done. (Acquiring LOCK_open is not enough because
+ global read lock is held without helding LOCK_open).
+ */
+ if (wait_if_global_read_lock(thd, 0))
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open));
+ if ((create ? table->triggers->create_trigger(thd, tables):
+ table->triggers->drop_trigger(thd, tables)))
+ result= -1;
+ /* It is sensible to invalidate table in any case */
+ close_cached_table(thd, table);
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open));
+ start_waiting_global_read_lock(thd);
+ if (!result)
+ send_ok(thd);
+ DBUG_RETURN(result);
+ Create trigger for table.
+ create_trigger()
+ thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX)
+ tables - table list containing one open table for which trigger is
+ created.
+ False - success
+ True - error
+bool Table_triggers_list::create_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
+ LEX *lex= thd->lex;
+ TABLE *table= tables->table;
+ char dir_buff[FN_REFLEN], file_buff[FN_REFLEN];
+ LEX_STRING dir, file;
+ MEM_ROOT *old_global_root;
+ LEX_STRING *trg_def, *name;
+ List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it(names_list);
+ /* We don't allow creation of several triggers of the same type yet */
+ if (bodies[lex->trg_chistics.event][lex->trg_chistics.action_time])
+ {
+ my_error(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS, MYF(0));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Let us check if trigger with the same name exists */
+ while ((name= it++))
+ {
+ if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, lex->name_and_length.str,
+ name->str) == 0)
+ {
+ my_error(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS, MYF(0));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Here we are creating file with triggers and save all triggers in it.
+ sql_create_definition_file() files handles renaming and backup of older
+ versions
+ */
+ strxnmov(dir_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db, "/", NullS);
+ dir.length= unpack_filename(dir_buff, dir_buff);
+ dir.str= dir_buff;
+ file.length= strxnmov(file_buff, FN_REFLEN, tables->real_name,
+ triggers_file_ext, NullS) - file_buff;
+ file.str= file_buff;
+ old_global_root= my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT*, THR_MALLOC);
+ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, &table->mem_root);
+ /*
+ Soon we will invalidate table object and thus Table_triggers_list object
+ so don't care about place to which trg_def->ptr points and other
+ invariants (e.g. we don't bother to update names_list)
+ QQ: Hmm... probably we should not care about setting up active thread
+ mem_root too.
+ */
+ if (!(trg_def= (LEX_STRING *)alloc_root(&table->mem_root,
+ sizeof(LEX_STRING))) ||
+ definitions_list.push_back(trg_def))
+ {
+ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, old_global_root);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ trg_def->str= thd->query;
+ trg_def->length= thd->query_length;
+ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, old_global_root);
+ return sql_create_definition_file(&dir, &file, &triggers_file_type,
+ (gptr)this, triggers_file_parameters, 3);
+ Drop trigger for table.
+ drop_trigger()
+ thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX)
+ tables - table list containing one open table for which trigger is
+ dropped.
+ False - success
+ True - error
+bool Table_triggers_list::drop_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
+ LEX *lex= thd->lex;
+ LEX_STRING *name;
+ List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it_name(names_list);
+ List_iterator<LEX_STRING> it_def(definitions_list);
+ while ((name= it_name++))
+ {
+ it_def++;
+ if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, lex->name_and_length.str,
+ name->str) == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ Again we don't care much about other things required for
+ clean trigger removing since table will be reopened anyway.
+ */
+ it_def.remove();
+ if (definitions_list.is_empty())
+ {
+ char path[FN_REFLEN];
+ /*
+ TODO: Probably instead of removing .TRG file we should move
+ to archive directory but this should be done as part of
+ functionality (because we will need it
+ elsewhere).
+ */
+ strxnmov(path, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db, "/",
+ tables->real_name, triggers_file_ext, NullS);
+ unpack_filename(path, path);
+ return my_delete(path, MYF(MY_WME));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char dir_buff[FN_REFLEN], file_buff[FN_REFLEN];
+ LEX_STRING dir, file;
+ strxnmov(dir_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db,
+ "/", NullS);
+ dir.length= unpack_filename(dir_buff, dir_buff);
+ dir.str= dir_buff;
+ file.length= strxnmov(file_buff, FN_REFLEN, tables->real_name,
+ triggers_file_ext, NullS) - file_buff;
+ file.str= file_buff;
+ return sql_create_definition_file(&dir, &file, &triggers_file_type,
+ (gptr)this,
+ triggers_file_parameters, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my_error(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, MYF(0));
+ return 1;
+ for (int i= 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (int j= 0; j < 2; j++)
+ delete bodies[i][j];
+ if (old_field)
+ for (Field **fld_ptr= old_field; *fld_ptr; fld_ptr++)
+ delete *fld_ptr;
+ Check whenever .TRG file for table exist and load all triggers it contains.
+ check_n_load()
+ thd - current thread context
+ db - table's database name
+ table_name - table's name
+ table - pointer to table object
+ False - success
+ True - error
+bool Table_triggers_list::check_n_load(THD *thd, const char *db,
+ const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
+ char path_buff[FN_REFLEN];
+ LEX_STRING path;
+ File_parser *parser;
+ MEM_ROOT *old_global_mem_root;
+ DBUG_ENTER("Table_triggers_list::check_n_load");
+ strxnmov(path_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", db, "/", table_name,
+ triggers_file_ext, NullS);
+ path.length= unpack_filename(path_buff, path_buff);
+ path.str= path_buff;
+ // QQ: should we analyze errno somehow ?
+ if (access(path_buff, F_OK))
+ /*
+ File exists so we got to load triggers
+ FIXME: A lot of things to do here e.g. how about other funcs and being
+ more paranoical ?
+ */
+ if ((parser= sql_parse_prepare(&path, &table->mem_root, 1)))
+ {
+ if (!strncmp(triggers_file_type.str, parser->type()->str,
+ parser->type()->length))
+ {
+ int i;
+ Table_triggers_list *triggers_info=
+ new (&table->mem_root) Table_triggers_list();
+ if (!triggers_info)
+ if (parser->parse((gptr)triggers_info, &table->mem_root,
+ triggers_file_parameters, 1))
+ table->triggers= triggers_info;
+ /*
+ We have to prepare array of Field objects which will represent OLD.*
+ row values by referencing to record[1] instead of record[0]
+ TODO: This could be avoided if there is no ON UPDATE trigger.
+ */
+ if (!(triggers_info->old_field=
+ (Field **)alloc_root(&table->mem_root, (table->fields + 1) *
+ sizeof(Field*))))
+ for (i= 0; i < table->fields; i++)
+ {
+ /*
+ QQ: it is supposed that it is ok to use this function for field
+ cloning...
+ */
+ if (!(triggers_info->old_field[i]=
+ table->field[i]->new_field(&table->mem_root, table)))
+ triggers_info->old_field[i]->move_field((my_ptrdiff_t)
+ (table->record[1] -
+ table->record[0]));
+ }
+ triggers_info->old_field[i]= 0;
+ List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it(triggers_info->definitions_list);
+ LEX_STRING *trg_create_str, *trg_name_str;
+ char *trg_name_buff;
+ LEX *old_lex= thd->lex, lex;
+ thd->lex= &lex;
+ while ((trg_create_str= it++))
+ {
+ lex_start(thd, (uchar*)trg_create_str->str, trg_create_str->length);
+ mysql_init_query(thd, true);
+ lex.trg_table= table;
+ if (yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error)
+ {
+ /*
+ Free lex associated resources
+ QQ: Do we really need all this stuff here ?
+ */
+ if (lex.sphead)
+ {
+ if (&lex != thd->lex)
+ thd->lex->sphead->restore_lex(thd);
+ delete lex.sphead;
+ }
+ goto err_with_lex_cleanup;
+ }
+ triggers_info->bodies[lex.trg_chistics.event]
+ [lex.trg_chistics.action_time]= lex.sphead;
+ lex.sphead= 0;
+ if (!(trg_name_buff= alloc_root(&table->mem_root,
+ sizeof(LEX_STRING) +
+ lex.name_and_length.length + 1)))
+ goto err_with_lex_cleanup;
+ trg_name_str= (LEX_STRING *)trg_name_buff;
+ trg_name_buff+= sizeof(LEX_STRING);
+ memcpy(trg_name_buff, lex.name_and_length.str,
+ lex.name_and_length.length + 1);
+ trg_name_str->str= trg_name_buff;
+ trg_name_str->length= lex.name_and_length.length;
+ old_global_mem_root= my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT*, THR_MALLOC);
+ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, &table->mem_root);
+ if (triggers_info->names_list.push_back(trg_name_str))
+ goto err_with_lex_cleanup;
+ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, old_global_mem_root);
+ lex_end(&lex);
+ }
+ thd->lex= old_lex;
+ // QQ: anything else ?
+ lex_end(&lex);
+ thd->lex= old_lex;
+ }
+ /*
+ We don't care about this error message much because .TRG files will
+ be merged into .FRM anyway.
+ */
+ my_error(ER_WRONG_OBJECT, MYF(0), table_name, triggers_file_ext, "TRIGGER");
+ }